Spider-Man vs All Might | |
Season | 1 |
Overall Episode | 1 |
Season Episode | 1 |
Air date | Unknown |
Written by | Taser Lad |
Episode guide | |
Previous None |
Next Unknown |
Marvel Comics vs My Hero Academia! Given the gift of powers, these two used these for good to become the most admirable heroes in their worlds, even acting as mentors to young heroes who look up to them. But in a fight who will prevail?
Vince: Peter Parker the Amazing Spider-Man from Marvel Comics!
Frank: And Toshinori Yagi the Symbol of Peace All Might from My Hero Academia!
Jack: These two are the pinnacles of morals and heroism in both of their worlds. Unwavering in their selflessness, No matter how bad things get they will always be willing to throw themselves to save others.
Vince: Because of this they are idolised by many and when it came for future generations of Heroes to step forward they ultimately became their mentors.
Frank: But who would win in a fight? Well that's what we are here to figure out. But first we have to go over some rules for the fights so that there isn't any confusion.
- 1: Spider-Man will be given most of his equipment that he has created throughout his time as a Hero. Including any armour which may be useful for him in the fight.
- 2: However any weaponry that requires him outside help will not be included. This is why Captain Universe will not be used...especially since it makes the fight drastically unfair.
- 3: All Might will be at his physical peak. Time Limit and his Weakspot will not be included in this analysis so that both Spider-Man and All Might can be at their best.
- 4: Sources other than the Manga will be included for All Might. Including feats and scaling from the Spin-Off Mangas (Vigilante and Team-Up Mission), Anime, Movies and the OVA'S. However, things that are drastically non-canon such as Jump Force will be excluded.
Jack: But enough chin waggin' let's get crackin' on this battle of the greatest heroes.
Frank: Well you heard the man. This is Death Battle!
Vince: If I were to ask you who the greatest hero in Marvel's pantheon who would you think of? You'd probably think of someone in the Avengers like Captain America maybe Thor or even Iron Man.
Frank: You might even say someone from the Fantastic Four like Mister Fantastic or The Thing.
Jack: But what if we told you that in the future not one of these guys are considered the greatest heroes that ever lived. Instead it's a guy from Queens like you and me.
Vince: This guy from Queens is named Peter Parker. Born the son of two C.I.A Agents, Richard and Mary Parker...god I fucking hated that development.
Frank: Ah don't worry about them because not long after they were both killed in a Plane Crash and framed for Treason by...The Red Skull? Damn I mean like fair enough I guess!
Jack: Like Luke Skywalker, Peter was sent to live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben - two of the nicest people on the planet - who became parental figures to him. However as Peter grew up he was mocked because of his interest in science aka BEING A NERD!
Vince: Oh c'mon that's out of order mate! Anyway, Peter was bullied as he went into high school particularly by a jock named Flash Thompson.
Frank: However at the age of 15 his entire life changed. When he attended a General Techtronics public exhibition (yes this is actually what they're called) he got bit by some radioactive spider...which didn't kill him?
Jack: Far from it you cynical fuck! Like every other guy who was on the wrong end of radiation in the Marvel Universe, Peter got superpowers which gave him the abilities of a spider (but we'll get into specifics later).
Vince: So Peter did what any 15 year old lad would do at that age...and exploit them for money.
Frank: Making a flashy costume Peter took on a new persona to use his powers for that cash. He called himself Spider-Man which I mean is an accurate name.
Jack: Wrestler, TV Sensation. Peter may have been a mocked for all his life but in costume he was the dog's bollocks but the problem was that...it kind of went to his head.
Vince: Oh absolutely. It somewhat allowed for his hidden ego to florish making him into a complete dickhead.
Frank: Such a dickhead that when there was a robber being chased right in front of him and he had a chance to stop him, he just let him run past him no problem.
Jack: It wasn't long after though that his Uncle Ben was murdered by a car thief. When Peter learned about this he was fuckin' livid so he chased after the murderer to an abandoned warehouse and kicked the shite out of him.
Vince: But when he finally got a good look at the guy he came to the shocking realisation that it was the same guy that Peter had let go. Essentially meaning that Uncle Ben's death...was his fault.
