Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Miles Prower VS Bruce Wayne
Season 4
Season Episode 4
Air date 05-15-2022
Written by Cider621
Episode guide
Jasper VS Battle Beast
Kevin vs Gregory



  1. The brains of their teams
    • Freedom Fighters
    • The Justice League
  2. They have a plethora of gadgets
  3. They're not as strong as their teammates but have fought them before and won
  4. Have advanced planes
    • The Tornado 2
    • The Batwing
  5. Orphans


  • Tails, will get his super form
  • Batman, will get his other suits


Every team has heavy hitters

Like the Justice League’s own Superman

Or the Freedom Fighters’ Knuckles

But as a nerd would say “brain over brawn”, but at least one of these two is extremely badass

Tails, the two-tailed fox and the brains of Team Sonic

And Batman, the Dark Knight

These two aren’t as powerful as their super companions but they’ve shown their merit countless times before

He's Wiz and i'm Boomstick

And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Tails the Fox[]

One day in Mobius a fox, named Miles, was born with a deformity giving him two-tails


Minutes later Eggman’s forces decimated the city leaving the fox orphaned

Oh- shit, Sonic Lore isn’t usually this depressing

Sometimes it’ll go there

Well, Miles was bullied for being a nerd and a freak, kinda like I did to some white haired loser in Elementary

I know how that feels, some hillbilly in Elementary used to bully me

Dummi: Uh-huh

Well, one day he was following someone who looked cool and found his plane, and he decided to tamper with it

Well, he saw a piece of technology and he couldn’t help but improve it

Lucky for him instead of the owner coming back and calling the cops, Sonic returned to it

Sonic, rightfully being impressed, asked for his name

“Tails: Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails.”

“Sonic: My name’s Sonic. Nice job, Tails.”

Since then Tails became Sonic’s best friend, his personal mechanic and, sidekick

Don’t get confused by his small size and the fact that he’s a nerd, Tails is also more than capable of kicking ass, despite what SEGA has done to him

“Tails: Sonic, help me!”

With his Tails, he can fly for an indefinite amount of time

Pop-up: While Tails tires in-game it’s for balancing purposes, outside of gameplay he’s shown flying for much longer

Shouldn’t they be getting tangled?

He also shouldn’t get the proper lift nor be able to stabilize himself, so just don’t question it

His tails can be used for much more than flying, he can use them to bash things to death

Given that these hits destroy the same enemies that Sonic’s Homing Attack does, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that this attack scales to Sonic’s own Homing Attack

Pop-up: While Tails AP does not scale to the best of Sonic’s AP feats he should scale abit below Sonic’s mid-tier feats like fighting non-final bosses

He also trains in combat with Sonic

Tails is capable of holding his own against Knuckles and Team Dark, when backed with his team

Not only that but one of Sonic’s signature moves; the Spin-dash was actually taught to him by Tails

The Spin-dash basically turns you into a razor blaze as you shoot off at top speeds

And top-speed for Tails is able to keep pace with Sonic himself

Pop-up: Sonic’s fastest speeds while above Tails’ capabilities can still be reacted to

Given that Sonic and the other of the big 3 hedgehogs can reach speeds of 5.2 times the speed of light in base (as determined in Mephiles vs Antasma) should put Tails’ speed perhaps around only 5 times the speed of light

In Sonic Battle he shows off some of his wacky gadgets like an arm cannon pulled straight from Megaman and some cartoon boxing glove on steroids

He also has machine to heal and shield him

Plus a shit-ton of bombs that he throws that can be a walking bomb or a remote bomb or just a normal bomb three at once or ring bombs

His submarine the Sea Fox, has front mounted drill plus a cannon, Mines, Torpedoes, and Anti-Aircraft Missiles

That’s not all aside from Sonic’s plane ,the Tornado, he has his own; the…Tornado 2

This plane, made to be better than the original is fitted with a machine gun and homing missile

And can turn into an X-wing!

