Toad vs Tsuyu Asui is a what-if episode of death battle by Antonio valihora.
Marvel vs My Hero Academia! two amphibious warriors born with strange and unique powers that sets them much further apart then their average teammates!
Wiz: In the long-running reign of super-powered beings all the way from DC comics to Naruto, there are always the best of the best with the greatest and most legendary power. But for those not graced with the power to do feats like destroying or create entire planets, they have their own unique and epic power.
Boomstick: And while those powers aren't quite as flashy or epic as the main heroes, they're still great at whooping ass and taking down bad guys, and who wouldn't want the power of these two froggy fighters. Seriously, frog powers? That's what we're doing now?
Wiz: We'll discuss it later.
Boomstick: Alright, Toad, the Tongue slinging acidic mutant of Marvel.
Wiz: and Tsuyu Asui, the amphibious fighter of My Hero Academia.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a death battle.
Toad []
Wiz: some who are destined for greatness have it come naturally for them, born into a life of luxury and wonders and trained from a young age to protect the what matters most to them, for others the road isn't so smooth and are forced to adapt and learn in a harsh and unforgiving world to become the hero they always looked up to.
Boomstick: and I don't think anyone can get much further from luxury then the life of the young amphibian mutant we've got on death battle today.
Wiz: from the very start of his life Mortimer Toynbee was set to have one hell of a rocky road of a life, orphaned so young that he couldn't even remember his parents names or faces he grew up alone and scared in a small orphanage, and from that point on life continued to throw practically every inconvenience and self torment he could bear.
Boomstick: Mortimer was constantly bullied and picked on by the other kids, not only for his being orphaned so young but also because he was really freaking ugly, which was also his reason for being orphaned so young too, plus mixed in with his weird jumping ability Mortimer was quite the freakshow.
Wiz: due to the constant bulling it affected Mortimer's learning abilities too, slowing down his understanding and putting him far back academically, as well as giving him severe psychological problems and a massive lack of self confidence in his own abilities, this went on for so long that the teachers and facility of the orphanage believed him to have severe mental problems and was kicked out of the orphanage.
Boomstick: geez, you'd think these guys could be a little bit more nicer, at least they're parents didn't give them up because of their looks.
Wiz: with no family to turn to and not a cent to his name Mortimer continued to grow up alone on the streets traveling from place to place in search of anything that could give him a sense of purpose.
Boomstick: and luckily for him that soon came in the form of the one person who he could follow without being degraded or discarded like all the other people in his crappy life.
Wiz: after becoming an adult Mortimer was discovered by Magneto who saw the young mans odd traits and abilities as a gift rather then a curse, and invited him to join a certain group of individuals who shared their own special powers.
Boomstick: yep, the whole reason for Mortimer's disgusting features, super long tongue and jumping ability was thanks to a small genetic mutation known as the X-Gene.
Wiz: otherwise known as the X-Factor, the X-Gene is a mutant gene positioned on the 23rd chromosome within the human body, while the trigger for it differs from human to human it is usually activated during infancy around the time of puberty, once activated the X-Gene begins to produce special proteins which in turn generates chemical signals which start to rapidly multiply creating a specific type of power for that one person.
Boomstick: and in the case of Mortimer, his X-Gene not only radically boosts his strength and speed but also grants him all the abilities of a toad, though I don't know how that's not a dead giveaway considering the hopping and his gigantic tongue.
Wiz: finally faced with a calling and a use for his absurd abilities, Mortimer joined Magneto and his ragtag group of mutants on their one true mission in life, to destroy the system of the world that hated and shunned their kind and make mutants the dominant species on earth. and it was this same group that gave him his new name along with his new purpose, Toad.
Boomstick: and wouldn't you know it, it wasn't long until a lot more help came along to aid them with taking down the people that stood in their way.
