Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Wiz: The apocalypse is a horrible place, and in order to survive you need to have a good team by your side

Boomstick: Like Bill and rest of the survivors from Left 4 Dead

Wiz: And Rick Grimes, the leader of the Alexandria Survivors

Boomstick: It's no wonder that with everything Left 4 Dead and the walking dead have, they can tie each other in a fight.

Wiz: So were going to lay down a couple of basic rules. 1: Left 4 Dead will not have weapons upgrades or Boomer Bile grenades, 2: Left 4 Dead will not have defib units, 3: The Walking Dead will have one adrenaline rush per character, three attack, three area attack, two healing, 4: The Walking Dead will not have security armor at their disposal, 5: The L4D Survivors durability level will be set on the "Normal" difficulty, 6: Rick will have his hand and Carl will have a missing eye. 7: Daryl will have access to health stacks since he has no adrenaline rush 8: NO OUTSIDE HELP!!!, No Jesus, No Virgil, no nothin, 9: Each character on both teams will only have 3 weapons each Preferred weapons for L4D and Most Used/Iconic weapons for TWD.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skill to see who would win a Death Battle

Team Left 4 Dead[]


Wiz: Before the zombie apocalypse broke out, Bill Overbeck was an aging Vietnam veteran, who had served in the 1st Special Forces Group.

Boomstick: Bill looks like my grandpa!

Wiz: After suffering a knee injury, he left the war and took up a habit for smoking. Years later as he was undergoing a surgery for his leg, Bill had his first encounter with the undead.

Boomstick: Bill fought his way out of the hospital, with nothing but a few surgical utensils, and while resisting the effects of the anesthesia. LIKE A BOSS!

Wiz: After he escaped, Bill loaded up and got ready to face the hordes of zombies. During the conflict Bill, formed a group of survivors composed of Francis, a biker, Zoey, a film student, and Louis, a Junior Systems Analyst. With them he formed a strong bond, and led them out of many dangerous situations.

Boomstick: Bill served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War. U.S. Special Forces involvement in the war that ended in 1975. Meaning he has about 15 years of experience and training behind his 65 years.

Wiz: Somebody in the S.F should have good aim, must be really skilled in evasion, and must be great in tactics. And Bill certainly fits the bill.

Boomstick: Really Wiz? You had to say that?

Wiz: What did I say?

Boomstick: Bill certainly fits the bill. You repeated his name

Wiz: Oy vey

Boomstick: Oh that kind of bill

Wiz: Dumkoph!

Boomstick: Anyway, Bill is an expert marksman, preferring an Assault rifle variants and sub-machine gun variants

Wiz: He has a Magnum as his side arm with unlimited ammo, and can use melee weapons

Boomstick: He also has a lot things he can use as grenades. He has a pipe bomb that attracts zombies then blows up and a Molotov cocktails to burn down Tanks. And when talking about physical feats, he might not have much but we did our best and found one that is pretty impressive. Taking a punch from the Tank.

Wiz: The Tank is the strongest infected in the Left 4 Dead Universe. He can punch dumpsters, cars, forklifts, carriges, and can rip concrete strait out of the ground.

Boomstick: Wiz, how much does it take to punch a car high enough for it to go 3 stories?

Wiz: Well Boomstick, the average weight of a regular car is 2,986 pounds and the speed of the Tanks punch is 120 mph.

Boomstick: Get to the point Wiz!

Wiz: The point is, using my nerd skills, Bill can withstand a force of 72,670 pounds. Meaning despite being old, he can take a punch.

Boomstick: If my ex-wife can tank a jet crashing into her, then she is the fat version of him.

Wiz: And it doesn't just stop there, he can walk through fire with little damage and the same can be said for bullets.

Boomstick: He also has healing items that well...heal him!

Wiz: He can use Pain Pills to give him a temporary health boost, adrenaline shots to make him faster, and a health kit to heal him. Even from being ripped to shreds by Witches or Hunters.

Boomstick: Meaning the Med-kits are miracles in a red box

Wiz: Though having many feats he has his flaws.

Boomstick: Right: He is old as hell, has a severe limp, and not really fast as even Spitters can catch up to him while Bill is at full speed

Wiz: But Bill is a skilled fighter, and stayed liked that until he was killed by 3 Tanks while raising the escape bridge.

Boomstick: (Sniffle) I'll miss him

Bill: Even being in war doesn't prepare you for this! They just come at ya and come at ya and never goddamn stop!


Wiz: Loud, cocky, and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis is the stereotypical biker

Boomstick: Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the worlds largest bar fight. When the virus hit, while everyone else stockpiled on food and hid, he found a shotgun and had some fun

Wiz: That's right. No cops, no laws, no order. In fact the fun he had was shooting zombies with buddies on a rooftop, while listening to music from a stolen jukebox.

Boomstick: I would like to be him... in fact (a shotgun is heard) I'll be right back! The birds are going to be toast!

Wiz: Oh boy...anyway, after splitting up from his buddies and dodging infected, he eventually met Bill, a Vietnam veteran, Louis, a Junior I.T anilist, and Zoey, a film student.

Boomstick: Hey Wiz, I'm back! (he throws a bird crap cover shotgun away) I hate goddamn birds!

Wiz: Then you'll like Francis more because he hates everything on Earth

Boomstick: Wow. He's like me! He loves shotguns, loves beer, hates stuff, and argues with his partners. Whats not to love?!

Wiz: In game, Francis prefers the autoshot gun. Which does major damage from short to mid-range.

Boomstick: And when he gets into a jam, he takes out 2 P220 pistols. Perfect for places the shotgun can't reach

Wiz: He also has a pipe bomb, that attracts zombies then blows up.

Boomstick: And a molotov cocktail. Basically fire in a bottle

Wiz: Francis also carries a Med-kit that recovers 80% of his health and pain pills that give him a 50% temporary health boost.

Boomstick: This biker has taken some serious shit. He has survived cars and concrete being thrown at him by Tanks, being gored by Hunters, and being cut to ribbons by Witches

Wiz: And if you don't believe us, here he is tanking a propane tank explosion and walking through fire and...BULLETS?!

Boomstick: Wow. Bulletproof... I LOVE IT!!!

Wiz: But don't overestimate this bikers power though. Even though he can take a good beating, it will be a matter of time before he takes to much damage and becomes incapacitated.

Boomstick: But still you don't want to mess with this dead-shot biker

Francis: I'm not going to let these goddamn vampires beat me!


Wiz: When the "Green Flu" came to the Eastern United States it caused a tremendous loss of life

Boomstick: But nobody was prepared for what happened next, 2 days after the first infection the dead started to come back to life.

Wiz: And nobody was as unprepared for the zombies than Louis, a junior analyst working for a wealthy company

Boomstick: Louis was your basic business man, he enjoyed his lunch break, got up at 6, and played his fair share of video games.

Wiz: But his life was turned upside down when the "Green Flu" arrived in the area.

Boomstick: You see the name "Green Flu" was just a cover up name for the virus to stop mass panic. So when the dumbasses at CEDA couldn't control the virus, most people just died. So much for trying to stop mass panic

Wiz: While in the restroom talking to his co-worker Ray, a common Infected showed up and attacked both of them

Boomstick: And what did Louis do you may ask? Well his grabbed a fire extinguisher and beat the living shit out of it.

Wiz: After narrowly escaping death, he emerged and saw all of his co-workers dead.

Boomstick: But that didn't stop him from walking out of there, even though he saw more of the infected in the streets

Wiz: He somehow dodged the infected and eventually met up with Bill, a Vietnam veteran, Francis, a rough and tough biker, and Zoey, a film school dropout.

Boomstick: It seems like this guy loves being optimistic. This guy must be on drugs.

Wiz: Boomstick, that's just a fanmade--


Wiz: Uhg!

Boomstick: Other than the oh-so-obvious pain pill addiction, Louis packs an M-16 Assault Rifle, a mid-range firearm tat can fire 684 shots a minute with a 50 ammo clip. Although it capacity is low, it is extremally accurate, versatile, and extremally manurable.

Wiz: But if he runs out of ammo, he goes for a Submachine gun. A rapid fire gun with a 50 round clip

Boomstick: He also packs 2 M1911 pistols. They both have 15 rounds a clip, and his go to side-weapon. And he doesn't have to worry about wasting ammo because he unlimited ammo, how the hell does that work?

Wiz: Durability wise, he can take quite a lot of punishment. He took cars, slabs of concrete, dumpsters, and forklifts to the face, and get up like nothing happened. He even had his leg almost torn off by Witches, and other than the slight limp, he up and shooting zombies like it was nothing.

Boomstick: But even though he can take a lot of punishment, it doesn't mean he invincible

Wiz: He has a Med-kit, which restores 80% of his health and a bottle of pain pills---


Wiz: (annoyed) which give him a 50% health boost.

Boomstick: But he can't last forever, if he goes down and there's no teammates around, he's as good as dead.

Wiz: But still, if you are guy who needs help in the apocalypse, Louis has your back

Louis: Pills here!

Wiz: Boomstick!

Boomstick: What?


Wiz: In the Left 4 Dead universe you better have some serious skill to survive.

Boomstick: But with Zoey, she got her experience from.... Watching horror movies? Instead of working in collage?

Wiz: Well at least she can say she was studying the right subject. She never that the brain was the only sure thing to kill the undead, being proved so after she was forced to kill her own father.

Boomstick: After this she fought her way threw hordes of the undead with a suraget family, Bill an aging war vet, Francis a rough and tough biker, and Louis a jr. analyst. Together they done the unthinkable! Taking down the special infected on multiple occasions Tanks, Boomer, Smokers, Witches those fucking things didn't stand a chance!

Wiz: Zoey has shown some impressible feats of Durability, literally shacking off being smashed by Cars, Dumpsters, and Huge slabs of concrete.

Boomstick: She's skilled enough to take out common infected with a single fist in just four hits and she's bringing some heat to this fight a Sub Machine gun good for mowing down a horde of the undead, a pipe bomb a homemade explosive that puts the B in BOOM and every good zombie killer needs an Assault rifle!

Wiz: Zoey is also a great leader, taking over as group leader after the death of Bill Overbeck.

Boomstick: While all that great, she's anything but perfect. She can only take so much damage until she' s as good dead, she's also a college drop out..... stay in school kids.

Wiz: Zoey may be a drop out, But those who think they can take her out, Zoey will drop YOU out.



Wiz: Over the years of pop culture history there have been many great zombie killers.

Boomstick Like Ash Williams, Frank West, & Chris Redfield. But non are as big or as hungry as COACH

Coach: (Coach punches A zombie) THIS USED TO BE A NICE NEIGHBORHOOD

Wiz: Coach used to be... Well a high school coach!

Boomstick: Spending his days visiting his grandma, going to church, hitting homers and eating pie

Wiz: But all that ended when a mysterious flu infected the nation

Boomstick Damn, no more pie for him

Wiz: Soon after this Coach fought for survival along with 3 others Ellis, Nick, & Rochelle

Boomstick: Together they stomped some serious zombie ass taking out Tanks, Witches, Boomers, and Hunters

Boomstick: Going through swamps, sugar cane fields, even a pretty sweet carnival.

Wiz: Coach about 275 pounds of pure badass and is able to take quite a lot of punishment. If he gets hit by a car, he gets up like it were nothing.

