Touhou Clashes with Jojo Once again, The fight of Boundaries and Reality Overwrite
Yellow: Boundaries....Ascending heavens....
Mado: One of these could be really powerful, specially that dimensional travel or creation
Yellow: Like Yukari Yakumo, The Gap Youkai
Mado: And Heaven Ascended Dio, The Noble One by one of His Followers, He's yellow and Im Mado
Yellow: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armors and skills, And find out who would win...A DEATH
Yukari Manipulates Some Boundaries in Death Battle[]
(Cue Necrofantasia)
Mado: How does it feel to travel through other dimensions?
Yellow: idk, Yukari was one of the god tiers in touhou project series, She's capable of manipulating bounderies
Mado: She's able to create a portal to another dimension, and her boundary manipulation was able to destroy a multiverse
Yellow: She's also able to travel across through other worlds where it has braneworlds and infinite timelines in it, The gensokyo was created by her where it has infinite dimensions in it
- Name: Yukari Yakumo
- Origin: Touhou Project
- Gender: Female
- Age: 1,200
- Classification: Gap Youkai
- Hobbies: Travel Dimensions
Yukari's Stats:
Yukari's Powers And Abilities:*Abstract Existence
- Boundary Manipulation
- Abandoned Line "Aimless Journey to the Abandoned Station
- Aerial Bait "Addictive Bait
- Barrier "Charming Quadruple Barrier
- Barrier "Objective Barrier
- Border Sign "Boundary of 2D and 3D
- Border Sign "Quadruple Barrier
- Boundary "Overflowing Flotsam
- Fantasy Nest "Flying Glow Worms' Nest
- Fantasy "Perpetual Motion Machine of the First Kind
- *Lend Me Those Beautiful Legs!
- Magic Eye "Laplace's Demon"
- Outer Force "Infinite Superspeed Flying Object"
- Shikigami "Chen"
- Shikigami "Ran Yakumo"
- "Unmanned Abandoned Railroad Car Bomb"
- Yukari's Arcanum "Danmaku Barrier"
- Ghostly Butterfly Hidden in the Zen Temple
- Home is Where One Lays One's Head
- Rest on Stone, Rinse in Rivers / Rinse with Stone, Rest in Rivers
- Universe of Matter and Antimatter
- Urashima's Box, Filled With Lament
- World's Most Agile Torso
- Bewitching Bait
- Boundary of Intellect and Feet
- Chimera Wings
- Eyes that View Change
- Fantasy Maniacal Rift
- Fantasy Manji-Parasol
- Flesh Dismantler
Yukari's Feats[]
- Created Gensokyo
- Has beaten suika many times
- is Very lazy
- Only fight once
Dio Is Ascending Heaven In Death Battle[]
(Cue EOH Dio Battle)
Death Battle[]
Boundaries Over Heaven