The dark Peasant and The Super Peasant vs Steve and Alex | |
Season 1, Episode 14 | |
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Air date | Unknown |
Written by | Sharkboy |
Directed by | Sharkboy |
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The Centipede vs Izuku Midoriya | Trunks vs Steve |
Minecraft vs Totally Accurate Battle Simulator! The Peasants, Super Version and Dark Version, Versus the ones who Rule over the world of minecraft and beat the Dragon! Steve and Alex!
Boomstick: All games have you taking control of your or more characters but what if you could control the action of all the characters with no limitation
Wiz: The Dark Peasant and The Super Peasant of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
Boomstick: Then Steve and Alex the rulers of the minecraft world from Minecraft, he's Wiz and i'm Boomstick
Wiz: And it's our job too find their armor stats and skills too see who would win a death battle
Steve and Alex Mine Into Death Battle[]
Boomstick: There are some origins out there that are simply well known like Spider-man or even Batman
Wiz: And there are some that are just very odd like Deadpool and then there are the ones that are unkown not much of their origins are really out there and we can only guess through simple clues and even sometimes some fan theorys
Boomstick: And this is happening too one famous blue blocky hero everyone knows as Steve
Wiz: Agian not much is known for Steve but there are some huge fan theory's and one of the populerest theory is that Steve is all by himself not a single person like Steve other people like Villagers sure their here but human like Steve, just gone
Boomstick: And this is where one theory shines in which a huge powerful population just dissapear and the reason behind this is unkown but some have pointed this out
Wiz: Whenever you spawn in the Wither it says the beginning and some say that it was the Wither that had killed this huge population
Boomstick: Whatever it was Steve eventually would be all alone left behind probably left here through some way
Wiz: And so Steve would break out one day and would wander the new earth and would soon find out there was dangerous mobs looking too kill him
Boomstick: And soon Steve would find out that he was freaking good at nearly everything like battling, farming and surviving and he would end up meeting someone of his race
Wiz: This was Alex who though she was the only one left or her kind so the two would strike a great friendship
Boomstick: Just make sure your careful because if I am legend has taught me anything it's that one minute your doing amazing surviving in a deadly world and then the next you kill yourself for a person
Wiz: We'll start with Steve then
- Name: Steve
- Height: 6'0
- Weight: Unkown
- Age: Unkown maybe 20-30's
Boomstick and Wiz at the same time
Boomstick: Steve has some ve...
Wiz: Then there is his par...
Boomstick: Wiz aren't you forgetting were supposed too do Steve's weapons, feats and flaws first
Wiz: Well considering both Steve and Alex can have the same weapons and armor, flaws and feats it may be best too do her next
Boomstick: Um ok but it's kind of weird
- Name: Alex
- Height: 6'0
- Weight: Unkown
- Age: 20-30's
Wiz: Both of them are very skilled in not only Monster hunting but many others Boomstick: Like making so many impressive buildings or how their both great with a bow
- Monster slayer
- Great engineer
- Great archer
- Nice shepherd
Boomstick: Both Steve & Alex have Superhuman strenght, durability and even a nice healing factor
- Superhuman strength
- Superhuman speed
- Healing factor
Wiz: Now we can get onto their weapons
Boomstick: Too start off it's their main Wooden swords and well Axes, Hoes, Shovels and Pickaxes all of which can be made of Iron, Stone, Gold, Diamond and Netherite
Wiz: For long distance attacks Steve and Alex can use Bows and Arrows that can be tipped with many different types of effects
Boomstick: Like Slowness, swfitness or even poison
Wiz: For some extra defence both can dawn many of five different types of armor wheather it be plain old Leather armor or the new and powerful Netherite armor
Boomstick: They have my favorite TNT, can literaly fly with the Elytra and Firework Rockets
Wiz: Flint & Steel can light foes a blaze, both can shoot out Fire Charges which burns opponents, different types of potions can help Steve & Alex in many situation
Boomstick: There's Feather Falling too slow down from falling, Swiftness increses their speed and Potions of Harming can allow Steve & Alex too harm people simply by throwing it at them
Wiz: Enchanted books allows them too upgrade their armor too become more stronger like Fire Resistance to stop them from getting hurt from fire, Thorns will hurt anyone who can hurt Steve & Alex and Invisibility allow both too well turn invisible
Boomstick: Both can teleport around with Ender pearls and if bows aren't enough they have Crossbows
Wiz: One of the most helpful item too Steve and Alex is the Totem of Undying which literally stops them from death and gives them some strong boostes like Absorption, Fire resistance and Regeneration 2
