Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Tyranny in the Cosmos
Season OC Season
Season Episode N/A
Air date April 14, 2024
Written by Duragoji123
Episode guide


Transformers VS Archon's Revenge! In a battle between these two cosmically powerful tyrants fallen from glory, who will transform their circumstances into a victory?


(Cue Wiz & Boomstick)

Wiz: The power to rule and to lead, this is something sought by the masses. Whether you are a peasant of the lowest classes or an aristocrat of the upper class, everyone desires to have control over something.

Boomstick: And for these two, that desire was only further enhanced by a kick in the ass upon starting a movement to lead their people! Well, if you ask me, blowing shit up was always the better option to go anyways.

Wiz: Megatron, the ruthless leader of the Decepticons from Transformers.

Boomstick: And Lord Hale, the ice-cold Arcosian Emperor from Archon's Revenge. He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who will win a DEATH BATTLE!

Megatron Bridges into DEATH BATTLE![]

(Cue Transformers Theme)

Wiz: Space is fascinating. Stars, dark matter, and other celestial bodies galore, it truly is a spectacle to behold. Some of us have even gone as far as to say that alien life lies beyond the stars. But you would have never suspected that-

Boomstick: -That they were '80s toys all along!

Wiz: It's this cosmos which serves as the battlefield between two of the most recognizable rivals in media history: the righteous leader of the Autobots Optimus Prime, and the deceptive leader of the... Decepticons, Megatron.


  • Full Name: Megatron of Tarn
  • Age: 9,000,000+
  • Species: Cybertronian
  • Height: 38 ft. | 11.5 m
  • Deceptive tyrant
  • Fought as a war hero
  • In a love-hate relationship with Optimus Prime

Boomstick: And between 'em, it's hard to really say which one is better! Optimus may be cool and all, but just look at Megs! The dude is a tank and a fucking gun all in one... ohhhh... he's so cool Wiz! Take me to Walmart now!

Wiz: ...After the fight. Anyways, Megatron wasn't always the evil bot most tend to know him as: in fact, he started off rather as a true hero of his society.

Boomstick: See, a long time ago, Cybertron - the home planet of all Transformers - was ruled by a corrupt government. Its people were subject to a caste system, in which your value, worth, and entire identity was shaped around how you were born.

Wiz: Megatron, understandably, absolutely hated this. He dreamed of something better for him, for society, and promptly wrote a manifesto on the subject. His words were popular with the masses, but unfortunately, Cybertron's rulers did not like him speaking his mind so... freely.

Boomstick: So, after being almost assassinated, Megs decided that there was only one way to ensure his dreams of a peaceful society could become a reality. It was uh... to take the non-Gandhi approach and start killing some motherfuckers!


  • Fusion Cannon
  • "Panic Bubble"
  • Energon Weaponry
  • Buzzsaws
  • Space-Bridging
    • Teleportation
    • Anti-Matter Manipulation
  • Cybertronian Physiology
    • Superhuman Physicality
    • Alt Modes: Gun, tank, stealth bomber
  • Golden Matrix

(Cue Instruments of Destruction)

Wiz: To aid him in his efforts, Megatron gave himself his trusty Fusion Cannon, a huge... well, the best way to describe it would be a bazooka he has on his arm, which can fire bolts of Energon from its shaft. Or, he also can fire out equally dangerous Energon-based attacks from his eyes, in the form of lasers.

Boomstick: But if he wants to get up close and personal with ya, he's also capable of summoning this sweet ass purple Energon mace from his hand, or even a shield! Hell, he can even fire the mace like a rocket-propelled morningstar! He can also throw actual, legit buzzsaws to slice and dice opponents apart, I bet he'd be a good carpenter! ...That is, if Cybertron wasn't all metal.

Wiz: That's another thing: he's practically nigh-indestructible. You see, all Cybertronians are born from the planet Cybertron itself, and Cybertron is in actuality the body of a giant godhead figure in the Transformers cosmology known as Primus.

Boomstick: And turns out, being born out of literal Robo-God gives you some neat perks! Like being able to survive mortal wounds that no creature reasonably should, like being torn to pieces or split in half, or even having these things called Alt Modes! They're what give Transformers the name, and Megatron can transform into a gun! A fucking GUN!

Wiz: Megatron usually lets someone else fire him, but he can also fire himself. Likely through telekinesis? Eh, it's never explained. Luckily though, that isn't all he has.

Boomstick: He's also got a sick-looking tank mode, or even his stealth bomber mode which can cross thousands of lightyears in short periods of time.

Wiz: The leader of the Decepticons, due to his nature as a Cybertronian, also has what can be described as immortality, living up to millions of years, and Megatron has spent those millions of years of his own life fighting non-stop. This could be because they are powered by Energon, basically the food, drink, life-blood, and energy of all Transformers.

Boomstick: Which is why Megatron decided he needed lots of it! So he took his big metal ass straight to a planet on the far reaches of space known as 'Earth', where he and Optimus would constantly battle over who gets control over the planet's resources.


