Flowerguy1 OC VS The Sageverse VS BigShark81913's Imagination VS Justchecking2009 OC! We May Have OC, But What If They Fight Each Other? That Why We Have These OC Characters Here! Who Will Win A OC Battle Royale? Let's Find Out!
(Cues Wiz And Boomstick)
Boomstick: You See Characters Like Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, And Even Spyro!
Wiz: You May Be Wondering, What If You Make Your Own Characters?
Boomstick: That How We Got OC Characters! But Today We Have These OC Battled It Out!
Wiz: Rockka The Rock, The Rocky Rock.
Boomstick: The Ascension Alchemist, The Potions Thrower Maker!
Wiz: Mr. Bloom, A Monster Like Plant.
Boomstick: And Royal Blade, The Royalty Knight, He's Wiz And Im Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a death battle.
Rockka The Rock[]
Boomstick: Rockka Was Once A Normal Rock, But Than A Asteroid Came And Destroy The Stone Ages, But The Rock Survived It.
Wiz: As For So Many Year Came, Rockka Was Soon Pick Up By Two Lab Peoples As They Test On Him.
Boomstick: They Got A Rock, Which Was Him, A Old Face Mask And A Cavemen Brain They Got.
Wiz: Rockka Was Soon Alive By The Two Lab Peoples, He's Goes Around To See The New World, As He's Steal Some Foods.
Boomstick: But Than A Robber Came And Try To Mug Him, But Only For Rockka To Freaking Say The 'No F*ck Off' Move At Him, Erase Him Out Of Exist.
Wiz: As Rockka Went Around The Rock Place, As He's Met A Normal Rock, Thinking It Was A Handsome Girl.
Boomstick: As He's Date It, A Rock Came Around Before It Was A Other Rock, Aka A Boy Rock.
Wiz: Rockka Tries To Fight It As He's Throw It, Only To Bound Back And Hit Him In The Face...
Boomstick: You Know What Happen? Rockka Was SOOOOOONNNN Far Away From That Place! And Now, Onto The Other Part Of The Story!
Wiz: Umm... Boomstick, That Was Just It You Know?
Boomstick: Wait Really!? Man That Stupid!
Wiz: Yeah Yeah...
Death Battle Info[]
- Name: Rockka
- Height: 21 Feets Tall
- Weight: 99 Pounds
- Ages: +100
- Like: Girl Rocks, Banana, Getting Money
- Dislike: Boy Rocks, Robber, Losing Money
- Goals: Go Around The Worlds And Other New Planets (Still Going On It)
- Funny Rocks Persons
Boomstick: Rockka Could Bring Out Some Wood Club! Able To Smash Peoples Head Around!
Wiz: Not Only That, He's Is Able To Change It To New Other Club! Like Ice Club, Able To Knock Out The Foes And Give Them A Cold!
Boomstick: And It Could Not Melt! Have A Fire Club, Able To Crush Some Arcade Machines And Will Likely Give You A Burn!
Wiz: Have A Lighting Club To Shock A Man For Minute! As They Are Send A Few Feet Or Long Way!
Boomstick: You Know What I Say? The No F*ck Move Of Course! It Could Erase Peoples Out Of Exist!
Wiz: Able To Break The Fourth Wall And Know He's Talking To Them!
Rockka: Of Course, Rockka Know Your There
Boomstick: AHH!!! How Did You Get Here!?
Rockka: Rockka Know Where You Are, Rockka Alway Find You
Wiz: Okay.... Able To Fly Around Place To Places Of Course, Could Change His Size To Be Big As A Truck
Rockka: Yes, Just Like White Glasses Man Say, Rockka Know
Boomstick: Geez... Could Spin Around To Create A Giant Tornado While Spinning So Fast, Have The Power To Change His Hand Big And Slap Someone To Freaking Space!
Rockka: Broomstick Right
Boomstick: Wait, Did You Say My Name Wron- You Know What? Nevermind
Wiz: Can Survived Any Thing That A Strong Human Could Not Survived, Could Eat Small Rock To Make It Like Bullets!
Rockka: Yep, Wizard Man Rig-
Boomstick: Hey Rockka! Look, A Girl Rock! Go Get It!
