Wiz: Characters..
Boomstick: You either love em' or you hate their GUTS!
Wiz: But you might like them a little too much, especially if their your own.
Boomstick: And today, on this 'Special Episode' we're going to see which OC, is SUPREME!
Wiz: Carson Garcia, the Mexican savior of the Ten Realms.
Boomstick: Emmie, the thief turned student of Martin McGee.
Wiz: Dan Kulo, the multi-personalitied lab rat.
Boomstick: Amy Verlice, the swordsman- I mean swordswoman.
Wiz: Speedy, the fast stickman who reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Boomstick: And Kizone, the immortal god of fear! He’s Wiz and I’m Boomstick!
Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle.
Carson Garcia[]
Wiz: A long ago, there were 10 different realms.
Boomstick: But one of them..The Shadow Real- Wait...THAT'S FROM YU-GI-OH!
Wiz: Yes- but- (Ahem) Anyways, the Shadow Realm's Leaders grew more powerful everyday, until they decided to kill the leaders of the other realms.
Boomstick: And guess what! They succeeded!
Wiz: Shortly after, they had found out that they had gained all the powers of each realm, and so King Arthrag absorbed his fellow council members, to create a being of perfect destruction.
Boomstick: Jourjed...The Inevitable!
Wiz: Anyways...All of this is a story for a different tome, moving on, thousands of years later, a child named Carson was born to Maria and Juan Garcia in a small fishing town in Maine. He had a reasonably normal life until he turned 17.
Boomstick: His life got flip-turned upside down!
Wiz: It turns out, that all this time, Jourjed has been puppetering people to make them his hosts, since Arthrag had died, he had decided to take the body of Carson's friend, Garrett.
Boomstick: Filled with Trauma, Carson was trained by Cyrus to save all of the realms!
Personal Info[]
- Name: Carson Rodriguez Garcia
- Age: 17
- Height: 69.1 inches
- Weight: 120 Pounds
- Baseball bat
- Stun Darts
- Shoots a small lightning-shaped dart out of his pointing finger, which can stun or kill his opponent
- Firiad
- Carson's fist flares up and he delivers a punch
- Freziad
- Ice beam that can occasionally freeze people and succeed
- Thundiad
- Sends a bolt of lightning down on the opponent
- Earthiad
- Can cover fist with Earth related materials
- Watriad
- Creates a bubble around Carson, allowing him to breathe underwater and block specific attacks
- Defeated Juorjed the Inevitable, who was stated in prophecy to destroy the Ten Realms
- Is respected by the Guardian of Many Pathways, who manipulates fate
- Defeated Syntax multiple times
- Tanked hits from many darkness blasts that could corrupt people
- Dodged many laser shots, arrows, and other flying projectiles
- Was shot out of a cannon and hit a wall but came out unscathed
- Relies too much on his powers
- Was defeated and outsmarted by Syntax multiple times
- His weak spot is the back of his head
Dan Kulo[]
Wiz: The One Man Army Project, a project started by General Fleetter,
Boomstick: Incase The Atomic Team, a group of superheroes snapped and became war criminals!
Wiz: That's right, and a boy named Dan Kulo had ran away from home due to abuse from his uncle and sister, causing him to develop 11 other personalities, Dan was taken in by Head Scientist of the One Man Army Project, Doctor Cornik.
Boomstick: And their first lab rat was Dan! Sorry, little buddy.
Wiz: Dan was subjected to multiple tests, each giving him and his alternate personalities, Tim, Max, Drake, Jason, George, Kevin, Spike, Dave, Randy, Oscar, Adrien, and his malicious personality of pure evil. Lance, Superpowers, and from that day onward, Dan Kulo and his alters were running from the government.
- Tim ran fast enough to run on water and setting it on fire
- Dan "accidentally" destroyed a huge military fleet and a huge part of North Korea
- Randy put the entire world in a blackout with a sonic scream
- Jason redirected a meteor that would have destroyed earth into the sun
- Max made the entire Sahara Desert look like the arctic
- Lance could destroy planet earth (but it would take him of bit of time)
- Constantly swaps personalities in battle making them unpredictable
- Defeated Jean, a soldier with all his powers alongside a few different ones
- Dan can manipulate metal on a Mountain Level scale
- Drake disintegrated a large town
- Perfect form can fight and keep up with Quasar and the rest of the Atomic Team
- Survived a solar system to the face but was badly hurt (He could still fight though)
Boomstick: Tim ran fast enough to run on water- setting it on fire!?
Wiz: Dan "accidentally" destroyed a huge military fleet and a huge part of North Korea.
Boomstick: Randy caused the entire world to have a blackout with a sonic scream.
Wiz: Jason redirected a meteor that would have destroyed Earth, and redirected it into the Sun.
Boomstick: Max changed the entire GODDAMN Sahara Desert's climate, MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THE ARCTIC!
Wiz: And last but not least, Lance; He has the ability to destroy Earth, although it would take him quite a while.
Boomstick: However, even 'Gods' have their weaknesses.
- All the personalities are always arguing
- Changing to a different person cancels the other persons power
- If anyone breaks concentration while in god form then they will turn normal
- George can only make two objects heavier or lighter
- George is easily distracted by food
- Oscar can't really fight and is more of a "guy in the chair"
- EMP's can cause spike to turn normal
- Drake is easily distracted by girls
- Tim doesn't like getting dirty and will go hysterical if his stuff gets dirty (OCD)
- Spike's power not good for close combat
Wiz: All the personalities are always arguing, and changing to a different personality cancels the other personality's power. Also, if anyone breaks concentration while in Perfect Dan, or the God Form, then they will turn normal.
