Scooby Doo Ghosts Battle Royale is GetSkadooshed's (me) first Death Battle.

It's a battle royale between four popular ghosts from the Scooby-Doo franchise. Which ghost will continue to terrorize Crystal Cove? And which ghosts will perish once again?
Wiz: The Mystery Gang is famous for solving mysteries from all across the world.
Boomstick: But with each mystery, there is always a ghost to oppose them. Like the 10,000 Volt Ghost, a ghost literally made up of 10,000 volts of electricity.
Wiz: The Black Knight Ghost, a walking haunted suit of armor.
Boomstick: The Ghost Diver, the evil spirit of Captain Cutler.
Wiz: And the Spooky Space Kook, the alien ghost known for his high pitched laugh.
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick, and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to see who would win in a Death Battle!
10,000 Volt Ghost[]
Wiz: Winterhaven was once a small, snowy town known for its number of great places to ski and other snowy activities. The town was thriving and popular, but a snowstorm occurred and the power line snapped loose. Voltner, an electrician climbed the tower to repair the power line but was hit by a small explosion. Afterwards, his body was never found.
Boomstick: Spooky...
Wiz: Years later, Voltner returned as the 10,000 Volt Ghost and scared all of Winterhaven's residents away leaving the once-thriving town deserted and abandoned.
Boomstick: Luckily, a band of mystery-solving kids and their talking dog came along and put an end to Volter's terror.
Wiz: After he was defeated by one of Fred's traps, the 10,000 Volt Ghost was unmasked as Voltner, who never disappeared. Instead, he was acting under Winterhaven's mayor's commands. Mayor Dudley wanted to exploit the land for more than what it was worth so he got Voltner to act as a ghost. The gang used the records book, which proved that the mayor bought parcels 27 through 45. However, a freeway was running through so the land would be worth a fortune, thus Voltner and the mayor created the ghost story and creepy attacks. They used the town's pet shop was their hideout and a tunnel was used to sneak into the power plant and create a blackout to the town, causing people to believe it was the 10,000 Volt Ghost causing the trouble.
Boomstick: So that's it? Just a guy in a costume?
Wiz: Well most of the ghosts that the Mystery Gang come across are indeed people in costumes. Plus, the 10,000 Volt Ghost does make his return serving one of the Mystery Gang's greatest foes: The Evil Masked Figure.
Boomstick: Creative name...
Wiz: With the 10,000 Volt Ghost's return, he also gained some new powers. First, he is comprised of sparking electricity that ranks up to, of course, 10,000 volts of electricity. He can regulate a powerful electric field around him and melt metal at will. An example is being capable of opening and closing metal file cabinet drawers without melting or damaging them.
Boomstick: The 10,000 Volt Ghost can travel from place to place through electrical circuits and wires. Using this ability, he is able to instantly transport himself to almost anywhere where electric circuitry exists, even as simple as a light switch. He also has the power to manipulate electrical circuitry and wires with just a touch, capable of short circuiting an entire building with the touch of a finger. He can also use electricity harvested from his own body to strike his enemies with massive bolts of electrical energy with his fingertips. Now that I think about it, are you sure we aren't talking about Marvel's Electro.
Wiz: Different character Boomstick...
Boomstick: What about DC's Livewi-
Wiz: The 10,000 Volt Ghost does have his weaknesses. He's weak to electric magnets and can die from being overloaded with power.
Boomstick: So you better have an electric magnet or a pair of jumper cables otherwise you're pretty much fucked.
10,000 Volt Ghost: "End of the line, Mystery Inc. Dieeeeeeee!"
Black Knight Ghost []
Wiz: Have you ever heard of black knights Boomstick?
Boomstick: No, what's the difference?
Wiz: Black knights are people who've masked their identities and that of their liege by not displaying heraldry. Black knights are usually portrayed as villainous figures who use this anonymity for misdeeds. They're sometimes associated with death or darkness.
Boomstick: Sounds badass. Though, you know what's cooler than a black knight?
Wiz: No... What?
Boomstick: A black knight ghost!
Wiz: The Black Knight ghost is an old legend where a suit of black armor comes to life during the full moon. Right now he haunts the County Museum.
