Fire Emblem vs Ben 10! It's an all out duel of magic as the Princess of Embla takes on the Ruler of Ledgerdomain. Who will sit atop the throne of victory, and who will kneel in defeat in this royal witch-off?
Wiz: Sometimes, a villain isn’t forged from pure malice, but by the circumstances around them never giving them a chance to be anything else. Maybe all people like that need is a chance to turn things around and become a better person, even when the whole world seems to be against letting them turn over that new leaf.
Boomstick: Nah Wiz, what you really need is magic. Lot's and lot's of magic!
Wiz: Veronica, the Rising Princess of Embla from Fire Emblem.
Boomstick: Charmcaster, Ben 10’s mighty magical anti-heroine.
Boomstick: He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick!
Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!
Wiz: On the continent of Zenith, one of the many parallel worlds in the multiverse of Fire Emblem, there reside two neighboring Kingdoms locked in perpetual conflict with each other, the Kingdom of Askr and the Emblian Empire, named after the two gods who forged their respective Kingdoms decades ago.
Boomstick: While the Dilf God Askr only wanted peace between the two nations, the Goddess Embla was different. Despite Askr and the first Empress of Embla Thrasir encouraging her to let go of her stand-offish attitude and try to appreciate mortals, the moment one single human tried to kill her, that was enough for Embla to decide all humans had to go and she could never trust them again.
Wiz: So, Embla placed a curse upon the royal bloodline, and all those who were descended from the royal family would bear the curse of Embla. A curse that passed down generation to generation, until the present day with the nation's Princess and current ruler; Veronica.
Boomstick: What’s with this sassy lost child? Wiz, are you sure that’s the right person? I mean shit, her crown is like twice the size of her head!
Wiz: As the last member of the royal family still in Embla, Veronica became the acting ruler practically be default, given her parents were dead and her half-brother Bruno was secretly away playing friendship with the Prince and Princess of Askr while also trying to find a way to rid himself and Veronica of Embla’s curse. Unfortunately, Bruno would be too late, and be forced to go into hiding while Veronica herself was tormented by nauseating headaches and visions, and a voice in the back of her head, itching her to kill, urging her to destroy Askr.
Boomstick: The Curse of Embla drove Veronica mad, because it’s literally forcing all of the Goddess Embla’s hatred of mortals the God Askr onto Veronica. With no other options, Veronica eventually succumbed to her intrusive thoughts, and finally laid siege upon Askr. It was time to go to war, and Veronica had a veritable army of soldiers to throw at Askr. And I’m not talking about normal canon-fodder soldiers either.
Wiz: As a member of the Embla Royal family, Veronica has incredible magical talent, in more ways than your typical Fire Emblem characters. Not only can she manipulate her magical energy for all sorts of spells that can manipulate wind and lighting, she also possesses the unique ability to close and seal portals to other worlds and dimensions, countering the ability of Askr’s royal family to open portals to any worlds. More importantly, it allows for Veronica to form “contracts” with the heroes of other worlds.
Boomstick: That’s right, Veronica can turn your favorite Fire Emblem characters like Marth, Alm, Tiki, Ike, and all those random nobodies only you care about into her personal chess-puppets, forcing them to fight her battles for her and wage war against Askr in her name. All things considered, I think taking the blow to your sanity is a fair trade, Embla’s blood sounds wicked.
Wiz: Veronica sure didn’t think so, especially when the Prince Alfonse and Princess of Sharena of Askr formed the Order of Heroes, and they too began calling upon Heroes from other worlds to counter Veronica’s otherworldly army thanks to the arrival of a mysterious being known as the Summoner named Kiran, as well as the kind-hearted but money loving Commander named Anna, which eventually put her on the back-foot of the war. This eventually led to Veronica seeking aid else, which only led to her being further gaslit and manipulated by the King of Muspell, Surtr, and his Shapeshifting Tacticia Loki, who used her contracted Heroes to bolster his army before betraying her and attempting to sacrifice her to the Rite of Flames, though she was eventually saved by her brother and the Order of Heroes.
