This is a battle by Hipper and Golden Sans.
SpongeBob Squarepants vs Family Guy, which main protagonist of a long running cartoon that's famous for going downhill after the third season and has suffered massive flanderization will win?
Wiz: Cartoons. Some are good, some are bad, and some cartoons start out as good, but eventually become bad due to the idiotic writers.
Boomstick: And today we have two sufferers of this trait.
Wiz: Spongebob, the Krusty Krab fry cook.
Boomstick: And Peter Griffin, the father of the Griffin family. He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who'd win a Death Battle?
Wiz: SpongeBob SquarePants is a sea sponge who lives in Bikini Bottom in a Pineapple. He works as a fry cook and practices Ka-rah-tay as a hobby.
Boomstick: Wow, Nicktoons is weird. Anyways, SpongeBob is most famous enough for his INSANE too force abilitys. His defense, Strengh, and speed can vary between incredible to kinda shit.
Wiz: But durability seems to be his strongest trait. He can take a beating for an entire day, and he didn't even feel a thing! And he's had pretty heavy things dropped on him as well, like an entire building.
Boomstick: He has other things too. SpongeBob has decent skills in Karate, able to fight against Sandy daily and chop a board in half. He also has a mustard gun. Take a guess what that does.
Wiz: He also Apperently has a gituar that shoots lasers-
Wiz: -And the ability to absorb large amounts of water, then shoot it all out in a stream of water. He's also a good fry cook.
Boomstick: But SpongeBob has one last thing: his superhero form, Invincabubble. In it, he can bend steel, tank cannonballs, and make indestructible bubbles that requires someone strong to burst.
Wiz: SpongeBob has traveled to the surface twice and lived, defeated Plankton like a dozen times, can function without a brain, and has excellent durability.
Boomstick: However, he is flawed as hell. He's mostly depicted as not very strong, is way too nice, sucks at driving, is kinda stupid...honestly, we can keep going.
Wiz: But this is one Sponge that'll never die out. Unfortunately.
Wiz: Justin "Peter" Griffin was born in Mexico as an illegal immigrant. Eventually, he married Lois Griffin and had three kids: Chris, Stewie and Meg, and also a dog named Brian, forming the Griffin family.
Boomstick: AKA Simpsons ripoffs.
- Toon Force.
- Fire Farts.
- Barfing.
- Lots of guns.
- A sword
- Has his own gravitational pull.
- An Axe.
- Many vehicles including the Peter Blimp, and the PeterMobile.
- Regeneration.
- Teleportation.
Boomstick: Wait, what? How the hell can he teleport?
Wiz: There's a lot of questions we can't answer in the world. Anyway, Peter has defeated Homer Simpson in the Simpsons crossover. He also has defeated Ernie the Giant Chicken in a fight 4 times, and even punched a hole through the wall. Peter also is insanely durable: He has survived getting smashed by logs, getting hit by two trucks, multiple explosions, getting decapitated, falling off a cliff, and much more.
Boomstick: However, Peter is retarded. And no, I'm not insulting him, in the episode "Petarded", it was revealed he's in the mentally retarded category in terms of intelligence.
Wiz: And don't forget how terrible his show has become.
Peter: Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably crap.
Inside the Griffins' house, Peter was sitting on the couch watching TV when Spongebob Squarepants came on air.
Peter: Who the heck would like this crap! Someone ought to go there and beat the crap out of that annoying sponge, and that someone is me!
Peter uses his toon force to hop into the TV. When he comes out of the TV, he reaches SpongeBob's house. Peter knocks on the door, which makes Spongebob come out.
Spongebob: What do you want sir?
Peter: I wanna kick your ass! Nyehehehehe.
Spongebob jumps over Peter's head and starts attacking him with karate chops, which stuns Peter. Spongebob then performs a spin attack, which knocks Peter into the road. Peter gets up and pulls out a machine gun and starts firing at Spongebob, who gets shot by all of the bullets. However, Spongebob regenerates and performs a jumping kick, but Peter grabs his leg and throws him into the sidewalk.
Peter starts stomping on Spongebob, but Spongebob uses his toon force to warp the area and cause Peter to fall down and hurt his knee. While Peter was clutching his knee, Spongebob pulls out his Bubble Blower and shoots Bubble Bombs at Peter, all of them exploding and launching him into a building.
Peter regenerates and pulls out his axe and swings it at Spongebob, cutting him in two. The two Spongebobs reform to create the original Spongebob, who pulls out his Spatula and swings at Peter, who blocks with his axe. Peter and Spongebob get into a sword fight until Peter uses a kick to knock Spongebob flying.