Frank: On that day Peter vowed never to use his powers selfishly and to use them for good. Deciding to live up to a lesson his Uncle Ben had taught him...that with "Great Power there must also come Great Responsibility".
Jack: 12 years have passed since he has made this vow and Spider-Man has become one of New York's greatest protectors. He has defeated hundreds of villains during his career such as Kraven, Vulture, The Rhino, Electro, Mysterio, Green Goblin and many, many, many others.
Vince: It probably helps that he has amazing powers that allow him to tango with some of these heavy hitters.
Frank: He's got all the abilities that you'd expect from a guy called Spider-Man. Such as sticking to walls like a supercharged magnet. To the point where it is impossible to rip him off a surface unless it breaks from the strain.[1]
Jack: Whether it be trains[2], missiles[3] or even a space shuttle[4] he can stay stuck onto absolutely anything. Hell he can even use it as a way of maiming people whenever he feels a bit edgy.[5]
Vince: He also has the proportionate strength of a Spider. But that's probably a bit of an underestimation since I don't think I've ever seen a human sized spider punch a hole in the ground [6] and knock people unconscious with a flick.[7] They just tend to tip over bins and such.
Frank: ...When did you see a human sized spider?
Vince: I'm from Australia remember?
Frank: Ohhhh well that checks out.
Jack: Anyway, Pete is incredibly agile being able to perform incredibly complex acrobatics with complete ease this is thanks to his perfect equilibrium. Which allows him to regain balance in nearly every scenario without too much trouble.
Vince: This is aided by Peter's most iconic superpower, The Spider-Sense! It is basically an alarm in the base of Spider-Man's skull which warns him of incoming attacks.
Frank: This thing is fucking insane. With it he's been able to figure out Chameleon's disguises [8] and even detect security cameras.[9] After so many years of having it he's been able to run through all possibilities in a battle WHILE HE IS FIGHTING![10] God fucking damn this thing is ridiculous!
Jack: Moving onto one of his least known abilities is in fact regeneration. Don't expect him to pull Wolverine or Deadpool stunts but he can deffo heal from injuries much quicker than normal people. Like how he healed from a acid attack to the eyes[11] and a broken arm both win a few hours.[12]
Vince: I mean it checks out since apparently Pete has had so many injuries from his time that it would be impossible for a normal person without dying...which is kinda obvious.
Frank: I mean that definitely checks when you consider some of the shit that he's been on the other end of, like when he was zapped by Doctor Doom's armour. Doesn't sound like a lot right? Well as stated by Doom himself these defences are actually 100,000 Megavolts of power. That's like...a lotta electricity.
Jack: It's about like what one hundred billion volts. Which converts to like 86 Kilotons of TNT enough to fucking wipe out a town. And he was just grand!
Vince: Makes sense since he's had numerous encounters with Electro and has been zapped by him before. The same dude who managed to blow a massive hole in the Raft which would require at most 29 Kilotons to do so.[13]
Frank: Think that's all. Oh please you clearly don't know how much Marvel love kicking Spider-Man's head in. He's survived laser beams from a guy called Basil Elks[14] that caused a volcanic eruption which came out to 15 Kilotons.[15] He also survived a fucking mountain falling on him.
Jack: While it's very very unlikely he survived the entire thing falling on top of him, to tank only 1% of the mountain falling on him he would have had to be tough enough to survive 20 Kilotons to the face. This however wasn't the greatest durability feat Spider-Man has. Since he managed to survive an electromagnetic wave strong enough to destroy a city.[16]
Vince: Assuming they're talking about New York City it would have to be as powerful as 10 Megatons of TNT. For anyone curious that's about 666 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Frank: But just because he can take it doesn't mean he can't dish it back. So much so that he actively has to hold back his strength as to not kill his foes.[17] So when discussing Spider-Man's strength you kinda have to do it similar to Saitama where we talk about who he scales to where he gets while holding back and while going all out.
Jack: Right so while held back he's generally on the same level as characters like Wolverine who survived being sent flying from New York to Georgia...as in the country, in about a minute. Which comes out at about 300 Tons of TNT.
Vince: He should also be around the same level of power as Deadpool. A dude who like Wolverine has survived being sent flying from New Mexico to Arizona in a very short amount of time which we figured out would require him to tank 193 Tons of TNT.[18] So essentially Spider-Man while holding back gets to Multi-City Block Level.
