Credit to Bunny Cat4
Sphere Robot vs Pikachu7 is a collab Death Battle by Bunny Cat4 & Vrokorta. It pits their respective OCs, Pikachu7 & Sphere Robot, against each other.
Two OCs, both Death Battle hosts. They've witnessed countless battles ending in death, but when they are the combatants, who will be left alive?
Wiz and Boomstick are seen minding their own business when a black cat walked into the room, drinking a can of Root Beer.
Boomstick: Uh, who are you, and where is-?
Michael the Cat: The ball of bolts? Oh, he is battling my best friend in this collab. Hey, "Ball of Bolts" sounds like a better album name than "No Hosts".
Wiz: Oh right, the battle. Ahem, Sphere Robot, the robot with the DNA of a god.
Michael the Cat: And Pikachu7, the Pikachu who watches SMG4 and never finishes his fights.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick and, uh...
Michael the Cat: Michael the Cat. PINGAS.
Wiz: Um, okay? And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor & skills to find out who will win, a Death Battle.
Michael the Cat: You two handle the robot, I got the electric rat. Cue Death Battle doors.
Sphere Robot (Vrokorta)[]
Wiz: Years ago...
Boomstick: Like 3 to 5.
Wiz: An all-powerful god...
Boomstick: Literally just Vrok.
Wiz: Created his own avatar...
Boomstick: A robot pipsqueak.
Wiz: To defend the Hyperverse from villains & imbalances.
Boomstick: And screwing up all along the way.
Wiz: This was the Sphere Robot, a genius inventor whose mind is only outshined by his heart.
Boomstick: And his clumsiness.
- Height: 2.3ft
- Weight: 30kg
- Age: ~4 years
- IQ: 3,000
- Composition: Aluminum
- Literally & figuratively an oddball
Wiz: His first mission, to prove himself an effective ambassador, was to stop an army of robots led by the machine-controlling alien, Razit.
Boomstick: Razit? You mean Zavok?
Vrokorta: Of course not, Razit & Zavok are COMPLETELY different. Don't know where you got THAT idea from...
Wiz: Anyways, he passed with flying colors, defeating Razit, stopping his army, & even making a new friend in the form of Robot T-Rex.
Boomstick: I'M A MOTHER******* T-REX! DUN DUN! I'M A MOTHER******* T-REX! DUN DUN!
Wiz: A handful of adventures later, Sphere Robot would create his own workshop to serve as a base of operations & a hangar for all of his inventions.
Boomstick: Good thing too, cause he's got plenty.
- Doublimbs
- Limb Boosters
- Electro Cracklers
- Anime Sword
- Quad Mowers
- Snow Shovel X5
- Meteor Strikers
- Vary Gauntlets
- Dual Duelers
- Limb Morphers
- Stealth Ship
Wiz: The Doublimbs attach to Sphere Robot's shoulders, granting him a second pair of arms & legs. The Limb Boosters are equipped over his primary limbs, making them larger & stronger, as well as granting him flight via jet feet.
Boomstick: The Electro Cracklers can absorb, generate, & shoot electricity with just the press of a button. Imagine how much we'd save on the electric bill. And the Anime Sword... is just a giant flaming sword, except unlike your favorite shonen protagonist, Sphere Robot can barely use the dang thing cause it's too ****ing big.
Wiz: The Quad Mowers equip each of Sphere Robot's limbs with lawn mower blades for close combat, as well as hovering just above the ground. The Snow Shovel X5 is essentially 5 snow shovels attached to each other at the sides. It may sound silly, but this weapon is great for wide, sweeping attacks, as well as blocking hits.
Boomstick: The Meteor Strikers are something else. By equipping his arms & feet with these, he attains the speed, strength, & flight of a meteor, granting him a top speed of Mach 210 with kinetic energy as high as 19 Tons of tnt. Then there's the Vary Gauntlets, which can shoot just about any projectile thanks to its unique fuel supply. Its only limit is that denser projectiles take up more fuel than lighter ones.