Boomstick: He's also got a rather huge arsenal but for this fight like every one else he'll only have three of his preferred weapons. So he's going to be using the Combat Shotgun, it has the same qualities as the auto shottie, but has a larger pellet spread.

Wiz: Coach is able to hold his own against huge hordes of zombies and come out on top and is strong enough to launch a zombie seven feet into the air with a baseball bat.

(Coach hits a zombie with a baseball bat and sends it into the air)

Ellis: That's a Home Run!

Wiz: Coach is an excellent survivor and has a never give up attitude. If he sets his mind to something he's gonna do it weather you like it or not.

Boomstick Though he isn't invincible. He can still be killed by anything a normal human can and is extremely reliant on teamwork

Wiz: But even with that Nothings gonna keep this Big man Down.

Coach: Last time I saw my Grandmother, she asked me if I was still a praying man, I said "Yes ma'am" then she said "Well pray harder cause it ain't workin!"


Wiz: In 1988, a government organization was created to protect humanity from natural and man-made disasters.

Boomstick: It was called... CEDA.

Wiz: The Civil Emergency and Defense Agency were the ones responsible for helping people recover from said disasters, but they didn't do a great job when it came to protecting people from the infectious disease, the Green Flu. This lead to many people becoming infected, or sometimes lead to mutation.

Boomstick: Luckily, not every infected person turned. People who were infected but did not mutate but could still pass on the infection were known as carriers. That is where Nick comes in.

Wiz: A lifetime of jumping from back alley to back alley and dodging cops, Nick is a gambler turned apocalypse survivor. He must escape an overrun America with a new group of friends, which goes against everything he lives by.

Boomstick: In Left 4 Dead, it is up to the player to decide what their character's loadout is. But generally, Nick prefers to combat the apocalypse with his trusty AK-47 assault rifle. It holds 40 bullets per round and has 9 magazines, so it can fire a total of 360 bullets.

Wiz: The AK-47 deals 58 damage per shot, 446 damage per second and 2320 damage per magazine.

Boomstick: He also wields a Desert Eagle sidearm, which has infinite ammo, but only fires 8 shots per magazine. Each bullet deals 80 damage, does 267 damage per second and 640 damage per magazine.

Wiz: Nick also uses throwing items, such as the Pipe Bomb, an IED that flashes and ticks, leading infected to it before exploding.

Boomstick: Then there's my personal favorite, the Molotov, that engulfs anything around it in flames! Nothing like a bonfire to help celebrate a job well done!

Wiz: Nick also has a Medkit, which recovers 80% health to the user. He can also use Pain Pills, which recover 50% health, but only temporarily. Assuming that the user does not take any damage, this effect will last a total of 4 minutes and 10 seconds.

Boomstick: Then there is the heroin shot-

Wiz: *clears throat* Adrenaline shot.

Boomstick: Isn't that what I said?

Wiz: Whatever, it gives a 25% temporary health boost and allows the user to move, heal and revive much faster.

Boomstick: It's fair to say that Nick is a tough survivor. He can take punches from Tanks, can survive a claw from a Witch and can put up with Ellis for seven whole campaigns!

Wiz: However, it must be noted that most of Nick's durability feats can vary depending on the difficulty of the campaign. He also mentions that he is not legally allowed to own a gun, so his time practicing with weapons is questionable.

Boomstick: But even when the world's going to shit, Nick will be there to put a stop to it!

Nick: "If the world's goin' to hell, I'm taking a weapon."


Wiz: Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Ellis is a junior mechanic before the green flu arrived in the South

Boomstick: Man, all he wanted to do was get drunk with his buddies. Too bad the zombies had to ruin it all.

Wiz: He claims that instead of evacuating he armored up a truck to get of the city, said to be zombie-proof

Boomstick: Well it might've sounded like genius then, the truck turned out to be 99% zombie proof

Wiz: But his intelligence is sometimes good for a guy like him.

Boomstick: HEY!

Wiz: Like the time he insisted that they'd use Jimmy Gibbs Jr's stock car to escape the mall.

Boomstick: But other times, he's about as dumb as Wiz was when he drank beer for the first time

Wiz: Boomstick, you tied me to a chair and force drank me vodka

Boomstick: So? You wouldn't had done it anyway

Wiz: Uhg!

Boomstick: Anyways, he might be redneck but he doesn't go for the shotgun for some reason as a computer controlled player.

Wiz: He mainly prefers either a Hunting rifle or a Sniper Rifle but in official media he prefers--


Wiz: One more comment out of you and you'll lose your beer privileges

Boomstick: No, not my beer!

Wiz: The grenade launcher is notorious for launching survivors sky-high if at the right angle and can clear multiple infected in one shot.

Boomstick: The only catch is that it only fires 1 round a shot but that explosion makes up for it

Wiz: But when he runs out of that ammo, he pulls out either 2 pistols with unlimited ammo for some reason or a baseball bat.

Boomstick: Ellis also has multiple throwables at his disposal, he has a pipe bomb the attracts zombies then blows up, a molotov to set a bonfire, and a bile bomb that blinds people and attracts the horde.

Wiz: But since this is a Death Battle, the horde attracting of the pipe bomb and Boomer Bile will not be in effect.

Boomstick: And for durability he can easily survive propane, oxygen, and gas tank explosions, and the stupidity goes further as he can survive point blank shotgun shots

Wiz: But that durability depends on the difficulty so to be fair we'll be doing his durability on the "normal" difficulty

Boomstick: And on that difficulty, he can still survive Tank punches, can get back up from getting gored by Hunters, can survive falls that'll kill a normal man, and can survive being cut to ribbons by Bitches

Wiz: That's it! DUMP THE BEER!

Boomstick: NO! WAIT!

(The camera crew dumps the beer)

Boomstick: Oh well, at least i got my stache at home

Wiz: Anyways, if Ellis takes damage he has 3 healing items that will set him strait

Boomstick: He has a med-kit that restores 80% of his health, pain pills that give him a temporary health boost, and a heroine--

Wiz: Adrenaline!

Boomstick: Shot that gives him a 25% health boost and a speed boost.

Wiz: Even though Ellis can take a good beating, Ellis can get incapacitated if he takes too much damage. Plus Ellis has a record of being very unfocused, during horde attacks he'll sometimes start telling stories of him and his buddy Keith, and he's not very smart either, not to say Ellis is stupid but he's definitely not the smartest.

Boomstick: But still, if you want a funny, reliable guy on your Z.A team, Ellis is your man



Wiz: In the World if Left 4 Dead your gonna need two things

Boomstick: A shit load of Guns and a good team behind your back, lucky Rochelle has both.

Wiz: The Green Flu hit the world like a Grey Hound City Bus, turning the world into a living hell. Rochelle fought for survival along with Ellis, a young but Strong man, Coach, a man who loves pie, and Nick, a former criminal. making their world's most brutal fighting team.

Boomstick: As long has they had guns they were gonna fight and when they ran out of bullets those zombies wished they hadn't. Rochelle has extreme proficiency when it comes to firearms, she can wield any thing from AK-47s, sniper rifles, several different types of shotguns and even a grenade launcher. For hand to hand combat she can use frying pans, baseball bats, swords, chainsaws! You name it, she's probably used it.

Wiz: She's even used several types of explosives such as propane tanks and pipe bombs. Boomer biles are literally puke in a Bottle and can't forget about the molotovs. Then there's the special ammunition giving one of her guns a fire effect and even an explosive effect on each of her bullets fired, but as we said for the others, Rochelle will only have her preferred weapons in the Battle.

Boomstick: this chick can take some serious damage from Gun shots and explosions to getting smashed by Concrete slabs and fucking cars! And she's got some deep pockets too able to carry Jerry cans, a bottle of pills that temporally restore 50 health and an adrenaline shot that gives her a minor health and speed boost, The Med-kit restore 80 percent Max health and the difibulator is a very interesting item it may seem almost useless unless your reviving a teammate but it sends about 1000 volts of electricity into your body enough at least put a normal person in cardiac arrest.

Wiz: while Rochelle seems like it she's not invulnerable if she takes too much damage she will be incapacitated and unable to move, she's also very reliant on team work. She's not very fast either she's caught by jockeys all the time and they aren't very fast at all.

Boomstick: But even with those flaws, You'd be lucky to survive an encounter with Rochelle.

Rochelle: Kill all son's a Bitches right?

Ellis nods with a smile.

Team The Walking Dead[]


Wiz: Rick Grimes was a every day normal police deputy, along with his best friend Shane Walsh.

Boomstick: Man, He was living the life! Kick ass best friend, Smoking hot wife, got to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE FOR STEALING.

Wiz: But on one day Rick's life would be changed forever.

(Car crashes in field, one man gets out and pulls out a pistol)

Rick (Pulling out his colt python): PUT IT DOWN!

Shane: RICK!


Boomstick: Damn.... I know that feeling....

Wiz: Rick somehow survived, but was put into a deep coma. Unknowing to him the world around him would crumble.

Boomstick: The dead started to...... walk? How?

Wiz: It's unknown how the virus started, but needless to say it had some... .interesting results on the human population.

Boomstick: Yeah! No shit!

Wiz: When Rick woke up he was dazed and confused. He had no idea of what happened.

Boomstick: Figuring he better find his family he got the fuck out of that hell hole. Who writes Don't Dead Open Inside? fucking dumbass

Wiz: your the dumbass Boomstick. Anyway Rick Grimes was taken in by a man named Morgan who told him what exactly happened while Rick was in that coma and understandingly Rick couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe his family was dead!

Boomstick: So after stopping by the old police station he picked up some firepower and tried to Punisher his way through Atlanta and find his family. Buuuuut he didn't get very far and this scrawny Asian kid named Glenn saved his ass, and it just so happens his wife and son were a part of Glenn's group of survivors. He then took it on himself on being a leader and protect his group. Rick Grimes was a new man.

Wiz: Rick Grimes is a near super-human level marksmen able to wield almost any firearm and use it to impressive levels. Though he prefers his Colt Python Revolver and Assault Rifle. Rick is a force to be reckoned with from afar and up close

Boomstick: Please Wiz the only time he whooped someone's ass was in surprise attacks, but I gotta give it too him, You piss this guy off enough He will Rip your throat out MacGruber style!

Wiz: It's is true Rick is not very good at hand 2 hand combat but he more then Makes up for it with his intelligence and leadership skills. He has lead his group of survivors threw 3 Wars, Several harsh Winters, countless complete Walker infestations of their camps, A Cannibal camp, And even getting them threw a attack from a walker horde that was in the Thousands and took out Every Last One! Rick's police training is ideal for combat and dispatching the undead and he's got the experience to prove it! The Walking Dead Apocalypse has been happening commonly For 5 to 6 YEARS!

Boomstick: He's durable too He's walked off being shot multiple times, Survived being beaten nearly to death, Getting his hand Chopped off! And got right back up from a frag grenade explosion that sent him flying, and not to mention that Famous coma gunshot.