Frank: So when he is at full strength he should scale to his own durability especially since he can fight against people who can knock him out or nearly kill him like Venom and Shocker.
Jack: So that already has him at City Level. But there's actually more to it than just that. See his clone Ben Reilly (who gets abused by Marvel for some reason) managed to pull a guy out of a portal. While that doesn't sound impressive this portal was actually able to release more energy than an explosion that was able to destroy New York![19]
Vince: Spidey was also able to destroy Doc Ock's upgraded arms which were stated to be made of Carbonadium.[20] Which should be comparable in well...toughness to Vibranium. How tough is that? Well a Vibranium shield was able to stop a blast from Ultron's self destruction which was created to destroy New York. Damn that happens a lot huh.
Frank: While Marvel usually lists Spider-Man as a 10 tonner that is a massive underestimation. Since he's been able to force a Private Jet to land with his strength alone which he calculated himself to be like 40,000 pounds[21] which is over 18,000 Kg's or 20 tons.
Jack: But by far his most impressive strength feat is when he managed to lift a portion of the fucking Daily Bugle.[22] Ah yeah deffo a 10 tonner right there!
Spectacular Spider-Man Orchestra Version
Vince: It's pretty explicit throughout the comic that he was pushing himself to his absolute limit. Even afterwards he stated that his arms and legs felt like jelly. However it is possible that this exhaustion could have been amplified by his broken ribs thanks to an amped Green Goblin. Regardless to do this Pete would've had to bench over 530 Million Kg's or over 500 thousand Tonnes!
Frank: Pete's also really fuckin quick. He's had multiple instances where he's been on the other end of a lightspeed attack or a laser. Like when he dodged multiple blasts from Lightmaster[23] numerous times.[24] Which as Peter states himself are "well...lightspeed".
Jack: This isn't an isolated incident since he managed to dodge laser beams from a mercenary named Chance, which was calculated at 66% the Speed of Light.[25] BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! He was able to dodge Microwave blasts from Firestar[26] and scale to fellow Superheroes like Nightcrawler, Deadpool and Captain America who have blocked Cyclops' Lightspeed Optic Blast. But you're probably looking for more exact figures for how fast Spider-Man is.
Vince: Well he is similar in reaction speeds to Daredevil who managed to perceive a Nanosecond pause and even throw his Billy Club between that pause. To do this he would have to react at speeds of 6.41 times the Speed of Light.
Frank: But don't be fooled into thinking that Spidey is all punches and no skill because after practising with Shang Chi he managed to come up with his own Martial Art known as "The Way of the Spider".[27] With this he combines his speed and strength to target nerve clusters and pressure points.[28]
Jack: However one of Spider-Man's greatest abilities is his intelligence. He's been known to find out the weaknesses to his enemies fairly quickly and exploit them. Just like any Joestar. But his smarts get even further than that. He's been able to easily hack into a Tri-Sentinel in a few seconds[29] and even famously defused a bomb that Reed Richards and Tony Stark couldn't defuse...you know the two smartest people on Earth![30]
Vince: He's also a really good inventor being able to create a self-recharging power source[31] even a bloody time machine[32]...what a bloke.
Frank: With this big brain energy he was able to create his most iconic weapons, The Web Shooters. Which as you can assume from the name can shoot webs. I remember when I had one of those as a kid...they weren't really that cool it just shot out this weird foam thing.
Jack: He usually uses these webs to swing from building to building at blinding speeds creating the coolest form of transportation in comics by like several miles. But in combat he is also known to cover their eyes with his webs or tie them up and considering it takes an hour for his webs to dissolve it would not be a lot of fun.[33]
Vince: Good luck trying to rip it because not only is it 2.5 times stronger than steel[34] and has been able to hold up helicopters[35], The Daily Bugle and even make powerhouses like Bleeding Edge Iron Man[36] and even supposedly Human Torch and The Thing struggle to rip it.[37]
Frank: He's also been able to do some really funky shit with these webs. Like making a gas mask,[38] wings[39]...twice,[40] and even umbrellas...because why not?[41]
Jack: He's actually created multiple different types of webbing during his time as a Superhero. Including Sonic Disruptor Webs[42] Acid ones[43], Magnetic ones to block radio waves[44] and Concrete versions which are strong enough to hold up a building.