Wiz: while their group started small in size it eventually gained a massive amount of followers thanks to Magneto's beliefs, he promised that in the new world order that he sought to create there would be no need for mutants to hide or be afraid of the outside world, and thus a new age of power and stability would come about, before too long hundreds of Mutants who's powers had been treated like a curse rather then a gift joined his side, the Brotherhood of Mutants had been made. and Toad finally had a family to call his own. sort of
Boomstick: Yeah despite how loyal and willing he was to do anything for his new brothers and his new boss not everyone in the Brotherhood liked him a whole lot, tons of them still regarded him as a freak just cause of how his powers worked and the way he looked. what a bunch of assholes, I mean weren't people doing the exact same thing to them that they're now doing to him.
Wiz: guess the members of the Brotherhood didn't know about a little thing called being a hypocrite, behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. even Magneto himself found Toad to be too clingy and was only really interested in having him on his team to use him for his powers. but with no other place to call home Toad continued to do his dirty work fighting against the likes of the X-men time and time again. and it wasn't until one fateful day that he finally realized the truth.
Boomstick: on one of their missions the Brotherhood was caught and imprisoned by the alien the Stranger and were locked up for several days on a far off alien planet, but when Magneto finally managed to bust the group out he deliberately left Toad behind in order to give them a better chance of escape, but then they were later captured again and brought back to the cell with Toad, bet that was pretty awkward.
Wiz: he had endured being humiliated, shunned and embarrassed by his new so called "family" but being left to rot on an alien planet was the last straw, Toad's anger and frustration boiled to the surface and finally exploded in a mix of rage, sadness and a hatred for Magneto.
Boomstick: so when Magneto tried busting them out a second time, this time bringing Toad along he finally got what was coming to him. and during the escape Toad blocked off Magneto's escape route and left his former master to die in the explosion, except it didn't kill him and he managed to escape because c'mon he's freaking Magneto.
Wiz: after returning to earth Toad left the Brotherhood of Mutants behind and wandered through life once again searching for a home. luckily with his unique skill set and reputation he always managed to find some place or people who needed his help, over the years he's fought alongside several superpowered teams including the Avengers, X-Men and the Sinister Six.
Boomstick: he's even rejoined the Brotherhood of Mutants on some occasions only to eventually leave once the job or mission was done, so he's got experience fighting alongside the best of the best and the worst of the worst.
Wiz: but he never would have been able to get this far in life without his powers helping him along the way. as a mutant with the powers of an amphibian Toad can jump extremely long distances, fight for hours to even days without tiring and adapt to practically any battlefield or area he is fighting on at the time.
Boomstick: his signature means of fighting is that long ass tongue of his, flexible and tough it can stretch up to 30 feet, be used as a whip or for carrying things and can ensnare and hold some of the toughest mutants around.
Wiz: not only can he restrain the likes of Wolverine and even Colossus, but he's even crushed a Genosha Magistrate with it, and managed to figure out how to increase it's strength by regularly working it out like any other body part, such as legs and arms.
Boomstick: and thanks to his mutant powers he's not just some frog guy who can do some freaky tricks, he can dish out and take a buttload of pain too.
Wiz: Toad's morphology, which strengthens his skin and outer layers allows him to tank and survive attacks that could easily turn any human into a pile of blood and shattered bones, even allowing him to take attacks from the likes of multiple X-Men at the same time.
Boomstick: and for those mutants who happen to get in a few good punches, or slices curtsy of old adamantium bones, he can repair damage given with his healing factor, now it might not be as good as say Wolverine or Deadpool's, but it definitely comes in handy considering how pissed off Wolverine usually gets at him, and we all know what that dude does when he's angry.
Wiz: while his time in the Brotherhood might have been certainly demeaning and taken a bad toll on him it did yield some results in helping him to accomplish his goals, such as Magneto teaching him how to hone and perfect his mutant abilities and receiving training in hand to hand combat by his teacher Mystique, apart from the 25 martial arts she taught him he even perfected his own form of fighting to compliment his powers.
Boomstick: curtsy of his hopping abilities Toad created his own leaping based form of fighting, which heavily relies on the use of bouncing all over the place to confuse your opponent, using something like a wall or tree as a foothold, coiling up your legs like a giant spring, and then launching forward with enough force behind either your feet or head to smash through an entire goddamn building, hell he even knocked out Colossus once with it.