Boomstick: Until he is utterly defeated and unmasked to actually just be the museum's curator, Mr. Wickles.
Wiz: Mr. Wickles was planning to sell all the museums's paintings, and then create fake paintings and put them back on the the wall.
Boomstick: Sounds very time consuming.
Wiz: Like the 10,000 Volt Ghost the Black Knight Ghost also made his return serving the Evil Masked Figure.
Boomstick: And got a couple of upgrades too. He's got a demonic horse that he can summon to aid him in battle and has a variety of melee weapons. His favorite weapon is a long sword that he can not only use in combat, but can also float and fight in midair in the event he drops it. He also has a lance for when he wants to go jousting and carries a shield sometimes for protection.
Wiz: He can pull battle axes out of nowhere and throw them with relative ease. These battle axes are even bigger than Scooby Doo himself. He also seems to be virtually impenetrable to any kind of attack. Being able to survive a WW1 plane crash into him and survived an explosion when the 10,000 Volt Ghost accidentally got absorbed into him by Daphne.
Boomstick: He actually does have one weak spot Wiz.
Wiz: Really? Where?
Boomstick: Hit him right in the BALLS!
Wiz: Huh, according to my research you're actually, correct...
Boomstick: I know I am. It's every male's weakness!
Black Knight Ghost: "Talking is for wimps."
Captain Cutler's Ghost[]
Wiz: Captain Cutler was a silent Caucasian sailor until he supposedly died in a yacht accident that sunk him down into the Graveyard of Ships, and that his ghost is back for revenge, stealing yachts from the marina.
Boomstick: Apparently, Captain Cutler's wife used witchcraft to bring Captain Cutler back from his "watery grave", and that if she had known he'd take his revenge, he would've been kept down in the said "watery grave". That's true love right there.
Wiz: Eventually, the ghost is then unmasked as an unknown man until Shaggy finds some seaweed and puts it on him as a beard. After some thinking, the gang announces the man as Captain Cutler. He and his wife were spreading the phony story about Captain Cutler dying so they could steal yachts from the marina, which they would then repaint and sell them.
Boomstick: The Ghost Diver or Captain Cutler's Ghost eventually made his return along side the 10,000 Volt Ghost, Black Knight, and a couple others. All serving under The Evil Masked Figure.
Wiz: As for abilities and arsenal, Captain Cutler can throw small bombs and carries a harpoon gun.
Boomstick: This bad boy can fire up to two harpoons that are strong enough to pierce through metal. Cutler can also fire two types of harpoons, ones with chains and free-firing ones that are not attached.
Wiz: Cutler has been shown to have super human strength as demonstrated when he pulled the 2.6 ton Mystery Machine towards him with almost no effort, even while it was accelerating at full speed. Cutler has also been able to punch the ground hard enough to create a small shockwave which can launch Scooby and Shaggy a couple feet into the air. Lastly, Cutler is able to stay submerged underwater for long periods of time, possibly due to his diving suit.
Boomstick: Cutler has shown to be a little durable as well. He's able to survive a boat crashing into him and the Mystery Machine reverse slamming into him at full speed.
Wiz: I guess his only flaw is that he is way more deadly in water than he is out of it.
Boomstick: But still, you shouldn't underestimate him or he'll make you swim with the fishes.
Spooky Space Kook[]
Wiz: Last but not least is the Spooky Space Kook.
Boomstick: The hell is a kook?
Wiz: It's another word for a crazy or eccentric person.
Boomstick: Huh, makes sense for the character now that I think about it.
Wiz: The Spooky Space Kook is apparently some sort of ghost alien that has been haunting an abandoned airfield with his ghostly airship. Later on, Scooby-Doo manages to get the Spooky Space Kook trapped in an air tunnel, his costume falls off, revealing the identity of Henry Bascombe, the next door neighbor of a local farmer. He was trying to scare the farmer and the Air Force into selling their lands cheap.
Boomstick: Now the Space Kook has an interesting arsenal. He wears a space suit that increases his durability, strength, and mobility. With one push he was able to move a large wooden desk across a room and was able to bust open a hatch with four chairs laying on it with ease.
