Death Battle Fanon Wiki
The Spot vs Slender Man
The spot vs slender man
Season 1
Season Episode 10
Air date November 23, 2023
Written by DuchessTheSponge
Episode guide
Mario vs Superman
Vegeta vs Batman

The Spot vs Slender Man is a Death Battle matchup between the character from Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse and the infamous creepypasta character.


Into the Spider-verse vs Creepypasta, both characters are faceless who can teleport, hurting people for a living.


Wiz: The Spot, from Across the Spider-Man.

Boomstick: Slender Man, the classic creepypasta that scared us all.

Wiz: These characters have been haunting the place and never take anything back.

Boomstick: Today we will find out which one of these 2 faceless monsters will scare the other, he's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

The Spot Travels To DEATH BATTLE![]

(Cue: Creation of the Spot)

Wiz: Marvel has created a lot of iconic villains on Peter Parker's side but this time, we are not talking about him. On Miles Morales' side, we have The Spot who was once a scientist named "Dr. Johnathon Ohnn".

Boomstick: The guy was the reason why Miles became Spider-Man but then Miles threw a bagel on him which caused his body to collapse and fused by a bunch of darkness turning him into the dimension teleporting demon known as "The Spot".

Wiz: Ever since then, he lost his job and his face and after his life got ruined by Miles, he wants revenge on him for what he did to him. The Spot was able to teleport to multiple universes and is now taking a job as a robber.

Boomstick: Because of the Spot losing his life, he wants to ruin Mile's life back and attempting to murder his dad like being Spider-Man is apparently a sacrifice in this movie.

Wiz: Even though Spot could be serious in some cases in Across the Spider-verse, he still is a funny comedy villain since The Spot can still be shown to be clumsy and careless. Some certain portals that The Spot has travelled to has include the Lego universe, the real life verse, and overall just other verses across the Spider-Man cosmology.

Boomstick: The fact this was all caused by a bagel is just silly to think about it, now I think I'm not gonna go to Dunkin anymore because of this otherwise I'll accidentally throw a donut at you and you'll turn into a monster.

Wiz: Thing is though the reason why Spot turned into a monster the moment he got hit by a bagel was because it got him trapped inside the Super-Collider so the bagel stopped him from escaping meaning if you throw a bagel at someone who is not in an incident, it shouldn't really do much to them besides getting them a little bit angry.

Boomstick: Ok good, I was worried I'm gonna stop eating bagels from now on.

Wiz: What's funny about The Spot's downfall is he actually he did something good which is when he was a scientist from Alchemax, he teleported the radioactive spider from Earth-42 to Earth-1610 which bit Miles Morales turning him into Spider-Man.

Boomstick: Honestly a pretty bad gift as a reward for giving someone an entire life of a superhero if you ask me.

Wiz: Spot may be goofy and silly during the start of the movie but keep this in mind he has a very bad nature at the end of Across the Spider-verse wanting to obtain full power to be seen as a genuine threat also blaming Miles for what he did to him and then soon even wanting to kill him.

Boomstick: Honestly if someone ruined my life even on accident, I would honestly want them dead too so can you really blame him?

Wiz: I see your point. Anyways, the Spot is a really funny villain but also really menacing and still a life threat to the Spiderverse.

Slender Man Haunts the Woods in DEATH BATTLE![]

(Cue: Slender Man Song by ZipZipper)

Wiz: In the world of creepypasta, there are lot of horrifying characters out there like Jeff the Killer and Sonic.exe, one of the most iconic ones out of all of them is "The Slender Man".

Boomstick: The true origin of Slender Man is unknown, most fans believe he is related to the dead video game "Granny" in some way.

Wiz: What we do know from the Creepypasta website though is that he was created by "Eric Knudson" on June 10, 2009 in an image showing a group of children but also some faceless creature in the progress too, that image was then toned to be the first ever Slender Man story.

Boomstick: Remember when we were all kids and we were all scared of this being thinking he was real? Yeah that's some pure nostalgia right there.

Wiz: It really is, also on June 20, Slender Man started to become a subject on a YouTube series based on something earlier "Something Awful" post, a user named "Thoreau-Up" even created a folklore story set in 16th-century Germany involving a character called "Der Großman" which is a parody of Slender Man, the Minecraft creature "Ender Man" was also inspired by the creepypasta.

