Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Vi vs Junker Queen 2


They both are female characters from popular online video games, they both lost their families at a young age due to an evil kingpin, they both come from a poor and crime filled city that they wish to protect, and the both eventually gained reputations as enforcers or rulers of their communities. This is the Thirteenth episode of the second season of Dandyclaw's Death Battle.


Wiz: You know the old saying “what does kill you, only makes you stronger”, well these two women are prime examples of this phrase and are more than ready to prove it

Boomstick: After suffering heavy loses, these fierce young ladies have pushed themselves to the limit and surpassed them to proof that nothing will destroy their unbreakable will to succeed 

VI analysis

Wiz: Vi, the Piltover Enforcer from League of Legends and Arcane.

Junker Queen analysis

Boomstick: And The Junker Queen, the undefeated rock guitar gladiator ruler of Junkertown from Overwatch. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick...

Wiz: ...and it is our job to analyze their weapons, armour, and skills to see who would win... A DEATH BATTLE!

Vi patrols the streets of Piltover and Death Battle[]

Vi Arcane Render


Wiz: Whether it be in the real world or the work of fiction, every society has their wealthy privilege people and their poor people living in poverty. And that concept is no different from the world of Ruinterra

Boomstick: On the top side you have the glorious city of Piltover, a technological advanced civilization with clear blue skies and well-dressed citizens heading for work or school. On the other hand, there is the city of Zaun, the complete dumpster of an undercity where people struggle to make a living and criminal scumbag lurk around every corner.

Wiz: But sometimes it is in these rundown and filthy cities where the greatest of heroes rise from the ashes to go from nobodies to legends. And no character embodies these traits more than the Piltover Enforcer herself, Violet.

Vi ArcaneSkin

The Enforcer or Piltover

Boomstick: Like most main protagonist, Violet, AKA Vi, had a rough childhood growing up. At a young age, Vi and her younger sister Powder lost their parents to violence of Piltover Enforcers during a Zaun attempted uprising. With nowhere to go, the two sisters were taken in by Vander, a former gangster turned community leader, and who may or may not be a vicious wolf-man named Warwick. But we’ll get to that in Season 2.

Wiz: Under his care, Vander hoped that his two foster daughters would grow safe from the violence of Zaun and live a better life than he did, like all good parents try to do. But as they grew older, the two began going various adventures across the two cities and committing petty crime along side their foster brothers Mylo and Clagger.

Zaun Characters Arcane Model 01

VI’s family

Boomstick: These four little rascals were the perfect merry band of thieves. Vi was the leader of the bunch, she called all the shots, made sure everyone was safe, and kicked the snot out of other thugs who wanted to take what was theirs. Mylo was the brains of the group, Clagger was the muscle, and little Powder was the tinkerer and occasional screw up who got them in and out of trouble

Wiz: But no matter how many times Powder would mess up, Vi always loved her and promised that they would always have each other’s backs no matter what came their way.

Boomstick: Don’t make promises you can’t keep kid. It was during one of their heists that resulted in Vander getting kidnapped by his former friend Silco and prompting Vi to led a rescue mission to safe him alongside Mylo and Clagger. However, Vi refused to let Power accompany them, fearing that she would get hurt and not wanting her to get int the way.

Wiz: Desperate to proof that she could be helpful to the team, Powder followed Vi to Silco’s hideout, set off a bomb powered by a hexgem, killing off the goons and saving Vi and Vander. Unfortunately, her success came at the cost of killing Mylo and Clagger and mortally wounding Vander.

Boomstick: Poor kid, all she wanted to do was help. Heartbroken and pissed off, Vi blamed Powder for what happened and angrily stormed off, only to regret it once Silco took Powder under his arms.

Vi in Prison


Wiz: Sadly, Vi was captured before she could save her and thrown in prison for 5 long years, before she was released by her soon to be partner in crime Caitlyn enlisting her help in dealing with Powder, who was now known as the mentally unstable criminal Jinx.

