Boomstick: Youtube the placed to go when your bored.
Wiz: And in youtube are multiple content creators: Like Dream the speed running king and George Dreams colorblind best friend.
Boomstick: And Vanossgaming the owl with a knack of explosions and H20Delirious the crazy masked clown.
BoomStick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick
Wiz: and it's our job to analysis their Weapons, Armour and Skills to see who would win.... A DEATH BATTLE.
Dream and George[]
(Cue minecraft manhunt)
Boomstick: it's a beautiful day in Minecraft, flowers are blooming and trees are getting chopped? By who? It's Dream!
Wiz: Dream is a Minecraft speedrunner who revived Minecraft from it's downfall from saying Pewdiepie's seed to everyone to being a Minecraft's one of the biggest YouTubers.
Boomstick: GeorgeNotFound is Dream's partner from his manhunts and is basically like the side kick of a superhero.
Wiz: George may be an idiot, but he has some skills.
Immortality. (Both)
Mountains of weapons and equipment. (Both.)
Nigh-Omnipotence (Dream, formerly, via Command Block.)
Heavily FTL Speed. (Both, mostly Dream)
- Scales to Technoblade, who threw a person into the sun. (The strength of the throw caused the Sun to blow up.)
- Scales to TommyInnit, who outran a black hole.
- Scales to Karl, who ran across the entire solar system in 8 minutes.
- Dream is egotistical, arrogant, and has a God Complex.
- George is quite ignorant, and has a lack of care and emotions.
- hole
- Dream cheated on manhunts, but later he apologized about it so cheats and the luck mod won't count
•swords (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond, and netherite)
•pickaxes (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond, and netherite
•axe (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond and netherite)
•shovels (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond and netherite)
•hoe (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond, and netherite)
•fishing rods
•TNT, Flint and Steel
Boomstick: hoe may not a weapon but it does damages
Wiz: well same to pickaxes
Boomstick: I always find Dream amazing but when those peoples said he cheated on his speedruns I never find him amazing anymore
Wiz: sorry that Dream got ruined for you
Boomstick: It's fine that I knew his manhunts are staged anyway you know what they say cheating is fun because it makes everything much simplier
Vanoss and Delirious[]
Boomstick: Have you ever been bored while YouTube cause their is nothing to watch!
Wiz: plenty of time's.
Wiz: well any ways Evan Fong is a Canadian Youtuber Known by Vanoss and infamous for
Boomstick: HOODINI!!!!
Wiz: OWWW why did you yell?
Boomstick: Because thats what vanoss does all the time
Wiz: Lets just get into his power's
- Tool gun: Omnipotence
- Gravity gun: can lift objects and launch them
- Physics gun: can move objects in different direction's
- Mr Ibizza Freeze Gun: freezes players making them unable to move
- Super AK-47: a AK-47 that can basically one shot anything
- Portal Gun: Gun that can shoot two portals that connect to each other and sometimes just shoots a laser that can kill people
- C4: An unlimited supply of C4 that stick to objects and people
- Super Shotgun: A powerful shotgun that can instantly kill a player
(Wiz and Boomstick can be seen as Gmod player models while holding a crowbar)
(Boomstick: "Hey Wiz look i made a Dick") Boomstick starts crouching up and down.
(Wiz: "BOOMSTICK DELETE BEFORE WE GET DEMONITIZED") Wiz quickly turn's around to not see the dupe.
(Boomstick: "Awh come on Wiz, we're gonna get demonetized anyway") Boomstick then hits the ground with his crowbar.
Wiz then shoots Boomstick with a crossbow, killing him.
(Boomstick: "Fine I'll delete it") Boomstick then respawns and deletes the dick.
(Wiz: "Now that's out of the way, Lets get on with the analysis Boomstick") Wiz puts his crossbow away and brings out his crowbar.
(Boomstick: "Ok ,one of the main games Vanoss plays is Garry's mod or gmod, A multiplayer sandbox game that allows you to do Literally ANYTHING") Boomstick starts flying around while spawning NPC's.
Wiz hits a NPC with his crowbar, (Wiz: "In Gmod Vanoss has access to basically a million weapons But for this fight, We'll be giving him only eight weapons from Gmod").
(Boomstick: "Vanoss's first weapon is the super shotgun, This gun can easily destroy wood, send barrels flying and kill any poor player in its way") Boomstick fly's down and shoots a few NPC's and then shoots Wiz.
