While I'm not much of a fight writer on this wiki and more of a debater, I thought predicting how powerful some characters are would be a fun side project to do, so let's do it!
The Villain Whose Name Is Not Shirley (From The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Low Multiversal (Capable of causing the entire Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Oddparents universes to collapse in two days, and it's stated that he didn't do it any faster, just because he's pretty kind. Comparable to Dictator Crocker, who was stated to rule over the Universe.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: BFR: Capable of producing Portals to other dimensions/universes and trap foes there, so better hope you can do that too.
Durability: Town Level through Physicallity, (Survived being flung from Dimmsdale (Which is in California BTW) to London. Calculated to be 37,440 Tons of TNT) Low Multiversal Level with Magical Barriers (Should scale to his Attack Potency)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Adaption: Should an attack damage but not kill Shirley, or if he notices some kind of threat, even including his own emotions, he will be granted a method to overcome it.
Speed: Relativistic Reaction Speed (Can compare to characters that can dodge lasers moving at 20% the speed of light), Trillions of times Faster Than Light Attack and Travel Speed (Like I said, he should scale to higher end speed feats, like Jimmy traveling to another universe in about an hour, which is 17 Trillion C, or Cosmo traveling one million million (or a trillion) miles from Earth in 39 seconds, equating to 25641025641 miles per second or 5376344.08602 C. He's capable of creating a void that would destroy a universe in two days, equating to it traveling 8 Trillion C.)
Reccomended Opponent: SMG4 Waluigi. These two gained their vile status and unimaginable power through being forgotten, and caused massive havoc across the land, only to eventually become good again through realizing that there were still some that cared about them.
The Delightful Reaper (From The Grim Adventures of the KND)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: At least Island Level (Posed a massive threat to the Kids Next Door Organization, logically making them superior to The Toiletnator, who can telekinetically flush enough milk and cereal to fill the Grand Canyon. Lifting that much milk is about 9.5 quadrillion pounds, and just through using kinetic energy sending it to the bottom of the Grand Canyon in 6.43 seconds is worth 3.335165412878E+19 Joules or 7,971,236,646.4579353333 Tons of TNT.), potentially Star Level (You can see Eddy, Dexter and The Powerpuff Girls pop out of The Reaper once it's defeated, logically meaning it can compare to Eddy plucking the sun out of the sky and taking a bite out of it, Monkey pulling the Solar System out of The Barbequor's Mouth, and HIM creating a world with a star comparable to the sun, however this is a bit more risky to scale to, considering how it's not shown how The Reaper defeated those five.)
Durability: At least Island Level, potentially Star Level (Should compare to it's strength)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Lucky Pants: These babies are immune to Lasers, Supernatural Energy and Mustard, meaning some more conventional weapons like guns and bombs are far more effective against The Reaper.
Speed: Relativistic (Can scale to KND members, who can dodge lasers.), potentially Trillions of Times Faster Than Light (Can scale to the Powerpuff Girls traversing across Townsville destroying one microscopic raindrop after another, which was calculated to be 230 Trillion C. Again, this is a bit risky.)
Recommended Opponent: The Villain Whose Name Isn't Shirley. (Not only is it a crossover themed rivalry match-up between Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, but these two gain a bit more similarities in comparison to Globulus or Red Strike, in that they're both experiments that have gone wrong and caused way more havoc than expected.)
Aang (From Avatar: The Last Airbender)[]
Strength: City Block Level normally, (Can throw rocks with enough force to cause Kinetic Energy comparable to 35.20 Tons of TNT) Potentially Town Level with Sozin's Comit (While this calculation puts Aang at City Block Level again, if you scale the heat to be that of one hundred suns like Ozai said (I'll go with it's surface), then it reaches 2.5088358e+13 Joules or 5996.2614722753342 Tons of TNT.), Large Mountain Level with The Avatar State, (Has the power of previous Avatars like Kyoshi and Yangchen, who can split an island in half worth 5.448e18 Joules (1.3 Gigatons of TNT) and move enough clouds to cause 2,940,344,168.2600383759 Tons of TNT) Possibly Small Country Level (Avatar Szeto can cause volcano's to errupt reaching as high as 29.6 Teratons of TNT,) Possibly Moon Level when fused with La. (Can presumably control the ocean with this form, and can compare to Tui, the moon spirit.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Energy Bending: This move isn't based on physical strength, but the spirit and will one has. Should Aang have superior will, then he will revoke his foe's bending powers and possibly experience (Keep in mind, all forms of bending are based on Martial Arts). Despite this, it's best used should the opponent be restrained as it leaves Aang vulnerable, or if Aang has inferior will power, would possibly destroy his spirit and leave him dead. Speaking of which, it's possible that one can destroy one's spirit with this move, but Aang never learned that, and it's unlikely he would use Energy Bending in this maner considering his pacifism.
