Pre Episode[]
Alice: Well, THAT was certainly eventful.
Nova: AT least it was fun, right?
Theodore: I barely even remember a damn thing that happened back there.
Alice: Anyway, isn't it about time we got back to doing our other real job?
Nova: Hey now, shooting a next episode preview is a completely legitimate form of work too! Besides, Boomstick's trial isn't even starting for at least a month, which is pretty weird actually.
Theodore: I know, right? Usually they just hold the trial the day after the murder takes place! Why the long delay?
Alice: Only the writer seems to know that answer.
Nova: What's important now is covering up the damages the Prinnies caused at the abandoned Comic Con and writing up the next episode of our show! Roll the clip!

This What If Death Battle will feature Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI and Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia. Those who are born to beings considered deities often wield great power but what happens when they are completely separated from their true potential before the journey even begins?
Nova: Oh this is going to be a very... magical fight.
Theodore: Novs, are you even trying with those puns anymore?
Alice: That seemed incredibly forced.
Nova: BOO. You guys are no fun! Why so serious, everybody?
Theodore: Well, we DO have a mission on our hands right now, just like these godly ladies of intense magical prowess!
Alice: We've got Terra Branford, the amnesiac half Esper hybrid hero of Final Fantasy VI!
Theodore: You sure you don't mean Tina?
Nova: And Milla Maxwell, The Lord of Spirits from Tales of Xillia!
Alice: I'm your host Alice... Oh and Theodore and Nova are here too.
Nova: Of course it's our job to analyze their armor, weapons, and skill to see who would win.......a Death Battle!
Alice: Terra Branford-
Theodore: No, I'm pretty sure it's Tina.
Nova: Hold up, something's wrong here...
Alice: You mean besides Theo using Terra's Japanese name instead?
Theodore: Wait a minute... we're playing the wrong theme song! We're talking about Final Fantasy, not Kingdom Hearts!
Alice: And here I was thinking you would not catch on.
Alice: As I was saying, Terra Branford was in the Esper world to an Esper father and a human mother.
Theodore: Espers? I thought Final Fantasy summons were supposed to be called Eidolons?
Nova: No, you're both wrong, they're actually called Aeons!
Alice: Let's just say that in this specific game, they are called Espers, all right? As many of you may expect, it wasn't long before tragedy struck the young Terra.
Theodore: When she was only 2 years old, the poor girl was abducted by the wicked Gestahlian Empire. This cruel invasion even resulted in the death of her mother and fellow abduction of her father.
Nova: The Empire would go on to raise Terra as a living weapon due to her immense magical abilities. Her skills would eventually grant her the title of a Magitek Elite.
Alice: If that wasn't enough, the crazed general Kefka Palazzo took a... rather unhealthy obsession with the girl and implanted her with a slave crown, forcing Terra to obey his every command.
Theodore: Luckily for the young girl, a mysterious encounter with a frozen Esper would force her away from the Empire and give her amnesia! Because it's apparently easy as hell to lose one's memories these days.
Nova: A kind soul from the village would nurse her back to health and eliminate Kefka's slave crown, but that would only be the beginning of Terra's long journey.
Alice: Unlike the majority of the party in Final Fantasy VI, Terra is capable of naturally learning magic without the aid of Magicite.
Theodore: While Terra does have some good skill with a blade, she does focus on her magical abilities above all else. Terra naturally learns spells like the classic Fire series, basic to moderate healing spells, Graviga to cut down normal foe's HP, the ultra hot Meltdown, the divine Holy, and finally the ever so powerful Ultima, commonly depicted as the strongest black magic in the series.
Nova: Despite this rather limited pool of magic, Terra can also equip Magicite, the crystallized remains of an Esper to learn and master new spells as she pleases. Once she spends enough time using the Magicite in battle, she can learn its spell permanently.
Alice: Obviously, this grants Terra access to plenty of other spells like the Blizzard and Thunder lines of offensive magic, the agility boosting Haste series, the defense buffing Protect & Shell, the poison inflicting Bio, the thermal explosion Flare, and the iconic Meteor.
Theodore: Equipping Magicite also grants the user a specific stat boost and the ability to summon the Esper within for a devastating attack. The act of summoning can only be performed once per battle so we'll be giving Terra the series most iconic summon, Bahamut. This badass dragon blasts any unfortunate souls in its path with the powerful Megaflare and gives Terra a 50% boost to her HP upon leveling up.
Nova: Being a half Esper, Terra has the unique ability to go into a Trance. This lets her give the finger to the ESRB, upgrade her already devastating magic, and double her stats for a limited amount of time.
Theodore: Is there any... cannonical explanation for that?
Alice: Meh. That's not too important. I bet I could pull that look off better than her.
Nova: Allie, don't you freakin' dare!
Alice: Jealous much?
Theodore: Before Allie has a chance to go through with her word, lets just finish the analysis here! We'll be giving Terra her best possible equipment for this battle, that being the Apocalypse blade, the Tortoise Shield, the Saucer helmet, and the Reed Cloak.
Nova: And, when she's running low on HP, Terra can unleash a powerful Desperation Attack as a last resort. Think of these as the precursors to Limit Breaks. With Riot Blade, Terra fires a series of blade shaped projectiles at her opponent for massive damage.
Alice: You two just cannot admit when somebody is obviously superior to you. Eventually, Terra's abilities would play a central role in the ultimate defeat of Kefka Palazzo, who had become the new God of Magic. Upon his defeat, Terra would give up her Esper heritage to save her friends lives and live life as a full human however she pleases.
Nova: Again with people giving up their powers for no good reason... Welp, it's not like the Dissidia fighting series seems to give a shit as Terra still retains her Trance ability in those games.
Theodore: It's not like those games can decide on her hair color either. She's supposed to have green hair, not blonde!
Alice: Translation f*ck ups aside, there is certainly no doubting Terra's powers within.
Terra: There's something that I can't give up on.
Theodore: I believe now is the time to tell the tale of a busty, gorgeous, determined blonde who will stop at nothing to-
Nova: Goddammit, Theo! I told you that's NOT Yang! And Alice, you've got the wrong soundtrack again!
Alice: *Grins smugly* I know that.
Theodore: The world of Rieze Maxia is one governed by Spirits-
Nova: Wait, you actually mean EVERYBODY'S a drunkard there? Huh. I think it tastes like shit myself but that sounds pretty epic!
Alice: Spirits as in magical beings, dumbass. Chief among them is the Lord of Spirits Maxwell. Twenty years before the events of Tales of Xillia, a human incarnation of this spirit was apparently born into the world. This Spirit would be given the name Milla Maxwell.
Nova: Apparently, eh? Fooooooreshadowing!
Theodore: Milla would be granted control over the four elemental Great Spirits to act as her... well, loyal servants. But, everything drastically changed when she paid a little visit to the city of Fennmont and met a young teen named Jude Mathis.
Nova: An encounter with the mysterious Lance of Kresnik would end up robbing Milla of her godly powers and force her to go on an epic journey without them.
Alice: Hell, she was so used to having her every need catered to by the Great Spirits that she was barely aware of every day needs such as... walking, resting, and eating.
Theodore: But let me tell you, she absolutely fell in love with the concept of eating once she inevitably discovered it! She gets hungry more often than a wild Yoshi and she never loses her striking figure no matter how much she does eat! Damn, I'm jealous. Frickin' diet tea doesn't even work...
Nova: Milla could not even swing a blade properly after she lost her powers but she quickly mastered the art after VERY minimal training, much to her companion's surprise. Her unique fighting style mixes elegant blade techniques and powerful magic attacks. Naturally we'll be giving Milla all of her best equipment, chief among them being a blade known as Eidolon, The Immortal. Sounds pretty epic.
Alice: Right, and through her Spirit Shift skill, she can choose to strike with an instantaneous magic Arte or charge it up for a more devastating attack. Milla knows a large number of special attacks called Artes that she can effortlessly chain together in any number of methods. And let me tell you guys, it would take an eternity to list them all off.
Theodore: Some of this spirit's greatest advantages in battle are her sheer agility and mobility! She can jump and dash multiple times in midair quite freely. Many of her Artes tend to have greater effects when used in midair, allowing for graceful combos to be pulled off on the fly! Pun intended.
Nova: BOO! Your puns are very cringing if I do say so myself... just like Milla's Bind Skill! She commonly uses this skill to stop a foe's movements to open them up for a partner's assault. And being a master of the elements, Milla has even learned a few skills to take reduced damage from elemental attacks.
Alice: Needless to say, Milla's natural talent was more than enough to carry her a long way. She's not just talented, but determined as all hell to! One time, she was outfitted with a special ankle bracelet that would explode if she tried to escape a containment field... Not only dd she completely ignore this warning, but she tanked the explosion to go at it a second time!
Theodore: The entire act may have cost her the use of her legs but it wasn't long before her friends literally helped put her back on her feet! If that's not heroic resolve, I don't know what is!
Nova: Oh, there's more where that came from! Remember our little foreshadowing bit? After sacrificing her life to save her friend from a deadly life draining device, she came to learn that she's not really the all mighty Maxwell after all. Milla was basically acting as a living decoy for the real deal.
Alice: Milla was pretty much disintegrated from existence and ended up losing both her voice and her memory from the experience. Even then, she was still capable of taking down her crazed sister Muzet solo, who was capable of casually destroying battleships and creating black holes with the flick of a finger!
Nova: So, with the four Great Spirits under her command once more, Milla followed her sisters epic ass kicking up by WILLING HERSELF back into existence to effortlessly destroy a barrier put up by the real Maxwell himself! She then joined up with the rest of her friends to kick his ass too!
Theodore: Damn, and I thought Shulk was a determinator! I bet these two would make for great friends! And so, by the end of her first journey, Milla went on to take over the old Maxwell's position to become the true Lord of Spirits.
Alice: This would forever separate her from the Human World apparently, but she still managed to find a way to come back for the sequel. Her mastery of all the elements combined with the spirits Four Great Spirits Undine, Efreet, Sylph, and Gnome make Milla a nigh unstoppable force of nature.
Nova: Let's not forget Milla's obligatory anime powers! Landing enough attacks or pulling off enough linked attacks allows Milla to go into Overlimit! Sure, Tales of Xillia requires one to have a linked partner to go into Overlimit but that's just a cheap game mechanic, Milla's clearly capable of doing so without that.
Theodore: Overlimit increases the users combat capabilities and grants them access to their ultimate move, a Mystic Arte. In Milla's case, she annihilates a foe with Elemental Mastery, which she can easily combo into as well.
Alice: Milla Maxwell is the Lord of Spirits for many a damn good reason.
Interlude 2[]
Nova: You all know the drill at this point!
Alice: But I have an-
Theodore: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all!
Alice: stop interrupting-
Nova: It's time for a Death Battle!
The Battle[]
Pre Fight[]
Lindblum- City Streets Cue Music 6
"In hindsight, the very idea of the festival is pretty damn stupid." "It may not be the most well planned event in the world, but releasing monsters onto the streets for warriors to slay as they please still sounds quite fun." "At least we still get to break some legs today!" "Fine by me as long as you don't wreck mine!"
The streets of Lindblum had quite suddenly taken a chaotic turn today, when terrorist groups from multiple worlds released the varieties of monsters stored for the annual Festival of the Hunt. But, as fate would seem to have it, there always seems to be a group of warriors or two traveling the land with weapons in hand.
"Don't get cocky, everybody!" The Lord of Spirits Milla Maxwell cried out as she thrust her blade into the head of a growling Behemoth. Something seemed very amiss about this situation to the blonde woman, and she quickly took notice of a mysterious group of soldiers spying on the battle from atop a roof.
"Milla, do you think you could handle them?" "Of course, would you honestly expect any less?" "Great! I'll stay here to help out the others!" Milla conversed with her long time ally Jude Mathis before running off to chase the onlookers. She smiled in content as she looked back to find the former medical student caving a Goblin's skull in. "Wha- Guys?! What the hell are you doing with that-?!" "Die monster! You don't belong in this world!"
Milla released a hearty chuckle as her hyperactive new friend smashed a tiny Tonberry through a nearby building wall. "Some things just never change." Milla's own chase continued until she lost sight of her targets running into a nearby alleyway. Yet the Spirit suddenly stopped in her tracks when the alley suddenly burst into a torrent of flames before her eyes.
"What in the world? Undine!" She summoned a Great Spirit to dowse the raging inferno. When Milla entered the narrow passageway, her two targets were gone without a trace, and in their place was a strange green haired girl in a red dress, Terra Branford. "Who... are you?" Terra was startled upon the blonde's sudden arrival.
"Milla Maxwell. You did not happen to see two masked men run along this alley, have you?"
"Those men? They were chasing after a defenseless Moogle... I could not allow them to harm it." The green haired girl timidly replied. Milla had plenty of questions in her mind at the moment but there was one that she needed an answer for above all else.
"Are you... affiliated with anybody? Exodus? The White Fang? Cipher? I know you killed those soldiers in self defense, which I will not fault you for-" Terra suddenly interrupted Milla's speech with a blast of fire, which the Spirit swiftly deflected with her blade. Milla had a rather nagging feeling this girl housed a strange... power within her and so far she was correct. "I have not come here to fight you, miss-"
"You have taken an interest in my powers, correct? I don't know who you're working for... But I can't let you get in the way of my own mission!" Terra shouted in defiance as she drew her own blade. "I'm sorry I have to do this... People die if they are killed... So I'll be sure to end you quickly!" Milla pointed her own blade at the girl before delivering a stern warning. "I don't know what you've been told about me, but I assure you, you're being horribly misled!" Terra simply readied another fireball in her palm in response.
The two women focused their energies for a moment before launching a medium sized fireball at one another. The projectiles collided midway and emitted a blazing explosion. The two fighters instinctively rolled out of the way when thunderbolts nearly landed on their heads mere seconds later. "Condemnation!" Milla loudly shouted.
A strange glyph had suddenly appeared on Terra's body but she had no time to react before her foe leaped through the raging flames to stab at her with a lance of light. "Blade Torrent!" Terra reacted immediately, her blade barely managing to prevent the light from piercing her head. Terra shot a chunk of ice at her airborne adversary, but Milla forced her way to the ground with a swift diving stab before she could be struck.
"Grave!" Terra jumped back in the nick of time, as a small stalagmite erupted from the ground in front of Milla when she landed. Terra closed in to strike the blonde with her blade but Milla responded in kind. The two began clashing blades but the struggle was quite short lived when Terra's body was suddenly engulfed in a dark explosion, all the work of Milla's condemnation.
With her foe launched slightly skyward, Milla followed through with a spinning slash to bring herself airborne "Shimmer Spin!" Her combo continued with a swift series of sword strikes, followed by a fierce kick to Terra's chest. The impact sent the Esperkin hurtling towards the back of the alley but she halted her momentum to stick against the back wall. "Here!" Terra shot a volley of light projectiles at the Spirit, which were promptly ignored when Milla harmlessly dashed through them.
"Malevolent Winds." Terra released her grasp from the wall and spun her body around to create a series of tornadoes surrounding her body. Milla was moving too quickly to halt her own movements, forcing her to get caught in the raging winds. With a simple thrust of her hands, Terra shot her blonde enemy into the air and ran up the wall to follow after her.