Wiz spawns back in and lands next to Boomstick and hits him with a crowbar, (Wiz: "their is also the the Physic's and Gravity gun, The gravity gun is capable of lifting objects into the air and launching them far away) Wiz then picks up a NPC and launches it into a wall, killing the NPC.
(Boomstick: The physic's gun lift objects like the gravity gun, But it cant launch them but it can rotate the object it's holding and freeze it in the air) Boomstick then grabs the dead NPC and swings it around by the arm.
(Wiz: "Vanoss also wields a Portal Gun, This device is capable of creating two portals and only two, Going through one portal sends you out the other") Wiz then places two portals on the ground a jumps through them.
(Boomstick: "But sometimes the Portal gun doesn't make portals, Instead it shoots a FUCKING LASER THAT KILLS WHATEVER IS INFRONT OF THAT") Boomstick then shoots a NPC with the Portal Gun, Killing the NPC.
(Wiz: "Vanoss also uses a gun known as the 'Mister Ibizza Freeze gun' this gun can freeze whoever it shoots making them unable to move") Boomstick then shoots Wiz, freezing and turning him cyan, Boomstick then picks him up with the Gravity Gun.
(Boomstick: "Hey wiz wanna play bowling") Boomstick then aims the frozen scientist at a bunch of NPC's and then fires
(Wiz: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH") Wiz didn't hit any NPC, as he bounced over them
(Boomstick: "Vanoss also has C4 and a LOT of it, Vanoss can throw his C4 anywhere and the C4 will stick their, like a platform HAVE A C4, a Brick wall here TAKE SOME C4 and Nogla walking into a room TAKE ALL THE C4") Boomstick the covered a NPC with C4 and blew it up.
Wiz then respawns, (Wiz: "Now we have one of Vanoss's most powerful weapons, THE TOOL GUN!!!") Wiz then walks to Boomstick, While pulling out the Tool Gun.
Boomstick then pulled out a shotgun, (Boomstick: "Wiz don't you dare use that thing on me") Boomstick then aims the gun at Wiz's head.
(Wiz: "Don't worry Boomstick, I got someone else to test it on, OOOOOHHHH DUMMMI!!!!") Dummi then Spawned in the game, He then pulled out a Ragdoll Gun.
(Dummi: "Hello Mr Wizard, How should I be destroyed this time") Dummi then activated the Ragdoll Gun, causing his body to flop onto the floor.
(Wiz: "The Tool Gun allows Vanoss to basically do ANYTHING, While holding the gun Vanoss can fly around"), Wiz then starts flying around. (Wiz: "And noclip, Which basically means Vanoss can go through walls"), Wiz the phases through the floor.
(Boomstick: "Vanoss can also spawn in anything with the Tool Gun, Like Food, Props, Dupes and he can duplicate stuff"), Boomstick shoots Dummi's ragdoll body and duplicates him.
(Dummi: "Hooray, More people to share my pain") Suddenly random body parts of the Dummi ragdoll's started getting bigger, (Wiz: "The Tool Gun can also make stuff bigger or smaller as well as inflate stuff")
(Wiz: "The Tool Gun can also create camera's that allow Vanoss, to get multiple angles of an area"), Wiz then places a camera in front of him, as Boomstick fly's down and lands next to him.
(Boomstick: "And the Tool Gun can also delete anything NPC's, Ragdoll's, Props, You name it the Tool Gun can delete it, except players"), Boomstick then uses the Tool Gun to delete the rest of the NPC's and Dummi's ragdoll.
(Wiz: "I think we covered all of Vanoss's Gmod weapons, Boomstick are we forgetting anything?"), Boomstick then pulls out his crowbar, (Boomstick: "Nope, I think we got everything"), Wiz and Boomstick were about to disconnect, Until their were both blasted away by Dummi.
(Wiz and Boomstick: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"), Dummi then walked in front of the camera, (Dummi: "Wiz and Boomstick did forget one weapon, The Super AK-47, This gun is one of Vanoss's Favorites and most powerful weapons in his arsenal"), Wiz and Boomstick then respawn but then are instantly killed by Dummi again.
(Dummi: "
Paint The Town Red[]
Monster Legends[]
Monster Legends[]
If this Death Battle had a score[]
Games Vanoss and delirious will use
- Gmod
- Paint the Town red
- Monster legends
- SuperHot
- Stickfight
- Gmod
- Spider-Man
- Undefeated
- Monster legends
- Aragami
Dummi's Gmod Player model