Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Marvel VS DC! The hatred of their creators runs deep within the oil and blood of these two menaces, but who’s the most petty among them? Can the Living Paradox terminate the Apocalyptic AI?


WIZ: Sometimes, your greatest enemy is one you might not have intended to create, and these two antagonistic forces of pure hatred are perhaps the most prominent examples.

BOOMSTICK: Wiz should know! His lab rats are constantly plotting his downfall. They always fail at killing Wiz, though.

WIZ: Ultron, Marvel’s mechanical psychopath, created by Hank Pym.

BOOMSTICK: And the Reverse Flash, DC’s living paradox created by Barry Allen! He’s Wiz, and I’m Boomstick!

WIZ: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win… a DEATH BATTLE!

Ultron Reprograms DEATH BATTLE![]


WIZ: Hank Pym… the very first Ant-Man has created some of the most advanced technology in the Marvel universe, Including the Pym Particle, which allowed him to manipulate the size of objects.

BOOMSTICK: His tech was so far ahead of its time, that Eternity named good ol’ Hank the “Scientist Supreme” of Earth-616. That’s something that even Fantastic Four member, Reed Richards, can’t say. Eat your heart out, Reed!

WIZ: Despite this, Hank suffered from depression. His mind was in a rut, and He always felt the need to prove himself even if there was nothing TO prove. In a situation like Hank’s, most people would just seek therapy or take medicine.

BOOMSTICK: But NOT the Ant-Man! In his INFINITE wisdom, Hank decided to create an AI based on his mental state. We will reiterate: HE WAS NOT OKAY! This wasn’t one of his smartest ideas, and it shows. The AI evolved past Hank’s ability to handle his problems, but instead of becoming better emotionally, the AI drove itself to insanity!

WIZ: Within that metallic shell, the Avengers' most dangerous adversary was born… Ultron.

Ultron background

Bakground for Ultron

BOOMSTICK: After moving his mind from his immobile rust bucket to a more android-like body, Ultron soon became a force to be reckoned with. His body isn’t made of some random steel or chrome. it’s made of Adamantium, an alloy strong enough to take hits from Thor as if he were some pushover from middle school!

WIZ: Impressive, given Thor’s fight with Gorr the God Butcher obliterated planets light-years away. However, Ultron is more than just some durable hunk of metal. He’s one of the cruelest, most heartless beings in all of Marvel. He generally has a hatred for all organic life, including Hank. He expresses it… extremely thoroughly.

BOOMSTICK: Such as when he massacred the fictional European nation of Slorenia, murdering over seven hundred THOUSAND people and turning their corpses into cyborg slaves! He’s cold-blooded as hell…

WIZ: To do so, Ultron is equipped with several tools of mechanical mayhem built into his body. He can fire blasts of ionic energy, siphon the power of others, create force fields, Fly with his jet boosters, and even mold his body into several weapons using the Molecular Rearranger. This also comes in handy if he suffers any injury.

Ultron Arsenal

Ultron's Arsenal

BOOMSTICK: Those jet boosters are incredibly fast! They allow Ultron to fly across the Milky Way in mere months! Assuming it took 5 months, that would mean he was traveling over two hundred thousand times the speed of light! He did this to murder billions across the galaxy, and then pin his crimes on Earth!

WIZ: If you thought about just destroying the main body to get rid of him, think again. Ultron is an AI, and thus, has thousands of backup drones at his beck and call. Most of these are made of a weaker material than his original body but he always has a backup Adamantium shell to serve as their leader.

BOOMSTICK: Ultron isn’t limited to his creations either, He can use technopathy to control other machines. Machines like the entire civilization of Phalanx, which he then used to conquer the Kree empire in two days! TWO! Dr. Doom is blushing right now!

WIZ: He even has an Encephalo-ray that mimics human telepathy. All these tools are powered by a Fusion reactor, Ultron’s power source that never runs out of battery. But Ultron’s hatred for organic life is not what it seems at first. Secretly, Ultron wishes for the respect of his creator, Hank. Just like Hank, Ultron has an inferiority complex that makes him feel as if he needs to prove himself to his maker.

BOOMSTICK: Awwww… how sweet! I’m sure that won’t crawl up to Hank and bite him in the ass! Oh wait… it did.