Wiz: He carries a ray gun that can shoot, rays. Rays by the way travel at the speed of light.
Boomstick: Lastly, he has an army jeep that he can control with a remote. Oh, and did I mention that the Space Kook surprisingly has a healing factor though of course it's not as impressive as Wolverine's or Deadpool's.
Wiz: Best be warn though cause if you see a blue astronaut followed by a cackling, shrieking laugh you should probably run.
Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all
Boomstick: It's time for a Death Battle!
It's the middle of the night in Crystal Cove. A man dressed in black clothing and carrying a bag sneaks into Crystal Cove's museum. He searches throughout the entire museum, passing artifacts from all over different time periods, like Ancient Egypt, Feudal Japan, the Dark Ages, etc.
Thief: Where is it? Where is it!?
The thief eventually wanders into a large room titled "Rarest Objects and Items". Along the room's walls were armor stands of knights, samurai, dinosaur bones, and sarcophaguses. The thief however cared little about these things and only wanted what was in the center of the room: A large diamond. The diamond was the most priceless and expensive object in the museum. It was a beautiful blue and prefectly carved, but it was locked away inside a glass dome most likely protected by a security system.
Thief: I'm going to be rich!
The thief walks up to the diamond and unpacks his tools, getting to work immediately. Minutes later the thief safely retrieves the diamond and puts it into his bag. The thief begins to make his escape when he hears the sound of clanking metal. He turns around to see the black knight armor reanimate and getting off its stand. It unsheaths its sword and points at the thief.
Black Knight: You have something of mine, thief...
The thief makes a run towards the exit with the Black Knight quickly following behind. The thief eventually runs out of the museum's enterance and onto the streets. However, he is stopped in his tracks by orange electricity zapping in front of him. He looks up to see the 10,000 Volt Ghost materialize out of a street lamp and then land in front of him. As if it couldn't get anyworse, the Space Kook jumps off the roof of a restraunt from across the streets. Captain Cutler then climbs out of a nearby manhole.
10,000 Volt Ghost: If you don't mind, I'm going to get rid of the weak link here.
Thief: Oh fuck me...
The 10,000 Volt Ghost grins at the thief before electrifying him. The thief drops to the ground charred and dead.
Black Knight: There's four of us and one diamond...
The fours ghosts look at one another...
Captain Cutler retrieves his harpoon gun and fires two shots at Black Knight. Black Knight blocks both of the shots with his shield, which to his surprise both harpoons are able to easily pierce the shield. He then lowers his shield and charges towards Cutler.
Black Knight: HAVE AT THEE!
Space Kook fires several blasts from his raygun at 10,000 Volt Ghost. Who counters it by firing electricity. The rays and electricity hit one another creating small explosions. Space Kook proceeds to fire more blasts, but the 10,000 Volt Ghost transports himself into a street light dodging the rays. Space Kook shoots the street light, but 10,000 Volt Ghost transports again to a different street light. Space Kook goes crazy blasting every street light that the 10,000 Volt Ghost transports into until he finally comes out and tackles Space Kook. While this is happening, Black Knight swings at Cutler who is able to dodge the attack. Black Knight swings one more time, this time it slices Cutler's shoulder. Cutler cries in pain before chucking a bomb at Black Knight. Black Knight attempts to block the explosion with his shield and as a result was knocked back into a concrete wall. Cutler fires a chained harpoon at Black Knight's sword and pulls the blade out of his grip.
Black Knight: Don't touch my sword!!
Black Knight in anger tackles Cutler and smashes him into a car. Black Knight holds a tight grip on him, but doesn't realize Cutler's superior strength. Cutler breaks free from the grip before punching Black Knight onto the ground. Black Knight looks at his armor which is now dented. Cutler begins to laugh as he walks towards the manhole he originally climbed out of. He fires two chained harpoons at Black Knight, which pierce through his body.
Black Knight: Oh crap...
Cutler jumps into the manhole dragging Black Knight with him. Meanwhile, 10,000 Volt Ghost taunts the Space Kook and fires electricity at him several times. The Space Kook's healing factor kicks in, slowly repairing his suit.
!0,000 Volt Ghost: That's not fair and no fun!
