Tai Lung vs Azula | |
Season | 1 |
Written by | Negaboss2000 |
Episode guide | |
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Tai Lung VS Azula is a What-If Death Battle adopted by Negaboss2000. This fan made Death Battle features Tai Lung from the Kung Fu Panda franchise and Azula from the Avatar franchise.
Kung Fu Panda vs Avatar. Two extremely skilled and powerful, yet ruthless, psychotic and sadistic villains fed by pride and egotism by their own parental figures who taught great moves at a young age. Though who is the more skilled and powerful to best the other out of the two?
Wiz: There comes a time when many are chosen for greatness, but there are times when not everyone is the chosen one for great power.
Boomstick: In fact, betrayal by a close one and the denial of all that greatness can drive one to insanity mixed into one can turn even the goodness of students into the the most mentally unstable villains.
Wiz: Such as Tai Lung, the ruthless former Kung Fu Snow Leopard student of Shifu.
Boomstick: And Azula, the psychotic princess of the Fire Nation. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!
Wiz: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win, a DEATH BATTLE!
Tai Lung[]
Boomstick: Long ago, in Ancient China, deep within the snowy mountains, the Prison of Chorh-Gom lies. A hell of a stronghold and a prison so monstrous, you’d be crappin’ your pants right about now.
One thousand beefy Rhino guards, and one prisoner serving a lifetime sentence for his ruthless crimes against the citizens of the Valley of Peace. Note to self, never get arrested and go to a prison like this.
Wiz: This massively fortified prison was built for only one purpose, to hold many of China’s most dangerous criminals, prisoners and masterminds. Guarded by a thousand Rhinoceros guards with only one way in and out. Just like that.
Boomstick: But there's one prisoner they hold there, a prisoner locked up so tight in that place that he literally couldn’t move. No, I’m serious, he literally couldn’t move!
Wiz: Serving a lifetime sentence for his ruthless crimes against the Valley of Peace, this prisoner was known by all as one of the most powerful Kung Fu masters, as well as the former student of one of the greatest masters in all of china, Tai Lung.
Boomstick: Holy s***...Wiz, remind me never to get locked up in a place like that with him.
Wiz: A-Actually, he wasn’t always this way. Before he became who he is today, Tai Lung was originally found abandoned at the doorstep of the Jade Palace where Master Shifu then adopted him and raised him as his own, like any good parent would.
Boomstick: And then one day, the kid showed talent on Kung Fu at the right age, showing how badass he was at it. The result was Shifu began training him, believing in him and encouraging him to become the best, and even telling him he was destined for greatness. Yeah...you guys can probably see where all this is going.
Wiz: Shifu originally believed that Tai Lung could become the legendary Dragon Warrior and possibly even more, but ultimately he became blinded by his own ambition. This made Tai Lung a very confident and very formidable kung fu warrior, at the cost of earning an unhealthy behavior of wanting to become the Dragon Warrior.
Boomstick: Yep, just like me with beer. Anyways, when this was brought to Shifu’s master Oogway, the Grand Master of all Kung Fu, he saw Tai’s heart was darkened, refusing him to let him earn the Dragon Scroll, a legendary scroll written by him that contains the secret to limitless power. Man, if I could use something like that.
Wiz: That scroll is only for the Dragon Warrior, Boomstick. Anyways, the rejection broke Tai Lung’s heart and shattered his mind, his whole life and devotion for greatness all for nothing, and Shifu, the man who had always believed in him, couldn’t bring himself to defy his own master.
Boomstick: It got so bad, that Tai Lung freaked out, blaming Shifu for everything and went bats*** crazy across the entire Valley of Peace, destroying everything in his path. Jeez, if that was me, I’d have learnt from my mistakes. Oh wait, that’s Wiz…
Wiz: Tai Lung then attempted to take the Dragon Scroll by force. Shifu tried to stop him, but couldn’t bring himself to harm his own son, even if the latter was willing to kill him. Thankfully though, Oogway stopped the snow leopard, subduing the ruthless student and sending him off to prison for a lifetime sentence.
