Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki

The Master VS Voldemort is a What-If? Death Battle featuring The Master from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Voldemort from Harry Potter. This page was created by Timpack and is his twentyeight written Death Battle. The next battle is Xion VS Senna while the previous one was Flamedramon VS Infernape

The Master VS Voldemort
Season 3
Season Episode 2
Air date April 24, 2022
Written by Timpack
Episode guide
Flamedramon VS Infernape
Xion VS Senna


Buffy The vampire Slayer VS Harry Potter! The Slayer and The Boy Who Lived might have been the end of them but The Master and Lord Voldemort are not dark lords that are to be underestimated. Having mythical artifacts at hand and an army ready to vanquish those they deem unworthy makes them extremely mighty. Who is mightier however? The Master or Voldemort? Time to find out as vampiric abilities take on dark magic in a battle for the ages!


Wiz: In the shadows of many different worlds, there are great evils lurking for their chance to strike. These can come in many different forms and creatures.  There will always be someone standing in the way of these great evils however that oppose them to the best of their ability. These often come in the form of teenagers prophesized to intervene in the grand plans of these evils.

Boomstick: Taking down a couple of gifted teenagers is not an easy feat though. It does not really matter in the long run if you have magical armies to unleash, powerful artifacts at your side, and prophesies that states the conflict will most likely end in your teenage arch-enemy’s demise.  If you don’t make sure they are dead, it’s your own freaking fault if they come back to life and kill you. That’s Dark Overlord rule number one.

Wiz: Today’s combatant may not have learned this lesson but that does not make them any less dangerous seeing as they are the most feared of their respective kinds in their own worlds. Their names strike fear in the heart of the masses.

Boomstick: Like The Master, The Vampire Leader Of The Order Of Aurelius and Chosen Protector Of The Seed Of Wonder

Z Intro The Master

Wiz: and Voldemort, The Dark Wizard Leader Of The Death Eaters and Owner Of The Elder Wand.

Z Intro Voldemort

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

The Master[]

Wiz: In the beginning, there were the Old Ones. These pure-breed demons appeared during the creation of the Earth and ruled the planet for many years until they lost their claim on it and fled or were banished to other dimensions. One Old One however left a parting gift for the humans that eventually sealed him away. This came in the form of a human that had his blood mixed with that of the Old One. This was the creation of the first vampire.

Boomstick: As far as vampire origins is concerned, I think I like this one the best. The Demon lord Archaeus certainly liked the idea and used the same method to create his own breed of vampires. Luckily for the demon lord copycat, this breed of vampire resulted in some of the most feared and powerful vampires of all time like Angel, Spike, Drusilla, Darla, and todays cliched named combatant; The Master.

Wiz: Heinrich Joseph Nest was a powerful and respected vampire that was said to be older than any other vampire on record. Being one of the most feared vampires in existence, The Master…………

Boomstick: Heinrich Joseph Nest? That a really bad name. While The Master is a very cliché name, it is 100% better than that name. I doubt people would fear him if he went by his real name.

Wiz: It’s a mouthful I admit but it is better than being called “Boomstick.”

Boomstick: Did you say something Wiz? I did not hear that last part.

Wiz: I said that The Master formed the Order of Aurelius and sought to use the groups influence to find a way to bring back the Old Ones and other demons to our world. In order to accomplish this, The Master traveled to Sunnydale to open the hellmouth beneath the town and bring the Old Ones back. A small problem occurred however when he performed the ritual to open the Hellmouth.

Boomstick: An Earthquake is not a small problem Wiz. The earthquake did not only interrupt the not sparkly vampire lord’s ritual. It also swallowed half of the town including the church which the ritual was being performed in and trapped The Master inside it within a mystical barrier for 60 years. Talk about bad luck.

Wiz: Bad luck for the Master yes but good luck for the rest of the world. Do not underestimate The Master however. While he got himself trapped for 60 years, he more than made up for it as he sought to escape his prison and defeat the one standing in the way; Buffy the vampire slayer.

Boomstick: The slayer is basically your regular magically powered teenage girl that is destined to fight evil or whatever. When one dies, the next one gets chosen. A slayer is usually very powerful and skilled in taking down vampires and demons so you don’t want to be on their bad side. The Master fortunately has a variety of cool vampiric abilities at his disposal to give anyone going up against him a hard time.

Wiz: The most common power one gets when becoming a vampire is gaining superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. Seeing as The Master can throw a vampire across the room with one hand and catch a crossbow arrow heading his way with ease, The Master is an extremely dangerous vampire especially when considering his age.

Boomstick: Getting very old might be a bad thing for humanity but old age for vampires means getting much stronger and durable. Seeing as The Master is literally the oldest person he knows, old man vampire had more than enough time to choose an actually good new name if he wanted to. The Master definitely sound much more badass than something like “Wiz” isn’t that right Wiz?

Wiz: It seems you heard me after all. Let’s discus who has the better name some other time please.

Boomstick: You started it and I have the better name by the way but I guess it’s more important to analyze todays vampire combatant. Let’s discus The Masters “descendants” and compare them to find out the old vampire’s true potential since we did not get to see much fighting from him before his embarrassing death at the hands of Buffy. The two that are most noteworthy is the Vampire Slayers favorite vampire boytoys with a soul; Angel and Spike.

Wiz: Angel and Spike are both younger than the Master but still have some impressive feats under their belts which makes them two of the most powerful vampires in the Buffyverse. Angel can decapitate someone with a single blow, tear a man’s heart out with his bare hands, rip off a demons limbs after feeding on blood, dodge bullets fired from multiple people with riffles, and jump on occasion somewhere around 10 to 100 feet into the air while Spike has managed to kill enemies by punching a hole through their torsos, flip a car over in anger, and hide the bodies of fully grown men he had drained so fast that the girl they walked with did not notice a single thing. They have both also survived multiple gunshots and explosions that would have killed or severely hurt a normal vampire and kept on going.