Wiz: Rick is extremely proficient with His colt python, his aim is so good once will Trapping a group of cannibals in Gabriel's Church he was Shooting the cannibal leader's individual Fingers off in the dark from a distance of 12 feet! a feat that should almost impossible! In Season 7 of the walking dead TV show Rick was thrown into a pit with no weapons what so ever there he was pitted against a Super Walker which is a zombie coated in metal and spikes then Killed it with his bare hands, Beat up then later that day Killed Pete Anderson Throwing each other threw a window in the process, Overwhelmed an Insane Morgan, Tied in hand to hand combat with Shane, He's was strong enough to Beat Tyreese a 260 pound man to a Pulp and was Fast enough to Run from the woods to Hershel's Farm in just a few minutes while carrying a dying Carl. But it doesn't stop there, Rick Grimes is actually somewhat Superhuman! In Road to Survival The Walking Dead crew Gained the Adrenaline Rushes some of them Replenish health, Stun opponents, Make attacks Stronger, and Even Revive some alies!

Boomstick: but there's rules we gotta Go by in this fight, Only 1 adrenaline rushes each for the walking dead crew. Rick will have: Turn the Tides: All teammates regain 50% of their Max HP, recover from Attack Penalties, and get +15% Attack and +30 Crit for 3 turns

Wiz: The one thing that's important to remember about adrenaline rushes is that they Replenish a little at a time each time a character is fighting and taking damage but it does take a little bit in a fight like this, a average AR should only take 30 seconds to a minute or two, to be used again.

Boomstick: Damn... This dude is like Stryker from Mortal Kombat Mixed with Ash Williams..... I LIKE HIM!

Rick: They're Gonna feel real stupid when they Find out....

Abraham: Find out what?

(Rick's looks at Abe)

Rick: That they're fucking with the wrong people...


Boomstick: Ugh.... Is it too late to replace him with Gabriel?

Wiz: Yep

Boomstick: MOTHER OF (beep) (Beep) GOD (beeeeeeep)..........

Wiz: Are you done?

Boomstick: I guess....

Wiz: Okay then. Carl Grimes was just 8 Years old when the virus struck. His Father's best friend Shane Walsh said that he'd take care of him and his mom for now on and that his Dad wouldn't be coming back any time soon.

Boomstick: Then Lori and Shane banged, Shane was Dad 2.0 basically, and then Rick came back. Let's just get to his feats and shit already and move to the next guy.

Wiz: Okay, jeez man. Carl may seem like just a burden to the group but he's probably one of the most useful members. Trained by his father and Shane he learned to use assault rifles and pistols to great success

Boomstick: I hate to admit it but this teenage cyclops can whoop some ass. What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for with his tenacity and quick thinking.

Wiz: Carl has survived having his eye shot out of his skull, being shot in the stomach with buck shot then the surgery afterwards without the proper equipment, Survived Terminus, Torched a barn Full of walkers, Was mentally strong enough to preform a C-section on his own mother then kill her, has held his own with full grown adults, Gained Negan's Respect, took out 3 walkers at once on his own when he was barley 9, and ate 112 ounce can of pudding in a single sitting

Boomstick: That last one was the weirdest feat I've heard since the Big Smoke's Order thing....

Wiz: While engaged in hand to hand combat he uses a knife and always aims for the eyes, throat, under chin, and the back of the head where the spine meets the skull. It's also possible since Carl has lost an eye his other 5 senses might be slightly enhanced.

Boomstick: if he somehow loses his knife, he's got his own 2 fists it's been inferred that Shane taught Carl how to fight early into the apoclypse but Carl doesn't just rely on weapons he's got the Adrenaline Rush too! Like Low Blow: Deal 200% Damage and cause 60 damage bleeding for 3 turns to one enemy!

Wiz: But Carl isn't flawless. He often acts before thinking and his daredevilish attitude in his younger years has gotten some members of the group killed

Boomstick: (Cough cough) DALE (Cough cough)

Carl: What do you think of this place?  

Rick: Well, I think it seems... nice.  

Carl: Yeah. I like it here. I like the people. But they're weak. And I don't want us to get weak, too. 


Wiz: Silence is the most useful tool in the Zombie Apocalypse

Boomstick: Well except something that goes BOOM but lets agree to disagree

Wiz: Anyway if sneaking is necessary who else to call but Dayrl Dixon

Boomstick: Dayrl was born into an abusive Family the only one who really cared was his brother Merle who is a dick and, by the way, basically raised Dayrl

Wiz: But one day his Father and Uncle where out hunting deer and his Father got bit by a Walker and he had to be put down. But for some reason, Dayrl couldn't bring himself to do it despite his Father never really cared about him,

Boomstick: After this Dayrl and Merle made their way to Atlanta. They tried to board a helicopter but the pilot was bitten by another damn walker. Tough luck.

Wiz: Dayrl is an expert tracker, able to track deer from miles away!

Boomstick: Stealth is his Bread n' Butter. With his trusty Crossbow and Knife, there's no way in hell your gonna be able to find him or even see him coming.

Wiz: Dayrl is pretty tough. He is able to walk off being shot and even surviving a 1-2 story fall onto one of his arrows, getting back up and really not showing any signs of pain

Boomstick: The dude took out a military Tank with just one grenade, survived being ruthlessly torture, survived Terminus which was A FUCKING CANNIBAL CAMP, fought Merle to a stand still, was strong enough to hold back a pissed off Tyreese, and has literally killed countless walkers and people.

Wiz: And if you think the only weapons Dayrl has is the Crossbow and Hunting Knife your surely mistaken

Boomstick: He's got a Rocket Launcher, sniper Rifle, shotguns, machine guns, a Sledgehammer, Even Assault Rifles, Baseball Bat, and an Axe

Wiz: Dayrl is the king in long range and short range combat It's been hinted at that After Merle came back from the military he taught Daryl some things. He also carries a rather large supply of ammo, sports drinks, food, and bottles to throw so he can trick enemies and distract them

Boomstick: But Dayrl prefers the crossbow due to it being extremely quiet and being ideal for long rang situations.

Wiz:: Dayrl might be a badass but he's got his fair share of weaknesses. He's only got so much ammo and sometimes is even reckless. And he is still human, meaning he has normal limits for a guy like him

Boomstick: Even with that, Dayrl is an excellent survivor and fighter and you better hope he's not coming after you

(Dayrl shoots a Hanging walker with his crossbow)

Dayrl: Waste of an Arrow


Wiz: In a Zombie Apocalypse there is many melee weapons to choose from Chainsaws, Hammers, Baseball bats

Boomstick: But only the real badasses have a Good Ol' Samurai Sword!

Wiz: Michonne is the Noble Samurai warrior of The Walking Dead universe With her Duel Katanas she is a Extremely deadly opponent in close Quarters combat but she's also proficient with A Pistol and her trusty Assault Rifle!

Boomstick: Her Hand to hand combat experience Is probably the best out of the bunch! Second would probably be Abraham if you where wondering. 3rd? Definitely Dayrl. But back to Michonne, she is very observant and alert at all times able to spot thing in places most people can't see. This also comes in handy in a fight! Her reaction time is similar to Lee Everett in her own Telltale series! Stealth is also her strong suit that's why she uses a katana over guns mostly.

Wiz: She is also 3rd in command thanks to her leader ship skills and combat experience. Though she isn't the best with firearms when compared to Rick or Abraham she can certainly keep up! Once even mowing down an entire attacking group of the governor's army

Boomstick: Michonne is strong enough to cut the Governor's arm off with a single swing, Survived Terminus, stealthy enough to break into the governor's Hideout, Killed a group of 10 walkers in seconds with her sword, Knocked Rick out with the end of her Samurai sword, She was fast enough to keep up with a pickup Truck, beat the governor in a fist fight then later killed the Governor, and killed countless walkers and saviors.

Wiz: But it doesn't stop there! Her Adrenaline rushes are perfect for eliminating opponents! Like the Disarmament: Deal 275% Damage and -40% Attack for 1 turn to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it.

Boomstick: But as badass as she is Michonne is barley perfect. Michonne insists that she doesn't know any martial arts only that she has trained on walkers for the entire apocalypse to gain her sword skills. But that doesn't matter a single bit Michonne is a fucking badass!

Michonne: Anger makes you stupid..... Stupid gets you killed


Boomstick: What happens when you Combine Guile from Street fighter and the Walker Texas Ranger? You Get one bad mother fucker.

Wiz: Lt. Abraham Ford was a U.S. military Soldier and is proud of it Starting his service at a young age, since you have to be at least 18 to join the military and his service was still happening when the virus started and Abraham being in his 40s this means Abraham has a little over 20 Years at most of military experience. Very little is actually known about Abe before the outbreak All we really know is that he had a Wife and two kids and What ever happened to him during that war.... He was never the same again, His mind was Haunted by the thoughts of it.

Boomstick: But when the outbreak did happen His number one goal was to protect his family at all costs The dude beat several men to death with a can of Green Beans for Christ sake! But when his wife had realized he was going insane she took the. Kids and run off during the middle of the night and when Abraham found them it was too late. They where killed and eaten by walkers, this threw Abraham into a new deep of hidden insanity and tried to kill himself

Wiz: Until a man with a mullet came being chased by walkers came out of nowhere Begging for Abraham's help. After realizing that Abe would be extremely useful Eugene told Abe that he was on a mission to save the world. This gave Abraham something to live for... A purpose again

Boomstick: Until Eugene got exposed for being a liar by Rick when he asked to see Eugene's radio which had no batteries. Looks like Eugene couldn't lie his way out of that ass whooping.

Wiz: and if there's anything Abe does best it's dealing out damage with his military training and Weaponry experts. he's One hell of a fighter and it's possible he's the physically strongest character on team walking dead.

Boomstick: Hell he just Enjoys a good Ol' fist fight! And this Sexton Hale ripoff is really bringing the boom to this fight with his mighty AT-4 Anti Tank rocket launcher. Yeah that's right this thing is made to take out military tanks and its missiles can go up 300 miles away and still hit that target! Along with an Assault Rifle its a deadly combo.

Wiz: Abraham also has a steel crowbar, ideal for beating enemies into the ground.

Boomstick: And you remember us talking about Abraham having some sort of hidden insanity? If put in the right situation Abraham loses his shit! Making him seemingly Hulk like.

Wiz: Abraham's combat skills are what put him ahead of the rest. He's knocked Eugene out with one punch, killed several men at once with a can of green beans, chased down a group of thieves and I quote "Ripped them limb from limb!"

Boomstick: He's a tank too. During his final issue in the Walking Dead comics Dwight shot him in the back of the head with a arrow while he was talking and he finished the ENTIRE SPEECH! And during his final episode of the walking dead Negan choose him to get bashed and straight up tanked it and said "Suck My Nuts!" And thanks to his military training, his stealth game is at its peak along with his leadership skills he's ideal for forming battle strategies on the fly.

Wiz: And if things get serious he's always got the Sweeping Fire: Deal 325% damage to a group of enemies perfect for eliminating both humans and undead alike.

Boomstick: But as much as I like him he's anything but invincible if Abe keeps using his fists to do damage, his knuckles will start to bleed but he seems not to mind it and his anger can indeed help with fighting but sometimes he can get carried away and start yelling at his friends. Even with that Abraham is a strong willed fighter, if you mess with this Soldier you're not just gonna lose the fight your gonna lose your life.

Abraham: You find some strong like-mined comrades...And you stick together like wet on water.


