Death Battle Fanon Wiki

I suggest a full-frontal assault with automated laser monkeys, scalpel mines and acid.
~ Strax to the Doctor

Strax is a minor reoccurring protagonist in the BBC television show, Doctor Who.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 0
  • Losses: 1
  • Draws: 0

Possible Opponents[]


Commander Strax was a Sontaran commander who ended up indebted to the Doctor after being saved by him. Strax finally got his chance when he aided the Eleventh Doctor in the Battle of Demons Run, getting mortally wounded in the battle with the Headless monks. But Strax, deluded into thinking he only fainted, got resurrected by the Silurian Madame Vastra and agrees to live with her and her lover Jenny Flint in Victoria London under the guise of Vastra's butler.

Death Battle Info[]

As a Sontaran, a member of a race of belligerent and militaristic clones, Strax has great strength and resilience in lower gravity environments like Earth yet his muscles are for load bearing rather than leverage, which could lead to unwieldiness. The probic vent on the back of Strax's neck, through it provides him with nutrients, is a crucial weakness as any sudden blow to the vent would stun him. As a mighty warrior, Strax's skills enabled him to survived his clone brothers. Furthermore, Strax was knowledgeable about battle strategies and formations. He was also trained in physical examination procedures, though at times his analysis of beings outside his race can be slightly inaccurate.



  • Technically the oldest known Sontaran.
  • Consistently outscored his clone batch brothers in marksmanship.
  • The Intergalactic pub crawls Strax and the Doctor take yearly span ten constellations.
  • Managed to capture a Weeping Angel.
  • Technically beat the Twelfth Doctor in a game of bowling, though it was only because he accidently destroyed the pins while using himself as a bowling ball.
  • Knocked Clara Oswald straight off her feet by throwing a rolled-up newspaper at her head.


  • Can be knocked out by hitting the breathing vent on his back.
  • Poor sense of direction, tending to blame and kill the horse he is using.
  • Lost to the Eleventh Doctor in three games of mini-golf.
  • Paranoid about Earth's moon.
  • Made an enemy out of King Harry the VIII.