Wiz: apart from his fighting style, Toad's abilities go a little beyond what your average swamp amphibian can do, like being able to secrete a acidic solution from any part of his body which can burn through solid steel, and can even be shot out of his mouth as a long range weapon.
Boomstick: but that's not all the acid can do, by applying it to his hands he can scale walls like an ugly Spider-Man, alter the ooze to be able to paralyze a target on command, and even be used to take control of somebody's mind if it even touches your skin.
Wiz: speaking of mind control, similar to the way another animalistic villain of Spider-Man, the Lizard, Toad can control the minds of other amphibians, instructing them to perform any task he needs, with total obedience.
Boomstick: not to be mean at all to orphan boy, but how the hell is getting a bunch of toads and frogs to help you out going to do anything against someone like the X-Men.
Wiz: well they could be used as a distraction, for infiltration missions, or just be used against a hero who happens to have Batrachophobia.
Boomstick: batra,cupo whatia?
Wiz: Batrachophobia, the fear of amphibians.
Boomstick: oh, I knew that.
Wiz: Sure. anyway throughout his journey across the world, fighting for or against different superhero and villain groups, Toad somehow managed to develop a second mutation, an extremely rare trait that only happens to one in a thousand mutants.
Boomstick: with the second mutation Toad gained the ability to light his tongue on fire, turning his deadly whip into a flaming fire whip, and after a bit of experimentation with his powers, Toad figured out how to turn the acid from his body into not only corrosive and hypnotic, but also flammable and explosive. which combined with the flaming tongue makes for some explosive fun.
Wiz: he was able to further these types of abilities into his combat style by slingshotting balls of acid and then setting them on fire while in midair, or for opponents too fast to hit he can leak the acid out of pores on his back and through his feet, once the acid forms into a large puddle around him he can ignite it to either be used as a shield or a method of attack.
Boomstick: but not everything he does is based around beating the crap out of people, even though that's the best part, his eyes might not the best for seeing at a distance, but he can see both UV and infrared, meaning that so long as you've got heat coming off your body you're not gonna be hiding anywhere from him.
Wiz: but while his eyesight might be one of his best tools, it's also got one major downside, because his eyes are so accute to thermal and UV, he's extremely sensitive to bright light, which is why he wears special goggles while in public as a bright enough light could even blind him.
Boomstick: still with his buttloads of experience in combat and survival, Toad's more then earned his reputation as one of the most adaptive mutants in history. he's beaten the crap out some of the X-Men's top tier fighters, like Rouge, Cyclops and even Colossus, resisted mind control from Scarlet Witch, and even duked it out with Wolverine to a standstill. and he's no slouch in speed either, he's constantly managed to outpace and outmaneuver old Logan, and even dodged Cyclops optic lasers.
Wiz: and thanks to his healing factor he's successfully regenerated from having his tongue cut off, and survived having all four limbs cut off, and his entire skeleton shattered, all before having an entire tower collapse in on him.
Boomstick: yeah, he kinda got Wolverine mad. a lot.
Wiz: he might be a bit of a pushover, and definitely has some issues to work past, but when he does you'd better hope he's on your side.
Tsuyu Asui[]
Wiz: if there's one thing any teenager can tell you it's that high school is no walk in the park, trying to fit in, do well in the difficult classes, and attempting to make friends.
Boomstick: yeah, lucky for me I never had to worry about any of that fitting in stuff when I was growing up.
Wiz: wait, you did go to school right?
Boomstick: nope, I got all my knowledge on various firearms and alcohol from the master herself, old momma Boomstick, she taught me and everyone else in my family everything we know and do.
Wiz: remind me to never come to any of your family functions.
Boomstick: yeah high school might be a pain in the ass in real life, but in a world where crazy mutated abilities and superheroes are a normal thing, aside from Marvel and DC, high school takes it's classes and teaching methods a little more on the crazy level, after all how else are you gonna turn a bunch of whiny kids into the Supermen and Captain America's of tomorrow.
Wiz: while every student at UA academy is very different with some minor similarities in either looks or powers, you won't get much further from a mixture of extremely odd power and sweet innocence as Tsuyu Asui.