Boomstick: Wiz, Caitlyn is more than just Vi’s partner, those two defiantly have a thing for each other. Though she was able to reunite with her long-lost sister, Vi was horrified to she the monster that her sister had become and that Silco tyranny had corrupted the one place she called home.

Wiz: Desperate to safe and protect her home, Vi became an Enforcer to combat Silco’s grip over Zaun and Piltover, while growing her relationship with Caitlyn. Turns out she is the right women for the job, she is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant thanks to Vander’s training, in peak-human physique, and a parkour mastery from all her time exploring the undercity.

Vi Interrogation Lore 01

Talk or get the fist

Boomstick: Even while in prison, she remained a totally badass. Her main weapons are her Atlas Gauntlets, the biggest and most badass meat tenderisers known to man, though probably more efficient at making pancakes out of your opponent's face than butterflied chicken.

Vi's Hex-Tech Gauntlets

Wiz: This is why you'll never be allowed in any kitchen. While these gauntlets were originally meant to be used for mining and construction equipment, Vi acquired them through an agreement with their inventor Jayce to help him bring down Silco's Shimmer plant. Regardless of their purpose, one thing that's consistent across the board is how much of a behemoth these things are.

Boomstick: Powered by Hextech, a badass combination of technology and magic, these bad boys hit like a semi-truck heading straight for you at top speeds, being described in the game itself as being able to punch through walls as easily as people, which doesn't sound as ridiculous as the fact that they each weigh 4,000 pounds each! Holy shit!

Wiz: Even as a child, Vi proved to a skilled and formidable fighter, knocking out several of Silco’s henchmen while rescuing Vander. She’s defeated Sevika, Silco’s second in command (while she was Shimmer-enhanced), faced off against the Firelight gang alongside Jinx, and collapsed a water tower with her bare fists while in a weaken state.


Vi brawling with Fireflies

Boomstick: And that’s just in the series, in the cinematic trailers for League of Legends, she’s traversed throughout the Lanes with the skill of a freerunner and knocked back the humanoid Urgot with a single punch without her gauntlets.

Wiz: But even her fighting prowess and Hextech weaponry, Vi is anything but perfect. She can be extremely impulsive and blockheaded, usually wanting to come I’m headfirst without a plan, and failed in her previous moral obligation to be a good sibling for Jinx.

Boomstick: Ultimately, Vi's attempt to bring Powder back to the light was unsuccessful due the traumatic influences she had infected on her, especially following Silco's unfortunate death. Although his reign of terror had come to an end, this event irreparably transformed Jinx into the monster that Vi inadvertently created.

LOL Vi on Duty

Vi on Duty

Wiz: Vi’s heart may be heavy with regret and torment, but it'll never be as heavy as her burning desire to do the right thing, protect the people she loves, and longing to kick some serious evil ass.

Vi: If you really want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want

Junker Queen ascends to her throne on Death Battle[]

Junker Queen-portrait

Junker Queen

Wiz: The Outbacks. In this post-future of the Australian habitats, crazies lurk around every corner in this harsh environment. After a freak explosion made the land baron and almost lifeless, the survivors, who call themselves the Junkers, thrives here and soon created an entire city that would be dubbed Junkertown.

Boomstick: But every city needs a ruler, and Mad-Max wannabe landscape was controlled by the feared and deadly Junker Queen.

Wiz: But before she became the Queen of Junker Town, she was an ordinary Junkertown resident named Odessa Stone. That is until Odessa Stone and her family were banished by the ruthless Mason Howl, who had just become the new "king" of Junkertown.

Stone Family banished

The past hurts

Boomstick: Despite her parents' pleas, Howl closed the door to them and left them for dead in the Wasteland. Life was harsh for the Wastelanders, and one by one every member of Odessa’s family passed away.

Wiz: Driven by her determination to avenge her family, Odessa spent the next 13 years of her life surviving the dangers of the Wastland. She fought and killed various feral omnics, mutants, and raiders, and embarked on a journey to the Burning Lands, destroying the Five Metal Demons, a quintet of massive and horrifying omnics. Eventually, she made her way back to Junkertown, declaring her intent to take part in the Reckoning.