"Let's try this again!" Terra shot another volley of light orbs at Milla, this time managing to successfully strike her. Terra grunted as she followed her attack up with a rapid barrage of fireballs. Milla quickly recovered from the assault and slashed down at the Esperkin with a razor sharp gust of wind so she could regain her footing on a nearby rooftop. "Wind Blade!" Terra nimbly deflected the projectile and followed Milla up to the roof, charging up a Graviga spell as she did so.
Terra reached her destination only to find Milla charging up another spell of her own. "Thunder Blade!" Milla cried as she hurled crackling lance of thunder at the Esperkin. Terra released her own spell upon her opponent but she was too slow to avoid the Thunder Blade. Seeing as how Terra was completely stuck in her tracks, Milla rushed in and summoned the Great Spirit of Fire Efreet to her aid. With nary a word spoken between the two, Efreet began striking at the Esperkin with a flurry of fiery blows. He finished up by breathing a stream of fire on Terra.
The green haired girl found herself hurtling in the direction of another building when Milla came crashing own on her with another diving slash. "Death Knell!" The two women came crashing down upon the adjacent rooftop, yet Terra managed to regain her footing the instant she touched the floor.
Alice: Ah, yes. We tech those.
Theodore: Leave the fourth wall alone, Allie.
"Dodge the waters!" Terra commanded as she flipped away from her position. Milla looked down to see a torrent of water erupting from underneath. Unable to move away in time, she swiftly surrounded herself with a magical barrier. Any damage taken from the Flood was mitigated, and Milla quickly took notice of Terra charging up another spell. "Give Power..." The Esperkin chanted as her body began to glow brightly, Milla followed suit and charged up a devastating attack of her own.
"Resist this!" "Divine Streak!" The two mages commanded as they unleashed their powers. Terra's Meltdown collided with Milla's Divine Streak. The massive fireball and laser clashed in a bout for superiority but it wasn't long before Terra's projectile was absolutely overtaken. Terra motioned to escape her poor position, only to be suddenly halted upon another order from the Lord of Spirits.
"Gnome!" The Great Spirit of Earth crashed down on Terra to ensure she would take the full brunt of Milla's laser. "Sorry, Miss. No hard feelings!" Gnome disappeared just before the laser struck the girl, forcefully slamming her into a nearby wall. Milla closed the distance on her to follow up with an unrelenting blade combo. "Whirling Assault!" Terra barely managed to block every blow with her own blade but she knew she was in the worst possible position.
She wrapped her hand in a chunk of ice and swung it at Milla with all her might. "Get off me now!" Three heavy strikes were quite enough to knock the Spirit back a fair distance. Milla thrust her blade forward to call forth a line of thunderbolts once she regained her footing. "Lightning!" Terra lunged out of her cornered position to forcefully place herself in the path of Milla's projectiles. She blocked the assault in its entirety and countered with an energy wave in the shape of a cross.
Milla stumbled back even further from Terra's counterattack, opening herself up for another barrage of thermal fireballs. Milla found herself hurtling off the rooftop but she stopped herself in midair for an effort to return to the rooftop. Milla's defiance of the laws of physics was suddenly interrupted when she found herself cuaght in a burst of energy in the color of a rainbow. "I'm going to end this!" With the flick of a wrist, Terra made her Ultima ball explode and forcefully slammed Milla onto the city streets below.
Alice: Oh, the disrespect. Geeeeeet dunked on!
Nova: No, Allie! No MLG memes! Ever!
Terra ran along the building to reach the streets below, quickly taking notice that Milla was using another Spirit in an effort to heal her injuries. The summoned maiden of water Undine immediately took notice of the approaching Esperkin and attempted to blast her with a jet of water. Terra leaped off the side of the building to avoid the easily telegraphed attack and bombard her foe with a rain of meteorites. Yet, Milla simply stood amongst the carnage, charging up another spell. She had preemptively surrounded herself with a series of protective water orbs, which disintegrated any tiny meteors that came into contact with them.
"Sunburst!" Milla launched a tiny fireball into the skies, prompting Terra to cease her assault and make her way to the center of the road, only to suddenly cease in her tracks about halfway through. "How?" Milla had managed to Bind the Esperkin in place, and no sooner when a large fireball one could easily mistake for the sun began crashing down on Terra's head.
Terra's entire body was engulfed by the searing heat of the miniature sun, but this did not stop her from attempting to freeze the projectile away with her magic. Her efforts were to no avail, seeing as her Blizzaga was quickly melted away the moment it appeared. Meanwhile, Milla was charging up another spell to further ensure her foe would not escape her current torment. Terra followed suit, preparing to fight Milla's summons with one of her own.
When the Sunburst had finally dissipated, the two warriors unleashed their full power upon one another. "Bahamut, strike this whelp down!" "Shining Prism, you won't escape me!" In an instant, Terra found herself engulfed in a cage of blinding light, and Milla came face to face with the mighty dragon Bahamut. Terra's cage mercilessly blasted her from every direction, the final blow slamming her into the building behind her. Milla stopped staring down the dragon to strike it down with her blade, but the mighty dragon unleashed a mighty Megaflare upon the spirit before she could make contact. The Lord of Spirits met the same painful fate of her adversary when she struck the opposite building.
Both fighters found themselves sandwiched between two piles of rubble, they had damn near reached their limits... But they refused to go down so easily. With an anime styled burst of energy, Terra and Milla rose back up to face one another once more, their eyes filled with determination.
Milla had a noticeable aura surrounding her body but Terra's appearance had changed entirely. Her entire body had turned purple, her hair stuck up like that of a Saiyan, and... she clearly had no regard for the ESRB.
"I truly admire your spirit, but I'm afraid I can't just let you win." Milla stated with great confidence as she pointed her blade at Terra. "I was hoping you'd say that, but it's about time I stopped holding back!" Terra firmly rebutted as she launched an enormous fireball at her foe once more. "Elemental Shot!" Milla responded in kind, firing off a projectile consisting of the four elements.
The two projectiles exploded upon contact, but Milla's managed to tank the blast and continue its course. Terra simply put up another blue shield to counter the Shot with another weak Riot Blade. Milla slid around the cross wave with ease and targeted Terra with another razor wind. "Wind Blade!" Terra effortlessly deflected the first two strikes with ease, but was taken by surprise when another gust erupted from her feet and launched her into the air.
The Esperkin regained her balance fast enough and snapped her fingers, summoning a barrage of lights flickering in random directions. Each light became a brilliant explosion with every passing second but Milla's acrobatics allowed her to dance through the skies relatively unharmed. "Sylph! Clear a path!" The Great Spirit of Wind obeyed and forcefully tore through the fiery landscape to open up a way to the raging Esperkin.
Terra took notice of the new opening and flew right through it to meet the Lord of Spirit's challenge had on. All the while, the two fighters were absolutely surrounded by explosions of all sorts of elements. If one were to look upon this sight from outside, it would be practically impossible to see either of the women inside.
The two godly beings matched one anther blow for blow, giving their adversary no quarter at all. The inside of the "carnage cloud" looked like something akin to a bullet hell game. Terra's Esper claws met with Milla's blade at every opportunity, but she always tried to take an opportunity to fall back and blast the blonde from afar.
Terra desperately needed to end the battle before her Trance finally ran out but Milla would give her no chance to do so. With another rapid volley of projectiles, Terra forced herself back to the building behind her and gathered what energy she could. Her entire body glowed blue, and she unleashed the strongest set of Riot Blades she could muster. "I won't give up here! I won't die, even if you kill me!" Terra demanded with extreme determination.
Milla simply nodded in admiration and proceeded to weave through the incoming barrage with exceptional grace. When she neared the desperate Esper, Milla engulfed herself in a spear of light and charged right through her foe multiple times. "Radiant Rondo!" Terra had been forced in the direction of the street, the perfect opportunity for Milla to knock her away with a point blank series of fiery blasts. "Flare Bomb!"
Terra regained her balance in the middle of her flight, but another strong gust of wind from below launched her further skyward before she could take another action. "Arrivederci!' Milla followed after her target and launched herself up like a living drill. "Cloud Pierce!"
Terra's Trance had forcefully subsided at this point but Milla had not finished yet. "All beginnings, must end!" Milla dashed through her foe like a raging inferno. "Let it be..." Terra was sandwiched between blasts of water and wind. "By my hand..." Milla tossed a set of stones at the Esper, forcing her back to the ground. "Elemental Mastery!" An enormous glyph took shape behind the Lord of Spirits. On her command, it unleashed four unimaginable streaks of power upon the downed Esperkin, the resulting explosion could be seen for miles away.
Milla brought her feet back to the ground gracefully, but nothing remained of Terra in the slightest except for the blade she wielded in her human form. Milla picked the blade up and lightly stuck it in the middle of the crater as a show of respect. "I'm sorry I had to do that. You were a truly honorable warrior... But I still have a mission of my own to accomplish."
Theodore: *sniff* That was truly beautiful...
Nova: All right, before anybody gets pissed, we'd better explain-
Theodore: Bloody hell! Who threw this in here?!
Alice: Perhaps there is a reason all the Final Fantasy related fights were placed in the "Rejected Box." I bet people are still pissed about that... other match...
Theodore: But first we really do need to say: Both characters may be extremely powerful in their own rights but actually gauging their power is no small feat in the slightest. However, there is one particular piece of equipment we would like to direct you attention to: Milla's Rebirth Doll.
Alice: While both fighters are capable of equipping a wide array of accessories that all grant many different effects, Milla's Rebirth Doll brings her back from the brink of death with full health, at the cost of losing the doll itself! (Sounds like cheating, but it's COMPLETELY possible.)
Nova: Anyway, this fight was incredibly close go say the least. Terra certainly had more destructive potential with her magic but Milla was by far the superior swordsman, being able to outmatch King Gaius despite having rather minimal training.
Theodore: It's quite true, and while Terra's magical abilities could no doubt do massive damage to whatever they touch, Milla could use the ever so useful Magic Guard ability to mitigate the damage received or just avoid them entirely with her graceful agility!
Alice: Though we should keep in mind that Milla's defenses would not hold out forever, as Magic Guard CAN be broken if given enough pressure... But until then, the damage reduction it grants can be downright absurd.
Theodore: Both fighters were certainly capable of feats such as dodging lightning, but lets be honest, any RPG character worth their salt should be able to do that. Oh but wait, Milla has no means of inflicting status ailments, while Terra can do that no problem!
Alice: Absolutely true, but there's only so much they can do to affect her even if they DO connect! Not only would the simple use of a Panacea Bottle will remedy Milla immediately, so even if we ignore the abysmal accuracy of FF status effects (when used by the party at least. I swear all those Malboros are hackers!) they will only be of a temporary aid to Terra.
Theodore: Of course Terra's Death spell may pose a massive problem but a Rebirth Doll or two can easily counter that. (Yes, Milla can swap accessories in mid battle, which includes more Rebirth Dolls.)
Nova: Milla's got her trumped when it comes to experience too, seeing how she played a key role in taking down not only Maxwell, but even stronger Godly beings such as the Spirit of Time Chronos!
Alice: Both women may have succeeded in defeating physical gods like Kefka, Chronos, and the True Maxwell, but both of them did have a well coordinated team backing them up all the way. Oh and Terra DID give up her powers to save her friend afterwards, but we'll kindly ignore that for the sake of the battle.
Nova: Milla on the other hand? Her friends would have certainly lost the fight had she not intervened and WILLED HERSELF back into existence! She's definitely not one to give up so easily. Her determination is her strongest weapon of all. No matter how much pain she is in, Milla will not stop until she completes her mission at hand.
Theodore: Not only did she surpass her old creator, but she eventually rose up to take his place and even take down the two crazed masterminds that wanted to take his power for their own!
Nova: Hell, it's entirely possible for Terra to not even be in the party by the time they fight Kefka, but once again we'll ignore that for her sake. BUT even if that does happen, Terra does have a pretty damn impressive feat from that alternate outcome!
Theodore: Upon the defeat of Kefka at the hands of the rest of the party, Terra was not only able to sense the immenent collapse of the tower, but she used her Esper powers to fly over and save her friends in a matter of minutes at the very most! This easily puts her into the level of Relavistic Speeds, right?
Alice: Milla is certainly capable of traveling great distances in a similar manner thanks to the aid of the Great Spirits, though when we regard the only times she has actually pulled that off, it does take her noticeably longer to get to her destination.
Nova: Oh sure, that's absolutely correct, and it potentially means Terra is faster than her foe here... But do you guys want to take a step back to talk about Chronos? You know, that one godly Spirit with control over time and barely puts any effort into fighting off the entire party? Who was able to effortlessly trap a majority of the party within a dark sphere faster than they could react?
Theodore: That little stunt ended up with only the four strongest members of the party (Milla among them, of course) being left to fight Chronos, who was rather disappointed they were the only ones able to dodge it. (Oh by the way, Chronos is a racist asshole.)
Alice: Oh and, this event also included a little scene where Muzet decided to drop one of her little mini black holes on Chronos, regardless of inflicting friendly fire on her friends. Milla dodged it pretty casually.
Nova: Chronos is quite comparable to Terra in many ways, with the exception of being a full bred Godly Being. He's strongly been implied to be stronger, more destructive, and faster than Milla. (And lets not even get started when it comes to Bisley Bakur, he's a whole other story.) Oh, and he can use magic to make himself even faster, but that should be easy for anybody.
Theodore: Regardless of whether or not Chronos is absolutely better than Milla, it still showcases that she is more than capable of not only gravely damaging, but being well able to react to foes that SHOULD be above her level. That's Milla's main speed factor over Terra here, reaction time over travel speed.
Alice: And if we're going to start talking durability, they're pretty closely matched in this category. Although special attention should be directed to Muzet's Event Horizion. Remember the fact that this psycho has great manipulation over space and has been able to destroy legions of battleships with a single attack?
Theodore: Event Horizon is the point of a Black Hole in which no light is able to escape from, and as Muzet's fighting style clearly shows, she's a pretty big fan of throwing out miniature black holes. Event Horizon itself is a her strongest attack and it does exactly what you'd expect: A HUGE exploding black hole... But Milla can still survive that pretty casually.
Alice: That's not to lowball Terra's durability by any means, seeing as how she can take plenty of punishment from the ol' God of Destruction himself, especially with such high tiered spells as Meteor, Ultima, and his strongest attack Forsaken. But wait, what about Light of Judgment, an attack that razes towns when Kefka so much as lifts a finger?
Theodore: He never uses it in the fight against him, strangely enough. So, it's hard to say what it would do to any of FF6's party members.
Nova: We're not even mentioning the times Chronos has been seen fighting at near Dragon Ball Z speeds. He was only defeated due to the use of weapons and abilities specifically designed to murder him, by the way.
Alice: Terra prefers to fight from a distance, but she's still more than capable of wrecking people's days with a blade. However, Milla is more than capable of capitalizing on any situation. Once she closed in, Terra's less refined sword skills would certainly become less apparent.
Theodore: That's also a rather interesting part of the combatant's fighting styles I want to point out: They're complete opposites of one another! Terra's perfectly fine with tanking wave after wave of punishment but Milla's best played avoiding any attacks that come her way. The whole difference in RPG styles plays a major role in that.
Nova: We COULD keep tossing data back and forth for ages here, but the bottom line is that we just pitted a lesser Goddess up against a full Goddess. (And not to mention two Goddesses who don't have many mentionable feats.) It sure as hell wasn't easy deciding which of our favorite characters would kick the bucket here, but Terra just couldn't master the key to victory on this one.