  • Has battled with Optimus Prime many times
  • Is one of the most powerful Transformers
  • Killed pretty much all G1 Transformers
  • In the IDW continuity, fought Regenesis Shockwave and the Deceptigod alongside Optimus
  • Threatened to fuse the multiverse together with the Golden Matrix
  • Became an Alternity and battles with the other Alternity

(Cue Megatron Must Be Stopped)

Wiz: And battling Optimus is no easy feat: he can lift and throw over oil tankers, and even once shattered Sixshot's armor, which was forged from a collapsed star.

Boomstick: Child's play, Megatron himself once survived an explosion which pushed Cybertron out of orbit, coming out to an energy worth 4.5 ninatons of TNT! Just goes to show how better Megs is than Prime.

Wiz: Megatron isn't simply a mindless brute though, no, he is very smart and is even capable of commanding the Omni-Globe, a structure that allows you to process thousands of battles at a single time. He's even faster than Autobots like Lightspeed, who can.... ahem, get this: search DECILLIONS OF DIMENSIONS IN FEMTOSECONDS! Do you know how mind-bogglingly fast that is?

Boomstick: Very freaking fast, yeah, go with that. Bro's also got some secondary weaponry, like the Heart of Cybertron which allows him to fire beams from his hands, or the Anti-Matter Blaster, which can shoot beams of... you guessed it, anti-matter!

Wiz: Though, truthfully, he does not need the Anti-Matter Blaster to produce anti-matter. Megatron, by using Space Bridge technology, linked his Spark - essentially the heart and soul of all Cybertronians - to a black hole, causing anti-matter to constantly be pulsating throughout his entire body. Of course, Megatron casually withstands this.

Boomstick: With this anti-matter, he can basically say 'no' to your durability and turn you to nothingness on an subatomic level. Part of you here, part of you there, and part of you scattered against whatever planet your fighting on!

Wiz: He also has things like the Panic Bubble, which creates a forcefield capable of blocking almost any attack, though you can pass through it. Good luck getting back out, though.

Boomstick: Megs also has swords, guns, guns, even more guns (truly my kind of guy), energy absorption, the ability to alter the memories of mechanical beings, or even create a... hot human avatar of himself? What??????

(Cue NEST)

Wiz: Though, there exists something which might be his strongest weapon: the Golden Matrix. It was created when Megatron fused the Golden Power with the universe-creating "Silver Matrix", and in turn this bleached his entire body gold. With its power, he was even capable of fusing the entire multiverse together to rule it as its ultimate figurehead. Uh, no pun intended.

Boomstick: That's my thing, Wiz... except I'm actually proud of my puns! Well, anyways, this would be Megatron's absolute peak, until we got to the Alternity storyline!

Wiz: Megatron's goal in this new timeline was to, in essence, spread himself across all space-time, becoming one with himself everywhere. Here, he becomes so powerful, that he dwarfs universes and rewrite the laws of time and space. He uses this power to, of course, what else but battle with Optimus Prime again and again.

Boomstick: To aid him in his efforts, this new shiny robo-tyrant would partner with the Hytherion, basically the timeline-devouring arch-nemesis of all Alternity, fusing with it and spreading himself through thousands of other universes.

Wiz: Alternity Megatron, even as an avatar, is capable of distorting reality on a universal scale, and can duplicate entire timelines. Though, his true form exists as a "manifold being". Essentially, Megatron is made up from parts of all his other selves, across all timelines and universes.

Boomstick: While this version of Megs would go on to cause a lot of trouble for the Alternity, our own Megatron of the main universe eventually had an epiphany. By continuing the war between him and Optimus for millions of years, he had transformed himself into the tyrant he always sought to overthrow. So, by assisting Optimus and the Autobots defeat actually-worse-than-Satan Shockwave, Megs finally got to fight for the ending he always wanted.

Wiz: A happy world, with happy people, and a place where no one had to live in fear of having their lives dictated by a higher power. It would be a long ride, but with Megatron leading the charge, absolutely no one who stands in the way of true freedom will live to see another day.

Megatron: Such heroic nonsense.

All Hail Hale in DEATH BATTLE![]

(Cue March of the Templars)

Wiz: Deep in the bowels of outer space lies a monster so cruel, so callous, so... evil, that the universe itself trembles at his approach. Behold, the mighty Lord-

Boomstick: Wait- I feel like we've been here before. Uhhh...

Wiz: -Lord Hale, the dominator and ruler of the cosmos. However, he wasn't always the emperor with a heart of ice that everyone knows him as.


  • Full Name: Lord Hale IV
  • Age: Hundreds of years
  • Species: Arcosian
  • Emperor of the Arcosian Empire
  • Arch-nemesis to Kanniu and Okaru
  • Favorite Food: Squid
  • The first antagonist of Archon's Revenge

Boomstick: Long ago, Planet Arcose was on the brink of destruction. Political division was practically everywhere you could look, and even the middle parties seemed to be in on everything. None of this at all reflects real life.

Wiz: But, when Hale was born to Emperor Frost and Empress Tondra, hope seemed to spark again within the people of Arcose's hearts. Throughout his life, even at a young age, the young Hale would be indoctrinated into the policies of the Arcosian Empire, formatting his very mind and body to serve the kingdom his parents ruled. Though perhaps this inadvertently led to one faithful day...