10,000 Volt Ghost wraps his arms around Space Kook, electrocutes him, and then blasts him into a nearby grocery store. Meanwhile, the Black Knight is searching for Cutler in the sewers. All of a sudden, Cutler jumps out of the water and strikes Black Knight in the head. Cutler does this multiple times.
Black Knight: Enough of this treachery!
Black Knight takes out his battle axe and waits patiently. Seconds later Cutler jumps out for another strike, but this time Black Knight is prepared. Back on the streets, Space Kook falls to his knees, his suit is badly damaged with sparks flying everywhere. 10,000 Volt Ghost prepares to finish him off, but Space Kook has one more trick up his sleeve. Space Kook presses a button on his wrist activating his remote controlled military jeep. It drives forward and slams into his electric enemy, but then he easily malfunctions the jeep with his powers and blows it up.
10,000 Volt Ghost: It was worth a shot.
The smiling 10,000 Volt Ghost then picks up Space Kook's own ray gun and vaporizes him.
10,000 Volt Ghost: Fascinating weapon, but it's not my type.
10,000 Volt Ghost throws the ray gun away. At the same time Black Knight climbs out of the manhole and drops Cutler's scuba head onto the ground. The green glow shining from the helmet goes dark.
10,000 Volt Ghost: Awww, you brought me a present.
Black Knight: Lets end this battle now in a duel!
The Black Knight summons his horse and takes out a lance. In response, the 10,000 Volt begins to absorb any nearby electricity, which increases his size. The Black Knight gallops towards the 10,000 Volt Ghost and evades his punches, while also slashing him with the lance.
10,000 Volt Ghost: That stings!
The 10,000 Volt Ghost punches the ground and electrifies it. The Black Knight's horse cries out in pain and falls to the ground, dropping Black Knight as well. Determined to win, the Black Knight throws his lance into the 10,000 Volt Ghost's chest. He laughs and melts the lance inside of him into liquid.
10,000 Volt Ghost: You gotta try harder than that!
Black Knight throws his battle axe into his opponent's head and calls for his sword, which levitates above the ground and flies into the back of 10,000 Volt Ghost. However, both weapons also begin to melt into liquid.
Black Knight: Blasphemy!
10,000 Volt Ghost: Come here and give me a hug my shining knight.
10,000 Volt Ghost bear hugs Black Knight. Black Knight cries out in pain as his body begins to sizzle and liquify. Moments later Black Knight is nothing but a pool of liquid metal. 10,000 Volt Ghost laughs and looks at the diamond.
10,000 Volt Ghost: Time to make me some green!
10,000 Volt Ghost picks up the diamond before transporting himself through a street light
- KO!
Boomstick: Well that was intense!
Wiz: Indeed it was Boomstick, now we need to tell our viewers on why 10,000 Volt Ghost was victorious.
Boomstick: The first ghost to die was poor, Captain Cutler.
Wiz: While Cutler had the strength advantage as shown when he pulled the 2.6 ton Mystery Machine towards him even when it was at full speed, he definitely lacks in the other categories.
Boomstick: I mean he wears a 100 year old diving suit for armor and carries an old harpoon gun.
Wiz: Cutler is also more deadly in water so it shouldn't come to surprise that he'll struggle against the other ghosts on the surface.
Boomstick: Next is the Spooky Space Kook.
Wiz: Actually, the next one to die could've been either Space Kook or Black Knight. Spooky Space Kook lasts longer than Cutler due to his superior tech.
Boomstick: And the Black Knight is obviously the most experienced fighter out of all the ghosts here. His durability is also impressive as he can get exploded into just a head and still be alive. Oh, and he has a lot of weapons.
Wiz: As for the winner, it had to be the 10,000 Volt Ghost. His electrokinesis is way too powerful compared to the abilites and weapons of the other ghosts.
Boomstick: He can melt metal so Black Knight is a goner since he's literally a walking suit of armor, Spooky Space Kook's arsenal is tech based so he's dead, and Cutler doesn't really have anything to defend himself against electrokinesis.
Wiz: Exactly.
Boomstick: You know, I guess you could say, "watt a shocking result!"
Wiz: The winner is the 10,000 Volt Ghost.