Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Death Battle Fanon Wiki


Every final fantasy game has a new hero and a villian , like seifer the knight of the socroess and Sephiroith the one winged angel , he’s wiz and I’m boomstick and it’s our job so to anylaze their armors , Weapons and skills To find out who would win a death battle???.


Boomstick:one day in a school....

Wiz:Epic blade clash!!!.

Boomstick: thanks for ruining it!.

Wiz:Seifer has short blond hair, blue-green eyes, and a scar across his forehead and nose received from Squall as retaliation during a duel. Seifer wears a blue vest, with a cross design lined in white, a gray coat with an emblem resembling the symbol of the Cross of Saint James on the sleeves, black gloves and boots and a silver chain with a tag. The cross is Seifer's symbol as much as the angel wings are Rinoa's and the Griever is Squall's.

Boomstick:There are many parallels between Seifer and Squall. Even though they are rivals, always battling to prove their superiority, they have an unspoken respect for each other's prowess. Both have a facial scar inflicted during their duel in the game's opening sequence; the scars are mirror images of each other, with Seifer's pointing up-left (from his point of view) while Squall's points up-right. Seifer is a stubborn, hubristic, loud and outspoken rebel, while Squall is a silent, strict follower of duty. Both are nigh-equally skilled in using the gunblade, but Seifer's temper often leaves him losing to Squall. Seifer's Triple Triad card is a mirror of Squall's, both having the same numbers.

Wiz: however the biggest difference is that seifer turned evil and Squall did not.

Boomstick: swearing to get stronger than Squall Leonhart , he joined the sororess and in turn she gave him great power.

Wiz: but he still gets his ass handed to him by Squall!.

Boomstick: seifer has very strong abillties like stopping time , sealing and many other elemental powers like fire and ice , can create portals and is a master sword fighter with his weapon the gun blade.

Wiz: Wait isn’t that squalls signature weapon too??

Boomstick: yes but so happens they both have the same weapon.

Wiz: oh okay , well let’s see if Sephiroth can get Seifered!.

Boomstick: not funny!.

Seifer:The way I see it, as long as you come out of the battle alive, you're one step closer to your dream!.





Wiz:Sephiroth is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and a major antagonist in the extended Final Fantasy VII universe, Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, and also the Kingdom Hearts franchise. He is also Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart's arch-nemesis. Before, Sephiroth was once a first class SOLDIER from Shinra Electric Power Company (better known as Shinra Inc.) that was idolized by many in terms of his swordsmanship skills, intellectual actions, and discipline. His outstanding performance in the battlefield made him a celebrity war hero and an inspiration. His positive attitude did not last long until he, Zack Fair, and Cloud Strife ventured in the mako reactor in Nibelheim. Sephiroth then proceeds to Shinra Manor to search for possible clues of his origins. Finally learning the truth, Sephiroth goes insane, rebels from Shinra, and sets Nibelheim on fire. Believing he is the chosen one, he decides to become a god and rule the planet

Boomstick: yeah this guy is crazy , but he is also very powerful and is strong enough to create a supernova.

Wiz: my god , that Is impressive for a 44 year old man with white hair.

Boomstick:Sephiroth is the child of Professor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent, two Shinra Inc. scientists. While in the womb, his mother named Lucrecia was injected with cells of a powerful alien being known as Jenova, and in his fetal form, he merged with the cells and was taken from Lucretia at birth. He was kept in the dark about his real mother, only told that she was named Jenova, and the terrible experiments that were been performed on him. Later in his life, he became a member of SOLDIER, Shinra Inc.'s super warriors. Sephiroth became the most powerful SOLDIER going beyond 1st class and became known as the SOLDIER Hero. He was particularly renowned for his accomplishments during the war between Shinra and Wutai, where he was first seen easily defeating a powerful Djinn known as Ifrit. Sephiroth was close friends with two other Shinra experiments, Angeal and Genesis, Genesis being considered a failure compared to him, and both were also unaware of what had been done to them. Genesis and Angeal would spar with Sephiroth, at which Sephiroth would easily fight them all off, until one day Genesis tried to go all out. Try as Genesis may, Sephiroth overwhelms him but Angeal stops the fight. Genesis would leave Shinra shortly afterwards with Professor Hollander. Sephiroth hoped to bring him back however. Then, Shinra sent him to Nibelheim to inspect a broken Mako reactor, along with another SOLDIER 1st Class (Zack Fair), and several infantry men, one of which was Cloud Strife.

Wiz: his desires quickly change and he devices to become insane!

Boomstick: he is a literal god and is very powerful , he can create supernovas , move faster than the speed of light and has years of experience , which is possible due to his strongest form , Safer Sephiroith .

Wiz: but we won’t be using that as it would be too unfair for Seifer

Boomstick : however he does have his flaws , he is often very cocky and Is mentally unstable .