Boomstick: Although maybe it was destined, because their parents decided to name him "Hale"! What an ironic name, considering what ends up happening later...

Wiz: The Arcosian Emperor would inherit the throne of his empire, swaying his people's favor towards him by advocating for reform and true peace across all that resided in the empire.

Boomstick: One small problem though... there was a warrior race within the empire that was stirring up trouble. They were barbarians, and Hale hated that fact with a good ol' bit of the college try of racism!

Wiz: The Saiyans caused quite a bit of trouble for Hale, sure they got the job done... but their methods of conquering worlds left much to be desired. And when the emperor heard of a legend that was passed down among their people, he couldn't help but want to do something about it.

Boomstick: The legendary Super Saiyan! Complete with blond hair and blue eyes! ...really aren't subtle about this, are we? Well regardless, when Hale heard about this legend, he decided to personally take his ship to Planet Vegeta IV, home planet of the Saiyans, and blow the entire freaking thing up! You know, as you do in response to someone possibly challenging your rule.

Wiz: However, Hale decided to land on the dying planet himself as it was in the process of being destroyed, and searched the entirety of it in under a few seconds. It was here that he found Simara, a young Saiyan who was outcast by her own society by her bizarre power. In a bizarre act of kindness(?), Hale took the young Simara in as his own daughter, seeing part of himself in her.

Boomstick: Oh hey, good on him! Well, it was mostly just a method of growing his empire but, still! Not like Hale really needed it anyways, 'cuz he's got a lot of helpful and handy techniques to help him keep lording over his subjects with an iron fist!


  • Arcosian Physiology
    • First, Second, and Third Forms
    • Final Form/Base Form
    • Golden Hale
    • Divine Emperor Hale
  • Ki Manipulation
  • Death Beam
  • Death Ball
  • Death Saucer
  • Death Wave
  • Black Hole Cannon

(Cue I Have the Power)

Wiz: As an Arcosian, Hale is naturally able to survive things nobody else reasonably could; whether that's being chopped in half, living in the vacuum of space, surviving planet-busting blasts going off in his face, etc. He's also supernaturally adept at controlling his Ki energy, a life force that all things in the universe possess.

Boomstick: And his control over that stuff leads into my favorite parts about him, the techniques that make things go boom! The Death Beam, the Death Saucer, the Death Wave, Death Cannon, Death Ball... you name it!

Wiz: There's also the Supernova, a colossal version of the Death Ball with the power to overcome a planet the size of Vegeta IV's GBE (gravitational binding energy). That would be an energy output of over 5.3 yottatons of TNT.

Boomstick: Or another favorite of mine, the Black Hole Cannon! This bad boy does exactly what it says on the tin, Hale creates a pitch black ball of Ki energy in his hand, and sucks up matter into the black sphere!

Wiz: As soon as the matter comes into contact with this artificial 'black hole', it breaks down on the subatomic level and is released as anti-matter from the black hole. Effectively, this negates any form of durability in the conventional sense.

Boomstick: Sadly, not even these badass abilities would help him when faced with two young boys from the race he supposedly wiped out all those years ago. Kanniu and Okaru proved to, shockingly enough, be more than a match for his rule, and it only added insult to injury that his own adoptive daughter turned against him to join them.

Wiz: Enraged, this left Hale with no other choice than to unleash his full power, revealing yet another race-exclusive technique the people of Arcose possessed. The power to hide their power through different transformations. Ascending to the level that many in the universe only dreamed capable of reaching, Hale was next to unstoppable. However, even in his final form, the Arcosian Emperor would be outclassed when one of those boys, Kan, achieved the glimmering form of "Super Saiyan"!

(Cue Super Saiyan Goku Theme)

Boomstick: Exploding in a glorious yellow and golden light, there stood the very legend Hale had tried to prevent from rising up against him! Yeah uh, safe to say, this was not the lizard's day.

Wiz: And it was here that Hale would meet his end, being catapulted into the outer atmosphere of his own planet by the Spirit Bomb, before being engulfed by the bright light which ensued. Hale was gone, and the universe had returned to its former peaceful state...

(Cue Golden Frieza Theme)

Boomstick: ...Until even more threats started popping up everywhere! Despite the struggle of the heroes, they were swiftly overtaken by the rising threats - the evolving android Pil, the Majin demon Kiko, the Shadow Dragons, and even the God of Destruction Beerus - time after time, they kept getting bombarded with these high-tier Avengers level bad guys.

Wiz: This would eventually overlap with Hale's destiny, as he was revived by his people. The Arcosian Emperor had trained for so long in the dimensionally transcendent plane of Otherworld, that he had achieved a new state beyond his previous full power. To mock the Saiyan transformation which bested him long ago, Hale bleached his energy gold, as Golden Hale appeared to the world.