Wiz: The Dual Duelers are a pair of weapons attached to a helmet. When wearing this helmet, Sphere Robot can control what weapons he wields through mere thought. The only weakness is that damaging or destroying the helmet will keep Sphere Robot from using it properly, if at all. The Limb Morphers work in a similar fashion, but instead of copying weapons, they can morph into almost any body part he wants.
Boomstick: Can he turn them into giant-
Vrokorta: NO.
Boomstick: ... beer bottles. I was totally gonna say... beer bottles. Definitely not... something else...
Wiz: And them there's the Stealth Ship, an airship equipped with invisibility, heat control, soundless flight, stealth missiles, & stealth lasers. Even though it's huge, you'd never know it's there until it hit you.
Boomstick: And if you thought his inventions were impressive, wait'll you see his mechs.
- Sword Tank
- Sphere Brawler
- Steampunk Sphere
- Sphere Buccaneer
- Sphere Mecha
- Sphere Kaiju
Wiz: The Sword Tank is a small tank equipped with a sword instead of a gun. It's arm is highly posable, its treads can travel on walls & ceilings, & its sword comes equipped with a plasma blaster.
Boomstick: The Sphere Brawler is a large white version of Sphere Robot built for close combat. The Steampunk Sphere is a large copper version of Sphere Robot equipped with shotguns, piston fists, & steam jetpacks. The Sphere Buccaneer is... another version of Sphere Robot, equipped with a cutlass, flintlock, & kraken form. And here I thought Eggman was vain for building robots in his likeness.
Wiz: The Sphere Mecha stands 15 meters tall, & comes equipped with jet feet, lasers, machine guns, rocket fists, & bombs. It's one of the strongest mechs Sphere Robot's built.
Boomstick: Well that's not saying much when you look at the Sphere Kaiju. This thing stands 100 meters tall, wielding the strength to ruin cities, shatter mountains, throw storms, induce earthquakes, & tow islands.
Wiz: For being so clumsy, Sphere Robot is truly not one to be trifled with, & we haven't even covered his standard equipment.
Standard Equipment[]
- Master Controller
- Fuel Cup
- Mini-Spheres
- Reflector Oil
- Spare Limbs
- Key of Sealing
Boomstick: With the Master Controller, Sphere Robot can summon & control his mechs & vehicles from interdimensional distances, though he lets them function through their AI by default. His Fuel Cup was given to him by Vrokorta, & contains magical power to cross dimensions via portals through space!
Wiz: His Mini-Spheres are 1cm tall versions of him that can be released from his body at any time for whatever purpose he sees fit. His Reflector Oil ALSO comes from Vrok, & is simply a bottle of oil that reflects anything that touches it. The only limit is that it can still be easily ignited like regular oil.
Boomstick: Sphere pipsqueak also carries spare limbs, cause he just can't keep himself together.
Sphere Robot: My arms are deadly weapons, people can't help but try to remove them.
Wiz: And lastly is the Key of Sealing, Vrokorta's most powerful gift to the Sphere Robot. While capable of many things, it's limited by what Vrokorta allows.
Vrokorta: And I won't be allowing much in this fight.
Wiz: Even so, the Key of Sealing is capable of shattering the earth for miles, creating forcefields that can block nukes, & paralyzing body parts, all through the power of either sealing, or unsealing his target, including himself. Also, thanks to Vrok, only Sphere Robot can use it, so there'll be no chances of an enemy using it against him.
Boomstick: And that means fighting the robot man-to-man, which is surprisingly difficult.
- Laser eyes
- Melee combat
- Hammerspace
- Scanning
- Body morphing
- Can turn his arms into shields
- Can turn his hands into various tools
- Can turn his feet into treads, skates, or pillows
- Can pull in all his limbs & roll
- Stretchy limbs
- Weapons
- Bombs
- Flails
- Shoulder cannon
- Missile launcher
Wiz: Sphere Robot comes equipped with laser eyes, capable of burning whatever it touches & reflecting off materials like metal.
Vrokorta: Not yet confirmed to be light-speed.
Boomstick: For looking so wimpy, Sphere Robot's pretty tough, fighting enemies several times his size with just his bare hands. Speaking of hands, this guy can turn them into shields to block attacks, or other tools like drills, wrenches, screwdrivers, sawblades, & torches.