Theodore: The winner is Yang Xia- I mean Milla Maxwell!
...So I sincerely say this to all Final Fantasy fans out there... We're sorry, please don't try to kill us for this!

Post Episode[]
Nova: It is a dark time in the world of Mezea...
Alice: Wait, we're filming another one of these? Why?!
Theodore: Two hostile kingdoms are n the brink of an ever so savage war. The tea loving Halidom of Theoris, led by a gentlemen of the highest calibur with the goal to wipe the slate clear of those who only wish to bring a Battle of Death to the world!
Alice: I seriously doubt the audience has any idea what's going on now...
???: And the coffee enthusiastic Empire of Bruhn, who only seek to rid the lands of the inferior species responsible for Fighting Cartoon organization that plagues our fair internet!
Alice: Luther?! They dragged you into this as well?!
Luther: Not to worry Allie, you've got the best role this time!
Nova: Yet, a single individual may change the course of fate for these two nations. A beautiful robotic princess, of Theoris blood raised by the royal family of Bruhn...
Alice: Why does this sound so familiar?
Theodore: Alicia! You must choose your side! You must know that we are your TRUE family!
Ruby: Don't listen to him, Allie! Join Bruhn, they've got COOKIES! AND COFFEE!
Noire: We've got better graphics too!
Terumi: You kidding?! Join Theoris instead! Sure, it may seem like the inferior package at first... Our animations may suck ass but-
Alice: This seems like a lose lose situation. Shouldn't there be a third option somewhere?
Luther: Not a chance, my dear. Surely a beautiful maiden such as yourself knows we are the only right coice here!
???: Not so fast! There is a third, healthier option!
Alice: Oh thank-
Nova: Val!? You're the wrong cameo here, dammit!
Valvatorez: Surely, you must know the health detriments of coffee and tea? Why, would you truly want to risk inducing cancer or brittle bones into your system?! Not a chance when you can choose sardines instead! Did you know-
Alice: I changed my mind. All these options suck ass.
Nova: You must choose a side, Allie! There is no going back!
Alice: I choose Option 4, Episode Clear!
Valvatorez: Wait, your lesson has just-
Alice: We're done!
Theodore: Wow, are you guys still watching?
...How about a little request? In the event that you decide to post a comment down below, add in *Theo's the real main character!* at the end of your comment to let us know you actually read the entire episode! Nova: Pfft. As if!
Alice: Thanks for your time! We hope you enjoyed yourselves, Allie out!
Season 1 |
Episode 5 |
Overall Episode 5 |
"Souls Of Divination" |
Previous Episode: Colonel Sanders VS The Burger King |
Next Episode: Guile VS Jax |
Final Fantasy VS Tales Of Xillia! Two RPG heroines of mystical & spiritual backgrounds will Square off!
Mewtwo: Few mediums embody the concept of swords and sorcery as well as RPGs.
Bowser: I'll say! The damn things are loaded with tons of swords & magic!
Mewtwo: Among these RPG juggernauts, there's Final Fantasy, which is the quintessential story-driven RPG.
Bowser: And the Tales series, which are RPGs that have gone full anime mode!
Mewtwo: From Final Fantasy VI, there's Terra Branford, the human-esper hybrid.
Bowser: And from Tales Of Xillia, there's Milla Maxwell, the Lord of Spirits!
Mewtwo: I'm Mewtwo & he's Bowser. It's our jobs to analyse their weapons, armors, & skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Terra Branford[]
Mewtwo: Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland.
Bowser: I guess those guys really know how to party huh?
Mewtwo: This also resulted in Magic disappearing from the world.
Bowser: That sounds inconvenient.
Mewtwo: Over the course of 1,000 years, advanced technology is rediscovered & reigns supreme. An evil empire seeks to use this technology to take over & enslave the world using the very force that ruined the world centuries ago. Magic.
Bowser: Oh boy, I wonder how this could possibly go wrong! You'd think these fools would've learned from last time!
Mewtwo: However, this new technology was without anyone willing to test it. Until a man named Kefka Palazzo entered the scene, one of the top generals of the Empire & the one who volunteered to be the first guinea pig of the Emperor's New Tech.
Bowser: It didn't go well did it?
Mewtwo: Nope.
Bowser: It went completely wrong didn't it?
Mewtwo: Yep.
Bowser: Were they going to live to regret this?
Mewtwo: Most likely.
Bowser: *Sighs* Bring it on.
Mewtwo: While the experiment allowed Kefka to harness the power of magic, it also had the unfortunate side effect of making him mentally unstable.
Bowser: Now he's got the crazy personality to match his crazy dressing style!
Mewtwo: But General Kefka wasn't the only one to undergo this transformation. There was another, General Celes, who fared considerably better after her experiment.
Bowser: At least it didn't make her crazy, but what about the chick with the green hair over there?
Mewtwo: That would be Terra, who was able to harness the power of magic without the experimentation. Making her an extremely valuable asset to the Empire.
- Full Name: Terra Branford
- Age: ~18
- Height: ~5'3 (160 cm)
- Weight: ~106 Ibs (48 kg)
- Half-Human & Half-Esper
- Also known as Tina in Japan
- Star Sign: Libra
- A certified Moogle enjoyer
- Hates crowded places
- Couldn't decide between having blonde or green hair
- Has the most official artwork of any Final Fantasy character
Bowser: Wait a sec, I thought magic was lost since that old war happened? How can Terra use it?
Mewtwo: Because Terra isn't like most people. Beneath that meek demeanor & quietness, is a... unique upbringing.
Bowser: ... this is starting to sound really bad.
Mewtwo: Terra isn't human, or at least she isn't completely human. She was born from the unheard of union of a human mother & Esper father in the land of the Espers. However, the Empire attacked the Esper's home while Terra was an infant. Her mother & father were killed & she was taken in by the Emperor himself so he could mold her into becoming a new weapon.
Bowser: I'm guessing that's where the "slave crown" thing I see in our notes came from?
Mewtwo: Indeed. The crown was meant to suppress Terra's ability to think for herself so she'd follow orders without a thought. This along with the fact that she was proficient with magic naturally from birth due to her Esper heritage made her a lethal weapon. So much so in fact that she was easily able to destroy dozens of Magitek-Armored soldiers within minutes.
Bowser: What's a "Magitek Armor"?
Mewtwo: A mech of sorts that allows the pilot to wield magical abilities granted by the mech's magical-technology. Soldiers inside one of these are essentially piloting magic-fueled mechs. Making it all the more impressive how Terra was able to destroy so many in such a short timeframe.
Bowser: Damn, she must have a lot of firepower then.
Mewtwo: Terra's Magitek Armor, while useful to an extent, was ultimately meaningless as her powers would go on to far exceed it. But first she needed to regain control of her mind. This takes us to where the story begins with Terra & two other Empire soldiers named after Star Wars characters walking through a snowfield in their Magitek Armors.
Bowser: I wonder how big the footprints looked...
Mewtwo: Until they arrived at the aggressively-independent town of Narshe, killed its guards in the streets, & made their way into the caves hunting an Esper that was discovered.
Bowser: What's the deal with Esper season? Aren't they endangered or something?
Mewtwo: The empire was collecting the "souls" of Espers that are left behind after they die. This is called "magicite", & it's how the Empire was able to manufacture their state-of-the-art technology. This Esper hunt was simply because the Empire wants as much magicite as they can possibly get their hands on.
Bowser: Even in the realm of strange magic steampunk land, corporate greed is the biggest cause of everyone's hardships.
Mewtwo: After encountering the Esper, it made a telepathic connection of sorts with Terra &, uh, "kind of spoke to her" while it destroyed the other two soldiers. Terra however, fell unconscious after this & awoken inside a stranger's house where, after being freed from the slave crown, she attempted to escape from the angry mob of Narshe.
Bowser: It seemed to be going well, until she got cornered & fell down a damn hole!
Mewtwo: Here, Terra passed out until the thief, I mean, treasure hunter known as Locke came to her rescue.
Bowser: Did they seriously just name the thief character Locke?
Mewtwo: Well he claims to be a "treasure hunter", but we all know what class he really is. Although he & some local Moogles managed to save Terra's life after a strange game of tower defense.
Bowser: Saved by irony & his band of merry Moogles huh? Heh, I guess things seem to be looking up for our favorite green-haired protagonist. So what's the catch?
Mewtwo: Seeing as how the people of Narshe were not too happy with what Terra & the Empire's lackeys did to the town, she was forced to flee alongside Locke.
Bowser: That sounds miserable, my condolences to Terra.
Mewtwo: They made their way to Figaro Castle, where they met Edgar, the King Of Figaro.
Bowser: He gives us Kings a bad name! The dude's a bit of a creep!
Mewtwo: He's been considerably toned down since the original SNES release, but yes, he used to be a little strange to put it mildly. But from here on out, the adventure really begins for our heroes.
Bowser: And what an adventure it was going to be! Fearsome monsters around every corner! A mad clown plotting a diabolical plan! All complete with the largest ensemble cast of any Final Fantasy game laying the smackdown!
Mewtwo: Even though the party would grow to have the twin brother monk of the King of Figaro, another magic knight who defected from the Empire, a boy raised by wolves, a soldier who's home was poisoned, a ninja for hire, an old wizard of a town that kept it's magic a secret, a little girl who draws monsters, a gambler who has the only airship in the world, a Moogle dragoon that dances, a mimic found inside the stomach of a giant worm, & even the local abominable snowman of Narshe, Terra still stands out remarkably well due to her skill with a sword along with being one of only two of them capable of wielding magic on their own.
Bowser: That and her supply of equipment!
Soul Sabre
- 125 Attack Power
- Damages Foes' MP
- +10% Evasion
- 25% Chance Of Instant Death
- 135 Attack Power
- +7 Magic
- +20% Magic Evasion
- Strengthens Wielder's Magic
- Terra's Signature Weapon
- 255 Attack Power
- +7 Strength
- +7 Magic
- +7 Speed
- +7 Stamina
- +50% Evasion
- +50% Magic Evasion
- 25% Chance Of Casting Holy With Each Strike
- Always Connects
- Consumes MP To Deal Constant Critical Damage
Ultima Weapon
- 255 Attack Power
- Ignores Defense
- Damage Fluctuates Based On Wielder's Max HP
- Blade Grows & Shrinks Based On HP
Mirage Vest
- +48 Defense
- +36 Magic Defense
- +10% Magic Evasion
- +6 Speed
- Creates Illusionary Images Of The Wielder
Minerva Bustier
- +88 Defense
- +70 Magic Defense
- +10% Magic Evasion
- +25% Max HP
- +1 Strength
- +4 Magic
- +2 Speed
- +1 Stamina
- Nullifies Fire, Ice, Lightning, & Wind Damage
- Resists Earth, Water, Poison, & Holy Damage
Red Cap
- +24 Defense
- +17 Magic Defense
- +25% Max HP
- +4 Strength
- +3 Speed
- +2 Stamina
- +25 Defense
- +19 Magic Defense
- +2 Strength
- +4 Magic
- +1 Speed
- +3 Stamina
Paladin's Shield
- +59 Defense
- +59 Magic Defense
- +40% Evasion
- +40% Magic Evasion
- Absorbs Fire, Ice, Lightning, & Holy Damage
- Nullifies Poison, Wind, Earth, & Water Damage
Muscle Belt
- +50% Max HP
Crystal Orb
- +50% Max MP
Hyper Wrist
- +50% Strength
Hero's Ring
- +25% Damage Dealt
- +25% Magic Damage Dealt
Black Belt
- 50% Chance To Automatically Counterattack Physical Attacks
Zephyr Cloak
- +10% Evasion
- +10% Magic Evasion
Prayer Beads
- +20% Evasion
- Evades 50% Of Physical Attacks
Sniper Eye
- All Physical Attacks By User Are Unblockable
Soul Of Thamasa
- Allows Two Spells To Be Cast At Once
Miracle Shoes
- Grants Protect, Shell, Haste, & Regen Permanently
Safety Bit
- Immunity To Petrification
- Immunity To Zombification
- Immunity To Instant Death
- Immunity To All Ailments Except Instant Death
- Reduces The Cost Of All Magic To 1 MP
- X-Potions (Full HP Restore)
- X-Ethers (Full MP Restore)
- Elixirs (Full HP & MP Restore)
- Remedies (Cures Most Ailments)
- Super Balls (Damages All Enemies)
Mewtwo: While weapons like Lightbringer are extremely powerful & armor like the Minerva Bustier or Paladin's Shield are extraordinarily tough, Terra's real strength lies in her magical talents. Being Half-Esper, her affinity for magic is perhaps the greatest in the entire game, as her extremely high Magic Attack stat would lead you to believe. Not to mention being able to call upon the power of magicite to receive assistance from her fallen Esper brethren.
Riot Blade
- Deals Magical Damage
- Originally A Desperation Attack
Chaos Wave
- Non-Elemental Damage
- Also Known As Chaotic Current
- Originally Used By Her Father, Maduin
Healing Magic
- Cure (Minor HP Recovery)
- Cura (Moderate HP Recovery)
- Curaga (Major HP Recovery)
- Regen (Gradually Recovers HP)
- Esuna (Cures Most Ailments)
- Raise (Revives Allies With Some HP)
- Arise (Revives Allies With Full HP)
- Reraise (Automatically Revives Self After Death)
Attack Magic
- Fire, Fira, Firaga (Fire Damage, 120 Magic Power)
- Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga (Ice Damage, 120 Magic Power)
- Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga (Lightning Damage, 120 Magic Power)
- Poison, Bio (Poison Damage, 53 Magic Power)
- Gravity (Gravity Damage, Reduces HP By 1/2)
- Graviga (Gravity Damage, Reduces HP By 3/4)
- Gravija (Gravity Damage, Reduces HP By 7/8)
- Flood (Water Damage, 100 Magic Power, Cannot Be Absorbed)
- Quake (Earth Damage, 111 Magic Power, Cannot Be Absorbed)
- Holy (Holy Damage, 108 Magic Power)
- Drain (Absorbs HP)
- Tornado (Reduces HP To Critical Levels, Cannot Be Absorbed)
- Banish (BFR)
- Break (Petrification)
- Death (Instant Death, Reaps Souls)
- Meteor (Non-Elemental Damage, 36 Magic Power, Ignores Defense, Cannot Be Absorbed)
- Flare (Non-Elemental Damage, 60 Magic Power, Ignores Defense)
- Meltdown (Fire & Wind Damage, 138 Magic Power, Ignores Defense, Cannot Be Absorbed)
- Ultima (Non-Elemental Damage, 150 Magic Power, Ignores Defense)
Effect Magic
- Protect (Increases Defense)
- Shell (Increases Magic Defense)
- Haste, Hastega (Increases Speed)
- Reflect (Reflects Magic)
- Float (Levitation)
- Vanish (Invisibility)
- Dispel (Removes Magical Effects)
- Libra (Detects Enemy HP, MP, Level, & Weaknesses)
- Rasp (Damages MP)
- Osmose (Damages Enemy's MP & Restores Users' MP)
- Teleport (Teleportation)
- Berserk (Angers Into Only Physically Attacking)
- Confuse (Confusion Inducement)
- Slow, Slowga (Slows Down Enemy In Time)
- Imp (Turns Enemy Into An Imp, Reducing Their Attack & Defense To 0)
- Sleep (Sleep Inducement)
- Silence (Nullifies Magic & Other Abilities)
- Stop (Freezes Enemy In Time)
- Quick (Doubles Amount Of Actions Per Turn & Freezes Time For Others)
- Valor (Doubles The Power Of The Next Physical Attack)
- Ifrit (Hellfire, Fire Damage, Can Burn Souls)
- Shiva (Diamond Dust, Ice Damage, Absolute Zero-Level Cold)
- Ramuh (Judgment Bolt, Lightning Damage)
- Valigarmanda (Tri-Disaster, Fire, Ice, & Lightning Damage)
- Midgardsormr (Abyssal Maw, Earth Damage)
- Leviathan (Tidal Wave, Water Damage)
- Alexander (Divine Judgement, Holy Damage)
- Golem (Earthen Wall, Temporary Physical Immunity)
- Diabolos (Dark Messenger, Gravity Damage, Critically Wounds)
- Ragnarok (Metamorphose, Transmutes Enemies Into Items)
- Phoenix (Flames Of Rebirth, Resurrection)
- Bahamut (Mega Flare, Non-Elemental Damage)
- Raiden (Shin-Zantetsuken, High Chance Of Instant Death)
Bowser: Her magic is insane! Magic that blows things up, magic that heals wounds, magic that puts you to sleep, magic that allows teleportation, magic that can cure ailments, magic that can raise the dead! Where does it end? And don't even get me started on those Espers!
