The Chronicles of Poop villains battle to see who is the most deadly from MoBrosStudios.
Season 1, Episode 8
(Music - MCM Menu Theme)
Pikachu7: Black Hiver, the sadistic holiday demon.
Michael the Cat: And Ci-card... Ci-hard, ugh, CI-ARD-HA, the teenage girl turned demon.
Pikachu7: YouTube Poops may be a funny thing, but sometimes, villains of those shit-posts could otherwise kill you.
Michael the Cat: He's Pikachu7 and I'm Michael the Cat.
Pikachu7: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Black Hiver Takes Over DEATH BATTLE![]
(Music - This Is Halloween Instrumetal)
Jack Skellington: Help me take over Christmas TIME!
Black Hiver: As you wish. *eyes glows black and his body and everything around him turns red. The screen goes black* It will be...
Patrick pops up.
Patrick: Just like a genie! *laughs*
Ciardha Opens a Portal to DEATH BATTLE![]
(Music - The House Of The Dead: Magician Theme)
Candace laughs maniacally as a book titled "The Wizard of Oz" glows green and floats. She falls backwards as the background changed into green swirls. Her new rises up, completely blacken out, as she left a deep laugh when her red eyes open.