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Death Battle Fanon Wiki
The Meta vs Nemesis
Season 1, Episode 4
Vital statistics
Air date May 11th, 2020
Written by LakuitaBro01.2
Directed by LakuitaBro01.2
Episode guide
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The Meta vs Nemesis is a What-If? Death Battle by LakuitaBro01.2


Red vs Blue VS Resident Evil! Intimidating and unrelenting killing machines known for their lack of words find themselves going blow for blow! Will the Meta kill the seemingly unkillable? Or will Nemesis destroy the power hungry Freelancer?


Wiz: If there's one thing that centuries of war has taught anyone, it's that a trained soldier trying his best is a killing machine.

Boomstick: Just like Lizzo in a hot dog eating contest, they will not quit until they've completed their objective.

Wiz: And sometimes that objective is to kill.

Boomstick: The Meta, the rogue Freelancer turned monster.

Wiz: and Nemesis, the literal monster made to kill the STARS team.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to see who would win a Death Battle.

The Meta:[]

Wiz: Long ago Project Freelancer was set up as a research program created to pair super soldiers up with highly intelligent AI to create the ultimate soldiers.

Boomstick: After much trial and error, the Director of the project could only create one AI! Which was great! But he needed many more, so what he ended up doing was torturing the AI so much it fragmented into several AI based off the original's emotions.

Wiz: Different Freelancers obtained different fragments of AI, and one Agent Maine obtained his after receiving an injury to his throat, rendering him incapable of speaking. The AI he was given? Sigma, the AI that embodies creativity and ambition.

Boomstick: Being so creative and ambitious as the little orange screwball was, he set his sights on becoming whole again by getting his brothers and sisters to join him in Maine's mind! How'd he do this? Well by completely scrambling Maine's brain and getting him to turn on his fellow Freelancers!

Wiz: Maine, now under the name of The Meta, tracked down his fellow Freelancers and stole their AI. With each new AI, the Meta gained more and more power, becoming a powerhouse that the remaining Freelancers, Reds, and Blues couldn't hope to defeat.

Boomstick: Well they did by tying him to a Warthog and sending it straight over a cliff into a frozen ocean below after poking a shit ton of holes in his armor, but still what a way to go.

Wiz: The Meta is equipped with two different weapons, with her main weapon of choice being the Brute Shot.

Boomstick: This baby can fire four rounds in three seconds, explosives mind you, AND has a blade built into it just for the sole purpose of slicing anybody who looks at him funny in half. It's sharp enough to slice a rocket launcher in half for crying out loud!

Wiz: As for his side arm, The Meta wields the M6G Magnum, a magnum with a 3.444 megajoule wield as shown when it takes chunks off concrete pillars in his training with Agent Texas, but as the Brute Shot shoots explosives and has shown to do more damage, it's fair to say it's far more powerful.

Boomstick: He also has a good amount of abilities at his disposal. He has a motion tracker that lets him see through walls with thermal vision, a voice manipulator that lets him perfectly replicate anyone's voice, and he can check the vitals of his fellow soldiers.

Wiz: But the more dangerous of The Meta's abilities are numerous. He can slow time to a crawl and do whatever he wants in that time frame, an energy shield that protects him from any incoming projectiles like missile launchers, and he has two different types of camouflage; one that turns him invisible and one that lets him blend in with his environment.

Boomstick: He has an enhancement to boost his strength to superhuman levels AND he has shields covering his body at all times to prevent any serious damage from being done to him.

Wiz: He's certainly one tough nut to crack. He has all these abilities and weapons but he's still no slouch in hand to hand combat either. He could go toe to toe with Agent Texas on many occasions and take on the Reds and Blues all at once with no difficulty.

Boomstick: The Meta is a physical powerhouse of a man as well. Agent Texas has been blown up several times and has taken smaller scale explosives just fine, and the Meta's physical strikes are enough to hurt her as well!

Wiz: The Meta too has taken many similar hits as well. He's shrugged off point blank explosions from his own weapon, missile launchers to the face, wasn't hurt after being hit by a speeding truck, and survived the detonation of 10 trip mines.

Boomstick: His bubble shield is at least comparable to Agent Carolina's, being the same shield and all, which protected Carolina from a nuke being dropped on her.

Wiz: He is no slouch in the speed department either, as he can keep up with Agent Texas, who has out ran and dodged missiles on several occasions. If you want to compare Tex to Carolina, Carolina has dodged a sniper round moving at around 1500 meters per second, or rather mach 4.