Boomstick: The Reckoning is a form of gladiatorial combat used by the Junkers to determine their next ruler. In the ensuing free-for-all, she faced against Mason Howl and his two henchmen and champions Geiger and Meri.

Junker queen abilitiesoverwatch2

The Queen has risen

Wiz: Though Odessa fought bravely and skillfully, taking down Geiger and Meri with ease, she eventually found herself over powered by Mason and his personal electro-magnet.

Boomstick: He would have finished her right then and there if she hadn’t applied to Geiger and Meri better nature, making them see that Mason could care less about them. But she did, even when they were trying to kill her.

Wiz: Having had enough of Mason’s cruelty, the pair sided with Odessa and helped him defeat Mason for good. But instead of killing him, she showed him the same mercy he showed her family all those years ago by banishing him to the Wasteland, revealing her true identity to him.

Overwatch Junker Queen wrecks Rogue Omnics

Junker Queen wrecks Rogue Omnics

Boomstick: Bet he didn’t see that one coming. With Mason defeated and kicked to the curve, Odessa took the throne of Junkertown as her own and took on the title Junker Queen.

Wiz: The Junker Queen is fierce, resourceful, and no stranger to survival, happy to run headfirst into a fight with no real plan of attack. Possessing a magnetic gauntlet and homemade Scattergun, all of which were made from garbage, the Queen often wields an axe and blade in conjunction, able to call them back using said gauntlet, in order to achieve her brutal ends. She is a hardcore bralwer and a skilled survivalist, having survived on her own for over 13 years before gaining the strength and skills to get her revenge.

Junker queen cinematic

The Queen and her guard

Boomstick: She never shies way from a good fighter, and I do mean never. In the decade that followed her battle against Mason Howl, few dared to challenge the Junker Queen, and none succeeded. She's fought off armies of Omnics all on her own, and had to beat the crap out of certain Junkers foolish enpugh to face her, like Junkrat and Roadhog. She still found time to take part in daily brawls, play the electric guitar, and teach the children how to use throwing knives, made of wood of course. Heck, she even has a hamster with a mecha-suit as a bodyguard, A FREAKING HAMSTER.

Wiz: The Junker Queen’s primary weapon is her Scattergun, which she made herself during her time in the Wasteland. With its tight spread and low pellet count, it makes it extremely powerful against low mobility, large hitbox heroes like Jesse McCree and Torbjörn. And just like similar heroes like Reinhardt and Zarya, the Junker Queen is a very oppressive brawler. Not only is she a fearsome opponent in close combat, but thanks to her Adrenaline Rush, she fight through any amount of pain and still keep on fighting, no matter how great her wounds.

Ow2 Junker Queen

Wanna Fight?

Boomstick: But the guns and gauntlet don't make the queen so fearsome. There’s her hunting knife which named "Gracie," while her axe, whom she called "Carnage” which made out of what seems to be parts of a stop sign. See Wiz, I’m not the only person who gives his weapons their own knickname, like little “Stephan” and “Tank” over here. She can throw it ease and with process accuracy, and when she calls it back, it causes damage to anyone it comes in contact with on its way back, like a boomerang.

Wiz: Nope still just you. She can even uses her gauntlet to uses its magnetic abilities to attract her knife and axe to her, making them spin around her arm before charging at them like a human buzzsaw. It wasn’t long before Odessa became the most feared cutthroat leader of the Junkers. The Queen is fierce, resourceful, and no stranger to survival, happy to run headfirst into battle no matter what opponent she is up against.


Zaryra Vs Junker Queen

Boomstick: For the Queen, every city is her battlefield, every seat is her throne, and everyone on the planet is her subject—whether they know it or not. Not only is she extremely athletic, but strong enough to send a full grown man flying with a smack to the face, and tough enough to tank blows from mechanize mechs.

Wiz: She has a group of enforcers that she sends to round up the people of Junkertown when they don't pay their taxes, among other tasks. She is prejudiced against omnics, probably due to past experience and the scars she bears from her many battles with them in the Wastelands. She has since banned them from entering Junkertown, and will kill any who dares cross into her domain.