Mewtwo: While Terra's magical abilities were of tremendous value to the Returners, the group of resistance fighters opposing the Empire who were led by Banon, there was one more ability she had that made her afraid of her powers more than anything else.
Bowser: Hold on, did you say his name was Banon?
Mewtwo: ... yes?
Bowser: What is with these RPG characters only being a letter away from being called the King of Evil!?
Mewtwo: Bowser, can we try to remain focused on the analysis, please?
Bowser: ... I make no promises. Anyway, so what's this scary thing you were about to-?
*Inserts the horrible screaming noise from when Terra transforms for the first time & can't control herself*
Bowser: ...
Mewtwo: ...
Bowser: Mother of God... what the Hell was that!? I thought we agreed on no jumpscares unless it was a creepypasta episode!
Mewtwo: That... would be Terra's Trance, her Esper form. And honestly, you should've seen that coming.
- Terra's Esper Form
- Allows Her To Fly
- Doubles Physical & Magical Attack Power
- Halves All Magical Damage
- Generally Has A Shorter Timeframe, But It Can Vary
- She Initially Struggled To Control It
- Turns Her Naked & Purple For Some Reason
Blatantly Flips Off The ESRB
Bowser: *Hmph* Anyway, holy crap! She looks like she's auditioning for an 80's hair band! Look at those locks! But I still have to ask... why the hell is she naked?
Mewtwo: With such great power & being unaware of her past for the longest time, Terra felt empty & seeked answers that no one was able to give her. The story eventually culminates in Kefka ruining the world after taking control of its' magical sources. After the group failed to stop Kefka from... altering the geography of the entire planet, Terra became the mother figure for a town full of orphans.
Bowser: Until General Celes showed up & helped her realize that she finally understood what love was by kicking a fat green ogre's ass! And I ain't talking about Shrek you goobers.
Mewtwo: She felt love for the children she had spent a year watching over & protecting. And after the team was finally reassembled, they stormed Kefka's Tower & defeated the God Of Magic himself.
Bowser: That sounds pretty hardcore! I mean, they killed a god!
Mewtwo: She also dueled the dimension-traveling swordsman Gilgamesh inside the Dragon's Neck Coliseum.
Bowser: That's... not a normal amount of arms...
Mewtwo: Perhaps not, but Gilgamesh is no normal man either. Gilgamesh is a traveler of several different universes & dimensions throughout the entire Final Fantasy franchise. Considering how he is able to travel through any & all dimensions, even including the infinite void itself, Terra being able to match blades with him whatsoever is an incredibly impressive feat. Doubly so when you consider that even being to damage him is a cosmic feat in of itself.
Bowser: I guess that's about par for the course when it comes to octopus-type swordfighters like old Gilgy here. But I thought that demented jester was the villain in this one?
Mewtwo: ... we already mentioned Kefka. He was the God of Magic I was referring to...
Bowser: Oh! So their plan worked to perfection! Ha! Take that you creepy damn clown!
Mewtwo: Unfortunately, there was an unforeseen complication in the plan. You see, when Kefka seized control of the magic that created the world, he became the essence of magic itself. So when the party finally defeated him, they also destroyed the very source of all magic in the world.
Bowser: Uh oh... that sounds pretty bad not gonna lie Mewtwo Death Battle.
Mewtwo: ... what? Anyway, Espers have a vital connection to Magic. Without Magic, there can't be any Espers.
Bowser: But if Terra's an Esper... oh my God!
Mewtwo: She's only Half-Esper, but she was still affected by the loss of all the Magic in the world. Luckily for her, she managed to survive because her Human half was strong enough to have made genuine connections with people. As a result, the only thing she lost was her Esper half.
Bowser: That's still a pretty big loss though! No more magic! No more magicite! No more hair metal transformations!
Mewtwo: A heavy price to be sure but at last the world was saved & Terra was finally able to understand who she really was.
Milla Maxwell[]
Mewtwo: Rieze Maxia, a land connected to the Great Spirits themselves, is mostly comprised of mountains. But of particular interest for us today is the village of Nia Khera.
Bowser: Mewtwo, what the hell could be so interesting about a tiny little village?
Mewtwo: The residents of this village worship Maxwell, the Great Spirit who created the entire world. And within the nearby shrine lies the current incarnation of Maxwell, Milla Maxwell.
- Full Name: Milla Maxwell
- Age: ~21
- Height: ~5’6 (168 cm)
- Weight: ~119 lbs. (54 kg)
- Also known as Mira in Japan
- The Lord Of Spirits
- Raised by the 4 Great Spirits of Fire, Water, Wind, & Earth
- Loves food
Bowser: Isn't this Maxwell guy supposed to be like really old & like, a man? What's with big booby anime girl over here?
Mewtwo: Milla is the current incarnation of Maxwell. Meaning she is essentially him in all but appearance.
Bowser: We're not even 10 lines in yet & we've already encountered anime tropes! How much more convoluted is this gonna get!?
Mewtwo: Let's stay on track here. Milla was raised from childhood by the 4 Great Spirits. Efreet, the Great Spirit of Fire. Undine, the Great Spirit of Water. Sylph, the Great Spirit of Wind. And Gnome, the Great Spirit of Earth.
Bowser: What the hell kind of gnome is that? I'd freak out if I saw that thing on my lawn!
Mewtwo: Not a gnome as in a lawn gnome you fool, Gnome as in the mischievous creature. Each of these Great Spirits control their respective elements & all of them are connected to Milla.
Bowser: Are you trying to tell me that the booby lady's got Jojo stands?
Mewtwo: More like magical allies that help her in battle. For example, Undine can heal Milla's wounds while Efreet unleashes some of his devastating firepower.
Bowser: That sounds pretty convenient.
Mewtwo: They also allowed her to live without eating or sleeping, as Undine & Sylph generated enough mana for Milla to sustain herself off of it exclusively. However, this also made Milla grow to rely on their power.
Bowser: I don't think I like where this is going...
Mewtwo: After meeting a boy named Jude & finding a mysterious superweapon called the "Lance of Kresnik", Milla summoned the 4 Great Spirits in an attempt to destroy it before it could hurt anymore lesser spirits. Unfortunately, the Lance was activated and it absorbed the Great Spirits, stripping Milla of their power.
Bowser: Called it.
Mewtwo: Being without their strength for the first time in her life, Milla was forced to learn things for herself. She had to learn how to wield a sword the proper way rather than relying on the spirits to do most of the work for her.
Bowser: Luckily for her, she was a naturally quick learner & had some decent allies to help her out.
File Blade
- 873 Physical Damage
- 857 Magical Damage
- Earth Elemental
- Increases Strength
Vorpal Sword
- 1411 Physical Damage
- 1376 Magical Damage
- Water Elemental
- Increases Intelligence
- Restores TP Over Time
- 1402 Physical Damage
- 1390 Magical Damage
- Fire Elemental
- Increases Strength
- Increases Critical Hit Rate
Sonic Edge
- 1404 Physical Damage
- 1388 Magical Damage
- Wind Elemental
- Increases Dexterity
- Decreases Casting Time
Black Sunfire
- 1415 Physical Damage
- 1383 Magical Damage
- Dark Elemental
- Increases Psyche
- Restores HP By Defeating Enemies
Sun Falcon
- 1409 Physical Damage
- 1396 Magical Damage
- Light Elemental
- Restores HP Over Time
- Decreases TP Cost
Crusader Of Rebirth
- 1856 Physical Damage
- 1822 Magical Damage
- Increases Strength
- Increases Intelligence
- Decreases Casting Time
Destiny Bringer
- 1856 Physical Damage
- 1822 Magical Damage
- Increases Strength
- Increases Psyche
- Increases Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, & Dark Resistance
Mewtwo: Milla quickly managed to reach the level she previously required the Great Spirits to reach all on her own. And while there was a small snag when her legs got paralyzed for a short period of time, she managed to eventually overtake her previous limits.
Shining Coat
- 746 Physical Defense
- 265 Magical Defense
- Fire Resistant
- Water Resistant
- Earth Resistant
- Wind Resistant
Shining Veil
- 384 Physical Defense
- 574 Magical Defense
- Light Resistant
- Dark Resistant
Warrior Symbol
- Physical Attack +10%
Magic Symbol
- Magical Attack +10%
Guardian Symbol
- Physical Defense +10%
Resistance Symbol
- Magical Defense +10%
Mystic Symbol
- Reduces Casting Time By 30%
Holy Symbol
- Recovers 3% Of HP Every Few Seconds
Spirit Symbol
- Recovers 3% Of TP Every Few Seconds
Krona Symbol
- Prevents All Physical & Magical Status Ailments
Strength Ring
- Increases Strength By 15%
Vitality Ring
- Increases Vitality By 15%
Agility Ring
- Increases Agility By 15%
Dexterity Ring
- Increases Dexterity By 15%
Intelligence Ring
- Increases Intelligence By 15%
Psychic Ring
- Increases Psyche By 15%
Faerie Ring
- Reduces TP Cost By 1/2
Risk Ring
- Reduces TP Cost To 1
- Increases Damage Taken By 2x
Black Onyx
- Increases Max HP By 30%
- Increases Max TP By 30%
- +50% Fire Resistance
- +50% Water Resistance
- +50% Wind Resistance
- +50% Earth Resistance
Sync Stone
- Increases Over Limit Duration
Reverse Doll
- Revives From KO
- Breaks After One Use
Paladin’s Cape
- 100 Physical Defense
- 100 Magical Defense
Red Cape
- Absorbs Any Fire, Earth, & Light Elemental Damage Taken
- Doubles Any Water, Wind, & Dark Elemental Damage Taken
Blue Cape
- Absorbs Any Water, Wind, & Dark Elemental Damage Taken
- Doubles Any Fire, Earth, & Light Elemental Damage Taken
Persian Boots
- 90 Physical Defense
- 90 Magical Defense
- 120 Agility
Bowser: Milla's main method of fighting is her above-average swordsmanship combined with some great agility. She's pretty adept at jumping & hopping around the battlefield as she weaves her way around attacks & pulling off some sick combos is her bread and butter!
Apple Gels
- Restores 30% HP
Lemon Gels
- Restores 60% HP
Orange Gels
- Restores 30% TP
Pineapple Gels
- Restores 60% TP
Melange Gels
- Restores 30% HP & TP
Miracle Gels
- Restores 60% HP & TP
Panacea Bottles
- Cures All Physical & Magical Ailments
Syrup Bottles
- Temporary Physical & Magical Ailment Immunity
- Decreases All Damage By Allies & Enemies By 50%
- Briefly Freezes Time For All Enemies
Mewtwo: Most of Milla's battle abilities are Artes.
Bowser: ... so do we have another artist like that pink-haired princess girl or?
Mewtwo: THERE'S AN E!
Martial Artes
- Shimmer Spin
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
- Whirling Assault
- Sigil Spear
- Blade Torrent
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
- Z-Slasher
- Binding Sphere
- Dark Elemental
- Poison Inducement
- Terror Inducement (Makes It Harder To Escape From A Stunned State)
- Condemnation
- Mystic Wheel
- Death Knell
- Undine
- Water Elemental
- Heals
- Cures Ailments
- Sylph
- Wind Elemental
- Paralysis Inducement
- Gnome
- Earth Elemental
- Petrification Inducement
- Efreet
- Fire Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Elemental Shot
- Fire Elemental
- Water Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Wind Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Skill-Sealing Inducement
- Petrification Inducement
- Paralysis Inducement
Spirit Artes
- Fireball
- Fire Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Wind Lance
- Wind Elemental
- Paralysis Inducement
- Rock Trine
- Earth Elemental
- Slowness Inducement
- Splash
- Water Elemental
- Weakness Inducement
- Flame Ring
- Fire Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Arrivederci
- Wind Elemental
- Paralysis Inducement
- Bolt Strike
- Fire Elemental
- Wind Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Paralysis Inducement
- Divine Streak
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
- Sunburst
- Fire Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Cyclone
- Wind Elemental
- Paralysis Inducement
- Thunder Blade
- Fire Elemental
- Wind Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Paralysis Inducement
- Shining Prism
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
Spirit Shifted Artes
- Flare Bomb
- Fire Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Wind Blade
- Wind Elemental
- Paralysis Inducement
- Grave
- Earth Elemental
- Slowness Inducement
- Aqua Protection
- Water Elemental
- Weakness Inducement
- Lightning
- Fire Elemental
- Wind Elemental
- Burning Inducement
- Paralysis Inducement
- Radiant Rondo
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
Arcane Artes
- Cloud Pierce
- Overdrive
- Luminous Chamber
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
- Forcefield
- Light Elemental
- Confusion Inducement
- Pushes Enemies Away
Mystic Arte
- Elemental Mastery
- Fire Elemental
- Water Elemental
- Wind Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Requires Milla To Overlimit
Mewtwo: ANYWAY. Martial Artes are the basic Artes that form the basis of almost every combo chain. Spirit Artes are like your traditional magic spells from other RPGs that require time in order to be cast. Spirit Shifted Artes are unique to Milla in that she calls upon the powers of the Great Spirits in order to "enhance" certain other Artes, namely her Spirit Artes. Arcane Artes are stronger Artes that usually follow a chain of Martial or Spirit Shifted Artes & are typically used as heavy combo-ending strikes. And finally, her Mystic Arte is her ultimate ability where she calls upon the full power of each of the Great Spirits. However, she can only use it while she's in her Overlimit state.
Bowser: That's a lot of Arts. She should look at opening a museum someday, just saying. But I thought she needed to "link up" with Jude to perform her Mystic Arte?
Mewtwo: I'm going to ignore the first part of that & pretend you're still following along. While Milla DOES require Jude's assistance for one of her Mystic Artes, she is capable of performing Elemental Mastery on her own. She also has access to Skills, which allow her to do a few other noteworthy things. Take Magic Guard for example, it allows Milla to shield herself from magic-based damage. While it's not an outright immunity, it does allow her to take only chip damage at worst from magical attacks.
Bowser: Oh. So where's the story heading from there then?