Boomstick: But all killing machines have some sort of screw loose, and Meta definitely has a couple. First of all, he's a complete sociopath with 8 different AIs clouding his thoughts with nonsensical noise! It's like trying to watch the Mets while the dog's barking, the kid's crying, and your wife's screaming about taxes!

Wiz: While the Meta certainly has a lot of powerful equipment, overuse of it will cause his suit's power to fall drastically. Eventually, he'll be left as a simple soldier with no shields, strength boost, time stops, none of it.

Boomstick: And even though he can keep up with Agent Texas, he's still kinda slower than her. He's shown his fair share of skill, but not as much as her. But who cares? He's Jason Voorhees from Jason X but actually terrifying!


Wiz: In 1998, the Special Tactics and Rescue Service was deployed to the Arklay mountains northwest of Raccoon City, sent on a mission to discover the truth behind a mysterious string of murders.

Boomstick: The truth, as they ended up discovering, was some organization called Umbrella had a bio lab where they created the zombie apocalypse and accidentally released it! Thank god this virus wasn't in that bio lab in Wuhan...

Wiz: While the plan was to kill all members of STARS after they had gotten rid of the evidence, several members were able to escape and ultimately foiled Umbrella's plan of "leave no evidence". Luckily for them, they had discovered how to make literal living weapons with their research: B.O.Ws.

Boomstick: Attempting to turn a profit from these absolutely beautiful monstrosities, Umbrella turned to the military to buy their shit. But buy their shit the military didn't because the B.O.Ws would just turn on soldiers and fuck up the entire mission, so they needed some form of intelligence. So they just shoved a parasite into a couple of them and called it a day.

Wiz: Once the T-Virus outbreak hit Raccoon City, Umbrella deployed one of these intelligent B.O.Ws to show off their combat capabilities, and ultimately kill the rest of the STARS team that survived the mansion incident. This monster came to be known as the Nemesis-T Type.

Boomstick: Making its entrance by literally bursting through Jill Valentine's wall, this suit clad hentai monster was bound to be a pain in the ass. A pain in the ass with a pretty decent sized arsenal!

Wiz: The Nemesis is equipped with three weapons; the first is a standard flamethrower, albeit with a massive weak point in the giant tank on his back, his custom made rocket launcher which is modeled after a FIM-92 stinger, and the tendrils inside his body themselves.

Boomstick: The flamethrower's for lighting shit on fire and the rocket launcher is for blowing shit up, but Nemesis' tendrils have far higher utility than both of them. He could pull himself across large distances, stab people with them, stab people and infect them with the parasite he has, or best of all catch a god damn rocket out of the air with it.

Wiz: Which brings the physiology of the Nemesis tyrant to the table. The suit Nemesis wears isn't just meant for style, it prevents him from mutating too quickly. If enough damage is done to his coat, he will begin to mutate drastically very quickly. Within minutes he can go from his humanoid form to his giant bestial form.

Boomstick: Which is even faster than his humanoid form and is equipped with massive claws and an even bigger noodle arm to bitch slap you from across the city. Even beyond this mutation is a giant wall of pulsating flesh!

Wiz: And that's assuming you can put Nemesis through enough punishment to get it to mutate that quickly because quite frankly, Nemesis has a RIDICULOUS healing factor. It took Jill Valentine a couple of days and a LOT of explosions to push the big monster to that point.

Boomstick: As it was created to be superior to the Tyrant model that fought Leon and Claire, Nemesis also does a good job of now being blown to bits by an anti-tank rocket launcher because it took one to the face and was only dazed for presumably a few minutes.

Wiz: Nemesis possesses superhuman strength, seemingly it was able to destroy most of a subway car by itself in its humanoid form, and only got stronger as time went on with each mutation.

Boomstick: And even though it basically slowly stomps around in between short bursts of speed, it caught up to a subway train which was moving between 55 and 80 miles per hour. As for its combat speed, we know it caught the rocket of a M202 FLASH out of the air with ease AND it can dodge rounds from a Milkor MGL grenade launcher.

Wiz: But to find the actual speed of the Nemesis we're going to have to scale him to his prey: Jill Valentine. Jill is fully capable of dodging rockets from Nemesis' launcher, and if it IS a modified FIM-92 Stinger, at the very least those rockets are travelling at 750 meters per second, or mach 2.5.