Boomstick: Golden apples can become enchanted too be boosted too even better limits giving Steve and Alex unbelivable boost's
- Wooden Swords, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Stone Swords, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Iron Sword, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Gold Sword, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Diamond Sword, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Nehterite Sword, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Pickaxes
- Firework Rockets
- Flint & Steel
- Fire Charges
- Potions
- Enchanted Books
- Ender Pearls
- Totem of Undying
- Elytra
- Golden Apples
Wiz: Nehterite is considred too be stronger than diamond as it can survive a dip into lava
Boomstick: Holy hell that is awesome
Wiz: But their most dangerous attacks is when they go into a mode called Creative mode
Boomstick: Which is were they basically become gods and can do whatever they want
Wiz: In this mode they can pick up the most heaviset block Bedrock, and will take no damage but this is where it also gets interesting because Steve & Alex can use things called commands where they can control time, the weather and even life & death
Boomstick: Holy hell
- /Kill: Any player
- /Gamemode
- /Time set
Wiz: So its obvious that with these many powers and abilitys they have doen some impressive stuff or more like Steve but we can compare Alex too Steve since their pretty even
Boomstick: Both have been able too survive in an apocalyptic type world being the only ones left for years and are naturals at it
Wiz: both can spend days without rest hell they probably dont even need rest which is like impossible
Boomstick: Steve is able too carry objects worth a weight of a car
Wiz: We can even calculate their speed as Steve can run 5 blocks per second meaning they can run up to 11 miles per hour but the peak human running speed is 27 miles per hour and given they can run with heavy objects that would put them over 27 miles per hour
Boomstick: there strong enough too obliterte diamonds a feat needing more then 4,300 thousand tons of force
Wiz: Hell they can even carry a weight of 9 metric tons thanks too the fact that they can stack 64 items in 37 slots
- Survived being the only two humans left
- Dont even needs too rest
- Can carry the weight of cars
- Strong enough too obliterate diamonds
- Defeated the Ender dragon and the Wither
- Can lift 9 metric tons
Boomstick: However there is some wrong going on here for them
Wiz: First their healing factor isn't perfect and they need food too keep it up and their armor and weapons will eventually break
Boomstick: But hey if thats all then these two are some of the most dangerous duo's alive
The Dark Peasant and Super Peasant Fly into Death Battle[]
Wiz: So like we said earlier there are many origins that are really unknown and these two are ones too mention
Boomstick: The Dark peasant and the Super peasant's oriigns are shrouded in mystery but whatever it is they themselfs are some pretty badass are they male or female
Wiz: It's a he
Boomstick: Well he is one of the powerfullest beings Wiz: But like we said there is hardley anything about him but he isn't one too mess around with
Boomstick: But he deffinently is strong hell he is strong enough too were melee attacks wont work and he is considered one of the strongest units in the game
- Name: Dark Peasant
- Height: 6'0
- Weight: Unkown
- Age: Unkown
- Honestly anything is unkown
Wiz: Both of these two can fly
Boomstick: Not only can the fly but grow huge spikes and the Dark Peasant can shoot two energy balls
- Flight
- Can grow spikes
- Telekinesis
- Two energy balls
Boomstick: They even have some handy items like Shields and Spears and Arrows
- Shields
- Spears
- Arrows
Wiz: Considering that Super Peasant can stand up too Dark Peasant it's safe too say their in the same power range
Boomstick: The Dark Peasant is strong enough agianst melee fighters and can survive tons of attacks without taking any damage
Wiz: The Dark Peasant is strong enough too throw Mammoths high into the air with it's spikes which can weight 6 tons and both can move in less than a second
Boomstick: Their able too walk through fire and Dark Peasant will violently kill the Chicken man man who is as as tall as a building
- Can throw mammoths into the air
- Is able too move at 0.1 second
- Is powerful agianst melee fighters
- Has survived tons of attacks without reciving any signs of damage
- Has been able too kill the Chicken man man
- Didn't get affected by fire
Wiz: But there are some set backs too both of them
Boomstick: They both can be beat by way stronger people and are not that smart
- Is weak agianst people who are stronger, faster
- Not that smart
- Can be killed by the Ballista, M16, Box Gun, Beamer, Tesla
Wiz: But these two are some serious fighters not too mess with
Wiz: Alright the combatants are set and we've ran the data through all possibility's
Boomstick: It's time for a death battle!!