Boomstick: Twenty years later, Tai Lung still became trapped in Chorh-Gom, heavily guarded deep within the bottom of the mountain prison, immobilized with needles, chained up to giant boulders and constantly bullied by the warden and his guards! God, now I really never wanna end up in that prison!
Wiz: This ultimately wouldn’t last. The day came when a vision of him escaping, seen by Oogway himself, would cause Shifu to panic and send a message to the warden to double all security measures to prevent his former student from returning. Little did anyone know that this action, along with the warden giving the tour to the messenger, an up close view of Tai Lung and a mockery of him not being the Dragon Warrior, and yes…even stepping on his tail, would be the very thing that helped the prisoner escape.
Boomstick: Totally not cool, bro! Heck, he’s even the reason Tai Lung escaped, when he hit the messenger on the back and caused him to lose a feather! Seriously, not cool! Anyways, Tai Lung would use said feather to unlock his stone shell prison and get rid of those painful needles on his back too. Man, this guy is too clever if you ask me.
Wiz: So Tai Lung managed to escape his prison cell, and while he had somewhat difficulty getting out, it was nothing he couldn’t handle, even after holding up two boulders for literally 20 years.
Boomstick: Heh, and he’d also give those rhino bullies a taste of their own explosive medicine, literally. And after that, he told the messenger to tell Shifu that he was on his way back for revenge and the Dragon Scroll.
Wiz: Overall, Tai Lung has proven to be a terrifyingly dangerous kung fu warrior who is willing to go through hell and back to get what he wants, and because of mastering many styles of kung fu, this fierce snow leopard is unpredictable, even compared to other villains like Lord Shen of Gongmen City and General Kai, Oogway’s former brother in arms.
Boomstick: Yeah! He can break off a chain with his own sheer strength, bounced a giant arrow off the palm of his paw and launched it back at the same crossbow that fired it, even kicking the other arrows from their crossbows into the wall, using them to climb his way outta prison. In fact, Tai Lung is so strong, he was able to take out a thousand rhino guards like bowling pins and break the ground and earthbend the s*** out of it! This guy is invincible! And to think he held up two boulders for 20 years.
Wiz: All this while even using his environment as an advantage. And it’s worth noting that in order to become a kung fu prodigy, especially at a very young age, Tai Lung became the first student of the Jade Palace to master all 1000 scrolls of kung fu, each of which gave him new kung fu skills as time went on. Yep, that’s right, Tai Lung read every collective scroll in the kung fu library, and all when he was still a student.
Boomstick: It’s almost like this guy transformed his body into a deadly weapon. Aw man, I wish I could be that badass…
Wiz: And being an anthropomorphic snow leopard, Tai Lung possesses the obvious teeth and claws which he can use to climb up buildings and walls and even run along them at high speeds, as well as attack opponents with. He also has incredible amounts of speed and agility, shown when he dodge the arrows from giant crossbows aimed at him and even using one of them to break his first chain, he could even dodge a whole mountain of red arrows and yes, you guessed it, even using said speed to take out the rhino guards fast. In fact, he's even fast enough dodge, jump and climb on top of falling boulders, all this to reach the dynamite he used to blow up the front gate.
Boomstick: He can even appear in the blink of an eye to anyone. Damn, talk about the eye of the tiger, or leopard. Anyway, this guy also has incredible balance, especially on a rickety old bridge with one arm or leg. And that was while battling with the Furious Five, and he completely wiped the floor with them in the end. Oh but don’t worry, kids, they didn’t die, they were just…injured by him.
Wiz: I-It’s basically true. The members of the Furious Five, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey and Mantis, are all purposely named after their kung fu fighting styles, with Tigress noted for strength, Viper for flexibility, Crane for deflection, Monkey for acrobatics and Mantis for speed. All of them work as a team to defeat their foes in battle, and even though they fought and yes…kicked Tai Lung’s butt, on the bridge, he still beat all five of them.
Boomstick: Furious Five. Pff…more like the Frail Five. I mean, if I was one of those guys, I’d have had the sense to get the f*** outta there!
Wiz: Are you for real right now…?
Boomstick: What…? I was just saying that they lost to Tai Lung.
Wiz: You called them frail. I think even they would find that insulting.
Boomstick: A-At least they improve by the second movie. And let’s face it, they were totally badass in that one.