Rockka: Hmm, Girl Rock, Me Want Her
(Rockka Leave The Place)
Boomstick: Now He's Gone! And Could Run Faster Than Light! But In Crazy Mode, While On That, He's Much Stronger And Much Faster! Got Some New Power, But We Are Too Lazy To Say It
Powers & Abilities[]
- Woods Clubs: Have A Clubs That Able To Slam Peoples Faces With It
- But Rockka Is Able To Changed It To
- Ices Clubs: A Ices Clubs Which Is Able To Crush Tin Cans And Can't Not Melt
- Fire Clubs: A Fire Clubs Which Is Able To Crush A Arcade Machines
- Lighting Clubs: A Lighting Clubs Which Is Able To Shock A Man To Be Send Flying Back
- But Rockka Is Able To Changed It To
- No F*ck Off Attack: It a Attack That Can Erase Peoples Out Of Existence
- Fourth Wall Break: Able To Break The Fourth Walls And Can Go In Other Worlds
- Fourth Wall Awareness: Can Speak To The Real Peoples
- Flight: Able To Fly While In His Pose, Can Moved At 21 Speeds
- Size Changing: Able To Changed His Size To Be Big As A Truck
- Spinning Tornado Attack: Could Create A Huge Tornado That Pull Out House
- Large Slapping Slap Attack: Turn His Hands Large And Slap A Foes To Send Him To Spaces
- Super Durability: Can Survived Any Attack That Could Killed A Strong Humans
- Rock Bullets Mouth: If Eating Small Rock, He's Can Shoot It Out Like A Guns
- Super Speed: Able To Run Very Fast At The Speed Of Light
- Crazy Modes: In Crazy Modes, He's Attack Is Double Damage And Much Faster, But Got Some New Attack
- Time Manipulation: Able To Travel Back In Times
- Candy Sword: A Candy Full Of Pointy Candy Canes
- Super Strength: Could Hold Up A Entires Mountains
Wiz: Survived A Asteroid While Being A Normal Rock! Which Could Kill All Dinosaur And Cave Peoples! Erase A Robber Out Of Exist!
Boomstick: Got Send By Boy Rock In A New Town! Run To The Store To His House In Under 12 Seconds!
Wiz: Broke A Man Back While Hugging Him, Eat A Laser Beam Before Spitting It Out!
Boomstick: Run Around A Pole Before Sending It And Him Into Space! Slap A Man To Space!
Wiz: Destroy A Whole Town With Just A Grenade! Uppercut A Little Girl To Destroy A Plane! And Crashed Through A Lot Of Building, But Was Fine!
- Survived The Asteroid While Being A Normal Rock
- Erase A Robber Out Of Existence
- Somehow Got Send By Boy Rock Into A Whole New Town
- Run To A Store To His House In Under 12 Seconds
- Break A Man Back While Hugging Him
- Eat A Laser Beam, Before Spitting It Out At The Foes
- Run Around In A Poles Before Flying To Space, Bringing The Ground With It
- Slap A Man To Space With His Large Slap Attack
- Destroy A Whole Town With Just A Grenade
- Uppercut A Little Girl To The A Planes, Destroy It
- Crash Through A Bunch Of Building, But Came Out Just Fines
Boomstick: But The No F*ck Off Move Could Only Work Pre-Day! But If He's Used It, It Will Be Disable For 20 Day! But If Missed, Will Disable For 26 Day! And Not That Smart Around
Wiz: Don't Know How To Active His Own Fourth Wall Power, Only Find A Way To Actives It, Lost To Boy Rock For 1,000 Times!
(Before Rockka Was Send Across The Room, As He's Break The Wall)
Boomstick: Now That 1,001 Time... And Broke All Of His Bone While Eating A Banana! Could Be Outsmarted By Smart Peoples!
Wiz: Don't Really Used His Super Speed If Needed, Crazy Mode Could Only Be Active By Eating A Lot Of Candy
Boomstick: Crazy Mode Only Lasted For 20 Second And Got Scared By A Dust Bunny!
- The No F*ck Off Moves Can Be Only Used Pre-Day,
- If He's Used It, It Will Be Disable For 20 Days
- If He's Missed It, It Will Be Disable For 26 Days
- Pretty Much Dumbs
- Don't Know How To Use His Fourth Wall Break Powers, Only Find A Way To Actives It
- Lost To Boy Rocks For 100,00 Times
- Broke All Of His Bone While Eating A Banana
- Could Be Outsmarted By Smart Peoples
- Don't Really Use His Super Speed If Needed
- Crazy Modes Could Be Actives By Eating A Lots Of Candy
- Crazy Modes Only Lastest At 20 Seconds, Before Turning Back To Normal
- Got Scared By A Dust Bunny
Wiz: After All Those Weakness Could Get To Him, He's Could Be Fine With It!
