Zivon vs Nowhere King is a What-If? Death Battle between the Zivon from Bionicle, & the Nowhere King from Centaurworld.
Note: As of 12/17/2021, I've watched Season 2 of Centaurworld. It doesn't add much to the Nowhere King in terms of feats & abilities, so instead of a rematch, I'll be updating the analysis & outcome. For those of you who read this fight prior to the date mentioned prior, feel free to revisit the fight & see what's been changed. And of course spoiler warning for Season 2 of Centaurworld.
Two monsters doomed to roam the void. When both are freed from their eternal prison, who will be left truly freed?
Sphere Robot: Hey, what's this?
Vrokorta: I'm being spontaneous & making a standalone battle cause I feel like it. Also want to capitalize on Centaurworld's popularity at the time of this battle's creation.
Sphere Robot: Alright, if you say so.
Vrokorta: Anyways, monsters. Terrible beasts that're often sealed away to contain their power.
Sphere Robot: And these two were sealed in the worst of places.
Vrokorta: The Zivon, permanent resident of the Field of Shadows.
Sphere Robot: And the Nowhere King, sealed in the void between worlds. He's Vrokorta, & I'm Sphere Robot.
Vrokorta: And it's our job to analyze their feats, arsenal & skills to find out who would win, a Death Battle.
Vrokorta: Many years ago, one of the many Makuta in the Matoran universe created a special, one-of-a-kind Rahi.
Sphere Robot: If by "special", you mean so terrifying that the Visorak, an army of the most menacing & sadistic spiders on the planet, can't even hope to stand up against it, even though they're the only ones that can summon it.
Vrokorta: Sure sounds special to me.
Sphere Robot: Okay fair enough, but whoever made this thing had to be absolutely crazy. It's a spider standing over 30 feet tall with claws, mandibles, & a scorpion tail. Its strength & appetite are so great that, whenever the Visorak summon it, the Zivon celebrates by eating half the horde. No wonder they locked it up in a world of complete darkness.
Vrokorta: Don't forget, it can shoot webbing from its legs, & wields rhotuka spinners that can turn off your senses by inducing numbness, blindness, muteness, & deafness. Not to mention living in a world of darkness makes you pretty much immune to regular forms of darkness. It can see just fine even when the area's shrouded in smoke.
Sphere Robot: That's even scarier! He's like a horror slasher, except he's a KAIJU!
Vrokorta: Speaking of kaiju, that's like its primary feat. The Zivon went toe-to-toe with the Tahtorak, which is like the Godzilla of the Bionicle universe. Over 40 feet of pure muscle & power, capable of laying waste to a city & one-shotting city blocks. Tahtorak may have been stronger than the Zivon, but the spider wasn't outmatched. It was able to pierce the Tahtorak with its stinger, & took quite a beating before the dinosaur broke off its tail.
Sphere Robot: The Zivon survived being thrown so high that the impact shook Le-Metru, which is basically 1/6th of a city. It shrugged off attacks from Toa Hordika, which are stronger than Toa that can fight foes capable of melting mountains. It's also stronger than the Kahgarak, who casually fought a Rahkshi, & fought 5 Toa Hordika at once. It even took a hit from the Krahka, a Rahi that combined the strength of 6 Toa before striking it. It wasn't even hurt, it was just pushed!
Vrokorta: If that wasn't enough, it has pretty much no weakness. It's just slowed down by fire & smoke, but that's hardly enough to beat it.
Sphere Robot: The Zivon is a mighty ally to possess, so long as you're prepared for the sacrifice it requires.
Nowhere King[]
Sphere Robot: Long ago, humans & centaurs lived in relative peace thanks to a portal that bridged both their worlds. This was made possible by an elktaur that maintained the portal & made sure anything that passed through didn't get... wonky.
Vrokorta: Did we mention the elktaur is just Little Mermaid? Yeah, he wants to be human, especially after he falls in love with a human princess.
Sphere Robot: So what did he do? He split his consciousness between a human & an elk of course. Literally worst idea ever.
Vrokorta: The elk was forced to live like an animal, while the human went on to marry the princess. The elk tried to reason with his other half... & almost got drowned. Why didn't he drown? Cause his human half realized their lives were linked, & killing the elk meant killing himself. So instead, HE LOCKED HIS ANIMAL HALF IN A WINDOWLESS CELL TOO SMALL TO STAND IN FOR TEN YEARS!