Durability: Wall Level (Can survive a fall worth 15,791 Joules), possibly City Block Level (Can survive getting struck by lightning for two seconds at most, which equates to 200 strikes, 1.6 Billion Joules per strike and 320 Billions Joules in total or 76.4818355640535 Tons of TNT, however this very nearly killed him, so it's very likely his limit.), higher with Elemental Shields
Speed: Subsonic (Can Dodge Arrows, which travel at 200 miles per hour at highest), potentially Massively Hypersonic (Him and various other characters can dodge lightning, and Zuko catching it was calculated to be Mach 592.5, however it's debatable as to whether or not this is legitimate lightning.)
Recommended Opponent: I can't say for sure, but I'll go with Samurai Jack, since both are the pure hearted, pacifistic protagonists of an asian inspired american animated series, and mostly because it would be a battle between power and speed.
Father/Benedict Uno (From Codename: Kids Next Door)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Depends on how angry he is, but he can vary between Building Level (Casually destroyed a dam worth 0.57 Tons of TNT) to Moon Level (The most powerful fire blast he produced equated to 64.213 Exatons of TNT).
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Delightfulization Chamber: A tool he has that can turn the opponent in Father's obediant servent. Might only be effective on children, although this isn't known just yet.
Animalization Ray: When used alongside the KND C.O.D.E.-M.O.D.U.L.E., turned every KND operative into an animal. This was through a rather specific scenario where he got a collection of every KND member's DNA however.
Both of these are not standard equipment however.
Durability: City Block Level (Took a direct hit from one of his fire blasts, and a previous one was enough to incinerate a bunch of trees, which was calculated to be either 58.44 or 83.73 Tons of TNT), potentially Small Planet Level (Survived the moon base crashing nearby, which was tallied up to be 6,116.8 Exatons of TNT, although this is meant to be a gag feat for him.)
Speed: Relativistic (Can fight on par with KND agents that can dodge lasers. Can produce a flame fast enough to drill through the planet at 30% the speed of light.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Shadow Cloning (Father can create dozens of clones of himself, leading to an attack on multiple angles. This would be less helpful depending on how high the opponent's speed is though.
Recommended Opponent: Vlad Plasmius (FMA Father might be his most popular matchup, and that does have a lot of animation potential, but it was made to be a joke match-up and it just kind of feels off for it to be taken seriously. In comparison, Vlad is also a former friend of the parent of the protagonist that got otherworldly powers and used them to start a business for evil. It's also a lot more fair by comparison considering the even speed gap.)
The Beast (From Over The Garden Wall, not Disney or Marvel.)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: At least Small Building Level (A portion of his edelwood blood was eaten by a bloodhound, which became a massive monster easily capable of smashing wooden doors and roofs apart and smashing into the indoor structure of the mill without any visible harm. As the most feared entity in the Unknown, he should be above "Papa", who is a two story house.), potentially higher (Has control over his forest, such as transfering his voice or causing it to go dark all around it, and forests are 1.28 acres in size on average.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Transmutation/Plant Manipulation: Should The Beast's prey have a lack of hope or energy, then Edelwood will restrain and eventually merge with their bodies.
Darkness Manipulation: With this ability, The Beast is far harder to detect in the pitch black of the woods he controls, especially coupled with his voice manipulation that he can also bring all across the forest.
Durability: At least Wall Level (Like I said, a portion of The Beast mixed with a dog survived getting crushed by a large wooden gear of a mill without visible harm, so The Beast himself should be above this.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Immortality: The Beast can't truly die until the light of the lantern (Which is his soul BTW) is extinguished.
