Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Credits to Triple Star Plush


Credits to this TN’s owner


Credits to Crossover Productions


Credits to Crossover Productions


This battle will be updated with new information as new episodes for Murder Drones are getting released. Thus, it is heavily recommended that everyone should watch every Murder Drones episodes before reading this to avoid major spoilers!


“Murder Drones vs Marvel”

Murderous sadistic killers compete to see who is the better killing machine.


Y: The thought of always being stalked, hunted and pursued 24/7 by a serial killer is always terrifying.

Z: But what about a serial killer who can turn their body parts into various killer weapons, heal really quick and have a taste for anything and anyone that gets murdered.

Y: Like Serial Designation V, the murderous Disassembly Drone.

Z: And Carnage, Venom’s extra, extra evil son.

Y: I’m Y and he’s Z, and it’s our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skill to find out who would win a death battle.

Serial Designation V[]

Y: Copper 9 was a once habitable planet.

Z: But one day it’s core blew up and killed every human on the planet as well as turn it into a artic wasteland.

Y: The only survivors were a bunch of humanoid robots called Worker Drones. These drones were originally built to assist the humans and after every single human went extinct, they somehow gained sentience and became the new residence of Copper 9.

Z: Everything went well until a random company called JC Jenson sent a little package to kill them all.

Y: A package that consists of 3 Disassembly Drones, also known as Murder Drones.

Z: These Murder Drones consist of Serial Designations, J the hot-tempered squad leader, N the friendly and naive member, and finally V the bloodthirsty sadist who literally lives up to the name of Murder Drones.

Y: Being a Disassembly Drone, V like J and N are built for one purpose: murder and murder and of course murder.

Z: Though unlike J and N who kill Worker Drones because it’s their job and also their way of getting food, by eating other Drones, V does her killings because she really enjoys it a lot.

Y: This love for killing probably could make V the deadliest drone of the 3 Disassembly Drones.

Z: And that before counting in the abilities and weapons in her disposal.

Y: As a Disassembly Drone, V has the ability to change her arms into various different weapons ranging from simple melee weapons like claws and blades to ranged weaponry like a gun, missile launcher and a cannon that fires a laser, or project out anything V thinks of like a sign or hearts. However unlike from the laser, the other projections aren’t combat applicable.

Z: But it doesn’t matter as V’s got perfect weapons for killing or should I say murdering.

Y: V also has a pair of retractable bladed wings which can not only let her fly at super sonic speeds but can also be used to impale her victim as well as a E.M.P device that shuts down other drones and robots except for Disassembly Drones which have an immunity to this.

Z: V’s no push over especially when it comes to hand to hand combat and her body is tough enough to withstand being kicked into the ground hard enough to create a small crater and she should scale to N who tank a point blank missile explosion, as well as that room sized explosion caused by Uzi’s railgun in episode 2.

Y: This makes V a challenge for her unfortunate prey. And what makes it even more unfortunate is that V also has a hidden surprise at the end of her tail that helps in dealing with opponents just as tough or tougher than her.

Z: V’s tail is ended with a stinger that injects acid which corrodes anything it touches, but that also includes V herself……So she’s gotta be careful with that.

Y: That’s not a problem at all as Disassembly Drone saliva is capable in neutralising the acid and repair the corroded area.

Z: Speaking of repair, turns out Disassembly Drone also have a regeneration ability, able regrow lost limbs and even their head.

Y: Even though V hasn’t been seen using this ability and N is the only one showcasing it, there’s no reason to say V can do the same. After all there are made by the same creator.

Z: Though this healing has limits and cannot heal the drone if their entire upper part of their body, or at least their torso gets destroyed, like what happened to J.

Y: We should remember that V and other Disassembly Drones seem to be based of vampires. This can be proven by the fact Disassembly Drones can only hunt at night as sunlight kills them.

K: And like vampires, this means that Murder Drones like V can be killed if the torso is destroyed. I mean how else can you explain N being able to heal back his head but J couldn’t heal back her upper body half, it’s pretty obvious that there’s something in a Murder Drones torso that grants them healing, so if you strike V on the torso, you take away her healing and she’s dead.

Y: This is proven in episode 2 where J’s damaged body couldn’t not heal back to full form.

Z: But is where the backup program known as “Absolute Solver” comes in.

Y: Essentially it’s a repairing program that repairs destroyed Disassembly Drones who lack “biomass” to heal back severe damages by consuming any biomass that it can find, as well as somehow turning them into a giant horrifying insect like monster with multiple claws and a hologram projecting system, which we’ll refer to as an “Absolute Solver” program form.

Z: However the process of a Murder Drone becoming this monstrosity takes a long time to happen. So it won’t be counted because if the other combatant V is going up against kills V, he or she will not have to face this monstrosity.

Y: But V’s limited healing isn’t her only problem. V can be tangled up by her own tail or anything that can tangle her which will stop her from fighting. And the 5 light bulbs on her head are an exploitable weak point.

Z: That’s because those bulbs are her real “eyes” and striking even one of those bulbs can knock V offline and even render her incapacitated and unable to fight for some time. Not a good thing since getting hit in head has a dangerously high chance to happen.

Y: And V as well as the other Murder Drones also need to hunt down and feed on Worker Drone oil for sustenance and to avoid overheating to death.

Z: Yeah apparently Disassemble Drones have this issue where their cooling system will overheat every single time. Which is why we see V feeding on Worker Drone oil to cool down and prevent overheating. But wait a minute, what happens if there are no Workers Drones left to drink their blood-I mean oil?

Y: They die.

Z: Like that!?

Y: Yes. Apparently the overheating cooling system is purposely given to V and other Murder Drones to kill them off once they are done wiping out all Worker Drones.

Z: Wow N was right. The Company really doesn’t care for them.

Y: But of all her weaknesses, V’s biggest flaw isn’t her vampire like weaknesses or her getting beaten by N , who while skilled is not as skilled as V, but the fact that she has very little feats.

Z: Which is a huge problem for her.

Y: Luckily for V, the Murder Drones series are getting new episodes, so V will be getting some new feats.

Z: But even with her very little feats, that still doesn’t change the fact that V is someone you don’t want hunting you down.

V: And yet I feel nothing.


Y: Eddie Brock, former news photographer and the well known host for a alien being known as a Klyntar, or as Marvel fans would like to call it, a Symbiote, a strange sentient pile of goo created by the cosmic horror Knull, the Symbiote god.

Z: And together they are the arch enemy of your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, Venom.

Y: But Venom is not our topic here. Our topic is who came after Venom.

Z: Allow me to introduce myse-CLETUS!!! Cletus Kasady. That’s who I meant to say.

Y: Cletus is a deranged serial killer with a really messed up childhood where he killed his own family then proceeded to burn down the orphanage he was sent to.

Z: And as time passed on Kasady became the notorious serial killer that he is now, earning a kill count of 11, maybe even more.

Y: But his kill streak eventually ended when he finally got caught and sent to prison. Luckily for Cletus and unluckily for everyone else, Cletus happens to share his cell with none other than Brock himself.

