Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


speedsy; you know sometimes powers come in strange places these two are two prime examples starforce megaman the internet megaman

spider cat: and shazam the boy with magical powers he's speedsy i'm spider cat

speedsy: and we are here to analyze they're armor weapons and skills to see who would win....a death battle

Starforce Megaman[]

speedsy: the internet a place of many things we have observed two of these characters from there ounce 

but tonight this one is in the form of a megaman

spider cat: what happens when an alien meets a boy you get starforce megaman geo stelar had lost his 

father he lived a tough life till some alien called omega appeared his name omega-xis 

speedsy: yes with omega he can control many elements the elements of grass fire water and wood 

spider cat: wood really?

speedsy: yep

fire cat: okay i get it wood man 

speedsy: moving on geo and omega share a special bond meaning if one is down the other goes down too 

he can turns many of his mega busters into many forms 

spider cat: if all else fails he can combine the elements in different combinations and when he combines all 

of them it summons ancient tribe and let me tell ya it's one hell of a technique  it can obliterate anything 

and i mean anything

speedsy: he can control ice dragon and green thunder also omega can control soundwaves pm and am

spider cat: what is he a dj?

speedsy: no soundwaves as in sound

spider cat: oh okay  with these powers they make a formidable team but if they don' agree on things they

seperate also starforce is still human and  can become unconsious but he sitll fights viruses on a daily basis

speedsy: yeah starforce can die too if giving the occasion but he has taken on virus that are solar system

level and has saved his partner bass on occasions

spider cat: but bass is a bad guy 

speedsy: different universe spider cat 

spider cat: oh okay got it 

speedsy: yeah geo stelar does whatever he can to defeat any virus and is pretty impressive when it comes

to combat and has taken down a lot of foes virus's spam pop-ups you name it but geo often is kinda brash

and will often charge into battle without strategy so that's a problem but geo is still open hearted risking his

life to defeat those who corrupt the web

geo: virus neutralized returning to base

spider cat: hand on speedsy megman legends 3 is cancelled that's means unresolved stories it's not fair! 

  • starts crying*

speedsy: there there buddy i feel your pain 


speedsy: billy batson an orphan going through many foster homes one day he was spirited away by the rock of eternity

spider cat: a rock?!

speedsy: let me continue please thank you a wizard chose him as his successor a champion of pure heart

now by saying shazam he transforms into the hero of the same name

spider cat: with legal drinking age!

speedsy; he has the wisdom of socrates the strength of hercules the stamina of atlas  the lighting of zeus

the courage of Achilles and the speed of mercury 

spider cat: basicially god powers

speedsy: has has survived hits from void hound fought superman multiple times harmed then intangible 

obsidian he transforms super fast faster then a bullet 

spider cat: heck he even out sped the freaking flash

speedsy: he has turned a sandy army into glass in one strike  and defeated lobo black adam and superman

spidercat: holy hell lobo the one guy who can reheal due to the fact he was banished form hell?

speedsy : yep he's kept up with black adam  and is comparable to him punched a monster and created a 

black hole is superman's equal helped superman lift the book of infinite pages he has sparred with 

superman and wonderwoman though losing to them

spider cat: he fought possession by deadman as in the guy who is a freaking ghost walked through 

thunderbolt's magic kept up with wally west in speed he has speedblitzed superman twice 

speedsy: he ounce moved him and a train full of people so fast gravity couldn't catch up Managed to catch 

Barry Allen, The Flash (who is one of the fastest heroes in the DC Universe, capable of running at speeds 

faster than light with ease), mid-run 

Saved Superman before by speed-blitzing Bizarro, Solomon Grundy, Parasite, and Metallo 

Managed to wield the Specter's Spear of Destiny - overpowering its ability to possess with will of mind and 

then speared him 
Changed the Earth's weather patterns by flying across it just to spell a message

Has defeated his rival Black Adam  another individual imbued with the power of Shazam  in combat,   on 

many occasions and In his real form he survived a high fall into ocean. but despite being powerful and 

fueled  by multiple gods; Shazam is still mortal and still has limits. His victories against Superman are 

primarily due to Superman restraining himself and Superman's vulnerability against godly magic. 