Boomstick: while she might not look that different on the outside, aside from that weird hairstyle she's rocking, Tsuyu's got a lot of hidden power underneath that cutesy exterior.
Wiz: like many other children around her, Tsuyu was at a very young age when she first developed and showed signs of her abilities, or should I say, her Quirk.
Boomstick: you know for such an advanced seeming society they picked a pretty dumb name for a super ability, Like what the hell does Quirk even mean?
Wiz: regardless, Quirks, otherwise known as Meta Abilities are a superhuman phenomenon that can occur in any human being, while anyone can have a Quirk what it does is completely unique to that one person, similar to snowflakes, no two can be exactly the same, Quirks are genetic in nature and the sign of having one is often identified as not having an extra joint in the individuals pinky toe, and those with them are usually Quirkless.
Boomstick: woah woah hang on a second, your telling me that the X-gene is caused by an individual human's body entering a new stage of evolution, which then generates a new type of chromosome which creates proteins to generate a natural body defense mechanism and a bunch of other complicated stuff, and the background of Quirks is the absence of an extra pinky toe joint?
Wiz: well Quirks are also believed to be the next form of human evolution, so....
Boomstick: this is really starting to feel like the dollar store version of well established comic lore, but hey at least they're not basing their characters off other comic characters with a few minor tweaks and costume changes or a gender swap just to make new fan favorites.
Wiz: right.... and after her quirk developed, despite still being a superpower which grants her extremely impressive abilites, that didn't stop other kids with more impressive quirks with more power behind them to mock her, mostly due to her looking different thanks to the mutant nature of the Quirk.
Boomstick: what a bunch of dicks, it's not like she's got snakes for hair or multiple body parts, you'd think that a society like this one might teach it's kids not be assholes since being bullied at young age is the kick off for evil villains in about 75% of all forms of fiction.
Wiz: while she didn't like it at first and not growing up with any particularly good friends, Tsuyu still held her head high and continued on through her childhood, helped by her supportive parents, who showed her new ways of managing and using her Quirk, Tsuyu eventually graduated middle school and went on to her life dream, the same dream as many other young people around her, becoming a pro hero.
Boomstick: being a pro hero basically means being a superhero as a job, saving people, stopping crimes, taking out baddies, the usual hero shtick, but what sets them apart from other hero's, they get paid, man too bad Spider-Man couldn't live here, he'd never have to worry about the rent again.
Wiz: in order to fulfill her goal of becoming such a hero, she'd need to learn the basics on hero work 101, and so after leaving middle school and applying for the top hero school in the country, Tsuyu arrived at the doors of UA high, more determined then ever to make her dream a reality.
Boomstick: which would be further helped along by her awesome Quirk, Frog, wait is that it? that's its name, nothing a bit more dramatic.
Wiz: as it's name suggests Tsuyu's Quirk grants her all the natural abilities of a Frog, which means anything a mucusy hopping amphibian can do, she can do better, she can leap incredible distances with her powerful legs, her tongue can be shot out and stretched a distance of over 20 meters away, over 65 feet, and just like Marvel's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, she can scale and climb walls thanks to the mucus like membrane on her palms and feet.
Boomstick: eeww, at least wall crawler does it with tiny claws on his fingers, not from picking his nose and slapping it on his hands.
Wiz: Boomstick that's not how that works, they apply it directly from their- oh never mind.
Boomstick: and if you think dealing with a little hopping bastard wasn't enough trouble on land, then you do not want to end up in the water with her, cause that's her turf, you know cause she's a frog and all, and they live in the water.
Wiz: yeah I think they got it, but regardless when in water Tsuyu gains a massive strength and speed advantage, she can propel herself through the water at lightning speeds, is much more effective in physical combat, and with her strong leg muscles she can shoot forward and knock a villain out cold, even one specially adapted to be able to fight better underwater.
Boomstick: think that's cool, well how about the fact that after studying under the UA teacher's who helped them develop their super moves, she learned how to modify her body temperature and texture to camouflage her entire body of view, making her completly undetectable and allowing for swift sneak attack, wait how the hell is she doing that to her hero suit?