Speed: Superhuman (Should scale above many animals of the forest that is the Unknown, like the 61 mile per hour hummingbird.)
Reccomended Opponent: ??? (The Problem with using The Beast in a Death Battle is a similar one that I have with using Friday Night Funkin' characters in them. Not in the sense that they have no feats to go off of, but in the sense that they have limited if any combat experience, so it would probably be rather awkward to have The Beast use his fists as opposed to his words in a battle. I guess his best opponent by default is right below it.)
The Wendigo (From Native American Folklore)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: At least Street Level (Known for devouring on humans and tearing them apart. Can uproot trees, which can get uprooted in the first place by 75 miles per hour wind speed, and those have a volume of 1487 meters cubed, so this equates to 6890.625 Newtons/Joules (I think, I might have a bit of a flimsy calculation)) potentially higher with Increased Size (Stated to be bigger than the human mind can comprehend), far higher with weather manipulation (If a Wendigo is old enough, it can do this.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Call: Stated to either turn it's prey insane or turn them into another Wendigo.
Possesion: There's a spirit inside the wendigo, and unless the monster is burned (Since that'll kill the spirit), it can posses someone nearby.
Durability: Unknown (There aren't any folklores of a human harming a wendigo to my knowledge, but it is stated to regenerate from any injury, which brings me to...)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Regeneration: Stated to regenerate from any wound, although it's not known as to what extent.
Resurection: Unless chopped up with a silver bladed axe, having each peace locked inside a silver box and then sending each box far away, the Wendigo will return.
Speed: Superhuman (Capable of creating dust devils because of how fast he can move, and those have wind speeds of 60 miles per hour. Stated to "Move with the wind".)
Recommended Opponent: ??? (Given how incredibly vague it's folklore is, it'll be tough to find an opponent that can match it in any way. I guess his best opponent by default is right above it.)
The Prince of All Cosmos (From the Katamari Series)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Below Average Human Level (Is only 5 centimeters tall, and hasn't shown that many impressive feats of strength on his own), varies between Below Average Human Level to at least Planet Level with Katamaris (What a katamari can collect depends on how big it is, varying to The Prince's size to able to lift up and collect The Earth) [Note: Technically it can also pick up larger planets like Jupiter, the Sun, The Milky Way Galaxy and The Big Bang, but considering how they are all comparable in size to the Earth and were created with a bunch of stuff found on the planet, so it's unlikely to scale to there actual counterparts.], potentially Galaxy Level (Was able to plug up or collect a black hole that was stated to suck in every star in the universe, and through scaling it's volume to the sun (at about 1,409,272,569,059,860,000 cubic kilometers) and it's mass to all the stars in the universe (There's about 200 billion trillion of them, and I had all of them weigh 100 times as much as the sun, since that's the average), that black hole has a desnity of 28227328675344643074148894233945348/2.8e+34 kilograms per cubic meter, and The Prince has shown no signs of slowing down pushing his katamari when collecting this. That equates to 1.426111330007E+68 Joules or about 1.426111330007E+24 FOE/1.42 YottaFoe of Kinetic Energy at least, when you take the speed into account.
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Transmutation: A sumo wrestler was a katamari once, and he was used to turn various items into his body fat.
Etherial Interaction: Can interact with and collect items like fire, ponds, ghosts and even dreams.
Durability: At least Wall Level (Can survive the explosion of a large firework.), Potentially Galaxy Level (The Katamari is never should to be dented or destroyed, it just loses items at worst.)
Speed: Varies depending on the size of the Katamari, but it seems to constantly move about twice it's volume in one second normally, and twenty times that at most when dashing, so Below Average Human Level (0.1 and 2 meters per second) to Faster Than Light (2677684 kilometers and 267768400 kilometers per second, so 4.46589620343 C and 893.179240687 C), potentially much higher (Travels from one star to another in a few seconds, but again these might not be legitamate considering The King of All Cosmos created those.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Time Travel: Katamari Amore had him collect a time machine, and traverse from one time period to another, however hhe desn't seem to have control over this power.
