Marvel VS Capcom Top Tier Battle Royale Collab!
Hey guys! Wassup! So I've recently made Marvel VS Capcom Top Tier Battle Royale, and it has four fighters that will be fighting. Wolverine, Sentinel, Zero (Mega Man X) and Rocket Raccoon. I had this idea with collabing with some of you on this fight! I'd do Zero, since me and Raiando are the Mega Man guys out there. So all right! Hope to see what you guys say.
Zero: Sharaku Jr.
Sentinel: Inkriel
Wolverine: ??
ROcket: Necromercer
Second Sharaku Direct
Hey guyz!
This is the Second Sharaku Direct! WOW!Here, I'll be announcing a few things.
- 1 Discussions Mod
- 2 An idea..
- 3 Luigi VS Tails
- 4 Link VS Cloud
- 5 Goku VS Superman
I have become a discussions mod! I know, cool. I'm really glad to be one and I thank Big for giving me the opportunity to become one!
I had this idea bouncing around in my head...and what it is is basically viewing a past official Death Battle matchup and basically starting over with the research to see what can be changed or improved upon and stuff like that. I think I'll call it..
I had a few ideas for fights that I wanted to make (They'll all be on blogs, of course). This list isn't final, this is just a bunch of ideas that I'll think about doing. These aren't being done to slight Sc…
My First Birthday Blog!
AYYY everyone! It's my birthday today! I just wanna say thanks to everyone who has helped me over the.....year. Anyways, Thanks!
It's Time...
First of all...thank you all. It's been great being here. Don't worry, I'm not leaving the wiki. Hell, I think this wiki is so fun, I might even stay here after I'm done writing fights. No, that's not what this is about.
I've said stuff about myself. I've quietly revealed my name. But Kennethgriffith before me, I have show my face.
"Sharaku, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?? This is da internet! This is a terrible idea!" I hear you saying. But I think I need to do this. I..I just feel compelled. But before I do, I wanna thank you all.
Thanks to..
Commander Ghost
Big the cat 10
Just Some Minor
Modnar Resu