  • Has lived and gained experience in battle over hundreds of years
  • Blew up Vegeta IV
  • Was the first Arcosian in history to unlock Ultimate Evolution (Golden Hale)
  • Outsmarted Kanniu and Okaru many times
  • Has fought with all Z-Warriors
  • Defeated Sima, Okaru, Amiku, and Pil
  • Held his own against Zarama and the Disciples of Archon
  • Became a god-like entity in the Xenoverse

(Cue Only a Chilling Elegy)

Boomstick: And despite Kan and Okaru going on to make many more friends over the years, in addition to now being able to fly across the universe at quadrillions of times the speed of light and warp the cosmos with their attacks, they were still getting put on the back rope by this new shining god-like form!

Wiz: However, Hale once again failed to account for something, being the bond the Saiyans shared with one another. And because of their efforts joined together, the emperor was once again defeated.

Boomstick: Though, this isn't necessarily where his story as a villain ends! 'Cuz in the alternate world of the Xenoverse, another parallel dimension's version of the multiverse, our good lizard boy became quite the threat!

Wiz: In this alternate reality, a "What If?" scenario if you will, Hale realized his world was just one of many. Desiring to find the most optimum way to expand his empire's influence to the countless other universes in the multiverse, the emperor tracked down the Dragon Balls to grant him the ability to travel through time and dimensions.

Boomstick: After wiping out the civilization of Namek, Hale acquired access to the Dragon Balls, all before the heroes knew of his meddlings. Using them, he made good on his word of becoming what is.. essentially just God.

Wiz: His influence spread to other universes and timelines, creating a domino effect of other Hales from other dimensions realizing their own limited reach, and reaching a place further beyond. As a result, all of the Hales kind of just.... fused into the original one, becoming a singular entity known only as the Emperor of Time.

Boomstick: And this guy is pretty fucking crazy! I mean, he terrified the Time Patrol, whose job is to literally protect all of time and space from threats just like him. Heck, just him existing in a singular plane of reality threatened to destroy all timelines across infinite universes! Damn!

Wiz: However, his ungodly might wouldn't last forever, as his entire existence was really connected all back to the original universe's Hale. Once he experienced defeat at the hands of the Saiyans a second time, the Emperor of Time lost the one thing keeping him going, a sense of self. Though, after his defeat at the hands of the Saiyans, Hale lived on. The emperor thought back over his actions, and decided to try his best to make amends.

(Cue The Mad Devil)

Boomstick: I wouldn't know but, apparently experiencing mercy at the hands of the people you thought were nothing more than barbaric warriors may change the way you view things. 'Cuz that's what it did for Hale! No longer seeing the Saiyans as a race holding the universe back, the Arcosian Emperor could truly usher in a new age to the universe.

Wiz: He would even join his former enemies and their friends in the battle to save the universe from erasure, the Tournament of Power, where his Golden form got even stronger. Though truly, his peak of power lies later...

Boomstick: After saving the universe, Hale began training once again. Heading into a Hyperbolic Time Chamber for centuries on end, he pushed his body to its already broken limits and surpassed them. And thus... Black Hale was born!

Wiz: More accurately called the Divine Emperor, this form came in handy when a certain God of Darkness' forces invaded reality, threatening the infinite multiverse with their power.

Boomstick: And even being faced with these reality-breaking threats, Hale held his own, and continued fighting for the people he came to respect and the universe he held domain over 'till his final breath.

Hale: Well, I had to do something while all this was going down. The Tournament of Power opened my eyes, there are levels beyond even the gods, that you Saiyans somehow always obtain. I may not hate your kind anymore, but I will not let myself be bested by you! Hahaha!


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.



(Cue Final Formers [0:00 - 0:36])

The camera hovers above Earth, with two armadas of ships floating in the atmosphere. They seem to be descending onto the planet, before the view of the fight zooms to the surface. Two armies face off against each other; one of the armies is a mixture of a bunch of different races with an assorted variety of soldier uniforms, while the other are all giant machines of varying colors and shapes.

The Hale Force and the Decepticons were currently at odds with one another, with their leaders out in the front of their respective armies. The lizard-like alien, Hale, emperor of the Arcosian Empire, looked at the Decepticon leader, Megatron, with an arrogant glance.

Hale: Stand aside, you big machine. This planet belongs to me: Lord Hale of the Arcosian Empire. If you retreat now, I'll spare your life.

However, this 'big machine' merely smirked at Hale's words, before gripping his hand into a tight fist.

Megatron: Fool! To obey and have over this planet's resources to scum such as you, I would rather die!

The emperor, instead of being annoyed at Megatron's disrespect, merely chuckled. He floated into the sky, before waving his hand forward, gesturing for his troops to advance forward.

Hale: Hehaha... very well then. I'll make sure to permanently mark this planet with your limbs!

Megatron grumbled, before holding out his arm towards Hale. He commanded his army to march, as the Fusion Cannon began charging a shot.

Megatron: Decepticons! Attack!


(Cue Tyrants of Destruction [0:14])

The two armies advanced on each other, covering the entire sky in explosions. The two leaders flew into each other, before connecting punches. A massive, echoing 'boom!' burst across the landscape, throwing debris into the air.

Hale: You're quite strong, but also incredibly slow!