Peter uses his axe to chop Spongebob into 4 pieces. Peter then chops the 4 pieces into 16 pieces, then into 32 pieces, which makes it look like Spongebob is dead.
Peter: That was easier than the chicken!
Peter started to walk away, but suddenly a Bubble Missile hits him in the back and knocks him down. Peter gets up again and starts attacking Spongebob with multiple punches and kicks, but it doesn't do anything.
Spongebob: Hey, that tickles!
Peter then grabs a nearby lamp and smashes it on SpongeBob's head, causing Spongebob to fall down. Peter then proceeds to grab Spongebob by the chest and punch him multiple times before punting him back. Spongebob proceeds to transform into the Quickster and starts blitzing Peter, comboing him with rapid punches before uppercutting him a few feet away.
Peter falls on the ground, but gets up and sees Spongebob running towards him. Peter grabs a lighter and farts, causing a flamethrower to come from his butt and grill Spongebob. Peter turns around and sees Spongebob just fine a few seconds later.
Peter performs an elbow charge into Spongebob, which sends Spongebob a few feet back. Spongebob grabs a piece of paper and writes on it, proceeding to transform into Invincibubble. Now as Invincibubble, he starts firing bubbles at Peter, who uses his machine gun to take out the bubbles. Peter then drinks a bottle of beer and vomits on Spongebob. While Spongebob was stunned by the vomit, Peter performs a Roadhouse Kick, which sends Spongebob on the ground.
Peter: You should've quit a long time ago, kid.
Peter then proceeds to grab a large rock.
Spongebob: Know what? You're right, I am a kid. But I'm also a goofball, a knucklehead, and an idiot. But most of all... I'm... I'm... I'm...
Peter is sent flying into a wall.
Spongebob: I'M A GOOFY GOOBER!
Spongebob transforms into his Goofy Goober Rockstar form. Peter rushes towards Spongebob and starts throwing multiple punches and kicks, but Spongebob uses a sound wave to send Peter flying backwards into a wall, hurting him. Spongebob then shoots multiple lasers at Peter, which goes through Peter's head and causes his brain to explode.
Boomstick: My teacher always said that rock and roll would damage my brain, but this is a whole new level! Holy shit!
Wiz: While both weren't exactly the strongest nor fastest, both had incredible durability. SpongeBob had a slightly better one, though, as it's mostly consistent instead of on and off like Peter.
Boomstick: Plus, SpongeBob is a whole lot smarter then Peter, who was deemed "below retarded". It's just commen sense he's lacking in.
Wiz: And to top it all off, Peter really didn't have a way to harm him. SpongeBob has had someone punch him throughout the entire day, and he didn't even feel a thing.
Boomstick: This fight really did ROCK!
Wiz: The winner is SpongeBob.
ROB: Some people say comedy is subjective, and many people agree, but sometimes, a character's satireness can appeal to many groups of people, if not all their target audience. Even Jesters had done this in the Medieval age, but obviously, the comedy then was different.
Game and Watch: And these two characters ALSO have varying comedic values, and, while both are idiots, both have jobs that work for them and family. One of which is SpongeBob SquarePants, Bikini Bottom's most iconic citizen and popular frycook.
ROB: As well as Peter Griffin, the local drunk and "Family Guy" of Quahog. We'll be researching their weapons, armor, and feats to find out who would win: A DEATH BATTLE.
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
From Antagon vs SpongeBob SquarePants[]
ROB: In Bikini Bottom, a sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants was born, or something like that. Later in his life, a Pineapple crashed in the street he wanted to live, allowing him to buy the house, and get a stable job as a frycook
PU: Spongebob's backstory is primarily known, but it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date he was born, but it is known that he is stated to be 50 in "sponge years", or, assuming he's a seasponge, is the human equivalent of being 2 years old!
ROB: Despite an unknown age, he's likely an adult, owning a house and a job. But, the thing is, he doesn't seem like it.
Game and Watch: Well, to continue with our narrative or whatnot, Spongebob is an average sponge, capable of regeneration, has karate skills, and is a pro in Jellyfish catching. But let's focus on his weaponry.
- Spat
- This Spatula is Spongebob's main melee weapon and signature spatula. A sentient one, might I add, and is even hydrodynamic!
- Goofy Goober Guitar
- A weapon capable of destroying metal and creating music, it also functions as a real guitar, being able to bypass even mind control and other similar haxes and abilities.
- Bubble Blower
- Multiple upon multiple uses, like creating bubble-like humans, bombs, explosions, bowls, and even animals.