Pop-up: The Tornado was later shown to be capable of beating Base Sonic in a race and the Tornado 2, at least in X-formation, is faster than the Tornado

It’s also shown to have auto-pilot such as flying off, presumably back to it’s base, when Tails and Knuckles jumped out to join Sonic one-time

He also has an AT-ST!

Tails’ battle-mech, the Cyclone, can fly and shift into a car

It has a cannon and homing missile and a machine gun and it has a grappling hook and even a super laser!

It’s adept that fighting an army of G.U.N mechs and Badniks or even Eggman's equivalent, the Eggwalker

And just like others he’s able to use the power of the Chaos Emeralds

While he can use a large amount of the power of them, he hasn’t been shown to use all of it

Pop-up: While it is possible he is capable of harnessing the full power, it hasn’t been explicitly shown

He should however, be capable of harnessing enough power to match the Sol Emeralds, which could be used to collapse 2 universes

He also summons 4 birds to help him

The Super Flickies will circle around Tails and target any nearby enemy, and just like Tails, they’re also invincible

Just like that one movie!

Pop-up: While this could be considered outside help, the Super Flickies could also be considered standard gear for Super Tails

Tails who had latched onto Sonic used to be a scared yet intelligent kid, to his own hero who no-longer relied on his best-friend for help

Sonic has asked me for the first time to do something for him. I won't let him down. I won't give up!


Thomas Wayne, owner of Multi-Billion Dollar Company Wayne Enterprises, and his family were leaving the movies

Hey Wiz, did you know that it was probably Space Jam?


The Movie, it was probably Space Jam

Well- never mind that

He was thinking about Bugs and Michael Jordon as he was leaving!

Well, bad movies aside, the young Bruce Wayne then watched his parents murdered in front of him

Imagine the whiplash-

Scarred by this, Bruce used his money to travel the world to learn to be a vigilante super hero

Wait, what's his power

"Bruce Wayne: I'm Rich"

Since then Bruce Wayne used fear to start a crusade against crime in Gotham City, the Batman was born

Well being a genius martial artists Batman can kick all types of ass

No normal person could take him in a fight

Him and his normal Bat suit can tank up to 0.25 tons of TNT

He can easily react to bullets

Are we sure he doesn't have powers?

He can press up to 2,500 lbs with his legs

He's also a master of stealth, even able to evade Superman who has x-ray vision!

As well as a mastery of all weapons

He can think fast enough to see plans in combat

He also can dodge perfectly before realizing an attack was even sent

And also knows where pressure points to paralyze opponents

His batsuit and batarangs can electrocute with up to 200,000 volts

He also has gadgets like his flashbangs, taser gun and, liquid nitrogen capsules

Pop-up: While he has much much more gadgets listing them all would take too long

His pellets can reflect energy, electric and, sonic attacks

He even has a gadget that looks like a thread but can target like omega beams

Sound batarangs can make loud sounds, or magnet batarangs that do what you'd expect and, super heated batarangs...also do what you'd expect

He also has powerful vehicles

The Batmobile and Batwings are some of the most badass vehicles

They can be used as if they were an entire squad of tanks or fighter jets respectively

But he can also bring out the big guns if things get super serious with a suit like the Justice Buster

The Justice Buster was made to battle the Justice League by itself

For those that need a reminder; Wonder Woman, The Flash and, Superman are big names on that list

It's servers are made to process information faster than Flash who can think within Attoseconds or One Quintillionth of a Second

It even has a thing that aims at feet to remove friction and send them flying

Each knuckle has ten miniaturized red suns, primarily used for radiation

Pop-up: Red Suns are about 5,800°F

Plasma Shield to defend against energy

It can also defend against heat and ice

But if he needs to go deeper he has a suit forged by the Justice League, the Hellbat

While it drains his metabolism and could kill him if he uses it too long it is usually enough to put people down

Plus bad ass name, the Hellbat

It's made out of a shifting nanokinetic metallic composition which forms and disappears by a voice-command

It can fly and use a giantchest laser like Iron Man! Or use smaller laser with his hands

Pop-up: The wings can reform if destroyed based on Darkseid ripping them off once

In order to prolong the use of it he can eject certain pieces like the helmet or gloves

With it he used it to fight Darkseid, who commonly beats up Hal and Superman

Despite not having powers he really showed why he earned his spot as a big name on the Justice League

Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam!