Wiz: By pulling in his limbs, he can roll around like Sonic the Hedgehog... okay let's be honest, this move is FAR from exclusive to Sonic. Heck, Mario can do it. On a different note, Sphere Robot can stretch his limbs, which is a great compensation for his small size.
Boomstick: And if an arsenal of mechs, tanks, ships, & kaiju weren't enough, Sphere Robot's also got a handful of weapons for personal use. Get it? Handful? Cause he uses his hands to wield them.
Wiz: First are his bombs, which are as simple as they come. Throw one & it explodes in seconds. His flails... are just as simple. Swing at your enemy & hope you break a few bones.
Popup: Sphere Robot does not condone the breaking of bones.
Boomstick: He's also got a shoulder cannon that fires... cannonballs? I was expecting lasers or some other cool projectile.
Sphere Robot: I already have lasers.
Boomstick: Well anyways, he's also got his missile launcher, a hatch in his back that fires a maximum of 5 missiles before needing reloaded at his workshop.
Wiz: And we're STILL not done covering Sphere Robot.
- Self
- Ripped off a building-sized robot's ankle
- Flipped a portion of the ground like a carpet
- Reacted to gunshots
- Took a punch that knocked down a UFO
- Traded blows with Oddthree
- Shattered the ground for miles (Key of Sealing)
- Blocked nukes (Key of Sealing)
- Inventions
- Tore apart a train with a barrage of shotgun blasts (Steampunk Sphere)
- Dodged electricity (Steampunk Sphere)
- Threw all the clouds in a 20km radius 2km into the sky (Sphere Kaiju)
- Towed an island (Sphere Kaiju)
Boomstick: The first feat this guy pulls (literally) is ripping off the ankle of a building-sized robot made of steel, a feat worth 60 Megajoules.
Wiz: While fighting in a tournament, he was able to flip the ground like a carpet, which we estimate to weigh 2.13 Tonnes. He's also blocked bullets at close-range, which should make his speed Subsonic at the very least.
Boomstick: He also survived a punch that knocked down a UFO. Who delivered the punch you ask? Well Bad Mr. Frosty of course! He also traded blows with Oddthree, who's "definitely not based on any other carnivorous plant you might be thinking of". Anyways, that guy can easily fracture trees, rip up pieces of the ground, & shatter said pieces. Though it is worth noting that Sphere Robot used his Limb Boosters, flails, & Anime Sword to fight him, & still nearly lost.
Wiz: For his inventions, the Steampunk Sphere was able to tear apart a train by unloading nearly all of his shotgun bullets into it. As the weakest member of the Sphere Squadroon, the other members would upscale from this feat. What they don't upscale from is his speed. Heedless of being so heavy (copper is quite dense), Steampunk Sphere is the fastest member of his team, being able to dodge electricity, which moves at a top speed of Mach 12.
Boomstick: Then there's the Sphere Kaiju, who lifted the freakin sky. Making some estimates to find just how much sky was thrown, we find the potential energy of said feat was equivalent to 47 Megatons of tnt. This dude also towed an island, which we very roughly estimate to require about 300 Megatons of tnt.
Popup: Without visuals, it's hard to say how fast Sphere Kaiju was going, or how heavy the island was. This calc assumes Sphere Kaiju was moving at Mach 0.5 (170m/s) & towing an island that weighed 114 billion tonnes (mass taken from a calc Vrok made for South Island from Sonic the Hedgehog). Final number is not exact.
Boomstick: Why is Sphere Robot considered weak by Vrok exactly?
Vrokorta: Easy.
- Prone to mistakes
- Prone to losing limbs
- A bit clumsy
- Certain inventions have limited ammo, limited fuel, or notable weak spots
- Conducts electricity
Wiz: Even with an IQ of 3,000, Sphere Robot tends to be a bit clumsy, stumbling into territorial rhinos, or blowing himself up in trying to trick someone into blowing up their own weapon. Not to mention this guy has a habit of losing body parts during battle.