Wiz: well it's most likely during development, after studying Tsuyu's reliance on heat and discomfort for the cold, they probably modified the suit with a type of material that could copy or replicate her own body temperature, allowing her to fight better and keeping her temperature maintained at all times.
Boomstick: she's also got two more abilities which aren't really that impressive but according to Wiz, people would get upset if we didn't mention them, so she can gargle up some saliva in her mouth and spit out a toxic chemical that's corrosive, but it's also a really weak corrosive that won't do anything other then irritate your skin.
Wiz: and she also has an impressive digestive track, which can allow her to store small objects and devices inside of her or even, uhh, regurgitate her own stomach.
Boomstick: why in the ever-loving hell would you want to do that?
Wiz: apparently for cleaning purposes.
Boomstick: this is starting to get really weird.
Wiz: while on the road to learning how to become a hero, Tsuyu learned plenty of other useful techniques not only for hurting and defeating villains, but also for the other aspect of hero duty, rescuing and protecting the citizens of japan.
Boomstick: still not as cool as the fighting part, but definitely handy stuff to have in a bind.
Wiz: and thanks to the versatility of her Quirk, it seems that rescue work is what she specializes in most of all, by using both her leaping and her tongue she can get anyone out of practically any situation, including herself.
Boomstick: like when during the villain attack on UA and it's training facility, she was able to leap high enough to clear almost an entire pool of water, while carrying both Deku and Mineta all at once, and she didn't even seem like it was that heavy.
Wiz: the entire area of the pool is completely circular to better replicate a danger situation, by taking in the length of the boat in the middle the entire thing seems to be about 195 feet in length alone, meaning from where she was standing Tsuyu jumped at least 65 feet while carrying 220 pounds at bare minimum.
Boomstick: she's also learned how to better her climbing ability by applying different combinations of her mucus membrane to her body, allowing her to not only climb super well but also leap from surface to surface to avoid attacks.
Wiz: and while Tsuyu's top speed hasn't been calculated ever aside from finishing a 50 meter race in just 5.58 seconds, she doesn't have very many good speed feats, but given how the nature of her power makes her naturally more agile and maneuverable then the rest of her fellow classmates, she should be at least in the same ballpark as some of the faster members.
Boomstick: she's definitely not Iida level in terms of travel speed, but when it comes to her reaction speed it's a different story, not only has she outmaneuvered villains and classmates who are fast enough to dodge and react to close range gunfire, but she's also faster or at least comparable to her fellow classmate Mina, who could dodge shots from Yuga Aoyama's Naval Laser, a literal belly button laser of doom.
Wiz: no not a literal laser, as calculated back in Mina Ashido vs Xenomorph, Yuga's Quirk is not a legitimate light speed laser, it's a beam of highly concentrated plasma, which is not nearly as fast as light but when plasma ions travel in a straight path similar to light they can at speeds of Mach 146, that's over 112,000 mph.
Boomstick: Jesus, who knew having frog powers could make you faster then a goddamn fighter jet?
Wiz: after going through a major amount of training, academic study, and being in multiple villain attack scenarios that someone her age and experience clearly shouldn't be in, Tsuyu has more then proved her usefulness to the team as a valuable asset to have.
Boomstick: I'll say, not only did she manage to outperform some of the best fighters in her class, but she's managed to outmanuver the pro-hero Ectoplasm's army of clones, saved multiple of her classmates from another villain attack at the training camp, and tanked a beatdown from Shishida while in beast mode, aka werewolf teen.
Wiz: she even managed to take down a villain with a gigantification Quirk who could demolish entire apartment complexes with a belly flop, granted she had a little help from Uraraka but still an impressive display of power nonetheless, but while Tsuyu might be one of the most flexible and well-rounded in her class, she's still capable of being taken down.
Boomstick: yeah having all the powers of a frog might seem awesome, but not really if it comes with all the weakness's of one too, and she's not excactly the toughest of the fighters in her class and can be taken down easily enough with a powerful enough shot.
Wiz: also if Tsuyu gets cold enough thanks to her frog-like biology she becomes sleepy and incapable of fighting, the same goes for extreme heat too, being exposed to it for too long can reduce her effectiveness in combat, she needs a balanced temperature to work in in order to fight to the best of her abilities.
