Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Scarecrow640 Scarecrow640 2 November

All the VS Blogs I know

So, I’ve started to gain a reputation for always linking a VS blog when someone announces they’re working on a fight, as such, I’ve decided to essentially compile a list of every VS Blog I know about into one big page to help people search for a blog featuring a character they want to research.

  • 1 How they are ordered
  • 2 Alien (and Predator)
  • 3 American Dad
  • 4 Angry Birds
  • 5 Archer
  • 6 Archie Sonic
  • 7 Arkham
  • 8 Attack on Titan
  • 9 Austin Powers
  • 10 Avatar

Each heading will have the blogs featuring characters from a specific series, I feel that makes the listing easier than the name of each blog (though will result in each blog being mentioned twice), I will also list them Alphabetically.

Boba Fett vs The Predator - G1 Blog

Ellen Ripley vs Sarah Conner - Bangs Blog

Sterling A…

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Scarecrow640 Scarecrow640 25 October

Is Astro Bot PlayStations new mascot?

Figured I’d start writing some vs blogs for characters I like detailing what they can do, and I decided to start on the character I’ve come to love very recently, Astro Bot.

  • 1 Backstory
  • 2 Skill and Experience
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Bot Physiology
  • 4 Arsenal
  • 5 Feats
  • 6 Weaknesses

In 2013, Team Asobi released their first, one made to show off all of the functions the PlayStation controller could offer, this game was the Playroom, a collection of various different minigames, games which happened to feature a bunch of small white robots, and they’d eventually appear in more of Team Asobi’s games, which would reveal that the robots aren’t just in the PlayStation games, they’re in the PlayStation itself, all working together and helping it run, while most bots just do …

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Scarecrow640 Scarecrow640 24 October

The differences between DBZ and DBZ Abridged (or why its versions of the characters could have their own fights)

So, people probably won’t remember this, but a while ago a user had their fight deleted for using TeamFourStars version of Alucard, the reasoning being that the character wasn’t different enough from the main Alucard to warrant getting their own battles, I personally disagree with this, but that’s not the point of this blog (may make that later), I have a few fights involving the Dragon Ball Z Abridged cast that I’d quite like to do, and to ensure that doesn’t happen to them, I decided to write a blog detailing just how different the cast actually is.

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Scarecrow640 Scarecrow640 8 October

Spider-Man vs Mega-Man

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Intro
  • 3 The great power and greater responsibility of Spider-Man
  • 4 Mega-Man, robotic hero of the future
  • 5 FIGHT!!!
  • 6 Results

Marvel vs Capcom

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Scarecrow640 Scarecrow640 30 September

Raiden/Raijin Battle Royale

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Intro
  • 3 Raiden (Mortal Kombat)
  • 4 Raiden (Metal Gear)
  • 5 Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact)
  • 6 Raijin Thunderkeg (Defense of The Ancients)
  • 7 Raiden Tanneemon (Record of Ragnarok)
  • 8 Raiden (King of Fighters)
  • 9 Raijin (Naruto)
  • 10 Raijin (Final Fantasy VII)
  • 11 Raiden Mei (Honkai 3rd Impact)
  • 12 Raijin the Thunderbolt (Huntik)
  • 13 Raijin (Pacific Rim)
  • 14 Raijin (Valiant Entertainment)
  • 15 FIGHT!!!
  • 16 Results

Sheldon: Shao Kahn, a violent conqueror and ruler of the wasteland that was Outworld, he would conquer world after world, fusing them to his own and stealing the souls of all their inhabitants, eventually he came for Earthrealm, but another god stood in his way, Raiden.

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