Wiz: in the world of The Walking Dead you need Experience to survive

Boomstick: Rick Grimes was a Police officer, Daryl Dixon was a survivalist, Abraham was a war veteran and Glenn was a..... Delivery boy?

Wiz: while Glenn may not have the experience or skills of the others have, he can certainly keep up. During the the start of the outbreak Glenn was the group's only source of food and Supplies and along with Dale he was the group's mechanic making him extremely important asset to the group using his knowledge of every street in Atlanta and every single short cut

Boomstick: I can be inferred that Glenn is literally the fastest character in the walking dead universe. Ever notice when there's a running sequence Glenn in front of everybody! Outrunning the likes of Rick Grimes who has police training, why does this matter you may ask? Police officers are trained to to very fast so DUH they can catch the criminals.

Wiz: but Glenn isn't too reliant on his speed, he's an excellent survivor and fighter being able to Brutally beat Nicholas to a Pulp and even Tied in hand to hand combat with Merle Dixon who has Military training.

Boomstick: the dude was able to Tie in a fist Fight with Lt. Abraham Ford of the US military who is a brute of a man, kinda reminds me of Sexton Hale from Team Fortress 2. But anyway the deal is Glenn Knocked this Dude on his ass with ONE PUNCH! Abraham is probably around 245 pounds of pure muscle so Glenn can hit HARD very hard.

Wiz: Glenn is also Very Smart! He though of game winning strategies that Impressed Rick Grimes and Even Daryl Dixon. In the Walking dead comics Glenn thought of an idea about how to get ride of walkers off the fence at the prison with out loosing their knifes in the zombies heads by putting the knifes threw a block and it worked! We also can forget about his Impressive durability He survived Being tortured by Merle Dixon, Survived the Mysterious flu that was infecting the prison, Took a point plank shotgun blast to the chest while wearing riot gear and got away with only a broken rib and a few bruises.

Boomstick: Glenn is also very proficient with many kinds of weapons while Glenn usually prefers a machete for up Close combat he also is able to use Assault rifles, Snipers, pistols, Shotguns, Knifes, and baseball bats

Wiz: And as of the Walking dead: Road to Survival app Glenn can also use Adrenaline Rushes which are extremely useful these can have all sorts of different affects on Glenn and his team mates like Return Fire which heal 300% damage and -50% defense for 3 turns to up to 3 enemies up to 3 teammates regain up to 35% of their max hp

Wiz: Glenn is always thinking of ways to survived another day and will never give up no matter what the odds are. He once walked into a pitch black tunnel full of walkers just to find Maggie and walked through a whole horde of walkers in riot gear

Boomstick: While Glenn is most certainly one one the strongest walking dead characters he's still just human and is sometimes overpowered by characters far physically stronger than him.

Wiz: But when your surrounded and don't have a plan, Glenn Rhee is gonna help you out.

Daryl: hey kid what did you do before all this?

Glenn: Delivered Pizzas. Why?


Boomstick: Eeny Meany Miney Mo. These are the most feared words of the walking dead universe.... for some reason

Wiz: These are the words of Negan the leader of the saviors.

Boomstick: Whoawoahwoahwoah, why is Negan in this? I thought he was the Bad guy? Ugh. I'll get the list of replacements... lets see..... Eugene, Rosita, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Andrea?

Wiz: Let me explain to those of you who have not been reading the most recent issues of the walking dead comics. Negan turned a new leaf and is actually trusted by Rick.... In the comics anyway.

Boomstick: But what happened to maybe not today maybe not tomorrow I will kill you?

Wiz: It's not like Rick wanted too, they need too. But anyway Negan was a gym coach before the Apacolipse started and his personality really hasn't changed he's still a dick

Boomstick: but when is wife came down with cancer he went into a bit of a depression and left his mistress. But one day his wife collapsed on the front lawn and Negan rushed her to the hospital never leaving her side.

Wiz: the doctors said she had little time left but Negan was persistent that he stayed. Hours had passed and then she woke up but was..... different

Boomstick: she was a walker! But Negan had no idea of what the fuck was happening so he locked her inside the room and got the fuck out of there.

Wiz: Negan had a long and hard journey of survival

Boomstick: And he didn't fuck around! And started the Saviors, Negan's own army and community.

Wiz: Negan's most impressive feats is literally commanding an army he created. Nobody dared to challenge him.

Boomstick: Cause if they did they'd meet Lucille! A motherfucking baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire!

Wiz: Probably the most iconic weapons in Walking Dead history, Lucille is a impressive weapon its wood is strong enough to block bullets at point blank range!

Boomstick: And that's not even the best thing about it Wiz! He covers that thing in walker entrails and blood so if your hit hard enough with this thing to make you bleed? Yeah you are F, U, C, K, E, D.... FUCKED. You'll die in minutes from the zombie infection!

Wiz: Negan is a impressive combatant and force to be reckoned with in combat thanks to many impressive feats. He's killed Glenn Rhee and Abraham Ford, sliced Spencer's intestines out with a single swipe, kidnapped Eugene and Father Gabriel, and beat Rick Grimes and Dwight is fist fights and--

Boomstick: BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF BETA! The co-leader of the Whisperers who is ten times the size of Negan and Far physically stronger too!

Boomstick: The dude is Durable too. He's survived have his throat slit, tanked almost certainly fatal gun shots, took a punch to the chin from Daryl Dixon and was barley fazed. This dude is someone not to be fucked with, He'll literally beat your brains out! As Physically strong as he is you'd be lucky to get away from this guy. He was strong enough to break Rick's leg with one hand and then tossed Rick around like a rag doll! Hell, he was able to escape Shiva a full grown Tiger! A Tiger Can run up to 40 miles a hour when they're hunting and he out ran that!

Wiz: And one of Negan's key abilities is mentally breaking down his opponent or opponents. He's done this to the likes of Rick Grimes and even made him Cry. He's also very good at reading people and exploiting weaknesses

Boomstick: He's also got more then Lucille in this fight. He has the same Bowie knife he used to gut Spencer and his favorite firearm a goddamn Assault Rifle, which he seems to pull out of nowhere? But wait there's more! His adrenaline rush, Lucille Says Hello!: Deal 225% Damage to one enemy and all enemies adjacent to it. All teammates get +30 Crit. for 2 turns.

Wiz: But as strong as Negan is he's got some faults. When he did beat Beta he actually BROKE Lucille over beta's back which actually made him cry?!

Boomstick: well it was named after his wife to help him cope with his lose. But when It did happen he was more pissed then hurt. But for those who challenge Negan You better hope you have your shitting pants on.

Negan: You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed? It's about you.


Wiz: In the walking dead there's no shortage of strong female characters. But since we already went over Michonne it's time to go over Maggie Greene the Leader of the Hilltop colony.

Boomstick: Maggie was a farm hand at her Father's farm shoveling hay, feeding horses, and taking care of her siblings.

Wiz: This would end every soon however. A mysterious Virus was spreading all over the world thankfully their farm was so secluded they rarely had any attacks but they didn't go without loses. Maggie lost her Mother, Brother and step brother early into the apocalypse. These incidents caused her farther Hershel to to become progressively more protective of his remaining family. A few months after the out break a family friend named Otis went hunting for deer, when Otis returned he had accidentally shot a young boy when shooting the deer, The Greene family had brought in the group and the boy was in their leader was Rick Grimes a Police Deputy from King County, in that group there was Glenn Rhee a Korean pizzaboy and after Maggie and Glenn got some... alone time. They fell in love becoming a unbreakable and loving couple.

Boomstick: And it was a fucked up road from there on. When Shane and Rick fought in the middle of the night the young boy named Carl shot Shane in the neck! The gunshot then attracted a huge horde of walkers that then attacked the farm. Killing what was left of the Greene family except Maggie, Hershel, Beth or Billy depending on the canon.

Wiz: After taking refuge in a Prison they ended up in a War with The Governor with Hershel and Billy being killed in the fight Maggie realized this new world is terrible and unforgiving turning her Into a new woman.

Boomstick: Man if there are three thing in life I love it's Guns, Beer and a chick who can kick ass which is exactly what Maggie is! Surprisingly she has become leader of the Hilltop

Wiz: Though she is no strategist Maggie is a quick thinker and is very smart she was able to negotiate with the original leader of Hilltop Gregory who Jesus has said is very stubborn and hard to negotiate with.

Boomstick: She's a determinant fighter too. Maggie has killed a walker wearing full Riot Gear Armor one on one, was strong enough to wield a street sign and help Sasha kill a group of walkers, she's even beat a fat woman to death with the butt of a gun.

Wiz: She's not just an excellent fighter she has other skills as well. He's been known to take risks at times like when she was in a dark tunnel full of walkers and decided to unload an entire Clip of an Assault rifle into the roof of the tunnel to bury the walkers in concrete and it worked out pretty well. Not to mention her skills with firearms from Assault rifles to hunting rifles

Boomstick: She's a melee fighter too Using Knifes, machetes, Axes and Pitchforks Maggie is a deadly opponent in close quarters combat

Wiz: Maggie isn't a slouch when it's time to turn up the heat with her own adrenaline rush Stay On Target: Deal 375% Damage to a line of enemies. All teammates get Focus for two turns. But that's not even the best of it in issue 56 of the walking dead Maggie hung herself from a tree when Glenn found her and Abraham cut her down she had no pulse and wasn't breathing but when Glenn tried to preform CPR Abraham stopped him saying that she's dead and needs to be put down.

Boomstick: Then BOOM Maggie just comes back from death! She was dead for at least five minutes if not more.

Wiz: Even with that though Maggie isn't flawless. When she thought Glenn was killed after the attack on the prison during a fight she just froze for a little bit though she snapped back to normal as soon a gun went off.

Boomstick: For those who pick a fight with Maggie Greene should beware this southern bell can raise some hell

Maggie: Because Glenn chose to be there for you. That day, a long time ago. That was the decision that changed everything. It started with both of you, and it just grew. All of us. To sacrifice for each other. To suffer to stand. To grieve. To give. To love...To live. To fight for each other. Glenn made the decision, Rick, I was just following his lead.

Pre-Death Battle[]

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, lets end this debate once and for all


Death Battle[]

(Rick and his fellow survivors are meeting in the town hall)

Rick: Alright, the scouts told us we have a small group of survivors coming to Alexandrea.

Michonne: How many were there?

Rick: 8 That we know of.

Glenn: What exactly can we do about this?

Rick: All we can do is wait. if they're friendly we let them in. If they ain't, we kill them all.

Abraham: I say we just kill them, we don't know if they are working for the Saviors or Whisperers.

Daryl: Well we don't know that either. I say we wait until they get there.

Carl: (Walking in the room): Negan is here to collect food and weapons.

Rick: Shit

(They walk out of the town hall and meet Negan outside)

Negan: I'm here to get my shit. Where is it?

Daryl: Don't worry, we have it

(Meanwhile, Bill and the other survivors are approaching the gates)

Ellis: Old man, are you sure this is the right way?

Bill: Its Bill, and I'm sure we are going the right way.

Nick: Hope that we can get out of this shit. I sick of the bullshit we have been through

Coach: Hold up, we are at a gate.

Francis: And there is something up there.