Boomstick: But the next time they saw Veronica, she’d gotten way tougher, because by that time, the literal forces of the deal were storming Askr and Embla, Veronica was finally showing off just how powerful she could be. She wasn’t just casting Thunder or Wind anymore, but the stronger Elthunder and Elwind spells, and even the mighty Rexcalibur, which summons fucking tornados to obliterate your ass with! And she learned some fancy axe-skills as well that she probably learned from her buddy Xander. You know, the guy from Fire Emblem Fates.
WIz: While Veronica is more than capable of effectively wielding an actual axe, or even a pirate’s anchor of all things, but she primarily uses that training in tandem with her signature and personal staff Hliðskjálf, which can double as an axe and a staff to be used for healing allies with Recover, teleporting them out of danger with Warp, preventing foes from counterattacking, and casting powerful Ice Magic. Additionally, she also mastered her own personal tome, Élivágar, which unleashes a cloud of poisonous magic onto her foes.
Boomstick: With skills like Bonfire and Glimmer she can boost the attack power in her spells, Growing Thunder releases a massive explosion of lighting around her to catch opponents off guard, Windfire Balm increases the potency of her healing spells, but her signature power up spell is Enclosure, which she uses in tandem with her strongest spell, Enclosing Dark, a massive fuck off blast of magic that ensure’s she’ll be able to attack twice before an opponent cna retaliate. And it was a good thing she’d gotten some level ups, because the literal god of death herself Hel decided today was the day of violence and was sending the forces of hell to overrun Askr and Embla! So, Veronica trekked on down to Hel and joined up with the Order of Heroes to find a way to take down Hel.
Wiz: And to the surprise of some, Veronica proved to be invaluable in ultimately winning the conflict. Not only was she the only one who could cast the very specific spell that was needed to kill Hel, but during the battle she defeated the undead witch Thrasir. Not the first Empress of Embla, but in fact her, from an alternate timeline that had already been conquered by Hel where she and her Alfonse were the only survivors now bound to Hel’s servitude.
Boomstick: And Veronica kicked her future-self’s ass! Take that future me, that’s what you get for working with that bastard Aflonse, which she would never do, ba-ba-ba-baka!
Wiz: And after that, she formed a bit of a tentative friendship with the Order of Heroes, even ceasing their conflict for the time as she began to get roped into helping them more and more often.
Boomstick: Like when she single-handedly held off an entire army of nightmare warriors so that Kiran could go and take down the God of Nightmares, or the time when she was betrayed and imprisoned by her best friend Letzia in a move to gain political power, survived being starved and dehydrated for several days in a cell, and then instigated a revolution with the prison guards just in time to help the Order rescue her. Or how about the time she helped them dispel a tempest, a cosmic storm of pure chaos that crams an infinite number of worlds together! Man, remember when Fire Emblem was like a tactical war simulator? Now we’re fighting gods and cosmic storms like they’re monsters of the week.
Wiz: These Tempests are also notable for dragging heroes from other worlds into them, such as for example the Heroes of Fodlan like Byleth, Dimitri, and Edelgard, who can dodge beams of light from the Immaculate One. Using Dimitri as a baseline height and adjusting accordingly, this means that the Fodlan Heroes, and in turn Veronica, can move, react, and dodge at speeds nearing four times the speed of light. She’s even endured the fires of Surtr’s rite of flames, which quote, “devours one’s very soul”.
Boomstick: Man, it’s no wonder Veronica was able to match Alfonse in battle so many times, because he’s just as cracked as she is. And it all came to a head when Embla returned and took control of Veronica and Bruno as her personal pawns to finally enact her big revenge plan on Askr.
Wiz: But thanks to the friendships she’d forged with the Order of Heroes, Alfonse, Sharena, Kiran, and Bruno managed to save Veronica and free her from the Goddesses control thanks to a clever-ruse on their end, but at the cost of her brother’s life. And with her newfound freedom, Veronica brought an end to the fallen Goddess herself, slaying Embla and finally freeing herself and her bloodline from their cursed fate, as well as ensuring Bruno’s sacrifice was not in vain.