Boomstick: Wait...Perfect Dan..?
Wiz: Yes Boomstick, when all of Lance's personalities work together, they form Perfect Dan.
Boomstick: ...You mean like the Power Rangers..?
Wiz: Yes, Boomstick, like the Power Rangers. Moving on, Perfect Dan allows Lance, Dan and his personalities to become 2x stronger, and normal weaponry can't hurt him, basically making Dan bulletproof.
- Dan: Can manipulate metal on a unknown scale.
- Tim: Can run fast enough to stop time.
- Max: Can create Ice and Ice Constructs as well as lowering the temperature around him.
- Drake: Can create lasers, specifically out of his eyes.
- George: Can alter the mass of objects making them lighter or heavier.
- Kevin: Can transform into a slime like substance that can stretch and shapeshift.
- Jason: Can manipulate wind to create tornadoes.
- Spike: Can transform into a electrical ghost that's intangible and can interfere with technology.
- Dave: Can clone himself.
- Randy: Can use a sonic scream that somehow is also works as a EMP.
- Oscar: Can see 20 seconds into the future.
- Adrien: Can shoot blasts of kinetic energy and can't feel pain.
- Lance: Can manipulate the Laws of Attraction, Blue Orbs pull, Red Orbs launch, and Purple (disintegrates).
Wiz: Dan is immune to mental control, meaning nobody can take over Dan's mind.
Boomstick: And Adrien is immune to physical damage.
Wiz: Drake can become intangible.
Boomstick: And Kevin can become slime to spring back attacks.
Imperfect Form[]
Wiz: Even though Lance liked the power of the perfect form, he didn't like that he had to share the power with the others.
Boomstick: Lance wanted all the power for himself, so you know what he did, he defeated all the other personality's and forced them into a sorta mind stasis, Claiming their power to form his perfect Form.
Wiz: This is Imperfect Lance, in this Form Lance is 2x stronger, faster and can use all the other's powers.
Boomstick: But this also has weaknesses too which include.
- Lance's powers are stronger in this form but the others powers are weaker
- If any in Lance's mind manages to break free then Imperfect Lance's immediately shuts down
Wiz: But Dan will never stop running no matter what happens, No matter who he kills, He will never stop until he's free.
Dan: "Lance you can handle this one".
Agent Heff: " No..NO! please, have mercy PLEASE!".
Lance: "Mercy?, What's that, I've never heard of it... But have you heard of this..? PURPLE."
Boomstick: Ah… the streets of Nevada! What would one want to do other than sneaking into bars, eating trash and pickpocketing strangers? Of course, Emmie Brown did all of that!
Wiz: Emmie was abandoned by her parents at a young age for unknown reasons. She was left to fend for herself in the cold streets of the place we mentioned earlier.
Boomstick: And then she saw an old man walk-in’ down the road and assumed he would be easy to steal from because he’s, well, old.
Wiz: Whilst she was stealing from him, he sensed it and blasted her back with a spell. He soon saw potential in this grimy little thief and recruited her to his academy.
Boomstick: So he sent her to the shower houses and got right to work! Since she was 29 years old at the time, she was already applicable for the Grade-A class!
Wiz: Despite being an outcast at first, Emmie eventually became the best student in the class!
Boomstick: And then, the Darkness Remnants attacked. The Remnants were remainders of Destrucinox, a shadowy creature that walked the earth before being vanquished by Martin.
Wiz: The Remnants were eventually defeated, but one remnant got into Emmie and began doing it’s work.
Boomstick: Similar to The Brood from Marvel, the Remnants get inside of victims and over time, they transform them into one of their own.
Wiz: So Emmie soon gained a new skill in dark magic! Of course, in some cases that would be a bad thing.
Boomstick: And to add insult to injury, it was revealed to Martin that Destrucinox would return in a matter of two weeks, so he had to start using the ancient skill of training montage!
Wiz: And when the time came, the Ascension Alchemist, who after getting kicked out of the Ascension Cult, was secretly in the basement and reawakened “It That Destroys.”
Boomstick: Of course, the monster was incomplete because of the missing remnant, so the enraged Alchemist built a machine to track it, and decided to rip it out of Emmie. Whilst the Alchemist was gone, Destrucinox escaped and destroyed both the lab and the school, leaving Martin and the students to fight the monster.
Wiz: Halfway through the battle, Emmie was almost fully corrupted and McGee took notice of this. He used a light spell, repelling the remnants and bringing Emmie back to her original state. Now, with her full power returned, Emmie and the other students kicked Destrucinox’s ass. Of course, this is all we can fit in a history section, but it isn’t the end of her story. Now, on to abilities.
- Fire Manipulation- Emmie can send fireballs, fire blasts and anything else fire-related at opponents.
- Future Sight- Using a spell, Emmie can see three seconds into the future and it will help her evade attacks.
- Recover- A recovery spell that heals minor injuries.
- Darkness Blade- Similar to McGee’s Astral-Blade, a spell causes a blade to rise up and impale targets.
- Hand-To-Hand Combat Skills
- Forcefield- A smaller, more fragile form of McGee’s Emerald Shield.