Louis: Probably an infected, ill get it

(In reality it was Father Gabriel on watch duty)

Gabriel: Huh it sure is peaceful toda---

(Louis fired his gun and shoots Father Gabriel)

Gabriel: Oh...

(He falls off the fence and right in front of Carl)

Carl: HOLY SHIT!!! DAD!!!

(Rick runs over to Carl with Negan, thinking he is trying to get away)

Negan: Hey! if you think your going to---

(Negan sees Gabriel's corpse)

Rick: Climb up there Carl and see who back there

(Carl climbs the ladder and see the survivors)

Zoey: Nice shot

(Carl climbs back down and goes to Rick)

Carl: There are 8 people on the other side of the fence

Rick: Shit, you know what get Michonne, Abraham, Maggie, Glenn, and Daryl. They are the best guys here.

Carl: Alright

Negan: You know what? I'll help ya... for a cost.

Rick: For what?

Negan: I want triple of the food and water next time i come around.

Rick: Deal.

(They shake hands and they go off armory)


Louis: Sorry! I though he was an infected!!!

Coach: Just calm down! We'll just tell the people inside that it was a mistake.

Rochelle: I think its a bit late for that!

(They all look up and see Rick and Negan aiming at the survivors with SMGs)

Rick: You killed Gabriel, now your going to die

Ellis: Hey we're sorry, we thought he was an infected

Rick: Too late for that

Coach: Looks like we gonna have to fight, Ellis?

Ellis: Yeah?

Coach: Blow it up

Ellis: On it


(Ellis shoots a grenade at the wall where Negan and Rick where at, but they are both gone)

Nick: Nice job Overalls! You probably pissed off their entire crew!

Ellis: Naw I blew them to shit!

Bill: Think again son...

(Rick's group opens the gate and walks outside ready for war)

Abraham: Eugene! Stay inside and lock the gate! We don't want them getting in!

Eugene: Got it!

(As Eugene is locking up both team stare at each other)

Rick/Bill (at the same time): ONE ON ONE! TAKE THEM OUT! CHARGE!

(Both teams begin to collide)

(Combatants left L4D: 8 TWD: 8)


(Rick and Bill approach each other)

Rick: It's you and me old man!

Bill (lighting a cigarette): You don't know what your getting into son. Back down while you still can. There'll be loses on BOTH sides

Rick (loading revolver): Sorry I'm all out of mercy

Bill: You'll regret that decision later boy

Rick: I don't think I will

(Out of nowhere Rick swiftly aims his revolver and fires 2 shots into Bill's chest. Bill defensivly blasts at Rick with his assault rifle, Rick retreats with Bill still firing at him, barely dodging each shot. He hides behind a tree for cover. Bill begins to reload his rifle)

Rick (Thinking to himself): He's skilled, but old, at least in his late 60s if not mid 70s. He's a smoker too so he ain't running very far or fast not to mention the obvious limp he's got.

(Rick waits for Bill to pass by the tree to sneak up on him. Bill passes by and Rick puts him into a headlock. Bill, almost unimpressed, grabs Rick by the arms and slams him into the ground. Bill then starts to stomp on Rick making Rick cough up some blood. He rolls out of the way of Bill's stomp and delivers his elbow to Bill's leg with the limp then gets up and knocks Bill on his ass with a left hook punch to the jaw. Rick grabs his Colt Python by the barrel and uses it as a club and beats Bill's face in. Bill kicks Rick away and gets ready to fight Bill and Rick lunge at each other and collide resulting in the two rolling down a hill while still fighting. Rick tries to shoot Bill but his hand is forced in the other direction by Bill while still rolling down the hill and both of them slam into a burning brick wall. The brick then falls onto them and buries them. Rick manages to force himself out of the pile. Bill crawls out of the pile at the same time as Rick)

Bill (Spits out a tooth): Your ballsy son I'll give you that.

(Bill gets up and delivers a combo of punches and kicks onto Rick who struggles to fight back, Rick then headbutts Bill making both of them stumble back. Rick starts to shoot at Bill with his Colt Python, Bill ducks for cover pulling out is own pistol blasting at Rick hitting him several times. Rick powers threw the pain and charges Bill who is caught off guard by Rick's speed. Rick trips up Bill with a diving drop kick to the legs. Bill gets back up and pulls out his assault rifle with Rick doing the same. Both fire at each other with the bullets ricochet off each other. They run out of bullets giving Rick a chance to get in close, Rick runs at Bill with his machete and Bill stops reloading to fend off Rick. Bill attacks Rick with the Assault rifle but Rick easily dodges the attacks. Rick starts to chop at Bill trying to finish him off but Bill just as easily dodges. Rick then begins to start swinging faster and harder trying to kill Bill, Rick does a downward slash at Bill who catches Rick by the arms the two begin to struggle to overpower each other going back and forth for what seems like forever. Bill ends the struggle with a swift kick to Rick's stomach and hits him in the face with the butt of the assault rifle sending him to the ground. Rick is in a daze now struggling to get up, Rick begins to get extremely angry as he regains his balance. Bill used this chance to use his Med kit and an Adrenaline shot then starts to walk towards Rick)

Bill: You fought well boy, but it's over now.

Rick (Inside his head):

Shane: I'm a better Father then you Rick!

(Memories of Carl loosing his eye)

Shane: I'm a better man then you Rick!

(Memories of Lori's Death)

Shane: Lori and Carl will get over you Rick they've done it before.


(Bill grabs Rick by the shirt collar but then Rick starts to glow green (TURN THE TIDES!) (Rick has used his Adreniline Rush and is now healed and ready to continue the fight. Rick breaks Bill's grip on him punches Bill in the gut and starts to attack Bill with his machete, making Bill gush blood from his chest and arms, Bill begins to stumble and Rick grabs Bill by the shoulders and bites down on Bill's throat, ripping out a huge chunk of it, then spits it out. Bill begins to gag and falls on his back losing a lot of blood. Rick gets out his Colt Python from his holster and aims it at Bill's forehead while Bill is choking on his own blood)

Rick: We are the walking dead!

Bill: Gurglk!

(Rick shoots Bill in the head, permanently ending the veteran)

K. O.

(Rick wipes the blood from his mouth then realizes that Carl is missing so he goes to look for him)

(Combatants left: L4D: 7 TWD: 8)


(Carl has found the man who killed Gabriel)


Louis: Huh? I didn't mean too! I told y'all I thought he was an infected!

Carl: Liar!

(Carl rushes at Louis with his knife in hand and stabs Louis repeatedly, but Louis grabs Carl by the hair and throws him into a nearby crate and kicks Carl in the face before he can get up. Louis goes for a second kick but Carl rolls out of the way pulling out his assault rifle and unleashes a hail of bullets towards Louis who is hit by almost every single bullet and limps away at critically low health)

Louis: Damn. Who gives a 15 year old a machine gun?

(Louis grabs his pills to heal, unknowingly with Carl following him with a knife)

Louis: Pills here. Pills. PPPPPPIIIIILLLLLLSSSSS!!!

Carl: What the fuck is wrong with you?

(Louis turns around only to be meet with a slash to the face. Louis quickly uses his pills to heal and whacks Carl across the head with a crowbar. Carl stumbles back and returns fire with his pistol Louis uses an adrenaline shot and Runs out of the way of the bullets, Louis loads his Sub machine gun and shoots at Carl who also runs out of the way of the bullets and takes cover behind a broken down Toyota. Louis begins to shoot the cars hood and the car explodes)

Louis: Haha! Got him!

Carl: You wouldn't be so lucky pal.

Louis (Turning around): How the hell do you keep doing that?!

(Carl begins to glow orange and strikes Louis in the crotch (LOW BLOW) Carl's adrenaline rush does trumendus damage to Louis who then punches Carl right in the face sending Carl 3 feet away, Louis uses this opportunity to fire at Carl with his submachine gun.)

Louis: This is just like Counter Strike!

Carl (Running out of the way): That game sucked!

(Louis stops to reload as Carl returns fire with his pistol hitting Louis in the right leg, Louis finishes reloading and fires straight back at Carl hitting Carl in the arm making him drop his pistol. Carl reaches for his pistol but is kept from doing so from the incoming bullets so he leaves and runs for cover disappearing from Louis' line of sight. Louis is confused and begins looking for his opponent then out of nowhere Carl rushes behind Louis and kicks him in the back of the legs putting Louis on one knee. Louis in retaliation bashes Carl in the face the a crowbar several times making Carl bleed profusely, Louis disappears and Carl pulls out his Assault rifle aiming it in every direction. Louis tries to sneak up on him but Carl hears him coming and blasts him with the Assault rifle, Louis the whacks Carl across the head with the crowbar sending him to the ground and starting to lose consciousness due to the massive amount of blood loss)

Louis: I didn't want to do this. I'm sorry.

(Louis then smashes Carl Grimes in the head with great power and turn his opponent's head into a chunky mush)

K. O.

(Louis stops and stands over his dead opponent. Then Rick shows up and sees what happened)

Rick: NO!

(Louis sees Rick and looks at Carl's corpse then back at Rick then back at the corpse)

Louis: I'm so fucking dead

(Louis runs off with Rick chasing him)

(Combatants left: L4D: 7 TWD: 7)


(Ellis runs into the woods to avoid being shot up by the enemy)

Ellis: What the hell did I get myself into?

(As he runs, he runs into Glenn and they fall down)

Glenn/Ellis: YOU AGAIN?!

Glenn: I slit your throat, how the fuck are you still alive?!

Ellis: Something called a defibrillator Kim Jon Un!

(Ellis takes out his pistols)

Ellis: Ready for round two?

Glenn: (takes out his assault rifle) You know it asshole.

(Ellis and Glenn fires shots at each other, each one missing their mark, Glenn hides behind a tree and Ellis does the same)

Ellis: This is ridiculous, I've been shooting before I could walk, but I can't hit this dude?!

(Ellis takes out his grenade launcher and fires a grenade, which makes Glenn run from the tree)

Glenn: Shit!

(He fires his Assault Rifle at Ellis, who tanks the shots)

Ellis: Damn that hurt!

(He fires his hunting rifle and shoots Glenn's assault rifle out of hand)

Glenn: No!

(Glenn takes out his machete and then flashes green (SUPPORT RUN!) Glenn flashes green and is healed, and gets a boost in offense and defence)

Ellis: Hell no!

(Ellis fires the rest of his ammo and Glenn walks off the bullets that hit him)

Ellis: Damn!

(Ellis starts to run away from the battle)


(Glenn throws a molotov cocktail and blocks off Ellis's escape)

Ellis: Oh no.

Glenn: Oh yes!

(Glenn walks over and socks Ellis in the stomach and knocks him against a tree)

Glenn: (machete at Ellis's throat) Looks like I win again asshole.

Ellis: No you don't!

(Ellis kicks Glenn in his crotch and Glenn bends down in pain, and Ellis knocks him on the ground. Glenn starts to glow green but Ellis kicks Glenn in the face and knocks him out before he can finish his rush, Ellis takes out his Pistol and shoots Glenn in the head)


(Ellis then runs off to find Zoey)

(Combatants left: L4D: 7 TWD:6)

Rochelle vs Michonne

(Rochelle beelines for the forest looking after the women she was assigned to fight)

Rochelle: Alright, where is that bitch?