Sphere Robot: And who else would come to his aid than the princess he fell in love with. She released him into the wild, & he was able to live his own life, but what value does life have when you're a nobody who doesn't belong anywhere?
Vrokorta: So instead he invested in some friends, by forcibly fusing humans with animals, turning them into minotaurs. Monsters that belong nowhere, for an elk that belongs nowhere. In all honesty that sounds like something out of a fetish story ngl.
Sphere Robot: It gets worse. The magic he used to create these minotaurs was unstable, he didn't properly control it. This resulted in his body being torn apart, reducing him to a mass of tar/sludge with a skull for a head.
Vrokorta: So caught up was he in grief & resent that he started using the minotaurs as his own personal army, mentally controlling the hordes & raging war across both worlds.
Sphere Robot: In a final showdown with his human self in the realm between dimensions, the princess intervened, stopping the fight between both of them by shattering the key to the portal. The princess was banished to Centaurworld, his human half was banished to the human world, but the Nowhere King? He was trapped between dimensions for years, until Horse accidentally brought him the key, allowing his army to rise again.
Vrokorta: The first thing to note about the Nowhere King is his body. It's made of a tar-like substance that he can shift, manipulate, spread, & spit. Due to this, his body can vary in size greatly, but I found he can stand over 10 meters tall when he wants to.
Sphere Robot: The tar is great for controlling the battlefield. Not only is it super sticky, but he can grow hands & tentacles out of it to grab foes.
Vrokorta: If Boomstick were here, he'd probably say something inappropriate.
Sphere Robot: Yeah, probably.
Vrokorta: If grabbing & sticking wasn't enough, the Nowhere King can even constrict foes & squeeze the life out of them. Plus he can probably suffocate you with it, but we haven't really seen him do that. Besides offense, Nowhere King can also hide in his tar, sinking into it like water, even when it possesses no depth. If that wasn't enough, his tar can negate magic, even that of a centaur shaman, one of the strongest centaurs in Centaurworld.
Sphere Robot: Having a body made of tar is also great for resisting physical damage, as he seems to possess no vital organs, & can repair his body by simply shifting his mass or creating more tar.
Vrokorta: And he can fly...
Sphere Robot: Dubious flier?
Vrokorta: Dubious flier.
Sphere Robot: Well Nowhere King isn't just a tough tank of tar, he's pretty strong too. He's said to be a threat that could destroy both the Human World & Centaurworld, not that we can estimate any strength from such a vague statement.
Vrokorta: Actually, if he's a threat to both worlds, then we can assume he's stronger than any character we've seen in the show thus far, the strongest easily being Johnny Teatime.
Sphere Robot: You mean the adorable cattaur that rides a flying teacup?
Vrokorta: Yes...
Sphere Robot: Dubious flier?
Vrokorta: Dubious flier. Anyways, Johnny Teatime is one of the shamans of Centaurworld, possessing some the most power & knowledge of anyone in the world. His magic is potent enough to instantly create a storm worth a bare minimum of 6 Megatons. For the Nowhere King to destroy Centaurworld, he'd have to get past Johnny & the other shamans. Seeing as he fought & overwhelmed Waterbaby, who is also a shaman, it wouldn't be too crazy to assume he could contend with someone like Johnny, if not outright surpass him.
Sphere Robot: Even if we didn't scale him to the storm, he still survived being in the middle of an explosion that shattered massive rocks, which'd have to take several tons or more.
Vrokorta: In terms of weaknesses, he seems to be vulnerable to the Key that unlocks the path between dimensions. This makes sense since the power he now wields was given to him by the magic of the key.
Sphere Robot: Not that it matters, the Zivon doesn't have the Key anyways.
Vrokorta: Which is bad news since the Nowhere King seems to be otherwise immortal, being undead, possessing no vital organs, & being able to regenerate unless his human half is killed. Be wary of the Nowhere King, or it will be you who is nowhere to be found.
Vrokorta: Alright the combatants are set. Let's... yeah there's no debate to end.
Sphere Robot: It's time for a Death Battle!
Death Battle[]
The Nowhere King stood looking over his army. He'd spent a great deal of time amassing his forces, and now the time had come. He would reduce both worlds to nothing but wasteland. However, he saw something in the sky. He almost ignored the flying object, but it got closer, & closer. As it got closer, it's true size became clear, & seem to get bigger still. It got to the point where the dark king couldn't ignore it anymore, as its size shrouded the entire sky. Finally, the object landed with a titanic quake, shaking up the Nowhere King's army. It appeared to be a massive, human-shaped machine. Before the king could question anything, a voice boomed across the world, "This planet is now under the rule of Teridax. Submit to me, or you will be wiped clean from this land".