Boomstick: For all of the trials and hardships she’s endured, Veronica has emerged a stronger, kinder person for it all. But don’t let that fool you, because if you decide to cross her, you best not let it get to your head.
Veronica: “I need to change... For Embla and Askr both.”
Wiz: One fateful summer break, the ten year old Ben Tennyson happened upon the Omnitrix, an alien device that stuck itself upon his wrists with secrets that it hid. That summer vacation he, his Alien fighting Grandpa Max, and his magical cousin Gwen got into all sorts of fantastical adventures, one of which involved a battle with an evil sorcerer named Hex over the mystical Charms of Bazel. And while the Tennyson Family one the day, Hex would not remain behind bars for long.
Boomstick: Because surprise surprise, he wasn’t alone. Say hello to his niece, Charmcaster!
Boomstick: Despite what you might think, Charmcaster and Hex aren’t just a family combo who picked up the mystic arts. They’re actually from an entirely separate dimension known as Legerdomain, the realm of magic and the source of all magic in the universe, but were forced to flee to Earth when the giant turtle man Addwaitya came in and took over the place, killing Charmcaster’s dad in the process.
Wiz: Bitter and hardened by the loss of a brother and a father respectively, Hex turned to a life of crime on Earth, and brought Charmcaster down the same path as well, and the two made an explosive return in Hex’s big ploy for revenge on the Tennyson family. And you’d be surprised at just how formidable she can be in battle, especially thanks to her magic bag.
Boomstick: Her bag is basically Hammerspace, or for you D&D nerds out there, the bag of holding. Despite its small size, she can fit basically whatever she needs in there. Energy bombs, totems, satures, various types of rock monsters and golems, some sick-ass flying razor disks, and some lipstick, just for emergencies.
Wiz: But Charmcaster’s arsenal is far more than simple parol tricks and artifacts, because with just the right touch, she can cast real, genuine magic. She has dedicated spells allowing her to levitate and fly, hypnotize you with just a kiss, alter her appearance, read minds, and manipulate earth, fire, water, wind-
Boomstick: AND HEART!
Wiz: And she does all this via Mana, the life force of every living thing in the Ben 10 universe. Mana is highly versatile, as is magic itself, and even raw mana can still be used to create energy beams, platforms, containment boxes, whips and lassos, laser eyes, large explosions, whips, all sorts of shields and restraints, and much, much, much more. Seriously, it cannot be understated how versatile mana manipulation on its own is. Combined with her magic, it makes her nigh-unstoppable.
Boomstick: You’d be seriously surprised at how creative Charmcaster or even other Mana users like Gwen Tennyson can get with their applications of Mana. They use it to peer into other dimensions or even create portals to just get there, use telekinesis with almost no limit, sense the presence of others and even read people specific auras to get the drop on any nasty doppelgangers.
Wiz: And with some of her more powerful spells, Charmcaster can turn people into totems, transmutate crystals into flowers, bring inanimate objects to life, revive the dead, steal people's souls, swap bodies, or eradicate them with a single touch.
Boomstick: But Charmcaster’s greatest weapon is easily the Staff of Ages. Originally belonging to her Uncle Hex, Charmcaster eventually took it for herself after the two parted ways on uh…not so friendly terms. But the Staff is wicked cool! It’s nigh indestructible, can fire spells out of the skull on its head, and it can only be wielded by a master magician, meaning it finally proved that Charmcaster was the best of the best, right?
Wiz: There was just one problem with that. Gwen Tennyson, who just so happened to have not only stolen Charmcaster’s spellbook, but is also a quarter Anodite, a race of alien beings entirely composed of mana, which meant that no matter how hard Charmcaster tried, she struggled to keep up with Gwen’s rapidly developing magical talent, forming a bitter rivalry that lasted for half a decade.
Boomstick: For five years, Charmcaster grew to bitterly resent Gwen for upstaging her at almost every turn, until the day when Gwen made the effort to reach out to her for help.
