Two robots with a mass arsenal will be fighting to the death. One create for destruction and killing the other to spread hope and peace. Today Megaman and Terminator will Fight to the death. Will the Terminator ensure Megaman never comes back? Or will Megaman bomb the Terminator to smithereens?
Nero: Robotics have come a long way tarting out as fantasy, but now they are vacuuming our floors and playing our favorite songs. Hey Alexa play Sanjou Ginyu Tokusentai
Alexa: Alright plating Ginyu Sanjou Tokusentai
Gerona: We never know what kind of designs they’ll have in the future with new features, like maybe tons of weapons like today’s amazing combatants
Nero: Like Megaman the Blue Bomber
Gerona: And the Terminator the deadly time traveling robot from Skynet
Nero: I am Nero and she is a Gerona and we analyze the fighters, sources, and abilities to see who would win a Death Battle
(Cue intro)