Recommended Opponent: ??? (It really just depends on the size of the Katamari in mind, potentially the Grey Goo since Tasty Planet shares a lot of similarities with Katamari)
Grey Goo (From the Tasty Planet Series)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Varies depending on it's size, but between Below Average Human Level (Even it's largest starting size was about 4 centimeters.) to Low Multiversal (All three games featuring him end with it eating the entire universe, with the third one in paticular ending with him eating various other ones)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Transmutation: Anything that the Grey Goo eats most likely turns into more of itself (Either Nanobots or Goo)
Durability: Wall Level (Can survive getting shot with bullets, and crashing into cars and planes.) Potentially Multi-Galaxy Level (In the story mode of Tasty Planet 2, it can't be harmed by galaxy superclusters crashing into it, but can be killed by them in Tasty Planet 1, and it depends on the difficulty of Tasty Planet 4.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Possibly Logia (As a ball of goo, he's not very vulnerable to physical attacks, and could theoretically reform into a ball should it be separated into various pieces, although this was never shown.)
Speed: Varies depending on it's size, Below Average Human at worst (Moves a few micrometers/attometers per second), and Immesurable at best (Consumed the idea of time in both the 1st and 2nd game)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Time Travel: The second game had him eat a time machine, and traverse from one time period to another, however he doesn't seem to have control over this power.
Recommended Opponent: ??? (Again, depends on it's size, but I'll say The Prince from Katamari)
Megaguirus (From Godzilla)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Dwarf Star Level, possibly Solar System Level (Can harm Godzilla, who can survive and destroy black holes in the film, which equated to either 209.140445556 Ninatons or 29.166998110102 FOE.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take her down: Power Absorption: Can steal a foe's powers/energy and use them against them, anthough this is done through close range specifically.
Durability: Dwarf Star Level (Megaguirus is rather frail, so it's a bit risky to fully scale her to her attack potency.)
Speed: Supersonic+ (Stated to fly at Mach 4 by Tohokingdom.com)
Recommended Opponent: Tough call for this one, since I'm not very knowledgeable on Godzilla, but I'll say Queen Chrysalis, although if you don't scale her to some higher end feats that I'll go over shortly, she likely dies.
Side Note: Wow, those Godzilla upgrades make the battle between Guirus and Tirek a lot more fair.
Lord Tirek (From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic [And for the record, I'm not a brony.])[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: Solar System Level: (Can fight on par with Twilight with Celestia's Magic, alongside that of a few other ponies. Celestia can lift the sun equating to 4,098 FOE. Took Discord's Magic, and he can also move the sun.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Power Absorption: Can steal a foes magic and increase his power with it, although this is likely limited just to magic.
Battlefield Removal: Tirek can create portals to other locations, like Tartarus and trap others there.
Durability: Solar System Level: (Can survive the blasts of Celestia's Magic, likely meaning his Strength and Durability should scale to each other.)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic Traveling Speed (Stole Rainbow Dashes Magic, and she can dodge lightning numerous times. One instance was calculated to be Mach 267 at lowest.), Faster Than Light Combat and Reaction Speed, (Can scale to ponies that shoot magical beams traveling at at least 1.60303653 C.) Potentially as high as thousands of times, (Comparable to The Storm King when he took the magic from four alicorns, which lead to him moving the moon and sun at 22395.883 C)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Telekinesis: Tirek can telekinetically move, restrain and toss foes, however this isn't that big of an issue considering it isn't passive.
Recommended Opponent: Malware (Both are primarily red and black villains that take as much magic and technology as possible to become all the more powerful.)