(Michonne appears out of the bushes, katana in hand)

Michonne: Right here

(Michonne swings her sword at Rochelle, cutting her in multiple places)

Rochelle: OW!

(Michonne lunges at Rochelle but Rochelle gets of the way just in time, Michonne turns around but is met with gunfire from Rochelle's AK-47)

Rochelle: DIE!

(Michonne blocks some of the shots with her katana, but is hit in the stomach)

Michonne: Grrr...

(Michonne takes out her pistol and fires shots at Rochelle and drains her health. Rochelle takes pain pills and continues the fight)

Rochelle: Whew, I feel better now!

(Rochelle takes out a molotov and throws it at Michonne and it shatters over her head)

Michonne: OW!

(Michonne runs at Rochelle and glows green)


(Michonne swings her sword multiple times and heavily damages Rochelle and drops her attack damage with her adrenaline rush)

Rochelle: Ow, Jesus!

(Michonne glows green again and is healed from Glenn's Adrenaline rush, Rochelle takes out her medkit and heals herself, then she pulls out her pistols)

Rochelle: Let's finish this!

(Michonne takes out her Assault Rifle and fires multiple shots at Rochelle, but misses. Rochelle fires at Michonne and shoots and a bullet goes through the muzzle and barrel of the rifle rendering it useless)

Michonne: Damn!

Rochelle: Did I just do that? Awesome!

(Michonne draws her sword again and lunges at Rochelle)

Rochelle: WHOA!

(Rochelle ducks and Michonne misses her and gets her sword stuck in a tree trunk)

Michonne: Oh no....

(Michonne struggles to get her katana out of the tree)

Rochelle: HEY!

(Michonne turns her head and sees Rochelle aiming her AK-47 at her, Rochelle shoots Michonne's head and makes her head explode, Michonne lifeless body falls on the ground pulling her sword with it)

Rochelle: Well you finally got your sword out!


(Rochelle runs off to engage in another fight)

(Combatants left: L4D: 7 TWD: 5)

Daryl Dixon vs Francis

(Daryl is seen in some brush circling around the battlefield)

Daryl: Who are these people? They ain't whisperers and they ain't saviors either since Negan is here Fighting one of em.

(At the same time Francis is bummed there's nobody for him to fight)

Francis: Man I hate Battle royals! And I ain't gonna be a pussy and do a two on one that takes the fun out of it.

(Daryl loads up his Crossbow and sneaks up on Francis.)

Dayrl: put your hands up and Turn around asshole!

(Francis slowly turns around thinking that the voice he's hearing sounds familiar then sees Daryl aiming a crossbow at him)

Francis/Daryl (at the same time): YOU!

Francis: I was wondering where that crossbow went!

Daryl: it's about to go up your ass in a minute pal.

Francis: I'd like to see you try that dickhead.

(Francis gets his pump action shotgun ready and the Two ready for battle)

Dayrl: Ready for a Rematch?

(Francis blasts Dayrl in Shoulder and Dayrl sends a Bolt into Francis arm. Francis pulls it out and snaps it like a twig. Dayrl smacks Francis across the face with the crossbow and smashes the butt of it into Francis' nose breaking it. Francis grabs the crossbow throws it behind him and shoots at Dixon who ducks and jabs Francis in the throat then hurries to retrieve the crossbow, Francis tries to grab Dayrl by the vest but misses. Dayrl gets his crossbow back and loads it up again. Francis rushes at dayrl punches him in the back of the head. Dayrl stumbles but grabs his knife and stabs Francis in the leg giving him a chance to getaway into the cover of the brush. Francis pulls out the Knife throws it at a tree and uses his pills.)

Francis: Stupid Solid snake ripoff stabbing me in the leg and runs off like a pun--

(Before Francis can even finish his sentence dayrl busts out of the bushes and Delivers a sucker punch to Francis' chin then disappears into to shrubbery again. Francis spits out some blood then Daryl does it again but from behind and to the back of Francis' head resulting in Francis getting pissed off. Dayrl tries to do it again but Francis sunrises him with a sucker punch of his own send dayrl to the ground Francis tries to shoot dayrl with his pump action shotgun but dayrl gets back up and tackles Francis and pins him to a Abandoned house then unleashes a fury of devastateing hits to Francis' gut, Face and chest makeing Francis cough up some blood then headbutts dayrl in the face, dayrl is then grabbed by the arm and Swung into the tree by Francis. Dayrl gets back up and Starts to stab Francis in the kidney with one of his Bolts then grabs Francis by the throat, picks him up and slams him to ground. Dayrl then returns to the brush. Francis gets back up and loads up his Combat Shotgun and uses his Med-kit to stop his bleeding.)


(A Bolt shoots by Francis' face and hits a tree. Dayrl uses some of his health stack and loads up another Bolt. Francis Angrly aims his Shotgun in several directions trying to figure out where his enemy went to. He then hears a russle In the bushes behind him and quickly fires at the direction where it came from and again he hears the same sound to his left then his right and seemingly starts to come from every direction. Francis starts to shoot in every direction trying to Kill dayrl to no success and he runs out of ammo.)

Francis: Shit.

(Then all of a sudden Dayrl jumps from a tree onto Francis with his knife and stabs Francis repeatedly with immense strength. Francis is able to shack him of his back, and turns around firing his pistols at dayrl who runs for cover pulling out an Assult rifle shooting back at Francis. Dayrl then shoots Francis in both knees, Crippling him almost immediately Dayrl then starts to unload into Francis. Francis pulls out his Adreniline shot but dayrl kicks it out of his hand and stomps on it. Dayrl puts away his Assult rifle and brings out his crossbow, Francis looks up at dayrl and spits some blood at him. Dayrl disides to end this and Whacks Francis across the face with the crossbow breaking Francis' neck.)

Dayrl: Look who's invinsible now jackass.

K. O.

(Dayrl fires a bolt into Francis' skull then pulls it out. Dayrl steals Francis' vest and disappears back into the brush)

TWD: 6, L4D: 6

Coach vs Abraham (Coach pulls a chocolate bar out of his pocket and takes a bite out of it).

Coach: Damn this is getting out of hand. I just saw Louis beat that kid's head in and Bill got his throat ripped out by that Cop..... We gotta take care of these fools fast.

(Abraham walks up to Coach with his crowbar in hand and a cigar in his mouth).

Abe: Y'all got some nerve shooting our Priest like that. He was a good man, Stronger then you'd think.

Coach (finishing his chocolate bar): That was Louis not me pal. Not my fault my friend is a Dumbass sometimes.

Abe: Heh Dumbasses tend to hang out together dumbass.

Coach: EXCUSE ME?!

(Coach Reves up his chainsaw. Abraham flicks the ashes off his cigar gets ready with his crowbar. Coach charges at Abraham swinging his chainsaw with foracity managing to get a few good Slashes in but Abraham starts to use his crowbar as a Defensive weapon blocking some of coach's attacks then whacks coach across the face with the crowbar and roundhouse kicks coach in the Ribs)

Abraham (thinking): I can use his size against him Especially since he's using a damn Chainsaw of all things.

(Coach catches Abraham off guard and punches him in the face and trying to Saw Abraham in half but abe narowly dodges and knees coach in the stomach and elbows him in the back of the neck. Coach struggles to keep up allowing Abraham to beat coach to a daise.)

Abe: Give up Shithead, you can't even keep up!

Coach (catching breathe): There plenty of fight left in me Ginger boy.

(Coach puts his chainsaw away to reserve the limited gas and pulls out his duel pistols).


Abraham: Mother dick.

(Coach begins to fire at abraham hitting him twice in the chest and once in the arm. Abraham begins to dodge the incoming fire pulling out his Assult rifle to return Fire, Abraham runs a full circle around coach blasting coach several times. Coach realizing that the Pistols won't cut it pulls out his own Assult rifle and fires at Abraham.)

Coach: I'm a one man Cheese burger Apacolipse!

Abe: What the dick does that mean?!

Coach: It means I'm about to whoop your Cracker ass, boy!

(Coach Charges Abraham and sends a Upercut to Abraham's Chin sending abe flying into a rock. Abraham slowly gets gets up dusting off his shirt and pants then sees a shadow block out the sun it's Coach with a chainsaw over his head ready to kill Abraham. But before Coach can end it Abraham grabs his crowbar and Shields himself from the Chainsaw a shower of sparks begins to fly and Abraham begins to overpower coach in the struggle.)

Coach (Trying to overpower Abe): Who do you think you are? Gordon Freeman?!

Abe (Slowly overpowering coach): I....Have.... No idea.... WHO THAT IS!

( Abraham starts to have War Flashbacks.)

Abraham (Flashbacks): Solider1: Get Down! Get down! (Explosions) (Gunfire) Solider2: Grenade! (Explosion) (Blood Curdling Screams)


Coach: What the hell?!

(Coach's Chainsaw has run out of Gas forcing him to discard it, Abraham then beats Coach senseless and Ends the Assult with a swift crowbar to Coach's legs causing him to fall on his back. Coach gets back up with Ease pulling out his Assult rifle once again blasting at Abraham forcing Abe to retreat coach used this time to use a Med-kit as soon as he's done he sees a glowing light of Orange)


(Abraham is on top of a house and Uses his Adreniline Rush firing his AT-4 Rocket Launcher straight at coach who uses his Adreniline shot to boost his speed and Begins to run from the incoming rocket Barley dodging it. Abraham reloads and takes his time to aim. After a brief moment he fires right in front of where Coach is running. Coach is caught in the explosion and sent sky high into the air, Abraham quickly reloads and Fires at Coach midair. The rocket hits Coach and sends him crashing into a Nearby House.)

Coach: ugh... This....aint good....

(Abraham then sends Another Rocket towards the house that Coach crashed in and a Massive Explosion engulfs the house. Abraham looks at the Devastated area that was the house.)

Abe: Now that's something they don't teach in Gym class!

K. O.

TWD: 6, L4D: 5

(Abraham puts away the Rocket launcher and climbs down the house he was on and lights up another cigar).

Maggie vs Zoey Zoey rushes blindly into the fight and bumps into Maggie. Maggie is knocked down and gets back up.

Maggie: That's how this is gonna go huh?

Maggie Raises up her pistol and Zoey raieses her duel pistols. Both Women open fire at each other, Maggie runs out of ammo and gets out her Assault rifle, blasting Zoey multiple times forcing her to go for cover.

Zoey: Your gonna regret that!

Maggie: Think you got that reversed.

Zoey comes from behind Maggie and punches her in the back of the head, Maggie turns around and whacks Zoey with the assault rifle and kicks her in the stomach, Zoey in retaliation punches Maggie across the face and pulls out an Adreniline shot.

Zoey: Adreniline!

Maggie: Huh?!

Zoey stabs the shot into her forearm and rushes at Maggie and slams here into a wall, Maggie retaliates and sucker punches Zoey in the nose and eyes serveral times, Zoey is pushed off and Maggie grabs her assault rifle and begins to blast Zoey, Forcing the survivor onto her knees.


Zoey heals up amd gets up ready to continue the brawl, Maggie takes out her hunting rifle and begins to glow orange.

Zoey: What the Fu--

(STAY ON TARGET!) Maggie's adrenaline rush deals tremendous damage to Zoey who then Tackles Maggie, the two get into a fist fight trading blow after blow, but then a pipebomb falls out from Zoey's holster. They both look down.