Wiz: Specifically, Ben, Gwen, and Gwen’s boyfriend Kevin-
Boomstick: Who is just the best character on the show.
Wiz: -Needed to Legerdomain to catch a galactic super-criminal named Aggregor who had escaped into Legerdomain, and Charmcaster was the only one with the ability to get them inside. In return, they offered to not only help her defeat Addwaitya, but free her homeland as well.
Boomstick: And through that, she came to learn that hey, these doofuses weren’t so bad. In fact, she actually worked quite well with them. And while Aggregor got away with the plot thing he was looking for, the Alien Force crew were still able to give Charmcaster the opening to defeat the turtle mage and claim the Alpha Rune, the secret true name of all Magic, which holds portions of Legerdomain itself together takes all her magical powers and amps them up to 11 so long it as she has it in her possession! Finally, she could free her homeland, imprison Addwaitya forever and ever. Go home and tell Hex the good news…go…tell her new friends…
Wiz: There was just one…slight snag, and the power of Alpha Rune comes with a cost; it corrupts it’s wielder, driving them to become more violent, irrational, and hungry for more power. And unfortunately, it made Charmcaster lash out against her new friends, losing what semblance of normalcy she still had, and finally giving her the power to one-up Gwen.
Boomstick: Which is especially terrifying when you realize at her full power, the ancient evil cthulhu known as the Dagon considered Gwen a bigger threat to his safety than the magical sword Ascalon, which can obliterate planets. Such as the time it destroyed the Incursean’s homeworld, which given the distance of the blast and rubble and the timeframe, took just over 700 Ronnatons of TnT! That’s equivalent power to a Dwarf Star!
Wiz: And both Ben and Gwen have dodged lightspeed lasers, such as when Ben’s alien Ghostfreak dodged a beam of light, and Kevin dodged a similar lightspeed ray from the alien P’Andor. And none of them, not even Gwen’s full Anodite form or Ben’s mana absorbing alien Chromastone could compete with her at this point.
Boomstick: She’d so greatly surpassed her Uncle that she had nothing to worry about and finally beat her rivals, so all that was left for her to do was to sacrifice every single soul in Legerdomain to revive her father, only for him to go “No, what the fuck” and try ty to impart a last bit of fatherly advice onto his dear daughter Hope before returning to death, which damn near got through to her…only for just, THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE in Ben 10, Michael fucking Morningstar, to show up and play with her emotions in a bid for power. God, can just girl just catch a fucking break!?
Wiz: And with all of that, plus the Alpha Rune’s continuing gnawing at her mind, Charmcaster finally snapped. She made one last bid of revenge on everyone who ever wronged her, leaving Gwen, Hex, Addwaitya, and Michael as totems while she turned herself into a dragon, only for a combination of her own overconfidence and madness to fall straight into a ploy by Gwen and leaving HER trapped in a Totem in Gwen’s possession while the rest of her prisoners were set free.
Boomstick: But even Gwen recognized that under different circumstances they could’ve been friends. Maybe one day, someone will reach out yet again, and pull the Charmcaster out of her own head and finally help her find a new lease on life.
Charmcaster: “Overconfident much? You figured with no runes on the floor, no access to moonlight, I couldn’t possibly trap you. Well you were wrong, and fun’s only just beginning.”
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we’ve run the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE
Death Battle![]
// Embla Castle \\
It was a normal day in the Kingdom of Embla, sun shining down over a pleasant breeze as Princess Veronica made her way down the halls. She was supposed to be meeting the Royals of Askr, as well as the Summoner, for a meeting about mending nations between their nations. But a snag had caused a delay, and now she was currently speed walking alongside her attendant and dear friend Xander to get there in time.
Veronica: Xander, how late am I going to be?
Xander: You should only be two or three minutes late. Don’t worry, I’ve had far worse delays back hom-
Xander was cut off suddenly as he and Veronica entered the meeting hall, only for them to see a sight neither of them expected. Kiran, the Summoner of Askr, was being pinned to the side of the wall by a spell from a witch in pink in a room that was completely disheveled. Chairs knocked over and shattered, and on the center table lay little totems in the form of Prince Alfonse, Princess Sharena, and Commander Anna. And then suddenly, the woman pinning Kiran to the wall looked to the side, having heard the sound of the doors opening, and laid her eyes on Veronica and Xander.
