Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Well this mountain don't belong to me, it's true. But it don't belong to the Washingtons. This mountain belongs to the Wendigo.
~ The Stranger (Jack Fiddler)

There is a curse. That dwells in these mountains. Should any man or woman resort to cannibalism in these woods the spirit of the Wendigo shall be unleashed.
~ The Stranger (Jack Fiddler) explains the curse to the group

Ha! First, the Wendigo, he'll render you immobile. And then he strips the skin off of your entire body, piece by piece. And then he keeps you alive and aware and feasts on your organs, one piece at a time.
~ The Stranger (Jack Fiddler) explains a killing method from the Wendigo

My hands feel unclean.
My nails fell out PUSHED OUT
I am aching but no more COLD NO PAIN
I am getting stronger!!
~ Hannah in the Scrawled Journal after 33 days, slowly turning into a Wendigo

I've seen what these f***ers can do. I don't want to see it again.
~ Christopher Hartley

Wendigos are the main antagonists of the video game Until Dawn.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

As Hannah Washington[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 0
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Wendigos were humans who have been changed by a Native American spirit into cannibalistic monsters after they ate the flesh of other humans due to starvation.

It is unknown how long they have lived in Blackwood, but it is suggested they've been around since 1952, due to the cave-in.

Long ago, a Native American tribe known as the Cree, preserved the Blackwoods as well as its wildlife, believing it would anger the mountain and unleash the Wendigo curse, what they call "A creature born from ice."

Death Battle Info[]


  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Enhanced Senses (thermal vision and hearing)
  • Sharp claws and teeth
  • expert climber
  • can mimic voices
  • Immortality: (the soul of a wendigo remains attached to a host, when it is freed, it will remain looking until it finds another host)
  • Longevity (The Makapittew was known to live for around two generations, hunted by the granfather of the Stranger who was in his early 50s)
  • Possession (the soul of the wendigo possesses any human who has resorted to cannibalism in the mountains)


  • Can crush heads and rip off limbs
  • Can survive shotgun blasts