Boomstick: His beast form gets faster, and sadly his final form gets slower, but it can still hit Jill physically so it just becomes a physical wall. Speaking of walls, that's exactly what Nemesis is. He's taken missiles to the face, had a gas canister explode on his back and proceed to wield the remains as a club, survived a gas truck and gas station explode in his face, survived a C-4 explosion which engulfed the entire train car in a fireball, and survived a dip in acid made specifically to melt B.O.Ws.

Wiz: And although this is the remake Nemesis, it should be worth noting that it took what seemed to be a more powerful version of what killed the original Nemesis to kill the new Nemesis, if that makes sense.

Boomstick: But in the end Nemesis too has its faults. While it's an extremely intelligent hunter, capable of using tactics and what not, it will lose its intelligence as it mutates. Explosions also really slow him down despite his resilience, but with a face that not even your mother could love, he is a very scary adversary.

Death Battle:[]

Un'altra persona - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Raccoon City, a simulation

The city was in absolute peril; zombies stood on every corner and every alleyway while flames licked every corner of the surrounding buildings. The zombie apocalypse was underway in this usually calm city, and what made matters worse was that the survivors had only a few days to escape the city or else they'll perish in a ball of fire.

This event was being simulated for training purposes; the goal of the Reds and Blues, along with a couple of Freelancers, was to infiltrate a facility owned by a company called "Umbrella". While the landscape was VERY alien to them in that everything was almost prehistoric. Smaller vehicles, the weapons they found laying around, while similar to what they had, weren't very useful.

The Reds had taken a more discreet approach to the facility, accompanied by Agent Washington, while the Blues went forth directly into the zombies hordes accompanied by Agent Texas. The Reds joked about the Blues getting themselves killed over the sound of their gunfire close by, saying that maybe they'll fail because of Caboose getting them all killed.

But perhaps they were being TOO loud. From around a corner approached a massive, hulking figure covered in what appeared to be black latex with caution signs all over it. Sarge chuckled loudly to himself at the slowly approaching brute.

"Ah HA! Looks like a dominatrix forgot to free her gimp!" he shouted as all five soldiers readied their weapons and opened fire on the monster. Seemingly doing no damage, the Reds and Washington slowly made a strategic retreat to the main street where the Blues were.

But the Blues were dealing with their own problem. As the horde of zombies cleared, a man in white armor fired down upon them from the rooftops, littering the streets with explosions. The Blues ran for cover in the nearby buildings, the old walls proving to barely handle the explosions from the man's Brute Shot.

"Hey! They even threw Meta into the simulation to test us!" Tucker called out from where he was hiding.

"I don't think it's a simulation!" Tex called back as the Meta fired into her building.

"Hey, Caboose, go check it out for us." Church told his comrade.

"Okay." said the soldier as he wandered straight into Meta's sight. Needless to say, he was blown back into the shop he came from.

"Shit! Caboose! Are you okay?!" Tucker called out. Caboose stirred and sat up.

"Ow." he said before attempting to walk outside again, just to be pulled back by Church. "That's definitely the real Meta, how'd he get in here?"

"I don't know," Tex started, "But we have more company coming from that alley!"

The Reds and Washington broke into a full sprint towards the Blues and Tex as the monster did too, completely unaware of the Meta's high ground advantage. Once they hit the street, Meta noticed them and fired as they scattered, leaving the monster itself to get caught in the blast.

"Yeah! you guys got him!" Grif yelled out cheerfully as he fired a victory shot in the air randomly, hitting Meta.

"Aw shit!" Washington growled as he realized who was there, and he ran for cover. Grif finally noticed as well and ran screaming "SHIT" at the top of his lungs, followed by the rest of the Reds. The Meta took aim at the easy targets and prepared to pull the trigger, but he heard something wet hit the side of the building. Before he could turn, the monster had pulled itself up to meet him.

His AI glitched next to him and erupted into a chorus a nonsensical noise, but the voice of Sigma spoke out among them all.

"Defeat the Nemesis."

Nemesis grabbed Meta by the throat, but the soldier hit it with a headbutt, loosening its grip and allowing him to take up battle stance with his Brute Shot.

The Only Thing They Fear is You - Doom: Eternal

The Reds, Blues, and Freelancers all looked at each other from their hiding spots and nodded in silent agreement to complete their goal while avoiding the mayhem of the two brutes.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, the Meta aimed his weapon at the rapidly approaching B.O.W, who was sprinting towards him at a full speed pace.


The Brute Shot's echo rang as round after round was pumped out towards the rapidly approaching behemoth, who was weaving between each shot with little difficulty. The Meta swung the blade of his weapon towards his foe, but the Nemesis pushed the weapon away as it quickly went for the throat, hoisting the Meta up in the air.