- Arcane Blitz- A beam of light that follows the opponent and “purifies” them.
- Charge Band- If her magic is somehow depleted, she can activate her band and have a slow recovery.
Boomstick: And she also has some feats!
- Was trained by Martin McGee, the world’s greatest sorcerer.
- Helped defeat Destrucinox during the “Return.”
- Dodged Alfonze’s Lightning
- Created a Fireball big enough to burn a hole in a building
- Beat an assassin that was trained for decades in hand-to-hand combat
- Could block a punch from a fellow student Mikala, who could destroy a sandbag and a building in one punch
- Dodged light
- Managed to overcome Destrucinox’s mind control
- So strong, that her punches can take down buildings
Wiz: As well as faults.
• Incredibly brash
• Tends to rush into combat without thinking
• Remaining Darkness Remnants in her body give her cramps from time to time
Wiz: Stickmen, one of the most classic drawings in history to come.
Boomstick: But when you take the Aidenverse, the're literally everywhere.
Wiz: One day, a little stickman was created with a speed greater than anything on earth.
Boomstick: This little stickman could take anything that came at him due to greater experience in fights.
Wiz: and this guys name was...
Wiz/Boomstick: Speedy The Stickman!!!
- Name: Speedy the Stickman
- Height: 8, 4
- Weight: Unknown
- Likes: Running, Battles of any kind (Death fight, Pillow fight, etc.)
- Dislikes: Having to slow down.
- Fearless
- Staff
- Fireworks
- Glue Jars
- Orb of Speed
- Super Speed
- Flight (Accessed in Super and Hyper form)
- Darkness Control (Only in Dark form)
- Light Control (Only in Super and Hyper form)
- Invisibility: Blends in with the area (Only in Dark form)
- Can't be Mind control (In Super, Dark, and Hyper Form)
- Speedblitz: Dashes through opponent
- Serious Speedblitz: Speedblitz but 5x as powerful
- Consecutive Speedblitz: Speedblitz but rapidly
- Serious Consecutive Speedblitz: Same as Consecutive Speedblitz but 5x as powerful
Elemental Speedblitzes[]
- Speedblitz Fire: Burns opponent after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Earth: Multiple Boulders after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Ice: Shatters opponents in ice after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Water: Strikes opponent with tidal wave after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Wind: Sends opponent in the air and crashing on ground after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Light: Blinds opponent (For about 5 minutes) after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Darkness: Opponents view becomes very small (For a short time) after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Void: Yeets opponent in a Void after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Thunder: Electrocutes opponent after Speedblitz
Other Speedblitz Types[]
- Speedblitz Spike: Stabs opponent after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Supernova: Same as Speedblitz Light, but 5x as powerful
- Speedblitz Explosion: Explosion happens under Opponent after Speedblitz
- Speedblitz Reverse: Makes opponent hit themselves after Speedblitz
Normal Form[]
- Most experienced form
- Blew up cities
- Blitzed through a person and sent them flying.
Super Form[]
- Blew up planets
- Blitzed through a person and blew them up.
Dark Form[]
- Blew up Solar Systems
- Blitzed through a person and blew up a continent
Hyper Form[]
- Fastest form
- Most Powerful form
- Fastest Form
- Blew up universes
- Blitzed through a person and blew up the world
Normal Form[]
- Over Confident
- Slowest form
- The Least Powerful of the 4
Super Form[]
- None
Dark Form[]
- The angriest form out of the 4
- Sometimes can't control his powers
Hyper Form[]
- None
Boomstick: WOW! That's a lot of Speedblitzes for a little Stickman.
Wiz: Well he did defeat the brother of the creator of his Universe
Smol Fly: Hey Speedy, how did you survive that?
Speedy: Smol Fly, I have no idea whatsoever.
Amy Verlice[]
(Analysis copied from Oc Battke Royale: Eevee Version)
Wiz: Not so long ago in a also not so far away land a child was born, and she didn’t come alone seeing as her twin sister came with her.
Boomstick: Amy Verlice was born to a lady named Amber Verlice They grew up in a small house in a small village where Kings and queens still ruled and knights in shining armor still protected the lands.
Wiz: Amy herself has more of a scrawny build with medium length pink hair and red eyes, she always wears a cowboy hat to represent the justice she stands for, even though advised not to wear it.
Boomstick: Amy took up multiple jobs at the young age of ten, She shined shoes, took care of farm animals, worked at the market and even then she barely had the money to get by.
Wiz: But one day a knight named Charlotte Windsor came to town and saw Amy in a street fight with three other boys, Amy looked unhurt, no bruises or cuts though the boys had knifes, Charlotte watched as Amy fought all of them alone dodging the attacks with ease and inhuman speed.
Boomstick: This was because of her power, Precognition It allows her to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen, She can see about twenty seconds into the future and possibly more if she pushes herself hard enough.
Wiz: Charlotte liked the spirit in the young girl and decided to take her under her wing, Charlotte taught Amy how to use a sword, The art of Medieval sword fighting to be exact, The art of Medieval sword fighting is made specifically for fighters who aim to perfect and execute powerful attacks, every strike is aimed to cause lethal damage to the opponent.