(Wiz just gives Boomstick a hard stare, causing him to turn away awkwardly.)
Wiz: Getting back to it, Tai Lung’s own fighting style is the Leopard Style. This style is a kung fu style from southern Chinese martial arts and is considered to be as aggressive as its counterpart, Tiger Style. Fighters using this style test the might of their foes with fake attacks to wear them down and then strike when you see an opening, like a predator leaping onto its prey, all that with deadly blows.
Boomstick: So yeah, Tai Lung has Leopard style kung fu, that explains his strength, speed and whatever. But you know you’re done for when he breaks out his signature techniques, like the double-fisted punch, the sucker kick and his most deadliest move, the mastery of nerve attacks. Oh god, the horror!!!
Wiz: The nerve attack is basically a highly advanced technique of kung fu which can paralyze an opponent temporarily, all this by jabbing the various pressure points around one’s body. The result rendered them immoble like a statue and can block their chi. And Tai Lung was capable of pulling off the move with only one finger and a major jab near the heart.
Boomstick: Ironic when you think about it, ‘cuz Oogway used the same technique to defeat him in the first place. Guess it goes to show you that Tai proved to be one of Shifu’s best and worst creations all in one. Also, while he uses weapons, like I totally would, Tai Lung can use almost anything at his disposal to get the job done.
Wiz: Tai Lung is strong enough to break through a wooden door with brute force, take on many opponents all at once, and yes, this even includes The Chameleon’s armed guards, and he is even resistant to fire, going as far as showing he can hold it in his bare paws while fighting without any injury at all.
Boomstick: Heck, this guy even survived falling after being tied with the rope from the bridge and left to fall down into the mist below, and he still came back without any freaking effort! And he still sent those guys back to Shifu to strike fear in the hearts of everyone, you know, the usual villain stuff. Seriously, is there anything this guy can’t do?!!
Wiz: Well, I can say that he survived a long and probably tiring journey back to the Valley of Peace. And once there, Tai Lung confronted his master for the last time, and even the real Dragon Warrior. Though the scroll had been taken and the valley evacuated in time. Ultimately, leaving Tai Lung to fight his master once more, neither of them holding back.
Boomstick: It’s also where Tai Lung could finally unleash his emotions and blame everything on Shifu for denying him his destiny. Man, the amount of s*** thrown around during the fight you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Ah…just like me and my daddy.
Wiz: But even when Shifu tried to apologize for turning Tai Lung into a raging psychopath, the snow leopard nearly killed him…only for the real Dragon Warrior, Po, to arrive just in time.
Boomstick: And yeah…Tai Lung thought this fat panda, no offense, was a joke. But then he found out the hard way to never mess with him when Po used his kung fu skills and tricks to keep the scroll out of his hands.
Wiz: Eventually though, despite all of his ferocious determination, Tai Lung managed to get his paws on the Dragon Scroll, opening it to find…it was blank. Or in this case, just a reflection.
Boomstick: Eh, it wasn't the first time, Wiz. Po never got what the scroll meant the first time either.
Wiz: This is true. Though was when his own dad, the goose, told him that the secret ingredient to his noodle soup was nothing, Po realised that the reflection of himself, and by extension, the secret to unlimited power, was within him all along.
Boomstick: The power was within him all along. Man...corny, but a well meaningful lesson.
Wiz: Unfortunately, Tai Lung didn't learn the lesson. However, Po finally had the power to finally take down Tai Lung once and for all, not even Tai Lung's nerve attacks could harm Po. In the end, Tai Lung's hardened heart, rage and lack of patience was his ultimate downfall, which allowed Po to finally beat him and save the Valley.
Boomstick: Hahaha!!! Man, that was like a cartoon. Seriously though, Po beat this guy big time and after that, sent his a** to the Spirit Realm with the Wuxi Finger Hold, which miraculously, Po had figured out on his own.
Wiz: Yet despite everything...you can't help but feel bad for Tai Lung. His whole life was devoted to become something he was never meant to be, all that training and encouragement from Shifu's pride being for nothing and the very reason he ended up in the Spirit Realm.