A tendril slapped the Brute Shot away with ease as the grip on The Meta's throat tightened. Before another tendril could shoot out towards his neck, the Freelancer quickly drew his magnum and shot the B.O.W point blank, causing it to drop him and reel back. Its limiter broke, revealing its monstrous face and snarl.

Sigma glitched next to the Meta, studying the tyrant in awe.

"Well, that's certainly something."

Nemesis threw an overhead swing at the Meta, who ducked and threw a punch at where its kidney would be, and proceeded to deliver hook after hook to the monster's torso. The B.O.W growled and planted both hands down on the Meta and tossed him angrily towards his Brute Shot. He sat up and saw Nemesis lunge at him, so he rolled on his back and kicked the monster in the jaw, sending it flying over the ledge and onto a car below.

Hoisting the Brute Shot to his waist, the Meta looked down below and fired, blowing the car up in a giant fireball of flames. He stared for a couple moments before taking off along the rooftops toward where the Reds and Blues plus Co. ran off to, trying to get his hands on Agent Texas. Down below, the Nemesis stirred and stood up from the flaming car and searched for the Meta, spotting him running away.

Sigma appeared before the Meta, his voice glitching as he spoke.

"I do believe we still have company, Maine."

The Meta was mid jump when a tendril wrapped itself around his ankle. He looked down and saw the Nemesis swing him across the street towards a building, leaving a massive hole in the wall. The tyrant jumped into the building after The Meta, who had taken to hiding behind the nearby couch. The footsteps were slow, but heavy as the B.O.W searched for the Meta.

He didn't have time for this, he had to track down Tex and fast before she got away. He bolted for the exit, catching the attention of Nemesis, and blasted himself away from the monster, closing the exit and lighting the place on fire. That didn't stop it though, it burst right through the wall and climbed the building next to it, scouring the area for the Meta.

The Meta, however, had used his adaptive camouflage and was racing towards Umbrella's compound to intercept his enemies. Unluckily for him, the Nemesis was able to spot him and gave chase, catching him once again with a tendril and dragging him back towards itself. Quickly, the Meta severed the tendril with his Brute Shot, causing Nemesis great pain.

It bellowed, stunning the Freelancer long enough for it to land a double fisted slam on the helmet of the Meta, which overshields protecting him from the damage. The Meta, in a last ditch effort, fired the Brute Shot straight at the ground, blowing Nemesis back into a garage and himself further down the street.

He stood up and shook off the pain and continued on his way towards Umbrella's compound. The Nemesis, however, stood up and started to head out the hole he came from, but it turned and noticed a flamethrower sitting there in perfect condition...

Meanwhile, at the Reds and Blues

While the Meta went to intercept the Reds and Blues, and Nemesis found itself a new toy, the Reds and Blues ran into a new problem in the sewers: a giant sewer gator. Their breakneck speed allowed them to keep ahead of it at all times, and eventually they all piled back up to the surface, all of them out of breath.

"Hey Grif, how about an alligator instead of the puma?" Sarge asked jokingly.

"Is now REALLY the time for these kinds of jokes?" Grif retorted angrily.

Disgruntled, they realized they ended up further way from Umbrella than they started, much to the dismay of everyone there. The Nemesis' figure loomed overhead on the rooftops, leading to everyone hiding behind cover nearby.

"Did that thing have a flamethrower?" Tucker questioned.

"Wait," Church began, "where's Caboose?"

From the sewer emerged the missing blue, who held the massive tooth of the gator in his left hand. "Hi guys."

With everyone in check, they all headed towards Umbrella once more, unaware that they were going to end up on the tail end of a massive brawl right outside the gate.

Sarge turned to Simmons, "I thought it was perfect timing for that joke, right?"

Back at the Umbrella compound

The Meta took up a sort of sniper's perch from a building onlooking the gate of Umbrella. He growled as he grew impatient waiting for Texas to show up, and in his anger he didn't hear the foot steps approach from behind him. Sigma popped up immediately upon hearing Nemesis.

"Watch out!"

The Meta turned and used the Brute Shot to shield himself from the flames sprouting forth from Nemesis' flamethrower. He threw himself backwards through the open window to escape and took up a defensive stance, firing the Brute Shot through the window above.

After a few seconds, Nemesis hopped down, flame thrower still intact, and aimed it right at the Meta. Likewise, the Meta aimed his Brute Shot right at the Nemesis' head.