Boomstick: And in her free time Amy learned multiple fighting techniques such as Muay Thai, Muay Thai is a self defense style that focuses on using your shins, knees, elbows, and fists as hard striking weapons. you must harden your body and sharpen your mind to use this style to its full potential. She’s also learned Judo, but hasn’t mastered it yet, The point of the Judo is to throw down or subdue the opponent. Pins, joint locks, chokes, and even weapons defense.
Wiz: And after Amy had mastered her sword, Charlotte taught her how to use the Bow And Arrow and even a special technique that allows the user to light the arrows on fire, If not paying attention the fire can spread throughout the entire arrow.
Boomstick: Amy is despite her fragile body a very strong young lady, She was able to draw blood from someone who tanked Nuclear weapons and had unbreakable skin, This was accomplished with only her sword, She’s also Punched a wall hard enough to make a building collapse, The Building was three stories and she barely put any effort into the punch.
Wiz: She’s dodged point blank bullets, An average bullet travels at around 2736 Kilometers/hour or 1700 miles/hour and has dodged lasers a laser can travel more than 300 times the speed of light.
Boomstick: Even though Amy is a apprentice to a famed and noble knight, her attitude is less than what is to be expected, Amy is a very cocky 15-year-old and is quick to get into fights even with other heroes and her cocky attitude can get her into trouble even if she's trying to do the right thing.
Wiz: Amy can withstand a three-story building falling atop of her, the building weighed roughly 350 pounds and Survived Being Tossed into a wall hard enough to crack it. She was also able to run and keep on pace with Ronvum the raven king while he was flying, though he wasn’t going at full speed so she could keep up with him.
Boomstick: Amy also has a variety of weapons which include her Broad Sword which she has been named Yellow she got it during her first training session and has kept it with her since then It's a nice fine blade capable of cutting through cars and other things like like butter and her bow which she has named The Phoenix,The Bow itself can shoot flaming arrows that can travel as fast as bullets.
Wiz: And with all these great powers come even greater weakness like how her Precognition Can cause great strain to her to her mind if used too much or for too long and how she has contacts in at all times and without them she’s like Velma Dinkley and relies on precognition until she can get new ones in or get her glasses on, Her sword style is also fairly slow, and her hat can get in the way of her attacks, She also Hates cats to an extreme extent and going for her eyes can bypass her precognition.
Boomstick: But all in all, Amy is still a hero and will do whatever it takes to make things right.
"You both hit like girls!- I mean, you both hit like babies!"
Wiz: In the dark ages, there was a being named Kizone, who travelled around the Universe, hiding in the shadows..
Boomstick: Feasting on the hatred from people's hearts.
Wiz: This was, until the God of Life had vanquished Kizone, trapping him inside, The Shadow Realm..
Wiz: As amazing as it sounds, no. Anyways, there was another being, named Qegen, who thrived on making children have Nightmares, but again, thanks to the God of Life, he was killed, but soon returned. Now, inside of Kizone.
- Name: Kizone The Master Of Hatred And Darkness
- Age: Unknown, presumably Time Immemorial.
- Weight: Irrelevant
- Height: 71 ft
Powers and Abilities[]
- Dark Manipulation
- Can't Be Mind Controlled
- Black/Dark Magic
- Soul Manipulation
- Dark Soul Manipulation
- Immortality, types 1 and 2.
- If Kizone is killed, Qegen will be released from his body.
- Most, to all of Kizone's Powers.
- If you enter his mind, your deepest fear will come after you, soon enveloping you in Darkness.
- Soul Destruction.
- Fear Manipulation
- Dark Manipulation.
- Light based attacks immunity.
- If his body parts are sliced off, he can regenerate them, even if there are only small bits left.
- Shapeshifting
- Illusion Manipulation
- Can create a fake version of himef that can fight and harm the opponent for him, but if hit once, it vanishes.
- If his blood enter somebody's body, they will disintegrate.
- Telekinesis
- Super Strength
- Destruction Manipulation
- Chest Beam
- Immortality
- Light based attack immunity
- Can annihilate a planet.
- Immunity to his own Planet's Destruction.
- Flight
- Mind Control
As Kizone[]
- Able to Sneak Into Shadows.
- Killed 46 People.
- Traveled around the Universe.
- Stared into some guy's Eye, killing him.
- Fast Enough To Catch Up A Jet.
- Destroy a Giant Robot, Which Is Able To Hold Up A Giant Islands At 1,000 Tons.
- Crushed a Vault To Dust.
- React To Bullets Flying At 185 Speed Of Light.
As Qegen[]
- Destroy 100 Kid Dream
- Killed The God Of Dreams
- Able to Scare A Guy With No Fear
- Sliced Through A Robot's Steel Body, Which Is Able To Tank Explosions.
- Held Up The Biggest Building.
- Broke Open Guolk, the strongest steel Ever Which Is Able To Survived A Large Country Being destroyed.
- Dodged Zeus Throwing 10 Lighting Bolts Flying At 10,00 Speed Of Light.
- Destroy 95 Peoples Souls.
- Busted through A Steel Wall, Metal Wall, Brick Wall And More.
- Survived An entire Army Shooting At Him, Even Tanked Bullets, he was unscathed.
As Xanthos[]
- Destroyed 3 Planets.
- Destroyed A Bunch Of Buildings.
- Threw 20 Buildings.
- Able To Mind Control Neptune, The God Of The Seas, Only For Him To Break Out.
- Kicked the highest And Strongest Building Into orbit.