Shut up-!

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.


Alright, with the combatants all set and the data run through all possibilities, let's end this debate once and for all

It's time for a Death battle!

Combatants Tails vs Batman


Tails: Running through a burning city looking at his tablet as a yellow glow shines in front of him he looks up to see the yellow emerald Great! Grabs it and keeps going on his way Now if I can get this back to Sonic-

Batman: Hand it over, Miles

Tails: He turns around Batman?

Batman: Your team is in over their heads, we can handle it faster

Tails: He pulls the emerald way No-way we’ve dealt with the emeralds before you don’t know what they’re capable of

Batman: You think we haven’t dealt with powerful items before? Just hand it over

Tails:...A boost of confidence hits him, challenging a member of the Justice League kind of confidence, as he glares Sonic is relying on me. If you want the Emerald, you’ll have to take it.


Tails starts charging a spin-dash and rockets forward, as Batman throws a liquid nitrogen capsule straight at him, Tails freezes solid

Batman: Knows that won’t hold him for long and disappears

Tails: Shatters out and shakes his head, his ears twitch as he attempts to try and hear Batman out

Batman: You’re making a mistake Miles, I don’t wanna have to hurt a kid like you

Tails throws a ring bomb in the direction he heard that, but Batman wasn’t there

Batman: Lands about 10 feet away behind him and throws an electrified batarang

Tails: It dinks off his back but still electrocutes Gaaah!

While Tails was distracted a grappling hook wraps around him and it yanks him back, Batman flings Tails’ rather light body overhead to slam into the ground

Tails: His tails burst through the rope as he start flying in an attempt to bring Bats upward

Batman yanks down, Tails doesn’t budge so he throws a Batarang to cut the rope

Tails: He starts throwing bombs

Batman: Jumps out of the way Clark, he wasn’t as complacent as we thought, be on standby

Tails: frees the rest of his torso and pulls out his tablet to send Sonic a message Sonic, things could be getting messy, be ready to help

Tails dives for Batman who fires a taser, Tails dodges out of the way so Bats throws a superheated Batarang

Tails: Catches it not realizing it was hot O.O!? Yipe! He drops it

Batman: Fires his homing thread

He narrowly dodges but it starts looping back around and he keeps frantically dodging in air. Batman throws a sound batarang right by his ears, Tails hears this and covers his ears in response getting hit by the thread and dropping to the ground all tangled

Batman: I told you, you were in over your head

As Tails starts getting free Batman hits him in what he thinks to be his pressure points, Tails goes limp. Batman gets him free to grab the emerald as Tails jumps up knocking Batman away and onto his back. Tails gets up finally landing a hit

Tails: Standing defiantly I won’t let him down, I won’t give up! He takes this opportunity to dash away

Batman: He gets up as the Batmobile drives next to him as he gets in and drives off after him

Tails: Running when bullets start whizzing right by him Wha-?! He turn to looks back to see the Batmobile in hot pursuit

The bullets keep firing as Tails jumps and weaves around them

Batman: Plan B. Fires a missile barrage

Tails: Whaugh!? He starts rolling and ducking to avoid not only the missiles but the explosions too. An idea pops into his head as he jumps up Return to sender! He thwacks a missile with his tails and it’s sent flying back

Batman: He steers clear before deciding to aim not at him but near him

Tails: As he runs a missile strikes right beside him flinging him into the side of a building Oomph! And onto the ground

Batman drives up to him and steps out as Tails gets back up, they lock eyes. Tails throws his triple bomb as Batman is about to neutralize it, it misses and blows up the Batmobile