Boomstick: Seeing as there are known moments where the Master has utterly stomped both Angel and Spike separately makes it clear that he is some ways is superior to these two in terms of ability. Especially when it comes speed as he once speed-blitzed Buffy so fast that he disappeared from view when Buffty looked down for a couple of seconds to reload her crossbow.

Wiz: Lesser vampires of the Archaeus blood line can snap a person’s neck with ease, tear through metal doors, take out a room of armed police officers so fast that he looked like as a fast-moving blur, and survive being hit by a bus and not long after kill everyone inside it a couple of seconds later. This is proof that The Master can achieve much greater feats and explains the reason a lot of vampires follow and respect him.

Boomstick: I don’t think Respect is it Wiz. Its most likely them being a bunch of scaredy cats and deathly afraid of him. The Master might see his order of vampires as a family and thinks taking a non-human life is a serious matter but the fact his vampire “family” mutilate themselves as penance for failing their vampire makes it clear that that The Master is not someone that tolerates failure.

Wiz: The Masters charisma and sardonic sense of humor as well as his strength probably made up for that though. No normal vampire really has any chance of taking him down in a fight.

Boomstick: Known skills your regular boring vampire has in their arsenal that The Master would have as well is drinking blood for a power boost, sharp fingernail for slicing flesh, accelerated healing which can take place almost immediately sometimes, enhanced hearing, smell and night vision which allows a vampire to see and hear things from very far distances, and immortality that allows one to live for many decades.

Wiz: Skills unique to The Master however would his aptitude for Magic and the Occult seeing as he tried to perform a ritual to open the Hellmouth and use the Harvest ritual that takes place once every century to escape his prison. This would prove that The Master dabbled in magic sometime during the many years he has been a vampire.

Boomstick: Don’t forget the fact that he could sense the psychic force caused by the astral projection of Billy Palmer meaning the vamp probably has some mental abilities as well which is kind of scary.

Wiz: The Masters favorite technique however is a rare power that not many vampires has been able to master: Hypnosis.

Boomstick: Hypnosis ehh? That’s a very interesting power especially since he can hypnotize people without looking them in the eyes. With just a wave of his hand, he can hypnotize and control people like Buffy Summers to do whatever he likes. Like doing your chores or go and fetch me some beer like Wiz is about to do.

Wiz: No for two reasons. Firstly, because The Masters Hypnosis have failed him in the past when its target resists being taken over and secondly; you are no Hypnotist Boomstick.

Boomstick: Whatever. It’s not like old man vampire needs hypnosis anyway. While it can be resisted, The Master definitely gave Buffy a hard time when she resisted his hypnosis. That’s not even mentioning that The Master in an alternative timeline managed to take over Sunnydale and kill Buffy by snapping her neck. This Master might be an old man vampire martial artist for giving so many fan favorites like Buffy, Angel, and Spike a hard time.

Wiz: The Master do have some notable flaws though. One of his mayor flaws which caused his downfall in the first place at the hands of Buffy was his deep religiousness and traditionalism which resulted in him believing unquestioningly in the prophecies of his old mentor Aurelius. The Master was taken very much by surprise after Buffy came back to life to face him anew when it had been stated in a prophecy that Buffy should have died at his hand in their earlier fight.

Boomstick: That’s his own fault. He never made sure that she was dead. Always make sure your opponent is dead and cannot be brought back due to friends performing CPR.

Wiz: The Master of course also has the usual vampire weaknesses. One thing should be noted however as The Master has shown not being as affected by these weaknesses as strongly as other vampires. Things that lead to instant death like being staked in the heart by a wooden object, being decapitated, or exposed to sunlight will kill him as Buffy proved by throwing him down through a window onto a large piece of wood. Other things like holy items however does not slow down the vampire at all.

Boomstick: Why is this you ask? That would be the fact that being trapped for 60 years is really boring so the vampire used his time there wisely to try and conquer his fear. Being trapped in a place full of holy items like crosses that hurt you is not very fun so conquering that fear would make for a better time sinker than wallowing in the corner.

Wiz: Controlling his fear makes the Master able to touch holy items and withstand the pain even if it causes him some anguish. Since his blood descendants Angel and Spike has shown some resistance towards crosses as well, the skill to withstand holy items is a unique skill not many vampires have mastered.

Boomstick: His old age and power makes the vamp resistant to another weakness as well; fire. While The Master was never seen being lighted on fire, other members of the bloodline like Darla and Drusilla have survived being almost turned to charcoal because of their really good healing factor. As old man vampire is much older than these two and other much younger vampires have really quickly been consumed by similar flames, I think we can scratch of fire being a problem in the long run for the original big bad of the Buffyverse.

Wiz: It might seem that The Master does not poses anything more to analyze as the Order of Aurelius attempt at resurrecting The Master failed due to the interference of Buffy and her friends. This did not stop him from being resurrected many years later by the most unlikely of sources; The Seed of Wonder.

Boomstick: The Seed of Wonder is basically the source of all magic on Earth and it resurrected The Master because……….he was its chosen protector? What?

Wiz: It is a very odd choice to pick an evil vampire to be its guardian I admit. The Master might be strong but he is not the most powerful creature of the world he hails from.

Boomstick: Yeah and the fact that the vampire chosen wants to open a portal to hell and have demons take over the earth. The magic seed really must have a screw loose if it’s this kind of creature it wanted as a defender. Not that Master knew any of this as he was basically unknowingly enslaved by the deus ex seed without his permission.

Wiz: While the choice of protector is arguable, it can’t be understated that the seed manipulated The Master for many years. It unknowingly put the thought in his head to go to Sunnydale and release the Old Ones when he was really brought there because the Seed was located inside a church in the town. The same church where he tried to open the portal and got trapped inside for 60 years by an earthquake that just happened to take place that day. That’s very suspicious if you ask me.

Boomstick: Whether its suspicious or not, it did give the cliched named vamp a second chance along with a couple of other extras that the Master very much enjoyed trying out on Buffy. One of them was increasing his already impressive vampire superhuman abilities to even more overpowered levels.'

Wiz: The vampire certainly needed a new level of strength to take on Buffy after she gained the power of Twilight.

