Death Battle Fanon Wiki

~ Nico using his signature Flash Fire against Manus Stone

"Shirts are a waste of time. They either get burned off or just cause me to overheat even more."
~ Nico's response to why he doesn't wear a shirt during combat

Nico Stone

Nico Stone is one of the Pro Heroes from The Warriors. He's one of the Main Protagonists and is the Father of Catrine Stone

Fanon Wiki ideas so far[]

With the Warriors-Verse[]

  • Warriors-Verse vs SML-Verse

Battle Record[]

Possible Opponents[]


It was the dawn of the 1980's. People with Super powers were now becoming more and more prominent to the world as about a good 60% of people born were granted powers and Nico was no exception.

Nico's whole family was somewhat born of Superpowers. Starting from his Great Grandpa who was the very first in his family tree to receive powers after an accident with Fire and Radiation. This spread through his family and it became even more likely that he would gain powers when his own Father, Yuu Stone and his Mother, Kim Dreaz had powers.

Since both of his parents had powers Nico was granted the same mostly taking after his Fathers side and having the ability to blast out Fire. He did gain a small side of his Mothers with his Flash powers and Stone, Mostly him being able to control and shoot light along with Fire and Stone.

Not much happened during Nico's childhood so we can just skip it and go up to when he met Manus Stone who would become his Wife. After a few years of marriage they decided to have a Child and since she could control Light and Ice it was basically guaranteed that the child would have either one or all of their powers.

Catrine was born lucky to gain his Mother's Light and Ice powers and gaining his Father's Fire and Stone powers. However things would hit the fan when Nico discovered that his Wife was actually apart of a secret evil orginization that would turn people into hideous monsters by filling their bodies to the brim with powers.

Nico and Manus had the biggest fight but no matter how good Manus tried, Nico's training was far to much for her, so she retreated leaving Nico with their Son.

Having his worries that his Son would see Heroes as monsters Nico quickly entered the ranks of being one of the most strongest heroes and it was one of these days he met with the most popular hero, Rathen.

Rathen and Nico took to the sides where they practiced on Nico's powers, Creating new moves, skills, Strengths, and Weaknesses. After a while Nico finally became a pro Hero. However aroudn this time the city went under attack by the Evil group known as the Human Villain Recreation Site Also Known As, H.V.R.S Organization where just like we said, turning people into villianous monsters.

On that Group was of course Manus Stone and once again Nico and Manus had their second fight. This one became a much larger scaled battle and while Nico brought his training and new techniques, Manus also brought some of her own. Evetually after nearly a day, the Heroes which consisted of Rathen, Rubber Man, Nico, Blue Ninja, Lucifer, and Cheren, had finally won the battle but even after the battle they knew the HVRS Orginization was still out there gaining new members each day. To counter this the heroes began looking for heroes of Tomorrow when they were to eventually retire or sadly pass away. Nico immediatly made sure that Catrine would become his Successor for when he could no longer fight.

He trained Catrine for most of his young life and eventually Nico thought that Catrine was fine enough to be his successor for when the next War from the HVRS Orginization came.

Death Battle Info[]

  • Name: Nico Stone
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Age: 35, 48 (In Warriors: Next Generation), 67 (In Warriors: New Successors)
  • Hero Name: Flire
    • Combination of Flash and Fire
  • Father of Catrine Stone
  • Doesn't wear a shirt for some reason


  • Gauntlet
    • Wears one on each side of his arms
    • Gauntlets that are made to store up his Fire, Stone, and Light powers
    • This also stores up their destructive capability, the longer he stores it up the deadlier the blast becomes
    • If he doesn't want to store up his power he can shoot out bolts of them through his palms
  • Blast Engines
    • Mostly situated on his calfs
    • Used for when he needs to take flight or boost his speed
    • He can shoot out his Fire, Stone, and Light powers to propel himself forwards at incredible speed
  • Ash Bubbles
    • Little small balls made of Stone
    • Once popped it releases a huge wave of Smoke and Ash
    • This is to blind the opponent
  • Light Mask
    • This is used to block the Smoke or Ash from reaching him
    • From the outside it looks like any simple mask but on the outside it acts as if its not even there sort of like being invisible to the user
  • Punch compacter
    • A sort of Gauntlet like thing except it also has the mechanisms of a spring
    • Pushing it back will hold in energy before transfering into his fist before unleashing a devestating punch that can destroy buildings