- Allows Spongebob to spin, bounce on a bubble, ride a bubble, use it as a weapon or melee, and many more uses
- Pencil
- Can create and erase things from existence, but can likely be dodged easily.
ROB: Spongebob has a few weapons such as Spat, his spatula, which is his main melee weapon. It's hydrodynamic, being able to travel through water with nothing slowing it down, and is completely sentient. He also has the Goofy Goober Guitar, which is a regular guitar that can destroy metal and creating loud rock music, and can even break mind control and cause people to dance. He also has a Bubble Blower, which can create likely sentient bubble people, bombs, explosives, bowls, and even animals! He can also spin, bounce, ride, and use a bubble as a weapon itself.
Game and Watch: He also has a Pencil that can create things and erase things in existence... Yeah, and he can use this with his own abilities...
- Toon Force
- Allows Spongebob to enter dreams, read minds, enlarge himself, fight someone in his mind, and break logic, even being able to reverse gravity and turn the entire ocean!
- Magical Page
- Allows Spongebob to change reality to whatever he decides, but instead used it to make him into...
- Invincibubble! This form makes Spongebob into a bubble creating superhero who can create bubbles out of anything he makes round, like hands or his ring on his head, and are nearly unbreakable, like encasing projectiles such as cannonballs. He even has infinite stamina and allows him to breath on land.
- Allows Spongebob to change reality to whatever he decides, but instead used it to make him into...
- Pain Absorption, Transformation, and Regeneration
- Could tank getting attacked for an entire week, can eat and regerate his arms in seconds, can resist/regenerate from a VOICE, ash, shredded, mauled by many attacks, and much more.
- Can regenerate into smaller versions of himself
- Even tanked his organs being ripped, hit, and torn apart!
- Can turn into a ball and roll.
- Nearly invincible
- Can even resist mind manipulation! He's resisted his mind being torn out of and put into a robot, being able to still control his mind, able to resist hypnosis, and even resists his empathy being lowered/removed.
Game and Watch: Such as his Toon Force, which allows Spongebob to enter dreams, read ones mind, enlarge himself, fight someone mentally, and break logic, allowing him to turn the entire Earth! He also has access to a magical page allowing Spongebob to shift the plot and his fate, although he uses it to become the superhero known as Invincibubble, who can create unbreakable bubbles from any holes he can make, and gives him limitless stamina, allowing him to breath on land, and encase projectiles.
ROB: He also has his Pain Absorption, Transformation, and Regeneration, which allow him to do large things, such as his organs being destroyed, regenerating his voice and into smaller forms, tank getting beaten for an entire weak, eat and regenerate his limbs, regenerate from dust and ash, and more. He can also turn into a ball, allowing him to roll around, and he can even resist mind and empathy manipulation.
- Defeated a pirate in a sword fight using only Spats.
- Broke all of his bones whilst cracking his knuckles.
- Survived an explosion that sent him into space.
- Constantly is shown to be on par with Sandy who casually creates explosions and moves anchors nearly hundreds of meters away, and pulled down a cruise boat!
- Could tank getting beat up for several days.
- Could come back as a voice once.
- Tanked a nuclear explosion inside of his tummy, although this is questionable.
- Can manipulate rocks, causing them to fly.
- Resisted the pull of a tornado. Tornados usually move at 20 miles per hour, and Spongebob is only 1cm tall and 0.03kg heavy! That's really impressive for his size.
- Can manipulate his body to transform.
ROB: Also, he once defeated a pirate with Spat, broke all of his bones when cracking his knuckles, survived getting blasted into space and can survive on land, is on-par with Sandy who can move cruise boats and throw anchors hundreds of meters away. He can even tank a nuclear explosion in his stomach, but it's questionable if he actually tanked this, and can manipulate rocks to drive around, and even resist the pull of a tornado/whirlpool which move at nearly 20mph, yet is only 1cm tall and 0.03kg heavy, which is extremely impressive.
- Inconsistent potency.
- Depicted as weak.
- He does not use the Page cleverly despite it's power.
- Is a small sponge, but this is usually not a large fault if at an equal size.
- Lacks a bit of intelligence in some things, and is sometimes dumb.
Game and Watch: But like all people, Spongebob has flaws, he lacks a bit of intelligence, and is a small sponge. Also, he doesn't use the page correctly, and is depicted weak, with his potency mostly inconsistence. Minus this, Spongebob seems like a great fighter with his Spat, even though he doesn't have proper fighting intelligence, otherwise. Not only that, but Spongebob is still a good fighter.
Peter Griffin[]