Boomstick: ……………………………………………..Are you joking with me Wiz? Did you really say that Buffy got herself a huge powerup courtesy of sparkly vampires?

Wiz: Wrong Twilight Boomstick. The Twilight of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is far more impressive than those terrible books. Twilight is a dimension that tried to replace earth after it manipulated Buffy and Angel to give birth to it. As thank, it basically gave the duo flight, invulnerability, superhuman hearing, telescopic vision and increased all her stats to their maximum capability.

Boomstick: So Twilight is an dimension that basically made the two into kryptonians. That’s much better than sparkly vampires and I am not kidding by comparing them to Superman. Angel literally defeated a gigantic demon the size of a kaiju with these powers by basically flying through the demon one-shooting it in the process. If that’s not superman level of power, I don’t know what.

Wiz: By managing to sneak up on the Twilight enhanced Buffy and daze her for a couple of seconds when knocking her to the ground with a punch, The Master showed incredible new strength that he did not possess before. His durability is even more impressive as the vampire surviving a powerful punch from Buffy in this state and he got up on his feet immediately with the only sign of damage being a bloody nose.

Boomstick: Taking a punch from a superman level character is impressive but his new durability does have a limit unfortunately as a Twilight enhanced Angel possessed by the sentience of Twilight killed him with a single punch through the head……..Did I say that correctly Wiz because that sounded very silly?

Wiz: That’s the weirdness of comic books Boomstick. You really should be used to this by now. The Seed of Wonder did give The Master one more thing to use in his arsenal.  The Masters connection to the seed eventually started to weaken Buffy’s new abilities forcing her to leave to regain her strength. This new ability however did not prevent Willow however from using her magic to trap and the Master and connect with the seed. I must admit I am a bit stumped by this ability as it seems random.

Boomstick: Since the Seed of Magic is the source of Earths magic and Twilight enhanced powers hales from another dimension, maybe the seed nullifies abilities foreign to Earth. Willows magic uses earths nature so maybe that’s why it does not get nullified. Another reason might be that the draining does not drain abilities right away as Buffy enhanced with Twilight powers did not seem weakened at all during the first small fight with the Master.

Wiz: That’s actually a couple of good explanations that seem plausible. Who knew you actually had a brain in that beer and weapon obsessed head of yours?

Boomstick: Who knows? I am drunk and sometimes weird things happen I drink too much.

Wiz: Don’t think about it too hard. Regardless of whether he is enhanced by the Seed of Wonder or not, The Master is one vampire you don’t want to encounter in the middle of the night.

The Master: Yes! YES! Shake, earth! This is a sign! We are in the final days! My time has come! Glory! Glory!"

The Earthquake stops suddenly.

The Master: Whaddaya think? 5.1?


Wiz: In a world similar to our own, there are wizards among us. While they might look like you and me, they can do something normal people can’t; magic. Learning to master magic is not an easy skill however which is why there are plenty of famous wizarding schools through the wizarding world with one of the most famous being Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of the 4 founders however had his own idea of which kind of student should be accepted.

Boomstick: Salazar Slytherin definitely was not the ideal person to help start a school especially with him basically wanting muggleborn wizards aka kids born to non-magical parents removed. The fact the Slytherin House basically became known to harbor people with the mindset of being better than everyone else and literally hiding a giant monster to freaking hunt down students before leaving his fellow founders after an intense argument makes me wonder why this guy was ever allowed to improve their already kind of flawed educational system.

Wiz: Someone would however take Salazars mindset to a new extreme. This person would not only have the same view of muggleborns and be a blood descendant but also try and exterminate them completely, take over the wizarding community to force his view on others, and kill anyone who disagrees or tried to stand in his way for power and immortality. His name was Tom Marvolo Riddle who would one day be known through the wizarding world as Lord Voldemort.

Boomstick: AKA the nooseless wonder and yet another dark lord with a terrible name-fashion.

Wiz: While the Dark lord and his followers rampaged through the British wizarding community spreading a wave of fear in his wake, the discovery of a prophecy speaking of a boy who would be his undoing sparked Voldemort into going after the boy. While he managed to kill the child’s parents, the act of the mother to protect the child activated an ancient kind of magic that protected the boy and rebounded Voldemort’s own spell back at him destroying his body. This boy would eventually grow up to be Harry Potter; The boy who lived.

Boomstick: Unfortunately for the wizarding community, Voldy did not die that day. He may have had his body blown to pieces but the dark cockroach survived as a weak spirit waiting for the day to regain his magical might. It might have taken more than 10 years but the nooseless wonder eventually gained a new body and went on a second killing spree determined to succeed this time and kill the infant that had bested him. Being defeated by a baby is embarrassing all right but that does not mean Voldemort’s magic is not to be feared.

Wiz: There is indeed a reason for why Voldemort became the most feared dark wizard ever known to the point that people fear even uttering his name. Even the great Albus Dumbledore who was known as one of the greatest wizards of his age and the one person that Voldemort feared above all once admitted that Voldemort had been one of the most brilliant students to have ever attended Hogwarts and that his magical knowledge exceeded his own to the point that the Dark Lord could probably break through the headmasters most complex spells and charms when at full strength. This has been proven true as Dumbledore was unable to reverse a jinx cast by Voldemort on the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts for being refused the position.

Boomstick: Petty much? When you take this statement and add all of the magic spells, curses, and magical abilities that this racist dark wizard with a dumb name has at his fingertips into account however, you will understand why most wizards are deathly afraid of bumping into this guy in a dark alley.  When I said the dark wizard has a lot of magic at his disposal, I was not kidding. Voldy has so many OP magic abilities that I don’t know where to even begin analyzing. This is going to take forever so I am going to get some more beer.

Wiz: You already drank all the beer but you are correct. There is a lot of spells for us to go through so let’s get most of them over with right now.

Boomstick: Darn it. Anyway, Voldy can conjure magical shields capable of withstanding Dumbledore’s most powerful powerful spells, use telekinesis to throw people and objects around like ragdolls which include large freaking giants, electrical towers, and experienced wizards like McGonagall, force open barricaded doors as if they were nothing, slash people’s throats and lift large marble blocks with a wave of his wand……..