Boomstick: Of course, he did get his chi taken by Kai during the third movie and then came back to from the spirit realm only to have his abilities taken by the Chameleon. And then found respect for Po after he beat her and sent him home. Man...that was good. If only my daddy and I had that bond.
Wiz: In the end, Tai Lung eventually redeemed himself, taking the Chameleon into the Spirit Realm along with himself. He might not have reconciled with his old master, but this was the closest thing to a redemption we could ever hope for.
Tai Lung: Maybe Oogway was right about you. You aren't completely useless after all.
Princess Azula[]
Wiz: Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Boomstick: JOHN CENA!!! (Sings the John Cena theme)
(Wiz looks at Boomstick, annoyed for that little outburst.)
Boomstick: Uh, sorry...old habits, Wiz.
Wiz: Ahem. Long ago, the four nations, representing the four elements, of the world all lived in peace and harmony, as obvious as the story starts out. But then, as you can probably guess...
Boomstick: Those b******* from the Fire Nation, a huge empire with a desire to show their superiority, ruined everything and began attacking. Only the Avatar, the powerful being who can control the four elements could stop them, but he vanished when they needed him…oh but don’t worry, he’s soon found again.
Wiz: But nevertheless, it was his duty to keep the world safe and stop the Fire Nation, yet he was never around to stop them. Years later, led by Fire Lord Ozai, the Fire Nation continued their reign, 100 year war after Sozin committed genocide over the Air Nomads in order to stop the next Avatar from coming. And during those years the Fire Nation managed to carry out their insidious reign, and many continued his horrible ideals.
Boomstick: Like Fire Lord Azulon, Fire Lord Ozai, the b****** like Sozin, and…a princess named after his successor, a princess so fierce and scary, she would become one of the Fire Nation’s deadliest weapons. Oh man, need I say how much of a psycho she is…? This princess is the most terrifying in all of known fiction, she's the daughter of Fire Lord Ozai, Princess Azula.
Wiz: Born into the royal family of the Fire Nation along with her brother Prince Zuko, she was always the favourite child to Ozai himself, and before long he began to teach her how to run the entire nation, even though she had a little of a normal life growing up, even with her craving for her mother's love and a handful of friends like Mai and Ty Lee.
Boomstick: But don't let any of that fool ya! Azula is an incredibly ruthless and manipulative fire bending prodigy princess who is both obsessed with power and seeking her father's approval, like a spoiled brat. In fact, she's was the mastermind behind the fall of Ba Sing Se of the Earth Kingdom. Oh my god!
Wiz: Y-Yeah...there's no way to sugar-coat this. Azula was ultimately the child to lean towards insanity, something that came from wanting her mother's attention and is also the reason for her bullying her brother, Zuko.
Boomstick: Damn...it's no wonder she became the greatest weapon to the fire nation when her brother was out of the picture, the same can be said for her mother when Ozai banished her. Man...reminds me of when my ex-wife and I divorced.
Wiz: She's an incredible martial artist and acrobat in terms of fighting, and being the fire bending prodigy that she is, like all the other firebenders from the Fire Nation, Azula is capable of manipulating fire, similar to martial arts styles but more aggressive.
Boomstick: She can bend fire in any creative way, including creating fire balls, fire blades, fire shields, blast herself through the air with Jet Flame Propulsions at, breathing fire from her mouth, creating it from nowhere and of course, conjuring blue fire, which are said to be the most intense and hottest flames that any fire bender could conjure. Jesus, I knew Azula was a hothead, but never THIS hot!
Wiz: Judging from their heat, Blue flames are said to reach temperatures up to 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit, which can be considered to be hot enough to melt through solid matter, whereas the orange flame temperature is around 1100 to 1200 degrees Celsius. It's definitely no wonder she proved to be one of Team Avatar's deadliest opponents. And with the power of Sozin's Comet, her powers increase.
Boomstick: She can also generate smokescreens to use in case she needs to get the f*** outta there! Like a freaking ninja! That and-wait!!! That crazy brat can actually generate lightning? Wiz...how the hell can she do that?!! I thought she was a fire bender?! Is she a lightning bender now?!!