My Brother - Berserk

The Nemesis charged the Meta, sluggishly dodging the rounds fired by the soldier. Once it got close enough, it swatted at the Meta, who dropped his weapon and held back the fist of the Nemesis. The tyrant held up the flamethrower and blasted the Meta in flame. Luckily, the Overshields were protecting him from most of the damage, and with a well placed donkey kick, the Meta sent the B.O.W sprawling across the ground.

Quickly, Meta picked up his Brute Shot and fired at the tank on Nemesis' back, but it turned to take the blow head on, sparing itself from the explosion. It roared in anger and charge the Meta, who socked the beast in its stomach, but the Nemesis barely staggered and rather picked up the Meta and tossed him across the street.

The tyrant's unrelenting bloodlust didn't stop there. It leaped into the building after his foe and, without regard for its own safety, lit the entire building up in a blaze. It didn't care for anything in its surroundings, until it noticed something yellow, and gleaming, in the corner of the room. It approached to see the Meta standing in his DES, completely protected from the flames. It roared and beat on the shield to no avail.

The Meta laughed a gritty, animalistic laugh and fired the Brute Shot, blasting the beast right outside of the building and into a car. He approached cautiously as the Nemesis slowly stood up from the wreckage and stared down its enemy. In the blink of an eye, Nemesis' tendril shot out and wrapped around the Brute Shot, prying it from the Meta's hands and tossed it over into the facility somewhere.

The Freelancer growled and angrily punched the ground before storming up to the B.O.W. The Nemesis aimed its flamethrower once more, but the Meta quickly pushed it out of the way and jammed his elbow into its side, staggering it. He delivered hook and hook until it swat at him, in which he ducked behind it and suplexed it.

The Nemesis threw itself at the Meta, pinning him to the ground, delivering punch after punch to his helmet, and as it tried to pry it off him, the soldier kicked it off him with ease. As the B.O.W tried to stand up once more, Meta took out his magnum and fired off a round right at the gas tank, lighting the B.O.W on fire. It roared in pain and fell to its knees, much to the relief of the Meta.

The Nemesis looked to its now busted flamethrower and stood back up. The Meta heard the lumbering footsteps running back towards him and turned, getting hit by the now flaming flamethrower. The Nemesis was still on fire, and every slam of the club only proved to set their surroundings on fire.

"Maine, you must find a way to slow this creature down and recollect your Brute Shot."

The Meta nodded at Sigma's direction and threw the Nemesis back across the street before climbing over the gate to the facility. Nemesis was quick to pursue and used one of its tendrils to pull itself over on top of the gate, before it threw itself down towards Meta, club raised in the air. He was able to dodge the slam, but not the resulting explosion.

He was blown back into the facility, and as Nemesis followed, the flames covering him and his club were extinguished by the sprinkler system. The B.O.W looked to his weapon and tossed it off to the side before charging further, making a grab for the Meta.

But everything froze. The Meta's temporal distortion took affect and he bolted further into the facility, on track to find his Brute Shot before the Nemesis found him.

Once time unfroze, the Nemesis landed on the floor, Meta no where to be found. It roared and sprinted through the facility, albeit going through the opposite hallway that the Meta took.

Outside the Facility

The Freelancers and soldiers approached the now on fire entrance to the facility, despite it raining for several hours now.

"Glitch in the system?" Church questioned.

"Well, judging form how big, dumb, and ugly had a flamethrower last we saw him, I think the Meta and it were just here." responded Washington.

"So both of them are inside, and we have to go in there to complete this mission? I thought this wasn't a suicide mission." Simmons complained.

The groups marched on towards the facility, about to be caught up in the crossfire between the two titans.

Back inside

The Meta successfully recollected his Brute Shot and was using his motion tracker to watch Tex and co. move through the facility, attempting to find the perfect time to attack. But through his vision, a strange beam of light was shakily moving around in front of him. He turned it off and looked towards the source, and as the beam turned red, he finally recognized the Nemesis, standing there with its rocket launcher.

The Meta dodged out of the way as the rocket barely missed him, shaking the entire facility upon contact, catching the attention of the Reds and Blues, who started to speed up their search.

The Meta took up a defensive position around the corner from Nemesis, who was slowly approaching with its stinger aimed.

Marionette - Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-

A rocket was fired by Nemesis, causing The Meta to cover his eyes from the flying debris. The monster ran around the corner and fired once more, blasting the Meta in the face and causing him to skid back a little. The soldier responded by blasting Nemesis through a wall, right in front of Tucker, Church, and Washington. All three ran the other direction as Meta started walking through the hole.