Wiz: Use elemental spells like lighting and fire to the point of lighting up a large cloud layer with lighting and creating several large explosions with fire, turn invisible to the naked eye with a disillusionment charm……….

Boomstick: Create his own spells and taboos like the signature spells of his Death Eater lackeys use to create a dark skull in the sky and the taboo of uttering his name will alert Voldy of their location immediately, have his shadow cloak turn into tendrils to restrain his foolish opponents……….

Wiz: Knows transfiguration which is known to be a complex kind of magic that can be used transform objects and living things or make things out of thin air which gets harder the bigger the target is, summon a snake made of Fiendfyre which is a cursed flame cannot be extinguished by water, is known to be a user of necromancy in raising Inferi,………..

Boomstick: Use Parseltongue AKA a fancy word for speaking with snakes inherited from Salazar, and unleash dark shockwaves that has been able to overwhelm Dumbledore’s defensive spells and shatter all the glass around him to use as projectiles turn the old wizard and Harry into porcupines. Can we stop here please Wiz? I know Voldy according to Dumble wizard has more magical knowledge than any wizard currently alive which means that the dark lord with no nose knows a lot more spells than the ones he used in the books and movies like Petrificus Totalus, Incarceus, Confrigo, Expulso, Reducto, Stupefy, abracadabra, and other incantations but we don’t need mention all these right?

Wiz: Not really but we still need to go over his favorite types of magic to use on his opponents that stand in the way of his vision for the world. It should be noted though that Voldemort does not need magic to be impressive as he showed remarkable skills in potion making, alchemy, and being a good salesman surprisingly in his youth.

Boomstick: A salesman huh? I guess he could have become a terrific businessman if it hadn’t been for the cleansing the world of muggles mindset of his along with his obsession with learning magic like Legilimency; one of the dark lords’ favorite ways to torture people in his spare time.

Wiz: Legilimency is the art of invading other people’s minds through magic that is often used to gain information and learn the persons future actions. Voldemort is an expert at using Legilimency to influence, control, and break the minds of his opponent to such a degree that he can both modify and fabricate memories as well as create incredibly realistic visions designed to torture them into madness begging for death. There have even been times that Voldemort has used these techniques to try and possess his victims.

Boomstick: Being efficient in ripping a person’s mind to shreds makes it apparent that Voldy is equally efficient in the arts of Occlumency which is the art of shielding one’s mind from mental attacks. With the dark lord having mastered Legilimency and Occlumency, it is practically almost impossible to lie in front of him as the nooseless weirdo is literally a living lie detector.

Wiz: The fact that Voldemort can perform these incredibly complex spells that affect the mind sometimes without the need for incantations or his wand isn’t really that strange as the dark lord has shown on multiple occasion that he can do this with a lot of the spells in his arsenal. He could perform complex magic even at a young age without the use of wands and incantations before even starting his first year at Hogwarts.

Boomstick: Next up is my favorite technique of Voldy; Apparation. It’s basically magical teleporting that allows Voldemort to sneak up on his enemies and avoid spells coming towards as well as outmaneuvering his opponents. With that skill, I would never have to walk a single step for the rest of my life.

Wiz: Another impressive ability of Voldemort is the ability to fly. While flight is not really an uncommon ability to find in fiction, Voldemort is the only one in the wizarding world that has managed to learn true flight without using a broom or a flying charm. Taking the shape of black smoke, Voldemort was once able to keep up with Hagrid's flying motorcycle when chasing it to try and kill Harry Potter.

Boomstick: While Apparation and flight might be Voldys preferred magic for transport, his favorite offensive magic is a trio of spells that are so dangerous and horrifying they have been banned from use by any wizards. These spells are nasty pieces of work that scare me even more than my ex-wife.

Wiz: Coming from Boomstick, that is really disturbing to hear and the terrifying truth is that it is true. The first of the Unforgivable Curses is Imperio which allows the user to take total control over the person cursed and therefore can force them to do whatever the user tells them to do. While it can be resisted by a person with exceptional strength of will, this does not make this curse any less horrifying especially as Voldemort once used it to control someone for over half a year.

Boomstick: The second Unforgivable Curse Crucio is even worse as it is literally a torturer’s best friend. It basically causes extreme pain that is described as if ones very bones were on fire. It can even break through powerful memory charms as demonstrated by the dark lord. This spell might be a good way to get revenge on prank callers but even I would not go that far. The last spell is even worse however.

Wiz: Avada Kedavra is the killing curse and it does exactly what you think it does. If the green bolt of energy hits you, you will die regardless of if you can take a lot of punishment or are in good health.

Boomstick: Even if does not hit you as it can be blocked by solid objects or dodged, it is still destructive enough to crater the stone staircases of Hogwarts or cause the stone roof above his head to collapse. There is a reason why Voldy like to spam this curse to an unhealthy degree.

Wiz: The fact that Voldemort likes to use this curse even when there are other spells in his arsenal that could do it much easier is indeed a big problem. A much more serious weakness however is his arrogance. Voldemort has good reasons for being arrogant and believe himself superior as he has defeated Minerva McGonagall, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Horace Slughorn in a duel all at the same time while weakened and murdered the extremely powerful ex-Auror Alastor Moody who was said to be one of the few wizards able to cast defensive charms that could keep the dark lord at bay. That has however not stopped him from making very dumb mistakes from time to time.

Boomstick: A villain that’s arrogant and has a case of megalomania to the point of making very stupid decisions? That would be a novel concept if it were not for the fact that this is literally the main downfall almost every villain in fiction. Voldy really need to go back to bad guy school.

Wiz: That’s a bit harsh as while there are several instances where Voldemort’s arrogance and sadistic nature has indeed come back to haunt him, the dark lord is actually a very good schemer when he wants to like how he was able to hide his villainous nature during his time at Hogwarts.