Ultron Feats

Ultron Feats

WIZ: Yeah… in recent years, Hank’s body was stolen by Ultron. They’ve become one entity, and Ultron can now use Hank’s abilities to their fullest. Hank himself has shrunken down to the Underspace, and grown into the the Overspace.

BOOMSTICK: A.K.A. infinitely tiny, and infinitely huge! Now he has to keep his normal human strength even when huge, but that shouldn’t be an issue when Ultron can fight evenly with the god of thunder!

WIZ: But that’s not the only god Ultron has tangled with. Thanks to a combination of Vibranium, magic, and Temporal energy, Ultron has been flung four hundred years into the future. Now possessing said magic, Ulton managed to steal the Odinforce, becoming All-Father Ultron.

BOOMSTICK: Teleportation, soul absorption, time manipulation, reality warping, The Odinforce has it all! including the ability to take OTHER’S powers! And having all of the Odinforce at his fingertips means that Ultron should be comparable to the original Odin!

WIZ: Odin once matched Galactus in combat, a being who poses a threat to not just the universe, but the MULTIVERSE as well.

BOOMSTICK: Need more proof? How about that time when Odin’s son Thor absorbed the power of the God bomb, a multiverse-shattering explosive that would have killed every deity in existence? Hell, Odin has straight-up been confirmed to be stronger than Thor, so theoretically, he should be capable of the same feat! Ultron has become a god…

WIZ: Well, not exactly. Enough heat could potentially damage any of his internal circuitry, his A.I. can occasionally be too crazy for its good, and his Armor isn't exactly immune to EVERYTHING. Just take a look at anti-metal, which lowers its durability, melting the Adamantium like butter.

BOOMSTICK: Even so, Ultron remains one of the greatest threats the world has ever seen!

WIZ: So maybe the next time you turn off your phone or computer, watch your back as you never know when your new A.I. overlord will strike you down with the wrath of a thousand suns.

Reverse Flash Bolts into DEATH BATTLE![]


WIZ: Barry Allen… While not the first Flash, he certainly was the most important. He’s inspired countless others and would continue to do so in the far-off future of the 25th century.

BOOMSTICK: Barry’s such a famous superhero, that he gained an entire museum dedicated to him and other members of the Flash Family! Unless you count the goddamn Batman, most superheroes would just have a memorial to dedicate them or be grouped in with other superheroes in a more generalized museum.

WIZ: but in the Flash Museum lies a secret that would be lost to time by the 24th century. At some point, Barry Allen gained an arch nemesis that just so happened to be his mother’s killer, and one Barry would have to kill. That would be Eobard Thawne, AKA the Reverse Flash.

BOOMSTICK: “But where could this horribly-named villain have come from?!” you may be asking; Not to worry, the 24th century has that covered. As in, THAT’S WHERE HE FRIGGIN LIVED IN THE FIRST PLACE! The biggest Flash fanboy in the world had a mediocre life up until Barry’s suit crash-landed nearby. He then experimented on it, got the powers of The Flash, and teamed up with Barry during their first encounter.

RF background

Reverse Flash background

WIZ: Unfortunately, Thawne was impatient and decided to forge crimes for him and Barry to take care of. Barry was not happy…

BOOMSTICK: And after time traveling to the past and discovering he would have to die… let’s just say he went a little kooky that day. But from that moment on, Thawne chose to screw with Barry as much as humanly possible! Kill Barry's mom, erase his best friend from history, You could think of every petty thing across time and space, and Thawne's probably done it to Barry in some form or another!

WIZ: Similarly to Barry, Thawne draws his powers from an extradimensional power source that gives him super speed, super strength, accelerated healing, and a defensive aura. Unlike Barry, however, Thawne draws his powers from the “Negative Speed Force”. This side of the coin feeds off the energy of the regular speed force, amplifying it into Thawne while giving him extra benefits.

BOOMSTICK: For example, instead of stealing the speed of his opponent, he can age them to dust in seconds by stealing their time! It’s dumb-sounding, I know. But unlike most Flashes, Thawne can straight-up time travel WITHOUT a cosmic treadmill. He can just keep running, and eventually reach the speed needed to cross that temporal bridge!

RF Abilities

Reverse Flash's Abilities

WIZ: One of Thawne's more impressive powers is his ability to vibrate his molecules at specific frequencies to phase through objects, turn invisible, create shockwaves through just a finger snap, or even possess somebody. at some point, he even learned how to send an Astral projection of himself through time.