As Meta began to make his way after the trio, a tendril from the Nemesis shot out and wrapped around his foot, pulling him to the ground. The Meta looked towards his foe, which had one handed its launcher and fired right at him, resulting in a direct hit. Meta was blown far back by the Nemesis, crashing through a wall even, and skidded to a stop up against a table.

The echoing footsteps of the B.O.W got closer and closer as The Meta's armor system began to heal his wound. Eventually, he was able to stand up. He spotted his trusty Brute Shot behind the monster, who was taking aim once more. Another rocket fired, and just before it could hit The Meta, time crawled to a stand still. The Meta used his foot and weight to push the rocket to the ground and took a running start towards Nemesis as time resumed.

The blast launched the Meta at his foe at high speeds, seemingly shocking the tyrant as it got caught in a Flying DDT, pulling it straight towards the ground...

Directly below them

Sarge and Grif were in a hallway firing at a Licker, which was rapidly approaching.

"Hey, Grif! I found your puma!" Sarge yelled out.

Grif grunted and kept firing, being forced back by the rapidly approaching mutant. Just then caboose, who had heard something about a puma, came running in from around the corner.

"Kitty!" he yelled loudly, running past the two Reds. Sarge made an attempt to grab him, but just narrowly missed. Just then, at the other end of the hall, Agent Texas appeared and chucked her rifle at Caboose, knocking him back a couple feet just in time for the ceiling above to give out.

The slab fell onto and crushed the Licker, but on top of it was The Meta and a downed Nemesis. The Reds and Blue ran away, but The Meta took notice of Texas and ran after her after collecting his Brute Shot, leaving his foe behind.

The facility was full of twists and turns as The Meta relentlessly chased down Tex, hellbent on ending her life. Tex found herself approaching a hangar and jumped on top of a vehicle. Unluckily, The Meta somehow got past her and jumped down towards her from the ceiling, the blade of his weapon about to be brought down on top of her.


A tendril shot up towards The Meta and wrapped around his waist. All momentum he had vanished as he was slammed down below, smashing in the hood of a car below him. The Nemesis jumped through a window onlooking the hangar and on top of the Meta, smashing his head into the engine block. The soldier kicked the beast off of him and fired his magnum, catching it in between the eyes. It staggered, but a tendril shot out from its hand and stabbed the armor of the Meta.

The Meta growled and threw his Brute Shot like a frisbee at Nemesis, slicing its rocket launcher firing arm clean off as it fired a rocket, which blew up in the Meta's face. Both brutes stood up slowly, and the Meta slammed his fist into the ground in anger, cracking the concrete. He heaved the car behind him up and tossed it at his foe, pinning it under the wrecked car.

With only one arm, it struggled to move. It roared loudly as its other three limbs writhed around, trying to move. The Meta rolled another car directly on top of the one already on Nemesis and crushed it. For good measure, he moved several more around it and collected his Brute Shot before climbing up to the window Nemesis had broken earlier.

Before he left, he heard the sound of metal scraping and turned. The Nemesis was crawling out of the wreckage with TWO arms. With a VERY angry growl, Meta shot his grenade launcher at the pile up of vehicles, which promptly blew up on top of Nemesis, its roars of agony echoing off the hangar walls.

The Meta exited the office overlooking the hangar and turned the corner, spotting Agent Texas and Simmons overlooking what looked like a massive stone bath.

"What do you think they use this thing for?" Simmons pondered loudly.

Tex looked over her shoulder and shoved Simmons out of the way as the Brute Shot went flying past them, digging itself in the far side of the basin. She turned back as The Meta kicked Simmons away and grabbed her by the throat, pointing his magnum straight at her head.

Just before he could claim victory, a loud, angry, and aggressive roar echoed through the hallway behind them. The Meta slowly turned to see a massive quadruped beast rushing him. He turned and loosened his grip on Tex, allowing her to escape the two's duel, as it tackled him into the basin below.

"Meta I thought you killed that thing?" Sigma questioned, studying the new body that the Nemesis has taken. The Meta growled in response as he made a dive for his Brute Shot, narrowly avoiding the claws of the bestial Nemesis.