Z: This little surprise encounter changed Cletus’s entire life as well as Cletus himself as Brock’s symbiote leaves behind a piece of itself and later merged with Kasady.

Y: Except instead of forming around Kasady like the original symbiote, this one enters a cut on Cletus’s arm and merges with his bloodstream and become a completely different red symbiote.

Z: And from that day onwards, Kasady is gone, there is only Carnage!

Y: Carnage possesses the exact same powers and abilities Venom has but a lot better.

Z: He is much more stronger, faster, tougher and well he’s pretty much a better version of his dad.

Y: And remember Venom is the same guy who lift that 200 ton carnival ride while in a weakened state , kept up and overpower Spider-Man, and went up against and easily tanked hits from both Hulk who can move tectonic plates and Juggernaut who can create earthquakes with his bare hands.

Z: Basically anything Venom can do Carnage can do better.

Y: This would explain how Carnage and routinely manhandle both Venom and Spider-Man at the same time. That’s right he’s so powerful that both Spidey and Venom have work together to fight him, yet they still lost.

Z: But being physically more powerful isn’t the only reason Carnage is a threat.

Y: Thanks to his malleable body, Carnage can morph and shapeshift and part of his body into basically anything he wants.

Z: Swords, daggers, axes, spikes, maces, whips, hooks, scythes , hammers, claws you name it. Any weapon Carnage wants, he’ll just make out of his body.

Y: And if he wants to he can even detach parts of himself and use it as ranged projectiles. But weapons aren’t the only things he can make. Carnage can also sprout tendrils that can stretch for 2 miles, grow wings for flight ,hide via camouflage, see all around him ,and inject a piece of himself into his targets and infect them.

Z: And somehow, Carnage can also ooze a part of the symbiote into a computer which will later transport through the internet wiring and re-emerged out of another computer, twice.

Y: Think of this as Bloody Mary, except instead of mirrors, computer or television screens are involved.

Z: With powers like these, it’s no wonder Carnage decided to step up his game and take on some of Marvel’s other heavy hitters.

Y: He single handedly took on the Avengers, survived an assault from Iron Man, went up against Nova Corps member Sam Alexander and survived the battle, beaten Man-Wolf, routinely overpowered Spider-Man and Venom, took hits from his more stronger son Toxin, and absolutely thrashed Deadpool.

Z: Now of course Carnage can’t take on his enemies if he doesn’t have his crazy healing factor that help him survive things like lost limbs, getting his head blown up, exploded by missiles, a blast from Nova which hurt the Hulk, and getting smashed through RAFT Prison which is designed to hold super-powered criminals and villains and later ripped in two by Sentry, yet he still live. As long there’s a piece of him left Carnage will come back. Man, this guys unstoppable.

Y: He is ,especially since he lost the Symbiotes iconic weakness to sound attacks thanks to some Darkhold magic, and has gained resistance towards heat, another Symbiote weakness.

Z: And if someone did manage to separate Kasady from Carnage, that actually doubles the problem, This is because not only will that someone face Kasady who is a pretty dangerous human, but also The Carnage symbiote which can move, fight and survive pretty well on it’s own and merge back with Kasady.

Y: And even if the Carnage symbiote did get destroyed leaving Cletus on his own it’s still not over as Cletus has a trick in his mouth that can solve this problem. Thanks to being bonded with Cletus’s bloodstream, Carnage can be summoned back by any wound, even a tiny scratch. Which is why Cletus sharpens one of his teeth to pierce his tongue and call back his symbiote if he does get separated from it.

Z: Or if the symbiote wants to it can alway try infecting another host.

Y: Like infecting the entire population, the Silver Surfer, and even the Avengers themselves including Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Wolverine and many more.

Z: But still Carnage is not completely without weakness. Sure, he lost his weakness to sound, but instead he now has a new weakness towards Magic, Chthonic Magic that is.

Y: And while Carnage is one of those symbiotes who has a pretty high resistance to heat, he is still not completely immune to it and can still be harmed and eventually killed by extreme heat for good.

Z: But of course even if you have intense heat and Chthonic magic, fighting Carnage is easier said than done, let alone killing him.

Carnage: Let there be CARNAGE!


Y: Okay the combatants are set. Let’s find out who would win once and for all.

Z: It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!


Somewhere in New York City

What was once a normal city is turned to nothing but ruins. Cars and other vehicles are scattered everywhere as noting but piles of scrap metal. The surrounding buildings, namely the smaller one are torn down either in a complete or still intact but losing parts of it. But the only thing that sticks out of all the mayhem, chaos and destruction, is the large pool of blood, organs and dead bodies of several civilians laying all around.

Anyone who has been living long enough here either as a friendly neighbourhood superhero or a lucky civilian will know that there is only one person, one monster that can do this, cause such bloodshed. And that culprit is none other than Cletus Kasady an once notorious serial killer now turned notorious serial killer supervillain, where he now continues his horrid hobby under the name that he now lived up to, the name that is mostly known, the name that can is associated with chaos. That that name is Carnage.

But one question resides, where in he now? Where is the psychopathic alien killer? Where did he go after his massacre? Well the answer is……… he is at a pie restaurant. Why? Because apparently even psychotic evil killers would like to spend some time for pie.

Of course knowing Cletus, things will get chaotic, because rather than going in as a human, Kasady enters in his so called true form, Carnage. Needless to say, upon entering all customers panicked and attempted to escape, and they would have if Carnage didn’t glue the exits shut with his webbing. He then gave the pastry chefs some of his “ingredients” so they can make his favourite flavoured pie. Knowing fully well what the Symbiote can do, the pastry chefs had no choice but to get to work, even though they absolutely weren’t liking it at all unlike their new customer.

Now while the cooks where preparing Carnage’s pie, the killer Symbiote is taking his time scaring the daylights of, the trapped and terrified customers with his dart throwing skills, except the targets were live humans bodies and the darts were his claws. Laughing maniacally, Carnage was having time of his life slicing apart human bodies and enjoying the fear and looks of disgust and disturbance casted on the other customers faces.

Waitress: M-m-mr.Carnage s-sir. Your order.

The waitress calls out to the Serial Killer who turns and gives the biggest smile as he looks at the pie with some blue and lots of red that is served to him and proceeds to gobble the pie down in one gulp.

Carnage: Yum! Blood, brains and blueberry. My favourite!

???: Well I hope you’re satisfied, because I'm sending you away from here.

Carnage turns around and sees a man with a red cape and blue robes, who happens to be the Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Stephen Strange.

Carnage: You?! Where’s the Spider?

Dr. Strange: You got him sent to the hospital .

Carnage: Oh right…(starts laughing) I remember how pleasant that memory was.

Dr Strange: Well let’s see how pleasant you feel once I send you away.

Carnage: Oh yeah! And how are you gonna do that?

Dr.Strange just smirks.

Dr. Strange: Like this.

Strange opens a portal which sucks Carnage and sends him to another world.

Dr. Strange: Huh, that’s a lot easier than I expected. Maybe I should start doing that to other people like him.

On Copper 9

On the artic wasteland that is Copper 9 everything seems empty until a familiar orange portal opens and Carnage falls through. The symbiotic still continues falling until he remembers on thing he can do.