Mewtwo: Milla & friends eventually find out that Rieze Maxia was not the only part of their world after the Lance destroys a barrier that was erected by Maxwell a long time ago, revealing a completely different world that was sealed away on the other side of the barrier. While attempting to stop the invading army, Milla sacrifices all of her mana & even her life in order to save her friends.
Bowser: Well... damn. That's a downer ending.
Mewtwo: However, her spirit was prevented from reincarnating by the Great Spirits, who saved her life at the cost of her memories & personality. Unfortunately, this made them all traitors in the eyes of Maxwell.
Bowser: I think you might need to get YOUR eyes checked out there buddy, Milla IS Maxwell, remember?
Mewtwo: Actually, she isn't.
Bowser: But isn't she his incarnation or something like that?
Mewtwo: That's what she believed, but it was never the truth. The truth is that Milla was just a physical body made by Maxwell to interact with the physical realm in order to draw out the rogue agents from that other half of the world on the other side of the barrier. She was nothing more than a decoy made to bait them out into the open.
Bowser: The fuck!?
Mewtwo: But after regaining her memories & personality thanks to an orb, the 4 Great Spirits swore complete fealty to her & she created a new physical body for herself in order to help her friends finally take down the actual Maxwell.
Bowser: The double fuck!?
Mewtwo: And at long last, both parts of the world were saved with Maxwell disappearing & Milla ascending into his previous position as the Lord Of Spirits.
Bowser: ... I don't even know what to say anymore about this one...
Mewtwo: Oh, really? Well, would the fact that we just finished our second analysis for this battle happen to help with that?
Bowser: Wait, really? Oh yeah! Let's get to it then!
Mewtwo: The combatants have been set. I've run the data through all possibilities & we shall soon settle this debate once and for all.
(Cue: "Searching For Friends" - Distant Worlds V Version - Final Fantasy VI)
Among the buildings that still stood after the devastation that led to a ruined world, none were quite so much of a grisly reminder of humanity's fate than the Colosseum. Inside these haunting remnants of a world that once flourished, a single soul stood amidst the empty halls of the carnage-filled amphitheater.
Her long green hair gave her an otherworldly appearance, as did her green eyes, this was Terra Branford. She stood, glancing at the scene before her with a melancholic gaze for a few moments before a sudden disturbance caught her attention. A rift of multicolored lights appeared in the sky about 10 feet above the grounds of the structure, and from within that rift came another figure.
The figure landed gracefully on her feet before quickly looking around the ruined arena, barely even noticing the green-haired girl's presence until she heard her gasp in shock. The blonde-haired girl then said "Huh? What the heck is this place?" Terra backed away a couple steps before calmly but shakily saying "W-who are you?" The blonde looked at the green-haired girl before saying "My name is Milla Maxwell. The Lord of Spirits."
The green-haired girl stared at Milla blankly before saying "Lord of... Spirits?" Milla sighed, and then said "Yeah, like the Spirits who control the elements. Water, Fire, that kind of stuff." Terra then gasps again before backing away from Milla, catching her attention. "What's wrong?" asks Milla, but the green-haired girl still seems startled. "Y-you command Espers!?" she blurted out. Milla blinked before saying "I don't know what an Esper is, but I do have lordship over the Spirits yes."
"What do you... do for the Spirits?" Terra asked. Milla looked at her, slightly puzzled, before saying "I protect them from people who misuse them." Terra then sighed before saying "I do the same for the Espers, although I have no dominion over them." Milla glanced at Terra before asking "So what exactly are these Espers then? Magical spirits?" Terra seemed unsure for a moment before nodding and replying with "I suppose that would be an accurate way to describe them."
Milla sighs, her tone suddenly changing to be more stern as she questions "You protect these spirits? How?" Terra, momentarily taken aback by the sudden change of tone, stammers out "I don't let others use their power for evil purposes..." Milla looked at Terra a bit more cross than before, before saying "So you're the one using their power then?" Terra nodded before adding on "Yes. But only to keep them out of the hands of those who would abuse their power."
"And what is their power then? It must be pretty substantial if it's got someone like you trying to protect it." Milla inquiries Terra. Terra sighs before saying "When an Esper dies, their soul is left behind as Magicite. Magicite is sought after because it's capable of teaching people the gift of magic." Milla sighs before saying "If their power is really that dangerous..." Milla then unsheathes the File Blade as she continues speaking. "Then no one should be allowed to wield it."
Terra gasps at the sight of Milla pulling out a sword and quickly unsheathes the Enhancer before taking a defensive stance. "I must! It is the only way to stop their power from being misused!" Milla got ready to fight as she says "Then you leave me no choice. I'm sorry, but I cannot let you hoard that kind of power." Terra sighs and searches herself for strength as she prepares to also fight. "I am sorry as well, for I cannot allow you to stop me!"
(Cue: "Battle" - Final Fantasy VI)
As Milla suddenly bursts forward, her speed & agility instantly catching Terra off guard, she almost immediately closes the distance between them. Terra, barely able to react to Milla's speed, just manages to block Milla's slash with her blade. Without missing a beat though, Milla suddenly goes in for several more slashes, keeping Terra locked in the defensive position of this battle.
Terra manages to block Milla's attacks, but she quickly realizes that she needs to get some offense of her own in if she's going to win. And so Terra, tapping into a little bit of her inner strategist, counters one of Milla's swings before going for a slash of her own, which Milla manages to comfortably dodge by rolling backwards.
Milla gives Terra a little smirk, knowing she avoided her first attempt at an attack. However, Terra quickly made that smirk vanish when she swung her blade to the side and multiple crescent-shaped projectiles appeared and began whirling through the air at Milla as they homed in on her location!
Milla, seeing the incoming barrage of attacks, runs towards them, seemingly into instant death. Surprisingly though, Milla's fluid acrobatics were on full display as she weaved in and out and in-between the spinning projectiles like a graceful dancer. Even Terra was stunned by this, so much so that she barely managed to block a slash from Milla after she had successfully managed to reach her.
While trying to hold Milla back with her blade as leverage, Terra said to her "You're quite agile, but you surely cannot do that forever." Milla, with a renewed smirk, suddenly spun around fast enough to gain altitude as she knocked Terra's sword aside & ripped into her with a devastating Shimmer Spin arte! Terra, caught completely by surprise that her foe seemingly held her own magical abilities, was nigh-helpless as she got struck higher into the air.
Milla then leaped upward, her blade in hand, as she attempted another attack on the airborne Terra. Terra, however, had other plans as she suddenly teleported back to the ground a short distance away from Milla. Milla, who went all-in for her next attack, hit nothing & disgracefully fell onto her face after wondering where her foe went.
As Milla stood up & shook the cobwebs out of her head, she saw Terra some distance away and shouted at her "There you are! That was a neat trick, but I'm not going to fall for it again!" Terra, panting a bit, waved her hand and green energy surrounded her body, healing her wounds.
Milla saw this and instantly jumped back up to her feet before pointing her File Blade at Terra again and dashing over towards her. Terra, still a bit intimidated about Milla's fighting prowess up-close, decided to try & keep her at range for the time being. As such, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a couple of red balls before tossing them at Milla.
Milla stopped briefly to slash one of the balls, but was surprised when it just bounced away instead. "What the heck?" said Milla as she watched the ball she hit bounce back towards her, this time faster. Milla hit it again, but quickly found herself being pelted by a half dozen or so of these small red balls as they kept bouncing around her and hitting her.
Milla, starting to get more than slightly pissed-off, finally shouted "Argh! Gnome! A little help here please!?" Gnome appeared beside Milla, he was about to ask her what was wrong until a few of the balls started targeting him too. Gnome, using his powers as the Great Earth Spirit, commanded gravity against the bouncing balls. Stopping them all in place before redirecting them out of the nearby area.
With the great red ball massacre averted for the time being, Milla said "Whew, thanks Gnome." as Gnome disappeared once again. Terra, who witnessed this entire scene unfold before her, exclaimed "You can summon? Then... I cannot hold back."
(Cue: "Daring Sword" - Tales Of Xillia)
Terra then extends her left arm, a wreathe of flames flickering around her as she creates a sizable fireball and launches it at Milla. "Firaga!" shouts Terra as Milla's eyes widen in response to the fireball.
"Undine!" she yells before a blue-skinned mermaid-like woman appears in front of her & extinguishes the fireball with a wall of water before disappearing. Terra, unperturbed by this, gains an icy glaze over her arm as she creates and fires a massive icicle at Milla.
"Blizzaga!" shouts as Milla grits her teeth a little before shouting "Efreet!", which causes a fiery beast-man to appear in front of her and harmlessly melt the icicle before disappearing. Terra, now a little bothered by this, decided to keep trying some spells.
She suddenly gains an electric aura and tiny thunderbolts dance along her arm as she launches a small storm of lightning towards Milla. "Thundaga!" yells Terra as Milla says "Oh crap, Gnome!"
Gnome, the little tiny ball-like creature, appeared again. This time using his ability to "ground" Milla, causing all of the lightning to harmlessly hit them and have no effect before disappearing again. Terra, now irritated at her opponent's ability to negate all of her magical abilities so far, is surrounded in a smokescreen of green gas as she creates a cloud of poisonous gas and sends it towards Milla.
"Bio!" yells Terra as the toxic cloud engulfs Milla, who sputters and coughs from it, barely getting out "Sylph!", which causes a girl to appear who directs the cloud away from Milla with a strong headwind before disappearing. Milla, gasping for air, says "Thanks guys, I uh... owe you..."
As Milla regains her bearings, Terra appears to be muttering to herself. Most likely about the failure of her attempted spells. Milla then calls out to her "You done with your tricks yet? Because I'm getting tired of playing around." Terra suddenly stops muttering & sighs before saying "My abilities are no mere tricks, and I will fight an uphill battle no longer."
Terra is suddenly surrounded by a light blue glow as a crystal-like stone floats behind her, causing Milla to say "Huh?" as Terra continues speaking "You & I both wield the magical powers of the spirits." Suddenly a multicolored birdlike creature appears behind Terra from the crystal, it's Magicite, causing Milla to exclaim "Uh oh" as the creature began charging a mass of elemental energies around its body.
Terra then finished her speech with "And I will defend them with my life! Valigarmanda! Please! Lend me your strength!" The creature then unleashes it's devastating "Tri-Disaster" attack, unleashing a hellish storm of fire, ice, & lightning onto Milla! After the attack concludes, Valigarmanda turns back into it's Magicite and returns to Terra, used up for this fight. "Thank you..." says Terra as she glances into the cloud of smoke left behind by the attack.
She then hears some heavy breathing and finally sees Milla, damaged but surprisingly alive. "How did you-" began Terra before noticing a small forcefield barrier around Milla, who says "Whew, I wasn't expecting you to have something like that up your sleeve! Too bad my Forcefield arte managed to block just enough of it for me to survive thanks to Undine's healing." Milla still appeared to have plenty of fight left in her despite taking the brunt of an Esper's power head-on.
Terra was not quite so prepared to fight an opponent that even an Esper like Valigarmanda couldn't vanquish today, especially considering her own fatigued state from casting so many spells in a row. But she wasn't going to back down either, and so she prepared to also continue fighting. "Surviving an Esper's attack like you did... shouldn't be possible..." says Terra as she seems a little hesitant. But she quickly casts it aside as she reaches her left arm upwards and brings it down slowly, causing a storm of meteors to fall from the Heavens towards Milla as Terra yells "Meteor!"
Milla, all kinds of psyched up after getting into the kind of fight she's used to, calls out "Efreet!" as she begins attacking & shattering the approaching meteors into pieces. Sure enough, the same fiery beast from before, Efreet of course, appears and lends his strength by helping Milla demolish every single last one of the meteors before Milla says "Hey Gnome! How about some payback for earlier? See how she likes it!"
Gnome appears and uses gravity to throw the many broken pieces of the meteors back at Terra. Terra swings her sword sideways again, creating more of the crescent-shaped projectiles from earlier, which destroy practically all of the incoming rock fragments before Terra sends a magical ripple through the air that hits Milla and starts inflicting excruciating pain on her! "Rasp" yells Terra as the spell brings Milla to her knees and causes her to double over in pain.
Seeing one of her spells finally having an effect, Terra pushes her advantage by gathering a mass of fiery energy around her body as she prepares to cast another spell. Meanwhile, Undine appears and begins to heal Milla as Terra is completely surrounded by fire. Terra then yells "Meltdown!" as she fires a massive wave of fire towards Milla. Efreet, seeing it's a fiery attack, goes forward and blocks the wave, his ability to command fire allowing him to likely slow the attack down.
However, to everyone's surprise, Efreet is unable to stop the spell as it instead begins pushing him back. Gnome creates some jutting rocks from the ground in front of the fiery wave to try and help slow it down, but the rocks are quickly melted down. Sylph appears as well and creates another strong headwind that goes directly against the wave of fire, which when combined with Gnome's rocks & Efreet's holding it back is able to mitigate it just enough for it to subside. Although it leaves Efreet with some injuries of his own, causing him to disappear in order to rest for a bit.
Being healed by Undine, Milla is restored to nearly her full strength by this point. "Alright guys, take a break." says Milla, and so Undine, Sylph, & Gnome disappear again as well. Milla, now more than a little pissed, tries to go on the offensive again, moving in close and trying to pressure Terra with melee strikes. Terra however, has other plans and is surrounded by a holy light that she fires at Milla as she yells "Holy!"
The blinding light envelops Milla, who instinctively blocks the attack as a crystal-shaped barrier appears around her body, her Magic Guard, which greatly mitigates the damage from Holy and allows Milla to essentially tank it without a scratch. "Surprise! I don't need the Great Spirits to block your magic for me!" says Milla with a bit of boldness in her voice. She then extends her hand, as a massive glyph appears around it. The glyph was composed of 4 sections, each one emblazoned with a symbol that represented each of the Great Spirits, and in the middle was Maxwell's symbol, Milla's symbol.
Milla then launched a massive blast of elemental mana at Terra, who gasped and pulled out a shield to instinctively block it. As the attack hit Terra and engulfed her in a massive explosion of mana, Milla yelled "Elemental Shot!" The massive explosion of the elemental powers of the Great Spirits utterly devastated the area of the arena Terra was standing in, the wall behind her destroyed along with the seating section & stands above it which had collapsed. Milla slowly lowered her hand as she said "Whew... she sure didn't know when to quit " while peering into the gradually fading smoke, only to see nothing remaining of her opponent. Milla then catches a breather as she says "That sure took a lot out of me, now let's just try to find a way back home."
But then Milla hears some peculiar noises. The sounds of rocks gradually cracking & falling apart, a fire slowly sizzling out, a gust of wind slowly fading away, some water droplets no longer dripping onto the ground. Glancing over at what she thinks is the source of the noise, Milla sees a sight she never expected to see. Terra was still alive... and completely unharmed by the attack. Milla, absolutely flabbergasted, said "What the hell-" before going silent when Terra glared at her.
The sounds were the leftover remnants of the Elemental Shot's... elements, none of which had any effect on Terra due to her blocking it with her shield. Terra, in a calm yet stern voice, then said "I told you, I will fight for them." Terra was then surrounded in an intense purple glow that Milla struggled to see through even while straining her eyes. And when the glow subsided, Terra stood, purple fur all over her now naked body, her eyes had also become a deeply menacing shade of red. This was Terra's Trance, her Esper form! Terra glared across the arena at Milla, who said "Whoa! What kind of arte is that!?" Milla seemed more excited than afraid of Terra. However, Terra said nothing & instead flew over towards Milla as all kinds of elemental energies gathered around her.