The emperor vanished behind the fallen freedom fighter, before palming his back. This sent Megatron launching forwards, as Hale floated into the sky and began spamming down Ki blasts towards his foe. Though, Megatron grumbled, before aiming his Fusion Cannon forward, and the blast he was charging before fired. It exited the cannon as a wave, strafing the air and detonating the blasts before they could make contact.

The Decepticon smirked, before spamming even more blasts towards Hale.

Megatron: And you're incredibly frail, lizard! Haha, ahahahaha!

Hale's eyes widened, as the blasts all rocketed up towards him. However, his aura burst from his body, before the cosmic emperor flew backwards and dodged the incoming attacks. The Arcosian steadied himself in midair, before dashing back into the fight, barreling his horned head directly into Megs' chest.

Megatron: GRAGH!-

The Decepticon leader stumbled back, landing on his back and then flipping over. However, he caught himself and kicked Hale upwards as he passed. Megatron landed back on his big metallic feet, before discharging another Fusion Cannon blast at Hale.

The more organic alien grimaced, holding his hands out and catching the Fusion Cannon's attack. Though, he was quickly overwhelmed and sent higher into the atmosphere. This left Megatron back on the ground, smirking at his opponent's misfortune.

Megatron: Gyeahhahahaha! What foolishness! Did you really hope to stand up to me, the mighty Lord Megatron?!

However, as he said this, Megatron's optic scanners picked up something happening on the moon. It was... breaking apart!?

The arch-nemesis of Optimus Prime stared up, before shaking his head and beginning to run up a nearby hill. The moon's fragments flew down to Earth at unprecedented speeds, the entire ocean of the planet being thrown off-balance by losing their orbital limiter. However, Megatron kicked off the surface, transforming into his stealth bomber mode, and launching himself into the upper atmosphere at break-neck speed.

As the stealth bomber rushed from the earth's surface, Megatron blasted apart countless Arcosian ships on his way up, bombing them as would his Alt Mode's name may imply. The ships kept barraging him with rapid assaults of energy beams from their cannons, but the Decepticon was too fast for them, dodging the attacks practically effortlessly. Megatron's own fleet began blasting away at the Arcosian-manned ships, causing them serious destruction as Megatron advanced further.

Eventually, he got within range of the moon, and could see its pieces beginning to burn as they approached the planet. However, instead of letting them hit, Megatron transformed back into his robot mode and pulled out his Anti-Matter Blaster, firing a shot of it at a piece of the moon. It was eviscerated, turning into nothing, as the Cybertronian war-hero/villain launched more blasts at other chunks of the orbital body.

Though, Hale floated out of a nearby piece of lunar debris, catching Megatron in a telekinetic grip. Megatron widened his eyes, looking towards Hale with a grunt.

Hale: Allow me to put you in your place, you piece of scrap metal!

The Arcosian Emperor tossed the Decepticon leader into the earth below, before charging up a ball of Ki at his fingertip. Megatron quickly caught himself, charging up an attack with his Fusion Cannon, however, as it was fixing to fire, Hale shot down a Death Beam.

The thin energy beam cut directly through the opening in the Fusion Cannon, causing it to spark as it was split in two. Megatron's head turned in slow motion, his eyes widening, before he was blown away by a large explosion which erupted across the atmosphere.

Hale: The fireworks are pretty, are they not?

Megatron: SILENCE!

Megatron yelled, as he held out his Anti-Matter Blaster and launched a burst of anti-matter towards Hale, however the Arcosian Emperor created a Death Saucer, before chunking it down. The Death Saucer cut through the anti-matter, but did not break down. It was spiritual energy after all, not natural matter.

Megs could barely react in time, dodging by just a hair as the Death Saucer passed him. But the blaster wasn't so lucky, as it was sliced directly in half. Now out of most long-ranged weaponry on him, Megatron let out an enraged war cry as he summoned his Energon mace and his shield, flying up at Hale at superhuman speed. The emperor swiped his arm to the right, launching a Death Wave at Megatron, although he blocked with the shield.

The Decepticon leader reached Hale, giving him no time to react as he battered him with the mace. Though Hale was launched back, he quickly steadied himself as the two cosmic tyrants battled in space, sending colossal explosions each time they locked blows.

The Arcosian swiftly knocked Megatron away as they clashed one more time, his power exploding out of him. Megatron crashed onto the hull of one of the Decepticon ships, looking up only to see the lord charging a massive Ki sphere: the Death Ball.

Hale: Be engulfed in hell!

The smaller-sized tyrant tossed down the destructive energy attack down at Megatron, only for Megs to hold his arms out and grab hold of the Death Ball.

Megatron: The only hell here... is the one you'll be experiencing in a few more seconds! GRAAAAGGHHHHH!!!

Though the hull of the ship began to be melted away, the Decepticons' leader began to absorb the energy from the Death Ball and convert it into plasma which built up at his forearms. He then slammed his arms forward, launching two massive beams from his hands right up at the emperor powered by the Heart of Cybertron.


Hale: Your might? Tch, heh, pathetic!

Hale suddenly exploded his aura, which was slowly bleached from purple to golden, as his skin was turned an equally gold color. He stared down towards the oncoming blasts, before diving through them. Though the plasma-infused Energon caused flames to spark across his body, they were no match for Golden Hale.