Boomstick: And as great as his inventions are, they do have their limits. Fuel, ammo, weak spots, or just being unwieldy like the Anime Sword. Not to mention breaking an invention means he can't use it until he has time to repair it. Not a difficult task for him, but also not a good strat in the middle of combat.
Wiz: Plus, being made of aluminum means he conducts electricity. Fortunately for him, it also means he can't be magnetized or rusted.
Boomstick: Sphere Robot may be a pipsqueak, but he always does his best to get things done, & he's not half bad at it.
Sphere Robot (Clip): What? Did you think I would create a controller with no backup?
Pikachu7 (Bunny Cat4)[]
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awayMiW9zpk)
Michael the Cat: Pikachu7, my best friend, was not always the Pikachu who gets his @$$ kicked by that furry pilot.
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Hey! Shut up!
Michael the Cat: He was originally a Pichu who gets his @$$ kicked that furry pilot.
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): I said shut up!
- Name: Pikachu7
- Aliases: Pikachu, Bunny Cat4, Bunny Cat, Bunny, Pika
- DBF Hero: Professor Mewtwo
- Dating: Lopunny6 (currently), Eevee8 (formerly)
- Hates: Ganondorf and "Karens"
- Afraid of heights
- Has his own wiki
- Favorite YouTuber: SMG4
- Main Goal in Life: Kick Fox McCloud's @$$
- Was taught by the original Pikachu from Smash 64
Michael the Cat: One day, he was getting sh*t beating by some fairy boy, he eventally discover his two favorite shows, SMG4 and Death Battle. He watched those shows after defeating the pointy ear sword kid... wait, how the hell did you beat him?
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): ... I have no idea.
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u86hCir5I7g)
- Electricity
- Can fire lightning from his cheeks, mouth, and hands
- Basic Pikachu moves
- The Pikachu Smash Bros. Moveset
- Extra Lives
- Can have up to 99 lives, but limits himself to 3 to be fair, though will go to the limit when there is serious matchup
- Toon Force
- Hammerspace
- Can pull weapons out of nowhere
- Healing Factor
- Can heal wounds
- Can survive without a head long enough to call the person who hurted him out
- Fourth-Wall Awareness
- Hammerspace
Michael the Cat: Pikachu does have his powers and abilities, like shooting or barf electricity, making his tail become iron, move so fat, he looks lik he's teleporting, have extra lives, pull things out of nowhere, heal his wounds, and is aware of the fourth-wall. Propane.
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): ...Why did you say that?
Michael the Cat: I was watching King of the Hill earlier.
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZqi2Nv2M04)
- Beam Sword
- His primary go to weapon
- Bob-ombs
- Bumpers
- Can bounce people away
- Death's Scythe
- Can kill people at high percentages
- Bunny Hood
- Increases his speed, jumping height, and falling speed
- Franklen Badge
- Reflects projectiles
- Gooey Bomb
- Bomb that stick onto someone explodes
- Home-Run Bat
- With a powerful to knock people away
- Has horrible timing
- Hammer
- Makes him invicable and hit hard
- Loses some speed and jumping
- Smash Ball
- Unleashes his final smash
- Star Rod
- Can shoot stars
- Super Star
- Makes him invicable
- Most of the makes him a cocky dumb@$$
- Timer
- Slows time down
- Rage Blaster
- Shoots beams
- The higher of percentages, the more damage it does
- Motion-Sensor Bomb
- Can plant onto the ground and explode someone gets close
- Metal Box
- Makes him stonger, heavier, and harder (GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!)
- Maxim Tomato
- Heals 50% of Pikachu7's damage
- Fan
- Fast swing and great at destroying sheilds
- Ray Gun
- His 2nd primary weapon
- Shoots horizontally
- Dragoon
- His BEST weapon
- Does a one-hit KO
- Needs to get 3 pieces
- Mushroom
- Increases his size, weight, and strength
Michael the Cat: Like any plumbers who fights fire breathing turtles does with their mushrooms, Pika7 has a sh*tton of weapons. He's got a lightsaber, bombs, guns, metal hats, tomatos, that farmer tool the skeleton in the black hood always have, pocket watches, paper fans (for real?), stars, a bat, bunny ears, bumpers, spicy meatballs, and the infamous "DRAGOON".