Wiz: Well, I can definitely say she's a fire bender. This technique, Lightning Bending, isn't easy for most fire benders. However, for fire benders like Azula, learning to bend that power requires the absolute precision of use, given it involves separating the positive and negative energy particles. And it's said that misuse of said ability can lead to severe burns...which, unfortunately, isn't a problem for Azula.
Boomstick: Oh god...how can any princess like her exist?!! They're supposed to be good, not psychotic, attention-craving monsters!!! We're all-!!!
(Annoyed with this, Wiz slapped Boomstick across the face to snap him out of his panic attack.)
Wiz: Would you get a hold of yourself?!
Boomstick: S-Sorry, Wiz...
Wiz: But Azula's most deadliest weapon by far is her power over fear itself.
Boomstick: Yeah, I'll say...that girl would be enough to scare the s*** out of anyone!
Wiz: So Azula, as I've mentioned before, is one of Team Avatar's deadliest opponents. She managed to sneak into the Earth Kingdom under the guise of Kyoshi Warriors to plot a takeover.
Boomstick: Ultimately though, she got her a** betrayed when Mai and Ty Lee turned their backs on her, which made her more lonelier than she ever was in her life. Like the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Wow...if you think that wasn't bad enough, then wanting her mother's affections completely broke her, no wonder she's terrifying.
Wiz: Yes...but she has done many terrible things over the course of the series itself. She became a temporary Fire Lord at a young age and banished the entire kingdom, all while her father decided to burn down the world, caused the downfall of Ba Sing Se, a city said to be impenetrable, BRI defeated Dai Le, her own brother and nearly killed Aang with her lightning bending.
Boomstick: Yeah, and that young avatar is able to move probably around 200 km/h, so Azula's lightning would've had to move at least faster.
Wiz: So in the final battle, she was all alone in her father's kingdom, losing her touch on reality and sanity, and a lot of her skill. All this, against Zuko and Katara, and she ended up getting trapped in an ice block, rendering her unable to firebend with the lack of space.
Boomstick: Yeah...that crazy brat believed her mother was the cause of everything bad that happened to her. She literally experienced hallucinations of her own mom that drove her over the edge, but this lead to her downfall. Yep...that sounds familiar.
Wiz: Azula had once been the pride and joy of her father, but in the end, power got the better of her and she lost. But nevertheless, it doesn't make her any less dangerous, and wherever she is in the world of Avatar, you can bet if you meet her...you'd better be prepared.
Azula: Don't flatter yourself. You were never even a player.
Boomstick: Nope! F*** this s***! I'm out! (Runs off to the surprise of Wiz.)
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities.
Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!
Death Battle[]
The scene begins inside the Fire Nation Royal Palace. While her father was away, Azula was given the title of Fire Lord for the day. She is soon given The Dragon Scroll by one of her fire bending spies, which she was told was the key to gaining limitless power.
She observed the scroll, and after a good many moments, sensed that there was something special about this scroll, given the dragon that was engraved upon it.
Azula: Fascinating…with limitless power, I’ll be able to destroy the Avatar and my brother once and for all. Then father will be very proud of me.
Azula then tried to open the metal casing that contained the scroll itself, but she never noticed the shadow of a figure walking towards her, after defeating the guards, until he spoke within seconds.
Tai Lung: That scroll doesn't belong to you, girl. I suggest you hand it over.
Hearing the voice, Azula jumped in fright, nearly dropping the scroll in the process. She then looked towards the source of the voice, where Tai Lung stood, gazing at her with a stern expression.
Azula: Who are you?!! How did you get into this palace?! Why didn't the guards alert me to your presence?!
Tai Lung: Your guards aren't really that good if you ask me.
Tai Lung then turns to see the imperial firebender guards of the throne room, who were lying on the floor, paralyzed and unable to move, all to Azula's shock, even causing her to stand up. However, she glared at Tai Lung and got into a fighting stance after a few seconds.
Azula: Whoever you are, you are messing with, Princess Azula, the daughter of the Fire Nation's Fire Lord. I'd advise you to leave before I obliterate you.
Tai Lung: Oh please, I am Tai Lung. Former kung fu student of Master Shifu. I've faced worse than a little girl on a throne.
Azula: Very well, Tai Lung. It's time to meet your doom!