The Nowhere King responded at the top of his nonexistent lungs, "I've waited far too long for this moment! I refuse!".
The robot stood unmoving, "Then begone". No sooner had the machine replied did an army of biomechanical lifeforms flood from the robot's feet. There were numerous tall beings with gnarly weapons & pronounced chins, an assortment of violent lizard creatures wielding staffs, & hundreds upon hundreds of 4-legged spiders with propellers on their backs. The army plowed through the Nowhere King's ranks with uncontained savagery & powers unlike any magic the king had encountered. If he didn't do something now, his entire army would be lost. The Nowhere King ascended from his position & started spreading his tar across the battlefield. The enemies were quickly caught up, & found themselves stuck to the ground, if not being crushed to death.
The spiders started backing away from the dangerous substance as several other soldiers ran blindly into danger. Their retreat was interrupted by a loud voice, "What do you think you're doing?!". The spiders turned to see a blue armored soldier looking over them angrily, "We are NOT about to back down! You throw EVERYTHING we have at that thing! I don't care how scared you are of what might happen-", the soldier drew his blade & pointed at a Kahgarak, "cause I'm scarier". The Kahgarak didn't fear this little soldier, but it wasn't confident in the army's chances of victory against the black creature. Reluctantly, it stepped forward, & started spinning the propeller on its back.
The Nowhere King noticed & charged straight at the giant spider. Before he could reach it, the Kahgarak fired its propeller, creating a portal that led to nothing but darkness. The Nowhere King stopped, not wanting to run into a trap of any sort, but what he saw next was worse than any trap. The Zivon stepped out of the portal, crushing several soldiers from both sides in the process. It immediately took notice of the Nowhere King, the only foe to match its size. With a roar, it charged full speed at the elktaur.
(Desecrated - Revolt Production)
The Zivon took a swipe at the Nowhere King, but the elktaur flew backwards to dodge it. He countered with a blast of tar at the spider monster, but the Zivon responded with a thick spray of webbing that blocked the tar. The Nowhere King followed up by flying over the attack & stomping down on the Zivon's head. The spider retaliated with several jabs from his stinger tail, causing the dark king to reel back in pain. As the elk recovered from the attack, the Zivon fired off one of the four propellers on its body. Too disoriented to react, the Nowhere King was struck by the rhotuka, & robbed of his sight. He didn't know where the Zivon was, but he did know where he'd been standing.
The dark king fired a spray of tar before charging headfirst at the spot he recalled the Zivon to be. The spider did get partially caught in the tar, but simply cut it off with its giant claws before dodging out of the way of the king's charge. The Nowhere King realized he hadn't hit his target yet, & stopped his charge, hoping to reassess the situation. However, just as his blindness wore off, he felt a piece of himself sliced off. The Zivon had cleaved off the Nowhere King's abdomen, & was readying a second strike. The king ignored his pain as he flew out of the Zivon's range & spewed tar at the massive spider. The black liquid tightened its grip around the spider, but seemed to have little effect on its armored hide. The Zivon simply sliced it off with its claws.
The Nowhere King was growing tired of this battle. If his tar wouldn't work, then brute force would be the next step. The king charged headfirst at the Zivon, knocking it backwards with its impact. The giant spider swiped at the Nowhere King, but the tar monster weaved around the attacks as he struck the Zivon with his numerous hooves. The spider grew angry, retaliating with a spray of webs across the king's body. The Nowhere King found his legs bound with webs & his eyes obstructed by the sticky substance. The king roared in anger right before the Zivon slammed him to the ground. The spider reared up on its hind legs before bringing its weight down on the Nowhere King. Then it slammed down again, & again, & again. However, its last step was quickly regretted, as the Nowhere King sent his substance travelling up the Zivon's legs.
The further he traveled, the tighter he squeezed around the Zivon's body. Slowly but surely, he was wearing down the spider's defenses, but he wasn't going to stop there. He travelled to the Zivon's head, & started to seep into its mouth, attempting to suffocate him. However, the Zivon was not about to give in that easily. With the Nowhere King completely surrounding his body, he was in perfect range for every single rhotuka on his body. He fired all four propellers at the same time. The Nowhere King grew confused, he could no longer see, feel, or hear. With no ability to feel, the Nowhere King's grip on the Zivon loosened just enough for the spider to shake him off & spit him out.