Boomstick: but whenever a villain's causing trouble or her friends are in trouble you can count on Froppy to get the job done, wait what the hell is a Froppy?
Wiz: her hero name.
Boomstick: Jesus Christ.
Wiz: alright the combatants are set let's end this debate once and for all.
Boomstick: it's time for a death battle!!!
Death Battle[]
several miles away from the city at the Training Camp, while the boys were busy working on their fitness regimate running laps around the forest, the girls were less busy relaxing at a small lake a little ways off from the camp.
Mina: man this is awesome, a little vacation time was way overdue.
Jirou: shouldn't we be working on our Quirk development instead of lying around.
Mina: eh, we can do that later, now it's relaxation time.
while the girls were busy talking Tsuyu used was climbing up into one of the nearby tree's.
Tsuyu: hey guys, check this out.
the girls all turned their heads to see Tsuyu jump off the tree then use her tongue to latch onto the branch to gain more momentum, and finally let go slingshoting her into the air before landing in the water with a massive splash.
Mina: whooo! go Tsuyu!
suddeny the spot where she landed began to bubble before Tsuyu was launched out of the water landing back onto the ground with a thump.
Momo: omigosh, are you okay!?
Tsuyu: ribbit, yeah I'm fine, but I felt like I landed on something and then got thrown out of the water.
Toad: hey wide mouth!
the girls looked around to see a head pop out of the water before the individual jumped out onto the shore.
Toad: how about you watch where you're jumping next time, you landed on my head!
Tsuyu: sorry about that.
Mina: yeah she just didn't see you there, we're sorry about your face and everything.
Toad: what..about my face?
Mina: well when she landed on you it looks like everything got disfigured and ugly looking.
Toad clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.
Toad: my face always looks like that!!
Mina: ohh, sorry my bad.
Toad: you're gonna be real sorry when I beat you into a blood pulp!
Tsuyu: guy's go get help, ribbit, I can handle this guy.
so the other girls took off back for camp as the two amphibian fighters prepared to duke it out.
Toad crouched down to the ground then jumped high into the air towards Tsuyu, taken off guard by his jumping ability she didn't react until he was right in front of her, Toad balled his fists and started attempting to knock the younger girl out but surprisingly she was able to evade every single one of his punches with perfect precision, frustrated he yelled out as he prepared his biggest punch, but as he thrust forward tsuyu was able to crouch down and kick Toad in the gut with her legs, spit flied out of Mortimer's mouth as he was shot backwards away from her, finally landing amongst a pile of rocks.
as Mortimer picked himself back up he eyeballed the rocks around him, getting an idea, quickly shooting his tongue out he picked up a medium size rock about the size of his head and stood staring at his opponent.
Toad: dodge this freak!
Toad hurled the rock towards Tsuyu expecting it to smash onto her knocking her out, but now it was Toad's turn to be surprised as Tsuyu easily caught the rock and tossed it aside.
Tsuyu: ribbit, I've never met another person who had a frog Quirk like me.
Toad: ok first, I am not like you, second, what the hell is a Quirk? and third who are you calling frog? the names Toad.
Tsuyu: basically the same thing, ribbit.
Toad: we'll see about that.
Toad shot his tongue out towards Tsuyu, attempting to grab and hopefully throw her far away, but every attempt he made she simply dodged or blocked with her own tongue, needing a new strategy, Toad soon realized that everything Tsuyu picked up with her tongue was no heavier then what a person should weigh, and if she went any larger she strained to pick it up. he smirked.
Toad: so you think me and you are the same huh?
Tsuyu: in terms of what we can do, yeah.
Toad smiled as he once again shot out his tongue but this time used it to wrap around a large oak tree, with a grunt he tore the entire thing out of the ground as Tsuyu looked up in awe, he held it over his head with a dark look in his eye.
Toad: catch this!
he flung the tree towards her, Tsuyu barley lept out of the way in time as it came crashing down, Toad hopped over to see the girl underneath, but there was nothing there, looking around frantically for the escaped hero, he activated his thermal vision, unknown to him she was camouflaging herself in order to sneak away undetected, still seeing nothing he switched over to UV, suddenly spotting her sneaking away.