Battle Against the Beast - RE3: Remake

Nemesis ran full speed at The Meta, knocking him into the stone wall away from his weapon. The soldier rebounded and regained balance as the B.O.W dove straight at him. He stood his ground, pushing it back with sheer strength. Its jaws gnashed wildly as Meta hoisted the massive beast and chucked it into the far wall. He then ripped the Brute Shot out of the wall and opened fire on the big ass target.

Nemesis was riddled with explosions, its roars of pain and anger shaking their surroundings as it was backed into a corner. Suddenly, it erupted forwards, making a dive for Meta. Time slowed to a crawl once more as the Meta sliced off its arm in one clean swipe. Once time resumed, Nemesis crashed to the floor and writhed.

The soldier laughed a gravely, distorted laugh as he watched his foe on the ground. Blood sprayed from Nemesis' wound, covering the visor of the Freelancer as he went to wipe it off. While his guard was lowered, Nemesis mutated once more, sprouting a massive tendril as an appendage. Meta felt something large wrap around him and before he could do anything he was tossed into another stone wall, cracking it heavily.

While this was happening, the Reds and Blues reconvened near a control panel overlooking the basin where the mutes were fighting.

"You know, Meta's a dick and all but DAMN can he fight!" Tucker commented.

"Root for the monster, man! I don't want to deal with him anymore." Simmons complained.

"If that thing kills Meta now, there's no way to tell if it'll turn on us and begin to track us down. There has to be some way to take them both out..." Church wondered aloud.

"Melty stuff." Caboose said quietly, looking over the panel.

All eyes turned on him as he pointed towards a big, red button on the table. In big, bold letters it read "ACID". Then, all eyes turned back to each other, nodding in agreement.

Back down below, Meta was getting absolutely thrashed by Nemesis. All attempts he made to slice off a body part were met by one growing back just as quickly, and then he's get slapped in the face with a wet, yet firm, noodle. As the beast made a charge once more, Meta's DES went up, blocking the beast from getting any closer to him.

He unloaded his magazine into the beast, and it slowly was pushed back up against the wall. With one final grenade planting itself inside Nemesis' mouth, the B.O.W was down for the count once more. The DES went down as the Meta sighed, looking around for a way out.


Meta's head shot straight up towards where the Reds and Blues were. He growled loudly as the acid began to pour in around him, while the body of Nemesis thrashed wildly in pain. The Meta took a running start and jumped, blasting the floor below him with a round from his Brute Shot, sending him straight up to the rafters above.

The Reds and Blues booked it down the hallway and towards Washington, Texas, and Sarge, who was trying to open a large door locked with a code.

"Guys hurry! We killed big guy and now Meta is coming!" Caboose yelled loudly.

"What?" Texas asked, surprised.

"Melty stuff, acid, whatever! We gotta go!" Grif stammered, clearly panicking.

Just then, the door opened up, and Sarge whooped with joy.

"The code was Accesscode!" he yelled as he walked inside, followed by everyone else.

The exit was just up ahead, they were all in the clear, but the only thing stopping them was one certain Church being held in a head lock with a magnum pointed at his head. Meta was holding him hostage, and he wanted Texas. The rest of the soldiers raised their guns at The Meta and Church, but the least of their problems was Meta.

Outside, in the hallway, a weird sound made its way through the hallway. Like a squelch, almost. The Meta's grip loosened as he peered over his shoulder, spotting the massive blob of flesh and muscle forcing its way into the massive room they were in. Church elbowed the Meta to loosen his grip and bolted away with the rest of the soldiers, closing the door behind him.

The Meta stood his ground as the blob took up roots along one of the walls and unfolded, revealing the misshapen head of Nemesis in the middle. It bellowed an inhuman roar as massive claws shot out on both sides. Meta stood his ground, and aimed his Brute Shot straight ahead towards his foe in one last stand.

Ice Fight - Red vs. Blue

The Meta unloaded round after round into the giant B.O.W as he rolled out of the way of its claws. Nemesis screeched in pain, but its distorted cries were drowned out by explosion after explosion. Meta took a moment to reload as a massive claw flew right at him. Time stopped once more as he sliced the arm right off of it and shot a round into its face.

Nemesis bellowed loudly once more as its arm wriggled around wildly, just for another massive arm to sprout off of it. The soldier growled as he shot the Brute Shot at the monster, deploying his DES as cover to protect him as he unloaded his magazine. Nemesis' hands and claws slapped the shield repeatedly, shaking it, but doing no damage.

Once it went down, The Meta stopped time once more to slice up the beast's body, but after a brief pause once time resumed, the wounds just healed back up near instantly. Sigma glitched out next to Meta.