Maggie/Zoey (at the same time): OH FUC--

The explosion sends both women into the air, Zoey falls on top of a car, but Maggie in inpailed buy a Tree branch threw the throat and chokes on her own blood.


Zoey looks at her impaled opponent and gets off the Car and limps off to continue with the war.

Nick vs Negan Nick is seen Loading up his Assult rifle.

Nick: Man... I knew i should've skipped out on these dead beats last night.

Negan walks up behind him.

Negan: Yeah you should've.

Nick turns around aiming his Gun at Negan, who pulls out his own assault rifle with Lucille in his other hand.

Negan: You're gonna regret coming here, it's gonna be the iron for you!

Nick: Yeah, We'll just have to see about that, pal.

Both men get ready for a brawl. They unleash fire on each other, Negan and Nick are hit several times and take cover, Nick is behind a cBroken down car and Negan is behind a pile of cinder blocks. Negan puts away his assault rifle and picks up Lucille.

Negan: Lucille? There is work to be done!

While Nick is seeking around with a Axe trying to find Negan.

Nick: Time to chop thisc freak down to size.

Negan gets up and leaves his cover bumping in to nick almost immediately, Negan swings lucille at nick who dodges and swings his axe at Negan, Negan blocks the hit with lucille. Negan then grabs Nick by the face, tosses him into the air and slams him into the ground with Lucille. Nick gets back up only to get taunted by Negan.


Negan kicks Nick in the shin a whacks him across the face with lucille, Nick recovers and socks Negan in the face. Negan grabs Nick by the Suit and slams on the ground, then grabs Nick by the left Leg and slams him on the ground again. Negan goes for a head bash with Lucille but Nick rolls out of the way and gets up.

Nick: You do that again and Ill bury you alive!

Nick begins to swing his axe at Negan but Misses every hit, Negan whips out his Assault rifle and blasts Nick who stumbles back. Nick pulls out his adreniline shot and stabs it in his forearm.

Nick: Taking a shot!

Nick rushes at Negan and slams him in the chest with a headbutt then Nick tackles Negan and smashes through a wall. Negan gets up and swings Lucille around trying to get a hit on Nick but hits a support beam instead and breaks it, the roof begins to crumble. Both Negan and Nick look at each other and then up at the roof.

Nick/Negan (at the same time): SHIT!

Nick tries to run but Negan grabs him and pulls out his bowie Knife. Negan stabs Nick in the stomach as the ceiling Falls on both of them. But Nick is able to force his way out and removes the Knife, he pulls out a medkit and begins to heal. Nick looks at the pile of rubble.

Nick: Asshole...

Then all of a sudden a Arm busts out with Lucille in hand and Negan crawls out. Negan gets up.

Negan: You see this? (points at Lucille) this is my Excalibur! My flashing invicibillity star! MY CAN OF MOTHERFUCKING SPINACH! AND YOU ARE FUCKING FUCKED COLONEL SANDERS!


Nick rushes at Negan and Negan does the same. Negan pushes Nick in the face and round house kicks him to the side, Nick pulls out his assault rifle and begins to shoot Negan, Every bullet hits Negan. Negan falls to his Knees and is bleeding out. Nick reloads to finish the job.

Nick: That was easier then i thought!

Then all of a sudden in the Distance Rick grimes is Fighting Bill, and Rick glows green (TURN THE TIDES) Rick gets healed and so does Negan.

Negan: Oh shit! Thanks Rick!

Negan gets up and walks towards Nick and readies Lucille. Negan begins to glow Orange

Nick: What the--!

Negan sees a Zombie approaching the fight and grabs it by the throat, Negan then Shoves lucille threw the walker and tears it out covering it with its blood. Nick starts to unload his last clip at Negan but He powers threw the pain and Raises Lucille at Nick (LUCILLE SAYS HELLO!) Negan slams lucille onto Nick head and grabs his bowie knife guts Nick C section style. Nick's guts spill out on the ground.


Negan begins to ruthlessly bashes Nick head into a pile of mush.


Negan stops and takes deep breathe.

Negan: Woooo! What a work out!

Negan walks off, looking for another fight.

Louis vs Rick (Durring the Events of Ellis vs Dayrl, Rochelle vs Abe, & Negan vs Zoey)

(Louis is seen running from an enraged Rick)

Louis: Oh shit!

(Rick throws his machete and it stabs Louis' right shoulder)

Rick: Your not going ANYWHERE!

(Louis staves back the pain and keeps moving)

Louis: You know saying that never works right?!

(Louis takes out his SMG and fires at Rick, who staves off the bullets, Rick continue towards Louis with his Revolver in his hand, Louis gets ready with his crowbar and swings at rick hitting him serveral times but does little to slow Rick down, Louis punches Rick in the chest only to be picked up and slammed repeatedly into literally everything in close proximity. Louis knees Rick in the face and headbutts him, louis pulls out his crowbar once more and begins to beat Rick, after about 12 hits Rick grabs the crowbar and rips it from Louis' hand, Louis begins to back up)

Louis: Oh shit...

(Louis switches to his pistol and fires, missing Rick with each shot, Rick is seen Rolling amd dodging every shot until his is right up on louis and begins to choke louis, who tries to break his grip but is unable to do so.)

Rick: Your fucking dead

(Rick pistol whips Louis across the side of his face and knocks him down)

Louis: Ah!

(Louis' face begins to bleed and Louis struggles to get up, Rick takes out his walkie-talkie; he has an idea of what to do to them)

Rick: Anyone still alive?

Daryl/Negan/Abraham: Yeah!

Rick: I'm taking a guess you have some prisoners to take care of

Negan: (over walkie-talkie) Yeah, I really want to finish them off!

(Rick gives a creepy smile that scares the downed Louis)

Rick: Youll get to, bring them to town square, as far as executions goes, I don't want them to miss it

Daryl/Negan/Abraham: Got it

Ellis vs Dayrl Dixon (Durring the events of Rick vs Louis, Negan vs Zoey, and Abe vs Rochelle) Ellis jogs around the battlefeild looking for where Zoey went.

Ellis: Man....where did she Go?

A Bolt stabs into the ground in front of Ellis stopping him in his tracks. Ellis looks around for who ever shot that at him.

Ellis: Who the Hell?!

Dayrl comes out of the foliedge with his crossbow In hand and Confronts Ellis about him killing Glenn.

Dayrl: Your gonna pay Redneck!

Ellis: For H'wat?

Dayrl: That Korean guy you just killed! He was my friend! Now I'm gonna gut you like a FISH.

Ellis: To be fair he Did the same thing to me a While ago.

Dayrl (aiming his crossbow):Does it look like I give a Damn!?

Ellis (Readying his Grenade launcher): I guess not.

Ellis shoots a grenade at Dayrl who runs out of the way and shoots Ellis in the shoulder. Ellis goes to pull it out but is Ubbrouply stopped by a Boot to the face, Dayrl grabs the bolt rips it out of Ellis and stomps on his face. Ellis throws dayrl off his feet and socks him right in the face and kicks Dayrl in the chest. Dayrl returns the favor by whacking Ellis across the head with his crossbow.

Dayrl: You remind me of Merle only more annoying and stupid.

Ellis recovers from his injury, pulling out his duel pistols and gets ready to fire only to see an Assult rifle in his face. Before dayrl could fire Ellis rolls out of the way and grabs Daryl's Assult rifle, the two begin to struggle to get the gun from the other. Ellis disides to Shoot a grenade up into air both of them stop to see the grenade go up and start to come back down, dayrl pushes Ellis to the ground and rushes out of the way of the explosion, he looks back and sees the ground is engulfed in flames.

Dayrl: Dumbass...

Just as dayrl gets ready to leave Ellis rises out of the fire and charges Dayrl who charges Dayrl, they break into a fist Fight with the fire growing and surrounding them. Ellis kicks dayrl and Dayrl jabs Ellis in the face several times, Ellis karate chops dayrl in the neck, Dayrl grabs Ellis by the shirt and throws him over his shoulder Dayrl gets out his knife and begins to slash and stab at Ellis the fight escalates when Ellis uses his Adreniline shot to gain a speed advantage over Dayrl, Ellis unleashes a combo of jabs and kicks onto dayrl who gets his knife and stabs Ellis in the stomach and twists it in there.


Ellis headbutts dayrl in the face and takes The hunting knife out of his stomach while Dayrl climbs up a burning tree, ellis is confused to why he done this and opens fire into the tree. Dayrl kicks down a burning branch at Ellis, hitting and pinning him to the ground while at the same time burning him, as Ellis pushes the branch off, Dayrl flies down and Stomps onto Ellis' chest making Ellis cough up a lot of blood. Ellis gets up wobbling and takes his Pills, healing him. Dayrl throws a punch at Ellis but is Grabbed before it can connect, Ellis then punches Dayrl's arm so hard is Breaks

Dayrl: AAGH!

Dayrl grabs his Assult rifle with his good arm and Blasts into Ellis making him let go of his arm. After Ellis lets go Dayrl looks at his broken arm then back at Ellis, Dayrl continues to fire at Ellis who Fires his last grenade from his grenade launcher at Dayrl.

Ellis: I won't lose! I won't lose, Zoey!

Dayrl uses his Assult rifle like a Baseball bat and whacks the grenade back at Ellis. The explosion sends Ellis five feet away onto his back he struggles to get back up. Dayrl walks over and Pins Ellis back to the ground and aims his crossbow at Ellis' head.

Dayrl: I gotta admit it, you put up a better fight then I thought you would've.

Ellis: No...... Not... Again.... Zoey....

Dayrl: Shut up.

All of a sudden.

Rick: DARYL! Bring him to town square!

Dayrl grabs ellis by the leg and Drags him over to Negan.

Abe vs Rochelle (During the events of Daryl vs Ellis, Louis vs Rick and Zoey vs Negan)

(Rochelle walks through a Forrest feeling good about her win against Michonne)

Rochelle: I kicked her ass, I'm pretty sure my friends are winning this fight!

???: Your wrong

(Abraham appears from a tree and aims his rocket launcher at her)

Abraham: Your gonna lose!

(Rochelle fires bullets from her AK-47 but Abraham shrugs off the shots)

Abraham: Ha!

(He fires his rocket launcher and the missile explodes and sends her flying through the air)

Rochelle: AAAHHHH!

(Rochelle hits her head on a tree and struggles to get up)

Rochelle: Girl, you should've stayed with Jerry.....

(Abraham takes out his crowbar and Rochelle pulls out her pistols)

Rochelle: Good god....

(Rochelle fires the pistols, but misses with every shot)

(Abraham prepares to cave in Rochelle's skull until his walkie-talkie goes off)

Abraham: hello?

(Rochelle watches from the ground as Abraham listens to the man on the walkie-talkie)

Abraham: I got it, see you there

(Abraham walks over to Rochelle and grabs her and picks her up)

Abraham: Your coming with me!

(Abe grabs Rochelle by the hair bun and drags her off)

Negan vs Zoey (Durring the Events of Ellis vs Dayrl, Rochelle vs Abe, & Rick vs Louis) Zoey is seen sneaking around a building.

Zoey: Oh god... Bill... Francis... Coach...Nick....all Dead! Murdered by these people! I can't let their deaths be in vein.