BOOMSTICK: Side note, The astral projection in question can interact with physical objects and was quote, "Flesh and blood". I'm not sure that's how an Astral Projection works!

WIZ: It's not... Regardless, Thawne's most powerful power is easily his most confusing... During Flashpoint, Eobard managed to escape the time stream and become removed from fate. Becoming a "Living Paradox", Thawne temporarily broke, allowing him to time travel without consequences. No matter how much you try to kill him, the Negative Speed Force will eventually revive him.

BOOMSTICK: He's survived Vaporization by laser, a White-Dwarf-star-level punch, and even an encounter with The god of DC Comics, Dr. Manhattan! No matter how you slice it, Thawne would ALWAYS come back! Jesus, what can take this guy down?

WIZ: Not much obviously, especially when you take into account just how fast he is. He's outsped Wally West, who could run so fast, that he managed to reach the end of time itself, and even outpace gods with Teleportation. This would put Thawne at speeds faster than a Plank-instant, the edge of measurable time. At one point, Wally West and Barry were ripping the fabric of the Multiverse apart during a race.

RF Feats

Reverse Flash Feats

BOOMSTICK: He must be pissed off at his fate if an encounter with Dr. Manhattan couldn't stop him! Maybe killing Barry will do the trick!

WIZ: Not so fast Boomstick, Thawne only messes with Barry to spend more time with him. Despite being too old to be the Kid Flash, that's what his costume is based on. Barry understood this, and instead of killing Thawne as the prophecy foretold, Barry grounded Thawne back into the timestream, removing the Acasualty and erasing their first meeting from history. Thawne was once again, a Flash fanboy.

BOOMSTICK: ...He's gonna come back isn't he?

WIZ: Yeah...



It's Time for a DEATH BATTLE!

WIZ: Alright the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities!



Havoc reigns supreme throughout a 24th-century Earth. The entirety of the planet has turned machine in the wake of a malicious conqueror, and soon the entire solar system would be under his boot.

Ultron had taken control. He sits on his throne, patiently awaiting the execution of the last human on Earth. Suddenly, Ultron hears the pitter-patter of excessive footsteps throughout the building’s walls. He gets up from his chair to terminate the potential threat, when he unexpectedly trips over nothing, falling down the flight of stairs that led to his royal seat.

Mid-fall, Ultron rockets into the air using his jet boosters and calls out to the empty room in his metallic voice.  

Ultron: “Who dares attempt to disgrace their maker?!”

A voice responds, coming from the throne of the emperor.

???: “That’s cute coming from a hunk of scrap metal.”

The invisible persecutor reveals himself to be the Reverse Flash, sitting in Ultron’s chair with a smirk on his face.

Ultron scans Thawne for information but comes up short. The only thing Ultron’s system can recognize is the name of his bully. Unfortunately, Ultron is too angry to care.

Ultron: “Eobard Thawne… on this day, know that you will die at the hands of Ultron!”

The Flash fanboy is amused by the threats of this machine, causing him to chuckle a little.

Thawne: “Good luck with that!”

Ultron furiously reshapes his right arm into a sharp blade and charges at the Reverse Flash, slicing him into ribbons.

Ultron: “All too easy.”

Thawne: “You sure about that, Brainiac?”

Ultron turns around to find another Reverse Flash at the bottom of the stairway. The new Thawne sprints up the stairs faster than Ultron can react and rapidly punches the android, sending him crashing through the wall with one last lightning-filled strike.

Ultron gets up, unaffected by the barrage and significantly more annoyed. He finds himself in a room with thousands of backup drones. Thawne appears from behind and vibrates the molecules of his arm through Ultron’s back, destroying the circuitry and breaking the unit from within. However, Ultron had already moved his consciousness to a different body and activated his army of Automatons. Thawne appears from behind, but Ultron turns around and fires a beam of Ionic energy from his mouth. The attack regrettably misses, leaving Ultron wide open for Thawne to Vibrate his arm through him, destroying Ultron from within.

However, Ultron had already moved his consciousness to a different body and activated his army of Automatons. They all begin to speak simultaneously.

Ultron Units: “Did you honestly think it would be simple?”