Speaking, Azula summoned flames from her bare hands, showing she meant business.
Tai Lung: Ah, at last...a worthy opponent. Our battle shall be legendary!
Tai Lung then gets into a fighting stance, showing he was prepared to fight Azula.
Azula: I concur.
Azula shot the first attack, conjuring a fireball and throwing it at Tai Lung. However, Tai Lung leapt into the air to avoid the attack before lunging at Azula at high speeds. Tai Lung tackled his foe, and the resulting force caused both to smash through the throne and out into the courtyard of the palace. Tai Lung landed on the ground, cracking the stone in the process, while Azula used her Jet Propulsion Flames to land in the courtyard.
Everyone present watched as the fight broke out. Tai Lung went for Azula again, lifting a boulder off the ground and kicking it towards her at a fast pace. Azula conjured blue flames to melt said stone, only to get punched into a nearby pillar by Tai Lung. She hit said pillar and landed on the ground.
Tai Lung: Is that all you've got...? Heh, I've had better fights than this.
Azula: Oh don't flatter yourself, kitty. I'm just getting warmed up!
Seconds later, Azula conjured blue flames, trying to blast Tai Lung, only for him to dodge them at the last second. She continued blasting her blue fiery attacks at Tai Lung, even using her jet propulsion flames to go after him, but given the environment, Tai Lung proved to be too fast for Azula.
Azula: Hold still so I can burn you!!! Then I can show your remains to father and he'll see how good I am!
Azula shot blazing fiery pinwheels at Tai Lung, which the snow leopard was easily able to dodge with ease. Shocked, Azula saw her opponent rushing towards her at high speeds, so she conjured a smokescreen to get away. Unfortunately though, Tai Lung cut her off before she could flee. The two engaged in close hand-to-hand combat, with Azula using her fire strikes and Tai Lung showing he could keep up with his young foe until he used his Double-Fist Punch to blow her backwards.
Tai Lung: All those skills your father taught you, and that desire to please him...I suppose we were both betrayed by our own fathers all for power.
Azula: You don't know ANYTHING about me, kitten!!!
Azula tried to blast Tai Lung with a massive fire blast, only for him to dodge the attack and run up the walls of the palace. Beginning to get enraged by her foe, Azula used her jet propulsion flames to follow Tai Lung. The snow leopard was the blasted by Azula back into the royal palace. He hit the wall, but got to his feet when Azula entered the hole she had created.
Azula: No more messing around. Let's see you outrun THIS!!!
After speaking, Azula psychotically lightning bended in Tai Lung's direction. The Snow Leopard tried to avoid the attack, and succeeded a couple of times, but was hit the third time when he tried to hit Azula. However, before Azula could finish off Tai Lung, he performed a sucker kick to her stomach, sending her flying through several pillars.
Tai Lung then rushed towards Azula, who seemed to be getting more and more madder by the moment. She breathed fire at the snow leopard, but to her shock, Tai Lung emerged from the flames, hands all fiery and once again engaging in close combat with Azula, the fight getting more intense by the moment, especially when Tai Lung saw how crazy his foe was getting.
Tai Lung: What...? Never seen someone so resistant to fire before? Surely you didn't think I'd be afraid of your little fire magic. Rather pathetic if you ask me.
Insulted, Azula blasted Tai Lung down a few floors of the palace, leaving her foe injured, but not enough to take him down for good. She landed on the floor after flying down to her foe, the Dragon Scroll in hand.
Azula: Pathetic you say...? Well then...let's see who's pathetic when I gain the secret to limitless power! Maybe I'll even be powerful enough to kill my brother, or maybe even the Avatar-!
Azula melted the metal casing and opened the Dragon Scroll as she spoke...only to find it was blank, with nothing but a reflective page that showed her reflection. She looked at it for a good long time in confusion and shock, unable to know what this meant.
Azula: W-What...? This scroll...i-it's-
Tai Lung: Blank...? Yes...I knew that. But unlike someone else, I never got that lesson. So overall, I think the scroll is useless to you now.
Dropping the scroll in disbelief and rage, and completely losing her sanity, Azula emitted a fiery stream-like flamethrower to destroy Tai Lung. She completely missed and ultimately destroyed most of the room she and Tai Lung were fighting in. Tai Lung leapt above his foe and used his double punch to blast her down towards the ground floor.