Spongebob Squarepants (As well as most other Bikini Bottomites, From... well take a wild guess.)[]
Strength/Destructive Capability: City Block Level physically, (Can harm Squidward, who survived a rocket flying from Earth to Mars without any visible harm, which was totaled to be 25.2014379294933 Tons of TNT, can compare to Pearl, who survived a rock being flung at her at a speed fast enough to fly across the moon in a second, which is 13.607125586998 Tons of TNT, and Squidina who threw that rock. With the quickster suit, capable of producing kinetic energy of 19.2789404208073627 Tons of TNT, and the other IJLSA members and Supervillains should scale to this) likely higher with absorption, Large Town Level as the Invincibubble, (Him and the other Magic Page Superhero forms should scale to Mr. Super Awesomeness, who can create a large storm worth 202.655143403441684 Kilotons of TNT and Plank-TON who kicked Burger Beard from Savanah to Bikini Atoll, which is 137.76 Kilotons of TNT at highest.), City Level with Jumbo Bubble Fun (Can create a giant Bubble Man capable of pushing an 8.4 Ton at minimum Goo Ball, and sending it to orbit in 22 seconds, equating to 27,811,118.976001434028 Tons of TNT.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: The Magic Pencil: Can erase the opponent completely, bypassing durability and potentially regeneration.
Durability: Town Level (Was covered in some soot after experiencing an explosion identical to the 23 Kiloton Baker Bomb point blank.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Regeneration: Can consistently heal back from being reduced to dust.
Speed: Hypersonic+ (Can run so fast, he sets the wooden floors of the Krusty Krab on fire, (Mach 5), Can cook Krabby Patties 6000 times faster than the average human, logically making him 48000 mph or Mach 7.819942, In a freeze frame moment of Krusty Love, you can see six different Spongebob's running from Mrs. Puff's House to a store, possibly meaning he can make six different after images of himself, and considering it takes the speed of 1000 meters per second to make a after image a meter away, Spongebob theoretically could have a speed of 6000 m/s or Mach 17.4927), High Hypersonic as the Invincibubble, (Can theoretically compare to other humans of the Spongebob Universe, like David Hasslehoff who swam from a Californian beach to Bikini Atoll in about 5 minutes, and therefore can move at Mach 87.4963148688), Massively Hypersonic+ as The Quickster (Him running from a mountain and back at speeds so fast it's impossible to see was calculated at Mach 6945 at highest).
[Note: I know there are plenty of feats out there that give Spongebob much greater physicality, but I simply feel like most of them are either too inconsistent, too vague, are taken out of context, add nothing to the plot, are ones I re-calculated to be much lower and more consistent, or just don't make physical sense, and as such Physics shouldn't apply to them.]
Recommended Opponent: Chowder (Admittedly, I don't know enough about his physical stats or abilities to ensure/believe this is a fair fight unlike the others, but these two share a pretty dang high amount of connections, and could make for a pretty fun cartoony/meta match-up. Also, I know Gumball is the most popular opponent for Spongebob, but I don't think those two share that many connections, other than them just being the main character of fourth-wall breaking meta cartoons, whereas Chowder has those as well as a lot more.)
Alternative: Gordon Ramsay (Because after this, I have to see if Spongebob can find the lamb sauce.)
Grandfather (From Codename: Kids Next Door [Again...])[]
Strength: At least Moon Level (Grandfather is practically the Top Tier of the KND Universe, as the only character that could possibly compare to him is a fully enraged Father, who as previously mentioned, produced a blast of flame that equated to 64 Exatons of TNT. Should be superior to Trikezilla, which can endure surviving a stream of Ketchup for twelve seconds, which resulted in 249.8637 zettatons of TNT.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Passive Age Manipulation: Just touching Grandfather physically will turn you into a senior-citizombie that he controls.
Durability: Small Planet Level, potentially higher. (Survived the KND moon base crashing onto him point blank without a scratch, which totaled up to 6,116.8 Exatons of TNT)
Speed: Relativistic (Should scale to the laser dodging feats from before, and can fire his own optic lasers, which theoretically gives him comparable attacking speed.)
Recommended Opponent: Ragyo Kiryuin (A pair of parents that see far more value into ruling and reshaping the world into something they stand for (Ragyo's clothing company and Grandfather's love of Tapioca Pudding), as opposed to taking care of their more rebellious child or their more obedient child because if they don't end up obedient, they fear they'll end up much worse.)
Whitty (Among other Friday Night Funkin' characters, he's just the most popular and example.)[]
Strength: Street Level in Base Form (When Boyfriend fails a Rap Battle, his bones are shown to crack. I wouldn't compare it to this, since they're just cracked and not completely fragmented. Every rapper can scale to this. Some of them, like Updike, wield guns, making this consistent.), Small Building Level in Ballistic Form (Can crack an alleyway in half, and corrode his half in, uh... spray paint? Ruv being able to shake a church and Tabi being able to blow up a restaurant with a bomb make this feat consistent. Other rappers that get angry as the battle progresses, like Agoti and Bob should scale to this.)