Boomstick: The Dark lord was a pretty good actor I have to admit as he was charismatic enough to fool everyone that he was the nicest kid in the world with the exception of Dumbledore. Even when he released that monster that his equally not as nice ancestor hid in the school to kill a couple of kids, he avoided detection because of his framing of another student instead.

Wiz: This charismatic nature of his eventually proved very useful in recruiting other wizards to his cause and leading them into waging war on wizarding community.

Boomstick: His messed-up view of how the world should run alongside his magical might definitely inspired a lot of people to join his cause. His Death Eaters did not join the movement for the frail looking appearance of their leader. Without magic, Voldemort really is nothing special.

Wiz: While Voldemort has been shown to be able to react to spells coming his way and other people trying to use Apparation to get the drop on the dark lord as well as survive being flying through headfirst into rubble several times when flying, I agree with Boomsticks observation. The dark wizard does not actually have a lot of physical feats under his belt that does not include using magic.

Boomstick: A frail body however does not really matter in the long run since Voldy can tank a lot due to his immortality because of his Horocruxes isn’t that right Wiz?

Wiz: You’re not entirely correct Boomstick. A Horocrux is an object in which a Dark magic user has hidden a fragment of their soul. Because Voldemort fears death above all things, he created 7 Horocruxes to make sure he could never face the cold embrace of death. Only by destroying all the Horocruxes can Voldemort be vanquished completely.

Boomstick: I already know this Wiz. Get to the point already where you inevitable tell how wrong my statement was.

Wiz: I am getting to that Boomstick. All of these Horocruxes have been heavily hidden and guarded from people who would try and destroy them. Merope Riddle nee Gaunt's Ring for example cursed Dumbledore to the point that regardless of any treatment he would receive; he would be dead before the end of the year. Other Horocruxes have also been shown to be able to defend themselves as Tom Riddle's Diary was able to manipulate Ginny Weasley by putting her in a trance and sapping her life away while Salazar Slytherin's Locket manipulates its wearer with illusions and festers their negative emotions. The Horocruxes and their defenses however would not really help Voldemort in a death battle however.

Boomstick: Huh? Why's that Wiz?

Wiz: It’s because Voldemort technically has already “died”. He had his own killing curse rebound at him when trying to kill Harry as a baby remember. His spirit survived but not his body forcing him to possess weaker bodies until he regained his own. This basically means that Voldemort can still be defeated and destroyed and then forced to wait until another of his followers created a new body for him to inhabit.

Boomstick: That actually makes sense. Guess Voldys immortality is kind of pathetic when you think about it. Does not really make his trump card in the form of the most powerful wand ever any less impressive however. Being basically rumored to have been created by the living embodiment of Death, The Elder Wand is not to be trifled with. One powerful spell from this wand literally one shot the magic shield placed around Hogwarts that could easily withstand hundreds of explosive spells impacting it at the same time.

Wiz: The fact that the wand used to belong to Albus Dumbledore and that Voldemort has been able to hold his own against the Elder Wand in the past says a lot about the dark lords magical prowess. One would think that his dark magic and the elder wand combined would make Voldemort unbeatable but that is fortunately not the case as technically the wand does not belong to the dark lord.

Boomstick: Since Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore moments before he was killed by Snape and Harry a couple of months later disarmed Malfoy of his own wand, it considers Harry its true master and not Voldy who thought killing the person that killed its previous owner would make the wand submit. It’s kind of complicated and makes my head hurts but as I understand it; Voldemort can use the Elder Wand to accomplish great magical feats except when it’s directed at its chosen master.

Wiz: This is what eventually caused Voldemort’s demise as it refused to kill its master when the two clashed with their magic causing the spell to rebound and destroy Voldemort for good since all of his Horocruxes had been vanquished at this point in time.

Boomstick: Kind of an anticlimactic end for such a powerful dark wizard but at least his deformed soul stuck in limbo can at least appreciate that his legacy lived on in the shape of his secret daughter that basically screwed around with the timeline and created temporarily a new reality where Voldy won.

Wiz: Questionable stage plays aside, Voldemort definitely will be remembered as the greatest threat the wizarding world ever faced and how he was eventually defeated by the boy who lived.

Voldemort: I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you. After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight, if they speak of your name, they'll speak only of how you begged for death, and I, being a merciful lord... obliged.


Intermission Master vs Voldemort

Wiz: All right, the combatants are set, it's time to end this debate once and for all!

Boomstick: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!

Death Battle![]


If one visited the once charming town of Sunnydale today, the sight that would meet them would shock them to their core.

What had once been Sunnydale was now just a gigantic crater that covered the entirety where the town used to be. The only evidence of the town that remained were the various ruins of buildings located at the bottom of the gigantic sink hole. One would think to try and spot bodies of the deceased among the rubble as well but luckily since nearly the entire population of Sunnydale evacuated the town in advance; that is not the case. The destruction however is evidence of how many people lost their homes on that fateful day along with nearly all their belongings.

This was a place no one in their right mind would visit. The current visitor of the destroyed town was not of right mind however.

If there had been anyone else in the area, one would be able to squint a man exiting a small tunnel at the bottom of the sink hole. The man was dressed in black robes with a skull mask covering his face. In his hand was a black wand which the man raised to the sky. A flash of green light shoot up from the tip of the wand and flew into the sky where it formed into a gigantic head of a skull that could be seen for miles upon miles.

This man no ordinary person. He was a Death Eater in the service of the Dark Lord and he was here on a mission. One which he had completed by the look of a smile appearing on his face under the skull mask.

The Dark lord had traveled all the way from across the sea with a handful of his servants to this part of U.S.A to search for something. Something very powerful that would increase the Dark Lords dark magic leaps and bounds in his quest to defeat the boy who lived.

With the dark mark hovering in the night sky, the Dark Lord along with the rest of the Death Eaters would soon arrive at this place. Why do you ask? It’s because the lone Death Eater standing among the ruins of Sunnydale had found his master’s prize.

Unfortunately, this servant would never get to witness his master claiming his prize as something else exited the tunnel with the figures red eyes glowing in the dark.

????: Welcome to Sunnydale.

