Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Vita carnis vs the smile tapes! Two sadistic, dangerous mass killers go head to head! Will the smiler make the meaty killer happy? Or will the mimic, tear the smilers smile off?

Let's find out![]

Leila: The Mimic, the red skinned stalker from Vita carnis.

Carter: The smiler, the drugged mass murdering monster from the smile tapes.

Leila: When we see a smile, we think of warmth and happiness. Of kindness, and positivity.

Carter: But these two have managed to completely destroy that image. I mean, that's what analog horror does best, right?

Abaliomundo Risus makes DEATH BATTLE SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE![]

Trucidatum Carnis mimics DEATH BATTLE![]


Trucidatum Risus - Fight![]

The scene opens up on a neighborhood in almost pitch blackness. Ever since the demonic laughter had begun, the once lively neighborhood had fallen to darkness. And once THEY, had arrived, the neighborhood was next to desolate, aside from the few smilers that walked the streets, and the occasional scream of a person being caught by either the smilers, or the other party.

Speaking of which, a small group of smilers were laughing as they chased a person down a street. But one of them noticed something... odd. Specifically, another person walking the other way of the small chase party.

It wasn't this that caught the smiler off guard, though. It was the lack of laughter, the hunched over body, and... the lack of fear. It was casually walking down the street, as if this was a normal thing, watching people getting butchered by laughing maniacs.

So the type 3 broke off from the group, and sprinted after the man. Said man didn't even react, instead turned, and headed into a nearby house, with the door ajar. The smiler charged in, only to find its prey missing. he looked around, before noticing the man, just standing in the middle of the room.

The smiler, not questioning this, only filled with bloodlust, charges at the man, and pines him against the floor, and begins tearing into him, as wood and clothing went flying everywhe-

Wait. Wood?

Even in its mindless state, the smiler realized that something was off, he lifted the torn clothes, only to realize they were on top of a clothes stand. The smilers deranged smile dropped by an inch, as it looked around for it's supposed victim.

And it noticed it, from the sides of its eye, the person hiding in the darkness. He roared at them, making it bright as day that it can see them. The person hesitated for a second, realizing that hiding wasn't an option any more, before he stepped out of the darkness.

That's when, with the little bit of sanity the smiler had left, he finally pieced together what was wrong with the human.

First, was their face. A sinister smile on their face, not entirely different from said Smiler, making him stop for a second, and wonder if this was another infected. However, the entirely red face quickly disproved that theory.

Second, they way they- IT, it walked. almost human, but more shuffling like a zombie than a human. Before the person pulled their hands out of their pockets, revealing the final piece of evidence: No natural person had big red hands, with long, unnatural claws that could enclose an entire human skull in their grasp.

Finally, the thing grabbed their clothes, and tore them off, revealing their true, towering form, because- Holy shit this thing was tall!

Towering over the person, The mimic revealed their unhidden form, as an act of attempting to scare The smiler off. However, the smiler wasn't intimidated, and roared at the third family member at charged at him.

The mimic, realizing that battle was inevitable, charged back at him, one thing was made clear to both.

Only one will survive to continue their infection of the world.




Lucky: The winner, is...

Advantages and disadvantages[]

The mimic:

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The Smiler

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