Carnage: Wait I can grow wings.

Carnage turns his arms into a pair of blood red bat wings and flies towards the ground. Upon landing, Carnage looks around and wonders where he’s at. Needless to say, he is very confused and very angry.

Carnage: Did that magic guy just sent me to freaking Antarctica?!

Carnage continues ranting until he notices something ahead. It looks to be a group of robots in human clothing. Now a sane person would try and see if information can be obtained from these robots, but Carnage is not a sane person. Because instead of seeing possible help, what Carnage sees is new prey.

Carnage: Oh good! New chew toys!

With his incredible speed, Carnage lunges at one of the robots, killing that one. The others upon noticing one of them is dead as well as a strange red being whom they have never seen before, attempts to flee with their visors filled with terror but were too late as they too fell prey to the newcomer.

Carnage: There’s no escape! (Laughs maniacally)

Suddenly, Carnage’s fun is cut short as he gets hit by an explosion.

Carnage: Hey what’s the big idea?!

He recovers immediately and gets up to see his attacker who lands in front of him retracting a pair of bladed wings. The attacker reveals to be a female robot, but this one is taller than the previous robots Carnage killed and appears to have thin black feetless legs, long claws, a tail with a stinger and a container carrying a yellow liquid.

The new robot also has silver hair and a headband with 5 yellow bulbs. Her visor displays a large yellow X and her mouth bares some sharp fangs for a few moments before the X changes into a pair of angry yellow eyes and the fanged mouth turns in a scowl as the female robot, who is revealed to be the Disassembly Drone Serial Designation V, angrily glares at Carnage who also glares back.

Carnage: You should know that I hate having my fun interrupted.

V: Yeah, well I hate having my kill stolen by some red freak! What are you anyway?!

Carnage: Carnage is my name and chaos is my game. And I got your kills first, and you know what they say “you snooze, you lose” you slowpoke. (Starts laughing)

Now V is mad. Having her kills stolen is one thing, but being called a slowpoke and being laughed at by the guy who stole her kills is crossing the line, for her. Thus V comes up with one solution, murder the kill stealer.

At this point Carnage continues his laughter at the Disassembly Drone but stops when he hears laughter which is coming from V herself and sees V’s claws on one arm retract and replaced with what looks a missile launcher.

V: How’s this for slow?!

V yells before firing a missile at her new opponent.

Announcer: FIGHT!

The rocket flies towards Carnage who just side steps and catches the missile with a tendril. This shocks V as she never saw anyone catch her missile that easy. Snickering Carnage swings his tendril and throws the missile towards V who breaks out of her shock quick enough to dodge the missile.

V pulls out her gun and attempts to fire back only to find Carnage is gone.

V: Hey! Where’d you go?!

V looks around for the red killer only to get dragged and thrown into a rock, and later gets swung into another rock and later thrown away. Carnage retracts his tendrils and laughs at how he threw his opponent before proceeding to run after V in order to finish her off.

Else were, V crashes into the ground with immense force. She gets up to see a crack on her leg which repairs quickly. V looks up to see Carnage already there.

V: What the hell are you?

Carnage: I told you! I am Carnage, and Carnage is CHAOS. HAHAHAHAH!!!!

Carnage turns his arms into axes and lunges at V. V jumps out of the way and turns her hands into blades. Both Drone and Symbiote engage in a battle of blades. V may have better training in swords skills however Carnage’s more erratic movement along with his surprising agility end up proving to be a challenge that V did not expect to face against.

Carnage turns one of his axe hand into a spiked mace and slams the weapon on V. His attack knocks V into the ground and strikes one of the bulbs on V’s head, disorientating her. Carnage then takes this opportunity and kicks V away.

V manages to regains her footing, recovers from her disorientation and unfurls her wings. She flies towards Carnage and thanks to the extra speed from her flight, V manages to cut off one of Carnage’s arm and slices across his torso staggering Carnage. V then pounces on Carnage pinning him on the ground with her bladed wings. She changes her blades into guns and begins firing down on Carnage’s head reducing into a pulp.

Suddenly the biomass on Carnage’s chest fires out and pushes V of him. V manages to free herself and remains in the air to see the biomass retracted into Carnage who gets up with his lost arm and head fully regenerated. He looks up to see V in the sky, who while surprised at his regeneration ability, starts snickering at him.

V: So you can heal, big deal. At least I can fly.

Carnage: Oh yeah?!

Carnage turn his arms in to wings and flies after V who is now getting surprised but frustrated with the Symbiotes abilities.

V: Oh come on!

Carnage sprouts some tendrils from his back each tipped with different sharp and pointy blades. V kinda finds this unfair as she can only use 2 weapons at a time.

V: Ok that’s really unfair.

Carnage: Well I think it’s fun.

Carnage flies in and send the barrages of bladed tendrils he’s prepared straight at V who dodges the attack, as well as blasting some of the tendrils with her gun and slicing the others off with her blade. However the tendrils regenerate and to make matters worse for V more and more start coming and surround V in different directions.

V managed to fend off the first few, but is eventually overwhelmed. One tendril whips her knocking her off balance while two more grabs her wings holding her still as one spear tipped tendril impales her stomach. That tendril holds her still and the one holding the wings rip said wings off, disabling V flight.

Carnage then pulls V straight into him and wraps his giant bat wings around V, trapping his prey.

V stabs Carnage with her acid tipped tail stinger but the acid doesn’t appear to have affect on him.

Carnage: Is that supposed to tickle me?

V then pull out her missile launcher.

Carnage: I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

V ignore the warning and fires anyway. The explosion frees herself and knocks Carnage away giving some breathing space. However even though she’s free, V immediately realised why Carnage gave her that warning as she is now falling at high speed ,especially considering she has lost her flight, and crashes into an seemingly abandoned building. Carnage too crashes into another building as the rocket explosion disoriented him, though he, and V start recovering.

V gets up first and sees a group of Worker Drones in the same building as her. Seeing that Carnage is not around, V takes the opportunity to slaughter the Worker Drones before the red psycho killer steals her kills again.

V: (laughing) You’re all mine!

Carnage soon recovers , and gets up from the rubble. He looks around to see he is in an empty room filled with decapitated Worker Drones with their heads laying around.

Carnage: Now where are you?

While looking for V, Carnage then hears sounds of something getting torn apart.

He looks outside an open window and sees V at another building just next to his, who is now slowly approaching a downed Worker after supposedly slaughtering the others. He smiles as he sees an opportunity to steal V’s kill again.

V grabs onto the remaining Worker Drone, showing the same huge X on her visor and her fanged grin, and prepares to tear his head off when all the sudden a red and black spear flies in and decapitates the Worker. This shocks V, but the shock immediately replaces with anger when she see the spear and realise that her Symbiote opponent is not only still out there but has also stole her kill again.

But then V gets hit in the head by something.

V: OW! What the?!

V looks at the object thrown at her, which later turns out to be a Worker Drones head. V then turns around and finally sees Carnage through an open window. Carnage looks back with a mocking smile and tauntingly waves at the Murder Drone, who is now enraged that Carnage has once again not only stolen her kill but also embarrassed her again.

