Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

The Eldritch Snowcone The Eldritch Snowcone 24 May 2021

Gothwood: Jack Irving's Feats

Just what the title says. Feats for Jack's Striking and Lifting Strength, as well as Combat and Reaction speeds

Jack destroyed the Dunwich Statue, which is stated to be the size of a Large Building.

According to Law Insider, A large building is any building with a 25,000 square feet of floor space. So, the statue would have an area of 25,000 square feet.

25,000 square feet = 2322.576 cubic metres

2322.576 m^3 = 2322576000 cm^3

We'll use fragmentation of rock, as that's what the statue is made of. Fragmentation of Rock: 8 j/cc

2322576000 * 8 = 18580608000 joules, (4.44 tons of TNT-Large Building Level)

The boulder Jack lifted is described as ten times his size.

Jack weighs 65 kg and is 175.514 cm tall. So his body's total surface area would be 1.72…

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The Eldritch Snowcone The Eldritch Snowcone 21 May 2021

Shatterhale: Axel's First Key Speed

This Blog contains the justification for Axel's first key speed rating.

Axel is able to keep up with Hex, who can slash twice before a winter fae solider could see his blade.

First off, Hex is 175.514 cm tall. This makes his arms 77.47 cm long. His sword, Stem of Spring, is 81.28 cm long. So, we'll calculate his striking distance.

pi/2*(0.7747+0.8128)= 2.4936 metres

Hex slashed twice, so... the total distance he slashed is 4.9872 metres.

Winter Fae Soldiers can process images twice as fast as a human can, and the average human can process an image in 0.013 seconds (13 milliseconds) This would mean that Winter Fae Soldiers can process images in 0.0065 seconds, or 6.5 milliseconds. With that, we get hex's striking speed.

4.9872/0.0065= 767.26 m/s, …

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The Eldritch Snowcone The Eldritch Snowcone 21 May 2021

Shatterhale: Axel's First Key Strength

This Blog contains all of the info for Axel's strength stat in his first key.

Axel kicked the Spring Knight, Hex through the top half of two dozen stalactites.

Feat: "Hex dove left, avoiding the slash. Just as he landed, he was knocked off of his feet as Axel stepped forwards and slammed his foot into his abdomen, knocking all of the air from his lungs and blasting him backwards at blinding speeds, slamming through the top halves of two dozen stalactites, the force at which he hit them crushing them to dust. After crashing through the last one, Hex skidded to a stop just in front of the cave wall."

This was mentioned earlier in the chapter, by all of the stalactites are two metres tall and thick. The volume of half one of these is 1047197.551…

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The Eldritch Snowcone The Eldritch Snowcone 17 May 2021

Tim Takturn

Tim Takturn is a supporting protagonist in Nova, a story by The Eldritch Snowcone

  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far
    • 2.1 Battle Record
    • 2.2 Possible Opponents
  • 3 FC/OC Tiering
  • 4 Mary Sue Score
  • 5 Trivia


  • Tim Takturn vs Azure Kaminari

  • Mary Sue Score: 9
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The Eldritch Snowcone The Eldritch Snowcone 17 May 2021

Monstrous: Felix's feats

Exactly what the name says. These are Felix's feats from the new first chapter of Monstrous. Figured I should put some numbers to them so that any one who wanted to use him could.

  • 1 The Feats
    • 1.1 Wendigo Tree Punch
    • 1.2 Wendigo Speed Boast
    • 1.3 Final Tally

The Wendigo punches a hole through a tree, and the hole's size, in height, is compared to the size of Felix's head.

The Average Human Head is 8 to 9 inches tall.

According to Spionsaurus75DinosaurFan on VS Battles Wiki, The average diameter (and by extension, thickness) of a tree is 1.27 metres.

Assuming a cylinder shape for the hole, we get a volume of: 1029629.5975261 cm^3 (Assuming the hole is 8 inches tall)

The tree type would likely be Oregon Ash, due to the chapter taking place in Oregon.

Energy nee…

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