Before the Death Eater could even turn around and react to the new presence, a clawed hand shot out of the darkness and pierced the hooded man from behind and exited on the other side.

????: You should be proud as your life slowly comes to a close. I am sure whoever sent you will be proud of you summoning them so they can be killed in a spectacular way just like you.

As the clawed hand retreated out of the fallen Death Eaters body and back into the darkness, the now dead body of the hooded man fell to the floor. Red eyes looked down at the dead wizard in front of him and chuckled to himself as the figure stepped over the dead body and looked up to the sky.

????: By the way, I like your robes.

The Figure stood there looking up at dark mark illuminating the sky for what felt like an eternity. He just stood there perfectly still not moving a muscle. It was not as if he had to move however.  His opponent would find him soon enough.

This statement turned out to be true as the red eyed figure smiled a toothy smile and tilted his head to the side as a green bolt of energy narrowly just missed piercing him from behind.

His opponent had finally arrived and in cloud of black smoke that appeared out of nowhere; Lord Voldemort made his appearance giving the person in front of him with his back turned an unimpressed look over.

Voldemort: So you are the guardian the text told me about eh? I am not very impressed vampire.

It had been a hassle to find and decipher the ancient text speaking of the source of all magic and traveling to this forsaken place in the middle of nowhere making him momentarily halt his plans to take over the British wizarding community. It had been worth it however. With both the Elder Wand and Seed of Wonder under his command, this world would soon be as it should have always been; muggle free and inhabited only by pure blood wizards.

There was only one thing standing in his way. The guardian of the prize he seeks. Lord Voldemort was not very worried however as his dark magic was strong enough to incinerate a mere vampire.

Voldemort: Give me the Seed Of Wonder and I will give you a painless death vampire. Resist and you will face the full force of my power. Either way, I will get what I desire and after tonight; no one will ever again question my power ever again.

The threat did not get the reaction Voldemort expected however as the figure started to chuckle. No one laughed at Lord Voldemort and got away with it so the dark wizard prepared to cast a spell only for the figure to vanish from sight and reappear on top of the roof of one of the ruined buildings.

As the clouds in the skies opened up covering the two in moonlight, the wizard could finally make out the terrifying appearance of The Master looking down at Voldemort with a condescending look on his face. One that greatly angered the Dark Lord.

The Master: You are not the first to seek the Seed Of Wonder. They might not have given me the satisfaction of revenge that I have so longed for but they were all sufficient enough to try out my new strength on. Let’s see how you compare shall we?

Voldemort’s answer was another green bolt of magical energy that missed its target as the Master simply dodged it by jumping up in the air and landing on the ground.

The Master: Seems the feeble banter portion of the fight is finally over. Shall we begin the actual fight now?

The wizard in front of him did not look very impressive especially since he seemed to have lost his nose but appearances could be deceiving. The slayer had taught him that lesson the hard way and hopefully she would find her way back to Sunnydale one day. Until then, he would kill anyone that approached the Seed Of Wonder to get some exercise or the Seeds hold on him weakened. Hopefully this dark nooseless wizard would be able to give him a good warm-up.

A blood vessel burst in Voldemort’s head as he watched the vampire walk nonchalantly towards him. Did this vampire seriously think so little of him? With his wand raised, the Dark Lord prepared to punish the vampire for his insolence. No one disrespects Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort: You have made your choice vampire. Let me see the light leave your eyes. Avada Kedavra!


The killing curse of green magical energy once again missed its target as the Master simply vanished from sight and appeared behind the increasingly agitated dark wizard. Did this wizard not have any other tricks up his sleeve than that spell? Maybe he had misjudged the competency of his opponent?

The Master: It seems you are as powerful as you look pathetic. I am a bit disappointed I admit.

Before he could punch a hole right through the wizard’s torso, Voldemort vanished in a cloud of black smoke. The incoming fist impacted with nothing but the air surrounding the area as the Master simply raised an eyebrow at this new development. It did seem like he had called this battle over a little prematurely.

A new Avada Kedavra spell was sidestepped as the vampire turned around to catch a quick glimpse of Voldemort before he disappeared yet again in a cloud of black smoke.

The Master: Hide and seek eh? If you want to play this game, then I guess I will make myself the seeker and hunt you down.

The only response he got that signified that the wizard had heard him was several green bolts of magical green heading his way from every direction. They were all avoided however as the Master simply strolled through the barrage of killing curses dodging all of them with minuscule effort as if they were insignificant flies.

Voldemort observed this as he apparated around the area sending out several killing curses in the process. It was not hard to figure that this annoying vampire had enhanced senses seeing how easily he was avoiding the barrage of curses without even seeing them. It looked to Voldemort that this opponent was not someone that would go down easily to the wizard’s chagrin.

This undead vermin was becoming an big bother. Why not introduce the vampire to a superior kind of undead to make him seem feel more insignificant than he already is? This thought passed through Voldemort’s mind as reappeared on top of a large amount of rubble looking down on the vampire bellow him.

Voldemort: You are a fool vampire for underestimating me. Rise my undead Inferi and kill my enemies.

Hands shoot out of the ground as hundreds of corpses crawled themselves out of the ground. Voldemort looked with evil satisfaction as Inferi appeared in the hundreds around the Master surrounding him from all sides. There was not going to be any chance to escape this time for this foolish vampire.

The Master did not share this opinion as he looked rather unimpressed by this large army of undead. Was this a joke? Did this noseless wonder seriously think it was an impressive feat to summon this many weak undead? The Master sighted as he used his speed to disappear and…..

The Master: Burying something that am already dead is not something I like doing.

………And reappear having decapitated 20 Inferi a couple of seconds later.

The Master: I am looking forward though to burying you wizard as its more fun in burying someone still alive.

Voldemort could not believe his eyes as his army of Inferi slowly started to shrink in numbers in a brutal and quick fashion. After another group of Inferi were decapitated in no time at all, the Master quickly moved around the battlefield brutally tearing the undead apart limb by limb with a sadistic toothy smile.