Boomstick: So Yeah! It's No Big Deal, He's Okay!
- Rockka: Rockka Know Where The Money At, Also Broomstick Stink
Boomstick: Wait, WHAT DID YOU CALLED M-
(The Death Battle Closed)
Ascension Alchemist[]
(Cue: Flowers of Antimony)
Boomstick: Ah. Childhood is the best time of everyone’s lives. You can practically do whatever you want!
Wiz: And one rather clever child, named Millie Collins, spent her time making concoctions in her basement. Nobody would ever dare come down there because they risked stepping in mystery ooze or just straight up dying from the radiation.
Boomstick: This girl also had an impressive criminal record! She was arrested for destroying buildings with failed potions, testing on rats, and they even suspected that she was cooking meth inside a Retirement home! She was trying to mutate a cabbage, but that’s still impressive.
Wiz: Millie eventually vaporized half of her house in a freak explosion, and in turn, was kicked out.
Boomstick: So she advanced to living in cardboard boxes and eating the sticky stuff in the dumpster! The only things she had were a rat that most likely had rabies and an alchemy Kit.
Wiz: Her life was pretty horrible. That is, until hope arrived. In this case, hope was a creepy, old man with a demonic staff gripped in his hands.
- Name: Millie Collins
- Age: 28
- Height: '6’3”
- Weight: 190 Lbs
- Gender: Female
- Favourite food: Anything cooked in a cauldron
- Favourite animal: Rats
Boomstick: This old fart was Draxum McGoo, leader of the Ascension Cult! He saw Millie’s particular talents and recruited her. And from the moment of her initiation fight, she knew exactly what to do. She took down the required 75 Cultists in a matter of seconds! Draxum had no choice but to immediately give her a promotion.
Wiz: Millie was put on the “Higher” level of the SUPERIORITY CHART!!! which is one rank below Draxum’s rank, “The Superior.” Of course, she served as the essential Alchemist of the cult.
Boomstick: Potions are her main weapon, with many effects that are just all over the place! Her Standard Potion, Big Boom and Bigger Boom all explode in sizes dependent on the name, the Cryo-Potion freezes the target in place, the flame potion sends flames everywhere that consume opponents, corrosion potions corrode whatever they touch, Electricity potions create electric fields that shock whoever touches them, wind potions create deadly twisters, greenhouse potions create vines that grab the person closest to where it was thrown, speed potions increase speed, and we’ve got the coup de grace, the Sense Overload.
Wiz: The Sense Overload is a small, green vial of a mysterious liquid, that when taken, increases the user’s senses by a gargantuan amount. In fact, they are increased so much that the Alchemist can hear a pin drop from a mile away and dodge high speed attacks!
Boomstick: There’s two downsides for this. First, it lasts for a limited amount of time, 10 minutes exactly, and second, if she takes more than one drop a day, her head will go BOOM!
Wiz: She also has a limited amount of potions, so she has some spells to back her up.
Boomstick: Her Ice Rune sends frost up the target’s legs and immobilize them, the Fire Rune generates fire in the user’s palm, the Stone Rune makes her skin very tough for 5 seconds and her thunder rune generates lightning in her hands.
Wiz: But wait, there’s more.
Boomstick: Dear god… her Alchemy Kit is good for alchemy on the go, her smoke bombs provide an easy getaway, her safety goggles protect her eyes and her Multipurpose Gauntlets have multiple functions. They can shoot fire, activate sleep-inducing gas, fire tranquilizers and has a screwdriver. And there’s more? Goddamn it, Wiz, you take this one.
Wiz: She has extreme intelligence, enhanced physical strength, skills in manipulation and taking advantage of an opponent’s weaknesses.
- Dodged Martin McGee’s Lightning spell
- Survived being crushed by 10 crates full of bricks
- Bigger Boom took out a four-story building
- Bested 75 Ascension Cultists
- Took a speeding bowling ball to the face
- Survived 10 consecutive sword slashes to the side
- Dodged bullets
- Dodged light with the sense overload
- A quarter of the time, potions explode before they are even thrown.
- Insanity sometimes gets the better of her and she takes breaks from fighting… for a few seconds of maniacal laughter.
- Taking more than one drop of the Sense Overload will cause her head to explode.
- If you somehow get past her potions, she is as frail and durable as a twig.
- Mentally Unstable
- Large Ego
Mr. Bloom[]
(Cue: Greenpath)
Wiz: Space is a vast, unexplored area also known as the last frontier. Us humans have been attempting to travel into space and learn more about our surroundings.