- Destroy an entire Circus With Just His Chest Beam.
- Able To Fly At The Center Of The Earth's Core Without Getting Burned.
- A Chance That Qegen Can't Turned Into Xanthos.
- His Core Will Be The Only Way To Kill Him For Good.
- A Bigger Flash Will Blind Him For 20 Second.
- Stabbing The Red Eye To Make Him Lose The Power To Telekinesis.
- But In 1 Minutes, Able To Come Back
- Got Defeat By The God 3 Time
- Very Slow Walking Speed.
- Could Always Be Beaten By God
Wiz: Alright, we've covered all the OCs.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE.
In the streets of Nevada, an orange hooded boy is seen walking around, until he spots a wanted poster.
(Insert Crimes Here)
REWARD: 500,000,000
A boy in a green hoodie is seen frightened at the poster, because, it's him.
Carson Garcia turns around.
Carson: 'HEY! Your the guy on the poster!'
Dan: "OH CRAP- OH CR-'
Dan turns into Lance, who quickly launched a Red Orb at Carson.
A tall purple haired man is seen watching the battle with a younger, blue haired boy next to him, presumably his younger brother.
Lance: 'Are you expecting me...To spare you?'
Lance started hysterically laughing, Freaking out Carson, who quickly used his Firiad on Lance's chest, twice, causing Lance to be set on Fire, and hurled backwards, causing him to be switched into Spike, who turned into electricity and went to a nearby bar's electric sign, redirecting the electricity towards Carson, like a lightning strike, but Carson dodged all of the strikes.
Carson: 'Wow! Your strong but I'm gonna power through this!'
Spike: 'This will all be over soon.'
Spike's electric from, still inside the electric sign, caused it break off, and fly towards Carson, and again, redirected the electricity all around the sign, like an electric Forcefield, but, unbeknownst to Spike, and some of us...Electricity just makes more fire! Powering up the Firiad, and just at that moment, Spike paused for 1 second, long enough for him to get hit with Firiad, and then a bunch of other Souliads, like a Souliad Barrage heavily damaging Spike, now switched to Kevin.
Kevin: 'Pfft..You may have held your own against my other, Inferior personalities...But against me, you dont stand a CHANCE.'
Carson: 'You sure do talk big...'
Kevin started to transform into a slime creature, like Goop, from Ben 10, and started wrapping himself around Carson, repetetively bashing his head on the wall, crashing into the face of a giant robot.
The purple haired man from earlier walked over to the two.
Kamina: 'Hey! If your gonna fight, stay away from my Lagann!'
Kevin: 'Ugh.. What an idiot caring about a stupid scrap of metal.'
Carson breaks free from the Goop, using Freziad to Freeze the body of the Goop, making it impossible for Kevin to move, shattering his arms and legs, and later chest, now just a small slime, he slithers away, carrying his shattered, and severed frozen body parts, which start to melt under the sunlight, remerging with him, just in time for him to switch to Drake, who threw up over Carson, causing him to throw up.
Kevin shot laser beams, which Carson barely dodged, tired from the beat down brought upon him by Kevin, and his effortless lightning dodging.
Kevin quickly switched to Adrien, who punched Carson's nose, with his gravitational control, making Carson fall on the ground, hitting the back of the head, hitting all the way down to the Earth's crust, and digging down even further. causing Carson to cry out in agony.
Carson looked down to see the bright loght of the Earth's core, and so, in his last moments Carson Rodriguez Garcia thought about his friends, his family, and all of the Ten Realms, he was one inch away from the Earth's core, one inch away, from death.
Carson: 'No..'
Bots of Lightning crashed down upon the head of the unsuspecting Adrien, who was busy using Carson like a drill.
Adrien fell down in pain, Carson had been freed due to the electricity travelling to Dan's brain, luckily not damaging it, but causing it to switch through all of his personalities, temporarily, just long enough for Carson to jump upwards, and use a Souliad, Earthiad, clusters of rocks, all together, even Buildings, crushing the One Man Army to the ground.
Inside of Dan's head.
Dan: 'Come on guys! We- we can't DIE here!'
With the help of his personalities, Dan transformed into Perfect Dan, who uppercutted Carson to orbit, and then using the Red Orb, to pull him into his fist, impaling Carson's chest.
Carson: 'AAAGGGGHHH- N-No'..'
Carson was bleeding uncontrollably, as Perfect Dan's concentration withered away from a Woman.
Inside Dan's head.
The personalities started arguing about their own opinions on Drake, causing Perfect Dan to turn back to normal.
Carson, with Dan's hand still piercing his left kidney, used Firiad on Dan's neck, causing him to gain 3rd degree burns.
Carson: 'Take this, "One-Man-Army'..My HOPE, my RAGE...AND ALL OF MY SORROW!'
Carson shot multiple bolts of Lightning, straight into Dan's brain, causing him to switch between all of his personalities, everytime he used his personalities it was cancelled out, and repeatedly switched.
Dan: 'W-What- d-did- I'm not..Giving Up.. Ever...'
Dan switched to Lance...Permanently.
Lance transformed into his Perfect Form, letting him use his other personalities powers, but a bit weaker.
The same purple haired man from earlier starts helping people evacuate, as he looks towards gaping heaps of lava diving straight up from the ground, caused by the fight of the One-Man-Army, and the Hero of the Ten Realms.