Batman: Shields himself looking at the remains of the Batmobile and when he looks back at Tails

Tails: The Tornado 2 flies by as Tails quickly jumps into and pilots away

Batman: Looks at the Fox fly away the Batwing lands behind him, as he gets in and it takes off

The Tornado 2 weaves around all the gunfire from the Batwing as it shifts into combat mode then it flies upwards and rolls around to fire at the Batwing

Machine gun fire is traded among the 2 as they fire a missile at the same time the missiles collide and explode

The Batwing flies into a dark cloud to take cover, Batman uses heat seeking so he can fire at the Tornado 2 safely and he fires a missile

The Tornado 2 does a barrel roll to avoid it

Tails: He’s using heat seeking! Luckily I can home in too He notices he has a homing shot and fires

Batman maneuvers it out of the way and fires it’s grabbing tether at the enemy plane, Tails aims his arms cannon and fires it in the direction the tether is firing from

The Batwing is veered away as the tether retracts and starts firing the machine gun

Tails flies it away to avoid the gunfire and fires back with his arm cannon

As the two planes trade fire Tails pulls out the Yellow Emerald and raises it up to use its energy for more juice as the Tornado 2 rockets away

Batman shifts things around and the Batwing rockets off to chase firing missiles and machine gun at the Tornado 2

Tails being unable to fire back has to veer around the onslaught being fired upon his plane as something clinks on the back of the plane, he’s been tethered

Tails: No! He gasps as a wing is blown off and he’s let go of and he starts barreling down as a missile hits the plane and it explodes Owaah! He falls towards the water, the Chaos Emerald falling above as he kerplunks into a body of water

Batman: His Batwing tether catches the emerald

The water where Tails landed starts to bubble as the Sea Fox bursts over the surface Tails looking up and glaring at Batman

The Sea Fox emerges

The Batwing flies off as the Sea Fox gives chase while firing anti-aircraft missiles, Batman evades the fire while trying to get over land

Tails pops open the top while surfaced and fires his arm cannon when Batman evades the Sea Fox fires a missile which barely misses

Batman: Try this. He spins the plane fires the machine gun

Tails: Wuh! He closes the top as the machine gun breaks it but protects him

The Batwing makes it over land

Tails: NO! He does some quick thinking and holds his breath making the Sea Fox dive as water fills up the cabin it starts sparking he then pulls up most control jamming as it flies out out of the water and fires one last anti-aircraft missile

The Batwing struck down

The Batwing starts barreling towards the ground as Batman ejects and Tails jumps out of the Sea Fox and flies towards the Chaos Emerald that fell too

Tails: C’mon c’mon c’moooon He’s about to reach it

The Emerald is suddenly wrapped and yanked towards Batman with his grappling hook as he uses his suit to glide down and lands

Tails: He lands in front of him Give it up!

Batman: Glares and he uses a flashbang

Tails: Gah! Covers his eyes

When his eyes focus Batman is gone, a shadow looms behind him

Batman: Taste Justice.

Batman, now in the Justice Buster punches Tails in the back sending him flying through several building

Tails: He face plants and skids on a street

He gets up he hears crashing he turns towards where he was launched and sees the Justice Buster crash through and almost land on him as he rolls away and attempts to fire his arm cannon it dinks off the plasma shield

Batman: Yield Miles.

Tails spin dashes away as Batman fires as Tails sending him flying into a wall as he follows the poor fox

Tails starts to run away and something hits his feet luckily for him he’s hovering as he jumps into and alley to hide and calls something in

As Batman makes it to the alley it’s shot away as Tails piloting the Cyclone steps out

Tails: Hand over the Emerald

The Cyclone fires missiles and machine gun bullets as Batman makes the Justice buster shield itself before it runs up and punches the mech back

Tails stabilizes himself as a little mech floats up to heal him as he fires his barrage at Batman again

Batman charges through the onslaught and punches the healing mech away before getting knocked upward by Tails magic (sciencey?) glove leaving it wide open for Tails to not only open fire but also throw his bombs before charging up a massive shot with his arm cannon and fires

Suddenly a red laser destroys it

Tails: What the?