Azula got to her feet where she saw many of her guards, subjects and such, looking at her in shock, seeing her psychotic expression and even backing away as she angrily laughed like a mad woman.
Tai Lung: Oh come now. Don't tell me you're going to pout like a spoilt brat.
Looking behind her, Azula saw Tai Lung looking at her, smirking like he had the upper hand, something made Azula even more furious than before. She rushed towards Tai Lung, jet propulsion flames at full force as she went all out, firing fiery blasts and shooting lighting at the snow leopard, though her attacks seemed to falter.
Azula: SHUT UP!!!
Tai Lung was thrown back against a pillar whilst Azula struck her foe with everything she could throw at him, even fiery waves as she psychotically screamed.
Azula then ceased her fiery attacks before seeing the burnt pillar. She cackled aloud, believing she had actually killed Tai Lung for good...only to hear someone land behind her. She turned in horror to see Tai Lung, shrugging off the fire without effort.
Tai Lung: Your father must have taught you well...
Azula conjured a fire blade to end her foe, only for Tai Lung to use his nerve attack on her, paralyzing her on the spot and even causing her eyes to turn light blue, all before she fell backwards onto the floor.
Tai Lung: But he didn't teach you against people like me.
With that, Tai Lung grabbed Azula and threw her at the wall before cracking the floor and kicking it in her direction. The rubble instantly crushed Azula before she could even try to move out of the way, killing her in the process.
Tai Lung: Hmph...pathetic. And you called yourself a princess of a Fire Lord.
Tai Lung then noticed a huge number of fire benders ready to fight him, angered at the fact that HE had killed Ozai's daughter.
Tai Lung: Well then...who's next?
Wiz: Well, this was definitely an unexpected turn of events.
Boomstick: Whaddya mean, Wiz?!! It was glorious! Did you see those fighting moves?!!
Wiz: Yes, we all saw them.
Boomstick: Seriously though, I wish I was part of that fight.
Wiz: Both Tai Lung and Azula had everything they needed in a fight to begin with, their martial arts, their powers, the usual. And while both were prodigies from their parental figures, Azula was trained in the art of Fire bending for fourteen years whereas Tai Lung trained in the art Kung Fu for all his life.
Boomstick: Yeah, and let's not forget how many guys that kitty cat beat up with all of those skills. He could literally take down a thousand rhinos without a sweat, and they couldn't even touch him once.
Wiz: And while, Azula has nearly killed Aang, she has lost to her own brother Zuko when he worked together with Katara, all while she was clearly unhinged.
Boomstick: Yeah, then in terms of their strengths, Azula has been able to break free from Earth and Ice bending techniques, but Tai Lung endured holding two boulders up for twenty years!
Wiz: Then it all comes down to their special abilities. Azula could have defeated Tai Lung with her Lightning Bending, which nearly killed Aang, but given how fast Tai Lung is, like for example when he appeared before his old master after climbing up the 1000 steps to the Jade Palace, he could easily dodge those blasts.
Boomstick: Then let's not forget Tai Lung's own Nerve Attack, which he can use to paralyze anyone with just one touch near her heart.
Wiz: A technique that only Master Shifu could reverse when the Furious Five came back from fighting Tai Lung. And Azula has been hit with a nerve attack, or rather, chi block, before.
Boomstick: Well Wiz, I guess you could say that in the end, that crazy brat ended up between a rock and a really hard fireplace.
(Wiz just stares at Boomstick in annoyance.)
Boomstick: Yeah, that wasn't a good joke...
Wiz: The Winner is Tai Lung
- Tai Lung and Azula have quite a few connections in terms of a few things:
- Both are extremely skilled, powerful ruthless, sadistic and psychotic major antagonists from their respective franchises influenced by Chinese culture and mythology.
- Both had pride and egos stemming from their parental figures (Fire Lord Ozai/Master Shifu) who taught them to fight and master their skills (Kung Fu/Firebending) at young ages. And since both were prodigies, they were told they were destined for greatness but both were betrayed by their parents and went mentally insane, causing rampages to gain their greatness.