Boomstick: Yeah, she maybe fearsome, but she does have her weak spots. Don’t’ only does she had no armor to protect herself from harm, she relies heavily on her gear in fights and wouldn’t always have a plan of attack while in battle. She usually makes things up as she goes.

Wiz: Still all Junkers have to be careful to not get on her bad side, should they do, they will face the unholy wrath of the Junker Queen.

All Hail the Junker Queen

All Hail the Junker Queen

Boomstick: “This is the legend of the Junker Queen. Watch your back, she's a hurt machine! Fought the world since seventeen. She'll burn it down with kerosene.”

Wiz: Please don’t start singing that song again, I’ll have it stuck in my head for a week.

Boomstick chuckles.

Junker Queen: Well I know sacrifice, and I know pain. Omnics, mutants, raiders, many I've slain. Junkertown is my domain. And when I'm done, none of this will remain. There will be a reckoning!


Vi vs JQ set

Wiz: all right the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OVR Junkertown 013

Junker Town

In the city of Junker Town, The Junker Queen patrolling her city streets with her enforcers when she has a feeling that someone is following her. On top of a building, Vi is observing the Queen from afar and following her from roof top to roof top. When they get to a clearing, Vi climbs her way down, and knocks the Junker goons out with her gauntlets.

Junker Queen: Who dares interrupt my tournament?

Vi: My name is Violet, the Piltover Enforcer. I am here looking to apprehend the criminal known as Odessa Stone and bring her in to face the council for her crimes.

Junker Queen: Huh, haven't heard that name in a long time. Yeah, I'm Odessa Stone, but people around here call me the Junker Queen.

Vi: Well then, Junker Queen, you are coming with me, whether you like it or not.

Junker Queen: If you haven't noticed, this is my turf and I make the rules around here. So the only one who should be leaving here with a warning is you.

Vi: Listen Queenie, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, your choice (activates her gauntlets).

Junker Queen: Obviously, the hard way (pulls out her Scattergun weapon).


The Junker Queen opens fire with her Scattergun, but Vi blocks the shots with her gauntlets. She then uses her gauntlets to smash the ground, causing an earth-shattering shockwave. Junker Queen leaps onto a broken to evade the shockwave, and they forward to take a swing at each other. Junker Queen's axe just barely brushes Vi's cheek as it cuts right by her face. Vi's punch flies right beneath the Queen's arm and into her chest, the force of which pushes her far enough back to give Vi some space, as she goes to close the distance and go on the offensive. The Junker Queen however is still raring to go, as she as she pulls her battle axe in front of her to take the brunt of Vi's punches, preventing her from being hit. She then uses it to hit her like a baseball bat, flinging her against a brick wall. But Vi stands strong and tries aiming around her axe, targeting the Junkers sides with a vicious set of hooks, which the Junker Queen attempts to block by moving her axe to each side. But Vi is agile enough to get around her and land a few good swings into her exposed sides before she is able to move to the side and side kick her back into the wall. As Vi stumbles forward a bit, Junker Qeen flips out her knife and throws right at her head. Vi does a somersault, dodging the knife as it hits a nearby wall.

Vi: Ha, you missed

Junker Queen: Wanna bet

Junker Queen lifts up her hand and call backs her knife with her magnet gauntlet, which grazes Vi in the cheek. Vi then charges at the Queen and punches her in the gut with her gauntlet, both knocking the wind out of her and sending her flying back into a car. As the Junker Queen opens her eyes, she sees Vi heading towards her. She jumps out of the way as Vi smashes her gauntlets into the car, breaking through the car window. As Vi tries to her gauntlet out, Junker Queen takes advantage of this and by sliding down and sweeping her leg at Vi's leg, knocking her off balance. Although the Enforcer is able to maintain her balance of one leg, Junker Queen is able to attack her with a knee to the face, dazing Vi long enough to grab her by the throat, before lifting her over her head with both hands and slamming her right back down to the ground, knocking off one of her gauntlets. Vi is dazed for a moment, as the Junker Queen pulls out her knife and holds it above her opponents head.