The Justice Buster lands as a man in red in blue flies in between him, the Man of Steel

Superman: Stand down Tails, you’re now fighting 2-on-1

Tails: I- i- He backs up some

Superman looked in the distance behind Tails after hearing something, before a Blue Blur hits him back some and land between him and Tails

Sonic: Well well well, never thought I'd be last to a party, but seriously guys; 2 members of the Justice League vs Only 1 of the Freedom Fighters? Not sure if that sounds fair

As Sonic gets ready to fight so do the other 3

Sonic dashes at Superman as Tails fires at Batman, Sonic dodges the eye lasers fired at him and jumps at Superman who flies away to dodge, Sonic instead homing attacks the Justice Buster to give Tails an opening. As he fires his shot is blocked by Superman who rushes in and punches, but Tails utilizes his shield mech which blocks the hit and he uses the chain glove to knock Superman away

Sonic is jumping at the Justice Buster which is handling him as Batman fires the frictionless fluid which sends Sonic careening into a wall as Batman starts punching him into the ground

Tails: Sonic! He attempts to help but is knocked back by Superman

Sonic rolls away from a punch but is blocked from helping Tails so he runs up the Justice Buster hitting the top with a few homing attack and rushes to hit Superman in the back

Superman: Omph- He turns and clenches his fist

Sonic: Oh dear-

Superman punches Sonic so hard not only does is there a ring loss sound there's also a sonic boom as he’s launched over the horizon as Superman blasts off to follow

Tails and Batman look at each other again and rush at each other as missiles and punches are thrown, eventually Batman gets two big hits launching the Cyclone back

Tails: He knows the Cyclone is in terrible shape but he’s gonna use it for one last thing Hey Batman! Try this on!

Batman reads an energy spike from the Cyclone but it’s too late as the massive laser is fired and scores a direct hit on the Justice Buster

Tails jumps out of the Cyclone as the laser used up the last of its power as he cautiously walks towards the knocked over suit looking at his tablet the Chaos Emerald is still there he steps atop the suit about to try and break in before being blown backwards landing on his rump

Tails: I thought it was busted! What was that!?

Batman: Lands right in front of Tails his red visor glowing as he lifts Tails while in the Hellbat Bust this. He drops Tails but before he can hit the ground he punches him away

Tails: He lands and while on all fours he coughs spitting out a few teeth before getting up I-I- I WON’T GIVE UP he starts charging a spin dash and blasts forward

Batman side steps and kicks Tails

He lands atop the Justice Buster noticing a glow, in Batmans haste to get back into the fight he dropped the Chaos Emerald, he reaches for it before one of his tails are grabbed and he’s flung away

Tails: He stays laying, so outclassed it’s like he’s finally down

Batman: Walking towards him I’m sorry it came to this, Miles

Tails: He pulls out the Yellow Emerald, he managed to grab it…you’ll have to take them all The Emerald glows as the rest appear from him, he floats up as they start to swirl around him before disappearing as Super Tails appears, surrounded by his new Super Flickies flying by him

Super Tails has arrived

They charge at each other throwing a punch which causes a massive shockwave leveling the area around them, their fists met and countered each other

They seem to disappear fighting incredibly fast as shockwaves blast in the air

Batman fires an energy blast at Tails who sends the Flickies to attack before getting blasted back. The Flickies fly and distract Batman as Tails charges in ball form to knock him away

The Flickies pester Bats as he knocks two away and kicks the other two then punches Tails away who tried charging him again, firing another blast to send him further but instead Tails flicks his tails sending the blast back at Batman

They stare, a distance between them, Batman fires an energy blast and Tails knocks it back as Batman dodges and fires another and they start a cycle of firing and reflecting getting faster and faster in an attempt to hit each other before a Flicky flies into Batman distracting him just long enough for the blast to hit him hard