Carnage: Oh I’m sorry, did I steal your kill again, Slowpoke?

This insult further adds more anger to V who now decides that enough is enough.

V unfurls her wings that are now repaired and prepares to crash herself towards Carnage. Carnage too prepares himself by growing out some tendrils which grip onto his surroundings with the intent to slingshot himself towards V.

After a brief moment, both Murder Drone and Killer Symbiote throw themselves at each other. Both pulling out their blades weaponry with full intent to put down the other for good.

V and Carnage immediate collide with their collision creating a small shockwave that knocks them away a bit. V recovers from the knockback and charges at Carnage, ramming him into the lower part of a small building. V then flies back and fires two missiles that brings down the building.

But Carnage survives and breaks out of the rubble. He grabs one large piece of rubble and throws it at V, who blows it up. However this is proven to be a mistake as Carnage uses the dust as cover to run behind V. Before V can realised what happened, Carnage leaps into the air and knocks V down with one hard punch.

V: Ouch!

Carnage lands on top of V and pins her to the ground. V flaps her wings and creates a sonic boom which knocks Carnage of her. V flips on her feet and charges at Carnage. She swings her bladed arms at him. However Carnage blocks the attack and counters with a kick straight to V’s chin.

This sends V into the air. She manages to slow down and remain airborne thanks to her wings. V clenches her chin, while wincing in pain. She feels the cracks on her injury soon disappear, her chin fully healed. V looks down to see Carnage leaping straight into the air to catch her.

However, V is prepared and dodges the incoming attack. Immediately, V changes the blades and replace them with her guns. She the jabs the guns tip straight into Carnage, impaling him at first, and proceeds to rain bullets in to the Symbiote. The firing of the guns, blows apart a small bit of Carnage’s body before sending him pummelling into the ground hard enough to create a small crater.

V takes advantage of this and pulls out her claws. She again charges at Carnage before he gets the chance to get up, grabs him with both claws and proceeds to drive him across the ground, smashing into small rocks.

V eventually notices a truck sized piece of rubble, so she proceed to ram Carnage into it, which ends with the rubble getting destroyed. V ,suspecting Carnage will somehow survive it, flies off at incredible speeds. As she suspected, Carnage jumps out of the rubble, looking mad rather than hurt. His anger turns into annoyance when he sees that V is gone again.

Carnage: Not again!

V takes the opportunity to dive bomb Carnage, both hands turned into blades. As she dives in, V starts showing her signature fanged grin and her all too familiar glowing yellow X appearing on her visor, pretty much replacing her eyes.

As she gets closer, V’s grin gets wider, while the X on her visor glows brighter. Until Carnage does something totally unexpected, which is he splits his upper half of his body into two, just a V was about 2 feet away into shredding him. This causes V to fly straight through Carnage, who later stitches himself back together, while V slows down and stops, her earlier gleeful expression has been replaced with a shocked one.

V: The hell?!

Carnage: Didn’t see that coming, weren’t cha?

V turns around to try and attack, only for Carnage to fire his tendrils straight at her. Before she could react, the tendrils knock her on to the ground and pin her still. Carnage than takes this as an opportunity. He jumps into the air, with his arms shifted into spiked maces, and uses the tendrils to speed his charge on to V.

Carnage: Well I saw you coming from a mile away!

Upon closing in, Carnage slams his maces on V so hard, a crater larger than the one V created earlier was made. He then turns his maces into bladed fingers and repeatedly claws and smacks V, causing damage to the Murder Drone.

Carnage stops his attacks and picks up V, who is halfway repairing herself, with one hand while the other hand tranforms into a serrated blade and multiple tendrils grow from his back each tipped with serrated blades. Carnage lifts his weapons and points them towards V, who glares at the Symbiote with malice.

Carnage: I guess this is where the fun ends.

V: Yeah, you’re right. The fun does end….. for you.

V then changes her arms into the one last weapon she has not used. Immediately her arms are replaced with a cylinder shaped object and are lifted up and pointed at Carnage's face. Carnage however is unfazed and thinks the weapon is something he can tank, so he smiles and laughs at it, until he notices a yellowish orange glow appearing. Before Carnage could find out what the glow was, V's arms fire a laser that vaporises Carnage's head.

Thanks to the attack, V manages to free herself from Carnage's grasp. But it doesnt end there as V fires more lasers at Carnage, slicing of his arms, legs and the tendrils on his back, leaving behind a limbless, headless body. As she does so, her anger is gone and replaced with her sadistic glee and satisfaction she always shows when she kills.

V then stops firing the lasers and pulls out her missile launcher and fires one missile that directly hits the body, leading to an explosion, which seemingly destroys Carnage. V looks on at her now destroyed opponent , satisfied that she has ended him. She turns and start to leave with a smile on her face.

V: Ah now I feel so much better. Can't wait to tell the others.

Little did she realize, the fight is not over.

Carnage: Ooooh, there are others?!

V stops in her tracks, the smile on her face disappears. Instead a look of shock and disbelief is the only emotion present, but mostly disbelief, for once V feels something that she has not felt, never thought she would feel and wish she had not had to feel. Fear.

Before V could do something, she suddenly feels excruciating pain on her chest, though she does not scream due to her shock.

Looking down, V to her horror sees a familiar red and black spiked tendril impaling her body from the back. More tendrils appear and wrap around V’s body, holding her still. V tries to fight back but the tendrils and her injury stops her from doing so. The tendrils then pull V back and turn her around, forcing her to see the face she doesn’t want to see, the face of a not-so-dead Carnage who is now fully recovered.

Carnage: Looks like your fun is over, Slowpoke.

Carnage taunts V as he extends his fingers into bladed claws for the purpose of dealing the final blow. V on the other hand, seeing that she’s unable to win, says her final words.

V: Grrr….. I. Hate. You.

Carnage proceeds to tear off V’s limbs with his tendrils, like how V’s laser cut off his limbs. This causes V to scream out in pain, but her screaming is muffled when Carnage sends a tendril which slithers through V’s mouth and straight down her throat. He then sends his other tendrils into the stubs where V’s limbs used to be, and finally stabbing V with his clawed fingers. But rather than slice V apart, Carnage instead fills V up with his biomass. The liquid biomass fills every part of V’s insides, destroying everything inside before eventually turning into solid spikes that pierce out from every part of V’s body until V is covered with spikes.

Seemingly killing V, Carnage decides to top off his work, by forcefully pulling all his fingers and tendrils. By doing so he ends up tearing V apart into multiples tiny pieces of scrap metal, oil bits and other drone parts. Needless to say, V will not be coming back from this.

Carnage looks over at the metal bits that was once his opponent. He then says a line that only V knows. He then breaks into his iconic habit, laughing out loud like the maniac he is.

Carnage: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!…… And yet, I feel nothing.

Carnage then moves away from the spot, still trying to find a way back home. But he gets distracted after seeing a lone Worker Drone, one with purple hair and a green railgun. Carnage looks over and sees that Worker Drone enter a large construction that looks like a high security compound, and manages to catch a glimpse of more Worker Drones. That’s when he knew, this is their hideout.

