14 Links enter the ring, 1 Link leaves. In this gargantuan battle, the Heroes of Legend, Skies, Light, Four, Trains, Minish, Time, Essences, Hyrule, Winds, Twilight, Koredai, the Wild and the New Hero of Hyrule clash to determine which Link is the strongest of them all!
Counter: We all know the Hero of Hyrule, Link. But what some people may not know is that most Links are different people, each bearing the Spirit of the Hero. This, of course, raised the question: Which Link is strongest?
Kaiya: Let's see! We have the Hero of Skies, Minish, Four and Time...
Damien: The Hero of Legend, Essences, Hyrule and New Hero of Hyrule...
Hannah: The Hero of Twilight, Light, Winds and Trains...
Counter: And finally, The Hero of the Wild and Koredai. I'm Counter, and these are my partners: Damien, Kai and Hannah!
Kaiya: And we've taken over from Wiz and Boomstick to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!