Boomstick: Now, we cut to the future, where space travel is as common as head lice. A planet was discovered in the Milky Way, and it was the perfect place for tourists.
Wiz: It was a lush, grass-covered planet covered with beautiful flowers. One day, a tourist spilled some toxic waste on a common flytrap, and it mutated over the course of a few days. This became the fearsome monster known as...
(Cue: Double Time)
Wiz and Boomstick: MR. BLOOM,
Boomstick: He began to hack 'n slash all of the tourists and continued every time new visitors came. Until one day, a spaceship full of scientists came along to study the planet.
Wiz: Bloom decided that if he hooked on to the spaceship, he could conquer every planet they stop on and spread his green evil across the galaxy, and possibly the universe.
Boomstick: But most of the time, a certain clay explorer foils his plans while having fun and spreading happiness across the galaxy. So much for conqueror of the galaxy, am I right?
Death Battle Info[]
- Name: Mr. Bloom
- Age: 40
- Height: Variable
- Weight: Variable
- Gender: Male
- Favorite Food: Chlorophyll muffins
Powers and Abilities[]
- Plant Manipulation
- Plant Summoning
- He can turn into a big plant monster
- When his plant monster form is defeated, he explodes into little creatures (They are his head but with legs)
- Heightened senses
- Extreme intelligence (but he is insane)
- Limb regeneration
- Defeated a whole planet of tourists
- Cracked a small moon in half
- Has defeated Klaymon on few occasions
- Conquered about 25% of the planets in another galaxy
- Fell from space onto the surface of another planet and emerged unscathed
- Destroyed a giant space laser larger than Jupiter
- Very insane
- His small forms can be defeated with one hit, so destroy them before they merge
- Weak to fire
- Gets distracted if somebody offers him chlorophyll
- Weak to ice
Wiz: Despite failing most of the time, Mr. Bloom is a formidable yet wisecracking villain and threat to all the cosmos. And he might come for you!
Mr. Bloom: Get ready to have your biscuits kicked, fool!
Royal Blade[]
(Cue: Long Live the Queen)
Wiz: Edward Banker was born into Royalty in the 90s of the 20th Century. And he had a life of pamper right from the moment he opened his eyes. He was a member of the Royalty family after all.
Boomstick: And if that wasn't enough, he was also destined to be in line for an epic title, known as the Royal title of the Royal Blade, okay who came up with that name. The Queen?
Wiz: However it came early to Edward when he witnessed his best friend murdered in an alleyway. Traumatised, this witness planted a seed of determination inside of Edward's soul, and after his mother learned about this, she bestowed him the Royal Sword.
- Name: Edward Wood Banker
- Age: 33
- Height: '5'11' (180cm)
- Weight: 175lbs (79kg)
- Gender: Male
- Favourite food: Fish and Chips from the Chippy
- Favourite animal: Penguins
- Catchphrase: Dear..god
Wiz: Who knows? The second Edward touched the Royal Sword, it granted him with immense strength, durability, stamina and speed. Effectively turning him into a real superhero. He had also been taught from the age of seven in the art of karate, boxing, judo and fencing.
Boomstick: Edward's Sword is his best and most reliable weapon, this 36 inch blade was crafted from ancient Titanium so strong that pretty much nothing can break it, and it can deal damage too, a whole lot.
Wiz: The previous Royal Blade to Edward, once had a battle with an omnipotent alien that took their fight to space, and to vanquish the alien, the Royal Blade summoned all his strength into a single throw that launched his sword so hard it impaled the alien and cracked a huge chunk of the moon behind it.
Boomstick: Then the sword fell all the way from space and conveniently landed outside Buckingham palace, and well, here we are now.
Wiz: A massive downside to the Sword is that Edward's life force is actually tied to the sword at all times, because of it's holy status, so if the Sword is broken, Edward's life is over, and so is the title of the Royal Blade.
Boomstick: It'd be hard for that to happen however, I mean this thing is crafted from a stronger version of Titanium! That thing can be as tough as 200'000 Pounds per square inch!
Wiz: Edward's other main weapon is his Shield, the secondary weapon of the Royal Blade. It is so durable that a ten ton truck once disintegrated after hitting the shield, and a powerful jewel was put inside the shield, so when he activates it, powerful beams of concentrated fire shoot out, so powerful they accidentally destroyed Big Ben in under a second, and this was when Edward hadn't fully harnessed the power of it. This alone would be worth about 27 tons of TNT!