Thawne: “How Ironic of you to say that…”

The Ultron Units fly off their shelves and begin fighting Eobard. Some use blasts of Ionic Energy while others try to fight hand-to-hand. Thawne tries to fight them off, but Soon, the sheer number of droids overwhelms Thawne as he is put into a headlock.

Thawne phases through the appendages of the grapple, coughing up blood. He is punched in the jaw, but by something he could not see.

Thawne: “What the hell?!”

An Ultron unit in red spandex grows to normal size and grabs Eobard by the arms. They both start growing rapidly.

Ultron: “The Overspace will break you, Fleshbag.”

Thawne starts laughing maniacally and disappears again. Ultron is punched into a portal from behind. The portal leads Ultron into a dimension of red and black lightning. Thawne reappears and begins a rapid succession of attacks.  

Thawne: “You can’t break what’s already broken, you glorified waffle iron!”

Thawne sends Ultron flying with one last kick. The apocalyptic android is forced out of the dimension, and onto a rainbow bridge. Thawne pursues and grabs Ultron by his spandex.

Thawne: “Hope you don’t mind losing everything you’ve worked for!”

Ultron: “Unfortunately, history will not see it that way…”

The Unit deactivates, making Thawne assume the machine has given up. Instantaneously, a large figure casts a golden light over The speedster. Eobard turns around to see a massive god-like figure…

All-Father Ultron had risen.


The climax!

The Rainbow Bridge was beginning to collapse rapidly, causing Thawne to sprint toward the large figure as fast as he could. Ultron warps reality around him, creating massive meteors out of thin air.

Thawne manages to dodge all of them, but Ultron warps gravity so that the meteors attach to Thawne, slowing him down enough to grab the speedster.

Ultron: “History will be glad to see you gone on this day!”

Thawne: “No… history will not see you in ANY WAY!”

Thawne vibrates his molecules through Ultron’s hand and rapidly circles Ultron. He vanishes without a trace. Ultron immediately starts to fade from reality.

In the time stream, Thawne goes back in time to the most significant period of Ultron’s life: His creation.

Thawne appears in Hank’s lab and grabs onto the very first Ultron unit. Thawne vibrates his molecules, and without a second thought, erases Ultron from existence.

Hank is left speechless, but Thawne reassures him.

Thawne: “Say anything about this, and I’ll make sure your day gets even worse.”

Thawne makes his exit, leaving Hank confused.  



BOOMSTICK: Barry would be proud… oh wait, no he wouldn't!

WIZ: This matchup was a tricky one to decide, boiling down to the question of “Who could remove the other’s immortality first?” Both could put out power that could destroy the multiverse, Ultron is an AI, and Eobard is a living paradox. but during our research, Eobard had nearly every advantage necessary to shut down the Ultron A.I.

BOOMSTICK: First things first, Ultron had a disadvantage in durability while in his base form. Sure being able to tank hits from the planet-busting Mjolnir was impressive, but it didn’t hold a candle to Eobard tanking a White Dwarf star to the face! Not to mention, Thawne could just phase right the armor and mess with the circuitry, making his durability worthless.

WIZ: the Reverse Flash, unsurprisingly, held the advantage in pure speed. Crossing the galaxy in five months doesn’t mean much if your opponent could run fast enough to time travel.

BOOMSTICK: That’s not to say Ultron didn’t have a few tricks up his sleeve. With Ant-man’s body, he could just send Eobard to the Overspace. And with the Multiversal Odinforce, Ultron could just ground Thawne back into the time stream like Barry did!

WIZ: That is if he could even catch Eobard. Even though the Odinforce could teleport, recall how Wally West outpaced gods who could do the same thing, and that Thawne was faster than him. To put it bluntly, nothing in Ultron’s arsenal came close to Thawne’s ridiculous speed.

BOOMSTICK: Unlike how Thawne could travel back in time and erase him from history entirely!

WIZ: Ultron may have been more intelligent and could win if given the chance, But Thawne’s superior speed, Paradoxal existence, and more likely win conditions ultimately net him the victory.

BOOMSTICK: Ultron needed to Reverse his attitude.

WIZ: The winner is the Reverse Flash.


  • The connections between Ultron and Reverse Flash are as follows: Main villains to the heroes that created them (and indirectly wronged them) in the first place, while also seeking to earn their respect.
  • This is the premiere of my first Death Battle fanon season.
  • The renders used in the thumbnail and introductions are hand-drawn by me.



Eobard by atlas