Steve and Alex were outside collecting wood too expand their houses
Steve: So how do you think of oak
Alex: Oak?
Then a thud struck them, dropping the wood and then both looking up too see two figures in the wood charging towards them
Steve: Alex what are those things
Steve is then hit hard by the Super peasant as it throws him into the air and follows him
Alex looking too see the Dark peasant throwing two energy balls at her
Alex pulling out her diamond sword and throwing it back ramming into the other energy ball exploding, Alex then shooting poison tipped arrows towards Dark peasant who quickly fly's away from them
Steve is then grabed and thrown away before equpiting his elytra and some rockets before blasting away from Super peasant
Alex and the Dark peasant clashing together but she is quickly over powered and thrown down before fire rockets start hitting Dark peasant Steve then hitting him with some poision arrows before being knocked down by the Super peasant who grabs Steve's leg and swings him around before letting him go, slamming into Alex throwing both into the building
Steve: Looks like were going too have to take this up a notch
Steve then grabbing his nethrite sword and charging only for him too get double hit by the Peasant throwing him down
Steve: Well that didn't work
Alex: Lets try something different
Alex then pulling out fire charges and throwing them towards the Peasants who dodge them and slam into them at high speeds before grabbing each of their legs and throw them high into the sky and following, Alex looking down to recive a hard gut punch before stabbing her diamond sword into the Super peasant's shoulder and then kicking him down before hitting Super peasant with some slowness arrows slowing him down as he slams into the ground
Dark peasant then uppercutting Steve before starting too throw spears at him, Steve quickly sending them back by his shield and following with some arrows of harming before he is blitzed hard and thrown into the houses open roof
Steve getting up and looking at a chest
Steve: Maybe these can help
Opening it up and pulling out some swiftness potions
Steve: Perfect
Then Dark peasant slamming into the house and reaching for Steve
Steve: try too keep up
Steve then rushing out of the house looking back at the confused man, laughing beofre his foot is grabbed by Dark peasant and then slammed into the ground repeatedly before he is stomped on, then large spike slam out of the ground throwing Steve high into the air
Alex and Super peasant racing around the place blasting at each other before Alex uppercuts him in the face and throws him down before ripping out her diamond sword and then countinuing to slash at Super peasant who easily dodges the blows and nails Alex in the stomach, Steve then slamed hard into the ground before two energy balls strike into him as Alex is grabbed and slamed into him both then thrown into the house as the Peasant's race to them
Steve: We need a new plane
Alex: Like what
Steve then looking around before spotting something
Steve: Aha i got it I'll take the enchanted swords while you take the elytra and the enchanted bows and we each try too get some golden apples
Both then grabbing the items but are then quickly thrusted out of the house and into the air before Steve is slammed into the ground by the Super peasant as the Dark peasant chases after Alex who begins too fly away being chased
Steve Than slashing at the Super peasant who ddoges the blow and kicks Steve's shin and slams him into the ground before uppercutting him then hitting him hard. Steve then grabbing his second potion
Steve: First speed then slowness
Quickly drinking the speed and then hitting Super peasnat with the slowness and then beginning too run around him and stabbing poison arrows into him as screams are heard Steve then lighting Super peasant's arm on fire before a hard knockback sword swipe throwing Super peasant away and into the ground
The fire then washing out as he see's his arm bruned Steve then slamming into him stabbing his stomach with his sword repeatedly before uppercutting him
Alex and Dark peasant flying and dodging blows from each other slowness tipped arrows with energy balls smashing into each other, Alex then hitting Dark peasnat with fireworks catching him on fire and dropping too the ground , then stabbing many arrows into his stomach before flying off as Dark peasant slowly gets up
Steve dodging a swipe and headbutting him back before swiping throwing him away
Steve then eating a golden apple and charging slamming into him and slashing at him repeatedly before uppercutting him hard throwing him high into the air then spikes slamming into him throwing Steve into the air as Super peasant follws and throws a spear into Steve's shoulder then grabbing his leg and spinning him around before throwing him and following behind