Superman has actually won the majority of their duels. This is confirmed when Black Adam (who has the 

same powers as Shazam) was unable to harm Superboy-Prime because Prime is not vulnerable to magic
. Could be depowered if he says his name while as "Shazam" or really strong lightning hits him. Billy's human

boy form is completely defenseless.

Superman defeated him by using him as a human shield to block his lightning 

This can occur even if Billy says "Shazam" unintentionally 

Needs to speak in order to fire lightning.

Injustice Superman froze his mouth shut with his freeze-breath before frying his brain with heat vision 

Still retains child mind and is inexperienced and at times, immature. 

Does not kill

Mach speed limited to Earth's atmosphere.

Other Justice League members look down upon him due to his young age: even considering removing him 

from the League 

spider cat: but shazam is still pretty powerful i mean he has the powers of the gods

billy: shazam! *transforms into shazam* 


speedsy: alright the combatants are set and we have ran through all the possibilites let's end this ounce and for all

spider cat: it's time for a...death battle!


shazam is seen in the computer lounge flirting with all the girls just then he accidentally breaks a computer 


shazam: oops!

starforce megaman: you know you have to pay for that

shazam: it was an accident i swear!

geo: right omega go!

  • geo transforms into starforce megaman*

shazam: oh boy here we go again!


geo starts by firing  at shazam he is hit but ultimately fires right through it starforce megaman then tries

using his water but it just get's him wet

shazam: seariously?

starforce megaman then  uses his flame burner and shoots at shazam

shazam: ahhh hot hot hot!

starforce megaman then attacks shazam but he is still standing shazam then flies at starforce megaman

and sends him flying starforce megaman then uses his ice dragon making shazam sprint upwards 

shazam: ahhhh! starforce megaman then uses his green dragon making piled of lumber fall on him

shazam: oh please

shazam then punches through all the lumber and eventually to starforce megaman sending him into the 

ground below luckily he lands on his feet shazam comes flying at him but geo unleashes his mega tribe

and uses different combinations shazam is hit by them but when he is hit by the lightning one he is 

still standing

geo: what? how?

shazam: i have lighting too kid 

shazam then strikes starforce megaman with lighting shocking him a bit 

shazam: you know i can end this quick for i am shazam oh no

shazam was turned into bill batson

starforce megaman: what the?

billy: shazam!

billy then transformed back into shazam

shazam: phew that was close

starforce megaman: what the?

shazam: surprised?

geo: where that kid go?

shazam: dude i am that kid?


shazam: magic powers kid got it from a wizard

shazam at the next second slammed himself into starforce megaman and started punching him left and right

shazam: this is why you don't underestimate your opponent 

geo: no i will defeat you! virus or not!

shazam: your funeral 

shazam then grabbed geo and held them in the air

shazam: shazam!

with that lighting struck starforce megaman 

starforce megaman: gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

geo and omega then fell all the way to the ground below with a boom!

geo: omega i can't feel my legs

geo was beaten pretty badly so bad you could see sparks coming out of him 

omega: geo! don't give up

geo then stood on his feet though bleeding at the mouth

omega-is: geo keep fighting!

geo: i'm....trying! omega!

geo then started blasting at shazam but it didn't effect him

shazam: it's gonna take more then that kid to defeat me

starforce megaman: time to heat it up

starforce megman then got out his flame burner and blasted shazam burning him a bit shazam then jumped

into some water to cool down

shazam: ahh that's better

starforce megaman: hows that for something

shazam: lucky it's personal!

shazam then went wild on starforce megaman as he flew into him from different places and attacked with

great speed he then flew with starforce megaman through some random buildings then threw him down

geo: omega it seems we're not winning this battle

omega: it's okay geo we had a good run

shazam: now let's end this 

shazam picks starforce megaman up in the air 

shazam: SHAZAM!

the lighting then struck starforce megaman dead killing him in an instant

shazam: that outta do it

shazam then flew off 



spider cat: well looks like feo and omega lost again

speedsy: it was close but in the end shazam had more speed more smarts and more fighting ability starforce 

has a lot going for him such as the fire element but shazam has fought characters stronger then starforce 

spider cat: yeah shazam had all the powers of the gods to defeat starforce megaman thus giving the win this was

truely a shocking ending for starforce megaman

speedsy: the winner is shazam

Shazam wins

Next time[]