Carson: 'Listen...We've gotta stop this...'
Lance: 'Oh? Afraid of losing.'
Lance used Purple on Carson, which was quickly cancelled by him pausing for a second, switching to Oscar, who started dodging Carson's attacks.
Carson: How!?
Oscar: Surpris-
Carson: I gotta admit, that's a lot of skill to predict all of my movements!
Oscar froze up, by this time, Carson had figured our how Dan worked, not all of his abilities, but how his abilities are used.
Carson used Thundiad again, to an unsuspecting Dan, who's head is struck by Thundiad, causing his brain to uhh, jumble about again, switching him to Drake.
Drake: Woah..Your pretty strong!
Drake started to wombo combo on Carson, using mixed martial arts, then clone himself, all of them Punching and kicking in a formation, they then all disappear as Carson used Firiad, incineration the clones, threatening Drake, if Carson could do that to his clones, who knows what he could could to him.
Carson: Take this, Ben 10 Bootleg!
Drake is almost burned alive, but manages to live.
Drake: AAAAGGGGHHHH- Damn...
Drake pauses, allowing Carson to use Earthiad, to create a giant bedrock fist.
Carson: Did...Did that actually work?
Jason: Not on me..
Tornadoes were launched straight for Carson, all of them hitting him.
Buildings were broken upon impact, as Jason kept Consecutively throwing Tornadoes, that were countered by Earthiad, creating a back and forwards loop.
Jason started twitching, and switched to Max, and threw ice shurikens at Carson, who redirected each of them, Max grabbed them and crushed them in between his hands, repeatedly, threatening Carson.
Carson: Uh..
Max: Playtime's over.
Max froze Carson, but, he melted it all, soaking Max, courtesy of Firiad, punching Max with his flaming fist, and combo'd straight into Thundiad, launching him straight into Carson's Earthiad, but Max simply made pillars of ice fall on to Carson.
Carson: Phew...I hope he's not getting up from that.
It turns out he had switched to Tim, who ran straight into Carson, grabbing his head, and running all the way to Japan and back, in an annoying loop.
Tim: You disgust me.
Carson: What did I d-
Tim threw Carson through multiple skyscrapers.
Carson immediately tried for attack Tim, but everything he tried phased right through him, Tim then slapped Carson into Scotland, on a rainy day.
Tim: FINALLY, we can get this o-
Tim started hysterically laughing and getting his teeth, as mud was all over his clothes, due to running at high speed towards here.
Carson: Your weakness..Is dirt?
Carson took the opportunity, and combo'd Tim into an extravaganza use of all of his Souliads.
Tim fell to the ground, burned from electricity, and scorched from fire, cut and scarred by rocks, half drowned by being dunked into water, and to top it off, he was pretty cold.
An exhausted Carson fell to the ground.
Carson: Alright...Can you FINALLY be finished of..?
Tim was in horrible pain, and stood still for a second, perhaps, the One-Man-Army, had succumbed to his wounds.
K . O
Carson Garcoa is seen walking away from Dan's corpse, as he hears a screech in agony, it was Dan, the fight wasn't over, and Carson's ear drums were ever so fragile to this sonic wave blasting everything back.
Randy: AHHHH!
Randy cried out, screaming at his injuries, pushing Carson right back to where they first fought Nevada, switching to Tim, who came back for revenge.
The same man with the robot earlier watched the fight unfold while inside a bar, an old Man in green, with a..Staff? No, cane? Had stared out the window, the bartender looked, and so did the rest inside the bar, a knight, a literal humanoid plant, had all looked outside at these Teenagers brawling.
Tim: DIE!
Tim froze, as he switched to Drake, who used his laser vision to mow down buildings like hot butter, with Carson dodging, he threw a piece of rubble at Drake's eye, which..Vaporized..
Carson: Why did I think that'd work!
( Cue, Gurren Lagann Eyecatch)
Thunder crackles in the background as Drake switches to Spike, and goes into a Nokia, absorbing the lightning and thunder, frying the insides of the Nokia, but causing a massive explosion of electricity at Carson, who used Thundiad to coat his hand in this, and grab the Nokia, conducting the Electrcity, and fully crushing the Nokia, Spike Lightning form crawls out of the crumpled Nokia and sweeps Carson's feet, causing him to fall into an uppercut, into a chop, knocking him down, he them used Earthiad, rocks behind Spike flew at his back, however he was too busy beating up Carson to notice, the rocks bashed into his back, causing him to tremble backwards into his lightning form, the rocks phased through him, and on to Carson's hand.
Spike switched to Lance, who used Blue to launch Carson away, but a Red Orb appeared behind him, as he was seemingly subatomically ripped apart, slowly, he used Thundiad, as lightning rained down to Lance's hood, travelling to his brain, causing him to scream in agony as the Red and blue Orbs stayed, as Carson could feel himself splitting in two, but was saved, as Lance kept twitching, switching him back to Dan.
Dan: ...I..
Dan focused, as he and his alters worked together, forming Perfect Dan, who quickly launched a Red Orb to Push carson into it, trying to rip out his heart, Carson closed his eyes, and breathed, he launched Firiad at Perfect Dan, causing him to be burnt, losing concentration, he switched to Kevin, who turned into Slime, and morphed into a slime version of himself, but with a spear for a hand, Carson held his fingers up, like a gun, as Kevin was about to hit him.