Hale: Witness the power of this universe's GOD EMPEROR! HYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

The emperor crashed into Megatron, knocking him directly through the Decepticon fleet. The ship was completely split in half, engulfed in a massive fireball. As for Megs himself, he was sent flying down into Earth's atmosphere at Mach speed, and had no time to steady himself as Hale manipulated the earth's crust with his telekinesis.


A massive chunk of the planet was torn out of it, before Hale dived down and placed a single foot on Megatron's hulking frame, slamming both of them down onto the floating piece of landmass. This shoved it back into the earth, causing a colossal crater and airburst which completely destroyed the atmosphere to reverberate in the sky.

Megatron struggled to rise back to his feet, grunting as Hale floated down from the sky. The Arcosian yawned, as he held down a finger at the Decepticon leader.

Hale: It was a nice fight, I suppose. Not many get to witness the might of 'Golden Hale' before they meet their end. Consider yourself one of those lucky few, hehehaha!

Hale smirked, firing down a Death Beam, however he was caught off-guard when Megatron angled his head up swiftly.

Megatron: ME!? LOSE!? NO!

Suddenly, the Cybertronian fired energy beams from his eyes, one of the twin beams blocking the Death Beam and the other blasting directly into Hale. This caused a dust cloud to form around the cosmic emperor, however he dispersed it all by bursting his aura. Though it was all for naught, as Megatron was already back in action, grabbing at Hale in mid-air and slamming him back to the ground.

Megatron: Allow ME to congratulate YOU, you're going to get the most glorious death I can give! HAHAHAHAHA!

The gladiator of Tarn began raining punch after punch down at Hale who was still on the ground, not giving him a chance to rise to his feet. After, the Decepticon transformed into his tank Alt Mode, grinding his treads on Hale's body. The Arcosian Emperor didn't like this, letting out a howl of pain as he exploded his energy and sent the metallic tyrant flying upward.

Though, Megs turned around while still launching through the air, firing down the cannon mounted on the top of his tank mode at Hale. It impacted the reptilian emperor, causing an explosion to whip across the area. Megatron landed on the ground, transforming back into robot mode. He now had what appeared to be a massive railgun in the place where his Fusion Cannon was. He looked down at Hale, a smirk over his face.

Megatron: You're welcome to die...

In a fit of mad laughter, Megatron began spamming blasts from his railgun into Hale, causing even more detonations to echo on the landscape. Hale kept getting bombarded with all these energy blasts, one after another, and it began to irritate him. So, he finally worked out a plan. He palmed the ground, causing a massive rupture in the planet's surface. Volcanoes erupted and tsunamis formed, turning Earth into a chaos zone nearly instantly, though this gave Hale the momentary distraction he needed.

Hale: I'll make sure you can never walk again.

Megatron's eyes widened, before he let out a yell. A Death Saucer came flying out of nowhere, slicing him in half at the waist. He fell to the ground, Energon staining everywhere. He looked up at Hale, before trying to shoot him with his railgun, but that too was dismantled when the emperor crumbled it like origami and tore it from Megatron's arm.

The emperor gripped Megatron in his telekinesis, before bringing him close to himself. He stared deeply into the Cybertronian's eyes, before beginning to crush the Decepticon leader in his grasp.

Hale: You were a good fight, Megatron, but you're power fell short of actually matching me. Feel free to give it another go, in the next world.

However, Megs began to chuckle, as his eyes began to glow pure crimson. Hale looked down at him, confused, but Megatron simply grinned, as he looked up to the remaining Decepticon ships above.


Hale: What?? What are you doi- GYAGH!

Hale was slammed away by several Decepticon soldiers, piling up on top of him and sending down attack after attack. The Arcosian was able to blast through them no problem, but by the time he had, he already noticed Megatron had left.

Hale: Where did you go???

He floated up, before massive booms echoed throughout the destroyed planet. Hale angled his head up, only to see countless beams of energy heading at him from the Decepticon fleet above. The ice-cold lord let out a howl, as he barreled through the blasts and made his way up to the ships, his Ki blasting through several Decepticon forces with energy waves, Death Beams, and Death Waves.

(Cue Final Formers [2:12])

But just as Hale got through the burning light at the end of the metallic tunnel, he found his foe floating in front of the Decepticon ship. Megatron's chassis glimmered in the sunlight, his body now completely repaired with a smirk over his face as he looked down at his smaller enemy. His entire body was now surrounded in gold, almost as though he was mocking Hale's own transformation.

Hale: Oho? You like this color as well? Well, I must say, it pains me to be the bearer of bad news, but...

The Arcosian ruler began charging up an energy blast, holding his arm out towards Megatron.

Hale: I'll be having to ruin your marvelous paint job, now.

Megatron: Heheh, ahaha... AHAHAHAHA! FOOL! You cannot hope to challenge Megatron's majesty!

Megatron let out a battle cry, as he fired off a beam from his arm at Hale. In the Cybertronian's chest, a golden sphere surrounded by a harness seemed to be flashing a bright assortment of colors, mostly hued golds, oranges, and yellows. The emperor fired his own energy attack at Megatron's beam, creating a massive collision in the sky above. The sky parted with an energy unseen since time began, shaking the very foundations of reality.

