Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Timmy Terror is an antagonist on the Youtube Series: N60Sean. He made his debut in season 4, and was the main antagonist of season 4, along with Mistermister887. In Season 9, Timmy Terror has allied with The Cola Demon.

Death Battle Ideas So Far[]

  • None

Death Battle Info[]

  • Real Name: Timmy Terror
  • Age: ???
  • Height: 6'7
  • Weight: 305lbs


  • Brainwashing
  • Telekinesis
  • Illusions
  • Superhuman Strength
  • Teleportation
  • Can hypnotise people, and freeze them in place with his taunts
  • Knowledgeable of Martial Arts, such as Wrestling


  • Held the N60 Tag Team Championships for over 100 Days
  • Managed to brainwash Ssundee, and had him remain brainwashed for the whole of season 4
  • Was able to survive attacks from numerous characters, in their boss mode forms
  • In his boss mode form, was able to collapse the ring with a single suplex.


  • Had a bad showing in future seasons.
  • Defeated by Jake Paul. (Yep, that did happen)
  • Ssundee and Crainer, Defeated Boss Mode Timmy Terror, without having to tap into their Boss Modes.