Boomstick: Speaking of Slender Man's popularity, remember that one controversy he caused?

Wiz: Wait what controversy?

Boomstick: That one time two girls stabbed their friend into a forest named "Payton Leutner" back in 2014 in the United States causing the Creepypasta Wiki to be banned from their school.

Wiz: We don't talk about that. Anyways, with Slender Man's feats you don't even need to get grabbed by him in order to die from him because any part of him is enough to drive you insane also having the ability to dodge bullets giving him FTL speed.

Boomstick: However, he still has his fair share of weaknesses. in order to beat Slender Man you need to collect all 8 of his pages and you should be safe from him, it's not easy though since they are placed in some places that are very hard to find so as long as you can keep yourself away from Slender Man and get all the pages, you should be safe.

Wiz: Overall the Slender Man is a creature that should not be dealt with, he can be weakened but that would require a bunch of preparation.

Boomstick: Just don't go inside any forests and it should be okay for you.



Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!

Death Battle[]

(Location: Slender Man Forest)

The Spot was walking to Slender-Man's forest while playing with his dimensions, he was extremely confused on where he was at first the moment he got sent to the Slender Man forest.

The Spot: Huh? Where am I? This place seems kinda dark.

He then stumbles upon Slender Man who stares into his sole meancing.

The Spot: Hey you look like me, do you think we might be goo-

Statics came in showing Slender Man does not want to be friends or allies with him making the Spot angry and then challenges him to a fight.

The Spot: What the hell? I guess that's a no?

Slender Man then grabs Spot in the neck and chokes him.

The Spot: Oh seems, like we got a grumpy one here well do you just so happen to see this guy named Miles Moral-

Spot accidentally trips on one of Slender Man's tentacles and then say he's ok but then fell down causing Slender Man to slowly stare into Spot and then Spot witnessed the statics of Slender Man.

The Spot: Ugh, what are those statics? They are kinda making me dizzy...

Spot then activates one of his portals to escape the statics of Slender Man, he then realizes he's still in the forest and was extremely confused on how but then he found a page.

The Spot: Someone was leaving paper onto the forest, what the heck?

He then grabs one of the papers found on the trees and it looks like it was written by one of Slender Man's victims.

The Spot: Help me? What does that mean?

Spot then activates another portal to go to explore the forest but then he realized there is another piece of paper next to another tree and then picks it up.

The Spot: "Always Watches, No Eyes" hmmm, seems like someone brought their notebooks with them when they went camping.

Slender Man then appears behind the Spot and more aggressive than usual.

The Spot: Hey buddy, what's even the face? Oh wait, you don't have one.

Slender Man then gets more angry that he pulled out another tentacle and traps Spot in them.

The Spot: Oh I see now, you are that urban legend the internet has been talking about huh? Well, I thought you were just some child's play story, well you are not gonna get me that easy.

Spot then activates a portal behind the tree so he can escape Slender Man's arms, it ripped apart Slender Man's tentacles in the progress but they soon grew back.

The Spot: I knew who that guy is now, I'm gonna have to stop him before he gets stronger than me.

Spot then teleport to another part of the forest and grabbed another page, he grabbed the page and reads it once again.

The Spot: "No no no no no no no no no no no", three page down five more to go.

Spot then slowly sees his future if he doesn't get all the pages in time in the imagination, we see Slender Man getting full out angry at the Spot and then murders him with Spot having no way out.

The Spot: Oh no, I need to hurry.

Slender Man continues teleporting to the Spot but faster than usual. Spot was extremely scared but also ready for what Slender Man's gonna pull out, he activates another portal and then uses his power to trap Slender Man in the portal and Slender Man witnesses what's gonna happen if he doesn't stop Spot.

The Spot: Slender Man, I'm gonna make sure you're gonna be done for...

Slender Man then teleport out of the dimension knowing Spot's plan, Spot found the 4th page saying "Don't Look or it Takes You". Slender Man got more aggressive than ever now he slowly teleports quicker than usual he's too fast for Spot to handle that he grabs Spot and makes sure he doesn't teleport away, Spot immanently opened up another black hole and summons cars and buildings to hit Slender Man, he then teleported to another collider in a science lab and tried using his powers to destroy it with him. Slender Man then realizes he should do something about this and teleport to the science lab Spot was in he teleport as quick as he can to the science lab with a bunch of scientists running away knowing there's two monsters in their lab, the collider blew up before Slender Man could stop it and then we see Spot transforming into an even more dangerous entity and shows Slender Man a vision of his future.

