Tundrush VS Bunsen Burner is a Death Battle of OCs featuring Tundrush, the big bad of Country Idols. Against the pyrokenetic daredevil Bunsen Burner.
Wiz: Tundrush, the Half Yeti ice cold Villain from Country Idols.
Boomstick: And Bunsen Burner, fiery flame of the Akumaverse
Wiz: Ice and Fire have been polar opposites since the beginning of time.
Boomstick: But when each of them are paired with a big bad of their respective universes, we get some interesting characters.
Wiz: So lets see both of their skills put to the test.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!
Tundrush (JustaChecker290)[]
Wiz: Long ago, a young Russian woman found herself trapped inside a vicious snowstorm, but as luck would have it, she found a nearby snow cave ad she took refuge inside it.
Boomstick: But little did she know that a tribe of Yeti were secured inside the cave, hiding themself from the outside world. But sadly, the woman bit the dust due to the extremely cold temperatures.
Wiz: But seeing the humanity inside the woman, the head yeti sacrificed himself to give the Woman a second chance. He transferred his soul inside the woman's uninhabited corpse, and the woman came back to life, giving birth to a half Yeti, Half Human offspring.
Boomstick: That is one of the weirdest backstories I've ever heard. But either way, the newborn baby literally immediately slaughtered the entire tribe of Yeti that gave him life.
Wiz: That newborn child then rampaged over Russia and made a name for himself, Tundrush! The most powerful superhuman in the land. Tundrush breaks into a Russian Museum and steals the magnification machine. A contraption that upon inserting an element, the machine duplicates said element by a groundbreaking ammount.
Boomstick: Tundrush upon birth was gifted with Cryokinesis, or the ability of control over all ice, so using the Magnification Machine, he one day vowed to freeze all of the planet, and break it apart piece by pice.
Wiz: However the machine would take a long time to fully power up, and in the mean time, there were some certain other Superhumans unlike him who were tempted to stop him.
Boomstick: but getting back to his Cryokenesis he also has a good resistance to his Ice manipulation too, I mean if his ice is reported to be able to get to temperatures of over -1000 degrees. Which isn't actually possible.
Wiz: His superhuman strength, durability and stamina is also extremely effective at keeping most opponents on their toes and adds to his already mightily impressive physique and reputation.
Boomstick: It's even to the point where he's able to overpower the likes of Royal Blade and War Master, some of the strongest superheroes in the world. Even taking a full on beatdown from the crazed American without a scratch.
Wiz: He's also strong enough to lift an iceberg that on average weigh 50'000 tons. And fast enough to react to the lightning dodging capabilities of Royal Blade. And even scrappy enough to out scrap War-Master.
Boomstick: And as a cool side tequnique, he can painfully force sharp icicles to tear through his skin to not only harm himself, but devastate opponents to kingdom come.
Wiz: And with icicles tougher than steel, and able to combat that of Royal Blade's swordsman ship and footwork, and Tundrush can get creative with how he uses his icicles to often foes.
Boomstick: But when all hope seems lost, Tundrush digs deep down into his Yeti heritage, and brings out his most Dragon Ball Z ability yet. His Fury Mode. And no, he doesn't cosplay as a moose.
Wiz: In his fury mode. Tundrush's all capabilities and power are multiplied by tenfold. And it this form, in his deepest rage, he was able to cover all of Russia, Asia and Europe in a powerful Snowstorm. That based on the diameter of all three bodies of land, should ben worth 29 Teratons of TNT.
Boomstick: But on the lower side, Tundrush is a little on the stupid side, and doing so can make stupid decisions. And despite the fact that his ice is cold enough to freeze fire, he does heavily dislike it, so that's at least something against him.
Wiz: His fury mode also renders his mental state quite ghost like, pretty much unable to make any real decisions of his own accord, only acting on impulse drawn from his current state.
Boomstick: So don't ever double cross this behemoth, unless you wish to be torn apart. Physically of course, but mentally too, when you witness the potential, of this...one Powerful Russian.
Bunsen Burner (Captain Akumya)[]
Pre-Death Battle[]
Wiz: The combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BAAAATTTTTTTTLLLLEEEE!!!
Death Battle[]
Wiz: The Winner is...
- This would be a Sprite Fight