Carson: Please work...Please work...
Carson shot Freziad from his fingertips..Freezing the One-Man-Army solid, he couldn't get out.
Kevin: I. HATE. YOU!
Carson: Well..
Carson pulled out his baseball bat, and readied it to swing, as Kevin's slime form froze from the immense cold.
Carson: I'm sorry it had to be this way...
Carson bashed at the frozen labrat until there was nothing but frozen ice and slime.
Kevin: If you melt me, I'll just reform!
Carson: No, I'm not doing that..
Carson gathered up all of the parts, and consecutively smashed them down with Firoad, until thoroughly burned.
The One-Man-Army's charred and burnt slime remerged into Dan, with a broken left arm and kneecap.
Dan: Not..Not done- y-yet..
Carson: Please, let's just finish this...
Dan binded Carson together using Metalkinesis, making him float in the air, while Dan lost composure and fell.
Dan thought about his friends, but so did Carson, his parents, Maria and Juan, his friend, Maya, and his mentor, Cyrus, As Carson launched forwards, his hand covered in rocks, such as Bedrock and Obsidian, coated in flames, as Dan surrounded his hand in metals, making a drill, similar to Simon, from Gurren Lagann, but that's not important!
Carson's flaming- rocky fist easily overpowered Dan's metallic monstrosity, melting through it like hot butter, reaching Dan's fist, completely obliterating it at full force.
Dan: NO!
Dan switched to Lance, and launched Purple, frustratedly, as Carson was almost about to meet his end, he launched Mountains worth of lightning and thunder, completely frying Lance's brain.
[ K . O ]
Carson Garcia looked to Lance's fried head, and sighed.
Carson: ¡Dios mío, th..That was close..
Results: Battle 1[]
Wiz: While Dan certainty outclassed Carson in everything, he's still..Well.. Human
Boomstick: And that means he could be struck by Lightning and still Die!
Wiz: Although Dan has survived a Solar System's destruction, his brain does not share the properties, and would still be vulnerable.
Boomstick: And with Thundiad, Carson could so that exact thing!
Wiz: Precisely, Boomstick, although Dan could certainly kill Carson with a single blow, his own Human weaknesses caught up to him.
Boomstick: The Winner is Carson Garcia!
Amy Verlice vs Emmie Brown[]
The Emerald Sage, Martin McGee, along with many other familiar faces walk out of Araki's bar, including Araki himself.
Emmie Brown, his student, walks into an alleyway, and comes across a woman with a brown, cowboy hat, they both walk away, until the other woman stops, she can't put her finger on it, but something feels off, using her Precognition, she saw into the future, of her and the person behind her fighting, and a cloaked frog watching from the distance.
[ FIGHT! ]
Taking this as a warning, she unsheathes her sword, and attacks the former bandit, who quickly retaliates with a Force Field, shocking Amy, as Emmie turned the Force Field down and punched a confused Amy Verlice, Martin tried to interfere, but a voice from behind stopped him.
Smeagle: Smeagol! Turn off his pain inhibitors!
Smeagol: But he isn't- Nevermind..
McGee felt a flood of pain, as he fell down, unable to fight it, as Amy and Emmie's brawl continued.
Amy and Emmie exchanged a few blows, until Emmie knocked Amy through multiple buildings, but she swiftly came back, and ran at her, and Emmie responded with the same.
Amy: Heh! You call that a punch?
Amy sliced Emmie's palm, causing blood to spew, as McGee watched, unable to do anything.
Emmie: NO, but I call this one a PUNCH!
Emmie punched Amy's nose, causing it to bleeding uncontrollably, and for her to be launched into the ground, creating a huge crater.
Amy: Ow...
Although she had a great pain tolerance, she couldn't help but feel the horrible agony of a punch dealt to her The Emerald Sage's student.
Emmie: Finally gave up?
Amy: Not in the slightest!
Amy shot Emmie's knee, as Amy jumped, with her sword in hand, but was launched back, as Amy put up a barrier, straight into a Darkness Blade, which impaled Amy's left arm, making her grit her teeth in pain, as she got back up, sword in hand, smirking.
Emmie: Back for more, huh?
Amy saw a few moments into the future, and dodged oncoming attacks from Emmie, grabbing her and throwing her into a speeding train.
Amy: Phew...Didn't see that one coming, now, did you?
Amy's cocky smirk turned into a frustrated frown as she heard Emmie's breathing behind her, turns out she saw her future too, and was able to narrowly evade the train, causing the 2 to exchange hand to hand blows, crackin' and smackin' could be heard as Emmie decked Amy, and suckerpunched her into a trash can, where she came out of it, and threw a Banana peel at Emmie, who was currently running towards her, allowing her to dropkick Emmie, and pick her sword back up.
Emmie: Guess I didn't see that one coming..
Amy: And you won't see it next time!
Emmie slightly dodged the Sword's strike when she came crashing down, and creates a miniature Supernova.
(Pause, Smaggler: Hey! The page said she could make anything fire related!)
Amy: AH! OW! OW!
Amy was terribly frustrated at the sight of her burnt and crispy left arm.
Multiple individuals watched, as a literal man on fire interrupted them, fighting a blonde teenager..Who was creating Explosions.
