Trigon vs Galdera is a What-If? Death Battle.
Previously on Death Battle[]
R2-D2 vs Cube (S4E9)
"Two of the evilest beings in their respective franchises are about to duke it out. One thing is already obvious: they're in for hell, and one wins, so are we."
Wiz: Trigon, DC's devilish destroyer.
Boomstick: Galdera, the fallen god of Orsterra.
Wiz: Evil in its most primal and destructive forms take many shapes and sizes in fiction.
Boomstick: And the worst of the worst often have destruction and ugliness go hand in hand.
Death Battle[]
Next Time on Death Battle[]
Wario vs Peppino (S5E1)
- The track for this battle is called "From the Terrible Reaches of Hell" in reference to Trigon's title of "Trigon the Terrible" and the book From the Far Reaches of Hell, a book Cyrus Albright tries locating that has knowledge of how to open the Gate of Finis, which houses Galdera.
- Credit for the thumbnail goes to Ironbat2345.