Junker Queen: Now what was that old saying... oh right: Off with his head!

As the Junker Queen's knife comes down at her, Vi is able to pull her other Gauntlet above her head and block the attack. With all the strength in her body, Vi shoves the Junker Queen back with a heavy push, sending her flying and lands on her back on the hood of a car. This allows Vi to get back on her feet, grab her other gauntlet and jump into the air for a diving punch at the downed Junker. But the Junker Queen roles off the car just in time, and Vi comes crashing down the car, smashing it to pieces. As she gets back up, she looks around at the destroyed car pieces, noticing that her hand appears to be stuck in the window of the car. The Junker Queen then appears on top of the hood of another car parked behind Vi.

Junker Queen: Aw, are you stuck? No worries, mate, I'll help you outta there.

Junker then swings her axe to knock Vi out of the car and into a bar, causing the other Junkers to either run out or cheer for their queen as she walks inside. As Vi lives on the ground, the Junker Queen grabs a bottle and chugs the whole thing as she listens to her subjects cheering for her. Vi gets to her feet and shakes herself clean from the broken table pieces as the Junker Queen rushes towards her. Vi then activated her gauntlets and leaps into the air, landing a mean hook straight into the side of his head. As the Junker Queen recoils from the hit, Vi grabs her by the back of her arm and drives her knee right into her chest repeatedly, knocking the wind out of her and her weapons out of her hands. Before the Junker Queen starts getting lightheaded, she uses her gauntlet to pull her knife to her hand and slashes it across Vi's face, causing her to release her grip on her and allow the Junker Queen to punch her in her chest to knock her backwards. Vi lands on her back but pushes herself right back up, as Junker Queen picks up her weapons and lets out a battle cry.

Junker Queen: FOR JUNKER TOWN!!!!!

The two women charge at each other, their weaponing collide into each other. But Vi strike wither gauntlet is stronger than the axe blow, and she punches the Junker Queen through a concrete wall with great force and follows up by grabbing her head and smashing it into the ground. The Queen recovers quickly and countered with an Uppercut to the face, dazing Vi before lifting her up by her clothes and throwing her through the concert wall and back into the streets, dropping her gauntlets in the process. As the Junker Queen runs after her, Vi goes for another punch to the chest, but the Queen put her battle axe on her back holster and catches her fist with her hand, clenching hard enough to her knuckles crack. Vi winces in pain but uses the opportunity with her other hand to start landing rapid jabs to her opponents shoulder. The Junker Queen tries to hold on, but eventually releases her grip and Vi gets her other hand back. The Junker pulls out her Scattergun ready to fire, but Vi simply ducks under the shots and punches her in the stomach, before striking her in the face repeatedly, forcing her to stumble backwards as she keeps punching her. Vi holds both of her fists back before striking him in the chest with both at once, knocking down to the ground.

Vi: So much for a Queen.

As Vi goes back to pick up her gauntlets, she hears painting behind her and turns around to see the Junker Queen already back on her feet. Before Vi could grab her gauntlets, the Junker Queen rushes at her, bashing her with her axe multiple times. Vi then picks up a the door of the destroyed car to uses a shield. She able to keep her foe at bay, but the door starts to break apart as the Junker Queen uses he Scattergun to break the door down. But Vi fights against her exhaustion, and throws the door at the Queen, who ducks under it and allows the Enforcer to runs up to her. Th Junker Queen aims her gun again at Vi, but Vi ducks at the last minute and drop-kicks her straight back through the door of the bar, which shatters on impact. As the Junker Queen slowly gets up, she sees Vi walking though the bar entrance, now equipped with her Atlas Gauntlets again.

Vi: Okay lady, let's try that again.

Junker Queen: Bring it copper.

The Junker Queen now armed with her knife and battle axe, the two rush toward the other with their weapons in hand, ready to start swinging. The Queen evades Vi's initial punches and attempts to parry Vi's jabs with her own attacks. Although Vi is able to get in a good left hook, the Queen countered her last hit with a punch to the gut with her own metal gauntlet. As Vi stubbles back, she grabs a broke chair and clubs it over the Enforcers head before pulling out her Scattergun again and fires it at the enforcer. Luckily, Vi puts up her gauntlets again and blocks the shots. She how her gun is ineffective, the Junker Queen leaps into her the air with her battle, trying to get arounds her opponents gauntlets.

