Death Battle Fanon Wiki

So this idea was given too me by Kirbysakurai and it is probably for the better

Im hoping to bring The Warriors stories into something people can see, read and probably tell just how awful it might become as I have gained and written on the story for a couple (aka 2 years) now but havent really found a place I feel comfortable writing on but just somethings to expect

  • Some misspelled stuff: I try my best not to misspell stuff but hey it happens sometimes
  • Language: hey what can I say
  • Gore and Violence: what can you expect from a Superhero story
  • Stories will be made in a sort of Show like fashion and my Fashion for this was make two episodes which are some what filler....ok basically filler before diving into some pretty story driven stuff
  • Inspiration: This is a pretty big thing, Yes I know people say make up your own stuff and I understand that but sometimes our brains are like flies when writing, Useless so some things you should expect me to take inspiration from are The Amazing world of Gumball, My Hero Academia, Marvel, Steven Universe, Glee, Gravity Falls and The Animaniacs and a couple other things although it will try and change these around
  • Heavy Topic: This probably wont be in many stories but still just for warnings
  • Dark Humor: Oh boy this one look i love Dark Humor so if you dont like it well
  • Messy upload: As someone who just said i have a hard time writing on paper I will definitely have a huge and messy upload schedule and with me being in school that will probably make it worse

So that should be all unless more things come to my mind and with that all being said if you are ready for some pretty bad stories than dont worry me making these should begin not that long from now