Vince: But remember that Spider-Man's equipment doesn't stop with just different types of webs. Such as the stuff given to him by...*sigh*...Norman Osborne in the recent run.
Frank: Fuck sake that is so dumb. Why the hell would Peter not only forgive Norman Osborn but also trust him even though it is so god damn obvious that when sales drop he's just gonna be Green Goblin again. Like why the fuck would Peter trust a guy who emotionally abused his best friend for most of his life, Faked Aunt May's death just for fun, Made decoys of Peter's dead parents also just for fun-
(Frank continues on listing awful things Norman did in the background)
Jack: Yeaaahhhh he's gonna be on about that for a good while so we should get going. As much as it doesn't make sense this gave Pete a lot of good gear like a Goblin esque glider and even a jetpack[45] allowing him to finally fly.
Vince: He also has these really cool bombs which can either deploy an E.M.P[46] or even these spider things which can cause extreme pain to the opponent and blind them if the eyes are targetted. The drone of Peter's back can also deploy enough electricity to fuck up a vehicle.[47]
Frank: -Had kids with his girlfriend before then killing her in front him! Like seriously how can you forgive a guy like that...oh shit I missed a bit did I? *checks script* right. Peter also has Webware which while usually is used to hack stuff, it can also people's brains and project information into them.[48]
Jack: Let's not forget his famous Spider-Tracers which...as you can expect from the name can allow Peter to keep track of whoever has the Tracer stuck on them. You wouldn't be the wiser if it were stuck on your person since none of Iron Man's sensors could actually pick it up.[49]
Vince: But Spider-Man's greatest piece of tech came from his days as a Billionaire, The Spider-Armour Mark 4. He may have had a few Armours before but this is by far his best.
Frank: This thing is slick as fuck. It's made out of a liquid metal which essentially allows him to change into this suit with just a thought similar to Iron Man's Bleeding Edge suit.
Jack: This also means that it can also regenerate damage. But don't forget that it has a stealth mode[50] and a built-in electrical defense that is so strong that it can leave someone paralysed for a few seconds. But what truly makes this suit so deadly that it massively amplifies Spider-Man's already impressive strength and durability.
Frank: Like when he tanked being zapped by a blast which can emit one exajoule! What's an exajoule? Well you dumb reader an exajoule is about 239 Megatons of TNT.[51] It also allows him to tank hits from Collective Man[52] (Who was able to dent U.S Agent's shield) and get into a fist fight with an enraged Human Torch.[53]
Jack: But all this technology and strength doesn't take into Spider-Man's greatest attribute. That attribute is his near-superhuman level of Will Power.
Vince: Peter's Will Power is so unbreakable that it's nearly considered to be a Super Power. Even when he is physically beaten down and shouldn't get back up. He still does and pushes passed his limits.
Frank: One of the most famous examples is in Issue 33 of the original Stan Lee and Steve Ditko run. After a fun in with Doctor Octopus in his submarine lair, Peter is left trapped under an inhuman amount of metal and rubble while water slowly flowed into the base. He struggled and struggled but the weight was too much...and for just a moment he was going to give up.
Jack: But this idea was swept off the table when he was forced to remember what he was actually fighting for. To save his Aunt May (long story) and to live up to Uncle Ben's memory. With this despite the unimaginable pain, Peter kept going and managed to push passed his limits. Completely lifting the rubble off himself allowing him to escape. Man that moment makes me cry every time.
Vince: But even despite this inhuman determination Peter still is a human. There are just some things that he just can't take and there's a limited amount of damage he can take before he gets knocked out.
Frank: Spidey's limits are also really well defined. See after nearly every one of his greatest feats he is completely exhausted after doing so. So essentially exerting his strength too much can leave him completely exhausted or even injured and completely helpless.
Jack: His Web Shooters can only house so much webbing before he just runs out. Which leaves him without a lot of his battle strategy. But yeah sure Spider-Man has his limits but that kinda makes him more inspiring you know?