Vi uses her opponent's blind fury to charge up her gauntlet for a clean jab, sending the Junker Queen flying out of the bar and across the other side of the street, her feet barely managing to stay on the ground as they slide along the pavement trying to halt her momentum. Running after the Queen, Vi uses the opportunity to lunge straight at the Junker Queen, but the Queen anticipated this. She pulls out her Scatter gun and starts firing at Vi, is shot several times and causes her to duck for cover behind a pile of garbage. Vi then throws a trash can at the Junker Queen to distract her momentarily as she pulls the shards of metal out of her. Seeing the incoming hazard, the Junker Queen uses her magnetic gauntlet to catch the can and throw it to the side, distracting her long enough for Vi to run for cover in an alleyway

Junker Queen: So, we're playing Hide and Seek eh. Good, Because I play to win.

Junker Queen reloads her Scattergun and pulls out her lighter as she slowly wanders toward the alleyway. Turning the corner, she is surprised by Vi, who leaps down of the from the ledge above her and smashes the ground with her charged up gauntlet, producing a shockwave that sends Junker Queen flying backwards. Vi then rushes after her to delvier several jabs with her gauntlets. The Junker Queen is able to block the next with her axe, before blasting her opponent away in the face with her gun. When Vi recovers from the attack and rushes for another punch. Thinking quite, Odessa pulls out a bottle of alcohol and pours it into her mouth. Right before Vi can hit her, The Junker Queen pulls out her lighter and spits the alcohol from her mouth, unleashing a stream of fire at the Piltover Enforcing. Although burned from the attack, Vi pushes through the flames, blocking most of it with her gauntlet, before grabbing her by the waist and drove her into the ground. But the Junker Queen fights back by grabbing Vi by the leg with both hands and hurling into a pile of trash and running after her

Vi: Eat this, bitch Queen !"

Vi grabs a large pile of trash and flings it at the Junker Queen like a baseball, with Odessa simply blasts it apart with her gun. The showering of garbage blinds the Junker Queen long enough for Vi to leaps in to knee her to the face. But the Queen catches herself by skidding on the ground. The Junker Queen then activates her magnetic gauntlet and lifts her arm in the air. The gauntlet attracts her axe and knife and starts spinning around her hand in circles.

Vi: You've got to be kidding me.

Junker Queen: Get the heck out of my city.

Thee Junker Queen lets out battle cry before charging at Vi with her spinning weapons, forcing the Enforcer to make a run for it. As he runs down the street, she spots a small car and uses her gauntlets to punch it at the Queen. But her spinning weapons allow her to cut the car in half due to its poor conditions. Odessa then rips out the car's broken door and tosses it at Vi. She punched it out of the air and dashed at Junker Queen with another punch attack. Odessa jumps out of the way and fires a few shotgun blasts her way. Vi deflects them with her gauntlet and delivered a powerful punch towards Odessa, who dodged it and swings her axe at her, knocking her into a building wall. Junker Queen whistles for crew, who drive up on a hover car, and orders them to attack the Enforcer.

Junker Queen: Boys, enjoy your meal

Vi sees the car coming towards her and stops it in its tracks with her gauntlets, before picking it up, and tossing it at Junker Queen. She dodges the car as it lands on the ground, creating an explosion and obstructing her vision with smoke. Odessa doesn't have long to process what just happened as Vi charges through the flames to attack her. She brings both fists down on the Junker Queen and sends him tumbling back down to the ground, only just catching herself by grabbing her axe and stabbing it into the pavement beneath them to catch herself. The Enforcer grabs her by the shoulder and slams her against a wall, as Vi relentlessly dishes out punch after punch, landing repeated shots across her opponents body to daze Odessa and keep him from fighting back, with even her attempts to stab her with her knife easily evaded. Thinking quickly, she aims her Scatter gun at Vi's feet and fires a shot at her foot, making her release her grip and allowing the Junker Queen a chance to stab her with her battle axe and shove her forward.

