dream vs dani is epic battle arena's fifth episode, and
features dani and dream, from youtube.
(this fight would be handdrawn)
(setting: dani's house)
dani sits in his room, coding for his game, muck. then suddenly,
dream burst thru dani's door.
dream: mister sooman. we meet again.
dani: oh, so you're approaching me?
dream: i wouldnt be able to kick your ass if i stood here.
dani stands from his chair.
(que: karlson vibe)
dream chops down at dani's shoulder, but dani dodges, and hits
dream on the head with his balled up hand. dani then pushes
dream back, knocking dream into dani's setup.
dani: you are such a terrific dumbass.
dream takes offense to this, and rushes towards dani. dani
ducks under the hit. and punches dream under his rib cage.
then dream begins nailing dani with multiple hits to the face,
sending dani into his kitchen, showing off dani's milk stash.
dream then closes in with a heavy punch to dani's heart,
which obliterates dani. dani's head lands next to dream, along
with some milk, which immeadiatley springs dani back to live.
dani then punches dream out of his kitchen and thru a window.
dream then jumps back in at dani, and dani slaps him back into
the wallof his house, and thru his roof. dani then moves up
into the sky instantly, and grabs dream by the neck. dani then
takes dream, and slams him thru his house, causing a massive
explosion, blowing away most of dani's house. his fridge full
of milk remains, however. dream then punches dani in the face,
and dani stumbles back. dani kicks dream's ankle, knocking
him onto his face, and making him land on dani's foot. dream
kicks upwards at dani's face, sending him upwards, along with
his fridge. dani then kicks his fridge at dream, who tosses
it back at dani, who catches it, not wanting to lose his tasty
dani: hey, maybe look behind you!
dream: how gullible do you thi-
dream is exploded from the back by an explosive billy, sending
him barreling out of the house's wreckage. dani stands in house
house wreckage, with a (>:>) look on his face. dream jumps up and
tosses primed piece of tnt at dani. dani, not to be undone,
grabs it, and throws it back at dream, making it (quite literally)
explode in his face. dream faceplants into another house, leading for
dani's neighbor to come out.
NB (dani's neighbor): what the fuck?
dani: dont worry NB, i got this.
dani then pulls dream off of NB's house and socks him in the
nose, causing dreams nose to begin bleeding. dani then lifts
dream, and throws him up into a convient airplane passing by,
smashing it to pieces. dream then falls to the ground, dead.
dani: see? i got this!
NB: that's one way to do it.
dream then opens his hand, revealing a totem of undying.
the burst of power sends dani flying down the street. dream
then flies right at dani, tossing him into the sky. dream then knees
dani midair, causing dani to fly higher. dream then throws a
stiff punch at dani.
dani: have you ever been in a real fight? you have to angle
yourself to do good damage.
dream takes dani's advice, and throws a hit that dani easily
dani: that's a little better.
dream then sends dani right into dani's fridge, destroying
his milk.
dani: NANI??!?!?!
dani punches dream right in the chest, and sends him into this
burnt fridge remains, causing them to burn into dream's back.
dani: USELESS!
dani turns around to face dream, then begins his onslaught of punches.
more and more blood flies out of dream, leaving several holes, and exposed bones in dream's body.
dani continues yelling, then lands the final hit, straight to dream's (semi non existant) neck.
dream's head flies off, along with his heavily damaged spine.
dani catches dreams falling head, and crushes it in his hands.
dani: THIS. IS. OVER!!
dani then sits down in the wreckage of what was once his home.
dani: you never stood a chance.
cut to jojo's style the end card.
"you cant defeat me!"
"anything you can do in your dreams, you can do now!"
twilight sparkle vs pit
-this fight is the first fight to a youtuber as a combatant.
-this is the first match to be a youtube vs youtube matchup.
-this fight includes refrences to jojo's bizzare adventure, and dani's games, as well as the omni man vs homelander death battle,
-this fight includes a cameo from nemesis bloodryche, as the neighbor,
-this fight is the only fight to have a combatant die twice.