Play a clip of a Smash Bros round where Sonic is falling to the stage as an aiming thingie aims below him. Just as he about to land, Pikachu7 riding a Dragoon smashes into the blue blur, causing the hedgehog to be sent flying at great speeds off the screen.
Pikachu7 (Clip): YOU'RE TOO SLOW! >:D
Michael the Cat: Say that looks pretty cool, can I please try it?
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Hell no! I trust you as much as a vampire hunter trusts a vampire!
Michael the Cat Awwwwww, but that's fair. I WOULD cause lots of destruction.
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6gbjmk8Qao)
- Survived Smash Bros. Melee - Ultimate
- Basically handle Bubsy's bullcr*p
- And b*tch slap that guy away
- Somehow got back to life after Cell killed him
- More then likely, he walked
- Handled getting kicked in the face by SMG4 pretty well
- And he was happy over it
- Can scale to Michael, who crashes into stuff and walks away from it like it was nothing
Michael the Cat (Clip): *does a thumbs up* I found a parking spot! :D
- Tank a lot of hits of the Smash roster... and a very angry Waluigi
- Killed Speedy in his "Metal Overlord" form after a 7 hour long battle with Cider
Michael the Cat: Of course, my best friend has plenty of feats to help him out. He basically survived Melee through Ultimate, scale to me "parking" into things, handle and b*tch slap Annoying Orange as a cat,-
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JTuZgo1Ooc)
Plays a clip where a orange bobcat in a white shirt with a red exclamation mark annoying a visibly p*ssed Pikachu.
Bubsy (Clip): Come little bunny, just because you have lighting "paw"-ers (1), doesn't mean I would "flea" (2). I would be able to give Smash "paws" (3). Heck, defeating you would make me the "purr"-fect (4) candidete for the game. How about a sparring match, what would you say?
Pikachu7 walks up to the bobcat and slapped the annoying ascot into a tree, knocking him out.
Pikachu7 (Clip): I say SHUT THE F*CK UP!
(Music - Back to "Chaos")
Michael the Cat: -Took hits from the Smash roster and Waluigi-
(Music - The same music in the clip)
Plays a clip of Pikachu7 and Waluigi's fight as it look like this.
(Music - Back to "Chaos")
Michael the Cat: -And wait a minute, am I reading this right? "Handle getting kick by... SMG4"?!?!?!
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Yup.
Michael the Cat: "Somehow came back to life after Cell killed HIM?!"
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Uh huh.
Michael the Cat: "Killed Speedy in his "Metal Overlord" form after 7 HOURS with Cider"?
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Yeah, that sounds about right.
Michael the Cat: When the hell did that happen? And most importantly, YOU MET SMG4?!?!?! Also, who's Cider?
Pikachu7 (Offscreen): Some where like December 29, 2021.
Michael the Cat: ...You lucky b*tch!
Pickachu7 (Offscreen): Oh, I wouldn't say I'm lucky.
Michael the Cat: Yeah you do have a lot weakness. LIKE THIS!
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJSRq50EKMs)
- While the "Wiz" with Michael, he sometimes make idiotic decisions
- Is OBSES with SMG4
- Is afraid of heights
- A glass cannon
- Weapon can backfire on him
- Can forget to use his electricity
- Bad luck
- Anytime he uses a Pokeball, he get a Magikarp most of the time
Pikachu7 (Clip and Offscreen): OH COME ON!
- Barely finishes his fights (on this wiki)
- At least lose 60+ games in Smash Bros.
- Was killed with Cider by Cell
- Can't seem to kill Fox
Michael the Cat: This guy can't kill some stupid fox, is a glass canon, afred of heights (pretty ironic), obses with SMG4, then again, who am I to judge, was killed by Cell, and serously? You can forget to use your electicity? BWA HA HA HAAAAAAA!
Pikachu7 (Offseason): SCREW YOU!
Michael the Cat: All and all my friend is not one to be taken lightly with.
(Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8sLd19QLuY)
Pikachu7 (Clip): My teacher gave me this hat, so that means I must take of it. After all, he is in a better place.