Vince: Yeah I getcha. It's a big part of Spider-Man's mythology that he is basically just a normal dude given Superpowers. Warts and all. All the self doubts and the guilt we may have for past mistakes. But that makes it even more powerful when he manages to push through.
Frank: Peter has had basically everything thrown at him during his life. Every sort of pain that a human could face and yet he doesn't give up. This guy from Queens who gets the worst hand doesn't ever give up and continues on. Stronger than ever. In some way...he's kinda like us. We all have things in our lives that can hurt us a lot but if Spider-Man can get these same things and take it on the chin...well...there's something really encouraging about that.
Jack: So with all this said it's easier to see why Peter is set to have the legacy as the greatest Superhero to ever live. A man who doesn't view anyone as below him. We'll leave this really sappy bio on this quote from Nightcrawler: "You are the best of us. Spider-Man is a legacy. An Inspiration. Yes, the righteous path can be a burden. But picture a world without the Hope you represent?". Hit the nail right on the head there Kurt.
Vince: To touch the hearts and souls of millions of people from so many generations not only in his world but also our own...there's no other word for it other than Amazing!
All Might[]
Background was made by JabamiSora
Coming Soon...
Art made by Sharaku Jr. Thanks a bunch mate.
Further Explanations[]
- Starting off they have a very similar colour scheme (Red, Blue and White)
- They are both seen to be beacons of Hope by the people they protect, having saved hundreds of people beforehand.
- They both had mentors who they saw as a parently figure (Uncle Ben acted as a father while Nana Shimura acted as a mother) who taught them a valuable lesson which they took to heart for their future heroism (Nana taught All Might to smile no matter the situation and Uncle Ben taught Spider-Man about Great Power and Responsibility) before they both died.
- To hide the fact that they may be scared and make people believe that everything's alright they both tend to make jokes and quips (Spider-Man's famous for this while All Might does as well as putting a smile on his face)
- Because of their heroics they inspired youngsters who want to become Heroes for the future generation (Spider-Man inspired Miles and All Might inspired Deku) as such they became mentors to these teens.
- They are both known as the greatest heroes in the world (According to Cable, Spider-Man will be known as the greatest hero in the future while All Might is the Symbol of Peace).
- They both were given their powers when they were teenagers to do good (All Might was given One for All while in some instances Spider-Man was fated to get his Spider-Powers).
- ↑ Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 26 (1990)
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 4 Issue 10
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 523
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 652
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 598
- ↑ Punisher Volume 8 Annual 1
- ↑ Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 26 (1990)
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 1
- ↑ Peter Parker: Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 156.1
- ↑ Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 2
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 594
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 199
- ↑ New Avengers Volume 1 Issue 1
- ↑ Marvel-Team Up Volume 1 Issue 47
- ↑ Marvel Two in One Volume 1 Issue 17
- ↑ Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Out of Reach Volume 1 Issue 3
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 700
- ↑ Deadpool Volume 4 Issue 37
- ↑ Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 59 (1990)
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 687
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 694
- ↑ Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 98 (1990)
- ↑ Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 Issue 3
- ↑ Superior Spider-Man Team Up Issue 6
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Issue 336
- ↑ Web of Spider-Man Issue 129
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 664
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 669
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 5 Issue 5
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 648
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Issue 790
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 5 Issue 36
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 6 Issue 11
- ↑ AvX: Versus Volume 1 Issue 2
- ↑ Spider-Man Unlimited Volume 3 Issue 8
- ↑ Hulk Volume 2 Issue 50
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1
- ↑ Untold Tales of Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 6
- ↑ Avengers Volume 1 Issue 11
- ↑ Fantastic Four Volume 1 Issue 362
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 593
- ↑ Spider-Man/Deadpool Volume 1 Issue 1
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 4 Issue 6
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 Issue 675
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 6 Issue 8
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 6 Issue 9
- ↑ Spider-Man (2022) Issue 1
- ↑ Spider-Man/Deadpool Volume 1 Issue 2
- ↑ Invincible Iron Man Issue 7
- ↑ Spider-Man/Deadpool Volume 1 Issue 8
- ↑ Spider-Man/Deadpool Volume 1 Issue 16
- ↑ All-New Inhumans Volume 1 Issue 6
- ↑ Amazing Spider-Man Volume 4 Issue 3