"Maine, we must get out of here now!"

The Meta ran towards the door and attempted to burst through it, but it barely budged. He used his scanner to look through the door and saw the entirety of the Reds, Blues, and Washington and Texas holding it closed with their bodies. The Meta growled and aimed his Brute Shot.


The Meta froze and stared at his weapon.

Click. Click. Click.

He ran out of ammo. Quickly, he pulled out his magnum, and took aim to fire through the door.

"Behind you!"

He rolled out of the way before the giant claw of Nemesis could crush him. He looked towards the other door he came through and bolted towards it. Nemesis brought its arms down upon him once more, and he put up his DES to shield himself. The hands of the B.O.W pressed against the shield as they took magnum round after magnum round as The Meta planned his escape.

Just as he was going to make his run, the shield seemed to dim. He looked around wildly as Sigma glitched heavily next to him.

"Your suit is low on power. You must go now."

Just as Meta began to book it, the DES went down and the soldier was grabbed by the monstrosity. He struggled as he was brought closer to the head of the Nemesis. Sigma and the rest of the AIs surrounded Meta and stared at the eldritch abomination staring at them. Its other claw raised up in the air, pointing downwards at Meta.

"Oh... son of a bitch!" all the AI said in unison.

In a scooping motion, Nemesis' claws dug into the neck of the Meta and pried his head off, spraying the ceiling and floors with blood.


The Reds and Blues opened the door to see the aftermath.

"Holy shit it fucking killed him!" Tucker exclaimed.

"Ha! He lost to gimp daddy!" laughed Sarge.

The head of the Nemesis snapped towards the group and bellowed as its sluggish body began to move towards them. All screamed and ran for the exit, having completed their mission.


Boomstick: We can explain.

Wiz: The Meta is a VERY formidable foe, and he held a good amount of advantages here. Due to his futuristic technology, he held a huge advantage in arsenal. Sure, Nemesis had a flamethrower and rocket launcher, but outside of shooting those he could really only use them as a club.

Boomstick: Yeah, and the Meta could use the Brute Shot as a massive butcher's knife. If you factor in his time stop, he could definitely tear through Nemesis' weaponry, which is super helpful since, while Nemesis is intelligent, Meta is far more experienced.

Wiz: He's also consistently stronger than what Nemesis is shown to be capable of doing. The Meta's punches can harm those who tank his Brute Shot's explosions while Nemesis destroyed most of a subway car. Where as Nemesis struggled to stop a car from driving him off a building, and failing, Meta's lifted a 3 and a quarter ton Warthog with no effort when IT drove into him too.

Boomstick: But the advantages Meta had stopped there. They're damn even in speed! Sure, Meta scales to Carolina dodging a mach 4 sniper round, but once you factor in the distance between her and the sniper, the number drops off to around mach 2 or 3. Nemesis reacted to an anti tank rocket launcher being fired at him and caught it, which also moves at mach speeds.

Wiz: In the durability category, Meta and Nemesis both dealt with numerous explosions to the face, but Nemesis more times then not walked off the attack where as Meta needed more time to heal. Plus, it doesn't help that Meta' main weapon of choice is exactly what Nemesis was built to be resilient to.

Boomstick: Which brings us to the reason why Nemesis won: its regeneration. While both had their own forms of it, either mutating or the suit's own power, one of the two didn't survive a dip in acid made to kill them. The Meta had no way around it at all, not even the Brute Shot's explosions or blade could do anything about it. It certainly didn't help even when Nemesis could just mutate into something more dangerous if it took too much damage.

Wiz: Due to Meta' strengths he would definitely last that long as he'd still be able to out muscle Nemesis without its weapons, but the playing the long game has its detriments. First off, Meta has so many armor enhancements, while useful, will just end up draining his suits power too low. Because of Nemesis' resilience, Meta's battery would fall faster than a bowling ball. Secondly, as Nemesis mutates, it becomes harder and harder to kill.

Boomstick: And it's not like Meta had the fire power to kill Nemesis like Jill had the luck to do so. Judging from the blast of the FINGeR, and comparing it to the original blast the Rail Cannon from the original made, the power Meta needed to actually kill Nemesis far exceeded what he was capable of to get past Nemesis' regeneration.

Wiz: The Meta had the brains and brawn to match his foe, but the Nemesis' absurd regeneration and durability proved too much for the rogue Freelancer to handle.

Boomstick: It was a close match until the end, and Nemesis was the one who pulled a head.

Wiz: The winner is Nemesis.