Odessa stumbles across the street, trying to regain her concentration from all the heavy attacks from, Vi. Suddenly, Vi comes at her from behind with a heavy attack, sending her flying. Mid-air, Odessa recovers and dashes towards Vi with an airborne axe attack. Vi's gauntlets absorbs the hit, but she follows up with a spin kick, and then fired a shotgun blast at her. The blast stun Vi, causing her to fall to the ground. Odessa grabs her neck, lifts her up, and punches her in the face repeatedly. She eventually releases her, but by then, Vi was in too exhausted and can only stand there with her hand pressed against a street sign to pick herself up. The Junker Queen then grabs her axe and lifts it above her head, ready to take off the Enforcers head. But at the last minute, Vi stomps on Odessa's foot hard, making her miss her target, causing her axe to just hit the ground instead. As Odessa struggles to pull out her weapon, Vi takes the time to catch her breath and gets back to her feet, throwing a punch with all her might. This knocks the queen and her weapon back, but Vi is still tired and takes a few minutes to take in some breaths, allowing one of gauntlets to fall off and the Junker Queen to get back up.

Vi: Is that the best you can do?

Junker Queen: No, this is.

The Junker Queen jumps into the air, aiming her axe at VI’s head. This time, Vi is as dodges Junker Queen's axe attack and troughs some dirt in her face to blind her. She then grabs the Queen with her gauntlets and smashed her face against the nearby street light, before throwing her through a bench. Angered, the Junker Queen then rushes forward to grab Vi by the neck, lift her up over her head, and throwing her into a wooden table. Junker Queen is then picks Vi up and pins her next to a garbage truck, subduing her. The Junker Queen pulls out her knife to stab her, but Vi beneath her jab and grabbing her by her hair with her bare hand and yanks her to the side. She follows up with a quick kick to the chest, flinging her back down to the ground, before sprinting back to where her other gauntlet is. The Junker Queen is able to get her bearings back swiftly, as she fires her Scattergun at Vi, but she uses her acrobatics to evade the shots and eventually reaches the gauntlet that goes on her left arm. The Junker Queen fires more shots at her with her gun, but with her gauntlets now back to working, blocks the attack and enraging her. Vi runs over to grab her, but the Junker Queen Pulls out her axe and catches the gauntlets with them, but she she is not done yet. Odessa then rolls backwards, lifting the Enforcer over her head and flings her backward as she rolls on her back, slamming her to the ground. As Vi looks up she sees the Junker Queen pointing her gun at her face.

Junker Queen: Now this is just some friendly advise, I'd stay down if I were you.

Vi: Well lucky for me, I'm not you. And I don't surrender that easily

Vi then rips out a piece of metal from the ground and and smashes it over the Junker Queen's head, allowing her to roll out of the way of the firing gun and back on her feet. Although stunned, Junker Queen begins to violently start firing her Shattergun at her opponent, trying to hit her. But Vi is able to the block the bullets and protect herself with her gauntlets, causing them to bounce off her gauntlets and hit a bunch of Junkers watching the show from afar. Vi the races forwards and knee hits the Junker Queen the face, sending her tumbling down the street. When she comes to a stop, some Junkers comes to help her up, but she quickly shoves them aside.

Junker Queen: Forget it, SHE'S MINE.

As the Junker Queen gets to her feet, she spots Vi leaping into the air with her gauntlets clenched together as she smashes them on the ground, creating a shockwave that throws Junker Queen back and onto a nearby car. The Junker Queen then pulls the side door off the car and throws it and Vi, who barely manages to dodge it as it zooms passed her head. Vi and the Junker Queen then physical reach other to resume their fight. Vi landed many blows on the Junker Queen, until she got punched in the face and stabbed in the leg by her knife. Already beaten and bloody, this allow the Enforcer to be lifted up by the already tired Junker Queen and thrown to the ground with a thud. Meanwhile the whole town of Junker Town cheers for their Queen.

