Death Battle Fanon Wiki

I HAVE character! I got it from a man and keep it in a freezer in Arizona.
~ Terror

Terror, also known as Don Shreck, is a superhuman from another universe from Marvel Comics.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

With the Mercs for Money[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 0
  • Draws: 0


Terror's full past and dimension of origin are uncertain. In the distant past, he battled a green bear-like demon that threatened early mankind, sacrificing his own form to overcome it; he was then cursed to wear its decayed form but gained its power. He began taking aliases describing the fear he inspired in others. In the Dark Ages of Earth-88194 (Shadowline), the still mostly human Shreck served as squire to the future Doctor Zero. Later, he fought as a black knight and found a woman to love him.

In the 20th century of Earth-88194 he served as enforcer for the Ravenscore crime family. He was sent to terminate the Knight of St. George, Michael Devlin, but was torn between separating train cars; he joined Doctor Zero to destroy the illusion-casting terrorist Marid before Devlin finally disposed of Shreck via piranha. Rebuilding himself, Shreck somehow traveled to Earth-616 (the mainstream Marvel Earth) and established himself as the mercenary Terror, soon encountering the likes of Dr. Strange and Wolverine. Unable to kill target Roger Barbatos due to an immortality pact with Beelzeboul, Terror used the Hellfire Serpent to empower Mikal Drakonmegas as Hellfire and briefly trade him to Mikal's father Beelzeboul in exchange for cancelling the pact.

Death Battle Info[]

  • Real Name: Unknown (possibly Shreck)
  • Gender: Male
  • Affiliations: formerly employee of the Ravenscore family, Terror Inc., Mercs for Money
  • Occupation: Mercenary, assassin, enforcer; formerly soldier, squire, knight
  • Height: 6'2" (variable)
  • Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)


  • Limb Replacement
  • Acid Secretion
  • Knowledge Inheritance
  • Skill/Power Inheritance


Variable depending upon attached limb or organ.


  • His body is in a constant state of decay, requiring him to constantly replace all parts of his body.