So you wanna know the backstory of the greatest mage in the world? Well, let me tell you my story. I'll tell it as if I wasn't me.
Mage was born into a poor family of cat people however baby Mage was always happy. Her real birth name was Imouta Pafi however. Baby Mage often nibbled on things that she saw ranging from rocks to the little bit of food there was; she would just nibble on it.
As Mage grew up she showed more and more ability in her magical skills being capable of casting complex magic at a young age. However, she failed at almost everything else. Learning that there was a school that accepted only the best of the best at magic she decided to go for it. She worked hard and trained in order to get into that school to show that a poor girl can make it into a school for powerful and rich people.
School Life[]
She eventually got in and began to learn more about magic and what magic she was the most suited for. Explosion magic. She was the only one there suitable for such dangerous magic due to her high magic stat and her often bursts of emotions. During this time Mage had fought off plenty of things that managed to break into the school ranging from serial killers to planet destroying monsters. Eventually she graduated and went off to do her own thing which was... create.
The Creation Era[]
During this time Mage made different works of art with explosions and even tinkered with machinery on the occasion. However one day as she was tinkering a wizard visited her shop and asked for a glass of water. Mage brought the wizard the glass of water and they looked at each other in the eyes. Suddenly the wizard attacked and out of the shock and sudden fear of being attacked Mage casted a panic explosion destroying her planet.
The Minutes Before[]
With the little oxygen left in Mage's lungs she stared at what she had done. Everything she had was gone, friends, family, everything. Mage tried one spell to hopefully bring everything back. An explosion spell she was told never to use until the time comes "Big Bang". Just like that Mage reset her universe and accidentally erased herself from that plane of existance. She never existed there and nore will she ever again.
Seconds Before the Wiki[]
As her body slowly faded Mage began to lose conciousness. Everything became white and hazy, it was almost a matter of time before she was gone forever, Then she lost her conciousness. Opening her eyes she saw a door, "Death Battle Fanon Wiki Chatroom". She opened the door and stepped through to see what was on the other side.