Carnage: Jackpot!

Announcer: K.O!!!!

- Carnage manages to break into the hideout with ease and starts to slaughter all the Worker Drones available, including the purple-haired one, laughing as he does so.

- The two remaining Disassembly Drones, Serial Designations J and N start looking for V, with J growing more and more frustrated while N is growing more and more concerned.


Z: Wow, who would have taught that a Drone’s death can be so brutal. Also do you think Carnage can make a great Murder Drone?

Y: Well he did beat one, and is now slaughtering a bunch of Worker Drones. Does that answer your question?

Z: Pretty much.

Y: Now then, while Carnage has some pretty obvious advantages that shows why he’s the victor. That does not mean V has no edges at all.

Z: In fact, V takes the edge in having faster movement speed thanks to flight and has more destructive potential since she can fire out missiles, which Carnage can’t do.

Y: V should also be potentially smarter as she is shown to be more mentally stable.

Z: But that edge doesn’t matter V has never fought anyone like Carnage before. Plus, even Spider-Man, who is a super genius still struggled and at sometimes failed to beat Carnage, despite his far superior intelligence.

Y: After all V is only dangerous in her world because she only fights against featless Worker Drones, who all are pretty much human level and way weaker than her, with N being the only one who gave her a some what of a challenge.

Z: While Carnage has been wrangling and throwing hands at leagues of powerful superheroes and supervillains, all of which are just as strong, if not stronger than him all from day one. Hell, even before becoming a supervillain, Cletus as a normal human had went against other normal humans, and even policemen who can kill him.

Y: Which gives Carnage far more higher battle experience compared to V. But this is only one of many reasons why V lost.

Z: First of all, Carnage is obviously the more stronger one of the two. He can literally overpower both Venom and Spider-Man.

Y: Let’s remember that Venom lifted a 200 ton carnival ride while in a weakened state. In order to find out Venom’s strength at full strength, let’s lowball and assume Venom at full strength can lift double that amount. This means Venom can lift over 400 tons.

Z: And Carnage can overpower both Venom and Spidey, who happened to lift a 130 ton machine that was as heavy as a 1965 locomotive, as shown in “Carnage vs Lucy”. This would mean Carnage can lift about 530 tons.

Y: Even lowballing again and assuming Carnage can only lift 200 tons still puts his strength leagues higher than V.

Z: Sure we could say V scales to N who pry open that giant enforced door.

Y: But this feat isn’t that impressive for numerous reasons. First, N didn’t pry the entire thing open, he only managed to make a small gap and only managed to get in via an access card.

Z: So if N didn’t get that card, he won’t be holding that door apart for long.

Y: Secondly, N prying open the doors is something V herself couldn’t do in months, V herself even admits it, thereby this means V’s strength is not on par with N.

Z: But wait, didn’t V fought evenly with N and almost killed him?

Y: She did. But there’s a logical explanation to this. N was holding back. After all he did admit that he had a liking towards V. That means that in their fight N was most likely holding back to avoid severely injuring her.

Z: And that nearly got him killed!

Y: Even if V and N are equal in strength, it wouldn’t matter as Carnage still has better strength feats.

Z: Also if we recall the episode “Miles Morales vs Static ”, we should remember one thing about Spider-Man.

Y: And that is Spider-Man tore apart Dr.Octopus’s metal arms, the same arms that survived a 2 kiloton nuclear explosion.

Z: And Carnage is stronger than Spidey and Venom , who is also depicted to be stronger than Spidey, combined.

Y: Again, let lowball and assume Venom is 2 times stronger than Spider-Man.

Z: This would mean Carnage can tear through things which can survive a 6 kiloton nuclear explosion. That giant door N pry’d open looks tough, but it definitely isn’t surviving a 2 kiloton explosion, let alone a 6 kiloton explosion.

Y: This is really bad news for V. Because not only is V severely weaker than Carnage, but she is also has a major durability disadvantage.

Z: Yeah Murder Drones likes V, don’t really have any good endurance and toughness, especially when compared to people like Carnage. I mean J, who is comparable to V had a normal ordinary pen stabbed into her face, twice.

Y: And not only did it hurt her a lot, but it actually made J incapable in fighting back properly and struggle against Uzi.

Z: Who, let me remind you, is just a normal Worker Drone , well that’s what we thought until episode 2 dropped out, who at that time, has no special abilities or strength, but has a rail gun that, based on every time that gun has been used onscreen, does only about room level damage. And if we were to highball it, the railgun should be around building level.

Y: While Carnage on the other hand, had his head blown up and his neck snapped, only to heal from those injuries like nothing had happened at all.

Z: Also, Uzi’s railgun has shown to be able in vaporising an entire Murder Drone, like how it vaporised J.

Y: However while the railgun does do some good damage, it doesn’t compare to Spider-Man tearing through those 2 kiloton nuke tanking metal arms.

Z: Even scaling V to N who survived that room sized explosion caused by Uzi’s rail gun in episode 2 still doesn’t put V’s durability anywhere near Carnage’s durability.

Y: As after all, that explosion N tanked in episode 2 barely did any damage to the surrounding room or hallway it appeared, which overall puts V’s durability far more inferior compared to Carnage’s striking damage and damage dealing capabilities via scaling to both Spidey and Venom.

Z: Not only that, but Carnage took combine beatings from Spider-Man and Spidey’s physically superior rival Venom. Which means he can handle about 6 kilotons of force on him. Hell, he even took beatings from his son Toxin, who’s stronger than him. That’s right, Carnage took hits from a stronger version of himself.

Y: And if that is not enough to convince you , remember Carnage is superior to Venom, who can tank hits from Hulk and Juggernaut with ease. And those 2 are obviously far, far more physically stronger than Spider-Man, Venom, Toxin, and yes of course, V.

Z: And this nothing new. I mean characters like Deadpool has taken hits and beatings from those 2 super heavy hitters and others similar in strength and power with no issue or severe injury.

Y: And Carnage is able to tear him apart with ease.

Z: Oh, and speaking of Hulk and Juggernaut.

Y: Venom was able to hold his own pretty well and even trade blows with them. With this in mind, there’s no doubt that a better version of Venom can do the same but of course, even better.

Z: But wait! Do you hear that?

Y: Hear what?

Z: The sounds of people telling us that Worker Drones survived that explosion that turned Copper 9 into an artic wasteland, and V is able to one shot these guys. So shouldn’t V be able to one shot Carnage?

Y: That’s a pretty good point, and I don’t blame them for thinking that as I too thought about it. But the more I looked into this, the more I realised that this isn’t what people think. The Worker Drones did not survive that explosion.

Z: Wanna know why? Well sit tight and we’ll explain.

Y: For starters, we did not see any Worker Drone survive or tank the explosion head on, onscreen, and there is no other valid evidence that shows consistent planet level durability. Secondly, if the Worker Drones did survive the explosion, then how can they be easily dispatched and destroyed by simple and ordinary missiles and bullets?

Z: And no, these weren’t any special missiles and bullets. We checked, and nothing says that those missiles and bullets were special.

Y: Thirdly, if we remember correctly, Worker Drones were built to mine Copper 9’s minerals.