With Wings


With Wings

With Wings


Boomstick: Alright the Combatants are set let’s end this debate once and for all!.

Wiz: it’s time for a death battle!!!.


Seifer is Walking in a temple until a man teleports behind him.

Sephiroith: trying to obtain knowledge I see.

Seifer: mind your own business and get a life!.

Sephiroith: What was that??

Seifer: you heard me!.

Sephiroith: is that a challenge??

Seifer: Challenge , consider it a death threat , now move it or else I’ll kill you myself!.

Sephiroith: we will see about that!

Sephiroith then lunges at Seifer and slashes him .

Seifer: If you wish to die , I can help you in doing so!.


Seifer rushes at Sephiroith and starts slashing him with the gunblade , Sephiroith teleports behind Seifer and shoots fire at him , Seifer gets hit , Seifer then starts shooting multiple fire balls at Sephiroith, Seifer then becomes a whirlwind and starts spinning around Sephiroith, trapping him in , Seifer then starts cutting Sephiroith with his gunblade , Seifer then jumps up to deliver the final blow , Sephiroith teleports behind Seifer and yells thunder , stoping The assults, Sephiroith then creates a barrier , Seifer starts slashing at the barrier , Sephiroith then shoots ice at Seifer, Sephiroith then slashes Seifer out of the ice , Seifer then Stops time , Seifer starts brutally slashing Sephiroith, Seifer then shoots fire at Sephiroith, Seifer seals the deal and uses his Demon Slice , Seifer gets in a whirlwind and starts cutting Sephiroith, time reverts and Sephiroith gets hit by all the attacks , Sephiroith then falls to the ground , Seifer lands on the ground with him.

Seifer: Pathetic!.

Just as Seifer starts to walk away , Sephiroith starts smiling and growing angel wings , Sephiroith then gets up and flies at Seifer , Sephiroith slashes Seifer , Seifer and Sephiroith clash swords again , Sephiroith flies around Seifer and rushes at him , Seifer then counters and uses his Zantetsuken Reverse , seifer starts slashing Sephiroith and then jumps in the air , Sephiroith dodges and Seifer lands in the ground with his sword stuck.

Sephiroith: pathetic, is this all a self proclaimed warrior has to offer?

Seifer then picks up his sword From the ground , Sephiroith then uses his Heal and heals his wounds , Sephiroith then starts cutting Seifer , Seifer dodges and starts slashing Sephiroith, Seifer then does a upward cut and slashes Sephiroith in the chin , Sephiroith then stops time , Seifer bypasses it and starts cutting Sephiroith, Sephiroith looks in surprise but the two clash again , Sephiroith shoots ice , Seifer shoots Fire , the two attacks coillde and explode.

Sephiroith: no playing around!.

Sephiroith then rushes at Seifer full speed and hits him in the face with his sword , amusingly a huge scar across his nose , Sephiroith then shoots fire at Seifer, he teleports behind Seifer and shoots Thunder , Sephiroith then rushes at Seifer and uses his octoslash , Sephiroith swings his sword and kicks Seifer in the air , Sephiroith then starts slashing Seifer , Seifer looks in shock as he has no time to React , Sephiroith then slashes Seifer 8 more times until he stabs Seifer in the cheast , blood starts pouring out of his Cheast , Sephiroith then slashes Seifer Into the ground , Sephiroith takes Seifers body off his sword and flies in the air.

Sephiroith: you will never beat the chosen ruler of the planet!.



Wiz: Wow that was so close and definitely a landslide victory for Sephiroth!.

Boomstick: indeed both Sephiroith and Seifer were extremely powerful swordsmen but in the end Sephiroith took the victory by a small margin.

Wiz: Sephiroith was far faster due to being able to keep up with Cloud in close combat while Seifer has been able to keep up with Squall , Squall is far slower than cloud as cloud is Massively Ftl while Squall is only hypersonic.

Boomstick: this being said Seifer had plenty of things to keep Sephiroith busy with but little to kill Sephiroith with , Sephiroith survived taking a full power Omnislash from cloud and he did this two times , first in Final fantasy 7 and second in advent children, this feat alone proves that anything Seifer throws at him , Sephiroith would Survive.

Wiz: also Sephiroith was far smarter due being able to make illusions and even Change people’s memories.

Boomstick: also Sephiroith has much more things to attack with at range , he had fire , ice , thunder and even soul stealing to keep Seifer at bay and once Sephiroith uses octoslash it’s all over , capable of nearly killing Cloud Strife , their was no way Seifer could survive such an attack , as nothing Seifer has tanked even came close to the attacks Cloud Strife and Sephiroth dish out!.

Wiz: I guess Seifer got SephiOwned!.

Boomstick: the winner is Sephiroith!.

Sephiroith wins

Sephiroith wins

Sephiroith wins

Work in progress[]