This was getting ridiculous. Him being defeated by a mere vampire should be impossible so Voldemort used some elemental magic to conjure lighting and launch it at the vampire hoping its senses would be too busy with the Inferi to notice the incoming spell. Unfortunately for the wizard, The Master noticed it and jumped out of the way as a group of Inferi were zapped into dust in his place.

Voldemort: Stand still and die vampire. Let me make you more dead than you already are.

When the lightning spell failed, Voldemort decided to change up his tactics slightly. With a swing of his wand, several ruined houses started to telekinetically move at high speed towards The Master running several Inferi over in the process. One hand was all that was needed to stop the first house in its tracks and the next couple of houses were broken into pieces as the vampire lifted the first house with his hands and used it as a club.

A scrap of metal falling to the ground right in front of him alerted the Master of something hovering above him. He tilted his head upward and saw a large cloud of junk and rubble about to crush him into the ground. Seems like incoming houses had been a distraction for this. It was a rather clever plan The Master had to admit as he was about to be flatten. Not enough to win however.

The sight of his opponent being squished into nothing made Voldemort let out an evil chuckle that eventually transformed into full blown laughter.

Voldemort: You were a good opponent vampire but only I can live forever and the Seed of Wonder will make this a reality for all time to come. Be happy that you became a decent steppingstone for me in my quest to cleanse this world of the unclean. Goodbye vamp…

Laughter turned to shock as the huge pile of rubble blew apart in several directions as someone launched out of it. That someone was the Master and he was heading the wizards way with terrifying speed. Having not enough time to apparate away, a magical shield was conjured up at the last second which the Master’s punch impacted with.

The strength of the punch completely cracked the shield apart as if it was cardboard sending Voldemort reeling backwards down from where he had been standing. His dark magic had just been overpowered leaving the dark wizard stunned for thought in shock. It wasn’t enough to be caught off-guard a second time as his shadow cloak transformed into tendrils that quickly restrained the vampire’s entire body as he went in for another punch

With his opponent restrained for the moment, Voldemort couldn’t help but gasp for breath momentarily. This battle was turning out to be more exhaustive than expected. Giving up or losing however was unacceptable with the source of all magic and guarantied revenge against the boy who lives almost in his grasp.

Voldemort: How are you not dead yet? I killed you. This is impossible.

The Master: Impossible is the fact that you think you can defeat me. You want to live forever? You might be cunning but I have been alive for eons.

Breaking free of the shadow tendrils was easy for someone as old and powerful as the Master. By simply using a small fraction the strength given by the Seed of Wonder, the tendrils were obliterated giving the vampire a perfect chance to counterattack. If it hadn’t been for Voldemort unleashing a dark shockwave from his wand to slow down his opponent and apparate away, the Master would have found himself piercing right through the wizard’s torso and crushing his heart.

The Master was not that disappointed by this happening and neither was he that worried about losing. The dark wizards did have quite a few tricks up his sleeve but unless he could actually hit him with those spells; there was nothing to be frightened about. That’s includes the newest trick the wizard was about to try now right behind him.

There was no one currently behind him but the Master knew to trust his senses. The wizard had probably used some kind of invisibility charm to try and sneak up on him.

Voldemort was indeed invisible and about to send another killing curse towards the vampire when his opponent did something very strange. The Master simply raised his hand and waved it around.

The Master: No more hide and seek! Please make yourself visible.

It was not surprising to the Master that Voldemort suddenly became visible right in front of him. The hypnosis had worked like a charm after all. Now the only thing to do was to finish this and then wait for the next unlucky soul seeking the seed of wonder.

The Master: Stand still and let me drink your blood. This battle has made me quite famished.

Voldemort just stood there still as statue as the Master approached and leaned down his face near his neck. The blood of this wizard was probably not going to taste good but beggars can’t be that picky when it comes to free food. As he bared his fangs and prepared to bite down on Voldemort’s neck, a strange feeling came over the vampire.

It was a pain so intense that the vampire found himself unable to stand and fell to the ground in agony as the pain continued to grow more and more intense. Voldemort looked down at this with a cheeky laugh pointing his wand at the downed vampire.

Voldemort: Mind tricks like that does not work on a master of Occlumency like myself. I must give my thanks to you though vampire. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to make sure you lose everything. Crucio!

The screams of unimaginable pain produced by Crucio had always been music to Voldemort’s ears and this time was no exception. The vampire slowly fighting through the pain to get up on his feet with murderous intent clear on his face lessened this enjoyment slightly. It did give the dark wizard another idea of how to torture his vampire nemesis even more.

Voldemort: It’s time to show you how to really mess with someone’s mind.

As suddenly as the pain had begun, it disappeared equally as fast as everything went to black all around the vampire. What appeared in its place was a familiar sight that made the Master a bit nostalgic.

The Master: Is the sight of my old prison supposed to frighten me?

If the wizard thought this would break him, he was going to be utterly disappointed. This place was like a second home so there was no reason to be frightened of it. It also held so many delicious memories like killing the slayer the first time.

What he least liked the least about the old church started to move on their own however and were soon hovering just a couple of meters way from his face The Master could clearly see his reflection looking back at him on the nearest holy item attempting to burn him.

Voldemort: It’s not the location that should frighten you. It’s what is inside that church that you should be worried about.

Looking into a person’s mind and tormenting them with their greatest failures and weaknesses always broke the person in question. This vampire should be no different. Killing the wretched creature stuck in dreamland could be done with a snap of the wand but the vampire had to suffer a bit before that happened for all the humiliation.

This turned out to be a big mistake on Voldemort’s part as his gleeful gloating came to a sudden stop. The Master had vanished from sight and reappeared in front of the wizard with his claws millimeters away from his face. Thanks to the creation of a magical shield, Voldemort head was not sliced in half but the force of the claws impacting the shield was so immense that the dark wizard found himself being launched backwards through several large hills of rubble in the process.

Seeing the wizard land sprawling on the ground in a heap, The Master went in for a second chance to cut his opponent to pieces. Even if he felt no fear towards holy items anymore to the point of breaking through that illusion, the wizard still had to pay for his actions. The claws slashed through empty air as Voldemort apparated away at the last second.