Z: So the Workers who survived were most likely underground, probably at some bunker built by the humans, which kept them safe from the explosion, long enough to come back and repopulate by reproducing……… which is strange because they’re robots.

Y: Fourthly, the giant explosion that rendered Copper 9 an artic wasteland and killed off all biological life, left behind a huge crater, or possibly a huge hole, on the planet that we can clearly see.

Z: However, in the next shot, we see some Workers along with some tall standing buildings and structures in an area, that we can tell is not anywhere near or inside the crater.

Y: How can we tell this? Well it’s because if the area shown in the next shot is indeed somewhere inside the crater’s location, then the buildings shown in the background should be in a completely destroyed state, but they weren’t.

Z: This shows that all Workers Drones shown onscreen were not in the explosion area, and thus, did not get caught and hit by the explosion.

Y: Finally, let’s talk about the explosion that turned Copper 9 into an artic wasteland.

Z: More specifically the fact that the explosion affected the atmosphere which resulted in the planet turning into an artic wasteland.

Y: That’s right. Here’s the thing, the explosion is not the whole reason why all biological life on Copper 9 are dead. The explosion actually caused dangerous airborne chemicals or particles to spread and later disrupt the atmosphere and the implosion of the planet’s core took away all the planet’s heat, which later lead to major climate change as an after effect resulting in Copper 9 becoming the snowy wasteland that it is now.

Z: If you want proof why we said dangerous chemicals and particles were involved in this. In the place where the Copper 9 explosion occurred, which clearly looks like an industrial building, the humans present there were all wearing full body hazmat suits and gas masks, which proves that there was harmful airborne particles around at that spot.

Y: Further showing that disastrous climate change and horrible weather conditions was the real cause to Copper 9’s current condition.

Z: Also can we again talk about how all the buildings and structures shown onscreen after the explosion were still intact, still functional, and repairable for all Worker Drones. Nothing has been too badly damaged, when all those things should have been destroyed until there’s nothing left or at least beyond repairable, especially considering how huge the explosion is and the crater left behind by it.

Y: Why? Well it’s because, like we said earlier, those buildings, structures as well as the surviving Worker Drones shown onscreen that are still in a good condition, are most likely located far, far away from where the infamous core destruction took place, and weren’t caught in that giant explosion.

Z: But what about the onscreen buildings and structures that are shown damaged. I meant the ones that do have damage on them.

Y: Yes, there are buildings and structures that do have damage on them, but those are likely caused by the Disassembly Drones and their weapons, not the core explosion.

Z: So now we know why there are surviving Worker Drones living in a perfectly fine civilisation.

Y: Also, we should note that only biological life forms are affected and rendered extinct by Copper 9’s current condition. Which can further prove why all onscreen buildings, structures, and Worker Drones are all in a good condition, or at least still around, as they all are non-biological objects which the after effects of the Copper 9 explosion and the artic wasteland condition had no affect on.

Z: And if you still don’t believe us, well let me remind you once again that Murder Drone J, who is way tougher than Workers and comparable to other Murder Drones like V & N , got harmed by an ordinary pen stabbing into her, twice, and she got destroyed beyond repair by a simple rail gun blast. A simple rail gun blast, that only does room level damage, building level if highballed.

Y: Long story short, all biological life forms on Copper 9 were killed off thanks to the planet’s core getting destroyed, taking away all heat and causing terrible climate change and equally terrible weather conditions, and all Worker Drones, or at least the ones shown onscreen, survived because they weren't caught in the explosion , them being non-biological meant the after effects of the explosion had no affect on them as only biological lifeforms got affected, and their robotic physiologies granted them resistance to climate change and even extreme temperature which is what killed off all biological life forms and rendered the planet inhospitable, which is impressive but resistance to temperature does not equal to durability.

Z: So yeah not only does V have no way in manhandling or physically overpowering Carnage, she’s pretty much a glass cannon. Like, all it takes is one or two hits and she’s down.

Y: And V having more destructive power via the missiles won’t save her as Carnage survived being blown up by missiles before and tanked an full on assault from Iron Man, who pretty much has the same destructive weapons as V, except much more as Iron Man’s weapons has harmed characters who are way more physically superior to anything V’s missiles can destroy.

Z: Plus V can turn only her hands into weapons. Meaning she can have 2 weapons at the time. Carnage can turn any part of his body into any weapon he wants and even better grow more weapons from his back, allowing him to use way more weapons compared to V.

Y: Both can heal pretty quickly, but Carnage definitely has the better regen factor. A Murder Drone can heal back lost parts as long as their torso is intact.

Z: But Carnage can be blown or torn apart into shreds and scraps and he’ll just pull himself back together. Agent Venom once decapitated Carnage, and the sliced off head grew a new body.

Y: Even if V could theoretically grow herself a new body like Carnage, which is unlikely, the process will be too slow.

Z: Plus, in episode 2, it’s revealed that a fully and utterly destroyed Murder Drone can only be repaired back via some sort of backup program. But this isn’t gonna help as the backup program take quite a long time to do a full repair. But like what you said, V’s healing is way too slow.

Y: Speaking of slow, V’s acid won’t be much help at all, as the acid corrodes pretty slowly and Carnage’s regeneration can just negate it.

Z: Or you know, he could just use the acid against V.

Y: But in fact, we learned that Carnage actually has multiple ways to take V out.

Z: Firstly, V can be tied up by her own tail, or a simple ordinary chain as shown in the season 1 teaser. Carnage can just tie her up with his many tendrils which are stronger and slice her up.

Y: Another way is Carnage striking the bulbs on V’s head. Sure, he doesn’t know what they do.

Z: But that’s doesn’t matter because like I said, getting hit in the head has a dangerously high chance in happening. All Carnage need to do is poke at least one of them, and he’ll have V stunned and open to attacks.

Y: Carnage can also try and fill V’s insides up with his symbiote biomass and destroy the insides. Sure, we don’t see Carnage doing this to any robots in Marvel canon, but given V’s eerily human-like body structure, anatomy and the fact she has a mouth that can go pretty big and wide, means Carnage could pretty much try and do this.

Z: And let’s not forget about V’s faulty cooling system.

Y: That Right. Remember, V can’t stay in battle for long. Sooner or later, she will start overheating and will need to leave to find some oil, which sadly isn’t gonna happen with Carnage around attacking her at all times.

Z: And what’s gonna stop Carnage from I don’t know, tearing V apart which will heavily damage or worse, utterly destroy her cooling system.

Y: And if that happens V, now with a completely destroyed cooling system, will pretty much overheat and die.

Z: But what happens if Carnage somehow has to go up against V when her “Absolute Solver” backup program initiates like how it happened for J? How much difference would that make?

Y: That’s a good question. To answer that, let’s discuss another scenario which is how Carnage will fare against V’s “Absolute Solver” program form.

Z: Well……… According to what we researched, nothing changes much at all.

Y: Here’s why. While the “Absolute Solver” program grants V bigger size and more arms to use as well as a hologram projector, all those aren’t enough.

Z: Now, while the hologram projector is useful in confusing Carnage and hitting him when he is not looking, it won’t last long as Carnage’s better senses, camouflage and his ability to see all around him can counter this.

