Death Battle Fanon Wiki

See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works. Turns out there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect, and will pay through the nose to get it.
~ Syndrome to Mr. Incredible

Buddy Pine, formerly known as IncrediBoy and better known as Syndrome, is the main antagonist of the 2004 Disney/Pixar animated movie, The Incredibles.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 3
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Buddy Pine was a very intelligent young man, and also a fan of the superhero, Mr. Incredible. He wished to be taken on by Incredible as his sidekick, and went so far as to devise his own superhero costume and develop a pair of boots that allowed him to fly. However, when Mr. Incredible rejected his help, Buddy felt betrayed and began to lay plans that would eventually allow him to get his revenge on Incredible and all the rest of the superheroes.

Taking on the pseudonym of Syndrome, Buddy began making weapons that he would sell to the highest bidder. He used the vast amounts of income from this illicit weapons program to finance his real project, creating a killer robot that only he could overcome. To further this project, he purchased the remote South Pacific island of Nomanisan. In spite of his wealth and physical maturity, he didn't forget the day Mr. Incredible rejected him and soon began his revenge at the supers he once admired, though particularily the latter.

The first killer robot that Syndrome created was called the Omnidroid version X1 (or Omnidroid v.X1 for short). Syndrome then lured several lesser superheroes to Nomanisan, and had them fight the Omnidroid. This resulted in the deaths of the superheroes Universal Man, Psycwave, Everseer, and possibly others. Eventually, this robot was defeated by the superhero Macroburst. Using the knowledge he gained from the X1, Syndrome produced an improved robot called the Omnidroid v.X2. After this robot killed Macroburst, Syndrome continued his deadly project, killing numerous superheroes and improving his robot through to the Omnidroid 08.

Once Syndrome’s associate, Mirage, located Mr. Incredible, Syndrome immediately lured him to Nomanisan, and pitted him against the Omnidroid 08. Despite suffering from physical vacilation after 15 years, Mr. Incredible defeated the 08, leading to the development of the Omnidroid v.X9. (For some unknown reason, the "v.X#" naming scheme was not used for versions 5 through 08.)

The X9 was able to defeat Mr. Incredible easily in spite of his newly improved physique, and Syndrome intervened at the last moment to finally reveal himself to Mr. Incredible, and glory in his final victory. Mr. Incredible escaped from Syndrome, but was eventually recaptured. Syndrome then went on to enlarge his design, producing the Omnidroid v.10, the culmination of his work.

Syndrome loaded the Omnidroid v.10 onto a rocket, and sent it to the city of Metroville. After the robot began rampaging through the city, Syndrome arrived, and put on a play of “fighting” it, with the idea of setting himself up as the savior of the city. However, the Omnidroid’s AI had advanced sufficiently to where it detected the source of Syndrome’s control over it, and it stripped him of his controller.

Syndrome was knocked unconscious during his attempted flight from the Omnidroid, and he was awakened by the explosion caused by the robot’s defeat by the combined actions of the Incredibles and Frozone. Syndrome engineered one last confrontation with the Incredibles by attempting to kidnap Jack-Jack, their youngest infant son, but this also fails as Jack-Jack resists, and Mr. Incredible throws his car at the plane Syndrome used to escape; killing the manical inventor as he is eventually killed by the jet engines of his plane.

Death Battle Info[]


Syndrome is a barrel-chested Caucasian male with fair skin and blue eyes. His hair is flame-red, and Syndrome accentuates this feature by styling his hair straight up, to look like flames on his head. He weighs 185 lbs, and stands 5’7” tall, 6’1” including his hair.

His super-costume is a jet-black unitard with a white S flowing across the torso. He accessorizes this with white gauntlets, a pair of tall white boots, and a black domino mask.

Powers and Abilities[]

While not possessing any “superpowers,” Syndrome is a brilliant genius inventor, focusing primarily on the creation of killer robot “Omnidroids.” However, Syndrome has also developed his own arsenal to compensate for his lack of superpowers as well as advanced weapons and transportation systems used by his guards, and even developed an imprisonment system that is also used as a torture device.

Weapons and Equipment[]

  • Syndrome’s personal items:
    • Utility Gauntlets - These white gauntlets are the true basis of Syndrome’s powers. They have the following functions:
      • Zero-point energy – Either gauntlet can fire a zero-point energy beam, though Syndrome seems to rely mostly on the right gauntlet for this, only using the left when he wanted to fire at two targets. When the beam contacts a solid object, it envelopes it in an energy field, which leaves it immobile and weightless, allowing Syndrome to move it by just redirecting the beam.
      • Bio-probe – The left gauntlet contains a flying probe that can search for life signs, and then fly back to Syndrome to report its findings verbally.
      • Omnidroid remote – The left gauntlet also has a remote control that allows him to take control of the otherwise independently functions Omnidroids.
      • "I"-bomb – The right gauntlet contains a small but powerful bomb that Syndrome can activate and then drop on an opponent. It is not known if the bomb is a time bomb or a contact bomb that explodes when it hit a hard object.
      • Other – Like the left gauntlet, the right one has buttons on its upper-side, though what these buttons do is not know at this time. It has been speculated that they are a part of a communication device.
    • Aero Boots - Actually, one of Buddy’s first inventions, these rocket boots allow him to fly though the air like a superhero. However, if something happens to one of the boots such as being damaged, Buddy finds it almost impossible to control his flight, if not completely.
  • Omnidroids - Over the years, Buddy has made a string of attack robots called “Omnidroids.” He tested these artificially intelligent robots by pitting them against superheroes in lethal combat, improving the design with each defeat. He eventually reached his peak with the Omnidroid v. 10, which he used in Project Kronos. In the Disney Infinity game, we see that Buddy also created four other types of Omnidroids that he uses for other purposes: the Omnidroid, the Melee Omnidroid, the Ranged Omnidroid and the Tank Omnidroid.
  • Other items created by Syndrome, but not necessarily used by him:
    • Vipers
      Syndromes Vipers
      The Viper is a VTOL aircraft that uses variable slant ducted-fans to combine airplane- and helicopter-like travel. These highly-maneuverable vehicles are used by Syndrome’s guards for patrol work.
    • Velocipods
      The Velocipod is a disk-shaped attack vehicle that is somewhat similar in operation to a helicopter, but with the blades spinning around the circumference of the disk. It can fly forward, straight-up or down, and even hover. It has a crew of one, who sits in an open-air cockpit. It has a special seat that can quickly lower the pilot to the ground.