Junker Queen: Thank you lot, Thank You

As Vi gets to her feet, the Junker Queen pulls out her knife and licks it before rushing at Vi, forcing Vi to defend herself with her gauntlets, while the Junker Queen stabs and slasher her with her weapons. With vi distracted holding her own and blocking the attacks, Junker Queen is able to kick Vi to the ground and yanks off one of her gauntlets before putting her other hand in an armlock. Vi is able to us her free gauntlet hand to punch the Junker Queen again, this time into a wall.

Vi: Having fun? I sure am!

Junker Queen: Ok, lassie, warm-up's over, right girls! (Pulling out her her knife and axe).

The two rush towards one another down, with their weapons pulled out, and then leap into the air. Their weapons clash as they both come down to the ground, before turning around to face each other. Junker Queen takes a step forward and swings with her axe, causing Vi to step back to avoid the attack, growling in anger before lunging forward. Junker Queen jumps back and counters with two slashes from both weapons Her axe hits Vi's gauntlets, puncturing them; while her knife stabs into Vi's shoulder. As Junker Queen steps forward with one more slash, Vi steps forward and feints a punch, following up with a real punch to the Junker Queen's face.

The Junker Queen starts firing multiple shots from her Shattergun at Vi, who dodges them. Vi retaliates by tossing a motorcycle at the Junker Queen, who manages to shoot the bike down into multiple pieces. Vi cracks her neck before assuming a battle stance while the Junker Queen gathers herself and her axe. The Junker Queen rushes towards Vi and swings her axe, but is blocked by Vi's gauntlets. The Junker Queen counters by pulling her axe out of Vi's hands, causing her to spin around and allow her to slash Vi's back. Vi rolls on the street, causing her one of her gauntlets to fall off. The Junker Queen goes in for a thrust, but Vi uses her remaining gauntlet to block the attack and counters with an elbow strike to the Junker Queen's head. Vi then stomps on the Junker Queen's foot and then kicks her down to the ground, before grabbing her axe and breaking it. The Junker Queen then gets back up and pulls out her knife. Vi readies herself with one gauntlet before both women let out battle cries and continue to clash. The Junker Queen deflects a punch and counters by swing her knife at Vi, slashing Vi' forearm. The Junker Queen goes in for a follow-up swing while Vi is still stunned, but she counters by grabbing the arms of the Junker Queen with her gauntlet and hitting the knife out of her hands, then spinning around and throwing the Junker Queen into a car. As the Junker Queen struggles to her feet, Vi pulls her up and begins to unleash several punches on the Junker Queen.

Vi: Let's wrap this up!

She then gets the Junker Queen in an armlock and with all her remaining strength, uses her gauntlet to snap the Junker Queen's neck, killing her. The other residence of Junker Town gasp in horror before running away

Vi: Now that was a workout. I wonder if the Council accepts dead criminals.

Vi then picks up her remaining gauntlet before limping away, as the other Junker gather around the body of the Junker Queen.



Boomstick: Wow talk about Police Brutality, note to self: Don't ever get arrested by Vi

Wiz: Both these women were brawlers at heart, but only one had the tools necessary to bring the other down.

Boomstick: Plus the strength to back it up.

Wiz: Sure the Junker Queen has ruled over Junker Town for years without being overthrown, none of the threats could compare to those of Vi's.

Boomstick: And Sure the Junker Queen had her knife, axe, and shattergun, but those melee weapons were nothing comapred to Vi's 400lbs gauntlets, who could still well even without them.

Wiz: The Junker Queen may have been a fierce leader and harden criminal, she was simply know match for Vi's history as a warrior and unbreakable weaponry.

Boomstick: Guess the Junker Queen's reign was over in a "snap" because Vi sure knows how to pack a "punch"

Wiz: The Winner is Vi

The winner is Vi

Next Fight[]

Roxy vs Rapunzel

Previous Fight[]

Carmen Sandiego vs Sam Simpson


The cover name would be "The Queen of the Ring".

Next Time on Death Battle[]

