Death Battle Fanon Wiki

If it were voiced, Todoroki would be repriced by John Van Doren and Sanji would be repriced by Valentine Stokes.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Boomstick: Why is it that it's such a common trend for fictional parents to be complete and total dirtbags?

Wiz: What essentially are suppose to be figures for their kids to look up to, end up being cruel and abusive. Doing whatever it takes to acheive their personal goals even if it means putting their own family in harms way.

Boomstick: And these two probably got the worse end of the stick

Wiz: Sanji, son of Judge Vinsmoke and the straw hat's black leg pirate of One Piece.

Boomstick: And Shoto Todoroki, Son of Enji Todoroki and half hot,half cold hero of the My Hero Academia. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE.

Sanji Le frappe into DEATH BATTLE[]

Wiz: Among the many areas of the Samba Region, you might discover a moving on going restaurant afloat on sea. The Baratie.

Boomstick: Home to one of the biggest pirates of old times. Red Leg Zeff. But we're not here to talk about him, were here to talk about his son.... Well adoptive son. technically.

Wiz: At first , there isn't particularly striking of Sanji. Other than being a talented cook and a...giant pervert.

Boomstick: Skirt chasing aside the guy didn't have it easy growing up. Sanji is actually born of a royal family in a kingdom that is one letter off of being called "germ".

Wiz: His father Judge was a renown warrior and ruler of the kingdom. But despite his loyalty towards his kingdom what hide behind that was a man of utter cruelty.

Boomstick: "Cruel" is just the kindest way of saying it. I mean the guy planned to make his kids into killer emotionless super soldiers. That aint bad enough? Well he made his own wife go through literal surgery just enhance their capabilities.

Wiz: The Queen had a back up plan. Drugging herself into hoping at least one of her children wouldnt be under h=Judge's effects. Sanji was that child.

Boomstick: But being open to kindness instead of power made him weak. So his jackass brothers kicked the crap out of him daily and mocked him for being weak.

Wiz: Sanji luckily found reconcile in his own mother. Make dinner for her daily and what started his long way to be a talented cook.

Boomstick: Until she died and he got locked up in a cell isolated from everything and everyone and wearing what looks like the most uncomfortable head piece ever.

Wiz: Though Judges experiments didn't seem as effective on his eldest daughter than his other sons. Reiju, his was always there to patch him up after her brother's thrashing and generally hated how his father treated Sanji. Though she had it kept in secret.

Boomstick: Hell it was thanks to her he was able to escape and got to be an inspiring cook. Until he got shipwrecked on an island. I feel this guy's life was meant to be a disaster.

Wiz: Fortunately that was when Sanji met Zeff and took the young man under his wing.

Boomstick: Living a happy life as a chef at seas. Until a weird, stretchy, pirate kid came and changed his life.

Wiz: Aka Monkey D. Luffy who looked to recruit Sanji onto his crew of Straw Hat Pirates. Trust me. They were in need of a cook.

Boomstick: And it seemed like he was fit for being a pirate anyways. You see, Sanji is no ordinary cook. He can be a real skirtchaser, but most times he can be quite the badass.

Wiz: Trained under Zeff, Sanji was trained in Zeff's own fighting style. But Sanji was able to make his own based off of Zeff's combat techniques. Black Leg Style. Black Leg as it's name emphasizes focus on leg movements and kicks for combat leaving the use of hands into acrobatics and augmenting force and range of kicks.

Boomstick: He never really uses his hands for fighting. To him, they should be protected at all costs so it doesn't do anything to harm his cooking. Black Leg also gives Sanji a lot of techniques. Such as his Coiler , Brochette and Slice shoot. But outside of Black Leg he can walk on air to the point he's flying and even walk while underwater.

Wiz: But his most diverse of this cooks sleeves is Diable Jambe. Literally translating to "The Devil's Foot".

Boomstick: Why? Because his foot burns so hot, that it might as well be a foot of the Devil himself.

Wiz: Sanji can perform this by spinning so fast that the friction of his foot ignites into flames itself. Improving it further as he can cast Diable Jambe without the need of friction

Shoto Todoroki Freezeburns into DEATH BATTLE[]


Opens up in the city during sundown. The pirate chef is shown running down the empty street, before stopping in his skid. Clenching his fist in frustration, while biting his lips.

Sanji: I swear, I past this city block over a dozen times now. First that forest and now this!? I swear, moss head is never gonna hear the end of it if he hears about this! Just thinking about it.......

The air around the straw hat cook ignited around his body

Sanji: REALLY PISSES ME OFF! I swear when I find him, I'll burn him alive!

And kicks the wall of a skyscraper. huffing spontaneously before regaining composure.

Sanji: That is if....I can actually find my way out. I could handle a forest. How bad can a city be

(*Cues: Full Course Will- Brandon Yates*)


Wiz: The winner is....


  • The connection between Sanji and Shoto is they are both pyrokinetic (somewhat in Sanji's case) fighters who were born under famous aristocratic families (Todoroki and Vinsmokes) with their fathers being highly esteemed and respected fighters of their worlds (Endeavor and Judge) Who both physically and mentally abused them to accomplish their own goals of surpassing them while also following in their footsteps and did nearly inhuman things that pushed them to their limits. Both despite the abuse of their fathers, found reconcile with their mothers until the actions of their fathers effected their lives that also impacted them for the worse (Sanji's mother drugged herself just so Sanji could feel emotions and thus leading to her death and Enji's treatment turned Rei mentally unstable to the point she burned Shoto's face with hot water.) Both eventually found ways to avoid their fathers destiny and manage to follow their own paths thanks to the help from others who were able to support them (Sanji had Zeff and his chiefs and Todoroki had the his class in UA). Furthermore, both are able to utilize their worlds respective powers were anyone could have it but only a selective few (Quirks and Haki) and both have also inherited something from their traumatized past (Shoot inheriting his families quirks and Sanji inheriting a Raid Suit).