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Team Devil Vs

Team Devil Vs. Dark Matter Family is a What-if? Episode of Death Battle, featuring that bosses with 1 eye from Mega Man: The Devils against that bosses with also 1 eye from Kirby: The Dark Matter Family!


Cupendy: You know, what's the problem with hard circle bosses with 1 eye?

MegaKirby: What do you mean?

Cupendy: You know bosses like the Devils from Mega Man.

MegaKirby: Ah! And bosses like the Dark Matter Family, right?

Cupendy: Yeah! He's MegaKirby and I'm Cupendy!

MegaKirby: And it's your job to analyze their weapons, armors and skills to find out who could win in a Death Battle

Team Devil

MegaKirby: Ah... 20XX: a age of harmony and peace between robots and humans...

Cupendy: Or at least it was, before Dr. Wily betrayed Dr. Light and declared war!

MegaKirby: Actually, he was only angry because Dr. Light was getting all the attention for their project: The Robot Masters!

Cupendy: To stop Wily's plans, Rock, one of Dr. Light's Robot Masters, asked to be turned into a fighting robot. And it was a success! Rock turned into Mega Man, stopped the other Robot Masters, and arrived at Wily's Fortress! And guess who has the first boss of the fortress?

MegaKirby: The Yellow Devil

Yellow Devil


The Yellow Devil

Cupendy: He's the hardest boss in the whole game! He can use the own body as a weapon, shoot beams from the eye... And... That's it... How's a boss so poor in attacks, the hardest in the game?!

MegaKirby: First of all, his attacks were too fast, secondly, he gained more abilities as the games advanced!

Cupendy: He's immune to cold, weak to fire and electricity, can shapeshift, and the body is almost indestructable!

MegaKirby: But if you think he's the only one with this technology, you're really wrong! Wily made a LOT of them.

Cupendy: Like Yellow Devil MK-II

Yellow Devil MK-II

MM3 Yellow Devil MK-II

Yellow Devil MK-II

MegaKirby: Yellow Devil MK-II is just like the original Yellow Devil, but this one shoots more pellets and can divide himself into pieces that can jump from one side of the room to another.

Yellow Devil MK-III

Yellow Devil MK-III

Yellow Devil MK-III

Cupendy: Yellow Devil MK-III has a new attack method that involves using the Speed Gear. Upon activation, the Devil divides into nine miniature versions, one of them having the eye always exposed. The miniatures fall in a corner three at a time and will jump several times until they reach the other corner, then run back to the starting point and jump away. Afterwards all miniatures will quickly fall one at a time, covering the whole area except for the opposite corner from where the first one appeared. After this, the Yellow Devil MK-III reassembles offscreen and drops into the room fully formed.

Shadow Devil

Elemental Story Monster 2976

Shadow Devil

MegaKirby: This one is one of the toughest! He's just like the original Devil, but the body pieces are bigger, much bigger! The pellets are now much bigger and red, and can turn into a model of Wily's Castle, and when he turns into the castle, he jumps from a corner to other! Like Mega Man 6's Final Boss...

Green Devil


Green Devil

Cupendy: The weakest of them all. This one can turn into a wave of goo, that can be easily avoided if you hide behind a wall, turn his goo into spikes, but can't shoot pellets, and to hit him you just need to shot the eye many times and use Thunder Claw... A disappointing Devil...

Twin Devil


Twin Devil

MegaKirby: The Twin Devil is not only one but two Devils! But don't be scared! You only need to hit the Devil who was the eye! The eye also never closes, making this one the second easier Devil. Can't shoot pellets. The only attack it can do is separate itself.

Petit Devil


Petit Devil (Green)

Cupendy: Remember what I said about Green Devil being the easiest Devil? Forget it. This one is surely the weakest! It can't even attack! The only thing it does is turn into 3 or 4 smaller Petit Devils when destroyed.

Block Devil


Block Devil

MegaKirby: The Block Devil attacks by making some of the blocks from the floors and walls come together, forming his body. The eye then comes from below the screen to enter into the blocks and shoots plasma balls. After this the blocks go back to their original spots in the walls and floor. The eye appears below the floor and makes all the blocks that were used attack by jumping out of their spots.

Dark Moon


Dark Moon

Cupendy: This one isn't one of Wily's robots! It's one of Terra's servants! This one is just like the original Devil, but he knows how to walk, well, only 5 steps... And shoots 3 pellets.

Grey Devil


Grey Devil

MegaKirby: The most unknown Devil ever. He appears in the game: Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chousensha. Which means Mega Man & Bass: Challenger from the Future. Anyways, this Devil attacks by throwing three balls of slime and sliding to the other side of the screen. The slime balls will keep draining energy until they are destroyed.

Rainbow Devil


Rainbow Devil

Cupendy: Rainbow Devil's body is made of a liquid metal that constantly changes colors. Its core, a Pantheon head, controls the body and can change it into any form. Attacks sink into its body, rendering all but the most well-placed attacks to its core (its only vulnerability) useless. The details of the Rainbow Devil's construction are unknown, but it is rumored that he was derived from lost data of ancient times.

Lava Devil


Lava Devil

MegaKirby: Unlike its predecessors, it is more bestial in nature, possessing claws and is bound to the lava when mobile. Like the Rainbow Devil however, it is controlled by a singular head of a mass-produced enemy, this being the case of a Galleon. However, unlike the other Devils, it will regularly lose its protective hide, completely exposing it.

Ra Devil


Ra Devil (also known as New Yellow Devil)

Cupendy: It was created by the super computer Ra Moon by using the blueprints of the original Yellow Devil. Ra Devil is more powerful than Ra Thor, who is two times faster than Quick Man and three times tougher than both Wood Man and Hard Man. Can absorb all types of energy. He was only defeated when Dr. Wily's 's robots give all their energy to Mega Man, which he uses to overload its systems and destroy Ra Moon with the Double Mega Buster.

The most powerful of then all

MegaKirby: But only one Devil can be the strongest of them all. And that one is the Steel Devil

Steel Devil=


The Steel Devil

Cupendy: This one is the biggest and probably the strongest of the Devils! He's so big that it may be bigger than Gamma by a fair amount!

MegaKirby: The Steel Devil is highly destructive as its initial activation was enough to obliterate the entire amusement park that Dr. Wily had been using as a hideout. Only the combined efforts of Mega Man and Proto Man were able to rescue Dr. Light from within and defeat the behemoth.