Charmcaster: Oh, hi, I didn’t see you there! You must be the Princess of this Castle I assume?
Letting go of the mana bind holding Kiran to the wall, Charmcaster turned and began walking over to the center table, placing one hand upon it and drawing a circle around the totems of Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna while looking up at Veronica with a strange yet murderous glare.
Charmcaster: I’m sorry for turning your friends into funko-pops for the moment, I just really needed to speak to the Summoner alone for a moment. See, I could really use his little summoning-gun, but he won’t tell me how it works. I’ll just be a few more minutes, so be a good girl and go wait outside…
Suddenly raising one of her hands, Charmcaster pointed at Xander and fired out a beam of mana that zapped the Prince of Nohr, suddenly turning him into a totem as he was teleported into the pile of the table as a show of power.
Charmcaster: Or join your friends on the table.
Veronica only stared at Charmcaster in silent, tranquil fury before sharply inhaling and exhaling.
Veronica: I’m going to pop your head off.
And for a moment, Charmcaster could only stand there in shock before finally beginning to laugh.
Charcmaster: Awe, that’s the cutest threat I’ve ever gotten-
In a sudden blast of wind magic from Veronica, Charmcaster was violently blasted through the wall of the meeting room and out into the garden of Embla Castle by the Rexcalibur spell. Veronica ran up to the large hole in the wall she’d just made, quickly looking back to Kiran who gave her a supportive thumbs up before she leaped through the wall and down into the garden, summoning Hliðskjálf into her hand as she did.
Veronica: I will not tolerate your actions. You will pay with your life.
Charmcater: Haha… I don’t think you’re gonna have a choice Princess.
With a have of one hand, Charmcaster unleashed a wave of mana upon the ground that sent debris hurdling upwards, and with a wave of her hand Veronica blasted away the dirt, rocks, and dust with Elwind before she fired down a bolt of Thunder upon Charmcaster who dodged past the lighting a fired out two more mana bolts and Veronica deflected with her staff before her eyes drifted backwards, and she saw Charmcaster suddenly appear right behind her with the Staff of Ages in her hands. With a mighty heave of her body, Veronica swung Hliðskjálf around to deflect a melee blow from the Staff of Ages
Swinging Hliðskjálf around like an axe just as Xander had taught her, sparks flew out at it clashed against the Staff of Ages as Charmcaster expertly spun her staff around to block Veronica’s next offensive strike before the skull at the staff’s top opened up and she smirked as a blast of fire released from the staff, sending Veronica flying backwards across the castle garden.
Charmcaster: You might be skilled in this world, but against a Master Magician such as myself, you’re like an eternal novice.
Standing back up onto her feet, Veronica could only glare at Charmcaster as she spun Hliðskjálf in her hands and stabbed the staff into the ground.
Veronica: You’re annoying me. I'll shut you out.
Shards of ice suddenly began shooting out of the ground as massive sparks, and Charmcaster leaped away to avoid getting skewered as several spikes all shot out and attempted to stab the spot she was just in. A clever trick, she would almost admit, but not clever enough to get her. Quickly raising her hand and causing mana to swell into it, Charmcaster aimed her hand at the ground and fired the mana out as a large powder that fell upon the ice.
Charmcaster: Amplus Mica!
And with the incantation cast all of the deadly ice shards created by Veronica turned into a harmless bed of flowers, and she lands back down on the ground while playfully spinning the Staff of Ages in her hand.
Charmcaster: There, much better! I just saved you a fortune on remodeling. Now you can appreciate it for the next five seconds, before I kill you.
Not skipping a beat, Charmcaster fired out a bolt of magical lighting from her hand that Veronica nullified by encasing her hand in magical energy, grabbing the lighting bolt and using it as a charge to cast Elthunder, sending Charmcaster’s own right back at her.