Boomstick: He also has a spear that can shoot out over 300 feet of thick rope, and support over 800 pounds. Enough to support Edward's own body weight by four and a half times!
Wiz: And as a sort of back-up weapon, Edward has access to a spear. It's over seven feet tall and can be used for both melee and ranged attacks, and he once threw it so hard that it flew 600 meters and when it landed, it completely shattered a large rock into mere fragments.
Boomstick: And just in case he's ever disarmed with any of his weapons, he has the power to randomly summon them to his hand in less than a millisecond.
- Fought in a war for five days straight with no breaks
- Took down an army of 750 trained swordsmen
- Threw a double decker bus into a building that weighed 18 tons
- Survived St Paul's cathedral's dome collapsing in on him, the dome weighs over 65'000 tons!
- Dodged a bolt of lightning fired from the sky
- Can run over 100 miles per hour.
Wiz: But all his strengths come with a downside. His armour isn't invincible, it can be overridden and even destroyed with too big of a blast, plus, his immense chivalry allows opponents to get the better of him most of the time.
Boomstick: But no matter what, no matter the challenge, the Royal Blade will never give in!
Royal Blade: What are you doing with that fish?
Pre-Death Battle[]
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, time to end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!
Death Battle[]
Locations: Town In An Forest...
(We Open At The Skies, Where We See Rockka Is Flying At High Speed Like An Asteroid, Before Causing An Huge Explosion, But Rockka Managed To Came Out With No Harm Because... Well... He's Can't Feel Pain...)
Rockka: Rockka Hate Boy-Rock Forever, Me No Like Boy-Rock
(As Rockka Get Up Before Walking Around, As He's Soon Hit An Plant Like Man As He's Fallen To The Ground, As This Man... Or... Well... Plant Like Man... Was Mr. Bloom, The Insane Plant Guy)
Mr. Bloom: HEY! Watch Where Your Going You Stupid Rock!
Rockka: Rockka Mind Remind You To Not Say Bad Thing To Rockka, Or Rockka May Do Something...
(Mr. Bloom Get Up, Before Looking Back At The Stupidity Rock)
Mr. Bloom: Or Else What? Also Why Did You Say Mind Instead Of Might?
Rockka: Rockka Warned You, Now Rockka May Beat You Up Now.
Mr. Bloom: Wait Wha-
(Mr. Bloom Gotten Hit By The Stupid Rock Club As He's Was Send Down Into A Kingdom, Before Crashing Down Into A Table, As Many Knights Saw This Before Drewing Their Sword Toward The Green Monster)
Mr. Bloom: Oh You Gotta Be Kidding Me...
(As Rockka Was Outside Trying To Get In, Before Hearing Many Scream Inside Of The Kingdom, As Rockka Look Back At The Camera...)
Rockka: Rockka Wonder What Happening Over In Their.
(Rockka Opened Up The Large Door, He's Later See Many Dead Knights On The Kingdoms, As Mr. Bloom Look At Rockka)
Mr. Bloom: Hello Again...
Rockka: Rockka Say Hi, But Rockka Have To Beat You Up Because You Say Insult Thing To Rockka.
Mr. Bloom: Oh Yea-
???: Stop Right There!
(As Both Rockka And Bloom Look At The Top Of The Kingdom, Before Seeing An British Knight Came Down, As This Knight Was... Royal Blade, The Royal Knight Of England)
Royal Blade: Who Are You Two?
Mr. Bloom: Well For One, I Am Going To Killed This Rock And This Rock Is Name Rockka Maybe... And As Such, I Kinda Killed Your Knights Friends Or Whatsoever.
(Royal Blade Was In Shocked As Bloom Say, Before As He's About To Sliced Up Bloom But He's Managed To Dodge It)
Mr. Bloom: Woah! HEY!
Royal Blade: I Will Defeated You For My Kingdom!
Mr. Bloom: Oh Really? Well... Come On Th-
Rockka: Wait, Rockka May Know Two Peoples Are Missing.
(As Both Royal Blade And Bloom Looked At Rockka In Confusion, Before Royal Blade Put His Sword Down Before Asking Rockka An Question)
Royal Blade: I'm Sorry... But Who Are Those Two Peoples?
(But Rockka Didn't Answer The Question To, Before Trying To Punch The Air For No Reason Many Time)
Mr. Bloom: Wha... What Are You Doing?