Hale: So much bravado, for just another puppet who thinks he can cut his own strings! Do you not know? I am the one who shall liberate this universe from its own shackles, and you're just standing in the way of that!

However, despite the tyrant's words, his power began to falter. This caused Hale to lean in a bit, as Megatron began to chuckle, pushing Hale's blast back.

Megatron: No... It is I alone, who shall rule at the top! For the people of Cybertron, for my planet, and for those who've followed me this whole way, I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO THE STONE AGE!

Megatron's power increased, as the energy blast from his arm broke through Hale's own blast and impacted the lizard-like alien. This caused him to let out a cry of anguish, as the time-bending blast from the Golden Matrix washed over him.

Megatron: Past, present, and future - I shall collapse it all right here! And over your own corpse, I shall rule the new world, a world truly free of oppression or fear! And that's because of me, Megatron!

Hale's power began to fade, as Megs launched another golden-hued energy blast it him. It began to eat away at his own timeline, forcing him to feel the pain felt throughout his entire life... but Hale did not give up just quite yet.

With an all-encompassing darkness, Hale's body was burnt black and his eyes turned purple. His hands clenched into fists, as within his left grip he began charging a large, pitch-black orb. He held it towards Megatron, grunting to himself.

Hale: That... will be your undoing. Die now, and embrace the darkness!

Then, with a dominant yell, Divine Emperor Hale launched down the Black Hole Cannon, eating away at the time blast and all other matter in its wake, impacting directly into Megatron's chest and breaking through the Golden Matrix. This left Megatron growling and screaming in pain, as he slammed into a nearby mountain and began to be eviscerated by the attack.

...However, in a higher plane, two other beings looked down on their battling selves, and took charge. The Alternity Megatron pulled out his twin swords, as the Emperor of Time began outstretching his energy. The two clashed in the heavens above, creating countless disturbances across space-time in their wake.

Universes collapsed, timelines duplicated and ended all at once, and the multiverse was torn asunder. The two cosmic manifold entities kept clashing blows, fist to fist, sword to bio-armor, and cosmic metal to astral flesh. The godly Cybertronian picked up his Arcosian rival, before tossing him over his head while using the blades as an aid. The Emperor of Time crashed through several universes, but grabbed at a celestial sphere and shoved it into the Alternity's face.

The cosmic Megatron stumbled backward, before growling and slashing out with his swords once more. However, the divine temporal emperor would catch the blades in his hands, before slamming his knee towards Megatron's chest. This sent the Alternity Megatron stumbling back, being pushed back even more by every blow Hale sent out.

Emperor of Time: All you can do is run. There is no hiding from my might, you only serve to delay the inevitable. Goodbye, Megatron of Tarn.

Though, the Alternity would simply rise back to his feet and look up at Hale.

Alternity Megatron: I wouldn't be so confident, 'Emperor of Time', your rule has come to an end!

The two rushed back in towards one another, clashing once more as the resulting shockwave was felt in the main universe. Hale kept pouring his dark energy into Megatron's chest, causing his limbs and pieces of his body to explode off. Then, after single yell, the golden Megatron was engulfed, robotic cybernetics being disintegrated in the ensuing fireball.

The Emperor of Time gripped Alternity Megatron's face, before beginning to gouge out his optics.

Emperor of Time: Watch, as everything you know fades away.

However, Megatron simply cackled, paralleling the events that went on in the lower universe, before grabbing Hale's arms and shoving him backwards.

Alternity Megatron: I'd watch my blind spot, next time.

With his eyes wide, the Emperor of Time looked at the battle going on in the lower plane, and what he saw sent a wave of fear through his body.

Hale smirked in victory, floating up and announcing his victory to both his remaining troops, and the few Decepticons that were left on the battlefield. However, as he hovered forward, he hit against an invisible wall. Looking around, Hale attempted to find out what had happened.

Hale: Wh-what? What is this trickery?!

Megatron: Hahaha... experience... experience a FOOL'S DEATH!

Hale was helpless, as he found Megatron emerging from a crater in the ground. Anti-matter poured out of his body, only being empowered by Hale's previous usage of the Black Hole Cannon. The Panic Bubble surrounded them, as the anti-matter rushed out of Megatron and coated the entire interior of the bubble.




Hale was completely eviscerated in the blast, being consumed in the anti-matter and having his atoms scrambled and blasted apart, and causing the entire area to be engulfed in darkness.

In the dimensions above, the Alternity stood over a deceased universe. The universe that served as the Emperor of Time, Hale's cosmological body, was no more. With a maniacal grin, Alternity Megatron began to spread his influence across other worlds, leaving Hale behind to be taken into the great dark below.

For him, there was nothing but hell that followed, an ever-expanding night that could not be snuffed out by the golden light of Hale's day. The Emperor of Time had fallen, signifying the end of Hale's reign of terror across the cosmos and beyond.