Meanwhile Negan has Dug into a Dead walker and starts to lather Lucille up in its guts.

Negan: There! Not so bad Eh?! It helped us kill that punk in white! He had a stupid hair cut too didn't he?

Negan then hears someone coming and begins to whistle to announce his presence and walks towards the noise

Zoey: who the fuck is whistling?

Negan comes up from behind Zoey.

Negan: that would be me sweet cheeks.

Zoey turns around and sees Negan with Lucille dripping in Zombie blood.

Zoey: Your the one who Killed Nick! Bastard!

Negan: That douch in white? Yeah and I basted him good if I do say so myself!

Zoey aims her Sub machine gun at Negan at the same time Negan gets Lucille ready for battle. Zoey opens fire on Negan Who blocked some of the bullets with Lucille and dives for cover. Negan looks at Lucille and is pissed off that she's been shot again.

Negan: You dumb bitch! Now Lucille's perfectly smooth surface is Completely ruined!

Zoey: Who the hell is Lucille?

Negan chunks lucille at Zoey's face knocking her down, Negan rushed over grabbing Lucille and starts to swing at Zoey who dodges the swings and Runs and climbs up ladder leading to the roof of a house. Negan sees this and begins to destroy the ladder with Lucille making Zoey fall off. Negan catches her in his arms and Throws her into the wall of the house Zoey leans on the wall daised

Negan: Coward! Trying to get away! Cause you got...... no .....GUTS!

Negan stabs at Zoey with his bowie Knife but Zoey dodges it just in time. Negan puts his knife back in its sheif, Returning to the fight with a smile on his face as he Charges Zoey she stops him in his tracks aiming her Sub machine gun at his face, Negan puts his hands behind his head But out of nowhere he pulls out his Assult rifle and unleashes a barage of bullets at Zoey who returns fire both hit each other several times, Negan ignoring the pain moves towards Zoey and grabs her by the hair and swings her around like a rag doll hitting her on a Tree then a Car, and Wall then onto the ground. Negan let's go of her.

Negan: Normally I wouldnt kill something as pretty as you. But business is business.

(Zoey gets back up and grabs her Pipe Bomb and chunks it at Negan)


(Tic...Tic.... Tictictictic..... BOOM!)

(the blast sends Negan threw the wall of the house. He gets back up and hides in the house waiting for Zoey to fall for his trap. Zoey walks threw the hole with her pistols ready. Then suddenly the entire house goes dark.)

Zoey: What the fuck?!

Negan: Eeny.....

(Zoey turns around)

Negan: Meany...

(Zoey turns around again)

Negan: Miney....

(Zoey shoots in the wrong direction)

Negan: Mo...

(Zoey knocks over a lamp startling herself)

Negan: To Catch....

(Zoey Shoots in another direction)

Negan: a Tiger by his toe....

(Zoey gets ready to fight. But is then grabbed from behind and thrown threw a window and lands in mud. Zoey looks back at the house. Suddenly Negan kicks down the door with Lucille in hand)

Negan: If he Hollars let him go!

Zoey: that's... So childish...

(Negan then punts Zoey several feet away. Zoey shoots Negan with her duel pistols dealing massive damage to Him. Negan feels His arm and sees he's been shot quite a bit Zoey runs over and kicks Negan and Scratches his face up then Slaps Negan across the face and punches him in the nose making it bleed. Negan stumbles back and Touches the blood on his nose, looks at it then looks at Zoey)

Negan (with a grin): Im about 70 percent more into you now.

(Negan Swings Lucille at Zoey who dodges it and kicks Negan again. Negan grabs Zoey by the face and throws her into her back then grabs her by the leg, Raising his fist and Punches Zoey in the thigh, breaking her leg)


(Zoey kicks Negan's arm trying to make him let go but to no avail. Negan drops her on her head making her dizzy. Zoey Forces herself onto her feet and puts up her fists. Negan chuckles and Glows Orange (LUCILLE SAYS HELLO!) bashing Zoey across the face doing critical damage. Negan walks over infornt of her and Raises Lucille above his head with both hands on the bat and....Stops?)

Negan: Hmm. Ive got a little idea for you!

(Zoey looks up in confusion as Negan grabs her by the Pony tail and drags her off.)

Negan: ABE! DARYL! get those pussies over here!

(Dayrl and Abraham push Ellis and Rochelle into a circle and force them on their knees. Rick walks over and pushes louis into the circle then sees Dayrl's broken arm.)

Dayrl: Kid broke my Arm. Hurts like a motherfucker.

Rick: We'll have someone look at it later. Negan? Do your thing...

Negan: With pleasure.

Negan starts to point lucille at the Left 4 Dead Survivors.

Negan (pointing at Ellis) Eeny..., (points at Louis) Meany...., (Points at Rochelle) Miney.....(points at Zoey) Mo....(Points at Louis) To Catch......(Points at Rochelle) A Tiger......(Points at Ellis) By his toe.....(Points at Zoey) If he Hallors......(Points at Ellis) Let him go.....(Points at Rochelle) My Mother.....(Points at Louis) Told me.....(points at Rochelle) To pick.....(points at Ellis) The very.....(Points at louis) Best one....(poimts at Ellis: and You.....(Points at Rochelle) are......(Points at the sky with his eyes closed)......IT.

(Lucille stops at Zoey to Ellis' horror.)

Negan: (points at Zoey) anyone moves, anyone says anything break the rednecks arm off and shove it up his ass

Ellis: NO! (lunges at Negan but is pinned down by Daryl)

(Negan smashes Zoey's skull in)

Ellis: ZOEY!!! (breaks out of the pin and socks Negan in the face)

(Abraham and Dayrl grab Ellis and throw him to the ground, Tears fall from Ellis' eyes while he looks at the now deceased zoey.)

Negan: Woo! Rick? I understand you have some unfinished buisness with baldy?

(Rick grabs his machete and slowly walks towards Louis.)

Louis: i--...I'm sorry!

Rick: You really think thats gonna cut it? You..... YOU KILLED MY SON!

(In extreme anger Rick begins to slowly cut louis' belly open releasing all of his intestines and Chops louis into peices sending Blood everywhere)


(Rick then stomps on louis' head, flattening it.)

Rick: ........


(Negan looks at Ellis with a smirk.)

Ellis: Maybe not today....Maybe not tomarrow.....I WILL KILL YOU!

Dayrl: you think we're gonna let you live?! After killing our people?!

(Dayrl kicks Ellis on his back)

Ellis: Zoey.....

Dayrl: Shut up.

(Dayrl fires a bolt into ellis' skull then takes it out. Dayrl then steals ellis' hat. They all then look at Rochelle)

Abe: What do we do with her?

Then all of a sudden Father Gabriel is revealed to have survived his injury.

Rick: Holy shit!

Gabriel: Ugh. I'm not doing so well here...

Rick: Abraham, take Gabriel to Dr. Dennis, Fast!

Abe: On it!

(Abraham takes Gabriel back into Alexandria to be healed. The Rest of the Team then stare back at Rochelle)

Rochelle: Fuck.

(Rick charges forward at Rochelle with tremundous speed and diliverse a Kick so hard it sends Rochelle into the Air, Rick and Daryl take out their assault rifles and blast Rochelle as she soars into the air, Abraham then shoots his RPG from behind the wall and shoots a rocket directly at Rochelle blowing all four of her limbs off. As she falls back to the ground Negan whacks her into a pit with Lucille, Nearby walkers who where attracted by the sounds of the war then begin to pour into the Pit and rip Rochelle apart.)


(Abraham, Rick, Negan, Dayrl and Father Gabriel gather the remains of their fallen comrades and have a Momorial, then After the burial they throw the Left 4 Dead team's remains to the Walkers, as the team leaves back into their community, (Walking Dead Theme plays) Rick takes a long look back with an Angry look on his face and Goes back into Alexandria.)


Boomstick: Wiz (Sniff) That was amazing...

Wiz: This was a Extremely close match even with the Rules we set!

Boomstick: Left 4 Dead had a Obvious edge in durability but Both teams where even in Strength and Weaponry. But The Walking Dead had it in Speed, Intellegence, Fighting Skill, Experience and even Team Work.

Wiz: TWD have constantly shown they have no problem being able to dodge automatic gunfire and Negan has even out ran Shiva a full grown tiger which can run uo to 40-50 miles an hour while hunting. When it comes to experience They also have the edge. Theyve been in 3 separate wars and Their zombie apocalypse has gone on for 5 to 6 years! At most L4D's was a Year if not only just a Few months since none of the charcters seem to age one bit and Abraham has served in the military for over 20 years thats 5 more years over Bill's.

Boomstick: In Fighting Skill, TWD have Rick with Police Training, Abraham with 20+ years of Military training, Michonne Fencing Training, And Dayrl's minor training from Merle's own time in the military. L4D have Bill's 15+ Military years, Zoey's uncompleted Police Traing, Francis' experience from Bar Fights, Coach's Football training and Ellis very minor Karate training. It's not even known if Ellis was telling the truth about his karate leasons, and its never even been hinted at that Bill taught his team anything on Hand to Hand combat. Its 'really no Contest.

Wiz: and With intelligence, Ellis and Francis are not the Smartest tools in the shed, Michonne was a Lawyer an--

Boomstick: and Glenn's asian sooo.


Boomstick: What?

Wiz: anyway...Zoey was a College Drop out. Rochelle may have worked for the news but Thats about it. TWD are constantly coming up with Plans and Traps name ONE time anybody L4D besides Overbeck, that set a trap or even made a battle plan besides guns blazing and get to the safe house. Instances like Ellis thinking of using Jimmy Gibbs race car to escape the mall and Coach insistinh on going to the gun store are coincidences, they just stumbled upon them or noticed they weren't that far away from them like in the Dark Carnival campaign. Bill mostly haddled planning and strategies and with Him and Rick most likely to single each other out in the beginning, resulting in Bill's death, that would leave the L4D survivors with a gigantic disadvantage, and not only that Rick is a far greater leader than Bill, Rick's lead his crew threw Serveral wars! Bill led his squad through a few campaigns....then died. On top of that The l4d 1 and 2 Survivors have very little team work experience with each other, which at most was a single night, to where Rick's group and Negan banded together agengst the Whisperer army for a long lasting war.

Boomstick: Not to mention the Severe Stealth advantage TWD have, those mother fuckers are pretty much Zombie killing Ninjas. Now granted if we allowed EVERYTHING at each teams disposal L4D would have most likey won, but then again that would be giving TWD every single andreniline rush each character is capable of.

Wiz: Left 4 Dead may be known for its Team work elements but The Walking Dead have had Years of Bonding and Team work becoming a True family, Just look at Maggie's quote in her analisis They fight for each other, die for each other, live for each other. Can you really see Nick laying down his life to save Ellis? Yes l4d are a family but not with the experience of twd, not even close and yeah Bill did sacrificed himself for the original l4d group but in twd series so has Tyreese, Sasha, Andrea and Abreham himself, and some of those people weren't even in the fight! To those who say Well Nobody would save Negan to you sir Rick Grimes once Saved Negan so if Rick would so would the others.

Boomstick: But in the end Left 4 Dead were just LEFT with no options

Wiz: The winner is The Walking Dead