Toad: you're not getting away that easy!
Toad took off after her, seeing her cover blown Tsuyu began leaping as fast as she could in an attempt to get back to camp, meanwhile Toad knowing he couldn't catch up to her in time snagged a boulder from below the treeline and threw it directly towards the next tree Tsuyu was aiming for, as it crashed onto the tree her momentum was coming in too fast and she fell below the treeline, landing into a nearby open field, she hopped back up ready to fight as Toad landed in the field.
Toad: nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Tsuyu: I don't hide from villains, ribbit.
trying to figure out how to deal with the villain Tsuyu suddenly saw something unusual, around Toad's eyes he had on a pair of strange looking goggles, weird that someone would be wearing goggles on a sunny day, unless they needed them for something.
Toad whipped his tongue out this time igniting it turning it into a flaming whip and charged towards Tsuyu, as he approached her she hopped over the whip and activated her camouflage.
Toad: nice try, but I can see you no matter what you d-
Toad's sentence was cut short as Tsuyu jumped over his head while camouflaged but while in mid-air used her tongue to snatch the goggles off of his head, revealing his sensitive eyes to the bright sun.
Mortimer clenched his eyes as the burning sun drove him insane, he fumbled across the ground trying to locate his goggles, taking the opportunity to fight back Tsuyu ran to the edge of the field and hopped onto a tree, grabbing onto it for support she coiled her legs as tight as they could go and aimed for the dazed mutant.
Tsuyu: hey, Toady!
Toad whipped around hearing the noise only to feel the full force of a frog teen come barreling at him knocking him in the chest with a massive leg impact, Toad was sent flying across the field before smashing into a nearby tree, dazed, blind and barely able to stand Mortimer opened his eyes slightly, he saw Tsuyu approaching him slowly, knowing this was it.
Toad suddenly heard a ribbit, but it was much larger then the ones Tsuyu was doing, he looked to his left and saw a large bullfrog sitting looking up at him, then looked back at her and saw his goggles dangling from her belt, quickly he used his amphibian control to command the bullfrog, giving it it's orders. as Tsuyu approached Toad looked virtually helpless.
Tsuyu: looks like I won this time, sorry about this.
Toad: no please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to attack it wasn't my fault, please leave me alone!
Tsuyu: well this is a pretty big personality change, ribbit.
unknown to Tsuyu, there was currently a bullfrog at her side using it's own tongue to grab Mortimer's goggles from her belt, it hopped over to him, he smirked. once again he ignited his tongue and whipped the surrounding area forcing Tsuyu back.
Tsuyu: that won't work on me again.
Toad: I wasn't trying to hit you, just get you away.
Toad grabbed his goggles from the bullfrog's mouth, and put them back on his head, he jumped from the tree out to the field ready for round 2, instead of going in guns blazing Toad began to slowly leak out acid from the pores on his back, soon forming a large puddle growing larger and larger. when Tsuyu went in to attack again he whipped his flaming tongue around igniting the acid and forming a massive blaze in the field.
the surrounding flames began to affect Tsuyu's mucus membrane, melting it down, she fired her tongue out but Toad intercepted it with his tongue, then taking a running start Mortimer lept forward too fast to react and landed on Tsuyu's stomach, coiling his legs up he shot off her with his tongue still wrapped around hers, but upon reaching it's limit Tsuyu's tongue along with her internal organs were torn straight out of her, Toad landed on the ground looking into the middle of the field where Tsuyu's body slumped over, the fires soon spread burning it away until all that remained was ash, was a single pair of large goggles.
Toad looked as the last of the fire soon died down, the wind soon arrived and blew the remainder of the ashes away, now all that was left was her Goggles in the middle of a scorched field, Mortimer hopped away as campers began to approach the area, only to find their friend gone, forever.
Results []
Boomstick: oh my god, we've killed another waifu, and in the most brutal way imaginable!
Wiz: despite the many similarities between these two characters as well as how they both rank fairly low amongst their peers, this fight wasn't nearly as close as some might expect.