Milla's eagerness to fight was quickly tempered when Terra started unleashing a barrage of Firagas at her, causing Milla to resort to her old reliable strategy, her agility. Milla avoided practically all of the Firagas she could while using her Magic Guard to mitigate the damage of any she couldn't dodge. Terra, from a vantage point in mid-air, had an unflinching expression to this. As she just decided to cast Thundagas instead, hitting Milla way more times due to the lightning being significantly faster than what she was used to dodging.
(Cue: "The Sword That Dances Magnificently" - Tales Of Xillia)
Milla, nearly reaching her breaking point from the constant zapping, finally snapped out. In sheer anger, Milla had gone Overlimit and was now easily avoiding all of Terra's spells as she chained her artes together in order to go airborne, where she clashed with Terra directly! Milla managed to hit Terra upwards with Cloud Pierce before all of reality crumbled away as Milla summoned the power of the elements from the Great Spirits, blasting Terra with a maelstrom of elemental magic as Milla hits her with Elemental Mastery!
However, the attack only has a moderate effect on Terra, as she takes it without very much effort. As Milla returns to the ground, she sees how Terra has barely been affected by her Mystic Arte and says "Oh crap. Alright guys, let's wrap this up as a team!" Efreet, Undine, Sylph, & Gnome all appear once again to help Milla out as Terra descends back to the ground some distance away from her.
Terra glared at Milla and the Spirits before waving her hands, causing a bunch of crystals to appear around her. Milla, recognizing the crystals as Magicite from earlier, exclaims "Don't let her use those crystals!" However, it was already too late. As Terra's vast magical power she was slowly accumulating from the mana Milla kept hitting her with gave her more than enough magic power to summon an Esper. One of the crystals formed into the shape of a demonic-looking creature wreathed in flames as Terra exclaimed "Ifrit! Lord of Fire! Lend me your strength! Let them burn with all of the fires of Hell!"
Ifrit seemed willing to help, and as such he joined Terra on the battlefield and slightly evened up the playing field! Terra wasn't done just yet though, as another crystal was given enough energy to change its form. This one formed into the figure of an old wizard as Terra chanted "Ramuh! Lord Of Lightning! Lend me your strength! Strike them all down with your smiting bolts!" Ramuh was easily persuaded to help Terra, and as such he also joined her for this battle!
Milla, seeing two more Espers joining this fight, says "Damn, we gotta stop her from summoning these things!" "Sylph, try to blow those crystals away from her! Efreet, you've got the fire monster!" With that said, Sylph creates a gust of wind that scatters the Magicite through the air while Efreet rushes towards Ifrit, hitting him with a fiery tackle that sends them both to the ground. Meanwhile, Milla rushes Terra as she tries to protect the Magicite, slashing her a few times before comboing her upwards into the air.
Ramuh then raises his staff and summons a storm of lightning bolts that spark towards Undine & Sylph, this being his "Judgment Bolt" attack, but Gnome grounds the electricity and prevents it from doing any damage to them. In mid-air, Terra teleports to avoid one of Milla's attacks before appearing behind her and blasting her with a Thundaga in the back, knocking her to the ground. Terra then begins rapidly zapping Milla with multiple casts of Thundaga one after another, greatly damaging her. Seeing Milla in danger, Gnome rolls around and leaps through the air, smacking Ramuh in the chest & going through his chest cavity like a wrecking ball!
As Ramuh fell and vanished back into his Magicite, Gnome came crashing onto Terra, slamming her to the ground while simultaneously grounding her Thundaga in order to save Milla. Terra struggled underneath Gnome, but he increased his gravity in order to hold Terra down as Undine gracefully landed beside Milla and tended her wounds. However, Terra grabbed onto Gnome and said "Osmose!", which began draining his mana & restored Terra's! Suddenly, another Magicite floated out from Terra's inventory and took on the shape of a winged gargoyle-like shadowy figure.
Sensing this Esper, Terra chanted "Diabolos! Please! Lend me your strength!" Diabolos simply lifted Gnome off of Terra with it's own control over gravity & then rolled him like a boulder-sized bowling ball towards Sylph! Now free, Terra makes it back to her feet and says "Thank you, Diabolos" before attempting to fight Milla again, but Undine pushes her back with a wall of water. As Gnome rolls towards Sylph, she creates a headwind that slows him down enough so that he can regain control of himself.
Sylph then notices Efreet getting pummeled by Ifrit on the ground and flies over to assist him. She creates an updraft that lifts Ifrit into the sky and allows Efreet to finally land some offense as he dishes out some heavy punches. Terra tries to make it through the wall of water put up by Undine, but struggles to do so. So instead, she pulls out another Magicite, which fills with mana from the water as Terra chants "Leviathan! Lady Of Water! Lend me your strength! Drown them with the fury of your seas!" The Magicite then takes on the form of a gigantic sea serpent, which dwarfs the entire Colosseum with its size! Leviathan glances down into the arena and collects its energy as it creates the "Tidal Wave". a massive wave of water that washes over the entire area!
Sylph managed to avoid the majority of the attack by flying above the wave, but Efreet was completely swept away by the wave and took serious damage as it crashed him through a wall of the arena. Undine created a watery barrier around herself & the recovering Milla that protected them from most of it as Gnome stuck himself in place and managed to survive the wave mostly unharmed.
Terra, who was starting to feel a little unsure about how to tackle this fight, pulled out another Magicite and said "I need to deal with that flying girl." She then chanted to the Magicite in her hand "Ragnarok!" before the Magicite shined and took on the form of a sword. Terra then continued by saying "Please! Lend me your strength!" Ragnarok shimmered before flying up into the sky and attempting to impale Sylph, who flew out of the way before launching whirlwinds at Ragnarok. Ragnarok flew through the whirlwind mostly unaffected, but Sylph was still seemingly too fast for it to hit.
Gnome, being the closest to Terra, rolled towards her at high speeds, but Terra heard him coming and turned towards him as a strange purple energy emerged from her hand. "Banish!" yells Terra as a portal swallows up Gnome and seemingly removes him from the battle! Terra then flew up towards Sylph and began fighting her alongside Ragnarok as Undine finally lowered the watery shield so that she and Milla could rejoin the fight.
Milla, sensing Gnome was seemingly in another dimension, called him back to her, depositing him into the sky above the arena, which he then started to fall down towards. Terra, who saw the approaching Gnome from the sky, pulled out a Magicite and it slowly took on the shape of a gigantic snake. "Midgardsormr! Please! Lend me your strength!" chants Terra as the snake veers it's long body up into the sky from it's coiled position, catching Gnome in its "Abyssal Maw"!
Sylph immediately attempted to fly to Gnome's aid, but Terra suddenly slowed her down with a magical force as she said "Slowga!" Sylph, now slowed down, watched in horror as Ragnarok approached her while she was unable to move fast enough to evade it, before getting completely sliced in half by Ragnarok before it used "Metamorphose" and turned her into a glass bottle that fell from the sky & shattered upon impact with the ground!
Ragnarok then disappeared back into its Magicite as Terra nosedives back to the ground and blasts Milla with a ball of energy that sends her backwards and underneath the seating of the Colosseum. Terra then turns and sees Undine, who's caught between going to help Milla or trying to help Gnome. Speaking of Milla, she quickly resumes her attack on Terra, now furious. "I'll make you pay for what you did to Sylph! Undine, Efreet, Gnome needs your help!" Terra, now on the backfoot again, quickly uses another Magicite before flying out of Milla's reach and chanting "Shiva! Lady Of Ice! Lend me your strength! Grant them the chill of death with your cold embrace!"
Milla jumps up and continues fighting Terra while in the stands of the arena as the arena floor below is frozen over as a pale lady emerges from the Magicite, the very air around her drastically chilling as she glides over towards where Undine & Efreet are trying to reach Gnome from. Shiva's cold chill proves to be extremely cold, as her presence alone gives both Undine & Efreet an icy glaze over their bodies, forcing them away from Midgardsormr, who is trying to crush the captive Gnome in it's maw, but Gnome is using his control over gravity to repel the serpent's fangs and jaws.
Undine, desperately trying to save Gnome, tries to make it up to him anyway, only for Shiva to block her wave of water by freezing it into ice. Shiva then touches her lips with one of her fingers before blowing an icy chill off of it known as "Diamond Dust" that freezes both Undine & Efreet! As Shiva disappears back into her Magicite, Midgardsormr finally overpowers Gnome, crushing him in it's maw before swallowing him whole and returning into its Magicite.
Meanwhile, Milla is putting up a tremendous fight against Terra now that she's got her back in melee range. Even with her greater strength from Trance, Terra still isn't quite so good at this fast and frantic up-close battle she's currently in with Milla. Terra, who can feel her form is nearly out of time, quickly creates some distance between herself & Milla by hitting her with a wave of energy that knocks Milla back down to the floor of the arena.
Milla looks up from the floor and sees Terra surrounded by small rocks as she prepares to cast a spell. Milla jumps to her feet and quickly makes it to higher ground as Terra shouts "Quake!", causing an earthquake to shake the arena floor and knock almost everything over. Terra, however, didn't realize that Milla managed to mostly avoid her spell, and so she was surprised when Milla suddenly attacked her after running around the outer perimeter of the arena, knocking Terra back down to the floor as her Esper form reverts!
Milla jumps into the air, poised to land a devastating attack, as she comes crashing down towards Terra! Terra braces for impact, and she feels one! That passes by her overhead. As Terra slowly regains her bearings, she sees Milla on the ground some feet to the side of her, heavily charred but still struggling to her feet. As Terra stands up and clutches Lightbringer, she looks over and sees Ifrit returning into his Magicite. Terra then puts two & two together as she realizes that Ifrit used his "Hellfire" attack to blast Milla out of the sky as she tried to dive onto Terra.
Terra takes a moment to glance around and sees that she & Milla are now the only two standing once again. "It appears that I am on my own for now." says Terra to herself as Milla stands up & finally sees the devastation around them. "Sylph... Gnome... Undine... Efreet... I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect you..." says Milla, with a hint of rage behind her apparent sorrow. "I'm going to defeat you... for their sake." says Milla as she unsheathes the Crusader Of Rebirth.
Terra, eyeing Milla's seemingly stronger blade, quickly casts a spell that hits Milla. Milla stops for a moment, but nothing seems to happen. "Hmph, looks like even your magic is starting to lose its edge. It'll be easy...-" Milla's sentence is suddenly cut off by a yawn as she suddenly feels her body craving sleep! Milla, now on wobbly, sleepy, legs, tries to fight through it but is greatly struggling to even keep her eyelids open as she drops her sword and groans out "I hate... these tricks... of yours..." before yawning again uncontrollably.
Meanwhile, Terra says "Gravity" and all of the scattered Magicite return to her inventory, where she pulls out one more and looks at it. "Please be enough..." Terra says as she used most of her remaining magic to fill this Magicite. As Terra did so, she chanted "Lord Of The Skies! Lend me your strength!" Suddenly, the Magicite began to transform into the shape of a great dragon, a massive beast who's wingspan eclipsed the sun behind it!
Milla could barely even see or hear what was happening, let alone do anything to stop it. The dragon began collecting energy within it's mouth as Terra continued chanting with "Bahamut! King Of Dragons! Please! Wield your great & terrible power!" Bahamut then fully charged up it's "Mega Flare", a nuclear-level explosion of raw magical energy, before firing it towards Milla as the entire surrounding area is filled with a blinding light! Milla, through her heavy eyes, could only watch & brace for the surefire annihilation she was about to face. As the titanic explosion engulfed the entire arena floor, it's destructive power shook the entire foundation of the arena, toppling an entire segment of it over as the blast gradually dissipated and Bahamut returned to his Magicite. Terra then breathed a sigh of relief, taking a well-deserved rest after such a difficult battle.
Until she sees not one, but two figures still standing opposite her. Terra could barely believe her eyes, but she saw Milla still standing, and still tired, but she also saw something else she hadn't expected. "Efreet!?" said Milla in a groggy voice, her surprise, joy, and bewilderment all still at least a little noticeable over her sleepiness. Efreet stood in front of Milla, his back facing her with his arms outstretched to his sides. He didn't say or do really anything, even after Milla asked him "Are you... alright...?"
Efreet turned his head slightly back to look at Milla, his usual frown replaced with a small smile. Milla then realized what had happened. She was still alive because he took the hit that was meant for her. But before Milla could even begin to process all of this, Efreet suddenly collapsed forward onto the ground. This, this was a shock to Milla's system, which startled her awake just enough to fight off the Sleep spell and check on him. "Efreet!" Milla shouts at him, but he only weakly smiles at her in response as she feels his mana gradually weakening. As Milla struggles to fight back her tears, Efreet slowly vanishes into nothingness. Milla stands up, her resolve renewed as she says "I'll end this, by my own hands."
(Cue: "My Sword Shall Open The Way" - Tales Of Xillia)
Milla goes on the offense, landing several vicious slices with her blade as Terra struggles to block her relentless onslaught. Terra uses the Mirage Vest to create several afterimages of herself in order to keep Milla guessing as she tries to create some separation between them. Milla's furious attacks quickly wipe out the false afterimages, but Terra managed to buy just enough time to use a Magicite, which turned into a rock-like creature simply named Golem.
"Golem! Please lend me your power!" says Terra before Golem surrounds her in a massive rocky barrier called "Earthen Wall". Within this shield, Terra uses her time wisely by first restoring her energy with a X-Potion and then a X-Ether to completely restore her magic power. Meanwhile, Milla furiously attacks the shield, slowly but surely breaking through it. Terra, feeling the shield getting rocked, knows she's about to have to deal with her angry blonde opponent again soon. Terra knows full well by this point that her swordsmanship isn't quite up to snuff in order to compete with Milla's and that Milla's agility allows her to avoid a great deal of attacks in a one on one scenario.
With this in mind, Terra settles on the only strategy that's gotten her results this far. As soon as Milla manages to create a small laceration across the front of the shield, Terra immediately springs into action, causing several explosions outside the shield as she shouts "Flare!" several times! Milla attempted to block one of the Flares with her Magic Guard by blocking, but was quickly overwhelmed by it and forced to evade the rest. While Milla was avoiding the several explosives Flares all around her, Terra emerged from the remnants of the shield as it vanished sent a small yellow bolt of magic towards Milla as she shouted "Confuse!", but the confusion was only momentary as Milla quickly shook it off just in time to avoid another Flare.
Terra, wanting to keep the pressure up on Milla, began casting even more Flares. Milla, annoyed by this, tried to quickly close the gap to strike Terra up-close, but Terra used Teleport to transport Milla backwards and into one of the explosions. Terra then turns invisible as she shouts "Vanish!", before teleporting again to a vantage point and firing several more casts of Flare at Milla.
Milla pushes herself to her limits and manages to avoid every single last one of the Flares before using casting Cyclone, which rips through the area and reveals Terra's location after hitting her a few times. While Terra was still rocked by the Cyclone, Milla quickly landed a combo on her, starting with Condemnation, then Sigil Spear, a healthy dose of Blade Torrent, and finally a Luminous Chamber, knocking Terra to the ground as Milla takes a moment to restore her TP with a Pineapple Gel.