Amy and Emmie shrugged this off and began to fight again, clashing, as Emmie tripped on the banana peel from earlier, prompting a laugh from a man in the crowd, Matthew O'Keele, better known by some as Meerkat, while he was robbing a deceased, wedgie man of his strange grenade-like things..
Emmie: Today just keeps gets weirder and weirder..
Amy slid and slit Emmie's heel a bit, and shot a flaming arrow from her bow, Phoenix, but Emmie dodged and took the fire from the Bow, and launched it back at Emmie, who ducked, and launched herself into a bar, grabbing a Glass Bottle, throwing it at an unsuspecting Emmie, who groaned in pain a bit, but rammed into Amy, as multiple people around them chanted, and started betting, the duo rolled out, and started repeatedly punching each other, causing relatively large bruises, in the background, however, screams could be heard as the blonde teenager from earlier's corpse was launched towards the two, enveloped in fire startling the 2 as the man from earlier happily blazed through town, screaming:
Emmie: You won't see this one coming.
Amy tried to get up as she predicted what would happen, but she couldn't, and started squirming, as a large blade made out of dark energy came up and impaled Amy, who was currently pinned to the ground, but she arose, she wasn't done yet..
Amy: Oh...This? Th-this isn't even...A f-flesh wound..T'is but a scratch!
Emmie's eyes widened as her entire left hand was sliced into pieces, like smooth butter, as it fell down, shocking The Emerald Sage's student, as McGee could only watch in horror.
McGee's words were muffled by Smeagle, as the Forcefield strengthened, Amy and Emmie's duel continuing, yet again, Amy rolled away as Emmie chased after her, getting hit by a train...Yet again.
Amy: Heh, always works..
Amy was taken off guard as Emmie was running across the top of the train, shooting fireballs, that Amy constantly ducked, ran, and rolled out of the way from.
Emmie: I beg to differ! It never works!
Amy: Oh yeah? Eat this then!
Emmie saw the future, and dodged all of Amy's moves, dodging them, but Amy backed ap a bit.
Emmie: Huh? Eat what?
Emmie sighed and frustratedly rushed towards Emmie, and elbowed her twice, dropkick, knee'd, kicked, and punched her into a solid brick wall, as Emmie rode up again, and when Amy charged at her, put up her Emerald Barrier, which caught Amy of guard and launched her back again, but she saw the cracks in it and decided to continue us
Amy jumped up and stabbed the barrier with all her might, causing it to completely shatter, catching Emmie by surprise, as Amy elbowed Emmie, creating a dent in the train, as Amy foresaw the future, at the same time Emmie did too, coincidentally, both tried to evade the attack one of them would have made, but ended up just moving to the side, and so, confused, Amy grabbed Emmie and jumped off the train, using Emmie's body like a mat, to ensure a safe fall, causing Martin McGee's prized student to cough up blood, as she was lifted up and thrown over, Amy pointed her sword, ready to deal a killing blow.
Emmie mustered up the courage to create a massive 'fire-storm' completely burning and scorching Amy's back, as she flopped down, with multiple pillars of fire going through her back, as it stopped, she stood up, still ready to fight.
Amy: A-As I.. S-said..Tis' but a scratch to me..!
Amy swiftly hit Emmie's pressure points, and kneed her twice, then elbowing her into the ground, bringing her sword out, and then..jabbing it into her chest..
[ K . O !]
A massive Spike in the ground disappeared, a pool of blood spread around the ground, as Amy's chest bled out, with multiple spikes disappearing, reveling large puncture wounds.
Amy: Didn't see that one coming, huh?
Amy's corpse slumped over, as Emmie got up, and took Amy's sword to honour her, burying her opponent, as she walked away, McGee sighed, knowing that there could've been another way..
Battle 2, Results[]
Boomstick: Woah! Now, that's uh..A battle...Of all time?
Wiz: Ahem, Amy would most likely have superior physical combat, and a high pain tolerance that would give her the edge against most people, but there's the fact that Emmie was FAR more versatile when it came to abilities, she could control Fire, she could even heal.
Boomstick: She's way faster too! Sure, Amy could dodge light, but Emmie was massively FASTER than light!
Wiz: Amy could punch a wall hard enough to make a building collapse, but Emmie could destroy survive the same, and debatable stronger blow!
Boomstick: Amy's Phoenix could be perfectly countered by Emmie's fire Manipulation! And turned against her too!
Wiz: Emmie even has superior precognition, as her's has no drawbacks, unlike Amy's.
Boomstick: Also, Amy is actually pretty frail!
Wiz: Her sword could also be melted if given the opportunity, but that's debatable.
Boomstick: Long story short, there was nothing Amy could do, that Emmie could do, slightly better..
Wiz: The Winner is...
Emmie Brown!
Kizone VS Speedy![]
Speedy the Stickman was running about, casually breaking the sound barrier, as he held his ears, there was a horrible screeching noise, he only looked in time..
Speedy: Smol Fly! Get outta the way-
Kizone: It shall not be you're flesh that sustains me, it is you're FEAR!
Speedy: I'll make you eat those words! SPEEDBLITZ SUPERNOVA!
Kizone roared, temporarily blinded, and slightly burned, creating multiple dark spikes out of the ground, with his Darkness Manipulation, which Speedy barely dodged, then shouting another attack.
Kizone merely laughed.
Speedy ran straight into Kizone, getting a glare of his eyes, filling him with genuine fear, as he ran away, but saw Kizone everywhere..