The Master: Thanks for the trip to the past. Reminiscing of the old times has made me even more determined to survive and have a rematch with the slayer. Come on out so that I can thank you.

Appearing high above the remains of Sunnydale, Voldemort was coughing up blood and feeling as if he had hit by multiple trains at the same. That attack would have killed him if it had connected. He had almost died. Playtime was officially over. He could feel his magic weakening the longer this battle went on due to that blasted vampire probably so it was time to give the vampire an extremely painful death. The huge piles of rubble on the ground started to change shape as Voldemort pointed his wand downwards.

The Master sensed his opponent suddenly appearing high in the sky and was readying himself to try and jump after him when everything around him went up in flames. Majority the rubble inside the crater was transformed into gigantic flames trapping the Master like a rat in a sea of a raging inferno. Sems like the wizard had managed to extract some important information out of his mind after all.

All the flames started to converge to where the Master was standing with a wave of Voldemort’s wand. The Fiendfyre wasn’t enough however in the dark wizard opinion. He had to be absolutely sure that the vampire was utterly extinguished out of existence so Voldemort prepared to unleash another spell.

Voldemort: Feel the true and terrifying power of my wrath!

The spell that came out of the Elder Wand was unleashed downwards towards the ground as something came shooting out of the fire and up into the air at the same time. Covered in flames licking his body, The Master still had mustered enough energy to jump into the air with as much energy as he could muster. Whatever the spell was that had been cast, he would power through it and skewer the arrogant wizard.

The vampire and spell collided with each other creating a huge magical explosion that could be seen for miles in every direction. It enveloped the entire crater that was once Sunnydale along with some areas outside of it. The Master disappeared from view within the magical explosion while Voldemort could be heard screamed out in agony. Whether he had managed to apparate out of the blast radius in time was unknown as this was hidden from view as well.

Once the smoke startle to settle, everything within the crater had been atomized into nothingness with one exception. The entrance to where the Seed of Wonder was located had not crumbled at all. Voldemort took notice of this as he apparated into the crater. His whole right arm was no more but it meant nothing to him as soon he would be in the possession of ultimate power.

Voldemort: Victory is mine. Now what I seek will finally be mine.

Victory had not been achieved yet though as out of the smoke stepped out a very burnt looking foot. Seemingly unaware of someone sneaking up on him from behind, Voldemort approached the entrance.

Pieces of his flesh were falling to the ground and his skin felt as if it was still on fire. This did not stop him from sneaking up on the unsuspecting wizard. The wizard had fought a good battle but it was time to finish this game once and for all. The Master lunged forward with his claws ready for the final strike.

The Master: I am sorry to say that this game is nearing its end. Hope you find obtaining a free cruise to hell an acceptable pity priAAAAHHHHHHH!

A sharp pain through the Master’s heart alerted the vampire that something was wrong. Instead of piercing Voldemort from behind, he found himself skewered on a giant stake that came out of nowhere. His body started to deteriorate at once to the vampire’s horror as he made one last attempt to reach his opponent.

The Master: This is impossible. You were destined to die. I still have not…..

That was the last thing the former leader of the order of Aurelius managed to utter before his body decomposed into nothing leaving only a skeleton behind.

Turning around and seeing the skeletal remains of his foe made all the previous humiliations almost worth it. The vampire boating about his intelligence had been its undoing. A simple trick of pretending to have won to set a trap and transfiguring a rock into a stake had won this battle.

Voldemort: Like I said before, I am the only one that am going to live forever. You might be eons old but looks like I am the more cunning of us two.

Soon the Seed of Wonder would be in his grasp and with it the creation of a perfect world.


- The Masters skeletal remains is pulverized into nothingness with Avada Kedavra.

- Voldemort enters the chamber containing the Seed of Wonder with an evil smile plastered on his face.


Boomstick: Did the noseless wonder just add a second magical McGuffin to his arsenal? I suddenly feel very sorry for the wizarding world. They would probably have preferred if the master vampire had won instead.

Wiz: Unfortunately for them, The Master did not have what it took to take down He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named once and for all. The vampire did not go down without first putting up a tough fight however

Boomstick. This was certainly not an easy fight for lord Voldy as the vamp could cancel out a lot of the wizard’s spells with his vampiric abilities. His speed for one allowed the vampire to blitz incoming spells and his durability was more than enough to tank the more powerful spells like Crucio, Fiendfyre, and the Hogwarts magical shield breaker. The fact that the vampire used his time trapped like a rat to master his fear and strengthen his mind to the point of Legilimency and Imperio becoming not very effective in the long run is another thing that seriously gave Voldemort another headache.

Wiz: The Masters vampiric senses also made invisibility charms useless.  Even with a lot of his arsenal out of commission however, Voldemort still had enough tricks up his sleeve to come out on top. The Master had no defenses against Transfiguration and could also not use his hypnosis due to Voldemort’s mastery of Occlumency for example. While the vampire had a speed advantage that should have given him complete control of the battlefield, it was Voldemort that had the superior battlefield control at all times due to apparation and flight. These two options of moving around made it extremely difficult for The Master to break Voldemort’s frail body apart.

Boomstick: It also made it difficult for the seeds strange disempowerment powers to work as dark noseless could simply apparate away to recover when he felt his magic going by bye. Having more control of his magic op wand definitely gave Voldemort an edge over the master vamp who had no control over the magic seed. It basically made the Master its bitch so that’s understandable.

Wiz: Voldemort is extremely arrogant sometimes to a dangerous degree. He is not stupid however and using a combination apparation and flight would give him a very big chance to avoid all attacks and catch his opponent of guard with his spells. The Master might be more patient and really only needed one punch to end this battle but something similar could be said Voldemort who could kill the vampire from afar with a single killing curse. Both the vampire and wizard were very impressive but the dark wizard did have a couple more things in his favor that nabbed the win more times than not.

Boomstick: The Master very much sank his teeth into the wrong opponent and got a bad indigestion of voldy blood.

Wiz: The winner is Lord Voldemort.

X Winner Voldemort