  • Fire Manipulation
    • When he first used his Fire powers, he mostly used them as blasts and nothing else but after his training with Rathen he soon adopted a syle of using multiple different objects that range from Offensive to Defensive
    • These range from Shields, Walls of flames that span the heights of buildings. Bubbles made of smoke, Ash to blind or distract people, Chains, Whips, Swords, Enlarged Fists, Fiery Buildings, and Fire vines which act like snares to wrap the opponent up all the while burning them
  • Stone Manipulation
    • Stone acts sort of the same with Fire
    • Shields, Swords, Enlarged fists, Buildings, Walls of Stone, Chains and an alley of falling stone arrows
    • This does have a different style that he uses
    • With his Fire its mostly for Defensive and Offensive but his Stone mostly acts on Defensive due to its more hard and sturdier substance
    • This means he more or less creates more Defensive stuff
  • Light Manipulation
    • Light is his Complete opposite and that being Offensive
    • This is due to its more hard hitting factor and less durability factor behind it
    • He's capable of shooting out beams of Light and manipulating light all around him
    • This means he can cause short circuts around the world
    • Use it to blind people with its brightness
    • Capable of manipulating light on the Atomic level
    • These also include him easily manipulating light faster then...well light
      • Quick note for these three powers. All three can act as both Defensive and Offensive its just the ways they are listed are the better capabilities they serve for Nico

Super Moves[]

  • Flash Fire
    • His most Iconic move
    • Shooting out a beam of Light so fast and hard it catches Fire
    • Used as his finisher
    • This is the move he mostly uses to store up his Fire and Light
  • Beam Dash
    • Whether he needs to Take flight in a hurry or go at incredible speeds he uses his Blast Engines to shoot out beams of Fire and Light causing him to move faster then the eye can see
    • This move is something he needs to use somewhat cautions
    • Using it to much will cause his Blast Engines to run out and need to recharge
  • Ground Layer
    • This is when he uses his Stone powers
    • His third opted choice of Moves
    • Uses this to trap people by wrapping them up in Stone
    • Uses this to bury people in the ground but don't worry he leaves an air pocket
    • Used for surprise attacks
  • Hell Slice
    • Sends out loads of Firey chains which slice through the opponent before erupting into flame and exlopsions then ends with whatever it went through being slice into multiple different pieces
    • Mostly his second used attack aside from Flash Fire
  • Stammer Slam
    • Nico uses this attack for people who use stuff like Shields or force fields
    • Combination of Stone and Hammer
    • Create a huge Stone Hammer before slamming it down hard


  • Should be comparable to other Pro-Heroes
    • These include Rathen, Rubber Man, Lucifer, Vibro, Blue Ninja, Cheren and just to name a few
    • Scaling to the likes of Rubber Man means he should scale to him throwing back an asteroid, Dodged Missiles, Wrapped around the entierty of Utah and lifted it, Jumped to the Moon, and Destroyed a Meteor that was half the size of Earth
    • Scaling to Lucifer means he can scale to Lucifer shaking the earth, Created a blast that was seen from the middle of space, Matching speeds over 12 Billion times faster then light, Tanked a planet exploding
    • Scaling to Vibro simply means he can tank his Lifting up an entire city
    • Scaling to Rathen means he can take blows that can shake a Universe, Run around the entire Universe in just a matter of seconds
    • Scaling to Blue Ninja and Cheren makes him capable of surviving a blast big enoguh to shake nearby stars
  • His own Feats include him obviously scaling to Manus who at max froze half the universe
  • Dodged beams of light well over 23 times the speed of light
  • Threw 1,000 punches in just 5 seconds
  • His Stone was strong enough to tank a 100% punch from Rathen
    • For refrence at 100% Rathen shook the universe with a single punch


  • Over usage of his Fire, Light, and Stone can have some serious set backs
    • Using to much of his Fire can cause him to overheat and pass out or die
      • The way he somewhat solved this was simple, not wear a shirt during fights cause in his eyes, A Shirt just slow down with its weight and causes more heat to rise
      • So far this has some what helped although he will still overheat even without a shirt
    • To much Light and his body begins to cramp up becoming difficult to move
    • To much Stone usage will cause him to have his body turn into Stone
      • This one should be explained more. The way he uses his Stone powers is by two different ways, One the Stone around him or Two his own energy that he uses to turn into Stone. Running out of Body Energy will cause it to where once using Stone not from the Earth his body parts will be used, Lungs, Brain, Heart, Eyes, Fingers, legs, Skin, Muscle tissue anyting from his body

Mary Sue Test[]

Nico Stone can have a sort of profesional mind which makes him lack any sort of laid back attitude or carefree style. He was determined to get his own Son, Catrine Stone to be nearly as great as him but eventually stopped after his training was finally put to an end by finding a new partner

Mary Sue Test results: 10