Steve is flying throught the air before he is grabbed by telekinesis and thrown into the ground before he is stomped on as spears stabe into him before he is lifted and thrown away
Alex then hitting him with fire charges lighting him on fire before ducking below his legs and tripping him and hitting him with TNT throwing him away
Dark peasant then attempting too finish Steve off but there is a loud breaking sound and Steve's totem of undying kicks in as he gets up stabs him with slowness and drinks swiftness and racing off leaving Dark peasant behind, The Dark peasant looking confused before a loud noise then Steve rushes into him ripping off his arm and throwing him miles away
Steve: Lets finish this
Then a series of arrows fly Steve's way striking into the ground Steve quickly pulling out his shield and blocking the arrow shower as tons of them stick into his shield before a hard slam rushes into his shield as Dark peasant punches and kicks at it before jumping back and throwing spears and the energy balls which finally break the shield
Steve: Well great
Then he is uppercutted hard throwing him into a tree as spikes shoot out and slaming into him throwing him higher and higher before he races behind Steve and slams him into the ground
Alex is graabbed by the throat and headbutted before she is slammed into the ground before Steve is slammed into her throwing them farther away as the Peasants race towards them and unleash a fury of violent punches and kicks beofre spikes and energy balls slam into them causing a huge explosion Steve and Alex then fall into the ground and are grabbed by the neck then both are thrown into the air and energy balls are sent towards them
Alex looking down too see it and then quickly throwing an enderpearl and grabbing Steve as they teleport in time
Steve and Alex teleport into a tree and grab their last golden apple and eat it before healing
Steve: Let's actually finish this
Whipping out their enchanted weapons and armor before teleporting away
The Dark peasant and the Super peasant looking around for them when a series of slashes from an encahnted sword and bow which ignite them on fire as Steve appears behind them and places a wall of TNT which sends them flying back the way they came as Alex grab's their arms and slams them into each other as Steve fly's above them and shoots firey arrows which slices through them and slams them into the ground as Steve and Alex slam their swords and arrows into them ripping them up and sending them away and following quickly
The Peasant get up and dodge the two's attempted attack and follow with their own and nailing them in the back of the head
Steve: I didn't want too do this
Steve and Alex then going into creative mode as the Peasant slam their fist into them and throw them back but nothing happens
Steve: Ready
Alex: Ready
Steve and Alex tackling both of them slamming them into the ground and drinking swiftness potions before Alexs hit's both of them with slowness and they race around them lighting the area on fire trapping the two, Steve then jumps in and lights them on fire and retreats as Alex does the same
Slowly bit by bit the Peasants are light on fire burning as Steve then races around them with fire behind him then a the two Peasants and stabbed in the head ropping down
The Dark peasant then violently lighting on fire screaming out loud as their body's are disintegrated leaving nothing but ashes behind
Steve and Alex then turning back into survival mode and looking down at the ashes before stomping their foot in it together
Boomstick: (Sniffing) That was beutiful let's do it agian
Wiz: Thanks too the Peasants advantege in melee combat and the fact their way faster then Steve and Alex let them gain an early advvantage but as the fight would go on they would soon be at a huge disadvantege
Boomstick: Yeah they may be faster but Steve and Alex had just way too much for them
Wiz: They just had more too work with other then melee and had more better defenses and were the only ones who could heal
Boomstick: The strongest the Peasnats showed were lifting mammoths high into the air which is impressive but Steve and Alex are able too lift 9 metric tons way stronger then anything the Peasant's have showed
Wiz: In the end Steve and Alex had held the better Strength, team-worr and the better arsenal too pull a win
Boomstick: Steve and Alex weren't mining around
Wiz: The winners are Steve and Alex
- The connections between Dark peasant & Super peasant and Steve & Alex are that they are from games where the player takes control non stop
- This battle would be hand drawn animation
- This is sharkboy 305 14 death battle