Durability: Small Building Level (Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Tabi can survive the restaurant explosion I just mentioned. Whitty and other rappers should scale to this.)
Speed: Supersonic+ (Scales to Boyfriend who can dodge Uzi bullets, which travel at 400 meters per second. Some rappers, like Tabi, can create an after image of themself because of how fast they rap, and that equates to one thousand meters per second, or Mach 2.91545)
Recommended Opponent: ??? (While I don't think the verse is featless (Obviously), I don't think it's really suited for VS Debates like Death Battle, since the cast has very little combat experience. Lowballed Julius maybe?)
Cuphead (And his pal Mugman, since they shoud scale to each other.)[]
Strength: Building Level (Various enemies that Cuphead can fight on par with are shown turning into large structures in their final forms, like Beppi turning into a Swing Ride.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take him down: Non Physical Interaction (Cuphead can fight on the astral plane, as out right stated in one of his super's description, let alone how he can defeat ghosts and mud monsters.)
Durability: Building Level (Can survive hits from previously established enemies.)
Speed: Supersonic (Can dodge and maneuver around various bullet-esque projectiles, like Djimmi's Puppet's finger bullets. Can disappear with a puff of smoke with the smoke bomb charm.)
[Note: I know Djimmi the Great, Grim Matchstick and Hilda Berg, can possibly create stars, cause a storm and both, but I feel like their feats are a bit too inconsistent in comparison to the later bosses in the game. Also, while some bosses can lay bombs, considering Cuphead doesn't dodge them from close range, I struggle to see him as Hypersonic, I don't see Lightning shot from a Lobster's claws as legitimate, nor the many lasers he often dodges, since they aren't shown to reflect off of certain surfaces.]
Reccomended Opponent: Issac Moriah (Both of these two are known for being bullet hell indie game icons known for dealing with the devil, so this could make for a pretty chaotic and entertaining fight, even if there's not a lot of banter potential. Hat Kid works pretty well too, but I don't know a lot about her stats to really say how fair the match is.)
The Warner Brothers and The Warner Sister (From Animaniacs)[]
Strength: City Block Level (Capable of hitting an anvil so hard, the castle around it managed to collapse. The Tower of Power, which is seen as an upgrade to the Warner's physicality, can easily smash through various studio buildings.), possibly higher with Size Manipulation (Assuming Dot isn't the only one to use it.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take them down: Reality Warping/Toon Force: In one instance, Dot managed to make someone disappear through screaming so hard he became soundwaves. Theoretically her and her brothers can do something similar to bypass durability.
Durability: City Block Level (Wakko can survive getting struck by lightning for 6.3 seconds, which equates to 38 tons of TNT. His siblings should scale to this.)
Speed: Hypersonic+ (Wakko can travel from Hell to the surface and back in 6.1 seconds, (Which through comparing the distance between Hell and the surface to the length of the Kola Superdeep Borehole/Well to Hell and multiplying that distance by two, means he can travel at 4020.32786885 meters per second or Mach 11.72107250393586) and react and hit a baseball being set a blaze (Which requires speeds of Mach 5 at most). Yakko and Dot should scale to this.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take them down: Time Manipulation: Yakko can say "Stop" and have someone freeze in place until he says "Start". This can likely help out with stealth based strategies.
Duplication: The siblings can appear in multiple places at one, and can create up to 15 clones of themselves, possibly leading to an attack on multiple angles. This would be less helpful depending on how high the opponent's speed is though.
[Note: I have heard of Wakko being able to eat the moon, or them comparing to if not up-scaling from Looney Tunes characters, which are incredibly impressive in their own right, however I'm not sure how consistant these feats are, and I haven't heard of them physically fighting on par with any of those characters, so I'm a bit hesitant to believe that for now.)