Charmcaster: Contego!
But Charmcaster reacted quickly, creating a shield of mana that deflected the Elthunder before she leaped over it, bringing the Staff of Ages down onto Veronica’s head only for the melee attack to be deflected by Hliðskjálf. Veronica loudly grunted in exertion as she spun around, throwing Charmcaster across the garden and watching the witch flip in the air and dig into her magic bag before throwing out several small stones and rocks. With a smirk on her lips, Charmcaster then raised her hands and summoned several of the Rock Monsters and Stone Bats, surrounding Veronica with a sheer numbers advantage
Charmcaster: Ha, seems I’ve got you between a rock and a hard place! You can give up now, ooooor…
Not deterred however, Veronica brought her hands together and began to focus.
Veronica: Heroes of other worlds, I call upon you now and bind you in contract!
Charmcaster: Huh-!?
Raising one hand, Veronica called forth several orbs of light that flew into the air before crashing back down into the ground, and from them emerged several Heroes from distant worlds including Prince Alm of Valentia, Tiki of Archanea, Nino & Sophia of Elibe, Lon'qu of Ylisse, and Sanaki of Tellius, all of them clad in the garb of Embla.
Veronica: Fight under my banner, and destroy this invader to my Kingdom!
The Heroes quickly leaped into action, and Alm led the summoned Heroes into battle against the rock monsters. He swung his Falchion down and shattered through one rock monster before bashing through another one, Lon’qu leaped over the King of Valentia’s back and cut one’s head off as Sophia and Nino casted Arcfire and Arcwind together to send the stone bats away before they could barrage their allies from above.
As Charmcaster watched the Heroes fighting back against her Rock Monsters, a scowl formed on her face as she leaped in and quickly used the Staff of Ages to beat Lon’qu away before tossing two heavy rings from her bag out that hit Nino & Sophia to stun them while she charged up a big lighting blast that hit the two and sent them flying. But that was when she looked to the side, and her eyes widened in surprise as TIki, in her full Dragon Form, flew in and slammed Charmcaster into the ground with a headbutt before dragging her along the garden. But Charmcaster was prepared for this, and using her own prior experience as a Dragon, managed to hit one of Tiki’s claws to get the Divine Dragon to drop her before she leaped up onto Tiki’s back and began charging up all of her Mana.
Charmcaster: Eradico!
And all of a sudden, Tiki yelled in pain as her dragon scales began to crack before she exploded, reverting back to her child form and being sent flying across the garden and crashing into the ground, rendered into unconsciousness as Alm reached down and gently picked up the defeated Divine Dragon.
Alm: I’m sorry lady Veronica, we could not be of more aid.
Veronica: No. You’ve fought well. I can handle things from here.
Running across her now war-torn and ruined garden, Veronica swung her staff down onto Charmcaster, only for Charmcatster to smirk and open a portal behind her that the two of them disappeared into. In a second, Veronica saw the nexus between worlds, seeing glimpses of Archanea, Ylisse, Elibe, Fodlan, Tellius, flashing before her eyes but also something that looked like the World of Steel she knew Kiran came from. One where magic still existed, but worked much differently than how she knew. Even then, something far more interesting, the hero of heroes known as Ben Tennyson, who was capable of changing his form, becoming slimy, creepy, fast, and strong, every shape and size. It was a fascinating ability…
But she didn’t get to see it for more than a few seconds as she fell out of the portal and crashed onto the ground with a grunt, looking up to see herself standing on a floating disconnected platform in a void of magical energy. She looked around confused and concerned at her current situation before finding Charmcaster floating above with all smug and confident. They were in Ledgerdomain, Charmcaster’s domain. They were now fighting on her terms.
Veronica: Are we done playing pointless games?
Charmcaster: I don’t know, are you ready to die?
