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Nil is Absolute
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Written by Duragoji123
Episode guide


Archon's Revenge VS Umineko: When They Cry! When these two cosmically overpowered narcissists come head-to-head, who will claim absolute dominance over the other?


Archon Brings His Vengeance into DEATH BATTLE![]

Overcoming Bernkastel in DEATH BATTLE! is a Miracle![]





  • The connections between Archon and Bernkastel are:
    • Antagonistic forces in series with complicated universal structures, with said universe functioning on the difference between reality and fiction. They both also view the reality below them as a chessboard, with that board being the deciding move on what fate has in store for the ones in the lower realities.
    • They were originally more kind and innocent individuals (Archon being one of the Ascendental race and Bernkastel being Rika Furude from Higurashi), but were corrupted and turned to the darkness by a higher entity (Ahriman and Featherine, respectively).
    • They serve this master and serve as a sort of "herald" to them into reality (Archon acting as the one who will return the Archon's Revenge multiverse back to the void so that Ahriman can start further corrupting the Duraverse once again; Bernkastel is Featherine's miko and is the cat which looked for a way to revive her master, and the one who tears out the entrails of stories for her), with the protagonists being fairly unaware of this master-servant relationship throughout most of the story.
    • In their stories, they are initially a mysterious entity which the audience hardly knows anything about. However, they are eventually revealed to be manipulators of those in lower realities, turning them into pawns for their sick game (Archon having been the one sewing chaos and evil across the multiverse, and tempting others to darkness; Bernkastel manipulating the pieces on the gameboard with malicious precision).
    • In the process of the manipulation, they take a family member related to one of the most important characters in their universe, corrupting them into their own pawns (Archon manipulates Nova, Zen's daughter, into joining his side and turning against her own father; Bern manipulates Ange, Battler's sister, into wanting to become a Witch which causes a domino effect of events which lead to Ange turning against her own family).
    • The manipulation eventually escalates into something which threatens the entire world and the narrative around them, further egged on by their master (Archon attempting to take over reality to rule it, however Ahriman was just using him to spread the void across the multiverse further; Bern is convinced by Featherine to invade Battler and Beato's gameboard, so that she may discover the truth of it).
    • Both of them have a hardcore rivalry with a fellow god-like being who is related to them (Zen and Archon being siblings and also heavily against one another; Lambdadelta and Bernkastel being in a toxic loving relationship and also rivals in many games). They go way back with this arch-nemesis, heavily relating back to their past while also serving as one of the catalysts of them going down their dark path (What Archon saw as Zen's unfair rise to the throne and subsequent poor ruling of the multiverse made him become more angry towards his brother; Lambda presumably had both Takano and Satoko as her pieces in the Higurashi gameboard, which led to Rika losing her mind even more).
    • This rival eventually is convinced after a lot of motivation from the heroes to go against them at the end of the story, aiding the protagonists in their battle against them (Zen being picked up out of his depressive funk by Kanniu, who then battles against the Dark Omni King in the finale; Lambda being convinced to join in the exciting tale Battler and Ange were weaving, which led to her going against both Bern and Featherine).
    • Both are capable of using a certain power system within their verse, which allows them to remove the very existence of those affected by it from the face of reality itself (Archon being able to use Dark Omni Ki which distorts reality, history, and the narrative, returning all it touches to the void; Bernkastel can use Truths, which are capable of denying the conceptual being of someone out of reality and into the Depths of Oblivion).
    • They can use this power to create weapon constructs for themself (Archon can use his dark energy to make weapons of all sorts, though the most notable is a sword; Bern can crystalize a Truth statement into making a scythe-like blade).
    • They are eventually defeated, when the main hero stands against them with the aid of the their rival (Kanniu faces down Archon along with Zen and Nova; Battler, Ange, and Lambda all team up to take on Bern and Auau). They convince the one manipulated to the side of darkness to join them through the power of words, which results in the defeat of the threat to the world.
    • Though they are fought physically, they are actually defeated by more passive means (Zen making up to Archon, and the two finally sorting out a few of their differences in their last moments; Featherine being convinced by Battler and Ange's resolve, ordering Bernkastel to stand down upon realizing they have no hope of changing the tale of the Ushiromiya's).
    • A bit of a funny contrast in the fact that Archon's master is dog-themed, while Bern herself is cat-themed.
    • As a more meta connection: Both of their series are focused on the aspect of family and the bonds that they share with one another, and how far those bonds will take you in the end. Additionally, several of the cosmic structures in the Duraverse were heavily inspired by When They Cry.