Terra, injured by taking a direct chain of hits, panics a bit and unleashes more of the crescent-shaped projectiles, this was Riot Blade. Milla blocks most of them with her sword and avoids the last couple as Terra makes it back to feet, albeit quite shakily. Terra then fires an orb of purple magic towards Milla, which creates a mini black hole behind her as Terra shouts "Gravity!" Milla, feeling the pull of the black hole preventing her movement, fights back against it but finds it to be somewhat difficult.
Terra meanwhile uses yet another Magicite, which takes on the shape of a giant fortress-like construct as Terra fires some more crescent-shaped projectiles at Milla, who is unable to evade them or effectively move her sword in order to block them, causing her to take some damage by the several projectiles hitting her as Terra chants "Alexander! Lord Of Light! Lend me your strength! Call down your Divine Judgement upon my enemy!"
As Alexander began charging it's attack, Terra aimed another, much larger, purple orb at Milla. "Gravija!" yelled Terra as this larger orb created a bigger and stronger black hole that left Milla nearly motionless! "Damn it! I need to find some way out of this!" thought Milla to herself. She then sees the light gathering around Alexander before thinking to herself "Wait! Is that light? Then I can-"
Milla's thought is interrupted by Alexander using "Divine Judgement", a gigantic laser-like attack of holy light on her! The resulting explosion is just as big as the one caused by Mega Flare earlier, eclipsing the arena itself and causing a massive glare of light that sticks around for roughly 30 seconds after the attack ends. As Alexander returns to its Magicite, Terra is shocked to see Milla not only still standing, but also seemingly unharmed!
Milla then breaks free from the Gravija spell and rushes Terra, hitting her with several attacks, culminating in an Overdrive that slams Terra down to the ground! Milla tries to stab her blade into the grounded Terra, but she rolls to the side and teleports to gain distance before shouting "Gravija!" again, but Milla avoids the orb this time as she moves even faster than before and begins blitzing Terra with a frenzy of attacks!
Terra, with several deep cuts on her body, uses Teleport once again to appear some distance away from Milla, desperately trying to buy herself some more time. Unfortunately, that time appeared to already be up, as Milla dashed towards her and started pressuring her again with constant attacks. Terra, now getting exhausted, desperately shouts "Blizzaga!" before launching the huge icicle towards Milla, who uses Overdrive and shatters it upon impact without a single scratch on herself! Terra then shouts "Firaga!" before launching the huge fireball at Milla, who uses Shimmer Spin and flies over it before tearing into Terra with another combo yet again!
Terra, who can barely stand by this point, tries to swing Lightbringer, but Milla blocks it before disarming her. Terra stumbles back and tries to use Enhancer for another slash, but Milla evades it and then disarms her again. Terra, with a surge of adrenaline, is surrounded by a gale as she shouts "Tornado!" and a massive tornado appears around Milla and carries her away into the sky!
Milla, caught by surprise, thrashes around inside the tornado while Terra desperately tries to call upon another Esper. "Please... I... don't know if I can win..." says Terra as the Magicite glows from her magic energizing it. However, Milla manages to escape the Tornado and immediately returns to pressuring Terra! Terra is quickly surrounded by bubbles as she shouts "Flood!" and a large stream of water flows into Milla, bogging her down in the now-wet ground and pushing her backwards.
Milla digs her sword into the ground to slow down the stream and begins slowly wading her way back towards Terra, who continues her chanting with "Raiden! Please! Lend me your strength!" A figure on horseback slowly appears from the Magicite. He draws his blade as Milla makes her way out of the stream and begins rushing towards Terra again. As Milla runs towards Terra, she notices the figure on horseback charging towards her location and readies herself to fight it.
As Raiden approaches, Milla jumps towards him and the two both swing their swords at the same time as they pass by each other. Milla lands on the ground and stands up as Raiden comes to a stop. Then, suspense kicks in as the two of them stand there. After what feels like an eternity, Raiden disappears back into its Magicite, which falls to the ground. Milla then says "Hmph. That's the best you can do now?", taunting Terra.
However, Milla then feels something odd. She feels some of her hair come loose as strands of it fall to the ground behind her. Before she could really question this however, she hears a strange noise. A... metallic kind of noise that was hard to describe, it was sorta like hearing two metal blades scraping against each other very slowly. She then heard a small clang as she saw the upper half of her sword fall off from the lower half, which was still in her hands. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of this.
"What-?" was all Milla managed to get out before she suddenly fell over, her entire body cleanly sliced through in several segments by Raiden's "Shin-Zantetsuken" technique! Terra winces at bit at the sight, she didn't exactly enjoy the idea of such brutality but in her defense Milla was the one who started this fight and had backed her into a corner. Before Terra had much time to reflect on things though, she saw a small doll that was scattered along Milla's remains.
It was a fairly average doll judging by its appearance, but it began to mysteriously glow. Before Terra could approach however, the doll shattered and it's bright light reflected onto Milla's corpse. While Terra stared is bewilderment, she watched in awe, confusion, and fear as Milla's body slowly put itself back together and healed itself like it was as good as new! Milla quickly stretched her legs and pulled out the Destiny Bringer as she said "Alright, so maybe I've been underestimating you too much. But whatever, that ends now. If you wanna bring out your toys, then I'm going to bring out mine!"
Milla then uses an Hourglass, freezing everything around her in time! Terra's attempt to gain distance via levitating by using Float is halted as her movements gradually slow down and stop. Meanwhile, Milla walks right up to her and prepares to strike with her blade as she says "Oh, it's going to feel GREAT to finally be able to hit you without you running away." Milla then swings her blade, the scene going into slow motion as her blade gets closer and closer to connecting with Terra. The seconds begin to feel like minutes as Milla's blade moves even slower as it approaches Terra's chest.
Until the blade suddenly stops without warning.
Nothing happens. Time seems to be completely standing still.
And then...
Terra blinks.
And then she slowly moves her left hand onto Milla's sword arm before gently moving it away from her. She then unsheathes the Ultima Weapon, it's tiny blade a reflection of Terra's dire situation. Terra places the blade of the Ultima Weapon against Milla's incoming blade as the world around them slowly regains color and Milla's attack connects with Terra's blade. Milla, her eyes quickly darting to her opponent's sudden new position, is shocked by this and blurts out "What the hell!? Time was stopped, how did you-?"
Terra answers Milla's question by continuing to block her attack, pressing down onto Milla's sword and keeping it lowered as the short blade of the Ultima Weapon was allowing Terra to apply a lot of force on it. Terra then raised her free hand and green energy surrounded it as she said "As it turns out, that I'm just full of surprises." She then healed herself with Curaga, restoring her energy to near maximum and causing the blade of the Ultima Weapon to suddenly extend outwards, where it stabbed Milla in the chest and embedded itself deep in her sternum!
Milla's eyes grew wide as the blade was pulled from her chest and she felt a warm, sticky, liquid beginning to run down her abdomen. Milla backed away from Terra in severe pain as she clutched her wound. Terra exhaled calmly before saying "I thought you were done underestimating me?" She then casts Gravity and brings both the Enhancer & the Lightbringer back to her hands. Terra wields the Lightbringer again as she carefully approaches Milla, who is still in pain and struggling to maintain her balance.
Terra goes for a quick but somewhat weak sideways slash, which Milla attempts to avoid by rolling out of the way but she gets struck on the side instead, causing her even more pain as she screams from the cut. Milla, glaring angrily at Terra, suddenly enters Overlimit as she shouts "Enough! I am Maxwell!" Milla is then surrounded by an intense wave of her own spiritual energy as she rejuvenates her wounds with a Lemon Gel and suddenly flies towards Terra with her blade in hand!
(Cue: "If It's For You ~Song 4 U~" - Tales Of Xillia 2)
Milla's newfound reserves of strength and seemingly endless amounts of anger pushing her forward catches Terra by surprise and she is quickly overwhelmed by Milla's barrage of attack. Mostly. Terra begins using the Paladin's Shield again, which allows her to tank Milla's Fireball & Lightning artes back to back with no damage done to her. By playing defensively, Terra is able to block or counter most of Milla's attacks.
That is, until Milla manages to disarm her of Lightbringer again. Without a weapon, Terra tries to resort to her magic, but Milla's constant pressure from spamming her artes makes casting a spell nigh-impossible for the time being. With no other choice, Terra begins exclusively using the Paladin's Shield to try and block all of Milla's attacks until she can find an opening.
This works well at first, until Milla manages to disarm Terra of that too and she starts hitting her with repeated slashes as Terra tries & fails to evade them. Terra, once again backed into a corner, instinctively uses Teleport to gain some distance from Milla but she is still quickly approached by the blonde, who flies towards her with another Shimmer Spin. Terra however, had already been on the receiving end of that attack enough times to know to avoid it by simply casting Teleport on Milla, causing her to spin into a pillar and knocking both it and herself down to the ground.
Terra, who now had a momentary reprieve, used Gravity to once again return Lightbringer to her hand. She then cast it on the Paladin's Shield to return that to her hand as she was surrounded in a bright field of energy. As Milla jumped back up to her feet and snarled before approaching Terra again, this time mixing in some Fireballs to cover her approach, Terra fired several Flares at Milla. While the Flares stopped all of the Fireballs, Milla managed to weave her way around all of them before once again gaining the upper hand by knocking Terra backwards with a heavy Overdrive strike!
As Terra scrambled to her feet, Milla began repeatedly battering her with vicious strikes that even the Paladin's Shield seemed to barely repel. Then, as Terra was surrounded by dark-colored energy, she managed to halt Milla's ceaseless attacks with a hefty swing of the Lightbringer! Terra then hit Milla head-on with an attack from the dark-colored energy, which caused Milla to skid backward across the ground while still on her feet.
As Milla stopped and was about to dash forward again, she suddenly stopped in place after taking only a single step as a skull-shaped mass of energy appeared around her. Terra then shouted "Death!" as the skull struck Milla, who felt her entire body suddenly jam before the life left her eyes and she fell onto the ground face down. Terra stood, heaving with effort as she took deep breaths. She then saw another doll begin to glow before she exclaims "Oh no!"
As Terra saw previously, Milla's injuries were completely healed despite their severity and she quickly returned to her feet, only giving Terra a quick glance before she was suddenly approaching her again! Terra freaks out in a complete panic as she desperately tries to fight back but Milla's hard-hitting strikes once again force her back and only cause her to panic more as she feels the control of this fight starting to slip from her grasp. After disarming Terra again, knocking both her sword & shield aside, Milla tears into her with heavy, lacerating strikes that deal big damage to Terra, who is desperately trying to shield herself by using her arms at this point. Terra, now being forced to her absolute limits, is legitimately afraid.
And as Milla goes in for another heavy slash, Terra's eyes widen in fear.
Just like that Esper she met that forever changed her life.
An Esper.
Just like her.
As Milla went in for that strike, she saw the fear in Terra's eyes.
She could smell the blood in the water like a hungry shark.
But now?
She saw those same eyes change.
And there was no more fear.
Milla's strike was suddenly stopped as an intense purple energy radiated off of Terra's body once again. The glow was even more intense this time, forcing Milla to backstep away from Terra while shielding her eyes with her free arm. And when that intense glow finally faded, Terra was once again in her Esper form. She stood, with no more fear in her eyes or in her heart, and she pulled both the Lightbringer and Paladin's Shield back to her hands, only to not use them. She then looked at the hesitant but ready to throw down Milla, and as the fiery glare of her red eyes returned all she said was "This ends here."
Terra then suddenly flew towards Milla, catching her by surprise this time, before grabbing her and soaring into the air with her! Milla, still trying to readjust to the seemingly always-changing flow of this battle, managed to escape from Terra's grip. Which sounded like a good idea until she realized they were both in the sky. Milla activates her Overlimit once again before chaining several Shimmer Spins together to soar through the air like a bright-colored helicopter towards Terra, who creates several Riot Blades that chase Milla through the air.
Fortunately for Milla. her making like a helicopter allows her to repel any of them that do manage to hit her. Unfortunately for Milla, her ability to see where she's going currently isn't the best. Causing her to slam into the side of the Colosseum, which she grips onto using her sword. She then shouts back at Terra "You are right about one thing! This is ending here! And I'm going to free those Espers you're keeping captive!" Terra, who's floating in the air quite the distance away, simply exhales as she clears her mind.
Milla then leaps off the wall and Shimmer Spins through the air before dashing through the rest of the distance with an Overdrive. Terra, seeing Milla's approach from afar, is surrounded by a deep purple energy as she suddenly avoids Milla's Overdrive. Milla, who barely manages to turn her head in time to glance at Terra as she realizes she missed her completely, only sees her briefly before a sudden explosion of purple energy blasts Milla downwards and sends her careening into the arena floor, cratering it as Terra countered Milla's Overdrive with Chaotic Current!
On the ground, Milla lays in a pile of rubble, absolutely disheveled after such an attack hitting her head-on and with nothing even remotely breaking her fall. As she looks up through her slightly blurry eyesight, she sees Terra still floating in the air above her. But she also sees another, more shadowy figure, appearing to be behind Terra. But after she blinks, it's gone and she thinks nothing of it.
Milla manages to make it to her feet despite her wounded body begging for her to just give up. Milla then calls upon most of her remaining power as she begins launching a bunch of Spirit Artes up at Terra. Meanwhile, Terra has regained her focus yet again as she sees the incoming artes. She surrounds herself in a magical barrier as she simply exhales, completely focused.
Milla watches as every single last one of her artes are redirected by the barrier around Terra, and this only makes her angrier. She enters her Overlimit yet again and tries launching even more of her Spirit Artes at Terra while yelling up at her "I've had enough of your tricks already! I'm never going to give up and I'm going to defeat you!" Terra then glances down at Milla as she sighs and says "Then here's one more trick for you, Maxwell."
She then moves both of her arms in unison, placing her hands together as she closes her eyes. Milla looks up at this, her eyes narrowing as she says to herself "Now what the hell is she doing...?" A dim light appears between Terra's palms as she begins channeling all of her vast magical energy between them. The light begins to gradually become brighter as Terra channels more and more magic, collecting it from not only within, but without too. All of the mana in the air, from the trees, the waves, the animals, everything around her. All of that mana being gathered into one place, causing the light to become absolutely blinding. Milla, even while shielding her eyes, struggles to see Terra past the luminous orb that's expanding from her hands. Meanwhile, Terra is whispering to herself.
"O perfect light, I want to end this."
With these words spoken, the orb suddenly expands to become far larger than it just was. And while the brightness may have lessened, what Milla saw when she looked up into the sky was a great sphere of magic forming above Terra. For a moment, Milla just stared at this sight. Unsure. How was one supposed to react to such a sight? But she gritted her teeth and began casting several Fireballs, Wind Lances, & Cyclones that she launched up towards Terra.
Milla squinted her eyes, but only saw her artes either helplessly bouncing off of or being absorbed into this mass of energy. Despite this, she was unshaken, and she simply increased the amount of projectiles as she sent up her next wave of artes. Once again, Milla saw her attacks do nothing of note, causing her to yell in anger. Terra, who had finally finished her chant, looked down at Milla with a blank stare.
Filled with no more fear, nor anger or hatred, she was calm, serene even. She watched as Milla sent more & more numerous projectiles her way, knowing that they were destined to fail before Milla even used them. And as she looked down at her once terrifying opponent, she finally understood how it felt to live among humans as an Esper. This power, was a power that only people like her could naturally wield, this terrible power.