Boomstick: don't forget that while Tsuyu is considered low tier against people who can destroy entire city blocks and huge buildings, Toad is low tier against guys who can lift mountains and freeze hell over.
Wiz: that's not to say Tsuyu was a pushover or even an easy opponent to take out, in fact Mortimer was fairly caught off guard thanks to her similar abilities and overwhelming agility.
Boomstick: but when it comes down to the numbers, they are not Tsuyu's friend, sure her tongue might be longer then his but the most it's ever done was lift one or maybe two people up, Toad's managed to support an entire tower floor with his and crush steel with it.
Wiz: in terms of speed if we were really nice and highballed Tsuyu to be fast or even faster then Mina, who can react to plasma ions moving at Mach 147, that's not even scratching the surface of Toad's speed, who was able to evade attacks from speed demon and dodge Cyclops's optic blasts, which are confirmed to move at light speed, well over 670,000,000 mph or just over 5,982 times faster then Yuga's Naval Laser.
Boomstick: and it's even worse for durability, sure Tsuyu's tanked some blunt force attacks before, but need I remind you that during the Training Camp Arc, when they were ambushed by villains, Tsuyu was cut and bled by Toga's knife, not a knife imbued with magic, not a knife that cuts through dimensions, a regular old vegetable cutting knife.
Wiz: well it was probably a hunting knife to be fair, but you get the point.
Boomstick: not only has Toad also survived blunt attacks that would turn even Tsuyu into paste, like getting a beatdown from Colossus, who can match Juggernaut in terms of raw strength, but he's even gotten all of his limbs cut off by Wolverine, all before having an entire tower crash down on him burying him alive, he was up and fighting X-Men in like one day.
Wiz: and while they're abilities were pretty similar, Toad had a much larger arsenal of mutant powers then Tsuyu's powers from her Quirk, his flaming tongue, thermal and UV vision were just simply out of her league.
Boomstick: even if Tsuyu's camouflage could keep her hidden from his thermal vision he could still pick her out with the UV radiation she was giving off, basically making the camo useless.
Wiz: but Toad's eyesight was as much of a weakness as it was a strength, don't forget Tsuyu's learned a lot about support gear during her time at UA, and her own teacher Mr. Aizawa uses goggles that are very similar to Toad's which she knows is in relation to his Quirk, meaning she'd defiantly know Toad's goggles served a greater purpose then fashion sense.
Boomstick: but even if that was true she'd need to be fast enough to snatch the goggles away from Toad, and considering how everybody and their mother knows about Toad's weakness to light a hell of a lot more then Tsuyu would from a first impression, it's be pretty hard to get them away from him to begin with.
Wiz: Tsuyu might have had an acid ability, but don't forget it's still just mildly irritating, compare that to Toad's which can melt through solid steel, leak out of his entire body, be shot at from a distance, be set on fire and able to mind control paints a very clear picture over who's is better.
Boomstick: wait with his amphibian control, couldn't he just mind control Tsuyu right off the bat?
Wiz: possibly but seeing as how she's more so just a human with frog powers it most likely couldn't take full control of her, at least right away. another aspect of this fight was their combat abilities which is yet another area where Tsuyu falls behind.
Boomstick: I'll say, both might have developed their own unique form of fighting based around their weird springy kicking legs and agility, but the main difference was that aside from that Toad knows over 25 martial arts that Mystique taught him.
Wiz: and this brings us to our final aspect, experience, Tsuyu might have come a long way in terms of her fighting and hero training at UA, but she's more so effective when in a team, in fact almost the entire time she is involved in a combat scenario she always has her friends at her back ready to help, but Mortimer is much different, sure he might fight while in a group quite a bit but he's more then capable of taking on enemies alone, not to mention he's almost twice Tsuyu's age and has been fighting since he was just a teenager.
Boomstick: Tsuyu might have been able to evade Toad for a while with her agility, but all it really did was stall the inevitable.
Wiz: Tsuyu was certainly a well rounded capable opponent, but Mortimer's greater attributes, superior abilities and years worth of experience was just too much for the young hero in training to take on.
Boomstick: between the Frog and the Toad, only one croaked this time.
Wiz: the winner is Toad.