Batman: Grah! He grabs the Flicky and hurls it away and flies at Tails shoulder bashing him, and as Tails is flying through the air he punches him twice more

Tails eventually blocks and looks at him angrily growling and grabbing his arm and throwing him downward and spins into him as they land a huge explosion

Tails looks down at the Batman thinking he’s done it before the helmet comes of and Batman gets up with a punch to Tails’ chin launching back up, Tails notices his ring count getting low

Batman flies up to continue the fight they trade a series of devastating blows

They both notice the other is fighting more desperately, they’re BOTH on a time-limit

Batman eventually sheds the gloves as he fires the chest laser, direct hit

Tails after taking a powerful head-on attack is on his last 10 rings

They keep fighting they know that they’re time runs extremely thin, it’s now or never

Tails with his last remaining rings send a super flicky to take out the wings as the other 3 attack the exposed areas as he super dashes straight into his torso

Batman starts to fall towards the ground as Tails stops glowing and starts falling too the emeralds split from him and the Flickies attempt to hold him in the air for abit longer before dropping him and scattering

The two heroes careen towards the ground and land hard

They both get up afterwards and stare

Batman falls blood leaking from the opening of the Hellbat

Tails notices the Emeralds landed around him, the Yellow Emerald that started this having landed in front of him

Tails: H-heh…His body finally gives up, realizing he won, as he faints



No-way, did that just happen?

Yep, while Batman was certainly, extremely tough Tails had him beat

Well, even if Tails did win it was close

When base forms are in play, Tails wins no problem, Batman could only use his experience and gadgets to hold him at bay

He’d even be able to take on the Batmobile by himself

With the Batwing vs the Tornado 2, the Batwing does take the edge with a superior arsenal

But Tails’ intelligence plus the Sea Fox could shoot it down

The Justice Buster is much much closer to Tails’ abilities and even would dominate the Cyclone

But none of that matters Wiz! Why didn’t the Hellbat just destroy him!?

Well, Super Tails could do it

Pop-up: In Sonic 3, it was shown a Super State can be punched out; however, Knuckles is the Guardian of the Master Emerald which can neutralize the Chaos Emeralds so it’s likely Knuckles alone possesses that ability. Batman wouldn’t be able to

While the Hellbat is certainly stronger than Super Tails and even has a better arsenal, Super Tails’ best bet was outlasting the Hellbat, which is certainly possible

Yeah, the downside to Super Tails’ time limit is that he’ll lose the form THEN die, while the Hellbat means Batman would just die

The Super Flickies are also certainly good help

Pop-up: The Super Flickies count as standard gear, and wouldn’t be able to make the kill alone regardless

Yeah those little shits could open Batman up for Tails to get good hits in

So, it wasn’t a matter of stats for the Hellbat vs Super Tails it was a matter of intelligence and time management

Well, Batman is the world's greatest detective, he’s certainly smart enough to outwit some deformed fox

On the contrary, most sources state Batman’s IQ at 192, while Tails’ IQ sits at 300

Pop-up: While IQ isn’t a perfect measurement, a gap that large would certainly mean something

What about Batman’s experience?

What about it? While he is most certainly more experienced than Tails, the fox isn’t utterly and completely outclassed

Well, couldn’t the Hellbat just knock the rings out of Super Tails

Technically, though getting hit and losing rings in the super form is inconsistent in the games, even so it’s debatable that Super Tails is faster or at least can react as such, it might even be immeasurable

So Tails used his intelligence and speed to wear out the Hellbat

Yep, and once Batman ran out of steam even if he somehow didn’t die from it, we already discussed that Base Tails is more than enough for the Batman

So Batman was caught at the Tail-end of his life

The Winner is Tails the Fox

Tails is the Winner

...So... What happened to Sonic and Superman?

I don't know, their fight went to another shows sensors

Damn... so we don't get the revenue

Battle Track[]

Coming Soon

Next Time[]

Next Time on Deathbattle!

Kevin VS Gregory

Kevin VS Gregory