The Spot: Well Slender Man... seems like you were a good urban legend for all these years... but there is a new one now...

Slender Man tries teleporting and using as much power as he can to stop Spot but Spot got all the powers that he teleported Slender Man into another portal and then runs in the portal with him. Spot and Slender Man then found themselves in the forest again Slender Man teleports as much as he could but then Spot took a tree and tries hitting Slender Man with it but then Slender Man dodges it due to his teleporting, he then pulled out his final move knowing it's to keep Slender Man off guard and the uses his powers to destroy Slender Man's entire forest and without Slender Man knowing a bunch of trees fell on him and couldn't teleport, Spot knowing he got Slender Man done and hurt he grabbed Slender Man and found Miles Morales.

Miles: Spot?...

The Spot: So long...

Spot then grabs Slender Man's body and throws it at Miles Moraels with Miles not knowing what's going on.


With Slender Man on Miles Morael's face and covered in tentacles, Miles couldn't see anything due to Slender Man's body on him causing Miles to crash landed into Slender Man's forest and Spot uses his powers to destroy the Slender Man forest causing all the trees to fall on Miles Moraels and Slender Man leaving both of them dead.

The Spot: I did it, I finally killed that creature but best of all I also killed Miles Moraels in the progress.

Spot then activates another portal and leaves the Slender Man forest, meanwhile the other Spider-Men from across the Spiderverse along with the entirety of Brooklyn was reading the newspaper reporting that the mysterious entity "Slender Man" is dead but Miles died with him, there was no more hope for Brooklyn knowing Miles died with him so there is no one who could stop the Spot.

Miguel: I can't believe he's actually gone...

Gwen: MILES!!! NOOOOO!!!


Boomstick: Woah, that was actually insane well I'm just pretty upset Miles Moraels had to also die in the progress of this fight.

Wiz: Spot and Slender Man were very even in a lot of categories in base so to figure out the true winner of this matchup we basically need to see who would win within their full power thus Slender Man when you collect most of the pages and Spot when he gets mutated by the collider even more.

Boomstick: How would this give Spot the edge in the fight then?

Wiz: Both have their abilities to teleport but there are so many ways to explain why Spot beats Slender Man. Slender Man is way stronger than Spot but Spot has a lot of hax and abilities keep this in mind The Spot was able to travel across the multiverse while Slender Man was never proven he can teleport outside his universe.

Boomstick: What about their experience? I'm sure Slender Man is more experienced than Spot right?

Wiz: While it is true Slender Man is more experienced than The Spot thus lasting and hunting way more than him, Spot has done way better jobs in battle than Slender Man keep in mind the people Slender Man victimizes are just harmless kids who aren't really skilled in combat while Spot was able to victimize Miles Moraels and other Spider-Men in the progress, you could also argue the movie being canon to the comics also giving Spot the edge but even without it.

Boomstick: What about Novel Slender Man? He's pretty strong right?

Wiz: That's not canon to the creepypasta, remember we are using Slender Man's feats from the original creepypasta and not from the games, movies, or novels because if that's the case then we should also be including Comic Spot with him which is also even more broken than any composite versions of creepypasta characters. Slender Man put up a good fight with Base Spot but once Spot is at his prime, there really is no hope for the urban legend to win this.

Boomstick: Looks like Slender Man has found his SPOT in his grave.

Wiz: The winner is The Spot.


Advantages and Disadvantages[]

The Spot (Winner)[]

  • More abilities
  • Less experienced
  • Equal in base

Slender Man (LOSER)[]

  • Less abilities
  • Better experienced
  • Equal in base

Next Time[]


Vegeta vs Batman


  • The connections between The Spot and Slender Man are that they are both faceless white creatures with their main power being something black on them (Slender Man's tentacles and The Spot's portal dimensions), both have their fair share of way to teleport (Spot's portals again and Slender Man can obviously teleport), both are unknown creatures with potential they used to be humans (The Spot we obviously see how and some people have some theories that Slender Man used to be a human, both have been known for hunting down minors (Slender Man's victims and Miles Moraels), and overall have insane powers that you shouldn't mess with.