Rockka: Rockka Trying To Break The Fourth Wall.
Royal Blade: I'm Sorry But Sir... What Is The Fourth Wa-
(But Before Royal Blade Could Finish, Rockka Break Through An White Void Out Of The Sky And Began To Grabbed Something)
Location: Lab...
(We Open At An Lab, Where We See Many Potions Sitting Around... But As We See An Black Hair And Purple Outfit Girl, As This Girl Was Name Mille... Aka The Ascension Alchemist, Who Was Seen Making An New Potions)
The Ascension Alchemist: All Right... All I Need Is Something Explode... Ahh! There Is It!
(As The Ascension Alchemist Grabbed The Things As She's Slowly Putting Inside)
The Ascension Alchemist: Now... All I Need Is This Last On- AHHH!
(Suddenly, An Black Stick Arm Came Out Of An White Void In Thin Air And Pull Mille Inside The White Void, Making Millie Drop The Things And Leaving Her New Potions, As The Potions Started To Shake And Turning Black, But Than An Ascension Cultist Came In)
Ascension Cultist: Ascension! I'm Here To Tell You... Oh You Gotta Kidding Me...
(As We Zoom Outside Of The Lab, The Potions Create An Huge Black Explosion Inside, As We Zoom Back Inside To See... Nothing... Expect For Ascension Cultist, He's Dead By The Way...)
(Back At The Kingdom...)
(We Open Back At The Kingdom, As Rockka Pulled Out A woman From An White Void, As Both Royal Blade And Mr. Bloom Look In Shock... Or... Mr. Bloom Mouth Wide Open I Guess...)
(Cues Stick It To 'Em)
(As Mille Slowly Get Up, With Her Head Being Dizzy From That White Void...)
The Ascension Alchemist: Aghhh... My Head... Huh? What The?
(The Ascension Alchemist Look In Confusion Before Rockka Now Is Saying Something)
Rockka: Rockka Is Now Done, Rockka Tell That We Better Fight Right Now Because The Music Is Gotta Bump Up.
Mr. Bloom: What Music!? What Are You Even Talking About?!
(As Rockka Get Out His Club Before Slamming It Toward Royal Blade Head)
Royal Blade: AGH! Okay... You Wanna A Fight? I'm Gotta Give You One And Put You Out Of My Kingdom!
(Royal Blade Swing His Sword Toward At Rockka... Who Mario Jump Into The Air While Royal Blade Cut The Ascension Alchemist Back)
The Ascension Alchemist: OW! Why You Little!
(The Ascension Alchemist Throw One Of Her Potions Toward Royal Blade, Who Managed To Dodge It, As Both The Ascension Alchemist And Royal Blade Began To Fight, While Mr. Bloom looks angerly at Rockka before getting into a fighting position)
Mr. Bloom: I Hate You You Stupid Rock...
(Mr. Bloom Create An Plant Tentacles Out Of The Ground And Tried To Hit Rockka, Only For Him To Dodge And Smack The Plant Tentacles Before Managed To Killed It In Half)
(Mr. Bloom Create An Leaf Like Sword At Rockka, But Speedy Grab The Leaf Sword, Before Throwing Him At An Wall, Breaking The Stone Wall In Half)
Mr. Bloom: AGH! My Back...
Rockka: Ha, Rockka Now Beat You, Rockka Now Go Now.
(Rockka than turned around and trying to leave, until Mr. Bloom get back up and look at Rockka from behind)
Mr. Bloom: Oh Really Rock?
(Rockka Turned Around To See Many Plants Tentacles Heading Toward Him, But Rockka Managed To Dodge Some Of Them Before Getting Out His Firely Club, As He's Began To Smack Them With His Firey Club, Causing The Tentacles To Be On Fire)
Mr. Bloom: What The!? Is That Fire!?
Rockka: Rockka Called This Fire Club, Rockka Now Beat You Now.
Mr. Bloom: Not Today You Stupid Rock!
(Meanwhile With Royal Blade And Ascension Alchemist...)
(Royal Blade Swing His Sword Toward The Ascension Alchemist, Who Managed To Dodge It And Throw A Potions At Royal Blade, Who Block It With His Shield, As The Big-Boom Create An Big Explosion On Royal Shield, Create Smoke Everywhere)
The Ascension Alchemist: Dam It I Can't See!
(Cues Blood Gulch Bedlam)
(Cues Replicated Chaos)
Wiz: The winner is...
Song Track[]
The Song Track Would Be Called: An Original Old Play Battle