Y: Then there’s the part where the “Absolute Solver” form would actually give V way more weak points than her original self. For starters, the “Absolute Solver” takes away all of V’s destructive weapons like her blades, guns, laser and her rocket launchers, leaving her with just multiple plain old clawed appendages.

Z: Secondly, while V in this form has multiple clawed appendages for weapons, Carnage can still make way more weapons of different variety and shapes and eventually overwhelm her.

Y: And finally, V becomes much slower than before and this coupled with her larger size pretty much makes V a larger and easier-to-hit target for Carnage to slice and dice apart before it could try and absorb Carnage of his biomass to self repair.

Z: But even if Carnage gets caught and his biomass starts to gets absorbed, Carnage can just grow a bunch of sharp and pointy weapons, rip and tear his way out with his strength and heal back any lost biomass with ease. Overall Carnage has multiple ways to beat V. But the same can’t be said for V.

Y: V isn’t strong enough to pummel Carnage, her destructive weapons aren’t gonna hurt him at all, and she doesn’t have access to any of Carnage’s weakness.

Z: Sound no longer hurts Carnage, V doesn’t have knowledge about Chthonic Magic and it’s ability to hurt Carnage, and she obviously can’t use any heat as she will only end up killing herself instead of Carnage. I mean if regular sunlight, something symbiotes have no issue with, can kill V, then imagine what something like say, an open fire will do to her.

Y: Basically, Carnage can survive anything V throws at him. Well, except for one.

Z: Turns out that V’s Murder Drone laser is actually a heat based weapon. One that doesn’t hurt her whenever she uses it. This means not only does V having a better chance at fighting, but she also has a chance to kill Carnage.

Y: A very small chance because there are a few problems. Firstly, V doesn’t seem to use her laser as much as her other weapons, which gives Carnage the chance to kill her before she could use the laser. Secondly, Carnage could pretty likely survive and resist the heat of the laser.

Z: That’s because the laser acts more like a hot sword for slicing things up instead of consuming things in a fiery explosion.

Y: By comparing the width of the laser and with Carnage’s body mass, even if Carnage gets hit and sliced apart into many tiny bits, he can just pull himself back together.

Z: But the biggest reason why the laser won’t be enough to stop Carnage, is because Carnage is fast enough to dodge the laser and strike V before she gets the chance to do more damage.

Y: Exactly. We’ve covered both combatants strength and durability, but not their speed.

Z: V has better travel speed thanks to her flight. And she can react to N charging straight at her.

Y: Those wings are capable of emitting a sonic boom. This means V can fly faster than the speed of sound, or about Mach 2. And she should have Mach 2 reaction & attack speed via keeping up with N.

Z: While Carnage has kept up, blitzed, scales to and is comparable to characters who dodged light speed projectiles.

Y: This puts Carnage’s reaction and attack speed about 437247 times faster than V’s travel and reaction speed. This along with the fact that V is a glass cannon, means Carnage will just tear her apart right before V can pull out her laser and laser him.

Z: But wait, Uzi and N have dodged V’s laser. Shouldn’t that give V light speed reaction.

Y: Well….. no. Here’s why. Firstly, there is no evidence that shows the laser was moving as fast as a light speed one. Secondly, Uzi and N were able to dodge the laser mostly thanks to the yellow glow that is emitted before the laser flies out.

Z: Which basically acts as a early warning and a heads up.

Z: And thirdly, the laser wasn’t blasted straight at them, but instead swung at them. Think of it like this, N and Uzi dodged a really long glowing bat swung at them by someone with Mach 2 attack speed.

Z: Which overall shows Carnage is still faster.

Y: Even if we give V light speed reactions and say that the laser does move at light speed, Carnage still has more and better reaction speed feats and scaling. Plus, Carnage’s Symbiote powers can make it even more challenging for V to land a hit aside from his far greater speed. For example, his camouflage can help him hide completely from V and pull an ambush, and Carnage’s ability to see all around him means V can’t get the drop on him.

Z: I said it before and I’ll say it again, V has never fought anyone like Carnage, or the super powered people Carnage went up against.

Y: But I believe we all can agree that V losing this match, wasn’t because V was weaker, slower, or less experienced, but because V doesn’t have any impressive feats or scaling that can even compare with Carnage, or even compare with the characters Carnage has went up against in his life.

Z: But hey, with the teaser for Murder Drones Season 1 out, it’s clear we’re gonna get new episodes, and V’s gonna get some new feats.

Y: But even if V did get new feats that can put her on par with Carnage, it likely wouldn’t be much help at all. After all, Carnage still has better physical prowess, higher battle experience, a much wider arsenal of powers and abilities, has went up against opponents who are much, much, much more deadly and more powerful than anything V went up against and most importantly has way more and way better feats and scaling to triumph against the Disassembly Drone.

Z: Despite her bloodthirsty destructive nature, V still couldn’t stop Carnage from turning her from a Murder Drone, into a Murdered Drone.

Y: The winner is Carnage.

Advantages and Disadvantages[]

Carnage (Winner)[]

+Way more stronger

+Way more tougher

+Much faster reaction and attack speed

+Way more battle experience

+Has fought far more smarter enemies

+Much wider arsenal of powers and abilities

+Can tank and shrug off most of V’s weapons and attacks

+Much faster regeneration

+Much higher pain tolerance & endurance

+Better Haxs

+Can use multiple weapons at a time

+Went up against far more deadlier enemies

+Speed blitzes and likely one shots V

+Can stay in battle longer than V, as she will eventually overheat and kill herself

+Can take advantage of V’s exploitable weak points and weaknesses

+Has multiple ways to beat V

+It’s unlikely that he will face V’s “Absolute Solver” program form

+Even if he did, he will have an easier time fighting V’s “Absolute Solver” program form, thanks to it weak points, if he got a chance to face it.

+Has way better feats and superior scaling

-Slower travel speed

-Less destructive attacks

-Too insane to be smart

-Will have to kill V again thanks to her “Absolute Solver” form

-V’s “Absolute Solver” form outsizes him

-Can be harmed and potentially killed by V’s laser (but not enough)

Serial Designation V (Loser)[]

+Faster travel speed

+More destructive attacks

+Smarter thanks to better mental stability

+Can be brought back via her “Absolute Solver” form and face Carnage again

+Her “Absolute Solver” form outsizes Carnage

+Could harm and even potentially kill Carnage with her laser. (But it’s not enough)

-Way weaker

-Much poorer durability

-Much slower reaction and attack speed

-Lower experience

-Even if smarter, she is not as smart as the opponents Carnage went up against

-Smaller arsenal of powers and abilities

-Most of her attacks and weapons won’t be able to hurt Carnage

-Slower regeneration

-Weaker pain tolerance and endurance

-Weaker Haxs

-Can only use two weapons at a time

-Has only fought featless enemies that are only weaker than her and has never fought anything like Carnage or the characters Carnage faced

-Gets speedblitzed and likely one-shot

-Can’t stay in battle any longer as she will eventually overheat and kill herself

-Has many exploitable weak points and weaknesses that Carnage can take advantage.

