Death Battle Fanon Wiki
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The Yellow Keeper also known as the Yellow Dragon Keeper, and his real name Shinya Kiritani, is one of the main antagonists of the Go Go Loser Ranger series. He is one of the founding member of the five Dragon Keepers as well as the leader of the Yellow Battalion.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Possible Opponents[]


20 Years Prior[]

Roughly around 20 years prior to the events of the manga, Shinya was the original actor for Yellow Keeper on the TV show for Dragon Keepers: The Divine Dragon Rangers, the Tokusatu Edition, before the cancellation of the show due to the arrest of Sōshi Akabane, who was suspected for homocide.

A few years later, Shinya assumably joined Sōshi to aid him in making the Dragon Keepers show a reality. At some point onward, he would go on to create the Executives, wanting to make sure justice continued indefinitely via the evil being there to oppose it.

R1000 Arc[]

During the 999th Sunday Battle, Shinya, along with the other rangers, are present and he mocks Footsoldier D, saying nobody asked his opinion after the latter refused to return to the Sky Fortress like the other dusters when they were blasted by the Dragon Blaster.

D Survival Arc[]

Invader Rights Association Arc[]

Akabane Arc[]

Chop Investigation Arc[]

Sentōin Hunt Arc[]

Death Battle Info[]

  • Name: Shinya Kiritani
  • Age: Unknown
  • Occupation: Ranger/Leader of Yellow Battalion
  • One of the Founding member of the Dragon Keepers

Powers, Abilities and Weaponry[]

  • Keeper Transformation: With the power of the Yellow Dragon Jörmungandr, Shinya is capable of transforming into Yellow Keeper.
    • Tsukuyomi: This ability allows Shinya to control the world similar to that of a TV, either muting fast-forwarding, pausing and even rewinding certain objects or people.
    • Ama no Hagoromo: This ability allows Shinya to make himself invisible, hiding himself from his foes or anyone else he chooses to betray if it comes to that.
    • Hono Ikazuchi no Ōkami: This ability allows Shinya to summon thunder clouds around him that are capable of projecting lightning towards the Yellow Dragon Jörmungandr. This can also double as a powerup for Yellow Keeper himself.
    • Takemikazuchi no Kami: This ability allows Shinya to fire laser swords from the Yellow Dragon Jörmungandr, and he can even hold the sword as a simple melee weapon if needed.
    • Susanoo no Mikoto: This ability allows, the final invocation of the Yellow Dragon Jörmungandr, increases Shinya's reaction time to 0.0001 of a second.

Physical Attributes[]

  • Genius-level intelligence:
  • Master Tactician/Manipulator: Shinya, as it turns out, is a master at responding to the right situations in the correct way. He doesn't hesitate to kill his own allies to kill Executives, merely laughing at knowing how evil he truly is, even going so far as to point out the evils in others to the point where one actually kill herself.

Weapons and Miscellaneous abilities[]

  • Yellow Dragon Jörmungandr: The Divine Tool, a bony-white coloured bow, that Shinya uses in terms of fighting and for transformation purposes.

Feats and Strengths[]

  • Created the Invaders, Executives and Footsoldiers
  • Manipulates others to get what he wants

Flaws and Weaknesses[]