With no ability to see or hear, the Nowhere King could not respond as the Zivon started to slice the Nowhere King to pieces with his claws. The dark king felt no pain, for his body was numb to all feeling. The only thing that remained to the Nowhere King were his thoughts, & those were quickly silenced, as the Zivon brought a foot down on the king's skull.
Both armies immediately stopped fighting when they saw the Nowhere King's mangled corpse laying across the ground at the Zivon's feet. The king's army kneeled down in submission as Teridax's spiders quickly fled. The Zivon looked over at the fleeing spiders, then back to the Nowhere King's army. The massive spider raised its claws & approached the kneeling army, preparing for a brand new feast.
Sphere Robot: Well he really rules nowhere now.
Vrokorta: This fight was a bit closer than I'd thought. Both were of comparable size, & had counters to the other's abilities.
Sphere Robot: Zivon could bind Nowhere King with webs & slice through his tar, but the king could regenerate & maneuver his body through any binds.
Vrokorta: Nowhere King could bind & constrict Zivon with his tar, but the spider could slice through it, counter with webs, or simply resist it thanks to its armored hide.
Sphere Robot: Nowhere King was more mobile with his flight & tar, & definitely smarter, but that was about it for the king's advantages.
Vrokorta: Scaling the Nowhere King to Johnny Teatime would give him a minimum strength of 6 Megatons, but the Zivon no sold an attack from the Krahka after she combined the strength of 6 Toa & struck with a full-force tackle. The average Toa can beat a Bohrok, which can turn mountains to magma, a feat worth 977 Megatons. That alone is 163 times stronger than Johnny Teatime, & we still haven't accounted for all 6! 977*6=5.86 Gigatons, 977 times stronger than Johnny Teatime & the Nowhere King. Mind you, the Zivon took no damage from this attack, it was simply pushed by the Krahka, & this was after a strenuous fight with the Tahtorak. Imagine how strong it'd in its prime. No doubt Zivon was more than a match for the Nowhere King, & that's not even all.
Sphere Robot: With his rhotuka, the Zivon could turn off the majority of the Nowhere King's senses, leaving him defenseless against, well anything. Without the ability to see, hear, or feel, the Zivon could rip him to pieces & he wouldn't even know it.
Popup: The Nowhere King's tar could negate magic, but the Zivon's powers aren't sourced from magic, so the King's negation would have no effect.
Vrokorta: Now I know what you might be thinking, "The Nowhere King was immortal. You can only kill him by killing his other half, & the Zivon wouldn't know to do that, so the King would just regenerate".
Sphere Robot: Well there's a few things to go over. For starters, regeneration isn't infinite, the Nowhere King is bound to tire out eventually, & he won't be able to regenerate at that point.
Vrokorta: Second, his human half actively tried to keep people from killing the Nowhere King, implying that it's possible to kill him, just not through normal means.
Sphere Robot: Third, though less important, if the Nowhere King is REALLY made of tar, then he'd be very flammable, which would make sense since someone tried to kill him with a fiery explosive & was killed before they got the chance. Problem is, Zivon doesn't have fire, but still, it further implies that there are ways to kill him.
Vrokorta: Lastly, the Zivon was almost a THOUASAND times stronger than Nowhere King. Even if he could regenerate from anything, he simply had no way to put down the Zivon.
Sphere Robot: Plus, his skull isn't made of tar, meaning he probably can't regenerate it. Destroying the skull may very well be the key to killing him.
Vrokorta: I mean, there's also speed, but they're about equal there. The Zivon's foes can react to lightning & light, while the Nowhere King's foes could fly around the planet, ascend to space, & fire light projectiles. Both were faster than Mach 1000, but slower than 40% the speed of light.
Sphere Robot: Overall, the Nowhere King had plenty of tricks up his sleeve, & a few decent advantages, but in the end, the Zivon had too many counters, too much raw power, & hax that could ruin almost any foe. Immortality was his biggest advantage, but that just wasn't enough.
Vrokorta: Guess that makes Zivon the real king.
Sphere Robot: The winner is the Zivon.
+Could cut through the king's tar
+Experience fighting foes his size or larger
=Webbing kind of counters tar
-Less intelligent
-Lacking mobility
Nowhere King[]
++Flight & mobility
=Tar would be useful, but wouldn't prove too much trouble for Zivon
-Vulnerable to sharp objects