Leaping up into the air, Veronica fired several bolts of lighting from Elthunder which Charmcaster casually deflected as she flew at Veronica, and the two clashed in a mighty explosion of magical energy that sent them both flying down into a nearby platform, one that Charmcaster took control of and split apart into several chunks of rock, throwing them all at Veronica who used an explosive blast of fire to obliterate the rocks before casting Flux and sending an orb of magic at Charmcaster that exploded and sent her flying backwards. Recovering mid-flight and reaching out with magical telekinesis, Charmcaster grabbed several pieces of land-mass and threw them at Veronica again, bringing her hands together to crush Veronica between them.
A strained grunt of pain came out from Veronica as she began to be crushed, causing her to start scowling as she began raising one hand, calling forth her strongest spell, Enclosing Dark, and created a massive ball of magic that fired out multiple smaller blasts, tearing through and obliterating the landmasses attempting to crush her before shooting a beam of energy composed of the rest of the Enclosing Dark’s power at Charmcaster and forcing her to create a shield to withstanding the impending attack. The shield cracked a few times before it finally shattered and Charmcaster braced herself, yelling out in pain as she suddenly took the full brunt of Veronica’s power head-on. She had to get out of this attack, or she’d be killed for sure!
Suddenly teleporting behind Veronica, Charmcaster brought the Staff of Ages down and managed to hit Veronica with it before she teleported again just as Veronica turned around and swung at her with Hliðskjálf, missing completely as Charmcaster appeared behind her again and once again used the Staff of Ages as a blunt weapon to hit Veronica with it before casting another spell, this one being of Aerokinesis.
Charmcaster: Turbo!
The force of wind sent Veronica flying downwards through the air and caused her to crash into the ground, and with that moment to her advantage Chamrcaster brought her two hands together and focused a single spell together to finish the fight.
Charmcaster: Merchucus Verditis!
The blast of lightning tore through the air hitting Veronica dead on and cackling before it finally exploded, a big cloud of smoke rising from the landmass where it’d impacted. As the last traces of the attack left her hand, Charmcaster raised her hand again and created a portal back to Embla and flew over to it, only for the portal to suddenly seal itself and disappear much to her surprise. With a look of irritation, she created another portal that also suddenly closed, then another, and another. Suddenly, Charmcaster turned around, and there she saw Veronica, her crown falling to the ground and shattering, her outfit torn to reveal bleeding wounds, but the Princess herself still stood definitely.
Veronica: Trying to run…? This doesn’t end, until one of us is dead.
Charmcaster’s irritation began to boil into full on rage, rage at how one person defied her so much, endured so much, and still kept standing in her domain! The fact someone other than Gwen was capable of this was infuriating her to no end. In a blind rage, she took off flying at Veronica at top speed to grab the Princess with her own two hands.
Unfortunately for the Master of Magic, Veronica was faster, and a smirk formed on her face as she activated her Growing Thunder skill and unleashed a powerful blast of magical lighting that sent Charmcaster flying backwards before the witch could grab her, and then Veronica began spinning Hliðskjálf and stabbing it into the ground to cause a shard of ice to fly up from the ground, impaling Charmcaster through the stomach as more ice began to rise from the ground to encase her limbs in ice and prevent her from casting more spells. Despite the situation, Charmcaster refused to give in so easily, and her eyes glowered pink with fury as she began speaking an incantation. But Veronica was having none of it, and raised one hand to point it at Charmcaster’s head and narrowed his eyes in focus.
Veronica: I made you a promise didn’t I? That’d I’d pop your head off.
As Charmcaster raised the Staff of Ages with telekinesis and used it to unleash a blast of blistering fire, Veronica activated her Enclosure Skill and began deflecting the fire with the magical aura around her hand and she fired out the Ruin Spell, which blew through the fire and obliterated the Staff of Ages before flying straight into Charmcaster, who gasped and began to speak…but her last words never came out from her mouth as the spell detonated, causing her head to explode right there and splatter across the ice restraining her body with blood.
Heaving out a sigh of relief and exhaustion, Veronica waved her hand and encased the rest of Charmcaster’s corpse in ice to steal it away forever, leaning against her Hliðskjálf staff for support. As it began to dawn on her she had no way to escape Ledgerdomain on her own, a sight for sore eyes appeared before her as a portal back to Embla appeared, and on the other side was Prince Alfonse, along with Xander, Sharena, and Anna, all resorted back to their normal selves with the defeat of Charmcaster.
