Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Here comes Slipknot, the man who can climb anything.
~ Rick Flag introducing Slipknot

Slipknot is a supervillain from DC Comics.

Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far[]

Possible Opponents[]

Battle Record[]

WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Read at your own risk.

Battle Record

  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 0
  • Draws: 0


Christopher Weiss was a chemist who developed a super-powerful adhesive, which he applied to ropes to make them stronger and more effective. He was employed by the 2000 Committee as the supervillain Slipknot, where he would come into conflict with Firestorm, the Nuclear Man. Some time later, Weiss was inducted into the Suicide Squad, where his explosive bracelet went off when Captain Boomerang convinced him they were a bluff and attempted to flee.

Death Battle Info[]

  • Real Name: Christopher Weiss
  • Gender: Male
  • Affiliations: formerly 2000 Committee, Suicide Squad, Kobra Cult
  • Occupation: Criminal; formerly chemist
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg)


Slipknot had to get a prosthetic arm after the one that was blown off during his time on the Squad.


  • Rope Mastery
  • Chemistry
  • Martial Arts (DCEU)


  • Unbreakable Ropes


  • The aforementioned attempt to flee the Suicide Squad which resulted in his arm getting blown off and being presumed dead.
  • Was actually killed by the Titans for Hire (a supervillain team mockery of the Titans East led by Deathstroke).