Now unsure if she should even use this power, Terra reflected on her thoughts just like how her Reflect spell was reflecting all of Milla's artes. She didn't wish to use this power, but deep down, she knew it was for a purpose. She didn't use it for herself, she never has, nor will. She's always used her powers for others. Especially for the people she cares about. And upon thinking about them, Terra sighs. This wasn't the choice she desired to reach, nor was this the path she desired to walk. But for the sake of the others who believe in her, and they who she believes in, Terra finally spoke one last word.
(Cue: "Terra's Theme" - Megaraptor Version - Final Fantasy VI) (Starting From 5:00)
The massive ball of magic suddenly begins to fall from the sky down towards Milla, who fires one last gargantuan volley of artes at it. But as the definition of insanity dictates, Milla shouldn't have expected a different result from this. Ultima easily redirected or absorbed all of her artes as it continued without even being slightly hindered. Milla gives a slight smirk before activating her Forcefield arte while shouting "Ha! Bet you forgot about this one!" And as Milla's Forcefield expanded outwards towards the approaching Ultima, she smirked before crossing her arms. "If it can stop an attack from one of your summoned creatures, then it can definitely stop one from you!" says Milla as the Forcefield makes contact with Ultima.
And Ultima completely shatters it like a sheet of glass as Milla begins to feel the power of Ultima from its outer edge. Milla looks up at it, dazed by how strong it is. She then quickly uses an All-Divide to lower all damage inflicted by everyone involved in this battle by 50%. However, even with that Milla still feels Ultima completely overpowering her as she's engulfed within its devastating light. And as Milla sees & even feels Ultima now destroying the very land around her, she also feels it starting to burn her. Being in extreme pain on all sides, and witnessing a light that's burning so strongly that even her sword begins to melt out of her hands, Milla throws up her Magic Guard out of sheer desperation.
Only for it to be a futile and meaningless effort as Milla watches in horror as Ultima burns right through her Magic Guard and finally reaches its apex, where it explodes upon Milla. The explosion completely levels what used to be the Colosseum instantly and Milla's final moments are engulfed by a blinding white light that leaves no trace of her or even the structure she once stood in.
And as the light fades, Terra descends from the skies and lands on the ground outside of what was the Colosseum. She is greatly upset at the devastation she's caused, even if she's rationalized it in her mind as being necessary to protect her friends. But as she slowly reverts back from her Esper form, she sees an approaching airship in the distance and smiles a bit, knowing that she's done her part to help protect her friends this day.
Bowser: Looks like Milla's going to be the Lord of a different kind of spirit now!
Mewtwo: While there were a surprising amount of factors we had to analyze for this matchup in order to determine a winner, Terra had everything she needed to win this fight.
Bowser: Fighting up close and evading attacks was Milla's bread and butter, but getting in close or avoiding attacks wouldn't mean much if she wasn't fast enough to keep up with her opponent.
Mewtwo: Milla's best speed feat outside of cutscenes would only maker her slightly faster than a regular person, Whereas with cutscenes she's managed to land attacks on people who are an unknown amount of stronger than her. Like Chronos, for example.
Bowser: Terra on the other hand is a bit easier to find a range for. Even in just the original Final Fantasy VI, she was capable of flying fast enough to cross a majority of the world within seconds, comfortably putting her Esper form's movement speed in the hypersonic ballpark. Including stuff from Dissidia, Terra's way faster than light!
Mewtwo: Even while being generous with the Chronos feat, Terra is still likely quite a bit faster. At least at her peak, her Esper form.
Bowser: But without that? Who knows? Non-Super Saiyan Terra doesn't have much we could easily quantify as speed feats.
Mewtwo: With this in mind, this means that the entire flow of this battle would likely be dictated by Terra. Milla's fighting style is a mixture of melee strikes and acrobatics, she is primarily a melee fighter. Terra's fighting style is more magic-focused, and thus she often fights her battles at long range.
Bowser: Normally, this wouldn't matter too much since Milla has some degree of superhuman speed and Terra's crazy speed is only after her Trance. But it does help swing this battle in Terra's favor since it would be like a game of cat and mouse. Except the mouse keeps flying away and firing a crapload of magical mumbo-jumbo at the cat!
Mewtwo: Aside from their speeds being relatively difficult to compare, the rest of the factors in this battle were much simpler to answer for. First and foremost, we have to talk about power.
Bowser: Even if we scale Milla directly to Maxwell, the best feat we have for him is creating the planet-wide schism that separated the world. Meanwhile, Terra has also gone up against planetary-level threats. Like Typhon, who flipped the entire damn world upside-down!
Mewtwo: Not to mention Kefka, who after absorbing the source of all magic in the world and becoming a God, singlehandedly caused the ruination of the world. Even with an amount of power similar to Maxwell's, Milla was facing an opponent who could match her blow for blow.
Bowser: And again, that's just Final Fantasy VI! If we include Dissidia feats, then Terra reaches up into the multiversal-level limits for power! Even being extremely generous to Milla, she just couldn't compete with that.
Mewtwo: Their durability would of course mostly scale to their AP, making them either relatively equal yet again or giving Terra another sizable advantage depending on the inclusion of Dissidia.
Bowser: But there's more to these kinds of matchups than stats! They're RPG characters! They've got tons of weapons, armors, accessories, items, & magic! Maybe Milla can clutch it there?
Mewtwo: Not likely. Let's take these one at a time, starting with weapons. While Milla has swords like the Crusader Of Rebirth & Destiny Bringer, their effects simply fail to measure up against Terra's weapons like the Lightbringer, which has perfect accuracy and always deals critical damage.
Bowser: Not to mention that it also buffs nearly all of Terra's stats! Speaking of which, the Enhancer made Terra's already potent magic even stronger too! The Soul Sabre was capable of damaging MP directly and causing instant death! And as for the Ultima Weapon, well, that one kinda speaks for itself.
Mewtwo: Milla's other weapons, the File Blade, Vorpal Sword, Flamberge, Sonic Edge, Black Sunfire, & Sun Falcon, were all strong in their own right, but them being elemental-based weapons made them mostly unlikely to be of any use for Milla due to Terra's better elemental resistances.
Bowser: Speaking of resistances, it is kinda important to mention that Milla also had some elemental resistances from her Shining Coat, Shining Veil, and a couple of accessories.
Mewtwo: However, these resistances would only offer some protection from the elements. They were not perfect.
Bowser: Meanwhile Terra's armor like the Minerva Bustier & the Paladin's Shield made ALL elemental attacks on her useless since she'd either nullify them completely or even get healed by them!
Mewtwo: Speaking of accessories, they made for an interesting debate but Terra just had the better options for the most part. While both possessed an accessory that would allow them to use their Magic & Artes for only a single point of MP or TP per use, Milla's caused her to take double damage while it was equipped. Not to mention that her frequent combos were always going to consume her TP considerably faster then Terra's spells would consume her MP.
Bowser: Now you may be wondering, but what about the Red Cape & Blue Cape? Those things that allow Milla to also heal from certain elemental attacks?
Mewtwo: Once again, those useful abilities come with a caveat. While the Red Cape would allow Milla to absorb any Fire, Earth, & Holy damage, it would also double any Water, Wind, or Dark damage she took. The Blue Cape would do the opposite and equipping both would simply render both effects null and void. Also, it's important to remember that Terra also has some non-elemental magical spells like Flare, which neither cape would provide any protection from.
Bowser: Okay but what about those pesky Reverse Dolls? Those things let Milla cheat death!
Mewtwo: True, but like in many cases, only temporarily. The doll breaks after it's used, meaning Milla would only have a limited supply of "extra lives" to use. Whereas Terra could accomplish the same with both the Reraise spell and the Phoenix Magicite, and with no limits for the former aside from the MP cost.
Bowser: So Terra could probably outlast Milla's resurrection dolls, but couldn't Milla play the long game too and wait for her to tire out?
Mewtwo: Not really. Espers are able to draw in mana from their surroundings in order to fuel themselves. Meaning that Terra would almost always have some energy, even if it wasn't quite her maximum. But unfortunately for Milla, she's not quite capable of the same thing.
Bowser: Yeah, during her early years Milla heavily relied on the mana of the Great Spirits. And while she improved in their absence, she's still ultimately far more limited on mana than Terra is.
Mewtwo: Even with items taken into account, Milla's ability to restore her energy doesn't measure up. Her healing options are percentage-based, with the highest possible percentage of a single item being 60% with her Lemon, Pineapple, & Special Gels. Compared to Terra's complete restorative options with her X-Potions & X-Ethers for her HP & MP respectively.
Bowser: Yeah, it's hard to argue with the basic math here. Milla can only hold 15 of each Gel while Terra's got 99 Potions, High Potions, X-Potion, Ethers, X-Ethers, Remedies, and Elixirs in her back pocket.
Mewtwo: All of this shows that Terra simply had the better inventory for this match. But now let's talk about the last very important piece of this puzzle. Terra's magic, Milla's Artes, and how all of their abilities would've interacted with one another.
Bowser: To keep this from becoming a mess, we're going to break all of this down by offensive, defensive, and supportive abilities.
Mewtwo: Offensively speaking, Terra dominates Milla in terms of sheer firepower. Even if Milla could get close enough to land one of her heavier attacks, Terra could deal even more damage from a far greater distance.
Bowser: Even Milla's stronger Artes ain't got nothing on Terra's high level magic spells. Terra could literally blow her out of the water any time she wanted! Especially with her superior speed!
Mewtwo: It's even worse defensively as Milla's only defensive options are relatively weak compared to her offensive capabilities. Forcefield is probably her best option, but it doesn't stick around very long & could be rendered useless if the opponent just flies over it.
Bowser: What about supportive abilities?
Mewtwo: Milla doesn't really have any supportive abilities, but Terra has several magic spells at her disposal. Several of them are basic status ailment inflicting ones like Confuse and Sleep. But she also has ones like Teleport and Osmose, which give her considerably more options to use against Milla.
Bowser: But Mewtwo, Milla has Krona's Symbol, which makes her immune to status ailments!
Mewtwo: Like with much of Milla's arsenal, the devil is in the details. It explicitly makes her immune to Physical & Magical Ailments. However, there are some ailments that are classified as Special Ailments that it does not protect her from, like stunning & instant death. Terra also has access to status ailments that Krona's Symbol hasn't shown any resistances to, like the Imp spell.
Bowser: To be fair though, Terra's Ribbon doesn't protect her from instant death or petrification either.
Mewtwo: True. However, Terra's Safety Bit did. Not to mention that Milla had no way to even inflict instant death regardless. But speaking of Terra's Ribbon & Safety Bit, they really were some of her MVPs for this battle. As they rendered every last one of Milla's potential status effects her Artes can inflict useless. Including that potentially lethal petrification that the Ribbon alone couldn't prevent.
Bowser: What about Milla's All-Divides? Surely those could make a difference, right?
Mewtwo: I like where you're going with this, but unfortunately not. An All-Divide wasn't going to help Milla survive against someone who had her overpowered every step of the way. The fact that it would also nerf Milla is just all the more reason why it wouldn't make a difference in the slightest. Even with lower numbers, Terra would still be just as many times stronger than Milla as she was before.
Bowser: Uh... wait! Milla's got Hourglasses! Those things that stop time and allowed the last Tales character on our show to completely dominate her opponent!
Mewtwo: Unlike our poor space-faring princess from before, Terra had a way to counter the time stopping shenanigans. The Ribbon protects Terra from the Stop status, making the Hourglass useless. Although the opposite is untrue.
Bowser: Wait what?
Mewtwo: Milla has no resistance to time stopping abilities herself. Meaning, Terra's Stop spell would be able to affect her.
Bowser: But there's one more important thing to consider though! Milla died in her game and later brought herself back to life! She willed herself back to life to help her friends!
Mewtwo: As we've said earlier, Milla's feats are odd to judge due to the contrast between her in-game & cutscene feats. In this scenario, Milla chose to sacrifice herself and was only prevented from truly dying because the Great Spirits prevented her from reincarnating out of their fondness for her. It stands to reason that Milla herself cannot quite return from death without help.
Bowser: But the spirits are linked to the mana of the world right? Wouldn't they be able to revive Milla regardless in that case?
Mewtwo: Perhaps. But the Great Spirits are far from infallible. Even Maxwell was defeated in battle. Against Terra's similar levels of power and magical powers, she could more than rival them. This is of course also assuming that Terra doesn't just summon several of her fallen Esper kind to her side to even the playing field.
Bowser: What about Milla willing herself back into existence from a spirit? It's pretty hard to kill someone who can just will themselves a new physical body!
Mewtwo: In all honesty, this was Milla's best defense against Terra's overwhelming advantages. Being extremely hard to permanently defeat. But Terra had a couple of ways to overcome even something like this. The obvious flaw with Milla's ability to will herself a new physical body is that she still requires her soul to do so. Now, Milla's soul would be comprised of mana just like the Great Spirits. Mana is a part of the same pool of energy as Milla's TP, meaning that Milla's soul is at least tangentially related to her mana & TP reserves.
Bowser: So... uh... where are you going with this buddy?
Mewtwo: As you may recall, Terra has this one curious spell called Rasp.
Bowser: Yeah, it's the almost useless one that damages the enemy's MP. What about it?
Mewtwo: Both MP & TP are governed by mana. Mana is the energy source. Meaning, Terra's MP-damaging abilities would also be able to directly damage Milla's TP. Which in turn, would allow Terra to directly damage Milla's mana, and potentially even her soul.
Bowser: Oh! I mean, I guess that makes sense. There are plenty of ghost-like enemies that Terra's able to harm and, uh "kill" with her attacks. I don't see why Milla's soul would be any different.
Mewtwo: Which settles it then. Terra held the advantage in nearly every important area & had every resistance she needed to shut down most of Milla's arsenal. Meanwhile Milla's defenses were either full of caveats that limited their effectiveness or simply couldn't measure up to Terra's plain better options.
Bowser: Oh and one more thing!
Mewtwo: What is it this time Columbo?
Bowser: The notes mention something about Milla's Magic Guard, what was the deal with that?
Mewtwo: *Sighs* Milla's Magic Guard was surprisingly a non-factor in this matchup. It doesn't make Milla immune to magic or anything like that, it simply mitigates damage taken. Which, against spells from someone exponentially more powerful than Milla, would make no difference. Assuming the spell in question wasn't one that outright ignores defenses like Ultima.
Bowser: Damn, was there any hope for Milla to win this one?
Mewtwo: If we didn't use Dissidia feats then the gap in stats wouldn't be as wide, but Terra would still more than likely win due to her better arsenal & resistances no matter how we sliced it.
Bowser: Poor Milla, I guess believing she could ever defeat Terra was her final fantasy!
Mewtwo: The Winner Is... Terra Branford.
Guile VS Jax
Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat
The custom music track for this battle would be called "Souls Of Divination"
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- "Souls" refers to Terra being half-Esper, since Espers are considered spirits with their Magicite being their souls, & Terra can summon quite a few of them to aid her. Milla was created by the Lord Of Spirits and eventually becomes the Lord Of Spirits herself & has the Four Great Spirits as allies, not to mention that spirits & souls are often considered synonyms.
- "Divination" refers to both of them being "divine" in nature. Espers & Spirits are both otherworldly entities that are essentially divine beings compared to humans. Both were also worshiped like divine entities, with the Espers taking the place of the Warring Triad after they became statues as essentially becoming the "Gods" of the world, and the Spirits, Milla included, having their own shrines dedicated to them & maintained by their devout followers.