If it were voiced, Ryuko would be voiced by Kayli Mills, Senketsu would be voced by Chris Hackney and Masane would be voiced by Cristina Vee
(*Cues : Wiz and Boomstick- Brandon Yates*)
Boomstick: In Death Battle we already covered many and I mean many badass woman in fiction. Ranging from heroes like Wonder Woman, She-Ra, Android 18 and so on.
Wiz: Though it surprising that todays combatants while badass in their own right seem to lack general.....humility. For the most part
Boomstick: Heheheh. Im excited for this one!
Wiz: Oooooof course you are. Well one of those combatants is Ryuko Matoi, host of Kamui senketsu and scissor blade wielding tomboy of Kill La Kill.
Boomstick: And Masane Amaha. The protector and mother figure to Rihoko Amaha who's in posession of the Witchblade.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.
Ryuko Matoi Synchronizes into DEATH BATTLE[]
(*Cues: Blumenkranz - Kill la Kill OST*)
Wiz: Hannoji Academy if you could classify it as one isn't as much as a school and more less a form of government. Students and lives being determined through the social status within the academy, punishing those who break the rules as if they were real life crimes and more and run by what may as well be a dictator.
Boomstick: My place in life determined by school? Yeah no thanks. I didn't even attend school half the time.
Wiz: Makes sense considering where your at now in life.
Boomstick: What was that?
Wiz: Ahem, Hannoji Academy wasn't run by any normal family. It was the Kiriyuin family.
Boomstick:Kiriyuyu...hang on. Kiriyiuiyuouyoyuouy. Kiryuyu-
Wiz: The Kiriyuin's were known for being involve of the development of Life Fibres. Sentient parasitic organisms of extraterrestrial origin-
Boomstick: Blah blah blah in short theyre science experiments infused within our clothing. But when your clothing is entirely made of life fibres you get kamui. Clothing that grants you superpowers after they have a taste of some of your blood.....gross.
Wiz: One of the head researchers of the Kamui development Ragyo planned to make an army of super soldiers, but her own children to help her in aid of her world conquering ideals. Her path then on caused suffering for many people who stood in her way. Even her own daughter: Ryuko Matoi.
(*Cues: goriLLA JaL - Kill la Kill*)
Boomstick: Poor Ryuko didn't exactly had a good childhood. I mean getting thrown through a trash shoot and left alone by your own birth mom cause you're "too weak" really is a first sign of bad luck.
Wiz: Horrified by his wifes own actions, Soichiro or "Isshin" ran from Ragyo and hid after almost being assasinated by Ragyo's servant. Changing his and Ryuko's name to Matoi. He found her and took her in.
Boomstick: But he seemed to care more about his research than his daughter, which led Ryuko into turning into one hell of a delinquent.
Wiz: Not to say Isshin didn't care. Why else would the be so willing to save his daughter. Dejectedly his past came to haunt him when Ragyo sent her right hand woman to find him and successfully kill him. Leaving behind 1 half of a pair of scissors.
Boomstick: Kinda pissed already, Ryuko traveled the world for revenge for dear old dad. Carrying with her one of the scissors. Leading to her to believe that whoever killed him must have the other. Thanks captain obvious.
Wiz: Her travels lasted long till her journey led her to Hannoji Academy. Befriending a rather hyperactive chipmunk and coming face to face with her birth sister, Satsuki.
Boomstick: But of course, she wasnt strong enough to go against her and her army of literal superhumans. So she turned tail and ran. That was sheer chance that she stumbled upon one of the last things her father left behind.
Wiz: Secretley, Isshin prepaired a kamui of his own and hid it before assasination. Leaving to a fateful encounter that will forever shape Ryuko's life.
Boomstick: Ryuko decided to name the Kamui Senketsu, translating to "Fresh Blood". Appropriate considering he feeds on Ryuko's blood to keep her power going.
Wiz: It is true that with Senketsu, Ryuko gains in increase of strength, speed and durability to whcih is a huge benefit. The downside is that its...ehhh.... uhm-
Boomstick: is it worng to think it looks sexy when shes like 17?
Wiz: Yes it is, Boomstick. Yes it is.
Ryuko: What kind of kinky outfit are you
Senketsu: This is what i am.
Ryuko: Yeah well that doesn't answer the question!
Boomstick: At times, they butt heads...or head to cloth but the two started to become quite the dynamic duo. Slowly climbing up the rankings and taking out Satsuki's club members before taking it to Satsuki herself. All done with her signature Scissor Blade.
Wiz: Normally you think this blade would be forged of some material. But no. The Scissor Blade itself is forged from hardened life fibers itself. Creating
Masane Amaha Tears into DEATH BATTLE[]
(*Cues: Dazzling War- Witchblade OST*)
Wiz: Sought by the greed of men since the dawn of humankind, but only bestowed upon the women whose fate it forever scars, the witchblade.
Boosmtick: Said weapon of course providing gratuitous fanservice.
Wiz: Masane Amaha may just look like your average single mother. Doing her best to raise her non-biologically related kid.
Boomstick: Except for how fit she is. Look at that awesome bod of hers. God I wish I can be fit like that
Wiz: Ok proportions aside, she seemed relatively normal. Except she actually suffers from amnesia after surviving an earthquake that destroyed Tokyo.
Boomstick: Just another day in the office. Cause everything bad happens in Tokyo for some god damn reason.
Wiz: 6 years later she would return to Tokyo with Rihoko....the previously mentioned adoptive daughter. Still with 0 recollection of her life before the Earthquake.
Boomstick: She couldnt get any time to recollect since she was hunted down by a child welfare company and had Rihoko taken away for her. Dont worry they reunite further on. If they didn't,real child welfare services be at their doors with the FBI in towe.
Wiz: In desperate act to save her, Masane stole a police cruiser to rescue Rihoko. Even so she crashed and got sent to the cellar. Good job, idiot. you only got yourself to blame. You stole a police cruiser, what were you expecting.
Boomstick: Kinda by mere bad luck, or just coincidence a weird freaky monster machine and- WAIT DOES THAT THING HAVE A DI-!?
Wiz: In retaliation and defence, a power awakened within her that would change her life from that day on.
Showes footage of the Witchblade glowing and Masane undergoing a transformation into her Witchblade persona
(*Cues: Witchblade-Witchblade OST*)
Boomstick: Oh yeah! Masane wasnt the only one who had it. Many other girls from different iterations had come in possession with the Witchblade. Even a sick 15 year old child one time! But it seems to all grant the same powers. Giving the user ungodly boost of strength, increasing their speed and agility, and has a fast healing factor that could regenerate even from the most fatal wounds imaginable.
Wiz: And in preperations, the Witchblade comes equipped with a long extendable blade as well as forms of spikes on her knees, and sprout 4 extendable appendages from her head. useful, but it gets less when you realize the Witchblade changes the personality of its user. Turning the loving mother figure yet somewhat childish Masane, To a battle hungry monster with a disturbing erotic pleasure for destruction.
- The connection between Ryuko and Masane is they are both badass, albeit skimpily cladded sword fighters that are able to transform into said outfits due to magical enhanced equipment in their possession (Senketsu & The Witchblade respectively) that slowly consume them in their battles that risk them of killing the host (Senketsu draining blood and the Witchblade putting strains on Masane's body that could potentially kill her) and could potentially shift their personality in some way (The Witchblade turns Masane into a sadist who sees pleasure in destruction and Ryuko going into a berserker state when she gets angry enough). However they both seem to use it in their battles due to the benefits of the suits enhancing their physical attributes. Ps- minor one but it must be addressed. the music in both series is freaking awesome