Recommended Opponent: Ed, Edd n' Eddy (Well, if you believe in every feat the six are capable of doing, then it's Universe Level VS Star Level, and that's a brutal stomp [Then again, Ed managed to move so fast, he caused various background panels to fly away and traveled through time, and Edd and Eddy can compare to him.] However, as someone who believes on those three being around Building Level strength, then the battle is actually a lot more fair, let alone extremely meta and creative to watch considering the Eds own ridiculous powers.)
Steve (From Minecraft)[]
Strength: Building level in base form (This video calculated Steve's punches to be 274314750 pounds of force, which translates to 1220212796.15 newtons or 0.29 Tons of TNT. [Though it might be a bit higher considering MatPat stated that the Jungle Tree is a little harder than that, but I work with what I'm given.]), Large Building Level with his best equipment (The Netherite tools, power enchantments and potions can multiply Steve's stats by 27, therefore giving him a strength comparable to 7.83 Tons of TNT with a sword, or 7.25 tons of TNT with a bow.)
Durability: Large Building Level in base form (Using Mat's total calculated punch as a reference, Steve can survive twenty bare punches, and therefore can survive 5.8 Tons of TNT.), City Block Level with his best equipment, (Again, using multipliers added on by enchantments, his durability increases to 24.3675 tons of TNT, which is pretty consistent considering he can survive explosions from The Wither which are comparable to 38 Tons of TNT.) possibly higher (Can fight on par with the Ender Dragon, who can destroy large amounts of steel considering his size, which can equate to 132.772466539197 tons of TNT at least.)
Speed: Subsonic (Can dodge arrows, which move at 200 mph at most.)
Recommended Opponent: Henry Stickmin (These two share a surprisingly high amount of connections, [For reference and from Bulborb channel 3, "The connections between Steve and Henry Stickmin are that they're both nearly silent (Henry rarely talks while Steve literally never talks.) protagonists who seem to be able to use hammer spaces. Both have also been allies with groups of people (Villagers and their villages and the Government, respectively.). But despite that, have also been against them (Steve is able to make Iron Golems try to kill him while some endings in Completing the Mission have Henry working against the Government.). Both have used diamonds (Steve is able to use the as melee weapons, create Blocks of Diamond, and craft Diamond equipment while Henry dropped the Tunisian Diamond on Cliff's head.) and emeralds (Steve can use Emeralds as melee weapons, craft Blocks of Emerald, and trade with Villagers while Henry used the Norwegian Emerald to block the Supreme Dominance.) to help themselves with their goals."] and it could make for an interesting fight considering Steve's edge in strength and durability and Henry's massive arsenal. The Terrarian most likely shares more connections, however given how later bosses in that game are capable of moving the moon, it's stats likely a bit out of Steve's ballpark.)
Vendetta (Making Fiends)[]
Strength: Wall Level (Can compare to Charlotte, who can ram through a barricaded door. Can shake a classroom a little by slamming a door really hard.), City Block Level with Fiends (A tornado Fiend can send Vendetta's giant hamster Grudge 29988 miles (Calculated to be 32.887189292543 Tons of TNT. Combining a growing squid fiend and shrinking slug fiend sent an Elementary school flying.)
Alternatives to this that increase the challenge to take her/them down: Transmutation (One fiend was capable of turning inanimate objects into other fiends by soaking them in a paint-esque substance, and it's implied it works on sentient creatures too.)
Durability: City Block Level (Can survive an explosion that destroyed a large stone statue. Can survive being struck by lightning for about a second (Calculated to be 32.887189292543 Tons of TNT.)
Speed: Subsonic (Can become a blur)
Recommended Opponent: Junko Enoshima (Vendetta and her Fiends VS Junko and her Monokumas is akin to a Abilities VS Physicality fight, with fiends have a massive amount of powers and Monokumas all being roughly as strong as one another, albeit since the two girls don't fight themselves, a battle between the two directly would likely happen by the end, if at all.)
Eh, not much else to go off of, and I could evaluate how well everyone would do in a fight, but I feel like that would take a while, so if you guys want to see that, comment on how you think everyone would fair, maybe recommend a few characters I could go over. (For the record, I might not go over them on account of just how much they vary and how little I know about the universes, so Mario or Sonic likely won't be on here.)