Back in the main universe, as everything calmed back down, the Hale Force and Decepticons looked on, anticipating either of their leaders to emerge. Their wants for the tension to end were answered, when Megatron's fist exploded from the rubble and rose his head to the sky. He was without his other arm, without both of his legs... but he could still function. Which is more than could be said for Hale, who had gotten destroyed on a subatomic level.

Megatron: Heheheheh, all bows now... to Megatron.


The Decepticons are seen cheering for Megatron's victory, while Hale's empire is subjected to the Cybertronian's new rule.


Boomstick: Wiz, I uh... I don't think you need to take me to that Walmart anymore. The toy I wanted is coming for us now!

Wiz: Both of these cosmic tyrants held many feats of impressive strength, speed, and intelligence, but ultimately Megatron ended out on top. For example, while Hale could match blows with the Saiyans who could warp the universe and keep up with dark gods who could threaten infinite universes with their power, Megatron is equally able-bodied, being capable of fighting Optimus Prime.

Boomstick: Optimus and Megatron, when joining forces, were able to take down Shockwave, who had become a threat to the entire Transformers multiverse! Megatron himself was even able to match the Deceptigod, who was powered by a dead universe. Oh yeah, and Gold Megatron was gonna fuse the past, present, and future across infinite timelines into one singular world!

Wiz: And though Hale held the capacity to bypass conventional durability with the Black Hole Cannon's anti-matter production, Megatron could easily do the same with his Spark. Additionally, both Hale and Megatron could survive even after being split in half or blown to pieces. So, with both so equally matched in physicality, we had to look at who was faster.

Boomstick: And this is where you really start to see the difference. While Hale was capable of matching Kan and Okaru, who could fly across the entire universe at quadrillions of times the speed of light, Megatron is one of the fastest Transformers period!

Wiz: This would include the likes of Lightspeed, who could search decillions of dimensions in mere femtoseconds, or Mainframe who could calculate pi into a centillion digits. The first feat would mean Lightspeed moved, at bare minimum, 2.93 unvigintillion times the speed of light, while Mainframe can reach processing speeds of up to 5.28 duononagintillion times the speed of light. To get an idea of how mind-bogglingly insane that is, if you were to try to write these numbers out on all the atoms in the universe, you'd run out of atoms before you even got to a millionth of a billionth of either number!

Boomstick: WOAH HOAH! Now that's what I call super fast! So yeah, while Hale's speed was impressive, Megatron just completely blew him out of the water in that regard. But, this isn't actually either of their limits. Sure, Megs may beat the icy emperor at just their normal states, but what about their most powerful forms? Y'know, the god ones that they got when they tried to take over the multiverse: Alternity Megatron and the Emperor of Time?

Wiz: Well, shockingly enough, they'd be equal! They both can affect their own infinite cosmology, with their true forms dwarfing whole universes. Time and space hold no meaning for them, so both would have immeasurable speed as well.

Boomstick: Albeit, being completely honest, the Emperor of Time's weakness of being connected back to his main universe self was always gonna prove to be a pain in the ass. And since Megs has been doing his thing for millions of years compared to Hale's impressive, but still comparatively far less exciting, centuries, you can see why he gets the short end of the stick regardless.

Wiz: Overall, while both hold their respective universes in their iron-clad grip, Megatron's hold was just that more impressive; he had the power, speed, and experience to win in this battle of tyrants.

Boomstick: This emperor sure thought he was cold enough to win, but it was all a deceptive Hale from the beginning!

Wiz: Ugh... the winner is Megatron.


  • The connections between Megatron and Hale are:
    • They are both tyrannical leaders of vast armies whose reach spans nearly the entire universe.
    • They were raised in impoverished societies (Megatron was born as a working class citizen and had his role in society predefined at birth; Hale's entire race being nearly extinct and wiped out), however eventually took matters into their own hands and raised themselves out of said poverty (Megatron published his statements and grew a following, rising to power before eventually being nearly assassinated which lead to him wanting to wage violence against all Cybertronians who sided against him; Hale took over the throne of Arcose by force, becoming its emperor and vowing to make the universe a more habitable place for everyone).
    • This lead them into conflict with certain beings who were the embodiments of what they hated the most (Autobots and Saiyans respectively).
    • They both have a group which they are closely associated with (Decepticons; the Hale Force), with said group also containing/formerly containing a member who was regarded the "second-in-command" who also happened to be cowardly yet deceptive (Starscream and Rigu respectively).
    • Both have definitively become good in some timeline or another (Megatron has remained a good guy in some G1 continuities and even decided to help Optimus at points; Hale is a good guy in the Nightmare Realm and eventually turned over a new leaf in the main timeline).
    • They can both use attacks which has to do with antimatter (Megatron flat-out just has antimatter manipulation; Hale can use the Black Hole Cannon, which is him creating a literal black hole which can produce antimatter).
    • At some point in alternate timelines, they become god-like entities who stand above entire universes and make it a mission to fuse all instances of "them" across the multiverse into a singular entity (Megatron becoming part of the Alternity; Xeno!Hale becoming the Emperor of Time).
    • They both have forms that are colored golden and black (Gold Megatron and Alternity Megatron; Golden Hale and Divine Emperor Hale), with each form being subsequently more powerful than the last.