-Doesn’t have much ways to beat Carnage, and she can be killed by him through multiple ways.

-Her “Absolute Solver”program form is unlikely to be faced by Carnage.

-Even if Carnage did face V’s “Absolute Solver” program form, that form takes too long to form and makes V a bigger, slower and more easier-to-hit target as it takes away her weapons and give her more exploitable weak points that Carnage can take advantage of

-Has very little to no feats and inferior scaling


The connections between V and Carnage is that:=

-They both are crazed murderous inhuman serial killers, whose entire species (Disassembly Drones & Klyntar) comes from another world where they all are created to act as living weapons of mass destruction and have one sole purpose, that is to invade planets and eliminate all the existing sentient beings that live on those planets (Disassembly Drones are made to destroy Worker Drones while Klyntar are made to wipe out entire species), which causes both of them and their species to become one of the feared beings of the planets they invaded and are feared a lot by the residence of any planet, whom they hunt down relentlessly for the purpose to kill/wipe out.

-Both characters species already have an official name, yet despite that both their species have another name that is more well known and more preferably used than their true species name, especially by the other characters that they often encounter, as well as the fan base of their respected series (Disassembly Drones are more commonly known as Murder Drones while Klyntar are known as Symbiotes by almost everyone in their universe), and these nicknames are chosen and given to them than their true names mainly thanks to their disturbing nature that they display (Disassembly Drone’s murderous nature in killing anything they can get their hands, or claws, on and the Klyntar’s nature of bonding with any host they come in contact with, in which they either choose to take over said host’s body as a puppet for their own needs or try and find a perfect host to form a bond with and later developing symbiosis with that host).

-Both characters and their species are also shown to be cannibalistic beings and survive by feeding on a food source that is found in the sentient beings they kill (V and other Disassembly Drones drink the oil from Worker Drones to avoid overheating to death, while Carnage and other Symbiotes feed on the brains of any living organic creature to sustain themselves and survive).

-Both character’s backstory appears to involve them growing up and living in a building or place as little kids, along with other kids, before later becoming what they are currently ( V in her “younger” age lived and presumably grew up at a mansion along with the younger N, J and any other Drone ,before becoming the Disassembly Drone that she is now, while Kasady had to grow up at an orphanage as a orphan, before burning it down and later starting his murderous career, which lead to him becoming the serial killer Symbiote supervillain he is now).

-Both are sadistic psychopathic mass murderers that are always in killing frenzy and have a twisted, possibly sociopathic mindset that only has things associated with death, destruction, mayhem, chaos, murder and carnage, as well as having a high kill count on their hands, which makes them arguably one of the if not the most deadly and dangerous members of their kind.

-Both are well known for their skill and passion at harming and killing their victims and bringing destruction wherever they go, as well as taking great pleasure and enjoyment every time they kill and cause destruction, which is proven by them showing their sadistic grins and maniacal laughters with each kill.

- Both despite their dangerous nature, are close allies with a female character who helps them in their murder spree (V is close allies with Serial Designation J, another Disassembly Drone, though she laters gains another female best friend named Lizzy an Worker Drone, while Carnage has a relationship with his love interest, Shriek).

-The said female characters that both characters are allies with have been killed thanks to a gun wielding character with a bad attitude (J gets killed by Uzi, while Deadpool tricks Carnage into killing Shriek).

-Both are able to perform their murderous hobbies thanks to their ability to shapeshift and change a certain part of their body (For V she can change her hands while Carnage can shapeshift any part of his body) in to various deadly weapons they can think of with their most preferred being sharp blades, claws and their fanged teeth which they always show whenever they are killing someone or are in battle with an enemy.

-Both can grow wings for flight, scale surfaces like walls and ceilings and can inject a lethal substance in their victims that causes a terrible effect on them (V can inject corrosive acid that melts her victims alive while Carnage can inject a piece of himself into his victim which either kills them or infects them).

-Both also have the ability to quickly regenerate from fatal wounds that should have been deadly, ranging from healing broken body parts, to even regrowing back lost limbs, which makes them harder to kill like how it’s already hard to combat them.

-Both characters can consume additional “biomass” like matter, which can rebuild them if their healing can’t heal their bodies enough as well as making them bigger (While V did not show it happening, she like other Disassembly Drones, should have a “Absolute Solver” backup program that helps in obtaining biomass to fully repair any severely damaged or destroyed drone, while Carnage can consume extra biomass to add to his own, allowing him to heal faster and grow bigger).

-Both are thought to be the dangerous antagonists of their series especially towards the protagonists, until it is revealed that there is a bigger threat who also happens to be the creator of their kind (JC Jenson and Knull).

-Both characters, along with their species share a similar trademark weakness to heat and can die from it (Disassembly Drones like V are dangerously vulnerable to heat like sun light while Symbiotes like Carnage can be killed by high heat).

- Both characters despite being known as antagonists and villains in general, have performed a change in alignment, where they begin to change sides and become allies, though still retaining some of their violent nature (V apparently will become allies to the protagonist as shown in the teaser for Murder Drones Season 1 while Carnage got turned into a “good guy” thanks to a spell from Scarlett Witch) (Though the difference here is that V may actually end up becoming an ally (unless she pulls a back-stab) while Carnage got reverted back to his usual villainous self).

- Both have perform a heroic sacrifice, sacrificing themselves to save others especially the main protagonists (Tessa, Uzi and N for V and Spider-Man and the rest of the Earth for Carnage) by allowing themselves to be destroyed and presumably killed off by something that was meant to kill everyone (V sacrifices herself to the Sentinels in order for the others to escape while Carnage uses his entire bio mass to tank the Gene Bomb before the bomb kills every non mutant on Earth), which leads to their death. (Though while Carnage is later revealed to have survived, V’s fate is currently unknown, presumably dead, though it’s very likely she will come back as J has came back from the dead before)

- If V does come back from the dead the same way J did or is revealed to have survived in the end against the Sentinels, then she and Carnage will both share the similarity of both being presumed dead after their sacrifice only for them to reveal that they are still alive.

-Both have fought another member of their kind (N and Venom), whom they look down at because that character has shown to be weaker than them (V being a better Murder Drone than N and Carnage being more powerful than Venom), as well as a crafty and intelligent teenage character (Uzi Doorman and Peter Parker/ Spider Man), who is known to be picked on by others in their school life, has one parental figure (Khan Doorman and May Parker), lost one parental figure (Uzi’s mother and Ben Parker) and is the main protagonist of their series.

-Interestingly enough both their two enemies were originally enemies with each other with one of them being a protagonist and the other a antagonist (Uzi and N had a fight due to N seeing Uzi as a target because he is built to kill Worker Drones which is what Uzi is and Uzi seeing him as a threat because N is a Worker Drone killing Murder Drone, while Spider man and Venom are well known rivals) but later changed to allies when the antagonist decided to change for the better and unite with the protagonist against their one true enemies (N becomes Uzi’s friend and turn against V along with J and eventually the JC Jenson Company, while Spider man and Venom decided to look past their rivalry for the greater good and stop Carnage and other villainous Symbiotes).