Michael the Cat (Clip): He's dead?!
Pikachu7: What?! NO! He move to Florida with a sexy female Pikachu. He sent me a postcard.
Michael the Cat (Clip): Oh. How sexy?
PIkachu7 (Clip): The cover of a bikini maganize.
Michael the Cat (Clip): Damn.
Wiz: Alright the combtnts are set, let's settle this debate once and for all.
Then what appear to be a cross of a red pickup truck and monster truck crashes trough the screen, sending the two Death Battle Hosts onto the ground in fear. Out the driver side came a drunk black cat holding a glass of mint chocolate chip root beer flout.
Michael the Cat: Death Battleeeeeeee! Yeah!
Michael tries to drink the glass, but falls to the floor.
Polls and Debate[]
Place your bets here.
Death Battle[]
Part 1: Revenge is a dish best served electric (Bunny Cat4)[]
We cut to a forest where it was a peaceful day... until a portal open up and put came a spherical robot. It was Sphere Robot!
Sphere Robot: AAAHHH! What a nice day! It's peaceful here. But something doesn't seem right. Why do I feel like something is going to happen that make me fight for my life something? ...Maybe it's nothing.
At that moment, a crash can be heard while an evil was present.
Sphere Robot: Huh? *Sigh* I knew I shouldn't jinxed it.
Sphere Robot rushed to the scene, unknow of the certain events that may effect. We cut the scene, well, 5 econds earlier, where Fox McCloud, the ace pilot, a jack of all trades, who ended several wars by himself, crashed into a tree. Fox landed on the ground face first. Fox struggled to get up as his attacker laughed at his pitiful atempts to get up. Said attacker was an electric mouse that wore a hat that looks like it was from Fantasia. It was Pikachu7!
Pikachu7: Finally, the has come! Today is the day where Fox McCloud dies and where Pikachu7 finally gets his revenge. I'll make you suffer, even than Happy Tree Friends. Tonght, the furry devil dies!
Sphere Robot just made to the scene and ducked behind a bush. The oddball watched as the electric rat continue to mock Nintendo's fox.
Pikachu7: u gona die foxy. youregonnadielike, eV3rYoN3 Foxee *dark souls*!
Sphere Robot: STOP!
Pikachu7 and Fox turn to see Sphere Robot get out of the bush.
Pikachu7: Kirby? What the hell are you doing here? And why do you have arms, ...and legs, ...and is a robot what the f*ck?
Sphere Robot: Huh? I'm not Kirby, I'm Sphere Robot.
Pikachu7: (Wow, that's his name? That has to be the most creative name ever.) Well, I'm Pikachu7, and that @$$hole I'm about to kill is Fox. Now, if you please, go away while I do this.
Sphere Robot: I'm sorry, but I can't let you take an innocent's life.
Pikachu7: Innocent? INNOCENT?! This "innocent" has beat me up, throw me off a cliff, and called me 'Bottom Tier'! And when I was a Pichu!
Fox whisles nervously.
Sphere Robot: Gosh, I'm sorry about that, but that doesn't excuse you of hurting him. Ever heard of "Two wrongs don't make a right".?
Pikachu7: Okay, listen here you little-
As the 2 DBF hosts bicker with each other, Fox used the opportunity to get up and get out.
Pikachu7: Now then, let kill this f*cking- hey where did Fox go?
Pikachu7 and Sphere Robot turned to the direction where Fox was leaving. Before using Fire Fox and Fox Illusion to leave, McCloud turn to Bunny Cat4's host and gave him the finger.
Fox McCloud: F*ck you!
And just like that, he was gone, off to dig a hole in a ground or give the answer to the ancient mystery. The 2 DBF hosts stared in that direction for a couple of seconds until Pika7 broke the silence.
Pikachu7: YOU SON OF A B*TCH! You let him get away!
Sphere Robot: Good, because I'm bringing you into custody.
Pikachu7: WHAT?! Grrr. You know what, if I can't take the fox's life, THEN I"LL TAKE YOURS!
Sphere Robot: Hoo boy, this is going to be a long day.