Alfonse: Princess Veronica! Are you alright!?
Stepping forwards through the portal back into Askr, a smile managed to find its way onto Veronica’s face as she looked onto her friends, and allowed her tired body to finally rest as she began leaning against Alfonse for support.
Veronica: Yes… now that I am home, and you all are okay…
Boomstick: Man-a Wiz, that was one hell of a fight!
Wiz: That isn’t even the half of it Boomstick. Despite how some things appeared, Charmcaster certainly seemed like she could have taken the win thanks to her skill and versatility. Thanks to some of her more underhanded spells like her totem spell, soul absorption, and body swapping, Charmcatser had ways to completely take Veronica down possibly instantly, if not for a few things.
Boomstick: Like speed, for starters. While Charmcaster can scale to Ben and Kevin’s lightspeed reactions, Veronica can keep up with the Fodlan heroes who can move almost four times faster than that. The speed difference might seem small, but even a small gap like that was still a point in Veronica’s favor, since it meant she’d be that bit more likely to dodge a deadly blow since Charmcaster actually has to hit Veronica with her instant-win spells for them to work, which was especially hard to do thanks to Enclosing Dark’s ability to guarantee Veronica attacking twice before Charmcaster could retaliate and Hliðskjálf’s ability to prevent Charmcaster from counterattacking.
Wiz: While Veronica’s arsenal certainly wasn’t as versatile as Charmcaster’s, she still had a large assortment of her own spells and abilities at her disposal, plus she could easily match Charmcaster in melee combat and had far and away the superior summons. Charmcaster’s Rock Golems and Stone Bats may seem plentiful, but they don’t quite stack up to summoning trainer warriors and heroes like Marth, Alm, Tiki, Hector, Ike and more. Simply put, while Charmcaster’s single arsenal could have completely overwhelmed Veronica, Veronica could have also simply overwhelmed Charmcaster with her sheer number of possible Summons.
Boomstick: And given Veronica could just lol nope any portals Charmcaster could have tried to banish her or her heroes through with her Royal Emblan blood, and she’s survived survived soul targeting attacks from Surtr and passive death manipulation from the likes of Hel, Veronica had the ability to endure through most of Charmcaster’s win options despite her lesser versatility. But none of that would have mattered if she wasn’t strong enough to seal the deal and take Charmcaster down.
Wiz: So let’s compare raw power. We know that Charmcaster with the Alpha Rune is equal in power with Anodite form Gwen, who was directly said to be stronger than Ascalon and it’s Star Powered Planet Bust, and the Alpha Rune itself can hold portions of a single universal space together, but that paled in comparison to the force behind the cosmic storms that are Tempests.
Boomstick: Remember, the Tempests could cram the worlds of various other Fire Emblem games together, and most of these games presumably take place on their own world, since they all have their own lore and religion, as well as across different periods of times, which the Tempests are actually merging several different universes all at various points in time together. That’s WAY above anything we’ve seen Charmcaster capable of, and Veronica is not only comparable to Heroes who can dispel Tempests, she even once took control of one herself!
Wiz: This meant that once Veronica got serious, the fight was effectively over, as she only needed one serious hit to end the fight.
Boomstick: Not to mention, the Alpha Rune drives Charmcaster mad, which doesn’t bode well for her overconfidence which was always a problem she had even before getting the Alpha Rune, while Veronica is free from the Curse of Embla and is able to keep a more level head in battle, meaning it’s likely she’d be to lure Charmcaster right into her trap-card.
Wiz: This was a complicated matchup that was far from one-sided, but Charmcaster’s training, skill, and versatility ultimately just couldn’t compete with both Veronica’s specific counters as well as her superior summons, speed, and raw power.
Boomstick: Veronica was holding onto Hope for a while there, but Chamrcaster sure let things get to her head.
Wiz: The winner is Veronica.